Mech Tutorial 1
Mech Tutorial 1
Mech Tutorial 1
Course Instructor: Dr. Naveen Rawat Page 2
6. The position of a moving particle is at any instant given by ~r= A cos θı̂ + A sin θ̂. Show
that the force acting on it is a conservative one. Also calculate the total energy of the
7. Show that the Force F~ = (2xy + z3 )i + x2 j + 3xz2 k is conservative. Also calculate the
work done in moving it from position (0,1,1) to (5,6,7)
8. A particle is released at x=1 in a force field F~x = (2/x2 - x2 /2)i, x≥0 Find the equilibrium
position and check whether it is a stable or unstable equilibrium?
9. A particle is moved quasi-statically from the point (-3,0) to (3,0), along a path y =x2 -9,
in an external force field given by F~ = yı̂ + 3ŷ. What is the magnitude of the work done
on the particle.
10. The figure below shows a friction-less surface. A mass of 5kg is released from position P.
Compute the Kinetic energy at positions Q,R and S.