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It is not true now a days in our observation because 6th house is for competition or to fight

back to gain some things, 8th house is for black money or inherited property, lottery,
unearned income or gain all of sudden from shares etc and 12th house is gain from foreign
country or multinational company.

The kendra ( 1,4,7,10) are stronger then the upachay ( 3, 6, 11 ). Upachay are stronger then
the kona ( 5,9). 2, 12 have no strength of their own.

So the strength of house lords is increasing as under

2,12,5,9,3,6,11,8, 1, 4, 7, 10

The 6th house rules service and 7th house business. If 6th house is stronger than 7th house it
indicates service. Dasha of 7th lord will disrupt service. Debilated malefics in 7th will damage
business and encourage service.

The lagna lord in 9th house makes a person very independent and he likes to be his own boss. So
business or consultancy with a lot of freedom is advised. 2nd house is 8th from 7th and has to be
seen for longevity of business.

Planets in 1,7,and 9 houses give their result later in life ( unverified , Sanjay Rath ) The 10th lord
shows the direction of karma and source of fortune ( unverified )

IInd House - Face, the money earned by 11th house is deposited here, bank, treasury, accumulated
wealth, childhood and boyhood, education , Speech, Family, Sanyas, mouth, eye especially the right
eye, , throat, politeness in speech, death, Second marriage ( being ), generosity in giving, people
who are close to native ( blood, marriage, adoption ) , immediate support after birth, oratory, oral
communication, perfume, food, cooking, eating, clothing, all material attachments excluding
property and vehicles, truthfulness ( related to speech )

lord of second house is a Maraka, if not death, then he will give disease or trouble,


Speech - Mercury, Jupiter,

Wealth - Jupiter

family - venus
3rd house - Its an upachay house. Planets here give good results, while the lords are not good. These
are house of growth and expension, they help earn and accumulate riches. Benefics make easy
money, while malefics help make money thru hard work and struggle.

Arms, written communication, brother and sisters ( especially younger ) , parents death, great
prowess ( mental or physical ) , hands, shoulders, hearing, neck, short travels, travelling, writing,
stamina, strength, courage, longevity, confusion of mind, servants, friends, friendship, neighbours,
mistress, brokerage, change of residence, negotiations, bus, tram, railway, also music, ears, throat,
neck, shoulders,

It can also reflect longer travels and religion, as it is reflective to the 9th house ( ? )

This is a very busy house. Here the errands of the day are carried out. Short distance journeys, letter
writing, short distance telephone calls.

Arms too represent self. When the lagna lord and 3rd lord are together, there is fullest expression of
the self.

It represents longevity due to Bharat Bhavan ( 8th from 8th )

3rd lord in 8th, if further affected by lord of 6th and 12th will constitute a vipreert raj yoga.

A strong mars for Virgo ascendant will give a long life, because it strengthens both 3rd and 8th house.

Karaka - Mars ( brother, courage, violence, longevity ), Saturn ( misery, longevity ) Mercury
( communications, neighbours, railways, transportation, neighbouring countries )

Jupiter in 3rd gives great results. A malefic in 3rd house will give courage.
4th House - A moksha planet,

land and and water dwellings, emotions, mother, home, education, happiness, comforts, places of
religion, friends, also our ability to care and nurture others,

Chest, lungs, heart,

Education we mean high school and undergraduate level. It is a house of the masses, can lead to

Karaka - Moon - Mother. Venus - Vehicles, luxuries, motherland. Ketu ( ?) - home and buildings.
Mars - constructed property. Saturn - landed property. Mercury - Education, learning. Jupiter -

A well placed Jupiter in 4th is great. Apart from property, education, etc, parents ( mostly mother )
will be great, good inheritance likely, luck in property. early life will be easy , luxurious and peaceful.
Protector of physical body. End of life person will be prosperous and happy.

Venus is 4th is good. Mars is not good and so is Saturn, which will make the person always busy due
to Saturn aspect on 10th house.
5th house - Dharma and Kona house. Luck, good karma and beneficences. Planets placed here do
well and the houses ruled by them also do well. A house showing past life karma,

Creativity, intelligence, children, their birth, play, recreation and entertainment, sports, games, arts,
romance, dating, flirting, memory, money through the spouse ( 11th from 7th ), speculation, shares,
lottery, Isht Devta, upper abdomen, stomach, liver, gall bladder, mental illness,

Specifically sons to be seen from 5th house, its lord and Jupiter which is the Karaka for Sons. , 9th
house being 5th from 5th should also be seen for son.

Karaka... Jupiter - Children, Knowledge, Deity, Education, state decoration. Mercury- Intelligence,
Shares , Lottery, Unearned income

Sun is bad for pregnancy. Moon gives many female issues with practically no male issue. Mars is not
good for having an issue and also destroys the children.
6th house - house of enemies, accidents, anxieties, obstacles, struggle, debt, disease, injury, lawsuits,
service, imprisonment, misunderstandings, poison, middle abdomen, theft, competition, employees,

Benefics here destroy the enemies and malefics increase them. Planets in 6th will behave like an
upachay house if aspected by benefic, else dusthana effects are felt. If lord of 6th is strong, then in its
dasha, native with will his valour, subdue his enemies, will be free from disease, be rich and
generous. If malefic as lord of 6th house, aspects the lagna, native gets struggle at each step of life.
Malefics in 6th house, give good results in respects of 6th house matters, while benefics tone down
the bad effect.

Too many malefics in 6th house will give rise to powerful enemies, as the 6th house will gain strength
due to the presence of many malefics in it.

The natural tendency of any person is to be inimical towards those matters / houses where the 6th
lord is placed.

Benefics in 6th house may signify people who gain from ill health of others, like doctors, dietician ,
therapist etc.

Badly placed malefics may indicate disruptions to daily chores or food or sleep, or perhaps defeat by
enemies, while benefics placed here could indicate the reverse.

Karaka - Mars - enemies, enmity, litigation, hurdles, injury,

Saturn- illness, sorrow, debt, disease,

Mercury - maternal and paternal uncles.

7th house - Kama house, house of partnerships, marriage, husband, wife, can also indicate affairs and
infidelity, sexual desire, extra martial affairs, sons, adopted sons, client- professional relationship, all
sorts of contracts and agreements, how we perceive and interact with others in general, harmony of
relationships, foreign travels, honours in foreign countries, foreign places, litigation, death, victory
over enemies,

Lower urinary tract,

A badly afflicted 7th house may lead to secret affairs, sexual perversions ,

being the 4th from 4th and 10h from 10th, it has a strong say in both home happiness and career
and profession. This planets in 4th and 10th can influence the 7th house and vice versa.

A malefic in 7th will show bad attitude of spouse and and it could also damage the relationship of
native with co- borns, parents. However if a stronger benefic is in 1st house, the native will intervene
so that the relationship of spouse and mother is not hampered.

Sun here gives a spouse from a very high family status. Moon here gives a spouse who is emotional
and of fair complexion. Mars in the 7th causes sorrow in marriage , gives either a short lived spouse
or short temper and bad behaviour. Mercury gives weak morals in matters of opposite sex, unless
aspected by Jupiter. If moon is in trines to Mercury, laxity of morals will definitely occur. Jupiter here
gives a learned spouse and good fortune after marriage. Saturn promotes foreign travel and
residence. Spouse will be industrious, determined and older then normally expected. Rahu in the 7th
gives a spouse, who is short tempered, liking wars and controversies or diseased. Bad marriage.
Venus is good here.

7th house or lord if connected with 2/11th house, native will benefit financially after marriage.

7th lord in 3/6/7/10/11 makes one lucky after marriage.

8th house - Moksha and Trik House.

Disgrace, degradation, sorrow, debt, death and its cause / manner, longevity, gifts, unearned or
hidden wealth, windfall like insurance money, lotteries, inheritance, foreign travel, litigation,
imprisonment, chronic disease, research, cancer.

8th house has similar issues like 6th house ( disease, enemies ) and 7th house ( death, litigation ) but
the 8th house signifies greater and longer duration problems, which have the potential to destroy
the life. So 6th house will indicate debt, but 8th house will indicate bankruptcy.

It also signifies people who are doctors, physiologist, CA ( as per Sarvottam ) etc, who make money
from others problems.

Benefics here signify peaceful death, while malefics signify difficult death,

Badly placed planets here impact the other house they own and also the relatives signified by those

6th and 12th lord placed here give vipreet raj yog.

Karaka- Saturn- Longevity

9th house - The highest house of Dharma, and good luck. Divine grace. most benefic house. The
strongest of the kona house.

Good morals, goodness of heart, righteous conduct, devotion to God, worship in temples, next birth,
general prosperity, charity, long distance travels, grandsons, gurus, govt favour, father, son,

This house indicates prosperity only which is elegant and rightful. Success for previous efforts. It
signifies prosperity in general terms. We can even become philosophical about money.

One of the rare meaning of 9th house is loss of profession, which is 12th from 10th. This to be seen
only when it is badly afflicted.

It signifies research in universities.

A good house for benefics,

Mars and Saturn are considered to be weak in 9th house.

The second wife may be considered from the 9th house ( being 3rd from 7th house ) .
10th house - the place where planets reach their zenith. The highest Artha house, It is also an
upachay house. Highest action in life. the strongest of the kendra house. It is second only to the

ambition, Authority, business, commerce, fame, profession, government, governmental honours,

kingdom, prestige, rank, knees, left thigh, legs, debts ( maybe because you are jobless ) , retirement
from world / renounce all action for religion.

A house of practical results through action, it more represents profession as compared to


Key planets here lead to organisational ability, pragmatism and desire for status / prominence.

Movable sign indicate profession, fixed signs indicate business and common signs indicate service.

Malefics are considered good in 3,6,10 and 11. Benefics anyway will be considered good here. So
generally all planets , even Rahu, gives good results here. House whose lords are in 10th house gain
strength and their activities succeed.

Longevity of actions taken in 10th house is seen from its 8th house, being the 5th house. Hence
timing of joining a new job is seen from 5th house.

Karaka -


Jupiter- Fortune

Sun - power and position

Saturn- service and livelihood

11th house - highest kama house,

Gains, income from 10th house efforts, easy money, elder siblings, wealth, wishes, enjoying many
spouses, enemy's enemy, longevity of mother, playful sexual acts,

Being 12th from 12th, indicates the end of losses, and so only gains remain. Playfulness because it is
the highest kama house, and as a reflection to the 5th house, it represents playfulness.

It is also to be seen for recovery from illness, because it is 12th from 12th which indicates
hospitalisation, and is 6th from 6th. Also being reflective of 5th house, which is 12th from 6th.

Enemy's Enemy being 6th from 6th. Mothers longevity ( 8th from 4th)

All planets do good here. While the lord of 11th is considered malefic.

Planets placed in 11th house also multiply the effects of the house under their lordship. They also
indicate gains to happen through those houses issues/ relatives.

Natural benefics show gains from legitimate sources, while malefics show gains from illegal sources.
Planets in the 11th house show people who secretly support the native( while planets in 5th house
show who openly support the native ) People who are openly against the native are seen from 6th
house while those who secretly oppose are seen from 12th house ( all unverified )

Saturn in 11th is good, but native may be a loner. Also hopes and aspirations may be delayed till 36th
year. Also aspects the lagna, so bad for health. Rahu in 11th is an excellent Rajyoga.

Karaka - Jupiter - Gains

12th house - Trik, Moksha, House of Loss.

Comforts of the bed, sex, confinement, convalescence, the end of anything, expenditure, hospitals,
imprisonment, immigration, moksha, arrest, hidden or secret things, purchase of luxury items, sins,
wandering far from home, enemies, fear of enemies, feet, insomnia, mental illness, loss of eye sight,

Venus is the only planet which is good in 12th. Venus in 12th from Jupiter should make a person very

Karaka -

Saturn - Sorrow

Mars- confinement

Jupiter - Donation

Rahu - foreign travels

Venus - material desires

Ketu- Meditation, Moksha

Karaka -

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