Stem Cell

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DOI 10.1007/s13311-017-0524-0


Brain Cancer Stem Cells in Adults and Children: Cell Biology

and Therapeutic Implications
Tamara J. Abou-Antoun 1 & James S. Hale 2 & Justin D. Lathia 2,3,4 &
Stephen M. Dombrowski 5

# The American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics, Inc. 2017

Abstract Brain tumors represent some of the most malig- specifically at multiple molecular pathways may be more
nant cancers in both children and adults. Current treatment effective in treating adult brain tumors which seem to have
options target the majority of tumor cells but do not ade- a greater propensity towards microenvironmental interac-
quately target self-renewing cancer stem cells (CSCs). CSCs tions. Ultimately, CSC targeting approaches in combination
have been reported to resist the most aggressive radiation with current clinical therapies have the potential to be more
and chemotherapies, and give rise to recurrent, treatment- effective owing to their ability to compromise CSCs main-
resistant secondary malignancies. With advancing technolo- tenance and the mechanisms which underlie their highly
gies, we now have a better understanding of the genetic, aggressive and deadly nature.
epigenetic and molecular signatures and microenvironmental
influences which are useful in distinguishing between dis- Keywords Cancer stem cells . Childhood brain tumors .
tinctly different tumor subtypes. As a result, efforts are now Glioblastoma . Epigenetics . Microenvironment . Therapeutic
underway to identify and target CSCs within various tumor implications
subtypes based on this foundation. This review discusses
progress in CSC biology as it relates to targeted therapies
which may be uniquely different between pediatric and adult Introduction
brain tumors. Studies to date suggest that pediatric brain
tumors may benefit more from genetic and epigenetic Brain tumors are a complex collection of diseases with an
targeted therapies, while combination treatments aimed anticipated 23,770 cases per year and an associated 16,050
deaths per year [1].These malignancies account for the leading
cause of cancer death in children. Among the most malignant
and aggressive forms of these tumors are glioblastoma
multiforme (GBM; World Health Organization grade IV as-
* Stephen M. Dombrowski
trocytoma), characterized by increased mitotic index, necrosis
and vascular proliferation [2]. GBM survival rates have
School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
remained largely unchanged since the 1960s, with a median
Lebanese American University, Byblos, Lebanon survival time of 12-18 months [3]. Current treatment regimens
Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Lerner Research
are palliative in nature and involve surgical resection, ionizing
Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA radiation, and chemotherapy, highlighting the need for more
Department of Molecular Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College
effective therapies that exploit the unique biology of solid
of Medicine at Case, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, tumors and their microenvironment [4].
USA Cellular heterogeneity has long been appreciated as a hall-
Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, Cleveland, OH, USA mark in these tumors, similar to what has been observed in the
Department of Neurological Surgery, Section of Pediatric
normal brain. Stem cell populations reside in many tissues
Neurosurgical Oncology, Neurological Institute, Cleveland Clinic, and are responsible for tissue development and homeostasis,
Cleveland, OH, USA giving rise to diverse cell types organized in defined cellular
Abou-Antoun et al.

hierarchies. Traditionally, stem cells have been defined by an CSCs for functional studies, multiple cell-surface marker
ability to self-renew and differentiate along multiple lineages strategies have been used, including CD133 [15], CD49f
[5]. Within the brain, neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs) [16], CD36 [17], A2B5 [18], CD44 [19], L1CAM [20], and
give rise to neurons and glia [6] via the generation of interme- epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) [21], found mostly
diate progenitor cells that have a more restricted differentia- in adult GBM. The expression of these cell-surface markers
tion potential and serve as a transit-amplifying population be- vary within patient-derived tumors and xenograft models, and
tween NSPCs and their terminal progeny. Two main stem some of these markers have been demonstrated to also be a
reservoirs or neurogenic zones have been identified in the therapeutic target as reduction in expression has resulted in
adult brain: 1) the subventricular zone adjacent to the lateral decreased self-renewal. Several transcription factors have also
ventricle, and 2) the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus in been identified to play pivotal functional roles in the CSC
the hippocampus [7]. Within these distinct anatomical loca- subpopulations, including BMI1 [22], Olig2 [23], and SOX2
tions, there is interaction of NSPCs with other cell types, in- [24]. In addition to altered protein expression, unique epige-
cluding endothelial cells, which regulate NSPC behavior [8]. netic patterns in the form of altered DNA methylation signa-
These zones are crucial to the maintenance of NSPCs and tures, which underlie the altered protein expression, have been
highlight the potential importance of microenvironmental reg- identified in adult GBM [25].
ulation in the stem-cell state that is also likely important in the The first CSCs to be identified in a childhood cancer were
context of brain tumors. acute myeloid leukemia stem cells [26], which were found to
express the hematopoietic stem marker CD34, but not the
Cancer Stem Cells lymphocyte differentiation marker CD38 [27]. Since this ob-
servation, multiple pediatric brain tumors have been reported
Within a tumor lays a subset of self-renewing, multi-potent to harbor CSCs, including medulloblastomas [28] and high-
cancer stem cells (CSCs) that phenotypically and functionally grade gliomas (HGGs) [29]. The identification of pediatric
resemble normal stem cells and drive tumor growth and recur- brain CSCs follows the same rationale as in adults; most re-
rence. The CSC hypothesis has been influenced by the desire ports have isolated CSCs from within bulk tumors using the
to provide a model for the development and maintenance of previously reported stem markers and verified their capacity
cellular heterogeneity and inspired by the long-standing ob- to self-renew, differentiate, and recapitulate the tumor of ori-
servations that cancer has many similarities with develop- gin. Along with expression of adult brain tumor CSC markers
ment, which has compared a tumor to an aberrantly developed (including CD133, SOX2, musashi-1, BMI1), pediatric brain
organ. By leveraging in vitro functional aspects used to define tumor CSCs also express elevated maternal embryonic leucine
and enrich NSPCs [9], and the ability to form clonal, free- zipper kinase and phosphoserine phosphatase expression [15].
floating spheres in culture, CSCs were characterized directly In addition, mouse models have been developed that can dis-
from patient-derived tumors in multiple cancer types, includ- tinguish pediatric brain tumor CSCs based on the expression
ing breast [10], colon [11], brain [12], and ovarian [13]. The of CD15 [30], Nestin [65], or Sox2 [31].
CSC hypothesis provides an additional paradigm for the de- Another important property of CSC is resistance to many
velopment of cellular heterogeneity and identifies a popula- therapeutic approaches, including radiation and chemothera-
tion of cells that continue to persist, despite aggressive thera- py. These therapeutic approaches have increased efficacy to-
pies. This model does not take into account the multiple layers wards non-stem tumor cells but do not effectively target
of oncogenic mutations necessary to initiate tumor or clonal CSCs; CSCs are often enriched in treated tumors. Current
relationships that may persist during tumor growth. therapies can also impact the tumor microenvironment and
Furthermore, the CSC hypothesis provides a model for poten- generate stresses that can induce the stem cell state, including
tial lineage relationships between tumor cells but cannot de- alterations in pH, oxygen content, or nutrient supply (Fig. 2).
finitively explain the cell(s) of origin that initiate a tumor [14]. While CSCs have been identified in pediatric and adult brain
CSC studies have relied on several functional characteris- tumors, it is important to highlight that these tumors are con-
tics to assess differences with non-stem tumor cell progeny, siderably different and therefore the CSC populations within
including sustained self-renewal, persistent proliferation, dif- them may differ from each other and may represent distinct
ferentiation potential, and an increased ability to initiate tu- targets that may be utilized therapeutically for better clinical
mors (Fig. 1). Compared with CSCs, the non-stem tumor cells outcomes (Table 1).
are generally more sensitive to conventional therapy and are
unable to recapitulate the heterogeneity of the original tumor. CSC Therapeutic Resistance
Associated characteristics such as low frequency within a tu-
mor, ability to differentiate along multiple lineages, and stem CSCs are frequently refractory to therapeutic intervention and,
cell marker expression have been observed, but, importantly, as such, are able to repropagate the tumor mass following
these are not functional properties [4]. To enrich brain tumor various treatments [32, 33]. One explanation may be that
Brain Cancer Stem Cells in Adults and Children

Fig. 1 Cancer stem cells

following treatment, radiation- and chemoresistant popula- therapeutic resistance and tumor recurrence. Ionizing radia-
tions of CSCs have been selected and enriched leading to tion is delivered in wave form (i.e., x-ray or gamma ray) and

Fig. 2 Plasticity and therapeutic

implications. CSC = cancer stem
Abou-Antoun et al.

Table 1 Brain cancer stem cell characterization in pediatric and adult patients

Cancer type Stem cell distinction Gene aberrations Epigenetic aberrations Molecular drivers

Pediatric brain cancer stem cells CD133 ACVR1 mutation H3K27M MYCN
CD49f ERBB1 amplification BMI1 Wnt/β-catenin
CD140a ATRX FOXG1 Sonic hedgehog
Nestin H3F3A mutation SOX2 NOTCH
CD15 DAXX mutation Musashi-1 PI3K/Akt/mTOR
Adult brain cancer stem cells CD133 Amplifications or gain-of-function SOX2, NOTCH/integrin signaling
CD49f mutations in: FOXM1, FOXG1, PI3K/Akt and MAPK signaling
L1CAM PDGFRA/B GLI1, ASCLI, Wnt/β-catenin
CD44 HDM2 ZFX, ZFHX4, Sonic hedgehog
A2B5 Mutations or deletions of the EZH2/BMI1 L1CAM-integrinα6
tumor suppressors: FACT
ATRX and RB1
Mutations with favorable

Pediatric and adult brain cancer stem cells with the stem markers, gene, and epigenetic aberrations, as well as molecular drivers, are listed
MYCN = N-myc proto-oncogene; PI3K = phosphoinositide 3-kinase; mTOR = mechanistic target of rapamycin; TGF = transforming growth factor;
VEGFR = vascular endothelial growth factor receptor; L1CAM = L1 cell adhesion molecule; FACT = facilitates chromosome transcription; HIF =
hypoxia-inducible factor

leads to the loss of electrons (ionization) in nucleic acids, of checkpoint kinases [33]. Through these various mecha-
proteins, and water. This results primarily in DNA damage nisms, GBM CSCs are able to survive multiple insults.
and formation of toxic free radicals from water, leading to The failure of effective clinical therapies has led to the
further damage. In response to radiation, GBM CSCs have exploration of a number of novel small molecule inhibitors
been shown to possess enhanced DNA damage responses me- of various pathways relevant in GBM CSCs; however, limited
diated primarily through the actions of poly adenosine long-term benefit in the treatment of adult GBM has been
diphosphate-ribose polymerase and ataxia telangiectasia mu- reported. Currently, agents targeting diverse pathways, includ-
tated [34]. ing phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) [37], wingless (WNT)
In addition to radiation, chemotherapeutics have been uti- [38], and NOTCH [39], in adult GBM CSCs are under clinical
lized based on their ability to modify or modulate DNA repair. evaluation.
Temozolomide (TMZ), a common oral chemotherapy drug, Aside from directly targeting tumor cells, altering the tumor
alkylates/methylates guanidine DNA residues thereby leading microenvironment has been hypothesized as a therapeutic strat-
to cell death. The majority of tumor cells, and inclusively egy. CSCs are not randomly distributed within a tumor but
CSCs, have been shown to overexpress O-6-methylguanine- present in distinct anatomical niches, which contain nutrients,
DNA methyltransferase (MGMT), which removes the meth- oxygen, and physical and soluble interactions that maintain
ylations introduced by TMZ thereby repairing damaged DNA CSC self-renewal. Multiple niches have been described in
[35]. Importantly, MGMT has been shown to mediate resis- adult GBM, including the perivascular or proliferative niche,
tance to other alkylating agents such as nitrosoureas [36]. In and the hypoxic or perinecrotic niche [40]. In addition, the re-
addition to MGMT, deficiency in mismatch repair has been lationship between CSCs and their niches is dynamic as CSCs
proposed as an additional mode of resistance in GBM cells; may actively regulate niche formation and maintenance (Fig. 3).
however, no studies have specifically evaluated this response Proximity to vascular endothelial cells has been shown to
in GBM CSCs. Augmented cell-cycle checkpoint response regulate directly CSC growth, with ablation of the vasculature
has also been observed in GBM CSCs through the activities leading to tumor regression. This has been shown to depend
Brain Cancer Stem Cells in Adults and Children

Fig. 3 Autocrine and paracrine


both on direct endothelial interaction (NOTCH and integrin drug-resistance [53]. In addition, the histone chaperone com-
signaling) [13, 16, 41], as well as paracrine signaling via solu- plex facilitates chromosome transcription (FACT) was recent-
ble factors such as basic fibroblast growth factor, [42], nitric ly reported to correlate with expression of CSC markers in an
oxide [43] and sonic hedgehog (Shh) [44]. Extracellular matrix adult GBM model. FACT expression was found to correlate
is another vital component of the perivascular niche. Direct with gene transcription of stem markers SOX2, OCT4,
interaction of laminins with CSC receptor integrin alpha 6 OLIG2, and NANOG, and transcriptional knock-down of
has been shown to be vital to proliferation and migration [16]. FACT or its inhibition with a small molecule (CBL0137) re-
The hypoxic niche is not well defined structurally, charac- duced the expression of these genes [54]. The overexpression
terized by low oxygen tension and increased acidity. This of forkhead box protein M1 (FOXM1), a potent metastatic
niche primarily regulates CSC behavior through the induction inducer and important regulator of NSPCs, was also found
of transcription factors hypoxia-inducible factors 1α and 2α to be important for GBM CSCs. Interestingly, irradiation of
(HIF-1α and HIF-2α, respectively) [45]. These transcription GBM CSCs led to further upregulation of FOXM1, which
factors have been shown to regulate CSC proliferation and rendered them radioresistant in a signal transducer and activa-
tumorigenicity [46], as will be described in detail below. tor of transcription 3 (STAT3)-dependent manner [55]. STAT3
has also been described to be a key GBM CSC signaling node
[56]. Finally, several other key oncogenic and stem-cell path-
Molecular Signatures of Brain CSCs ways have been implicated in adult GBM CSC maintenance,
including c-MYC [57] and AEG-1, which facilitates β-
Great efforts have been made in an attempt to understand the catenin translocation to the nucleus and activates downstream
molecular signature of brain CSCs in both adult and pediatric targets of the Wnt pathway [58].
populations, and much of this work has focused on adult In the pediatric population, most studies have focused on
GBM and childhood medulloblastoma models [47]. medulloblastoma, which, along with other embryonal brain
In adult GBM, CSCs have been reported to express various tumors, is believed to originate from NSPCs of the ventricular
tumorigenic proteins that drive self-renewal, including zone and cerebellar external germinal layer [59]. The notion
(PI3K/Akt) and mitogen-activated protein kinase [48], that medulloblastoma contains Bstem-like^ features came
transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) [49], the Wnt/β- about from the findings that pathways such as Wnt, Shh,
catenin pathway, and Shh signaling [50]; in vivo tumorigenic- and Notch, which govern NSPC specification, proliferation,
ity such as L1CAM [51] and integrin alpha-6 [16]; angiogenic and survival, are also aberrantly activated in such tumors,
potential through upregulation of vascular endothelial growth suggesting a molecular link between NSPCs and medulloblas-
factor (VEGF)/VEGF receptor [52]; and treatment resistance toma [60–63]. It has been reported that CD133+ cells were
through Notch [39] and TGF-β signaling pathways that have reduced almost 5-fold after inhibiting Notch signaling in me-
been shown to promote DNA repair. Furthermore, overex- dulloblastoma cells and apoptotic rates following Notch
pression of the ABC-type transporters that efflux the drugs blockade were almost 10-fold higher in primitive nestin-
out of the GBM CSCs, has also been implicated in their positive cells compared with nestin– cells, thereby suggesting
Abou-Antoun et al.

that these medulloblastoma stem cells exhibit a particular vul- that targeting HIF-1α with digoxin resulted in increased sur-
nerability to notch signaling inhibition [47]. In addition, vival in a GBM xenograft model. At the molecular level,
MYCN has been reported to be involved in the survival and digoxin decreased HIF-1α protein expression, as well as the
propagation of the aggressive medulloblastoma stem-like cells mRNA levels of VEGF and the CD34-positive vasculature
with CD133 expression, and thus targeting MYCN may be within these tumors [71].
warranted [64]. Hypoxic influences in pediatric brain CSCs have not been
Activation of the PI3K/Akt/mechanistic target of as extensively studied as in adults. One report showed that
rapamycin (mTOR) pathway has also been reported in pedi- hypoxia inhibited p53 activation and subsequent astroglial
atric medulloblastoma nestin-expressing perivascular stem differentiation of HGG precursors. The authors report that
cells. It is believed that these CSCs are radiation resistant while HGG precursors generated endogenous bone morpho-
and are directly responsible for tumor recurrence via a p53- genetic protein (BMP) signaling leading to mitotic arrest un-
dependent cell-cycle arrest and re-entry in to the cell cycle der high oxygen tension, hypoxia actively repressed this sig-
72 h postradiotherapy [65]. Moreover, MYC amplification naling [72]. These results show a novel, mutually antagonistic
and p53 disruption in cerebellar stem cells have been shown interaction between hypoxia response and neural differentia-
to be associated with uncontrolled cell proliferation and ag- tion signals in HGG proliferation, and suggest differences
gressive tumor recurrence in an orthotopic model [66]. This between normal and HGG precursors, which may be exploited
finding implicates the possibility of transforming normal cer- for pediatric brain cancer therapy. Furthermore, the expansion
ebellar stem cells into tumorigenic cells after MYC amplifica- of medulloblastoma CSCs within the hypoxic niche has been
tion and p53 disruption, suggesting that normal stem cells may observed, further implicating the role of hypoxia in inducing
become the Btumor-initiating^ cells if primed with specific stem-like transformation of cells within pediatric brain tu-
transforming mutations. mors. These cells could be targeted via an oncolytic
engineered herpes simplex virus strategy [73].

Factors Influencing Brain CSCs Immune Evasion

Microenvironmental Influences on Brain CSCs The ability of CSCs to evade the immune system may also be
an important characteristic of specific cancer subtypes. The
CSCs do not act alone but rather are part of an active micro- exact mechanisms that make brain CSCs predominantly
environment that drives tumor propagation (Fig. 3). Key prop- non-antigenic remains unclear. Various reports have shown
erties of brain tumor CSC niches include elevated hypoxia and cancers to induce immune suppression mechanisms and deac-
the interaction with infiltrating immune cell populations. tivate key immune players such as inducing T-cell apoptosis
or inhibiting their proliferation, activation of regulatory T
Hypoxic Influences in Brain CSCs (Treg) cells and deactivation of natural killer and dendritic
cells [74, 75], in an attempt to evade the immune system.
Hypoxia is associated with necrotic regions and increases the The mechanisms by which CSCs evade immune surveil-
maintenance of GBM CSCs via a variety of mechanisms in- lance include: 1) secretion of soluble factors such as argi-
cluding HIF-1α [67] and TGF-β [68]. Hypoxic regions also nase [76] and periostin [77], both of which recruit potent
contained elevated expression of CD133, alkaline phospha- anti-inflammatory tumor-associated macrophages/microglia
tase (another stem cell marker), and correlated with shorter to suppress innate and adaptive immune responses; and 2)
overall, as well as progression-free, survival in adult patients activation of cytotoxic T-cell apoptosis by secreting
with GBM [68]. HIF-1α is a potent inducer of angiogenic galectin-3 and enhancing Treg activity via TGF-β and
factors leading to the aberrant vasculature and GBM progres- STAT3 activation. In addition, CSCs can suppress the func-
sion. HIF-1α was recently demonstrated to be activated inde- tion of immune cells by simply coming into direct contact
pendent of hypoxia via a profilin-1/von Hippel-Lindau inter- with them via the cell surface expression of the pro-
action, the targeting of which exhibited reduced tumor angio- grammed death-ligand 1[78].
genesis, normal vasculature, and improved survival in a ge- It was recently reported that the CSC population within
netically engineered GBM mouse model [69]. Other hypoxia adult GBMs co-segregated with the immune-suppressive my-
regulators have been demonstrated to be important in GBM eloid-derived suppressor cells, and that the CSCs were able to
CSCs, including von Hippel-Lindau, which interacts with in- selectively drive myeloid-derived suppressor cells-mediated
hibitor of DNA binding 2 protein increasing HIF-2α levels immune suppression via macrophage migration inhibitory
[70]. Based on their importance in hypoxia and GBM CSC factor [76]. Other reports have shown interleukin (IL)-6 to
maintenance, identifying HIF-associated signaling nodes to be highly overexpressed in the CSC population, rendering
target may reduce self-renewal. It was recently demonstrated them immunosuppressive, and also enhanced the invasive
Brain Cancer Stem Cells in Adults and Children

potential of these cells, thus playing a prominent dual role in A myriad of studies have shown that CSCs in adult brain
tumor immune evasion and invasion [79]. The therapeutic tumors have genetic alterations affiliated with tumorigenesis,
efficacy of the IL-12-expressing version of oncolytic including amplifications or gain-of-function mutations in
engineered herpes simplex virus G47 (G47-mIL12) has been EGFR, PDGFRA, HDM2, PIK3CA, and PIK3R1; mutations
found to not only specifically kill CSC, but also inhibit Tregs or deletions of the tumor suppressors PTEN, TP53, CDKN2A,
and VEGF-induced neovascularization. leading to tumor re- NF1, ATRX, and RB1 [5, 88, 89]. Such mutations have ren-
gression [80]. Finally, the interaction between tumor- dered these tumor cells more malignant, immune evasive,
associated macrophages/microglia [81], TGF-β [82], stress- therapeutically resistant, and recurrence prone. The only mu-
inducible protein 1 [83], and matrix metalloproteinases has tation found to correlate with a favorable prognosis is the
been shown to intensify tumor invasion and infiltration by isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 mutation, where long-term surviv-
promoting extracellular matrix degradation. al was evidenced in adult patients with GBM harboring such
There are limited studies investigating pediatric brain tu- mutations, indicating that these tumors represent a unique
mors and immune evasion. One report showed that class of less malignant GBM [90].
indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) was overexpressed Genetic heterogeneity within single-cell clones has recent-
in pediatric medulloblastoma, and that cross-talk between ly been investigated via patient-derived GBM cells. Some of
mTOR and IDO1 induced immune escape in medulloblasto- these naïve patient-derived GBM clones expressed resistance
ma cells [84]. Inhibition of mTOR potently induced IDO1 to TMZ, indicating that conventional drug-resistance is inher-
expression and activity, corroborating its ability to recruit ent in these GBM clones. PTEN, EGFR, and the constitutively
Treg cells in the tumor microenvironment, which is the mech- active EGFR deletion mutant, EGFRvIII were differentially
anism by which mTOR-targeted therapy fails. More recently, expressed in three tumors, highlighting the variability of ex-
one report showed that central nervous system primitive pression in distinct known molecular GBM drivers at the clon-
neuroectodermal tumors are capable of evading immune rec- al level. This study also showed that multiple experiments
ognition by downregulating the expression of their cell surface conducted on clones of different passages, grown in identical
MHC-I and CD1d, and by overexpressing granzyme inhibi- culture conditions consistently exhibited diverse and indepen-
tors SERPINB9, SERPINB1, and SERPINB4 [85]. Another dent variations in cellular proliferation and differentiation po-
study found that genetically downregulating Treg TGF-β sig- tential [91]. These findings further support the notion that
naling nearly abolished Treg cells and inhibited medulloblas- targeting the bulk tumor mass in hopes of eradicating the
toma progression via CD8+ cytotoxic T-lymphocyte attack tumor and achieving long-term, cancer-free survival is largely
[86]. These findings suggest that medulloblastoma cells evade limited by this clonal heterogeneity.
immune recognition possibly by upregulating TGF-β signal- Once again there has been little investigation into pe-
ing of Treg cells leading to the subsequent suppression of the diatric brain tumors for identifying specific genetic alter-
immune responses and specifically T-cell-mediated immunity. ations that give rise to brain CSCs. Several groups are
Whether these immune-evasive mechanisms are the driving now studying the underlying genetic dysregulation in pe-
forces behind pediatric brain CSCs is yet to be established, diatric brain tumors, including SHH, Wnt, and Notch
and may be a potential platform to develop specific therapeu- signaling mutations in medulloblastomas [92], ERBB1
tic targeting for pediatric brain tumors. gene amplification and ACVR1, PDGFRA, and ATRX,
PPMID, and TP53 mutations in diffuse intrinsic pontine
gliomas (DIPGs) [93], and H3F3A and DAXX mutations
Genetic and Epigenetic Influences in Brain CSCs in childhood gliomas [94]. It is not yet known whether
these or other genetic aberrations may be affiliated with a
Childhood brain tumors differ vastly from adult tumors in subset of CSCs within these tumors.
their genetic, epigenetic, and protein profiles (Fig. 4, In a recent study that employed RCAS/TVA system to
Table 1). For instance, epigenetic regulation in pediatric brain induce platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-B overexpres-
tumors is more apparent than in adult tumors, whereas envi- sion, p53 loss, and histone 3.3 lysine to methionine mutation
ronmental and microenvironmental influences exert a greater (H3.3K27M) researchers were able to genetically engineer a
impact on adult brain tumors. If a child develops a brain tumor model of pediatric DIPG upon exposure to ectopic PDGF-B
before the age of 2 years, it is likely a result of genetic and/or ligand and p53-deficiency along with H3.3K27M overexpres-
epigenetic alterations that have induced tumorigenic transfor- sion [95]. This model could serve as a valuable tool to inves-
mation in certain cells within the developing brain, and not tigate experimentally the cell of origin and stem-cell perpetra-
due to long-term carcinogen exposure that may be mutagenic tor in pediatric HGGs. Further studies utilizing this model
in oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes [87]. Cancer arises would shed light on some of the genetic alterations that may
from mutations in tumor promoters and tumor suppressors, be the driving force of pediatric brain CSC propagation and
and this mutational background also applies to CSCs. maintenance.
Abou-Antoun et al.

Fig. 4 Age-related tumor

frequency. PDGFRA = platelet-
derived growth factor receptor A;
ALT = alanine transaminase;
EGFR = endothelial growth factor
receptor; IDH1 = isocitrate dehy-
drogenase 1; TERT = telomerase
reverse transcriptase; NF1 =
Neurofibromatosis type 1

Epigenetic Influences involved in cell proliferation and cell–cell interaction (EMP3),

angiogenesis (PCDH-gamma-A11), cell-cycle regulation
Epigenetic regulation, which refers to regulation of gene ex- (CDK2A-p16INK4a and CDK2B-p15INK4b), inhibition of ap-
pression independent of genetic mutations, is now thought to optosis (DAPK1, TIMP3, CDH1), and drug resistance (O6-
be involved in pediatric and adult brain tumor CSCs. Cellular MGMT) [109] underlines the importance of epigenetic profiling
hierarchy in both normal [96] and neoplastic tissue is regulat- of various tumors, and further highlights the potential of targeting
ed by epigenetic mechanisms [25], including DNA methyla- epigenetic regulators to reach more effective therapies.
tion, chromatin remodeling through histone methylation, and Recent efforts have compared the epigenetic landscape of
regulatory noncoding RNAs [97]. This involves opening (me- GBM CSCs and differentiated cells and identified a set of 4
diated by methylation of H3K4) and closing (mediated by transcription factors (POU3F2, SOX2, SALL2, and OLIG2)
H3K27 methylation) of the chromatin, which is associated that are capable of inducing the differentiated GBM cells to
with gene activation and silencing, respectively. undergo stem-like transformation into tumor-propagating
Key chromatin modifiers such as mixed-lineage leukemia cells in vivo [110]. This further highlight the dynamic plastic-
1 have been demonstrated to be important in adult GBM ity that can be transcriptionally regulated within these malig-
CSCs via hypoxia-mediated HIF2α-induction [98] and acti- nant tumors, enabling their ability to transition between dif-
vation of the homeobox gene HOXA10 [99]. The polycomb ferentiated and undifferentiated states based on various exter-
genes, EZH2 and BMI1, are believed to drive this transcrip- nal or internal challenges.
tional repression by histone methylation and reports have The epigenetic regulators that influence childhood malig-
demonstrated that EZH2 silencing of the BMP pathway in- nancies have mainly been reported in DIPG. Recent studies
hibits GBM CSC differentiation, and that self-renewal capac- found mutations in H3F3A or HIST1H3B, which encode his-
ity and tumorigenicity is also lost with inhibition of EZH2 or tone variant H3.3 or H3.1, respectively, resulting in the re-
forced expression of the BMP pathway in GSCs [100]. placement of lysine residue at position 27 with methionine
Other epigenetic regulators, including SOX2 [101], FOXM1 (K27M) or the glycine residue at position 34 with arginine
[102], FOXG1 [103], NANOG [104], STAT3 [105], GLI1 [44], or valine (G34R/V) [111]. One group found that H3F3A
ASCLI [106], ZFX [107], and ZFHX4 [108], have been reported K27M mutant GBMs show significant decreases in overall
to play crucial roles in the maintenance and self-renewal potential H3K27me3 without significant changes in EZH2 expression
of adult GBM CSCs. Epigenetic silencing of glioblastoma genes [112]. Furthermore, using human embryonic stem cells to
Brain Cancer Stem Cells in Adults and Children

model pediatric gliomas that harbor the H3.3K27M histone Therapeutic Challenges in Brain CSCs
mutation, it was observed that H3.3K27M expression
synergized with loss of the tumor suppressor p53 and activa- Malignant brain tumors remain a challenge to treat for a vari-
tion of PDGFRA in NSPCs, which led to neoplastic transfor- ety of factors, including the interdependence of microenviron-
mation [113]. Another report found other mutations that target mental, genetic, and epigenetic factors that drive the CSC
the receptor tyrosine kinase–RAS–PI3K signaling, and cell- state, as discussed above. While a number of new small-
cycle regulation in 68% and 59% of pediatric DIPGs and the molecule inhibitors of receptor tyrosine kinases, anti-
non-brainstem HGGs, respectively. In addition, the recurrent angiogenic factors, antiproliferative, and proapoptotic agents
somatic mutation, ACVR1, which encodes for the bone such as PDGFRα/β, VEGFR, EGFR, PI3K, and mTOR [117]
BMP1, along with the frequent somatic mutations in histone are being evaluated in adult GBM, these have not resulted in
H3 genes, TP53 and ATRX, have been reported in both DIPGs significant improvements in the progression-free or overall
and non-brainstem HGGs [114]. Finally, by comparison < 3% survival rates. The same can be said for studies that have
of pediatric HGGs harbor the telomerase reverse transcriptase explored the use of combination therapies that use chemother-
promoter mutations, while 86% occur in adult GBM [115]. apeutic agents and/or radiotherapy along with inhibitors of
This diversity between childhood and adult brain tumors as receptor tyrosine kinases, histone deacetylases, mTOR,
well as the intratumoral diversity emphasize the importance of DNA topoisomerases, integrins, or immune modulators.
devising targeted and personalized therapies. These failures may be due, in part, to the inability to effective-
Recent reports have found that polycomb transcription fac- ly target CSCs.
tor BMI1 to be highly correlated with Shh ligand concentra- CSC-targeting strategies have shown some promise as a
tions in medulloblastoma CSCs, indicating that Shh signaling recent study has reported a 2.9-fold increase in progression-
may play a pivotal role in BMI1 expression. Furthermore, it free survival with a vaccine strategy using autologous CSCs
was determined that downstream effectors of BMI1 may be with mRNA-transfected dendritic cells in patients with GBM
contributing to the activation of Shh, thus highlighting the im- [118]. Studies such as these suggest that CSC targeting strate-
portance of this reciprocal communication on the maintenance gies may be more effective than conventional therapies and
of medulloblastoma stem cell subpopulation [22]. In medullo- thus warrants larger-scale investigation. However, future stud-
blastoma groups 3 and 4 (both non-Shh/Wnt), BMI1 and ies are likely to benefit from additional considerations that drive
FOXG1, genes known to be associated with self-renewal and therapeutic failure, including redundant signaling of overlap-
proliferation [116], are overexpressed in CSCs. BMI1 has been ping pathways involved in CSC growth/survival mechanisms.
very well characterized as a major epigenetic regulator of brain Moreover, fluid transport and retention mechanisms both at the
tumor CSC therapy resistance and self-renewal capacity in both brain–vascular (i.e., blood–brain barrier) and cellular mem-
adult and pediatric populations, and as such warrants further brane level (i.e., drug-efflux protein pumps) may also contrib-
investigation as a potential therapeutic target in these cancers. ute, in part, to drug-resistance in brain tumors. Brain tumor

Fig. 5 Resistance to cytotoxic

DNA damaging agents
Abou-Antoun et al.

CSCs specifically are thought to be drug resistant owing to Another consideration is specific self-renewal pathway
upregulation of proteins involved in active drug efflux [119], targeting, which is currently being explored in a variety of
thus sparing CSCs from cytotoxicity and apoptosis. Other fac- tumors. Such pathways that may be considered include Wnt/
tors such as hypoxic areas of tumor cells [46], direct cell–cell β-catenin [121], Notch [122], SHH [123], EGFR, and STAT3.
communication, local secretion of the cytokines IL-6 or stromal It will be important to assess how targeting these pathways
cell-derived factor 1, DNA damage repair [33], and impacts other neural cell types, including NSPCs, as well as
microRNAs [120] are also reasons of drug resistance in potential resistance mechanisms that may emerge.
GBM. Another major consideration is the inherent plasticity As discussed above, the stem-cell state can be induced via
of CSCs, transitioning between stem and differentiated cell stress present in the microenvironment, including hypoxia,
states, as well as the rise of new CSCs from the differentiated lower pH, or metabolic stress. The advances that have been
population, places additional challenges in developing effective made to identify molecular mechanisms that drive the stem-
therapies (Fig. 2). Multimodality approaches that target growth cell state could be leverage for therapeutic development.
factors, tumorigenic pathways, epigenetic, and microenviron- Successful strategies may prevent the cellular stress response
mental factors that are responsible for CSC plasticity should be and not only target the stem cell state, but also sensitize cells to
considered. These considerations are relevant for both adult these stresses.
and pediatric tumors and leveraging the epigenetic state may
be especially effective in the pediatric setting as these tumors
rely on epigenetic regulation and cannot be as aggressively Conclusions/Summary
treated with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy as in adult
brain tumors. Current available treatments have been shown to slow pro-
gression, but most often fail to eradicate brain tumors. It is
likely that these treatments effectively kill many tumor cells
but do not effectively target the highly malignant CSCs that
Implications for Future Developments in Brain CSC adapt rapidly to give rise to recurrent, treatment-resistant ma-
Therapeutics lignancies. Our evolving understanding of the genetic, epige-
netic, and molecular signatures and microenvironmental influ-
As a challenge to treat tumors effectively involves therapeutic ences that may be unique to CSCs will enable us to develop
resistance via the integration of microenvironmental, genetic, more effective multimodal therapies for a variety of distinct
and epigenetic factors that converge on the stem-cell state, the tumor subtypes based on these characterizations. These
development of CSC targeting strategies remains a priority for targeted therapies may likely be different between pediatric
future efforts. Considerations for therapeutic development and adult patients with brain tumors based on the genetic,
should include neutralizing the stem-cell phenotype, self- epigenetic, molecular signatures, and microenvironmental in-
renewal pathways, and transitions into the stem cell state. fluences that drive these cancers.
These therapies may take several forms, including small-
molecule inhibitors, natural products and/or diet modification, Required Author Forms Disclosure forms provided by the authors are
available with the online version of this article.
or viral delivery, but each strategy should take into consider-
ation the blood–brain barrier and achieving effective tumor
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