Lab Manual
Lab Manual
Lab Manual
us in our duty.
1. Stewart and Gee’s type Tangent galvanometer
2. A Battery
3. A Rheostat
4. An Ammeter
5. A one way key and a Reversing key
6. Connecting leads
SIR WILLIAMS Gilbert was the first person to interpret
about the earth’s magnetic field in the year 1600. He suggest
that earth itself is a huge magnet.
Declination (D)
Inclination (I)
Horizontal intensity (H)
Vertical intensity (Z)
Total intensity (F)
The north (X) and east (Y) components of the horizontal
1. Magnetic declination (Ѳ) :
The small angle between magnetic axis and geographic
axis at a place is defined as the magnetic declination at
the place. It is represented by Ѳ.
H=R cos δ
V=R sin δ
H2 + V2 = R2 (cos2 δ + sin2 δ)
→ R=
( )=
F= H tan Ѳ;
• Ebonite
• Wood
2. Using Rheostat.
B = BH tan Ѳ
Or B α
• Now slide the magnetometer along the axis and find the
position where the maximum deflection is obtained. In
this position the center of the needle coincides with the
center of vertical coil.
• To plot the graph, to show how the field varies along the
axis of the coil, we plot the graph between and x, it
will be similar to graph between B and x.
Observations and Calculations
1. 0 64 68 68 69 67 2.6 64 68 68 69 67 2.6
2. 5 61 62 61 62 61 1.8 61 62 61 62 61 1.7
3. 10 43 44 46 45 44 0.9 43 44 46 45 44 0.9
4. 15 23 22 25 24 23 0.4 23 22 25 24 23 0.4
5. 20 16 14 10 12 13 0.2 16 14 10 12 13 0.1
6. 25 10 13 10 13 11 0.1 10 13 10 13 11 0.2
7. 30 9 12 5 8 8 0.1 9 12 5 8 8 0.2
8. 35 9 10 4 8 8 0.1 9 12 5 6 8 0.1
BC =BH tan when =45, BC =BH
x= 0.09 m
B = 0.257 *10-4 T
1. No magnet or magnetic substance or current carrying
conductor should be near the apparatus.
2. The place of the coil should be vertical and in the
magnetic meridian.
3. The current should be constant and should not be
reversed for each observation.