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Journal of Petroleum Technology and Alternative Fuels Vol. 4(3), pp.

30-43, March 2013

Available online at
DOI: 10.5897/JPTAF12.026
©2013 Academic Journals


Waste oils as alternative fuel for diesel engine:

A review
K. Naima* and A. Liazid
Research Laboratory LTE-ENSET, B. P. 1523 El Mnaouer 31000-Oran, Algeria.
Accepted 7 February, 2013

Increase in energy demand, stringent emission norms and depletion of oil resources have led the
researchers to find alternative fuels for internal combustion engines. On the other hand, waste oils
pose a very serious environment challenge because of their disposal problems all over the world. In
this context, waste oils are currently receiving renewed interest. The properties of the oil derived from
waste plastics, cooking and engines oils were analyzed and compared with the petroleum products and
found that it has properties similar to that of diesel. This paper gives a brief review about using waste
oil of these three types of oil as a fuel for diesel engines. The conversion process of each type of waste
oil is presented. The results obtained from the experimental studies on a diesel engine are discussed.

Key words: Waste oil, cooking, plastic, conversion, fuel, engine.


The threat posed by climate change and the striving for once a technical problem that has to be solved under
security of energy supply is issues high on the political thrifty, yet environmentally acceptable and hygienic
agenda these days. Governments are putting strategic conditions and preferably performed by skilled labor.
plans in motion to decrease primary energy use, take Disposal of waste vehicle tires is one of the most
carbon out of fuels and facilitate modal shifts (Sebastian important problems that should be solved. It is estimated
and Thomas, 2009). Throughout the world, many steps that worldwide, over one billion waste tires are generated
are being taken to alternate petroleum based fuel due to annually (Cumali and Hüseyin, 2011). Industrial and
tires from automotive vehicles, restaurant and plastic household wastes are produced on a daily basis and are
have become increasingly hard. Waste management is managed in many ways, depending on their type.
the impact of increase in oil price and the reality of According to their combustibility, wastes are basically
petroleum depletion. Additionally, the disposals of waste categorized as either burnable or unburnable. The
burnable wastes are normally treated by combustion with
or without heat production, while the unburnable wastes
*Corresponding author. E-mail: Tel: 213 are treated by recycling, re-use, or landfilling, depending
779 104 753. on the material. Municipal and industrial wastes that
contain high heat value, such as waste plastics oil
Abbreviation: ATDC, Before top died centre; Bsfc, break (WPO), waste cooking oil (WCO), and waste lubricating
specific fuel consumption; Bmep, break mean effective oil (WLO) are considered efficient feedstocks for energy
pressure; CA, Crank angle; DF, diesel fuel; DLF, diesel-like production in a Waste-to-Energy regimen (Ampaitepin
fuel; FFA, free fatty acid; GLF, gasoline-like fuel; PM, and Tetsuo, 2010). The main objective of this paper is to
particulate matter; Rpm, revolution per minute; SI, spark
ignition; THC, total hydrocarbons; UCO, used cooking oil; WPO,
analyze by means of literature review the engine
waste plastic oil; WCO, waste cooking oil; WEO, waste engine performance, combustion and emission characteristics of
oil; WEO100, pure (100%) waste engine oil; WEO75, mixture of diesel engines fuelled with biodiesel produced from waste
75% WEO and 25% diesel fuel; WEO50, mixture of 50% WEO engine, waste cooking and waste plastic oil and/or its
and 50% diesel fuel. blends with petroleum-based diesel fuel.
Naima and Liazid 31

WASTE OIL AS FUEL FOR DIESEL ENGINES the standard values. But, sulfur amount is considerably
higher than that value. It should be decreased below the
Waste engine oil value of 50 ppm.

Waste lubricant oils and biofuels are two important

alternative fuel sources proved to be the best substitutes Waste cooking oil
for existing petrofuels, since waste generated oils
represent more than 60% of used lubricant oils. Many researchers have tried to develop vegetable oil-
Therefore, waste oils are one of the most abundant based derivatives that approximate the properties and
pollutant residues that are generated nowadays, reaching performance of petroleum-based diesel fuel. Esters of
the value of 24 million metric tonnes per year (Fuentes et fatty acids (biodiesel), derived from the transesterification
al., 2007). In recent years, recycling of the waste of vegetable oils have properties similar to petroleum-
lubricant oils and utilizing of the products as fuels have based diesel fuel (Enweremadu and Rutto, 2010).
become important topics for researchers. Most of the Literature is replete with advantages derived using
lubricant oils are generally obtained from petroleum biodiesel: it helps to reduce the carbon dioxide emission
resources. Petroleum-derived base oils currently account to the atmosphere, it is renewable in nature and safer to
for about 97% of the total lubricant production (Bhaskar handle, it has no aromatic compounds, practically no
et al., 2004). However, these oils become waste oils sulphur content, and oxygen atoms in the molecule of
harmful for environment after a certain time period. fuel may reduce the emissions of carbon monoxide (CO),
Recycling of the waste lubricant oils by purifying and total hydrocarbon (THC) and particulate matter (PM)
converting them into fuels is very important in terms of (Lapuerta et al., 2002; Alamu et al., 2008). However,
protection of the environment. After waste lubricant oils biodiesel is known to have some drawbacks when
are converted into fuels, they can be used as fuels in compared with petroleum-based diesel fuel such as
internal combustion engines. In recycling process, waste worse low temperature properties, greater emissions of
lubricant oils are exposed to various processes, and then some oxygenated hydrocarbons, higher specific fuel
used as fuel or they are converted into various chemicals consumption, decrease in brake thermal efficiency and
in order to minimize the harmful effects of these wastes higher production cost (Dunn et al., 1996; Canakci and
(Bhaskar et al., 2004). Van-Gerpen 2001). The problem of production cost has
Millions of tons of used oils are disposed through been partially solved by the use of waste cooking or
dumping on the ground or in water, land filling, or non- animal fats as the raw materials in the transesterification
energy-recovery (Bhaskar et al., 2004). The used or process (Dorado et al., 2003, 2004).
waste oils can be refined and treated to produce fuels or However, during frying, vegetable oil undergoes
lubricating oil base stock. On the other hand, the waste various physical and chemical changes, and many
oils pose an environmental hazard due to both their metal undesirable compounds are formed. These include free
content and other contaminants (Nerin et al., 2000). The fatty acid and some polymerized triglycerides which
high-volume waste oils can be turned into valuable fuel increase the molecular mass and reduce the volatility of
products by refining and treating processes. Converting the oil. Therefore, fatty acid esters obtained from frying oil
of the waste oils into diesel and gasoline-like fuels to be influences the fuel characteristics (such as the viscosity
used in engines without disposing is very important. and it is believed that the burning characteristics reduce)
Utilization of the diesel and gasoline-like fuels produced leading to a greater amount of Conradson carbon residue
from the waste lubricant oils, and blending of the (Kulkarni and Dalai, 2006). Comprehensive reviews on
produced fuels with gasoline or turpentine decrease biodiesel production from used cooking oil (UCO) can be
consumption of petroleum based fuels, protecting found in (Kulkarni and Dalai, 2006; Enweremadu and
environment from toxic and hazardous chemicals Mbarawa, 2009). Table 3 shows a comparison of fuel
(Bhaskar et al., 2004). It also saves of foreign exchange, properties for a WCO biodiesel and diesel fuel.
reduces greenhouse gas emissions and enhances Currently, compared to petroleum-based diesel, the
regional development especially in developing countries high cost of biodiesel is a major barrier to its
(Demirbas and Demirbas, 2007). commercialization. It is reported that approximately 70-
Characteristics of any fuel are very important from the 85% of the total biodiesel production cost arises from the
point of deciding whether the fuel can be used for desired cost of raw material. Use of low-cost feedstock such as
application or not. Therefore, some characteristics of the WCO should help make biodiesel competitive in price
produced diesel-like fuel and gasoline-like fuel are shown with petroleum diesel. Numerous studies have been
in Tables 1 and 2, respectively, together with standard conducted on biodiesel production and emission testing
values of a diesel and gasoline fuel. The table shows that in the past two decades. Most of the current challenges
some of the parameters of density, boiling point, are targeted to reduce its production cost, as the cost of
viscosity, flash point and lower heating value are in the biodiesel is still higher than its petro-diesel counterpart.
standard values of the diesel oil or reasonably close to This opens a golden opportunity for the use of WCO as
32 J. Pet. Technol. Altern. Fuels

Table 1. Comparison of diesel-like fuel obtained from waste lubrication oil and diesel fuel
(Arpa et al., 2010a).

Properties Diesel fuel DLF

Density at 15°C (kg/m3) 820-845 818
Viscosity at 40°C (mm2/s) 2-4.5 3.49
Flash point (°C) >55 57
Sulfur (ppm) 50 3500
Water (mg/kg) <200 130
Lower heating value (kJ/kg) 42.700 42.500
Temperature at 250°C, max. volume (%v/v) 65 20
Temperature at 250°C, min. volume (%v/v) 85 90
Volume at 95%, max. temperature (°C) 360 360

Table 2. Comparison of gasoline-like fuel obtained from waste lubrication oil and diesel fuel
(Arpa et al., 2010b).

Properties GLF Unleaded gasoline

Density at 15°C (kg/m3) 740 780
Flash point (°C) 25 -43
Lower heating value (kJ/kg) 43.000 43.890

Distillation range (°C)

IBP (initial boiling points) 38 34
10 vol.% 68 53
50 vol.% 126 92
90 vol.% 223 154
End point 262 218

Table 3. Comparison of fuel properties for a WCO and diesel fuel (Enweremadu et al., 2010).

Characteristics Waste cooking oil Diesel

Density at 40°C (kg/m3) 876.08 807.3
Specific gravity at 15.5°C 0.893 0.825

Distillation temperature
10% recovery temperature 340 165
50% recovery temperature 345 265
90% recovery temperature 320 346
Flash point (°C) 160 53
Fire point (°C) 164 58
Kinematic Viscosity at 40°C (mm2/s) 3.658 1.81
Calorific value (kJ/kg) 39767.23 42347.94
A.P.I gravity 26.87 39.51
Cetane index 50.54 46.21
Aniline point (°C) NA 77.5

its production feedstock. Everywhere in the world, there used oil and grease each year, roughly half of which
is an enormous amount of waste lipids generated from could be collected through the establishment of an
restaurants, food processing industries and fast food integrated collection and recycling system. Those 2
shops everyday (Xiangmei et al., 2008). In China, with million tons of “ditch oil” alone would guarantee the
annual consumption of edible oils approaching 22 million smooth operation of all current biodiesel production lines.
tons, the country generates more than 4.5 million tons of Reusing of these waste greases cannot only reduce the
Naima and Liazid 33

Table 4. Comparison of fuel properties from waste plastic oil and diesel fuel (Mani et al., 2009).

Property Waste plastic oil Diesel

Density at 30°C in gm/cc 0.8355 0.840
Ash content, % 0.00023 0.045
Gross calorific value (kJ/jg) 44.340 46.500
Kinematic viscosity. Cst at 40°C 2.52 2.0
Cetane number 51 55
Flash point, °C 42 50
Fire point, °C 45 56
Carbone residus, % 82.49 26
Sulphur content, % 0.030 0.045
Distillation temperature, °C at 58% 344 328
Distillation temperature, °C at 95% 362 340

burden of the government in disposing the waste, the year 2000 approximately 6000 tonnes of plastic
maintaining public sewers and treating the oily wastes were generated every day, and only 60% of it was
wastewater, but also lower the production cost of recycled. In India alone, the demand for plastics is about
biodiesel significantly. Furthermore, biodiesel fuel has 8 million tonnes per year. More than 10,000 metric
been demonstrated to be successfully produced from tonnes/ day are produced in India and balance is
waste edible oils by an alkali-catalyzed transesterification imported from other countries. Most of the plastics are
process (Mittelbach and Gangl, 2001; Al-Widyan and Al- recycled and sometimes it is not done so due to lack of
Shyoukh, 2001a, b), and can be considered as sufficient market value. Of the waste plastics not recycled
alternative fuels in diesel engines and other utilities about 43% is polyethylene and most of them is in the
(Dorado et al., 2003, 2004; Al-Widyan and Al-Shyoukh, form of containers and packaging materials (Mani and
2002a, b). Nagarajan, 2009b).
The extent of conversion of plastics or plastic derived
waxes into light engine fuels can be increased by the
Waste plastic oil application of stable hydro cracking catalysts. Similar to
petroleum derived cracking products, the fractions from
The last 30 years have witnessed an explosive growth of plastics processing contain appreciable quantities of
the plastic industry. The production of synthetic polymers aromatics and unsaturated hydrocarbons (Hai et al.,
represented by polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), 2001). Some of the properties and characteristics of
polystyrene (PS), and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) worldwide waste plastic oil and diesel are compared in Table 4.
has increased more than 100 times in the last three Because of the olefin content, it would be reasonable to
decades. These plastics are widely used in many submit the derived fractions to the hydrogenation step,
important day to day applications such as clothing, typical of pyrolysis or cracking gasoline hydro refining
household appliances and in automotive products and process. Similarly, because of large quantity of linear n-
aerospace. While we enjoy the conveniences that paraffinic hydrocarbons it would be profitable to isomerise
plastics can provide, the treatment of waste plastics them in order to lower cloud and freezing points. The
becomes an unavoidable and imminent issue. In this results showed that waste plastic disposal oil when mixed
regard, it can be safely stated that we are in urgent need with heavy oils reduces the viscosity significantly and
and effective ways to recycle waste plastics. Recently improves the engine performance (Soloiu et al., 2000).
new ways of environmentally-friendly waste plastic However, very little work has been done to test their use
recycling have been of interest, and among them, the use in high-speed diesel engines.
of waste plastics as a supplemental fuel with coal in the
steel making industry has attracted interest (Mitsuhara et
al., 2001). Attention is also focused on using oil derived CONVERSION PROCESS
from waste plastics in diesel engines. Diesel engines are
the most preferred power plants due to their excellent Conversion of waste engine oil
driveability and higher thermal efficiency (Williams and
Williams, 1990). The high-volume waste oils can be turned into valuable
Plastics are non-biodegradable polymers mostly fuel products by refining and treating processes.
containing carbon, hydrogen and few other elements. Converting of the waste oils into diesel and gasoline-like
According to a nationwide survey conducted in India in fuels to be used in engines without disposing is very
34 J. Pet. Technol. Altern. Fuels

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the purified and distillation system.

important (Arpa et al., 2010a, b). Utilization of the diesel In the study of Arpa et al. (2010a, b) the authors used a
and gasoline-like fuels produced from the waste lubricant recycling system for the waste lubricant oil. A recycling
oils, and blending of the produced fuels with gasoline or system was designed and manufactured in industry to
turpentine decrease consumption of petroleum based purify waste oil from dust, small carbon soot and metal
fuels, protecting environment from toxic and hazardous particulates, and reutilize the waste oil. Schematic
chemicals (Bhaskar et al., 2004). It also saves of foreign representations and picture of the system are shown in
exchange, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and Figure 1. In the recycling system, two fuels to be used in
enhances regional development especially in developing engines were produced by applying pyrolitic distillation.
countries (Demirbas and Demirbas, 2007). The The fuels named as gasoline-like fuel (GLF) and diesel-
turpentine is a biofuel obtained from the volatile fraction like fuel (DLF) were obtained from waste lubrication
of resin extracted from pine trees. It has several engine oil. The oil was collected from gasoline and diesel
advantages such as: a) it is a renewable and engines. The recycling system was consisted of waste oil
environmentally friendly alternative liquid fuel; b) its and produced fuel storage tank, pump, filter, a reactor,
heating value and viscosity are higher than those of heaters, mixer, condenser and control unit. The waste
gasoline (Yumrutas et al., 2008; Karthikeyan and lubricant engine oil was collected and stored in the
Mahalakshmi, 2007a, b); c) it can be used in any spark storage tank. The oil pump was used to transfer waste oil
ignition (SI) engines as an additive to the gasoline in the storage tank to metallic filter. The waste oil was
(Yumrutas et al., 2008) or gasoline-like fuel (GLF); d) its taken by the pump from the storage tank, and it was
self-ignition and boiling temperatures are higher than filtered using a quality filter with 20 mm mesh size to
those of gasoline (Yumrutas et al., 2008; Karthikeyan and purify it from heavy metal particles, carbon soot, gum-
Mahalakshmi, 2007a, b). It can be produced from plentiful type materials and other impurities. After removing the
domestic cellulosic biomass resources such as woody purified oil from the filter, it was flowed into the reactor.
plants, agricultural and forestry residues, and a large The reactor is the most important part of the recycling
portion of municipal solid waste and industrial waste system, since pyrolitic distillation or thermal treatment of
streams. It was used in early engines without any the waste oil is performed in the reactor. It has a
modification. cylindrical shape with dimensions of 30 cm in diameter
However, abundant availability of petrofuels stopped and 40 cm in height. It has a capacity that will be able to
the usage of turpentine in internal combustion engines. produce 20 L of fuel. This volume is enough to do all
Increasing cost of petrofuel prevailing today reopens the tests, which include characteristics of the fuel,
utility of turpentine in the internal combustion engines performance and emissions. The reactor was isolated
(Karthikeyan and Mahalakshmi, 2007a, b). with glass wool with a thickness of 5 cm to minimize heat
Naima and Liazid 35

loss from the reactor. It includes a mixer and electrical distillated water washing were adopted to eliminate
heaters. The mixer was used to blend the oil and additive phospholipids. And in order to avoid saponification
to obtain uniform blend and temperature in the oil. The reaction for high free fatty acid (FFA) content, the FFA
heaters were used to heat the mixture of the purified oil was esterified with methanol by sulfuric acid. When the
and additive in order to make thermal destruction more FFA content was lower than 1.0%, the sulfuric acid was
easily. The heaters with a total heating capacity of 5 kW drained and the sodium hydroxide was introduced into
were placed around the reactor container. They can be the system to complete the transesterification.
capable of heating the mixture up to 600°C. They were Transesterification method was used for methyl ester
controlled by a controlling unit adjusting heating rate. production from waste frying oil. This method is a
Then, the reactor was used as a heater of a distillation chemical reaction, which refers to the conversion of an
unit, and fuel sample produced from the waste lubricant organic acid ester into another ester of the same acid so-
oil in the reactor was distilled. The distillation unit was called biodiesel using an alcohol in presence of a
named as condenser, which is shown on Figure 1. After catalyst. The method depends on several basic variables,
being condensed of the fuel sample was collected in the namely, reaction temperature, alcohol and catalyst type.
fuel storage tank. In the recycling system, 80 wt. % of the In this study per liter, waste frying oil requires 200 ml
total, waste lubrication oil was converted into useful fuel methyl alcohol, 6.5-8.5 g NaOH that is determined with
in the pyrolysis process. Remaining parts such as titration, and 1-2 g acetic acid. In the first stage, test
impurities smaller than 20 mm, sludge and solid additives applied the transesterification reaction is realized in the
in the reactor were named as residue. It was about 20 wt. reactor tank at 651°C temperature during 1 h.
%, and was rejected from the reactor. It is necessary to The second stage is composed of product rest and raw
purify the waste oil to produce a valuable fuel. biodiesel separation from glycerin, then, washing process
Therefore, it was taken from the tank by the oil pump, of obtained raw biodiesel is done by using the same
and was flowed through the filters having 20 µm mesh volume of pure water, and second washing process
sizes. It was separated from dust, carbon soot, metal and follows and this washing process is carried out to
other particles, and then charged to the reactor. The oil increase the pellucidity of biodiesel by using bubble
was heated up to 330°C in the reactor, in which the method. Lastly, water is separated from all products by
pyrolysis process occurred, and it was treated for 1 h at evaporation with heating process (Zafer and Mevlüt,
this temperature. During the process, the mixer in the 2008) (Figure 2).
reactor mixed the oil-additive mixture. Heating process
was continued by increasing the reactor temperature with
electronic control unit in order to pass to the distillation Conversion process of waste plastic oil
process after the pyrolysis process. The vaporized fuel
due to heating process was condensed through Pyrolysis
condenser in which water was used as cooling fluid. After
the fuel become liquid, it was stored in fuel storage tank. The technologies for WP recycling are grouped into three
Properties and distillation of the produced fuel should be main categories: (1) material recycling, (2) chemical
tested to determine whether it can be used in a diesel recycling, and (3) thermal recycling (or energy recovery).
engine or not, and they should also be compared with the The primary and secondary recycling described above
diesel fuel commonly used in diesel engines (Table 1). are considered material recycling; tertiary and quaternary
The produced fuel was segregated into light and heavy recycling have the same meanings as chemical recycling
fuels according to characteristics and distillation test and thermal recycling, respectively. Therefore, pyrolysis
results, since some amount of the produced fuel was of plastics is considered tertiary recycling, which
lighter than diesel fuel. That is why it was necessary to transforms the plastic polymers into their basic
segregate the light fuel from the heavy fuel to eliminate monomers or hydrocarbon (Lapuerta et al., 2002). The
detrimental effects of these fuels on an engine. pyrolysis by direct heating (Figure 3) was adopted to
produce the paraffin and crude oil from the plastic wastes
in the 1990s. The pyrolysis process involves the break
down of large molecules to smaller molecules. Produces
Conversion process of waste cooking oil hydrocarbons with small molecular mass (e.g. ethane)
that can be separated by fractional distillation and used
The conversion process presented in this section is the as fuels and chemicals. This process gives on weight
work of Xiangmei et al. (2008). The WCO was obtained basis 75% of liquid hydrocarbon, which is a mixture of
from Restaurants. Every day this restaurant produces petrol, diesel and kerosene, 5 to 10% residual coke and
many WCO which used for frying beefsteak, French the rest is LPG (Mani and Nagarajan, 2009b).
chips. So the WCO contain some food particles, The small-scaled process is featured by facilitation,
phospholipids, grease and wax etc. WCO sample heated convenience and low equipment investment. The system
and filtered under vacuum to remove any different solid consists of feed-supply, pyrolysis reactor, fractionating
impurities. Then 40% phosphate acid washing and tower, heating and temperature controller and device for
36 J. Pet. Technol. Altern. Fuels

Figure 2. Schematic representation of biodiesel production system from waste frying oil.

Figure 3. Pyrolysis-catalytic upgrades technique of plastic wastes.

Naima and Liazid 37

filling the plastics into the pyrolysis reactor. The capacity RESULTS OF USING WASTE OILS AS FUEL IN
of this pilot plant is 1000 tonnes/annum. However, the DIESEL ENGINES
temperature caused by pyrolysis is higher and all the
reactive time is longer than the other methods else. The Results obtained from waste cooking oil
octane number of gasoline gained is relatively low and
the pour point of diesel oil is high. More paraffin is Effect on performances
produced in the process of pyrolysis. Although this
process is simple and convenient, the converting rate and Studies demonstrate that WCO and its blends has a
yield is still lower (Guang-Hua et al., 2007). lower ignition delay (Enweremadu and Rutto, 2010; Rao
The pyrolysis rate and yield should be promoted by a et al., 2008; Sinha and Agarwal, 2005). A possible
catalyst, like silica–alumina catalyst or diatomite, etc (Liu explanation for lower ignition delay periods of WCO and it
and Chen, 2001). Before the catalyst and plastic waste is blends with increase in the percentage of WCO might be
mixed within the pyrolysis reactor, the plastic waste must due to higher octane number of WCO and its blends
be cleaned. The total yield of fuel oil is 50–65%, relying compared to diesel. Another possible explanation may be
on the composition of plastic waste during pyrolysis. But, the presence of oxygen present in WCO and the splitting
one problem is how to recycle the catalyst, carbon and of higher molecules of WCO such as oleic and linoleic
other residua after pyrolysis. This process is also called fatty acid methyl esters into lower molecules of volatile
the catalytic pyrolysis. The other problem for this process compounds during injection which advances the start of
is the pyrolysis equipment’s corrosion incurred by combustion causing earlier ignition. The reduction in
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) in mixed plastic wastes. ignition delay with increase in load might be as a result of
Therefore, it is strongly recommended to establish a higher combustion chamber wall temperature at the time
reasonable sorting system and apply a efficient technique of injection and reduced exhaust gas dilution
to eliminate hydrochloric acid (Guang et al., 2007; Jerzy, (Enweremadu and Rutto, 2010).
2002). The peak pressure of WCO fuel and its blends is higher
than that of diesel fuel (Enweremadu and Rutto, 2010;
Rao et al., 2008; Sinha and Agarwal, 2005). C. C.
Pyrolysis-catalytic upgrade Enweremadu gives three reasons of this: The reduction
in ignition delay with increase in percentage of WCO
Since the total yield of fuel oil with pyrolysis is still lower which results in earlier combustion might lead to the
and the quality of oil is not satisfied as gasoline and slightly higher peak pressures. Another possible
diesel oil, the upgrade by catalyst for the crude products explanation of this may be the higher oxygen content of
gained with pyrolysis can be used. Having improved the WCO which favors better combustion. Also since WCO
quality of finished oil, this process has been widely used has lower calorific value, a large amount of fuel needs to
in many factories (Li et al., 2002). Figure 4 shows the be burned in premixed combustion stage and this may
flowchart of pyrolysis-catalytic upgrade, which has been result in slightly higher peak pressure (Enweremadu and
adopted in factories to treat the mixed plastic wastes. The Rutto, 2010).
system consists of the knapper, extrusion machine, A detailed study on the effects of the percentage of
pyrolysis reactor, catalytic upgrade reactor, fractionating used cooking oil methyl ester (WCO) on combustion
tower, heating and temperature controller, separator of oil characteristics (ignition delay, rate of pressure rise, peak
and water, and oilcan. The factory nearby Beijing used it pressure, heat release) has been undertaken (Rao et al.,
to produce the fuel oil. The finished oil consists of 2008) heat release of WCO and its blends were
gasoline (60%) and diesel oil (40%). The total yield compared with that of diesel, the maximum heat release
reaches as high as 72.5% (Wang et al., 2003). rate of 71.459 J/°CA was recorded for diesel at 68 BTDC,
According to the yield of converting waste plastics to oil while WCO records 51.481 J/°CA at 88 BTDC. The
in China, the plastic wastes weighing 1.92 tonnes can results show that the maximum heat release rate
produce 1 tonne of fuel oil. A plant with a capacity of 3 decreases with increase in percentage of WCO in the
tonnes/day will need 1728 tonnes of plastic wastes blend. It can also be observed that maximum heat
annually. Supposing the average content of plastic release rate occurs earlier with the increase in the
wastes is that the municipal solid wastes account for percentage of WCO in the blend. The observations made
about 0.5% for cities and 0.3% for countryside, the for the rate of heat release may also be attributed to the
economic transportation distance will be within 200 km or reduction in ignition delay of WCO and its diesel blends
so. As the economic support from local government is and can be explained in a similar manner as the rate of
short, and the whole process from collecting, pressure rise. Also, lower calorific value of WCO and its
transporting, sorting to converting must be in accordance blends may contribute to lower heat release (Sinha and
with marketing rule, the plant has to face towards a big Agarwal, 2005). It is also possible that an increase in the
risk in converting plastic wastes to fuel oil (Guang et al., oxygen fraction of the injected fuel provides an increase
2007). in the maximum heat release rate and in the fraction of
38 J. Pet. Technol. Altern. Fuels

Figure 4. Flowchart of pyrolysis-catalytic upgrade (Pyrolysis equipment for mixure

of plastic wase (1) Pyrolysis reactor; (2) Stirrer; (3) Motor; (4) Pipe; (5) Heavy oil
separator; (6) Oil tank.

fuel burned in the premixed combustion phase; this case and the data were compared with previous results
is more obvious at a high engine speed (Enweremadu conducted on the same vehicle using mineral diesel fuel.
and Rutto, 2010). The data obtained included smoke opacity, CO, CO2, O2,
NO, NO2 and SO2. These data showed that waste
cooking oil methyl ester developed a significant lower
Effect on emissions smoke opacity level and reduced CO, CO2, SO2
emissions. However, NO2, NO, and O2 levels were higher
A relatively high disparity of results has been found with the waste vegetable oil based fuel (Gonzalez-Gomez
regarding the emissions characteristics of used cooking et al., 2000).
oil biodiesel and/or its blends. Although, a dominant trend The engine and road performance tests of biodiesel
has been found in most cases, there have always been fuel derived from used cooking oil were evaluated in a
opposing trends proposed elsewhere by contrast. The Renault Mégane automobile and 75 kW Renault Mégane
precise features of the engines tested and their operating diesel engine in winter conditions for 7500 km road rests,
conditions, the different biodiesel fuels used, their and the results were compared with those using diesel
characteristics, qualities and blends, measurement fuel (Etinkaya et al., 2005). Results showed that the
techniques and procedures, and instrumentations have a emission characteristics of biodiesel fuel produced from
strong influence on the impact of WCO biodiesel hence, hazelnut soapstock/waste sunflower oil mixture and its
each study was specific (Enweremadu and Rutto, 2010). blend with diesel fuel was investigated by Usta et al.
Ulusoy and Tekin (2004) investigated the effects of (2005). The study showed that at full load, the CO
biodiesel made from used frying oil on emissions in a Fiat emissions of the blend were higher at low speed and
Doblo 1.9 DS, four cylinder, four-stroke, and 46 kW lower at high speeds than those of diesel fuel, while the
power capacity diesel engine. Comparative measure- blend resulted in higher CO2 emissions in the
ments with diesel fuel were conducted on emission experimental range. At partial loads, it was found that the
characteristics of each of the fuel used. According to blend did not cause significant changes in the CO and
emission tests, as a result of biodiesel consumption, a CO2 emissions. There was a significant SO2 reduction
reduction of 8.59% in CO emission while an increase of with the blends due to lower sulphur content of the
2.62 and 5.03% were observed in CO2 emission and NOx biodiesel. NOx emissions slightly increased due to the
emission, respectively. On the other hand, HC emissions higher combustion temperature and the presence of fuel
and PM emissions decreased by 30.66 and 63.33%, oxygen with the blend at full load. However, the
respectively. It was concluded that these engine emission increasing amount of NOx emission slowed down with
tests show that biodiesel is a more environment friendly decreasing load. Most of the literature reviewed showed
fuel than diesel fuel. (Gonzalez-Gomez et al., 2000; Etinkaya et al., 2005;
Exhaust emission characteristics were evaluated in a Usta et al., 2005) that there was a slight increase in NOx
Toyota van, powered by a 2 L indirect injection naturally emissions when using WCO biodiesel. However, some
aspirated diesel engine, operating on a vegetable-based other works found that NOx increased only under certain
waste cooking oil methyl ester by Gonzalez-Gomez et al. operating conditions such as test conditions, load
(2000). Tests were conducted on a chassis dynamometer conditions, alcohol-base of ester (methyl, ethyl) and the
Naima and Liazid 39

effect of WCO in the blends. While some works found Cumali and Hüseyin (2011) conducted an experimental
reduction in NOx emissions when using WCO and its study on an alternative fuel performed by pyrolysis of
blends, other works did not find any differences in the waste vehicle tires. The authors used a pure DF and pure
NOx emissions between WCO and/or its blends and WEO and a mixture of them with different fractions. He
fossil diesel. Various reasons have been given for the found that power values of all fuel blends of WEO and
increase in NOx emissions when using biodiesel and/or diesel fuels showed increasing trends with respect to
its blends. NOx emission is primarily a function of increase in engine speed. However, increases of power
pressure, temperature and total oxygen concentration values have no linearity due to the increase in
inside the combustion chamber. One argument is that the mechanical losses, especially in higher engine speeds.
increases in NOx emissions obtained are in proportion to Power values of diesel operation were highest among all
the concentration in biodiesel (Schumacher et al., 1994). the test fuels. The higher the WEO amount blended in the
It is has been argued that the increase in NOx emissions fuel the lower the power of the engine at the
with increase in the percentage of WCO in the blend corresponding condition of engine run. Namely, the
maybe associated with the increased oxygen content of lowest engine power values were obtained for the
WCO. Invariably all biodiesel have some level of oxygen WEO100 fuel then for the WEO75 and WEO75 fuels,
bound to its chemical structures. Hence, oxygen respectively. The reductions of power values of WEO and
concentration in WCO biodiesel fuel might have WEO blend fuels can be attributed to slightly lower
influenced the NOx formation. calorific value of the WEO fuel. However, the differences
in power values of test fuels were low at lower engine
speeds. Especially, at the 1500 rpm of engine speed the
Results obtained from waste engine oil power obtained for all test fuels was quite similar.
It is expected that the Bsfc should decrease when the
Effect on performances brake power increases up to engine speed of 2200 rpm.
At high speeds, friction, heat loses and deteriorating
Arpa et al. (2010a) conducted an experimental study on combustion increase Bsfc (Arpa et al., 2010a)
diesel-like fuel (DLF) on engine performance and exhaust performance parameters for the DGL are similar to those
emission. It is observed from the test results that about of diesel and are parallel to them in a regular way. Arpa
60 cc out of each 100 cc of the waste oil are converted found that the torque, Bmep, and thermal efficiency for
into the DLF. It is observed that the produced DLF can be the DLF ishigher than those of diesel while the Bsfc for
used in diesel engines without any problem in terms of the DLF is lower than that of diesel. This is an important
engine performance. The DLF increases torque, brake criterion that makes the DLF advantageous.
mean effective pressure, brake thermal efficiency and Characteristics and distilled temperatures of fuels are
decreases brake specific fuel consumption of the engine the other effects on the performance parameters (Koç et
for full power of operation. al., 2009). The characteristics give better mixing and
The author found that T, Bmep, thermal efficiency and combustion characteristics of the fuels, which cause
Bsfc trends for the DLF and diesel fuel are similar in reduction in heat loss. It was also emphasized that higher
nature. It is known that T and Bmep are directly distilled temperature gives better performance (Al-Ghouti
proportional but Bsfc is indirectly proportional with the et al., 2008; Koç et al., 2009). The distillation temperature
engine brake power given. The T, Bmep, and thermal make it possible to explain these differences in
efficiency values obtained for the DLF are slightly higher performance parameters. Diesel fuel is lighter than the
than those obtained for diesel fuel, but Bsfc is lower in all DLF. Distillation temperatures of the DLF are higher than
revolutions. Average increases of the T and Bmep values those of the diesel fuel up to 80 cc of 100 cc volume. This
are approximately 0.69% for the DLF. This was due to indicates that DF is a more volatile fuel than the fuel
high distillation temperature of the DLF than diesel fuel. obtained from waste engine oil. High volatility decreases
In internal combustion engines, the T increases to a volumetric efficiency and cause vapor lock on hot climate
maximum point with the increase of engine speed. After conditions (48). When low volatile fuels or fuels distilled
that critical point, generally the torque decreases step by at higher temperatures are burned in combustion
step (Mani and Nagarajan, 2009b). The maximum T and chamber of engine gradually, temperature and pressure
Bmep values obtained from the measured data for the in the combustion chamber will increase, which improves
DLF and diesel fuel in 2000 rpm are 33.86 and 33.71 Nm, performance parameters of the engine (Al-Ghouti et al.,
1048.21 and 1043.38 kPa, respectively. The 2008; Koç et al., 2009). As a result, ignition timing, air–
corresponding thermal efficiency and Bsfc for the same fuel ratio, characteristics and higher distilled
fuels and the engine speed are 40.68 and 37.88%, temperatures for the DLF give slightly better performance
213.23 and 224.52 g/kWh respectively. After the parameters than the diesel fuel. Therefore, T, Bmep and
maximum and minimum values of these parameters they thermal efficiency increase and Bsfc decreases. Test
decrease and increase with the engine speed gradually results from the study have clearly shown that the DLF
(Arpa et al., 2010a, b). has a positive effect on the performance parameters of
40 J. Pet. Technol. Altern. Fuels

the engine, and it can be used as a fuel in the gasoline improved combustion and consequently lowered CO
engine without any problems. emissions. Therefore, when the engine speed increased
Cumali and Hüseyin (2011) found that the lowest CO emissions increased for all test fuels, especially
torque values were obtained for WEO100, WEO75 and WEO100 and WEO75 fuels (Cumali and Hüseyin, 2011;
WEO50 fuels, respectively. The main reason of torque Arpa et al., 2010a, b).
reduction is considered to be the slightly lower calorific The highest HC emissions were measured for WEO100
value of the WEO fuel. Therefore, the reduction in the and following were WEO75 and WEO50 fuels,
torque values of the WEO blends were linear with the respectively. The lowest HC emissions were observed for
WEO amount contained in the blend. The average bsfc of diesel fuel, WEO5, and WEO10 fuels. However, the HC
the test fuels obtained were 322.91, 322.81, 325.46, emissions for WEO25 and WEO35 fuels were quite lower
325.86, 329.76, 333.64, 343.25, 354.21 and 367.17 gr/ than that of the WEO100 fuel, and were in acceptable
kWh for diesel fuel, WEO5, WEO10, WEO15, WEO25, values. Generally, WEO–diesel blends that contained
WEO35, WEO35, WEO50, WEO75 and WEO100 fuels, high concentrations of WEO lead to a considerably high
respectively. Bsfc is directly affected by the fuel amount of HC emissions in the exhaust gasses. The
consumption, power value at corresponding engine main reasons, for increased HC and CO emissions for
speed and calorific value of the fuel. Since the calorific WEO fuels, are considered to be the poor atomization,
value of blend fuels of WEO and diesel fuel is lower than lower cetane number and longer ignition delays. The
that of diesel fuel bsfc values of WEO blends were lower higher density, of WEO caused more amounts of fuel to
than that of diesel fuels. The exhaust gas temperature be injected in mass base, which lead to rich combustion
values ever increased with the increase of the engine condition is considered to be the most important reason
speed, for all the test fuels. The lowest exhaust gas of increased HC and CO emissions for WEO and blend
temperature values were obtained for WEO100 fuel. The fuels. Besides, the higher final distillation temperature of
highest exhaust gas temperature values were observed WEO might increase HC emissions. All these reasons
for WEO5, WEO15 and diesel fuels. Exhaust gas which lead to incomplete combustion also lead to
temperature is affected by the combustion temperature, increased HC emission and CO emissions (Cumali and
in-complete and retarded combustion. Lower exhaust Hüseyin, 2011; Arpa et al., 2010a, b).
temperature of the engine operation with pure WEO and At the lower and medium speeds of the engine diesel
WEO blend fuels can be attributed to all the reasons fuel and blends of lower concentration of WEO resulted in
given above. a larger formation of NOx. It can be attributed to the
higher combustion temperature with improved
combustion. The lowest NOx emissions were obtained for
Effect on emissions WEO100 fuel at the lower speeds of engine operation.
However, at the higher speeds of engine operation
When the DLF sample is used, the exhaust temperature WEO100 fuel resulted in higher NOx emissions in
is higher than that of the diesel sample, and it increases comparison to other test fuels. The reason of this
with the engine speed. The measured exhaust increase is considered to be the slower combustion of the
temperature varied between 414 and 515°C for the DLF WEO100 fuel that results in a larger period of combustion
as compared to 397 and 477°C for diesel indicating (Cumali and Hüseyin, 2011; Arpa et al., 2010a, b).
remarkable variation in exhaust temperature. The higher The amounts of SO2 emissions found in the engine
values in temperatures for the DLF depend on the higher exhaust were almost linear with the WEO amount
distillation temperatures, since any fuel distilled at higher contained in the blend and considerably higher than that
temperature increases combustion temperature when it is of diesel fuel since WEO contains a sulfur amount 4.5
combusted. As a result of the higher combustion times higher than that of diesel fuel. Therefore, it can be
temperature, exhaust gas temperature will increase. High recommended that the sulfur amount of WEO fuel should
temperatures in the exhaust are not desirable, for they be decreased (Cumali and Hüseyin, 2011; Arpa et al.,
cause higher energy transfer from the combustion 2010a, b).
chamber to the surrounding. High heat transfer
decreases thermal efficiency of the engine at a finite Results obtained from waste plastic Oil
value (Arpa et al., 2010a, b). Almost in all speeds of the
engine the WEO100 gave the highest CO emission. At Effect on performance
high speeds of the engine the lowest CO emissions were
obtained from the diesel fuel. All the blend fuels of WEO From the study of Enweremadu and Rutto (2010);
and diesel fuel presented very similar CO emissions Mitsuhara et al. (2001); Williams and Williams (1990) and
except for WEO100, WEO75 and WEO50. However, the Mani and Nagarajan (2009b) it can be observed that the
increased engine speed caused to increase air ignition delay of waste plastic oil is considerably longer
movements in the engine cylinder which lead to more than that of diesel. The longer delay period of waste
homogeneous air-fuel charge and thus resulted in an plastic oil, results in a rise in-cylinder peak pressure. It
Naima and Liazid 41

may also be seen that the ignition delay is longer by Concentration of CO emission varies from 14.14 g/kWh
about 2 to 2.5°CA for waste plastic oil than that of diesel at 25% of rated power to 5.75 g/kWh at rated power for
and the peak pressure increases by 5 bar for waste diesel, whereas it varies from 18.51 g/kWh at 25% of
plastic oil compared to diesel because of longer ignition rated power to 6.19 g/kWh at rated power for waste
delay. plastic oil. The results show that CO emission of waste
Mani et al. (2009a), Mani and Nagarajan (2009b), Mani plastic oil is higher than diesel. The reason behind
et al. (2011) found that the cylinder peak pressure for increased CO emission is incomplete combustion due to
diesel is 67 bar at rated power and 71 bar in the case of reduced in-cylinder temperatures. The drastic increase in
waste plastic oil. Higher cylinder pressure in the case of CO emission at higher loads is due to higher fuel
waste plastic oil compared to diesel is due to the consumption (Mani et al., 2009a; Mani and Nagarajan,
evaporation of waste plastic oil inside the cylinder by 2009b; Mani et al., 2011).
absorbing heat from the combustion chamber. Longer CO2 varies from 1305.97 g/kWh at 25% of rated power
ignition delay at high load range increases the pressure to 789.36 g/kWh at rated power for diesel. It can be
of waste plastic oil than that of diesel. In other words, this observed that in waste plastic oil it varies from 1163.25
period depicts the abnormal combustion or premixed g/kWh at 25% of rated power to 888.715 g/kWh at rated
combustion. However, this is the usual behaviour of high- power. From the results, it is observed that the amount of
octane fuel in high compression ratio engines. This can CO2 produced while using waste plastic oil is lower than
be controlled by proper selection of compression ratio diesel. This may be due to late burning of fuel leading to
(Mani and Nagarajan, 2009b). The authors studied the incomplete oxidation of CO (Mani et al., 2009a; Mani and
variation of cylinder peak pressure with brake power for Nagarajan, 2009b; Mani et al., 2011).
waste plastic oil and diesel operation at different. They The formation of NOx is highly dependent on in-cylinder
noticed that the cylinder peak pressure for the waste temperature, oxygen concentration and residence time
plastic oil is higher than the diesel. The cylinder peak for the reactions to take place. It can be noticed that the
pressure for diesel increases from 57 bar at no load to 67 NOx emission increases in the waste plastic oil operation.
bar at rated power and from 54 bar at no load to 71 bar at NOx varies from 12.15 g/kWh at 25% of rated power to
rated power in the case of waste plastic oil. In a CI 7.91 g/kWh at rated power for diesel and from 14.68
engine, the peak pressure depends on the combustion g/kWh at 25% of rated power to 8.93 g/kWh at rated
rate in the initial stages, which is influenced by the power for waste plastic oil. The reason for the increased
amount of fuel taking part in the uncontrolled combustion NOx is due to the higher heat release rate and higher
phase that is governed by the delay period. It is also combustion temperature (Mani et al., 2009a; Mani and
affected by the fuel mixture preparation during the delay Nagarajan, 2009b; Mani et al., 2011).
period (Mani et al., 2009). Unburned hydrocarbon is a useful measure of
The maximum heat released in waste plastic oil is high combustion inefficiency. Unburned hydrocarbon consists
compared to diesel. It can be noticed that in waste plastic of fuel that is incompletely burned. The term hydrocarbon
oil, most of the heat release occurs only during the means organic compounds in the gaseous state and solid
premixed combustion. Longer ignition delay results in hydrocarbons are the particulate matter (Mani et al.,
higher heat release during the premixed combustion 2009a). At light load, large amounts of excess air and low
phase. The heat release rate is higher in the case of exhaust temperature and lean fuel air mixture regions
waste plastic oil due to the higher fuel-air ratio. The may survive to escape into the exhaust. Unburned
higher heat release rate leads to an increase in exhaust hydrocarbon varies from 0.431 g/kWh at 25% of rated
gas temperature (Enweremadu and Rutto, 2010; power to 0.1389 g/kWh at rated power for diesel. In the
Mitsuhara et al., 2001; Mani and Nagarajan, 2009b). case of waste plastic oil it varies from 0.4393 g/kWh at
25% of rated power to 0.147 g/kWh at rated power. From
the results, it can be noticed that the concentration of the
Effect on emissions hydrocarbon of waste plastic oil is marginally higher than
diesel. The reason behind increased unburned
Generally, compression ignition engine operates with hydrocarbon in waste plastic oil may be due to higher
lean mixtures and hence the CO emission would be low. fumigation rate and non-availability of oxygen relative to
CO emission is toxic and must be controlled (Mani et al., diesel (Mani et al., 2009a; Mani and Nagarajan, 2009b;
2009a; Mani and Nagarajan, 2009b; Mani et al., 2011). It Mani et al., 2011).
is an intermediate product in the combustion of a
hydrocarbon fuel, so its emission results from incomplete
combustion. Emission of CO is therefore greatly depen- CONCLUSION
dent on the air fuel ratio relative to the stoichiometric
proportions. Rich combustion invariably produces CO, This paper gives a brief review on the conversion process
and emissions increase nearly linearly with the deviation of the most waste oils available in now days in order to
from the stoichiometry (Murugan et al., 2005). The use them in Diesel Engine. From the results obtained
42 J. Pet. Technol. Altern. Fuels

from various studies we can summarize the following oil, and waste plastics. Energy 35:2544-2551.
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performance and exhaust emission. Fuel Process. Technol. 91:1241-
(i) Results from using waste cooking oil as fuel for diesel 1249.
engines showed that the fuel obtained has a higher Arpa O, Yumrutas R, Alma MH (2010b). Effects of turpentine and
viscosity and lower calorific value; this will have a major gasoline-like fuel obtained from waste lubrication oil on engine
performance and exhaust emission. Energy 35:3603-3613.
bearing on spray formation and initial combustion. The Bhaskar T, Uddin MA, Muto A (2004). Recycling of waste lubricant oil
ignition delay of UCO biodiesel decreases. The peak into chemical feedstock or fuel oil over supported iron oxide catalysts.
pressure of UCO biodiesel and its blends is higher than Fuel 83:9e13.
Canakci M, Van-Gerpen J (2001). Biodiesel production from fats and
that of diesel fuel. WCO showed a higher exhaust gas
oils with high free fatty acids. Trans ASAE. 44(6):1429-1436.
temperature compared to diesel fuel. Increased oxygen Cumali I, Hüseyin A (2011). Fuel production from waste vehicle
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recorded slight increases in NOx when compared to (2003). Testing waste olive oil methyl ester as a fuel in a diesel
diesel at rated load. The reasons most frequently given engine. Energy Fuels 17:1560-1565.
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