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To study the variation of magnetic field with

distance along the axis of a circular coil

carrying current by Stewart and Gee’s method
for plotting a graph.
Sumit Kumar, Kamal, Vikram, Ashish(Group-B-3)

Gratitude cannot be seen or expressed. It can only be felt in

heart and is beyond description. Often words are inadequate

to serve as a model of expression of one’s feeling, specially

the sense of indebtedness and gratitude to all those who help

us in our duty.

It is of immense pleasure and profound privilege to express

my gratitude and indebtedness along with sincere thanks to

Mr. Rohit Verma for providing us the opportunity to work for

a project on “The study of variation of magnetic field with

distance along the axis of a circular coil carrying current

by Stewart and Gie’s method for plotting a graph.” I want

to formally acknowledge my sincerest gratitude to all those

who assisted and guided me in completing this project report.


To study the variation of magnetic field with distance along

the axis of a circular coil carrying current by Stewart’s and
Gee’s method by plotting a graph.

1. Stewart and Gee’s type Tangent galvanometer
2. A Battery
3. A Rheostat
4. An Ammeter
5. A one way key and a Reversing key
6. Connecting leads
SIR WILLIAMS Gilbert was the first person to interpret
about the earth’s magnetic field in the year 1600. He suggest
that earth itself is a huge magnet.

Evidence based on the above statement:

 A magnetic needle suspended from a thread and free to
rotate in a horizontal plane comes to rest along the
north-south direction.
 When a soft iron piece is buried under the surface of
earth in the north-south direction, it is found to acquire
the properties of a magnet after sometime.
 When we draw field lines of a magnet, we come across
neutral points. At these points, magnetic field due to the
magnet is neutralized or cancelled exactly by the
magnetic field of earth. If the earth has no magnetic
field then we never observe neutral points.
Magnetic Field of the Earth
The Earth's magnetic field is similar to that of a bar magnet
tilted 11 degrees from the spin axis of the Earth. The Earth's
core is hotter than that and therefore not magnetic. So how
did the Earth get its magnetic field?

Magnetic fields surround electric

currents, so we surmise that
circulating electric currents in the
Earth's molten metallic core are the
origin of the magnetic field. A
current loop gives a field similar to
that of the earth. The magnetic field
magnitude measured at the surface
of the Earth is about half a Gauss
and dips toward the Earth in the
northern hemisphere. The magnitude
varies over the surface of the Earth
in the range 0.3 to 0.6 Gauss.

The strength of earth’s magnetic field is of the order of 10-4

tesla. E.g. At Delhi the earth magnetic field is 0.35 gauss.

 Due to rotation of earth about its axis. Since every

substance is made up of charged particles so a substance
rotating about an axis is equivalent to circulating current,
which are responsible for the magnetization.
 The earth’s core is very hot and molten. Circulating ions
in the highly conducting liquid region of the earth’s core
could form current loops and hence magnetic field.
 In the outer layers of earth’s atmosphere, gases are in
the ionized state on account of cosmic layers. As earth’s
rotates, strong electric currents are set up due to
movement of (charged) ions which are responsible for the
earth’s magnetization.

The Earth's magnetic field is described by seven parameters.

These are as follows-

Declination (D)
Inclination (I)
Horizontal intensity (H)
Vertical intensity (Z)
Total intensity (F)
The north (X) and east (Y) components of the horizontal
1. Magnetic declination (Ѳ) :
The small angle between magnetic axis and geographic
axis at a place is defined as the magnetic declination at
the place. It is represented by Ѳ.

2. Magnetic Dip (δ):

Magnetic Dip or Magnetic inclination at a place is defined
as the angle which the direction of total strength of
earth’s magnetic field makes with a horizontal line in the
magnetic meridian. It is denoted by δ.
3. Horizontal Component (H):
It is the component of total intensity of earth’s magnetic
field in the horizontal direction in magnetic meridian.

4. Vertical Component (H):

It is the component of total intensity of earth’s magnetic
field in the vertical direction in magnetic meridian.
Mathematical relations:

H=R cos δ

V=R sin δ

Squaring and adding,

H2 + V2 = R2 (cos2 δ + sin2 δ)

→ R=

( )=

The value of H at the surface of earth is of the order of

3.2×10-5 tesla.

The geomagnetic field measured at any point on the Earth's

surface is a combination of several magnetic fields generated
by various sources. These fields are superimposed on and
interact with each other. More than 90% of the field
measured is generated INTERNAL to the planet in the
Earth's outer core. This portion of the geomagnetic field is
often referred to as the Main Field. The Main Field varies
slowly in time and can be described by Mathematical Models
such as the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF)
and World Magnetic Model (WMM). The Main Field creates a
cavity in interplanetary space called the magnetosphere,
where the Earth's magnetic field dominates in the magnetic
field of the solar wind.


In 1820 Oersted performed a science demonstration. He

planned to demonstrate the heating of a wire by
an electric current, and also to carry out
demonstrations of magnetism, for which he
provided a compass needle mounted on a wooden
stand. While performing his electric
demonstration, Oersted noted to his surprise that
every time the electric current was switched on, the compass
needle moved. This shows that current carrying wire produce
an electric current.

What Oersted saw.


If a current in a wire exerted a magnetic force on a compass

needle, two such wires also should interact magnetically. This
interaction was simple and fundamental--parallel (straight)
currents attract, anti-parallel currents repel. The force
between two long straight parallel currents was inversely
proportional to the distance between them and proportional to
the intensity of the current flowing in each.

Given two short parallel currents I1 and I2, flowing in

wire segments of length L2 and L1 and separated by a
distance R, then the Force b/w them is proportional to-
F α (I1 I2 L1 L2/R2)

--Two circular currents in the

same direction attract each

--Two circular current in

opposite directions repel
each other. Parallel currents in two loops also attract
Tangent law in Magnetism

According to tangent law in magnetism, when a magnet is

suspended under the combined action of two uniform magnetic
fields of intensities F & H, acting at 900 to each other, the
magnet comes to rest making an angle of Ѳ with the direction
of H, such that

F= H tan Ѳ;


It is based on tangent law in magnetism.


It consists of a circular frame denoted by K of a non magnetic

material such as:

• Brass ( generally used in college labs)

• Ebonite

• Wood

The circular frame is mounted vertically on a horizontal base

called TURN TABLE.

The TURN TABLE is provided with two leveling screws S1 and

S2 at the base.

USES of leveling screws:

1. To keep the turn table horizontal

2. To keep the frame Vertical

By doing this adjustment the frame is set in magnetic


1. Using Battery eliminator.

2. Using Rheostat.

3. We generally have four coils of insulated copper wire in

this galvanometer having 5, 20, 50 and 100 number of
turns wound on the circular frames. Taking two coils at a
time we have several combinations that can be made.

E.g. in the experiment we use 5 and 20 turns coils making

a total of 25.


It is made up of non magnetic material held at the center of a

circular frame. This box has a small magnetic needle ns
pivoted at its centre on a vertical axis with a long thin RED
colored pointer p fixed at 900 to the needle. The ends of the
needle lie over a horizontal circular scale graduated in
degrees and divided into four quadrants of 900 each.

A small MIRROR is fixed at the base under the pointer.


It is used in removing the parallax in reading the position of

the pointer on the scale.


By Zero adjustment we mean to make the turn table parallel

by using leveling screws so that it will set exactly into
magnetic meridian .By Zero alignment we mean to rotate the
vertical frame so that the plane of the frame having needle
points to 00.


The intensity of magnetic material at a point on the axis of a

circular coil of radius a having n number of turns at a distance
x from the centre of the coil, in S.I. units is given by


Where I is the current flowing through the coil and is in


µ is constant and is equal to 4×10-7

 is also constant and is equal to 3.1447

If the field B is perpendicular to horizontal component of
earth’s magnetic field and is the deflection produced in the

B = BH tan Ѳ

Or B α

Hence a graph between and x is similar to the graph

between B and x.

Procedure for the Experiment

• Place the instrument on the table so that the arms of the
magnetometer lie roughly east and west and the magnetic
needle lies at the center of vertical coil. Place the eye a
little above the coil and rotate the instrument in the
horizontal plane till the coil, the needle and its image in
the mirror provided at the base of the compass box ,all
lie in the same vertical plane. The coil is set roughly in
the magnetic meridian. Rotate the compass box so that
the pointer lies on the 0-0 line.

• Connect the Galvanometer to a battery, a rheostat, one

way key and an ammeter through reversing key.
• Adjust the value of the current so that the
magnetometer gives a deflection in the second case
agrees closely, the coil lies exactly in the magnetic
meridian. If the mean difference deflection in the two
cases does not agree closely, slightly turn the instrument
till the deflection with the direct and the reversed
currents agree closely.

• Now slide the magnetometer along the axis and find the
position where the maximum deflection is obtained. In
this position the center of the needle coincides with the
center of vertical coil.

• Note the position of the arm against the reference mark

and also the value of hit current as indicated by the
ammeter. Read both ends of the pointer in the
magnetometer, reverse the current and again read both
the ends. Shift the magnetometer by two centimeter and
note the reading of magnetometer keeping the current
constant at the same value of both for direct and
reversed current. In this position the center of the
magnetic needle is at a distance of two centimeter from
the center of vertical coil. Take a number of observations
by shutting the magnetometer by two centimeter at a
• Simply repeat the observations by shifting the
magnetometer in the opposite direction and keeping the
current constant at same value.

• To plot the graph, to show how the field varies along the
axis of the coil, we plot the graph between and x, it
will be similar to graph between B and x.
Observations and Calculations

Left side Mean Right side Mean

No. Direct reversed Direct
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1. 0 64 68 68 69 67 2.6 64 68 68 69 67 2.6

2. 5 61 62 61 62 61 1.8 61 62 61 62 61 1.7

3. 10 43 44 46 45 44 0.9 43 44 46 45 44 0.9

4. 15 23 22 25 24 23 0.4 23 22 25 24 23 0.4

5. 20 16 14 10 12 13 0.2 16 14 10 12 13 0.1

6. 25 10 13 10 13 11 0.1 10 13 10 13 11 0.2

7. 30 9 12 5 8 8 0.1 9 12 5 8 8 0.2

8. 35 9 10 4 8 8 0.1 9 12 5 6 8 0.1
BC =BH tan when =45, BC =BH

But tan =1; x = 9 cm = 0.09m


µ =10-7 , π = 3.14, a= 0.1, I = 0.4A , n = 25

x= 0.09 m

B = 0.257 *10-4 T

1. Intensity of field is maximum at 0. If we move away from

0 towards the right or left, the intensity of magnetic
field decreases. The curve first concaves toward 0 but
the curvature becomes less and less quickly changes sign
at P and Q and afterwards becomes convex towards
0.The point of inflection P and Q where the curvature
changes its sign i.e. at distance r/2 from center. Hence
the distance between P and Q is the radius of the coil.

2. The distance where the field due to the coil

becomes equal to BH due to earth field can be determined
from graph between and x for = 45

a. B =BH = 0.257 * 10-4 T

b. The radius of the coil = 10 cm

1. No magnet or magnetic substance or current carrying
conductor should be near the apparatus.
2. The place of the coil should be vertical and in the
magnetic meridian.
3. The current should be constant and should not be
reversed for each observation.

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