Thermographic Nondestructive Testing

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Inspection and Quality Control In Manufacturing

Prof. Kaushik Pal

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology – Roorkee

Lecture – 14
Thermographic Nondestructive Testing

Hello my friends so now we are going to start our new chapter that is a thermographic
nondestructive testing. So, it is also a one kind of nondestructive testing but here just through
some image or maybe through some temperatures accumulations on maybe by temperature
difference then we are going to detect that what kind of problems or maybe the defects is
occurring into the materials during manufacturing process.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:58)

So, what is the thermo graphic non-destructive testing. so, basically the thermographic non-
destructive testing is also known as thermal inspection or maybe thermography whatever I
have told already thermal imaging, thermal wave imaging and infrared thermography testing.
It was first developed for the military purposes in the late 1950s and 1960s by Texas
Instruments, Hodges aircraft and Honeywell. It involves the measurement or mapping of
surface temperatures as heat flows to form and or through an object that already I have told

The simplest thermal measurements involved making point measurements with a thermo
couple. Usefulness of thermographic inspections that means what is the advantage generally
we are getting. This non-destructive testing method is useful in locating the hot spots such as
a bearing that is wearing out and starting to heat up due to an increase in friction. So, that
means from that particular definitions or may be the example you can understand that we are
doing the online monitoring of that particular parts.

So, applications of the infrared thermography for Space Shuttle maintenance so generally we
are getting the thermographic image. Now you can so in this particular image there are so
many colors and all the colors is having different meanings say suppose if I can see it through
the mechanical point of view. So, maybe the red in color is getting the maximum stress or
maybe the string if I see it through the thermal point of view then red in color is maybe the
maximum heat is generating at that particular point.

And then how the stress and strain is passing through that particular materials or maybe how
it is acting inside the materials or maybe that temperature how it is moving inside the
materials so I can get the heat map or maybe the stress-strain map from particular space
shuttle's at landing.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:57)

So, now what are the principles of thermography so generally the principle of thermography
is best on the physical phenomena that anybody up a temperature above absolute zero what is
that -273.15 degree centigrade emits the electromagnetic radiation. The emitted infrared
energy is a function of the object's temperature and its relative efficiency of thermal
radiations known as emissivity. Two dissimilar materials possessing different thermo physical
properties would produce two distinctive made thermal signatures that can be revealed by an
infrared sensor that is called a thermographic camera.

So, in this particular case now you can see that what is the wavelength of these kind of
thermal radiations. So, when you are talking about the cosmic rays it is beyond the 10 to the
power -8 micrometer. When we are talking about the gamma rays it is little bit overlapping
with the x-rays also so generally it is 10 to the power -8 to in between maybe 10 to the power
-5 micrometer. Then our x-rays are coming is around 10 to the power -1 or something then
after that the ultraviolet ray is coming and then we are having the visible region.

Now from this particular you can understand that our visible region is very, very narrow then
after that it is coming infrared and after infrared we are getting the radio waves and you can
see that it is having a very long range.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:35)

So, now what is thermographic camera so it is also known as infrared camera or maybe the
thermal imaging camera. It is a device that forms a heat zone image using infrared radiation
similar to a common camera that forms an image using visible light. Instead of the 400 to 700
nanometer range of the visible light camera infrared cameras operate in wavelengths as long
as 14,000 nanometer.

So, now you can see that basically it is actually acting in this particular zone itself after our
visible limit. So, thermographic camera constructions the focusing lenses of IR cameras are
not made of glass as glass blocks long wave infrared light then what materials we are using?
Special materials such as germanium or maybe the sapphire crystals are used for these
particular purposes.

Germanium lenses are also quite fragile so often have a hard coating to protect against
accidental contact the highest cost of these special lenses is one reason why thermographic
cameras are so costly in the market. So, this is the example of the thermographic camera.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:49)
Now there are several types of thermographic cameras are available what are those? One is
called the cooled infrared detectors another one is called the uncooled infrared detectors.
When you are talking about the cooled infrared detectors so basically they are typically
contained in a vacuum sealed case and cryogenically cooled that means you can understand
either we are using some kind of liquid nitrogen kind of things to make it cool.

The cooling is necessary for the operations of the semiconductor materials used because
when you are using it for the thermal imaging. So, automatically my camera is going to be
heated up and then whatever the materials we are going to use for imaging or maybe for
capturing that particular image so that time if that material will be heated up so what will
happen it will lose its own properties so material will be changed so camera will be out of

So, in that case to make that material stable and it can work into that with high temperature
outside we are putting on cooling jackets by which we are cooling down or maybe lowering
down its temperature so that inside material can be stable. Typical operating temperature
ranges from 4 Kelvin to just below room temperature. Next we are having that uncooled
infrared detectors and cold thermal cameras use a sensor stabilized at a temperature close to
ambient using small temperature control elements.

Modern and cold detectors use sensors that work by the change of resistance voltage or
current when heated by infrared radiation they have lower sensitivity than the cold IR
(Refer Slide Time: 07:40)
Now types of the thermographic inspections so when we are talking about the infrared
thermography it is divided into two parts one is called the active another one is called the
passive. When you are talking about the active part so it is divided into also into two parts
one is called the mechanical or maybe the internal excitations another one is the optical or
maybe the external excitations.

Then mechanical or internal excitations is divided into vibrothermography and then after that
the vibrothermography is divided into two parts one is called the burst another one is called
the locking. And if we see about optical and external excitations it is also divided into two
parts one is called the lock-in thermography another one is called the pulsed thermography.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:29)

Then what is active thermography in active thermography and energy source is required to
produce a thermal contrast between the feature of interest and the background. The active
approach is adopted in many cases given that the inspected parts are usually in equilibrium
with the surroundings example a specimen with internal flaws. Energy sources in active
thermography a wide variety of energy sources can be used to induce a thermal contrast
between defective and non-defective zones.

So, what are those first one is called the external energy sources and the second one is the
internal energy sources.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:15)

So, when we are talking about the external excitations or may be the external energy says so
generally this energy is delivered to the surface and then propagated through the material
until it encounters flaw examples photographic classes for heat pulsed simulations, halogen
lamps for periodic heating. So, generally externally excited thermographic methods,
externally applied active thermographic methods are further classified as one is called the
pulsed thermography of a and second one is called the locked in or may be the lock-in
(Refer Slide Time: 09:58)
So, what is pulsed thermography? In pulsed thermography in short generally we are calling it
as a PT the specimen surface is submitted to heat pulse using a high power source such as
photographic flashes. A heat pulse can be called as the combination several periodic OF's at
different frequencies and amplitude. So, pulse means you can easily understand there is
certain of time and on time so it is not the continuous one we are going to use.

So, working procedure two photographic flashes are used to heat up the specimen surface
after what the thermal changes are recorded with an infrared camera. So, you can see that we
are using two flash lamps over there we are hitting our materials our specimens and then after
that we are using that IR camera to proper imaging of these particular defects. A
synchronization unit is needed to control the time between the launch of the thermal pulse
and the recording with the IR camera.

Data is stored as a 3d matrix where x and y are the spatial coordinates and P is the time. So,
directly from the IR camera the data is going into the computer and we are getting the 3d
image along with the exact locations of that particular defect inside the specimen.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:23)
So, now processing of the pulsed thermography data so that data is analyzed on the basis of
assumption that the temperature profiles for non-defective pixels should follow that DK curve
given by the one-dimensional solution of the Fourier equations so in this particular case you
can see that TSA T is the temperature profile for non-defective pixels and TDT is the
temperature profile for defective pixels.

So, from this where if there is no such kind of defects are available so the line will follow this
particular path but when there is certain kind of ambiguity are present inside the material so
that time that curve will deflect with the normal one so by this way we can simply get the
information’s of our non destructive materials. Temperature decreases approximately as root
over T as per for your equations except for the defective areas where the cooling rate is
totally different.

So, in this particular case in the x axis we are putting T 1, T 2, T 3 up to T n, so this is the T
time basically we are going to give. So, temperature profile for a defective dotted line and the
non detective continuous line pixels.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:47)
Then what are the advantages so pulse thermography is fast and easy to deploy, its
experimentation time varies from a few seconds for high conductivity materials to a few
minutes for low conductivity materials. So, it is having a very wide range of applications in
terms of material physical properties. Since the heat pulse can be seen as a set of several
periodic thermal waves launched at once several data points can be extracted from a single

Next pulsed thermography is sensitive to voids and inclusions in the material which are
difficult to detect. Then what are the disadvantages the data processing of post thermography
techniques is complex as compared to lock in. The results are affected by non-uniform hitting
emissivity variations, environmental reflections and the surface geometry.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:49)

Then come to the lock-in thermography so in lock-in thermography is also known as

modulated thermography. In this particular method a small surface spot is periodically
illuminated by an intensity modulated laser beam to inject thermal waves into the specimen.
Sinusoidal thermal waves are typically used in LT, LT is nothing but the lock-in

The periodic wave propagates by radiation through the air until it touches the specimen
surface where heat is produced and propagates through the material. Internal defects acts as
barrier for heat propagation which produces changes in amplitude and phase of the response
signals at the surface. The thermal response is recorded using an infrared detector and
decomposed by a lock-in amplifier to extract the amplitude and phase of the modulations.

So, simple what I am doing just after getting the information’s where the Boyd's or the cracks
are present I am putting one laser directly at that particular point to propagate to intensify the
results and then after that we are capturing that particular results. Selection of working
frequency for inspection of different materials the rate of decay of the thermal wave as it
penetrates through the material depends upon the thermal diffusion length that is nothing but
the Mu.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:24)

Thermal diffusion length is defined as mu = root over 2 alpha by Omega = root over alpha by
PI f where alpha is the thermal diffusivity of material being inspected f is the frequency of the
thermal wave. So, by applying these equations we can easily calculate the thermal diffusion
length. From above relation it is established that thermal waves propagate deeper in more
diffusive materials.

Information about deeper fee is available when lower frequencies are used. These two aspects
are important to correctly select the working frequency and to determine the depth of internal
(Refer Slide Time: 16:14)

Next processing up lock-in thermography data, 4 point methodology for the sinusoidal
waveform, so, for sinusoidal input signal for point methodology is used for amplitude and
phase delay estimations by lock-in thermography. Input and output have the same shape when
sinusoids are used there is only a change in amplitude and phase that can be calculated as

If S 1, S 2, S 3 and S 4 are for equidistance data points in a complete period then the phase
Phi and the amplitude a is given as A = root over s 1 - S 3 square + S 2 - S 4 square so Phi is
nothing but the tan inverse S 1 - S 3 by S 2 - S 4 so that is our input signals and that is our
response signals so simple we are getting S 1, S 2, S 3 and S 4 and the t from here. So, now if
we are talking about the discrete Fourier transform DFT method for any waveform that
discrete Fourier transform can also be used to extract the amplitude and phase information’s
from the lock-in thermography.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:39)
What are the advantages of these particular methods so generally the energy required to
perform an LT experiment is generally less than in other active techniques which is very, very
helpful. So, if a low power source is to be used and if special care has to be given to the
inspected part that is cultural heritage pieces works of art Frisco's etcetera that means where
we need a very delicate data.

Then if we are talking about the disadvantages it is in general slower than other approaches
such as pulsed thermal effects. Extra hardware that is where that is lock-in amplifier is
needed in order to retrieve the amplitude and phase of the response. Now come to the
applications so generally the determination of coating thickness we are using this LT
technology detection of delaminations, detection of corrosion, determination of local fiber

So, now you can understand all these applications we are getting a very low signals or maybe
very minute imaging or maybe the minor data we are going to fetch from that particular
materials so that's why this technology is very, very useful for a over range of application.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:14)
Now we are talking about the internal excitations so generally the energy is injected into the
specimen in order to stimulate exclusively the defects. A Vibrothermography technique uses
internal excitations to perform the inspections. What is vibrothermography? In short
generally we are calling it as a VT it is also known as ultrasound thermography or maybe the

The ultrasound wave is produced within specimen by a transducer made of a stack of Piezo
elements and concentrated in a titanium horn that acts like a hammer. After the elastic waves
are injected to the specimen they travel through the material and dissipate their energy mostly
at the defects. So, heat is locally released. The thermal waves then travel by conduction to the
surface where they can be detected with an IR camera.

So, simple we are giving the vibrations so these vibrations is going that is actually
accumulating at the defect points and the defect points is getting heated up and then we are
having that infrared camera by which we are doing the thermal imaging and we are exactly
locating that where the defects is actually present.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:35)
What are the configurations of the vibrothermography testing there are basically two
configurations for VT similar to the optical methods discussed earlier what are those? First
one is called the burst vibrothermography which nothing but the analog has two pulse,
thermography and the second one is also the lock-in vibrothermography that means it is the
analogous to lock-in thermography.

So now we are having two images or maybe you can say two groups of one is the burst
vibrothermography another one is the lock-in vibrothermography. So, in this particular case
you see that we are having that specimen we are giving the input signals by the ultrasonic
transducers and the maximum peak for this is same that means we are not going to change the
amplitude or maybe the frequency. And then we are getting the response signals looking like
this of these particular defects.

Now when you are talking about the lock-in vibrothermography so you can see that there is a
change in the amplitude and also in the frequency level and then we are going to get two
different graphs over there by which we are going to get the exact locations that means the
logic is same for both but these sites lock-in vibrothermography is giving the more accurate
results than the bursts vibrothermography.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:05)
What are the advantages in either lock-in or burst configurations VT is extremely fast
technique defect detections is independent from its orientations inside the specimen and both
internal and often surface defects can be detected. It is the most appropriate techniques to
inspect some types of defects like micro cracks delaminations etcetera. There is only minimal
heating of the inspected specimen.

Since energy is usually dissipated mostly at the defective areas so that means this is more
accurate more precise. What are the disadvantages it is necessary to relocate the transducer to
cover a large area for inspections hence VT is only suitable for relatively small objects. The
most inconvenient expect of VT is the need of a coupling media between the sample and the
transducer and the need of holding the specimen itself.

A bad coupling in implies a poor ultrasound transmission but more precisely it creates
unwanted heat in the vicinity of the ultrasound injection point that means your ultrasound
horn should be clearly touched your sample there should not be any gap or maybe any kind of
other problems. So, that exactly that ultrasound vibration can go inside the materials and then
it can properly reach at the defective sides and then the defective sites can be heated up.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:45)
Next come to the passive thermography so in passive thermography the features of interest
are naturally at a higher or lower temperature than the background example surveillance of
people on a scene. All objects above absolute zero emit thermal infrared energy so thermal
cameras can passively see all objects regardless of ambient light. So, simple we are having
that specimen at higher temperature than the ambient conditions it is generating some kind of
thermal vibrations and then IR camera is capturing that particular thermal detection or maybe
the thermal emissions. So, this is the generally the experimental setup for the passive
(Refer Slide Time: 24:26)

Important applications of the passive approach passive thermographic inspections has several
applications in different sectors like production, inspection of printed circuit boards maybe
the PCBs, to detect solder bridges and overheating components, seam tracking in arc welding
in the production of metals recording of temperature profile enables monitoring of steel
quality in continuous casting. In the paper industry infrared thermography monitors quality
in the production of high gloss paper.

When you are talking about the maintenance point of view inspection of turbine blades in jet
engines, thermal insulation of building envelopes, heated floors, furnace walls estimation of
liquid levels in tanks early detection of transformer overheating, visualization of gas leaks so
these all are the images that how we are getting the thermal image.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:25)

In terms of medicine or maybe the biomedical applications evaluation of patients with

disorders of the musculoskeletal systems that means if we are having some kind of in our
bones so we get the thermal image. In the case of monitoring of road traffic infrared
thermography enables moving road vehicles which will be hotter than their surroundings.
Detection of forest fires, safety of forest areas through early detection of small moldering
fires, astronomy, satellites with infrared imaging capabilities are also used to monitor the
Earth's weather to study vegetation patterns.

And the geology to measure surface ocean and cloud temperatures. In terms of defense
military revealing the presence of potential targets in poor visibility conditions like at night or
in fog. So, we are using some kind of thermal camera on their gun or maybe the sniper rifle
kind of things so that in the dark night or maybe in the foggy weather systems also they can
see properly their enemy.

Air to air detection of incoming enemy missiles or aircraft from their hot exhaust gases,
surveillance in security, law enforcement and defense so now you can understand it is having
a very wide range of applications.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:56)
Now what are the advantages and disadvantages of thermographic inspection advantages it is
capable of catching moving targets in real time. It is able to find deterioration like higher
temperature components prior to their failure. It can be used to measure or observe in areas
inaccessible or hazardous for other methods. It can be used to find defects in shafts pipes and
other metal or plastic parts. It can be used to detect objects in dark areas.

Now of course these techniques is also having some disadvantages what are those? Quality
cameras often have a high price range due to the expense of the larger pixel array. Fewer
pixels reduce the image quality making it more difficult to distinguish proximate targets with
the same field of view. Accurate temperature measurements are hindered by different
differing emissivity’s and reflections from other surfaces.

Most cameras have +- 2% accuracy or worse in measurement of temperature and are not as
accurate as contact methods. And methods and instruments are limited to directly detecting
surface temperatures.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:12)
Now we have come to the last slide of this particular lecture. So, in summary we can say that
thermographic non-destructive testing is a modern method for inspecting surface layers and
themed parts made of various materials. Defects or foreign particles in an inspected part can
be detected if their thermal properties are different from the inspected materials that means in
terms of one reference frame we are capturing the image and then we are trying to see that
what are the changes or maybe the what are the difference in between these images where
one image is that where there is no defect another one is the defects are present.

Two approaches are being followed in the thermography one is called the active
thermography another one is called the passive thermography. Several methods have been
developed for active tomography for non-destructive evaluation, thank you.

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