Online Book My Show Srs
Online Book My Show Srs
Online Book My Show Srs
Software Requirements
Student’s Name:
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Software Requirements Specification
Table of Contents
Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................2
Revision History.............................................................................................................................3
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................1
1.2 Purpose.......................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Document Conventions..............................................................................................................1
1.4 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions.............................................................................1
1.5 Project Scope..............................................................................................................................1
1.6 References..................................................................................................................................1
2. Overall Description..................................................................................................................2
2.1 Product Perspective....................................................................................................................2
2.2 Product Features.........................................................................................................................2
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics................................................................................................2
2.4 Operating Environment..............................................................................................................2
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints.....................................................................................2
2.6 User Documentation...................................................................................................................2
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies................................................................................................3
3. System Features.......................................................................................................................3
3.1 System Feature 1........................................................................................................................3
3.2 System Feature 2 (and so on).....................................................................................................4
4. External Interface Requirements...........................................................................................4
4.1 User Interfaces............................................................................................................................4
4.2 Hardware Interfaces...................................................................................................................4
4.3 Software Interfaces.....................................................................................................................4
4.4 Communications Interfaces........................................................................................................4
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements.......................................................................................5
5.1 Performance Requirements.........................................................................................................5
5.2 Safety Requirements...................................................................................................................5
5.3 Security Requirements................................................................................................................5
5.4 Software Quality Attributes........................................................................................................5
6. Other Requirements................................................................................................................5
Appendix A: Glossary....................................................................................................................5
Appendix B: Analysis Models.......................................................................................................6
Appendix C: Issues List...................................................................................................................6
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Software Requirements Specification
Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version
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Software Requirements Specification
1. Introduction
1.5 Purpose
The scope of this software requirement specification document includes the portability and
simplicity of the project ONLINE BOOK MY SHOW. The basic language used is easy to
understand and implement. The website could be applied for booking online tickets. The main
purpose of our online ticket booking system is to provide another way for the customer to buy
cinema ticket. It is an automatic system. After inserting the data to database, staff need not to
due with the order receive through the system. In fact, there is similar system on the internet, but
there is no refund method found in the existing system
1.6 Document Conventions
While writing this SRS, the basic convention of headings being larger in font size than the text,
and making them bold to give an organized look, as well as providing them with numbered
bullets, was followed.
All the text in this SRS is written in Times font.
The headings have the font size 18.
The subheadings will have font size 14.
The text is written in font size 11.
Important points are written in bullets.
1.7 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions
This SRS is meant for people who want to make more such projects so that they can well
understand the requirements associated with this website. This is also suitable for the project
manager and the client to well understand the project requirements and thus change them
Developers Take into consideration the objective of the product.
Project Manager The development should take place stepwise.
Marketing Staff Read the advantages of the system.
Users Read the working of the project.
Testers Start building test cases while taking into consideration the product.
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Software Requirements Specification
Documentation Writer Take a look at the perspective of document and include requirements in the
given format.
1.8 Project Scope
This project is aimed to provide the customers facility to book tickets for different cinema halls
online, through which they can book tickets anytime, anywhere. Our online ticket booking system is
to provide another way for the customer to buy cinema ticket. It is an automatic system. After
inserting the data to database, staff need not to due with the order receive through the system. In
fact, there is similar system on the internet, but there is no refund method found in the existing
system. The user may easily come to know about the newly released movies and make their own
choice hence, system can also be implemented in real life also.
The goals of our system are:
1 To provide a anytime anyplace service for the customer
2 To provide refund which is not available in the existing system
3 To minimize the number of staff at the ticket box
4 To promote the film on the internet
5 To increase the profit
6 To obtain statistic information from the booking record.
1.9 References for JDBC
2. Overall Description
2.5 Product Perspective
Our online Ticket Booking System (TBS) is a webbased system. The customers can buy ticket
online and cancel the seat at a suitable time (2 days before the show to 1hour before the show). To
enhance the refund function, all the customers have to registration become a member before buying
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Software Requirements Specification
Staff can use the system to insert and delete data (e.g. film description , time table) which will
update the webpage(webpage are dynamic page, changing according to the data in database). Also,
staff can check the statistic information from the system.
2.6 Product Features
Prevention against unauthorized access
Prevention against spamming
Easy navigation
Online ticket booking of all movies at anytime.
A presentable, fast and easy user interface
minimize the number of staff at the ticket box
promotes the film on the internet
obtain statistic information from the booking record
2.7 User Classes and Characteristics
There are basically three types of users that may visit this website:
One of the main purpose of our system is to reduce the number of staff in the ticket box.
So, most of the job is done by the system automatically. Staff only need to insert new film
data and due with the refund part.
Customer(Authorised user)
To make the system more userfriendly, customer need not to enter lots of data. An order
will be commit step by step with guideline .
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Visitors are unauthorized users who can just view the details that are provided by
2.8 Operating Environment
1. Hardware requirements
Number Description Alternative(If any)
1 PC with 80 GB harddisk NotApplicable
and 512 MB RAM
2.Software requirements
Number Name Description Alternatives(If
1 Operating System Windows operating system NotApplicable
2 Front End with c #
3 Back End SQL server 2005 or 2003
4 Web server Any compatible web server
3.Internet connection
An internet connection is required to use Facility Access for the Web. A broadband (DSL or cable) or
faster connection is recommended.
2.9 Design and Implementation Constraints
The speed limitations i.e. the content that can be placed on a page was kept as less as possible so
that the pages were light enough. Also the security limitations did not allow to create many
Security: The files in which the information regarding account should be secured against
malicious deformations.
Fault Tolerance: Data should not become corrupted in case of system crash or
power failure.
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Software Requirements Specification
2.10 User Documentation
The web site in itself is really user friendly. So there is no need for anyone to have any tutorial or
any kind of a user manual.
2.11 Assumptions and Dependencies
In general it has been assumed that the user has complete knowledge of the system that means user
is not a naïve user. Any data entered by him/her will be valid. To make the software as user friendly
as possible but at the same time keeping in minds user requirements.
• Server OS should be Windows NT/2000/XP.
• Client PC should be Windows 9X/NT/WorkStation or Windows 2000 with latest service
• It depends that the one should follow the international standards for the generating the User
ID & should fill the related information in the proper format.
• Central server of the system must be able to handle all the incoming requests
• Back up of the databases in case of hardware failure, disaster, natural calamities.
• No data loss in case of handling of the system by the administrators or the system related
• Username are valid email addresses of respective user
• Administrator has the authority to reserve/cancel movie tickets.
3. System Features
Prevention against unauthorized access
Prevention against spamming
Easy navigation
Online ticket booking of all movies at anytime.
A presentable, fast and easy user interface
minimize the number of staff at the ticket box
promotes the film on the internet
obtain statistic information from the booking record
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Software Requirements Specification
Validate Registration
This feature provides registration facility users. If the customer registered by this feature then they
utilize the functionalality of this website. If they are not registered then they have not an authority to
use the feature of this.
Login Info
This feature maintains the role . Role as Admin, User.
Booking info
It will provide information about the booking of movies done by the user.
As given above that the system provides functionalities for three kinds of users, the functional
requirements can be given as follows:
3.2.1 Database Storage Description and Priority:
Proposed Database is intended to store, retrieve, update, and manipulate information related to
organization members which includes. Stimulus/Response Sequences:
The data to be stored in the form of input and the values are to be retrieved from the database in the
form of output. Functional Requirements:
The Database is required to maintain all the details of Registered users and administrator for easily
accessing the values. Description and Priority:
These are details about the registration of new users When a user visits the site, he/she has option to
makes his/her account by signing in.
Then he/she can login from the same username and password later on if desired Stimulus/Response Sequences:
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Software Requirements Specification
The password can be easily edited by the user. Functional Requirements:
The registration needs the proper information of the user like name, email id ,password, security
question etc.
3.3.3 User Details
The registration of user is confirmed by asking his/her Details such as name, email id
,password,security question etc..
The user has to fill all the fields for keeping his information. This is concept of Web-Services
This page shows the conformation message to user and its confirmation. Description and Priority:
These contain detail about the users who need to book the movie tickets and do the registration. Stimulus/Response Sequences:
The user information can be easily viewed by the user when he logs in with the correct username
and password. Functional Requirements:
The user details require the proper information of the user when he logs in. The user’s details
require the user name, Email id, name, email id ,password, security question etc.
4. External Interface Requirements
4.5 User Interfaces
It is a Login window/page that requires user to enter correct login & password, so that after
matching values stored in the database you are proved as a valid user to enter into the application.
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Software Requirements Specification
4.6 Hardware Interfaces
The interaction with hardware is not a sole criterion. It just needs a user input like any other
application through the keyboard and mouse and gives out the output on the monitor screen.
Server Side:
• Operating System: Windows 9x/XP, Windows Server 2007.
• Processor: Pentium 3.0 GHz or higher
• RAM: 256 MB or more
• Hard Drive: 10 GB or more
Client side:
• Operating System: Windows 9x or above
• Web Browser: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox 2.0 or 3.0.
• Processor: Pentium III or 2.0 GHz or higher.
• RAM: 256 MB or more
4.7 Software Interfaces
Database: SQl
The software interaction is very well defined:
Showing it through a small diagram:
Backend Front end, for users html
SQL and .net documents well
MyAdmin scripts
formatted for viewing in
Database browsers
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Software Requirements Specification
4.4 Communications Interfaces
To use the Online Book My Show System efficiently, user need to have an internet connection with
a personal computer running with any well established Operating System like Windows. User needs
to have installed Internet browser and email client on his machine for the same.
• Broadband Internet
• HTTP,FTP protocol for data transfer
• TCP/IP protocols for internet Connection
7. Other Nonfunctional Requirements
5.1 Performance Requirements
Scalability: System should be able to handle a number of users. For e.g. Handling around
thousand users at the same time.
• Usability: Simple user interfaces that a layman can understand.
• Speed: Speed of the system should be responsive i.e. response to a particular action should be
available in short period of time. For e.g. on registering as a new user the notification about the
approval is sent immediately to the respective user through email.
Updating the account takes few seconds for the changes if the entry is not starred
7.5 Safety Requirements
The database may get crashed at any certain time due to operating system failure or virus.
Therefore, it is required to take the database backup or to use any Standby Server so that there is no
chances that our database will destroy.
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7.6 Security Requirements
The themes submitted by the person should not copied up by anyone else
The account should be validated first and then only a user should be authorized to log in
Required fields shall not be blank.
7.7 Software Quality Attributes
The software, i.e. the website so made should be strong enough to avoid hacking through sql
Also, it should provide an easy interface to the user and the administrator.
The Quality of the Software is maintained in such a way so that it can be very user friendly to all
the users.
• Adaptability: The project is adaptable; it works according to the user so that all it’s requirements
are fulfilled.
• Availability: This project is developed for knowledge in the six weeks training. So its
availability cannot be defined now.
• Correctness: The correctness of the data stored in the database depends upon the user
as user is responsible for the data present in database.
• Maintainability: The maintainability of the project is easy.
• Usability: This is a web application which provide online reservation related to
the travel and tour.
• Portability: This project can be run on Eclipse at any system where Eclipse /netbeans or Tomcat
is installed and also the JDK.
8. Other Requirements
A presentable, fast and easy user interface
Members displayed on the main page
The presentable appeal of the web pages
Easy navigation so that the users do not have to fumble through much
Appendix A: Glossary
The definition of the words that are frequently used in this SRS is as follows:
Database A store of integrated data capable of being directly addressed for
multiple users; it is organized so that various files can be
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Software Requirements Specification
accessed through a single reference Based on the relationship among
records in the file rather then the physical location.
Data flow Diagram Movement of data in a system from a point of origin to a
Specific destinations indicated by a line and arrow.
Data security Protection of data from loss, disclosure, modification or
Hardware That cannot be touched.
Implementation In system development – a phase that focuses on user registration
Maintenance Restoring to its original condition.
Operating System In database – machine based software that facilitates the
availability of information or reports through the DBMS.
Password Identity authenticator a key that allow access to a program
system or procedure.
Record A collection of aggregates or related items of data treated as a unit.
Source Code A Procedure or format that allow enhancements on a software
Software That can be seen not touched.
System A regular or orderly arrangements of components or parts in a
connected and interrelated series or whole; a group of components
necessary to some operation.
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Appendix B: Analysis Models
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Appendix C: Issues List
The various requirements that could not be fulfilled include:
Showing the errors on the next pages.
Using session management for profiles.
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