How To Read A Case in Law School

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What are the factors/contexts that influenced the decision.

- Sometimes other legal cases.
- Sometimes facts, etc.

How can I enjoy the reading?

Thinking about after you’ve read. What can you take away. How the process of reading helped you in
this situation.

How to Read a Case in Law School

Lawyers use cases both to learn the law and to predict what Judges will do in the future. Reading cases
is the way law schools teach the law. There is a lot of reasons to read the law.

What’s a case?
A judicial opinion made by a judge to resolve a legal issue.

A. What do you want to look at?

1. Who instituted the law suit? Plaintiff v. Defendant.
2. Who sued whom for what? Charges were brought for what? (The objective of the case)
3. What happened to instigate the case? (Facts)
4. What are the merits for the lawsuits? (Legal Theory)
5. How did the person being sued respond? (Defendants response)

B. Legal Contents.
1. Legal Issues. What questions did the court need to decide?
2. Holding. What decision did the court make?
3. The Rationale. Why did the court decide as it is?

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