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Monthly Newsletters: Mrs.

Hello! Welcome to the 1st Edition of
my Newsletter. I’ve thoroughly Sept. 2019 Edition
enjoyed getting to your child during
this 1st week of school in 1st grade! Room 3
Newsletters, such as this, will be sent
home towards the beginning of each Hot off the Press:
month, along with a calendar and lunch FUNdamentals of First Grade
menu- that the front office provides.
My newsletters will also be available Our Classroom:
We currently have 17 students: 11
on my class Weebly page. You can
Girls and 6 Boys
locate my Weebly under the Gr. 1
Classroom pages on the Burrell School
Website in order to read more about
me and our classroom repertoire. The
school and PTO also send home
monthly electronic information, so be
sure to check your inbox 😊

Celebrating Birthdays:
Birthdays are a Big Deal in First Grade!
We celebrate everyone’s birthday;
including Summer birthdays. According to
the district-wide policy, we no longer
celebrate birthdays with a special snack Specialist Schedule
from home. This was deemed necessary
due to students with significant food Day 1: WELLNESS (Wear sneakers) 9:00-
allergies that have the potential to be 9:40 w/ Mrs. Dudick, and GUIDANCE
from 10:05-10:35 w/ Mrs. Reynolds
life-threatening. Our number one priority
is the safety of our students. If you Day 2: Library/Lab 9:05-10:05 and ART w/
would like to send in something to honor Ms. Scotland from 1:15-1:55
your child on his/her special day, you’re
most welcome to, if it is non-food. Great Day 3: WELLNESS 9:45-10:25 (Wear
ideas include donating a book to our Sneakers) w/ Mrs. Dudick
classroom library for many to enjoy this
Day 4: MUSIC 9:00-9:40 w/ Ms. Kerner
year and years to come, sending in a class
set of pencils, erasers, non-food goodie Day 5: SPANISH 1:15-1:55 w/ Senora
bags, stickers, temporary tattoos, etc. Montione

Day 6: SPANISH 12:30-1:10 w/ Senora

Folders: Montione. (Please note we go out to recess
right after Spanish on this day in the
I will label and send home two folders,
once they have arrived to the building.
They are currently on back-order with
the company the school currently
orders school supplies from. Apologies
for the delay. There will be an
ORANGE Homework Folder and a
YELLOW Communication folder. These
will need to travel back and forth
between home and school daily
throughout the school year. Typically,
Homework packets will be assigned and
distributed on a Monday, and will need
to be returned on the Friday of that
same week. There will be a reading log
included, to record the wonderful books
that your children are reading at home
nightly. Please be sure your child is
reading for at least 10-15 minutes
daily. Reading aloud with your child is a
great way to model fluency, rate,
expression, and accuracy.
Contact me:
We request that you pack a substantial
nourishing snack and a drink daily. We
try to encourage healthy eating habits as
often as possible. Ideas include but are Email is my preferred method of
certainly not limited to: cheese and communication; as I can typically
crackers, piece of fruit, yogurt, apple respond to an email in a much
sauce, pretzels, and goldfish crackers. timelier fashion than returning a
Snack time lasts approximately 10 min. voicemail to my classroom extension.
so please plan accordingly. At this time Feel free to call if you need to. We
we are a Peanut/Tree nut free typically do not take phone calls
classroom due to at least one student during the school day, so allow for at
having a life-threatening allergy to both least 24 hours for me to get back to
peanuts and tree nuts. Thank you for you. You may want to send me a
checking all labels to ensure they are safe quick email to inform me that you left
snacks for the classroom. I check labels a voicemail, so that I know to check
daily. If you bring in something my messages.
homemade, include the ingredients so
that I can verify it is safe for the
classroom. If there is not a label included,
Cross-Age Buddies I will politely ask your child to hold off on OPEN HOUSE:
eating that item until lunch time, when it
This year we are paired with Mrs. is safe to do so in the cafeteria. I look forward to meeting several of you at
Desrochers’ dear friend, Karen Burrell’s Annual Open House. This year it
Washburn and her 4th grade class Communication: is Wed. 9/18/19; running for one hour:
(Rm. 16) from 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Formal Parent-Teacher Conferences
We will meet at least once a month Conference Sign-ups will be available
with our Fourth grade buddies. will be held in November, during the then.
same week as Thanksgiving. They are
Mrs. Desrochers and Mrs. Washburn held the Monday and Tuesday of You’ll be able to get more curriculum
will plan some amazing Cross-age Thanksgiving week. Students have half information for our core content.
buddy activities that cover several
days on those two conference days. There will be handouts of my power point
academic content areas! Sometimes
we meet simply for Book Buddies, so Dismissal for students is at 12:07 presentation; which will be running on a
that the First graders can hear p.m. those days and lunch is not continuous loop on my Interactive
modeled fluency, as well as served. Whiteboard.
practicing to read aloud to an older
I will have a Conference sign-up list Cheers!
available at our upcoming Sept. Open
peer, who can assist them as House to sign up for a date and time Respectfully Submitted,
necessary. to meet with me to discuss your child’s
Mrs. Brigid Desrochers
progress thus far in First Grade.


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