Development Kit For The PIC MCU: Can Bus

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Development Kit

For the PIC® MCU

Exercise Book

March 2010

Custom Computer Services, Inc.

Brookfield, Wisconsin, USA
Copyright © 2010 Custom Computer Services, Inc.
All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form Custom Computer Services, Inc.
by any means-electronic, graphic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or proudly supports the Microchip
brand with highly optimized
information retrieval systems-without written permission. C compilers and embedded
PIC® and PICmicro® are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Inc. in the USA and in other countries. software development tools.
 Use of this kit requires a PC with Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 or XP. The PC must
have a spare 9-Pin Serial or USB port, a CD-ROM drive and 75 MB of disk space.
 The diagram on the following page shows each component in the CAN Bus kit. Ensure
every item is present.
 Insert the CD into the computer and wait for the installation program to start. If your computer is
not set up to auto-run CDs, then select My Computer and double-click on the CD drive.
 Click on Install and use the default settings for all subsequent prompts by clicking NEXT,
OK, CONTINUE…as required.
 Identify a directory to be used for the programs in this booklet. The install program will
have created an empty directory c:\program files\picc\projects that may be used for
this purpose. However, the example files can be found on the compiler CD-ROM, located
in the directory D:/CCS\CAN Exercise Book.
 Select the compiler icon on the desktop. In the PCW IDE, click Help>About and verify
a version number is shown for the IDE and PCM to ensure the software was installed
properly. Exit the software.
 Connect the PC to the ICD(4) using the USB cable.(1) Connect the prototyping board (8) to
the ICD using the modular cable. Plug in the DC adaptor (7) to the power socket and plug
it into the prototyping board (8). The first time the ICD-U is connected to the PC, Windows
will detect new hardware. Install the USB driver from the CD or website using the new
hardware wizard. The driver needs to be installed properly before the device can be used.
 The LED should be red(2) on the ICD-U to indicate the unit is connected properly.
 Run the Programmer Control Software by clicking on the CCSLOAD icon on the desktop.
Use CCSLOAD Help File for assistance.
 The software will auto-detect the programmer and target board and the LED should be
illuminated green. If any errors are detected, go to Diagnostic tab. If all tests pass, the
hardware is installed properly.
 Disconnect the hardware until you are ready for Chapter 3. Always disconnect the power
to the Prototyping board before connecting/disconnecting the ICD or changing the
jumper wires to the Prototyping board.

ICS-S40 can also be used in place of ICD-U. Connect it to an available serial port on the PC using the 9

pin serial cable. There is no driver required for S40.

ICD-U40 units will be dimly illuminated green and may blink while connecting.

CCS, Inc.

1 Storage box
2 Exercise booklet
3 Two Serial PC to Prototyping Board Cables
4 Modular ICD to Prototyping board cable
5 ICD unit for programming and debugging
6 USB (or Serial) PC to Prototyping board cable
7 AC Adaptor (9VDC)
8 CAN Bus Prototyping board
9 CD-ROM of C compiler (optional)

CAN Bus Exercise Book

 Open the PCW IDE. If any files are open, click File>Close All
 Click File>Open>Source File. Select the file: c:\program files\picc\examples\ex_stwt.c
 Scroll down to the bottom of this file. Notice the editor shows comments, preprocessor
directives and C keywords in different colors.
 Move the cursor over the Set_timer0 and click. Press the F1 key. Notice a Help file
description for set_timer0 appears. The cursor may be placed on any keyword or built-in
function and F1 will find help for the item.
 Review the editor special functions by clicking on Edit. The IDE allows various standard
cut, paste and copy functions.
 Review the editor option settings by clicking on Options>Editor Properties. The IDE
allows selection of the tab size, editor colors, fonts, and many more. Click on Options>Toolbar
to select which icons appear on the toolbars.

 Use the drop-down box under Compile to select the compiler. CCS offers different
compilers for each family of Microchip parts. The exercises in this booklet are for the
PIC16F876A and PIC18F4580 chips. Make sure PCM 14 bit is selected in the drop-down
box under the Compiler tab for the PIC16F876A and PCH16 for the PIC18F4580. Other
programs are for the PIC18F4580 part, a 16-bit opcode. Select PIC18 for that part.
 The main program compiled is always shown in the bottom of the IDE. If this is not the
file you want to compile, then click on the tab of the file you want to compile. Right click
into editor and select Make file project.
 Click Options>Project Options>Output Files… and review the list of directories the
compiler uses to search for included files. The install program should have put two
directories in this list to point to the device: .h files and the device drivers.
 Normally the file formats need not be changed and global defines are not used in these
exercises. To review these settings, click Options>Project Options>Output Files and
Options>Project Options>Global Defines.
 Click the compile icon to compile. Notice the compilation box shows the files created
and the amount of ROM and RAM used by this program. Press any key to remove the
compilation box.

CCS, Inc.
 Click Compile>Symbol Map. This file shows how the RAM in the micro-controller
is used. Identifiers that start with @ are compiler generated variables. Notice some
locations are used by more than one item. This is because those variables are not active
at the same time.
 Click Compile>C/ASM List. This file shows the original C code and the assembly code
generated for the C. Scroll down to the line:
 Notice there are two assembly instructions generated. The first loads 4C into the W
register. INTS_PER_SECOND is #defined in the file to 76. 4C hex is 76 decimal. The
second instruction moves W into memory. Switch to the Symbol Map to find the memory
location where int_count is located.
 Click View>Data Sheet, then View. This brings up the Microchip data sheet for the
microprocessor being used in the current project.

Click here for the file menu. Files and Projects are created,
Place cursor over each icon
opened, or closed using this menu.
and press F1 for help.
Compiles current selected unit, does NOT link/build
into a HEX file.
Click the help icon for
Compiles all units that have changed since last build, the help menu. The technical
links/builds into a HEX file. support wizard and download
Compiles all units regardless if they have changed since manager are accessed using
last build, links/builds into a HEX file. this menu.

Compile ribbon.

Quick view of supported devices.

Place cursor here for slide out boxes.

All of the current project’s source and
output files can be seen here.

CAN Bus Exercise Book

 The CCS CAN Bus prototyping board has a CAN bus with four nodes on the same
board. A block diagram is within the front cover of this booklet. The four independent
nodes are as follows:

NODE A - PIC18F4580
 This node features a Microchip PIC18F4580 chip. This chip has a built-in CAN bus
controller. There is also an I/O block that provides access to spare I/O pins on the PIC.
The pinout is as follows:

+5 B6 B4 B2 B0 D6 D4 D2 D0 C4 C2 C0 A4 A2 E2 E0 G
+5 B7 B5 B3 B1 D7 D5 D3 D1 C5 C3 C1 A5 A3 A1 E1 G

 The following I/O features are also a part of NODE A:

 Three LEDs (Red, Yellow, Green)
LED is lit by outputting a LOW to the I/O pin
 One push-button
I/O pin reads LOW when the button is pressed
 Pot to provide an analog voltage source
0 Volts full counterclockwise, 5 Volts full clockwise
 RS-232 port

 This node features a Microchip PIC16F876A chip. This chip does NOT have a built-in
CAN bus controller. Instead, an external MCP2515 CAN bus controller is used. This
scheme could be used with any PIC microcontroller.
 The following I/O features are also a part of NODE B:
 Three LEDs (Red, Yellow, Green)
LED is lit by outputting a LOW to the I/O pin
 One push-button

I/O pin reads LOW when the button is pressed

 Pot to provide an analog voltage source

0 Volts full counterclockwise, 5 Volts full clockwise

 RS-232 port

 Programs may be downloaded and optionally debugged using the ICD connector.

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NODE C - “Dumb” I/O Unit
 This node features a Microchip MCP25050 chip. This chip is pre-programmed with
address information and provides CAN bus access to the eight I/O pins. The following
items are connected to the I/O pins:
 Three LEDs (Red, Yellow, Green)
LED is lit by outputting a LOW to the I/O pin
 Three push-buttons

I/O pin reads LOW when the button is pressed

 Pot to provide an analog voltage source

0 Volts full counterclockwise, 5 Volts full clockwise

 RS-232 port

 This chip may be programmed by removing it from the socket and using the Pro Mate II
from Microchip to load in the address information.

NODE D - “Dumb” 7 Segement LED

 This node features a Microchip MCP25050 chip. This chip is pre-programmed with
address information and provides CAN bus access to the eight I/O pins. The I/O pins
are connected to a 7-segment LED. This allows a number to be displayed via the CAN
bus. A LOW on the I/O pin lights the segment. For example, outputting a 0xC0 in the
GP port will light a 0. A 0xF9 will light a 1.
 This chip may be programmed by removing it from the socket and using the Pro Mate® II
from Microchip to load in the address information.

 Both Node C & D use a Microchip MCP25050 CAN Bus chip.


 This chip is a complete CAN Bus Node that allows eight general input or
output pins, up to four A/D converter inputs and two PWM outputs
 This chip can be configured by programming an internal EEPROM with
the addresses and modes of operation.
 The chip can also be programmed over the CAN Bus.

CAN Bus Exercise Book

 Open the PCW IDE. If any files are open, click File>Close All
 Click File>New>Source File and enter the filename EX4.C
 Type in the following program and Compile.

#include <18f4580.h>
#device ICD=TRUE
#use delay(clock=20000000)

#define GREEN_LED PIN_A5

void main () {
while(TRUE) {

 The first four lines of this program define the basic hardware
environment. The chip being used is the PIC18F4580, running at
20MHz with the ICD debugger.

 The #define is used to enhance readability by referring to

GREEN_LED in the program instead of PIN_A5.
 The “while (TRUE)” is a simple way to create a loop that never stops.
 Note that the “output_low” turns the LED on because the other end
of the LED is +5V. This is done because the chip can tolerate more
current when a pin is low than when it is high.
 The “delay_ms(1000)” is a one second delay (1000 milliseconds).

CCS, Inc.

 Connect the ICD to the Prototyping board using the modular cable, and connect the ICD to
the PC. Power up the Prototyping board.
 Click Debug>Enable Debugger and wait for the program to load.
 If you are using the ICD-U and the debugger cannot communicate to the ICD unit go to
the debug configure tab and make sure ICD-USB from the list box is selected.
 Click the green go icon:
 Expect the debugger window status block to turn yellow indicating the program is
 The green LED on the Prototyping board should be flashing. One second on and one
second off.
 The program can be stopped by clicking on the stop icon:

CAN Bus Exercise Book

 Node A: Speed detector
Every 100 ms sends a frame with identifier 1 and data
indicating the vehicle speed.
 Node B: Speedometer display
Looks only for identifier 1 data on the bus. Takes the data and displays it
on a digital display.
 Node C: Cruise control panel
Pressing the SET button sends an identifier 2 frame.
Pressing the OFF button sends an identifier 3 frame.
Neither frame has data.
 Node D: Cruise control module
Module turns on with an identifier 2 frame and off with
an identifier 3 frame. The module uses data from
identifier 1 frames to adjust the vehicle speed.
 Notice this is not a command/response type of protocol. Nodes that have something to
say will say it. Nodes that need to know something will wait for what they need. A higher
level protocol can be implemented to provide more control. Notice Node C actually can
control how Node D works. If a node needs a certain type of data, it can post a request
on the bus for a frame with a particular identifier. The node responsible for that identifier
will respond. A system design should assign a given identifier (or set of identifiers) to
only one node.

Start Data/Request Data Length End


1 11 1 2 4 0-64 Bits 16 2 3 3
Reserved Data CRC ACK Silence

 See Chapter 6 for the Extended Format.

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 All nodes on the bus verify the frame. If any node detects an error, that node asserts
a NACK. When any node asserts a NACK for a frame all nodes must ignore the
frame even if the node did not find an error in the frame. The sender re-transmits
NACKed frames.
 A node that NACKs a lot of messages or has a lot of messages NACKed is put on
probation (Error Passive state). In this state, the node’s activity is restricted. If the
problem persists, the node must stop all bus transmission and ignore all incoming
packets. This rule is self-enforced by each node keeping local statistics.
 A node does not start transmitting unless the bus is quiet for three bit times. If two
nodes start a frame at the same time, one node will bow out while the identifier is
being transmitted. The node to drop out will be the one that first tries to send a one-
bit, when the other send a 0. The 0 is dominant and the sender of the one will realize
there is a collision. This means lower numbered identifiers have a higher priority.
 The CAN bus permits an alternate format message with a 29 bit identifier. All the
examples we use will be with an 29 bit identifier. Frames with 11 and 29 bit identifiers
can co-exist on the same bus.
 There is no universal standard for the physical CAN Bus. It requires an open drain
type of bus. It could be a single wire, fiber optic or two wire differential bus. The
latter is the physical bus used on the CCS CAN Bus Prototyping board. The Philips
PCA82C251 chips are used to interface the bus to the TTL controllers. This complies
with ISO standard 11898 for use in Automotive and Industrial applications
 The bit rate can be as fast as one million bits per second.
 The start of frame bit is used by the receiver to determine the exact bit time.
 Whenever a transmitter on the bus sends five identical bits, it will send an extra
bit with the reverse polarity. This is referred to as a stuffed bit. The receiver will
ignore the stuffed bits. If a receiver detects six or more bits that are the same, it is
considered an automatic error.

CAN Bus Exercise Book

 Enter the following program and save it as EX6.c:

#include <18F4580.h>
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#include <can-18xxx8.c>

#define WRITE_REGISTER_D_ID 0x400

void write_7_segment(int value) {

const int lcd_seg[10]={ 0x40,0x79,0x24,0x30,0x19,
int buffer[3];

buffer[0]=0x1E; //addr of gplat

buffer[1]=0x7F; //mask
can_putd(WRITE_REGISTER_D_ID, buffer, 3, 1, TRUE, FALSE);

void main() {
int i=0;

can_putd(0x100,0,0,1,TRUE,FALSE); //send an on-bus message
//to wake up mcp250x0’s
delay_ms(1000); //wait for node c to power-up

while(TRUE) {
if( ++i==10)

 Compile the program, load it into Node A.

 This program should display 0-9 on the 7-segment LED.

CCS, Inc.
 The include file “can-18xxx8.c” has the functions required to interface
to the PIC18 CAN Bus controller.
 The call to can_init() starts the interface.
 This program is designed to send data to Node D. The identifier for
Node D is programmed as 0x400. The MCP25050 device accepts a
three byte command.

 The can_putd functions have the following parameters:

Data pointer
Number of data bytes
Priority (0-3) determines the order messages are sent
Flag to indicate 29 bit identifier
Flag to indicate if this is a data frame
(FALSE) or request for frame (TRUE)
 This call query up a frame for transmission on the bus.
 The MCP250xx units require one error-free message after power-up to
switch to normal state. The first CAN_putd, to 0x100, sends an empty
message which takes the MCP250xx from power-up to normal.

Before Moving On:

 Copy the lines in this example before “void main() {“ into an include file named
CCSCANA.C. In the future, examples will add to this file to build a library of functions
specific to the CCS CAN Bus Prototyping board.

Extended Format (29 Bit ID)

1 to Indicate
Extended Reserved CRL EWD

1 11 1 1 18 1 2 4 0-64 16 2 3 3
Start SRR Data Data ACK Silence
Address Data
CAN Bus Exercise Book
 Open the code for chapter 6, add #device ICD =TRUE, and start the debugger
Debug>Enable Debugger.
 Click the reset icon to ensure the target is ready.
 Click the step-over icon . This is the step over command. Each click causes a line of
C code to be executed. The highlighted line has not been executed, but the line about to
be executed.
 Step over the can _ init; line and notice that one click executed the entire function.
This is the way step over works. Click step over on
delay=ms(1000);. and notice the debugger stops when the function terminates.
 Click the Watch tab, then the add icon to add a watch. Enter i or choose i the
variables from list, then click Add Watch. Notice the value shown. Continue to step
over through the loop a few more times and notice the count watch increments.
 Step over until the call to write _ 7 _ segment(i); is highlighted. This time, instead of
step over, use the standard step icon several times and notice the debugger is now
stepping into the function.
 Click the GO icon to allow the program to run. Click the stop icon to halt
execution. Notice the C source line that the program stopped on.
 In the editor, click on write _ 7 _ segment(i); to move the editor cursor to that line.
Then click the Breaks tab and click the add icon to set a breakpoint. The debugger
will now stop every time that line is reached in the code. Click the GO icon. The
debugger should now stop on the breakpoint. Repeat this a couple of times to see how
the breakpoint works.
 Click Compile>C/ASM list. Scroll down to the highlighted line. Notice that one assembly
instruction was already executed for the next line. This is another side effect of the ICD-S
debugger. Sometimes breakpoints slip by one ASM instruction.
 Click the step over icon a few times and note that when the list file is the selected
window, the debugger has executed one assembly instruction per click instead of one
entire C line.
 Close all files and start a new file EX7.C as follows:

CCS, Inc.
#include ,18F4580.h>
#device ICD=TRUE

void main() {
int a,b,c;


 Compile the program and step-over until the c=a+b is executed. Add a watch for c and
the expected value is 16.
 Step-over the subtraction and notice the value of c. The int data type by default is
not signed, so c cannot be the expected –6. The modular arithmetic works like a car
odometer when the car is in reverse only in binary. For example, 00000001 minus 1 is
00000000, subtract another 1 and you get 11111111.
 Reset and again step up to the c=a+b. Click the Eval tab. This pane allows a one time
expression evaluation. Type in a+b and click Eval to see the debugger and calculate the
result. The complete expression may also be put in the watch pane as well. Now enter
b=10 and click Eval. This expression will actually change the value of B if the “keep side
effects” check box of the evaluation tab is checked. Check it and click Eval again. Step
over the addition line and click the Watch tab to observe the c value was calculated with
the new value of b.

A Modify the program to include the following C operators to see how they work:
* / % & ^
Then, with b=2 try these operators: >> <<
Finally, try the unary complement operator with: c=~a;
B Design a program to test the results of the relational operators:
< > = = !=
by exercising them with b as 10, 11, and 12.
Then, try the logical operators || and && with the four combinations of a=0,1
and b=0,1.
Finally, try the unary not operator with: c=!a; when a is 0 and 1.
CAN Bus Exercise Book
 The MCP250xx parts used on Nodes C and D allow for discrete input, output and
analog input. These parts have internal registers that set the device ID, the directions
of the pins, values of the outputs, scheduling information for outgoing frames, and more.
These registers are initialized by programming the part on a Microchip Pro Mate II. The
registers can also be read and modified at run time.
 The MCP250xx part for Node D has been programmed with a base ID of 0x400. The low
three bits of the ID specify a function. For example, 0x400 is a write-register command
and 0x404 is a write-configuration comand. Table 4-2 in the data sheet explains the
identifier usage.
 The write-register command has three bytes of data namely, a register, mask, and value.
The value is written to the specified register changing only the bits specified in the mask.
For example, in the previous program, a frame was sent with ID 0x400 and data 0x1E,
0x7F, 0x40. 0x1E is the output latch for the GP pins. 0x7F caused GP7 to be unchanged
(connected to decimal point). The value 0x40 puts a low on pins GP0 to GP5 and a high
on GP6. Note that the registers listed in the data sheet table 3-1 use addresses for the
internal EEPROM. The RAM addresses are 0x1C higher.
 Example:
Send a frame with ID 0x400 and data 0x1E, 0x80, 0x00 to turn on the DP
0x400 -- Node D
0x1E -- Output Latch register
0x80 -- Only change Bit 7
0x00 -- All zeros (only Bit 7 relevant)
A 0 or low lights the segment

CCS, Inc.
 Node C has three LEDs: Red (GP1), Yellow (GP2) and Green (GP3). Add the following
function to ccscana.c:

#define WRITE_REGISTER_C_ID 0x300

enum colors {RED=0,YELLOW=1,GREEN=2};

void write_c_led(colors led, short on) {

int buffer[3];

while(!(can_putd(WRITE_REGISTER_C_ID, buffer, 3, 1, TRUE, FALSE))); }

 Add the following logic to the main program loop in EX6.c and save as a new file.

write_c_led(GREEN, i>1);
write_c_led(YELLOW, i>4);
write_c_led(RED, i>7);

 The program should display 0-9 on the LED and light the green, yellow and red LEDs on Node C,
if, according to the value, is >1, >4, >7 respectively.

CAN Bus Exercise Book

 The MCP250xx part used on Node C has been programmed to send a frame whenever
one of the pushbuttons change value (GP4-GP6).
 The following program will read CAN bus messages looking for that specific ID. It will
then light a LED depending on the button pressed.
 Add this line to ccsana.c:
#define NODE_C_PUSHBUTTON_ID 0x303
 Enter the following code and save as EX9.c, then compile and load into Node A.

#include <ccscana.c>

void main() {
int buffer[8],rx_len,rxstat;
int32 rx_id;


can_putd(0x100,0,0,1,TRUE,FALSE); //send an on-bus message

//to wake up mcp250x0’s
delay_ms(1000); //wait for node c to power-up

while(TRUE) {
if ( can_kbhit() ) {
if(can_getd(rx_id, &buffer[0], rx_len, rxstat))
if (rx_id == NODE_C_PUSHBUTTON_ID) {
write_c_led(YELLOW, !bit_test(buffer[1],4));
write_c_led(GREEN, !bit_test(buffer[1],5));
write_c_led(RED, !bit_test(buffer[1],6));

CCS, Inc.
 The write_c_led function calls send a frame to Node C to light a LED. We will now add
a program to Node B to look for this same data and perform the same action at Node B,
name this file EX9A.c.

#include <16F876A.h>

#use delay(clock=2500000)

#include <can-mcp2510 .c>

#define RED_LED PIN_A1

#define GREEN_LED PIN_A3
#define WRITE_REGISTER_C_ID 0x300

#use rs232(baud=9600,xmit=PIN_C6,rcv=PIN_C7)

void main ( )
int32 rx_id;
int rx_len, rxstat,buffer[8];
int1 a,b;

a = b = FALSE;

can_init ( );

while ( TRUE )
if ( can_kbhit ( ) )
if ( can_getd ( rx_id , &buffer [ 0 ] , rx_len , rxstat ) )
if ( rx_id == WRITE_REGISTER_C_ID && buffer [ 0 ] == 0x1e )
if ( buffer [ 1 ] & 4 )
a = buffer [ 2 ];
if ( buffer [ 1 ] & 8 )
b = buffer [ 2 ];

output_bit(YELLOW_LED,!(b==TRUE && a==FALSE));
output_bit(GREEN_LED,!(a==TRUE && b==FALSE));

CAN Bus Exercise Book

 The MCP25050 can be configured for up to four analog inputs. The A/D converter is 10
bits (0-1023). The following program makes a request for the ID with A/D results 10 times
per second, then waits for the frame to be sent with that ID. This is a clear example which
shows these features. However, it is not a good scheme for a real application. This
program will hang if the MCP25050 does not answer.
 Enter this program, save as EX10.c, compile, and load into Node A. Test the program by
turning the Node C pot. Node A should use the A/D reading to display a number 0-9 on
the Node D LED.

#include <ccscana.c>

void main() {
int1 waiting;
int buffer[8],rx_len,rxstat;
int32 rx_id;


can_putd(0x100,0,0,1,TRUE,FALSE); //send an on-bus message

//to wake up mcp250x0’s
delay_ms(1000); //wait for node c to power-up

while(TRUE) {
can_putd(WRITE_REGISTER_C_ID, 0, 8, 1, TRUE, TRUE);
while(waiting) {
if ( can_kbhit() )
if(can_getd(rx_id, &buffer[0], rx_len, rxstat))
if (rx_id == WRITE_REGISTER_C_ID) {

CCS, Inc.
 The rate the data is updated to the display is determined by the delay_ms line. Try a
delay_ms(1000) to get a feel for how that lag works. Then try a delay_ms(1).
 Up to this point, the settings on the MCP25050 have governed what is
pre-programmed into the EEPROM. In this next program, the pre-programmed settings
will be changed. This chip has the capability to send certain messages when specific,
one-time events happen or when events happen on a regular basis. The chip will be
programmed to send out the analog frame roughly 10 times per second.
 Add #define NODE_C_SCHEDULED 0x301 to ccscana.c and create a file named
EX10A.c and enter the following code:

#include <ccscana.c>

void main() {
int buffer[8],rx_len,rxstat;
int32 rx_id;


can_putd(0x100,0,0,1,TRUE,FALSE); //send an on-bus message

//to wake up mcp250x0’s
delay_ms(1000); //wait for node c to power-up

buffer[2]=0xD7; // Sched ON, For READ ADC, clock *4096 *16 * 7
can_putd(WRITE_REGISTER_C_ID, buffer, 3, 1, TRUE, FALSE);

while(TRUE) {
if ( can_kbhit() ) {
if(can_getd(rx_id, &buffer[0], rx_len, rxstat)) {
if (rx_id == NODE_C_SCHEDULED) {

CAN Bus Exercise Book

 The following program is intended for Node B. It will take all frames from the CAN bus
and send them over RS-232 link. A PC must be connected to the RS-232 port to view
the data. Use the SIOW program to view the data on the RS-232 port. Enter the following
code and save as EX11.c.

#include <16F876A.H>
#use delay(clock=2500000)
#use rs232(baud=9600, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7)

#include <can-mcp2510.c>

void main() {
int32 rx_id;
int i, rx_len, buffer[8];
struct rx_stat rxstat;


while(TRUE) {
if ( can_kbhit() ) {
if(can_getd(rx_id, &buffer[0], rx_len, rxstat)) {
printf(“%LX: (%U) “,rx_id,rx_len);
if (!rxstat.rtr) {
printf(“%X “,buffer[i]);
if (rxstat.rtr) {printf(“ R “);}
if (rxstat.err_ovfl) {printf(“ O “);}
if (rxstat.inv) {printf(“ I “);}

 Enter, compile, and load this program into Node B. Load the EX9.c program into Node A.
 Notice the CAN bus activity between Nodes A and C when the push buttons are pressed
and reported over the RS-232 port.

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Sample Output:
00000300: (8) R
00000401: (0)
00000301: (0)
00000303: (2) 40 3E
00000300: (3) 1E 04 FF
00000300: (3) 1E 08 FF
00000303: (2) 40 3C
00000300: (3) 1E 04 FF
00000300: (3) 1E 08 FF

CAN Bus Exercise Book

 RS-232 printf statements can be a good tool to help debug a program. It does, however,
require an extra hardware setup to use. If the ICD is being used as a debug tool, the
compiler can direct putc() and getc() through the debugger interface to the debugger
screen. Change the RS232 line from Chapter 11 to the following:
#use rs232 (DEBUGGER, xmit = PIN_B5, rev = PIN_B5)
 and add #device ICD=TRUE.
 Compile and load the program into Node B.
 Click GO, then click the Monitor tab.
 A prompt should appear. Enter some data to confirm that the program is working.
 Stop and reset the program.
 Set a breakpoint on the line:
 Click the debugger Break Log tab, check the LOG box, set the breakpoint as 1 and
expression as rxstat.rtr. Result is the value of the number being converted.
 Click GO, then click the Log tab and notice that each time the breakpoint was hit the value
of the rxstat.rtr variable was logged. In this case the breakpoint did not cause a full stop
of the program, it just logged the value of the requested expression and kept on going.
 Stop the program.
 Delete the breakpoint by selecting the breakpoint and click on the icon.
 Uncheck the LOG box under the log tab.
 Set a breakpoint on the last printf() in the program.
 Enter watches for rxstat.rtr, rxstat.err_ovfl, and rxstat.inv..
 Click GO.
 When the break is reached click on the snapshot icon:
 Check Time and Watches, uncheck everything else.
 If a printer is connected to the PC select Printer, otherwise select Unique file.
 Click on the Now button.
 Notice the requested data (time and watches) are either printed or written to a file as
 Click on the snapshot icon again and this time select Append to file, put in a filename of
EX12.TXT and check After each single step.

CCS, Inc.
 Check Last C line executed in addition to the Time and Watch selected already and
close the snapshot window.
 Reset and then Step Over until the final printf() is executed.
 Use File>Open>Any File to find the file EX12.TXT (by default in the Debugger Profiles
directory) after setting the file type to all files.
 Notice the log of what happened with each step over command.
 Uncheck the After each single step in the snapshot window.
 Click Reset then Go.
 When the break is reached click on the Peripherals tab and select Timer 0.
 Shown will be the registers associated with timer 0. Although this program does not use
timer 0 the timer is always running so there is a value in the TMR0 register. Write this
value down.
 Clear the breakpoints and set a new breakpoint.
 Click GO.
 Check the TMR0 register again. If the new value is higher than the previous value then
subtract the previous value from the current value. Otherwise, add 256 to the current
value and then subtract the previous value (because the timer flipped over).
 The number we now have is the number of clock ticks it took to execute the switch and
addition. A clock tick by default is 0.2ms. Multiply your number of ticks by 0.2 to find the
time in ms. Note that the timers (and all peripherals) are frozen as soon as the program
stops running.

A The debugger Eval tab can be used to evaluate a C expression. This
includes assignments. Set a break before the switch statement and use the
Eval window to change the operator being used. For example, type a + but
change it to a - before the switch.
B Set a break on the switch statement and when reached, change to the
C/ASM view and single step through the switch statement. Look up the
instructions executed in the PIC16F876A data sheet to see how the switch
statement is implemented. This implementation is dependent on the case
items being close to each other. Change * to ~ and then see how the
implementation changes.

CAN Bus Exercise Book

 Looking at the previous program it is clear that the processor must spend time reading
every frame on the CAN bus. This processing time is spent even though that node only
has interest in one message type. With a large number of nodes on the CAN bus, this
can cause considerable wasted processing time. The solution is to get the CAN bus
controller hardware to filter the data and only bother the microcontroller with data that is
of interest. The following are several popular methods for filtering.
BCAN – Basic CAN
 The system is designed such that various bits in ID are used to group common
frames together. A mask and reference ID are programmed into the CAN bus
controller. If (FRAME_ID & MASK) == REF_ID, the frame is saved for the
microcontroller; otherwise it is discarded. It is common in a BCAN controller to
assign a priority to outgoing frames. This way as the controller waits for bus time
messages can be sorted.
 Advanced variations of BCAN can allow multiple masks and reference IDs to be
 BCAN is the scheme used on the Microchip CAN controllers. Microchip has two
buffers. One allows a mask and two reference IDs. The other allows a mask and
four reference IDs.
 A list of all possible IDs of interest to the microcontroller is programmed into
the CAN controller. A buffer is allocated in the controller for each ID. The
microcontroller can then poll for data by checking buffers of interest or program
certain ID’s to generate an interrupt. The same buffer scheme is used for
outgoing frames. The FCAN controller can handle requests for a particular ID
without microcontroller intervention.
 Consider the previous program. If we had a FCAN controller then instead of
waiting for a message and then acting on it the software could just request the
last frame for a given ID and use the data. The same data might be used over
and over until it is replaced.
 Advanced variations of FCAN allow BCAN like masks to be applied to buffers.

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 DCAN – Direct CAN
This is a hybrid approach with BCAN-like masks and reference IDs, FCAN-like
individual receive buffers, and a BCAN-like transmit buffer.
 TTCAN – Time Triggered CAN
The bus bandwidth is split into time slots. Specific frame IDs are assigned to certain
timeslots. This limits the frequency for the data and helps nodes to know when to be
looking for data.
 The following program will set up filtering on the Node B data monitoring program. We
will set the mask and reference ID to only monitor data to Node D. Load EX10.c into
Node A and EX11.c (with the following additions) into Node B after the can_init() line:

can_set_mode(CAN_OP_CONFIG); //must be in config mode

//before params can be set


CAN Bus Exercise Book

 The newer version of Microchip’s CAN module is known as the Enhanced Controller
Area Network or simply ECAN. This newer module can be found on the PIC18F2480,
the PIC18F2580, the PIC18F4480, and the PIC18F4580. The CCS Bus board uses
the PIC18F4580 on revision 2 and higher. The ECAN module is completely backwards
compatible with the original CAN module, however, it offers many new features which are
accessible by changing the functional mode of operation of which there are three.
 Mode 0: Legacy Mode
Mode 0 is the default mode of the PIC processor and is virtually identical to the
original CAN module. Any code that was written for the original CAN module will
work under mode 0 operation.
 Mode 1: Enhanced Legacy Mode
Mode 1 is similar to mode two but adds six programmable buffers and ten new filters.
This mode also provides an automatic RTR response function.
 Mode 2: Enhanced FIFO Modes
Mode 2 uses a first in first out approach to reception buffers. This new method
allows for data to be retrieved with less memory and time overhead that the original
CAN. Mode 2, like mode 1, has an automatic RTR response function.
 Switching modes is done using the set_functional_mode function. The parameter to this
function is simply the functional mode of operation to switch to. This can be either a 0,1,
or 2 or the labels ECAN_LEGASY, ECAN_ENHANCED_LEGASY, or

CCS, Inc.
 The following code shows the necessary includes to perform ECAN operations.
Notice that the PIC18F4580 is now included instead of the PIC18F458.

#include <18F4580.h>
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#include <can-18F4580.c>

void main()
// can must be initialized.

can_set_functional_mode(1); // switch to Enhanced Legacy Mode

// mode one ECAN code an other source code

// would be place here

CAN Bus Exercise Book

 Both mode 1 and mode 2 functional modes add six programmable buffers to the five
dedicated buffers. These buffers, as their names imply, can be used to either transmit or
receive data across the CAN bus. In order to set the functionality of a buffer, the can_
enable_b_transfer, and the can_enable_b_receiver, functions can be used. The values
of the parameters are actually binary flags so it is simpler to just use the defined labels
B0 – B5 where B0 is the zeroth buffer. It should also be noted that because the values
are binary flag values, these functions can set multiple buffers at a time by simply using a
logical OR operation on the arguments when they are passed to the function. Below are
some examples of how these functions might be used.

can_enable_b_transfer(B0); // enables B0 as transfer

can_enable_b_receiver(B5); // enables B5 as receiver

can_enable_b_transfer(B0 | B5); // enables both B0

// and B5 as transfer

can_enable_b_receiver(B0 | B1 | B2 | B3 | B4 | B5);
// enables all buffers
// as receivers

 On reset, all of the programmable buffers are set to receive data, therefore the last
example above would only be needed if all buffers had been configured to transmit.

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CAN Bus Exercise Book
 Transmitting and receiving under functional operating mode one is almost completely
the same as with mode zero. The basic get and put data functions can still be used to
transfer data and logical functions such as can_kbhit() can still be used to test if data
has been received. As noted in the last chapter, in order to use the extra programmable
buffers as transmit buffers, they must be set using the appropriate functions as all of the
programmable buffers default to receive on reset.
 First, enter the following code, save as EX16.c, compile it and then load it into node B.

demonstration of use of transmit and receive functions using ecan

#include <16F876A.h>
#use delay(clock=2500000)
#use rs232(baud=9600,xmit=PIN _ C6,rcv=PIN _ C7)
#include <can-mcp2510.c>

void main()
int32 rx _ id;
int rx _ len;
struct rx _ stat stat;
int data[8]={7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0};
int receive[8];

can _ init();

if(can _ kbhit())
can _ getd(rx _ id,receive,rx _ len,stat);
printf(“Data has been received\n\r”);
can _ putd(0x600,data,8,3,TRUE,FALSE);
printf(“Data has been sent\n\r”);
printf(“no data found\n\r”);
delay _ ms(3000);

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 This program is a simple echo program, it enters an infinite loop and then tests to see
if there is data waiting in any of the buffers. If there is, it then loads that data, prints a
statement acknowledging that it has loaded the data and then puts some different data
onto the bus. After acknowledging that the data has been sent, the if statement exits, and
there is a three second delay before the cycle starts again.
 Next, we will enter a program that will send the first program some data and listen for
a response using functional mode one. Enter the following code save as EX16A.c,
compiler and load into node A.

demonstration of use of transmit and receive functions usine ecan

#include <18F4580.h>
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#use rs232(baud=9600,xmit=PIN _ C6,rcv=PIN _ C7)
#include <can-18F4580.c>

void main ( )
int32 rx _ id;
int rx _ len,i;
struct rx _ stat stat;
int data[8]={15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8};

CAN Bus Exercise Book


int receive[8];

can _ init(); // always initialize the can

can _ set _ functional _ mode(1);

printf(“%i “,data[i]);
printf(“\n\ris being placed on the bus with id 0x500\n\r\n\r”);

can _ putd(0x500,data,8,3,TRUE,FALSE);

while(!can _ kbhit()); // wait for a response

can _ getd(rx _ id,receive,rx _ len,stat);

printf(“%i “,receive[i]);
printf(“\n\rwas received with id %Lx\n\r\n\r”,rx _ id);

delay _ ms(3000);

 This program could potentially be run using legacy mode as all of the functions used can
be found in the regular CAN device drivers. In fact, because none of the programmable
buffers were set to transmit, the program is still sort of running in legacy mode. In order
to make use of some of the programmable buffers, the can_enable_b_transfer function
would need to be used.
 The following is sample output from node A.

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
is being placed on the bus with id 0x500

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
was received with id 00000600

 There are certain instances in which the program may only need to access the transmit
buffer once every few seconds and therefore will only ever use one transmit buffer.
There are functions included in the ECAN device library that will allow the user to set up
a specific transmit register.
 Replace the following line of code and save as a new file named EX16B.c.

can _ putd(0x500,data,8,3,TRUE,FALSE);
with this.
can _ t0 _ putd(0x500,data,8,3,TRUE,FALSE);

 This will attempt to place the data into the zeroth transmit register. If the buffer happens
to be transmitting or full, the function will return false otherwise it will return true. Each
buffer has a function associated with it. These functions are as follows.

can _ t0 _ putd
can _ t1 _ putd
can _ t2 _ putd

can _ b0 _ putd
can _ b1 _ putd
can _ b2 _ putd
can _ b3 _ putd
can _ b4 _ putd
can _ b5 _ putd

 The first three functions will write to the dedicated transmit buffers while the last six will
write to the programmable buffers. It should be noted again, that in order to use the last
six functions, each associated buffer must be set to transmit mode.
 The purpose of these functions is mainly to reduce the amount of program memory
dedicated to placing data on the bus. In the case of the original CAN bus, there were
only three buffers to check, however, now there are nine. If only one transmit register is
needed, it is much more efficient not to test each buffer and simply write to the buffer that
is to be used.
CAN Bus Exercise Book
 Recall that in mode zero, there were six filters and two masks. Each mask was assigned
to one of the receive buffers and each receive buffer had a certain number of filters. The
mask register was used to determine which bits of the incoming ID the filter should be
applied two. Therefore if the mask had a value of 0x01, only the least significant bit would
have the filter applied to it. The filter was used as a reference to determine which I.D.s
to accept and which to reject. If, for instance, the filter was 0xFF, only numbers with the
value of 0xFF would be accepted unless the mask only applied that filter to certain bits,
in which case, the bits that the filter was applied to would need to be high in order to be
accepted by the filter.
 In mode zero, receive register zero had two filters and receive register one had four
filters. In mode one, there are sixteen filters and each one can be dynamically associated
with any of the receive registers including the programmable ones. Each filter can then
be dynamically associated with either of the two masks. For example, mask one could
be associated with filter two which could then be associated with programmable buffer
three. In which case, any data coming in would need to pass through mask one and then
be accepted by filter two in order to be loaded into the third programmable buffer.
 It must be noted that many filters can be associated with a single buffer, but multiple
buffers can not be associated with the same filter.
 The steps then for setting up filters in mode one are as follows.
1. Load masks and filters with desired Ids using the can_set_id function.
2. Associate each used filter with a mask using the can_associate_filter_to_mask function.
3. Associate each used filter with a buffer using the can_associate_filter_to_buffer function.
 Enter the following code and save as EX17.c compile, and load the following source code into node B.

#include <16F876A.h>
#use delay(clock=2500000)
#use rs232(baud=9600,xmit=PIN_C6,rcv=PIN_C7)
#include <can-mcp2510.c>

void main()
int data[8]={7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0};



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 This is a simple trasmitter program that sends out data with several I.D.s.

 Next, enter the following code and save as EX17A.c.

#include <18F4580.h>
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#use rs232(baud=9600,xmit=PIN_C6,rcv=PIN_C7)
#include <can-18F4580.c>

void main ( )
int32 rx_id;
int rx_len,i;
struct rx_stat stat;
int receive[8];

can_init(); // always initialize the can




CAN Bus Exercise Book


if(can_kbhit()) // wait for a response


printf(“%i “,receive[i]);
printf(“\n\rwas received with id %Lx\n\r\n\r”,rx_id);


 This program simply listens to the bus and prints out the data and the ID as they are
received. The following is sample output from this code.
was received with id 00000600
was received with id 00000700
was received with id 00000800
was received with id 00000900
 Try to filter out all of the I.D.s except for 0x600. To do this, add the following code right
after can_set_functional_mode(1) and save as a new file named EX17B.c.


CCS, Inc.
can_associate_filter_to_buffer(ARXB0, F0BP);
can_associate_filter_to_buffer(ARXB1, F1BP);
can_associate_filter_to_buffer(AB0, F2BP);
can_associate_filter_to_buffer(AB1, F3BP);
can_associate_filter_to_buffer(AB2, F4BP);
can_associate_filter_to_buffer(AB3, F5BP);
can_associate_filter_to_buffer(AB4, F6BP);
can_associate_filter_to_buffer(AB5, F7BP);

 The first line sets up the mask ID. In this case, only bytes two and three will have the filter
applied to them. This works well for us because the only addresses that we are dealing
with are 0x600, 0x700, 0x800, and 0x900. If we were expecting an address such as
0x5432, it would probably be best to load the mask with the value 0xFFFF.
 The second block sets all of the filter I.D.s to 0x600. This is so that when we associate
each buffer to the filter, it will only be possible for data with an ID value of 0x600 to make
it into the buffer.
 The third block associates filters zero through seven with the zeroth acceptance mask.
Under mode one operation, there are four possible masks that can be associated with a
filter. These are as follows.
 The fourth block associates filters zero through seven with the receive buffers zero
through seven. In this way, all receive buffers are associated with a different filter. Each
filter has the same value ID, and each filter is associated with the same acceptance
 After compiling and running the code, the output should look something like this.
was received with ID 00000600
was received with ID 00000600
was received with ID 00000600
 As can be seen by the output, only 0x600 IDs are allowed into the receive buffers.

CAN Bus Exercise Book

 The ECAN module provides a first in first out (FIFO) functional mode that allows received
data to be retrieved without having to manually look at each buffer to see if it is full.
When data comes into a register, an internal pointer available to read though one of the
ECAN registers, points to the buffer that has the data. If more data were to come in while
the data was being processed the pointer would point to the first buffer that had been
filled. For example, if buffers zero, five, four, and then seven were filled in that order, the
pointer would first point to buffer zero. Once buffer zero had been read, the pointer would
point to buffer five. Once buffer five had been read the pointer would point to four and so
on until there were no full registers. All of the described functionality is taken care of in
the device drivers, however it is beneficial to understand how the process works.
 The FIFO buffer must consist of at least the two dedicated receive registers, however
it can also consist of some or all of the programmable buffers provided by the ECAN
module. The entire FIFO buffer can, therefore, be anywhere between two to eight receive
buffers long. The length of the FIFO buffer is determined by which of the programmable
buffers is set to be a transmit buffer. The lowest programmable buffer configured to
transmit is the cut off point for the FIFO buffer. For example, if the lowest programmable
transmit buffer was B3, than the FIFO buffer would consist of the two dedicated receive
buffers along with B0, B1, and B2, creating a five buffer FIFO buffer. If B0 was a transmit
buffer, than the FIFO buffer would only consist of the two dedicated receive register and
would only be two buffers deep. If all of the programmable buffers were set to receive,
then the FIFO buffer would be eight buffers deep, the maximum size.
 Enter the following code save as EX18.c, compile, and load the following source code
into node B.

#include <16F876A.h>
#use delay(clock=2500000)
#use rs232(baud=9600,xmit=PIN_C6,rcv=PIN_C7)
#include <can-mcp2510.c>

void main()
int data[8]={7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0};



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 This program simply sends eight consecutive data frames, and then delays three
seconds before doing repeating. We will use these data frames to demonstrate how the
FIFO system works and how the length of the FIFO can be changed.
 Enter the following code and save as EX18A.c, compile, and load this source code into node A.

#include <18F4580.h>
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#use rs232(baud=9600,xmit=PIN_C6,rcv=PIN_C7)
#include <can-18F4580.c>

void main ( )
int32 rx_id;
int rx_len,i;
struct rx_stat stat;
int receive[8];

can_init(); // always initialize the can




CAN Bus Exercise Book


if(can_kbhit()) // wait for a response

printf(“%i “,receive[i]);
printf(“\n\rid = %Lx\n\r”,rx_id);
printf(“buffer = %i\n\r\n\r”,stat.buffer);

 This code uses the can_fifo_getd function as apposed to the can_getd function. This new
function uses the pointer described above to retrieve the data from the buffer in stead of
polling each buffer to see if data has been received. This significantly reduces the amount
of program memory used and cuts the amount of time that it takes to execute the function.
 Below is a sample of the first three seconds of output.
id = 00000100
buffer = 0
id = 00000200
buffer = 1
id = 00000300
buffer = 2
id = 00000400
buffer = 3
id = 00000500
buffer = 4

CCS, Inc.
ID = 00000600
buffer = 5
ID = 00000700
buffer = 6
ID = 00000800
buffer = 7
 Notice the output that eight data frames where received and that the FIFO system filled
the receive buffers in order from zero to seven where zero and one are the dedicated
receive buffers and two through seven are the programmable buffers.
 Add the following line to the program just after the can_set_functional_mode
function call and save as a new file named EX18B.c.
 This not only enables the B2 programmable buffer to be a transmit buffer, it also cuts the
FIFO buffer by half because now the only registers used are the two dedicated buffers
and programmable buffers B0 and B1.
 The output for the modified program is as follows.
id = 00000500
buffer = 0
id = 00000600
buffer = 1
id = 00000700
buffer = 2
id = 00000800
buffer = 3
 In order to get the FIFO buffer to its maximum size, any programmable buffers that need
to be configured as transmit buffers should use the higher buffers. For example if two
transmit buffers are needed beyond the three dedicated transmit buffers, they should be
set to programmable buffers B4 and B5 because that way B0 through B3 can be used as
receive buffers for the FIFO buffer.

CAN Bus Exercise Book

 Filters in mode two work a little differently than filters in modes zero and one. In the
previous modes, the filters were associated with a given register either statically or
dynamically. In modes zero and one, the buffers where thought of as individual and could
therefore be associated with individual filters. In FIFO mode, however, buffers are not
thought of as individual buffers but rather as part of the entire FIFO buffer. It would not
make sense to associate a filter to a buffer because that buffer may never be needed by
the FIFO system. Therefore, any filter that is enabled, will act as if it were associated with
all of the buffers in the FIFO buffer. Each individual filter, however, can still be dynamically
associated with one of the two masks.
 The process to set up the filters in FIFO mode is as follows.
1. Enable any filters that will be needed and disable all that will not using the
can_enable_filter and can_disable_filter functions.
2. Set the mask and filter IDs to the needed values using the can_set_id function.
3. Associate each filter to the required masks using the
can_associate_filter_to_mask function.
 Once this has been done, only IDs that match any of the filter values will be allowed into
the FIFO buffer.
 Add the following code to the node A program from chapter 18 and save as a new file
named EX19.c .




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 Make sure that the node B program from chapter 18 is still running on node B. Compile
and load the node A program into node A. After opening the serial port interface program,
the output should look like the following.
id = 00000400
buffer = 6]
id = 00000800
buffer = 7
id = 00000400
buffer = 0
id = 00000800
buffer = 1

CAN Bus Exercise Book

 Until now, all received data needed to be read, processed, and responded too entirely in
software. It would be nice if it was possible to load data into one of the transmit buffers,
give that buffer an ID, and then tell that buffer which ID to respond too when a remote
transmission was requested. Once all of these buffer parameters have been set, the
hardware would then do the work of filtering the ID and responding to the received
message. This is exactly what the auto-RTR functionality of the ECAN module is for and
it is available on any of the programmable buffers.
 The following is a list of steps that need to be taken to set up one of the buffers to
automatically respond to remote requests.
1. Set the functional mode to either one or two using the set_functional_mode
2. Configure the desired programmable buffer to be a transmit buffer using the
can_enable_b_transfer function.
3. Enable any filters that are needed and disable any that are not using the can_
enable_filter and can_disable_filter functions.
4. Set the ID of the masks, the filters, and the transmit buffers that will be used,
using the can_set_id function.
5. Associate the filter to a mask and, the filter to the buffer using the can_
associate_filter_to_mask and can_associate_filter_to_buffer functions.
6. Load the desired data into the desired transmit buffer using the can_load_rtr
7. Finally, enable the desired transmit buffer as an RTR buffer using the can_
enable_rtr function.

CCS, Inc.
 To demonstrate the auto-RTR functionality, we will first load the following test program
into node B. Enter the following code and save as EX20.c

#include <16F876A.h>
#use delay(clock=2500000)
#use rs232(baud=9600,xmit=PIN_C6,rcv=PIN_C7)
#include <can-mcp2510.c>

void main()
int32 rx_id;
int rx_len,i;
struct rx_stat stat;
int data[8]={7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0};
int receive[8];




printf(“data received!\n\r”);
printf(“%i “,receive[i]);

printf(“data not received.\n\r”);

CAN Bus Exercise Book

 This program simply puts data onto the CAN bus and then checks to see if anything was
sent back. If data was sent back, it will print the data and the ID of the sender, if not,
a message will be displayed. Notice that the last parameter of the can_putd function
is now set to true. This tells the function that the bit frame should request a remote
response instead of simply sending the data. This would be like getting a return request
in an email or a letter, it simply tells the receiver that the sender would like a response to
the message.
 Next, we will write a program for node A that will respond to the RTR messages being
sent from node B. Enter the following code and save as EX20A.c

#include <18F4580.h>
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#use rs232(baud=9600,xmit=PIN_C6,rcv=PIN_C7)
#include <can-18F4580.c>

void main ( )
int data[8]={15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8};

can_init(); // always initialize the can






CCS, Inc.






 This program simply follows the seven steps listed above and then enters an infinite loop
which does nothing. All receive and transmit work is done completely in hardware.
 Insert the serial cable into the jack on node B and open the serial port interface. As the
program is loaded into node A, the output should look something like this:
data not received.
data not received.
data not received.
data not received.
data received!
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
data received!
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
data received!
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8

CAN Bus Exercise Book

As previously noted, there is no standard physical interface. The PCA82C251 chips used
on the prototype board use a popular 2-wire CAN bus. Connections can be made directly
from the prototyping board to an external CAN bus via the 3-pin connector at the top of
the board (CANL, CANH and Ground). When using this connection over some distance,
a 120 ohm resistor should be put on both ends of the bus. This driver chip can handle up
to 110 nodes and a total bus length of 100 feet. The bus can be much longer if a slow-bit
time is used.
An extra driver chip has been installed on the prototype board. This allows for an easy
connection to an external CAN controller that has TTL output. The three pin connection
has Transmit, Receive and Ground connections to the spare PCA82C251 chip.

Some CAN Transceivers

Nodes Speed Tolerant
Philips PCA82C251 110 1 meg NO
PCA82C252 15 125k YES
TJA1054 32 125k YES Low EMC

Maxim MAX3058 32 1 meg NO

MAX3050 32 2 meg NO
MAX3054 32 250k YES

TI SN65LBC031 500k NO
SN65HVD251 120 1 meg NO
SN65HVD232 120 1 meg NO 3.3V

CCS, Inc.
All nodes on the bus must have the same target bit time. The fastest time allowed by the
PCA82C251 is 1 million bits per second.
A single-bit time is divided into four segments:
Sync period
Propagation period (allow for delays between nodes)
Phase 1 period
Phase 2 period
The data is sampled for the bit between phase 1 and phase 2.
Each of the four segment times may be programmed in terms of a base time (Time
Quanta or Tq).
The baud rate settings are made in the .h files (like can-18xxx8.h). The following settings
have been made:
Sync period = 1 Tq
Propagation period = 3 Tq
Phase 1 period = 6 Tq
Phase 2 period = 6 Tq
The total bit time is therfor 16 Tq.
Tq is set via the prescaller. The formula is:
Tq = (2 x (prescaller+1))/clock
Use a clock of 20 mhz and have the prescaller set to 4. Therefore:
Tq = (2 x (4+1))/20000000 = 0.5 us
The bit time is 8 us or 125K.

One CAN Bit

Sync Propagation Phase I Phase II


CAN Bus Exercise Book

This booklet is not intended to be a tutorial for the C programming language. It does attempt
to cover the basic use and operation of the development tools. There are some helpful tips
and techniques covered, however, this is far from complete instruction on C programming.
For the reader not using this as a part of a class and without prior C experience the following
references should help.

PICmicro® MCU C: An introduction to The C Programming Language by

Exercise Programming the Microchip PIC® in Brian W. Kernighan and
CCS by Nigel Gardner Dennis M. Ritchie (2nd ed.)
3 1.1 The structure of C Programs 1.1 Getting Started
1.2 Components of a C Program 1.4 Symbolic Constants
1.3 main() 3.1 Statements and Blockx
1.5 #include 3.5 Loops
1.8 constants 1.11 The C Preprocessor
1.11 Macros
1.13 Hardware Compatibility
5.5 While loop
9.1 Inputs and Outputs
4 1.7 Variables 1.2 Variables and Arithmetic Expr
1.10 Functions 2.1 Variable Names
2.1 Data Types 2.2 Data Types and Sizes
2.2 Variable Declaration 2.3 Constants
2.3 Variable Assignment 2.4 Declarations
2.4 Enumeration 2.6 Relational and Logical Operators
3.1 Functions 3.4 Switch
3.4 Using Function Arguments 1.7 Functions
4.2 Relational Operators 1.8 Arguments
5.7 Nesting Program Control Statements 4.1 Basics of Functions
5.10 Switch Statement
5 4.3 Logical Operators 3.2 if-Else
4.4 Bitwise Operators 2.8 Increment and Decrement Ops
4.5 Increment and Decrement 2.90 Bitwise Operators
5.1 if Statements
5.2 if-else Statements
9.3 Advanced BIT Manipulation
6 4.1 Arithmetic Operators 2.5 Arithmetic Operators
7 9.5 A/D Conversion 3.3 Else
8 5.4 For Loop 1.3 The For Statement
6.1 One-Dimensional Arrays 1.6 Arrays
2.10 Assignments Operators and Exp
10 1.5 Character Input and Output
1.6 printf Function 2.6 Loops-Do-While
9.6 Data Comms/RS-232 7.1 Standard Input and Output
7.2 Formatted Output - printf
11 6.2 Strings 7.9 Character Arrays
6.4 Initializing Arrays 6.1 Basics of Structures
8.1 Introduction to Structures 6.3 Arrays of Structures

13 9.4 Timers

14 2.6 Type Conversion 2.7 Type Conversions

9.11 Interrupts
16 9.8 SPI Communications
17 9.7 I2C Communications
18 5.2 ? Operator 2.11 Conditional Expressions
19 4.6 Precedence of Operators 2.12 Precedence and Order Eval

On The Web

Comprehensive list of PIC® MCU Development

tools and information
Microchip Home Page

CCS Compiler/Tools Home Page

CCS Compiler/Tools Software Update Page
click: Support → Downloads
C Compiler User Message Exchange
Device Datasheets List
click: Support → Device Datasheets
C Compiler Technical Support
Other Development Tools

The ICD used in this booklet uses two I/O pins on the chip to communicate with a small debug
program in the chip. This is a basic debug tool that takes up some of the chip’s resources (I/O
pins and memory). An emulator replaces the chip with a special connector that connects to a unit
that emulates the chip. The debugging works in a simulator manner except that the chip has all of
its normal resources, the debugger runs faster and there are more debug features. For example
an emulator typically will allow any number of breakpoints. Some of the emulators can break on
an external event like some signal on the target board changing. Some emulators can break on
an external event like some that were executed before a breakpoint was reached. Emulators cost
between $500 and $3000 depending on the chips they cover and the features.

The ICD can be used to program FLASH chips as was done in these exercises. A stand alone
device programmer may be used to program all the chips. These programmers will use the .HEX
file output from the compiler to do the programming. Many standard EEPROM programmers do
know how to program the Microchip parts. There are a large number of Microchip only device
programmers in the $100-$200 price range. Note that some chips can be programmed once
(OTP) and some parts need to be erased under a UV light before they can be re-programmed
(Windowed). CCS offers the Mach X which is a stand-alone programmer and can be used as an
in-circuit debugger.

There are a large number of Prototyping boards available from a number of sources. Some
have an ICD interface and others simply have a socket for a chip that is externally programmed.
Some boards have some advanced functionality on the board to help design complex software.
For example, CCS has a Prototyping board with a full 56K modem on board and a TCP/IP stack
chip ready to run internet applications such as an e-mail sending program or a mini web server.
Another Prototyping board from CCS has a USB interface chip, making it easy to start developing
USB application programs.

A simulator is a program that runs on the PC and pretends to be a microcontroller chip. A
simulator offers all the normal debug capability such as single stepping and looking at variables,
however there is no interaction with real hardware. This works well if you want to test a math
function but not so good if you want to test an interface to another chip. With the availability of low
cost tools, such as the ICD in this kit, there is less interest in simulators. Microchip offers a free
simulator that can be downloaded from their web site. Some other vendors offer simulators as a
part of their development packages.
CCS Programmer Control Software

The CCSLOAD software will work for all the CCS device programmers and replaces the
older ICD.EXE and MACHX.EXE software. The CCSLOAD software is stand-alone and
does not require any other software on the PC. CCSLOAD supports ICD-Sxx, ICD-Uxx,
Mach X, Load-n-Go, and PRIME8.

Powerful Command Line Options in Windows and Linux

· Specify operational settings at the execution level
· Set-up software to perform, tasks like save, set target Vdd
· Preset with operational or control settings for user
Easy to use Production Interface
· Simply point, click and program
· Additions to HEX file organization include associating comments or a graphic image
to a file to better ensure proper file selection for programming
· Hands-Free mode auto programs each time a new target is connected to the programmer
· PC audio cues indicate success and fail
Extensive Diagnostics
· Each target pin connection can be individually tested
· Programming and debugging is tested with known good programs
· Various PC driver tests to identify specific driver installation problems
Enhanced Security Options
· Erase chips that failed programming
· Verify protected code cannot be read after programming
· File wide CRC checking
Automatic Serial Numbering Options
· Program memory or Data EEPROM
· Incremented, from a file list or by user prompt
· Binary, ASCII string or UNICODE string
CCS IDE owners can use the CCSLOAD program with:
· All CCS programmers and debuggers
How to Get Started:
Step 1: Connect Programmer to PC and target board. Software will auto-detect the
programmer and device.
Step 2: Select Hex File for target board.
Step 3: Select Test Target. Status bar will show current progress of the operation.
Step 4: Click “Write to Chip” to program the device.

Use the Diagnostics tab for troubleshooting or the ccsload.chm help file for additional assistance.
Tue Jun 28 12:55:03 2005
piccan.sch-2 - Tue Jun 28 12:55:06 2005
piccan.sch-3 - Tue Jun 28 12:55:06 2005
iccan.sch-4 - Tue Jun 28 12:55:06 2005
External External



MCP GP0 Node






B1 RS232

B4 C6,C7

Connector to attach to an external CANBus network.

Connector to attach another serial device to CANBus.

Converts serial to CANBus (transeiver).

7- segment LED
H L G Tx Rx G


Pot GP0

Push buttons

Pot AN0
Push button
A5 RS232

Pot AN0
Push button PIC18F4580



+5 B6 B4 B2 B0 D6 D4 D2 D0 C4 C2 C0 A4 A2 E2 EO G
+5 B7 B5 B3 B1 D7 D5 D3 D1 C5 C3 C1 A5 A3 A1 E1 G

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