DeLaval Calf Feeders

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A go od start for

your future high

yielding cows
DeLaval calf feed

Your solution – every day

DeLaval calf feeders

Today’s calves are

tomorrow’s high
performance cows

Profitable milk production is to split the daily ration into small Flexibility and reliability
portions. DeLaval automated calf DeLaval calf feeders offer a whole
dependent upon healthy, high feeders help you to maximise the range of possibilities to help you raise
health, growth and future potential of your calves as you desire. With a
yielding cows. And as today’s all your calves by providing the right DeLaval calf feeder, you can:
feeding programme for each animal.
calves are tomorrow’s high • Save time - the system does the
The benefits include: work for you, providing milk 24
performance cows, the way you • Fast weight gain hours a day, 365 days a year.
• Good health • Create your own feeding schedule,
rear them can make all the dif- • Speedy development of the animal determining the optimum milk ration
as a ruminant for each calf.
ference. Calves that are healthy • Feed small portions regularly
A DeLaval automated calf feeder also throughout the day.
and fast-growing will reward allows you to wean your animals off • Provide perfectly dissolved and
milk gently, making the experience far blended milk replacer.
you with high yielding cows that less traumatic for them. • Provide milk that is always the right
are productive for many years. The closest alternative to nature • Feed your calves regularly around
DeLaval calf feeders imitate natural the clock, helping prevent cross-
rearing and provide relaxed and sucking.
But rearing calves well by hand is stress-free feeding. Because the • Wean your calves gently by
difficult and time-consuming. DeLaval calves are group housed, they gradually reducing their milk rations.
calf feeders not only maximise the benefit from increased activity, social
health and potential of your calves, stimulation and enhanced growth. But
they can help make your work far most importantly they suckle from a
less labour intensive – and save you teat, which provides many advantages
money. compared with bucket feeding:

The right solution for each calf • Promotes natural sucking behaviour
Calves need to be fed little and • Reduces cross-sucking
often in order to assimilate their food • Increases saliva production
properly. The abomasum can only • Makes calves drink more slowly
hold 2 litres of milk, so it is better • Prevents milk from entering the rumen

DeLaval calf feeders

DeLaval calf
feeder CF150X

Milk and concentrate station It’s easy to use – simply select from a
DeLaval calf feeder CF150X gives your number of predesigned feed plans, or
calves a great start in life. Although simply adjust the individual feed plan
it is the simplest calf feeder in the for a special calf.
DeLaval assortment, the CF150X is Delaval calf feeder CF150X allows
still very comprehensive. It combines you to feed your calves cow’s milk
a milk station with a totally integrated or milk-replacer or a combination of
concentrate station, enabling you to both.
monitor your calves’ intake of both
milk and concentrates and adjust their Suitable for farms of any size
feeding plans accordingly. For fast Each milk and concentrate station
developing calves, which have a high can handle up to 25 calves. You can
concentrate consumption, the milk feed more calves by connecting
ration can be reduced automatically, as many as four stations to one
so you can make substantial savings processor, which can then manage
on milk or milk replacer. up to 100 calves. But that’s only part
DeLaval CF150X is controlled of the story. By adding the software
by DeLaval feeding processor program DeLaval PC Link, you can
FP204X – the heart of the system. connect up to 10 processors and feed
For convenience, this can also up to 1000 calves – in a single totally
be integrated on the station. The integrated system.
processor enables you to select the
appropriate feed plan for each calf and
monitor the daily intake of its milk and
concentrate rations. DeLaval CF150X
recognises each calf entering the milk
or concentrate station by an electronic
transponder around its neck, and
dispenses the appropriate portion of
milk or concentrate according to that
calf’s feeding plan. And if for some
reason a calf doesn’t eat or drink, the
processor will let you know.
DeLaval CF150X

DeLaval calf feeders

DeLaval calf
feeders CF500
and CF1000

Rearing healthy calves feeder decides if it is allowed to drink,

DeLaval calf feeders CF500 and and how much. A minimum and
CF1000 offer a whole host of maximum portion of milk per visit
possibilities for professional calf can be set for each calf. Providing
rearing. Both models are durable, the calf is allowed to drink, the calf
low maintenance and provide a feeder immediately prepares a fresh
range of functions for advanced portion of milk at your predetermined
calf management. But while they temperature for example at –39°C the
look the same from the outside, calf feeder constantly measures the
there are several differences inside ambient air temperature and adjusts
– depending on your needs. the boiler temperature if a change is
Milk for each calf individually
DeLaval CF500 and CF1000 calf Feeding plan flexibility
feeders are both designed to deliver While your calves are most likely to
precise portions of milk for each calf, be physically grouped by age, they
Standard calf feeder for in small amounts around the clock, are fed according to their individual
feeding only milk replacer meeting its needs naturally. Each needs.
calf can be fed with cow’s milk, milk- DeLaval CF500 offers two feeding
replacer or a combination of both, and plans with milk portions of 0.25 litres.
if you choose to change the type of If a calf doesn’t drink, or only drinks
milk, you can do so gradually. a small part of their ration, you will
For example, you may choose to be alerted. DeLaval CF500 also
provide your youngest calves with milk- alerts you if a calf’s drinking speed
replacer, gradually switching to cow’s changes, as this could indicate the
milk as they mature. Another option onset of a health problem.
might be to feed male calves cow’s DeLaval CF1000 offers four feeding
milk, and female calves milk replacer. plans with a step size for increasing
and decreasing daily rations by
How it works just 100 ml. The portion size is also
As soon as a calf enters a milk station, defined precisely, varying between
it is recognised by its electronic 0.25 litres and 0.5 litres. For example
Heating system for feeding transponder and, according to the if a calf is allowed to drink 1.7 litres,
cow’s milk (optional) calf’s feeding plan, the DeLaval calf the first portion will be 0.35 litres,

DeLaval calf feeders

followed by two portions of 0.5 litres Durability, quality, capacity A profitable investment

and a final portion of 0.35 litres. If a While all the calf feeders in the Investing in a calf feeder can be a
calf doesn’t drink, or only drinks a DeLaval assortment offer excellent highly profitable investment for all
partial portion, DeLaval CF1000 lets durability and low maintenance, types of farm – large or small. With
you know exactly how much milk has DeLaval CF1000 has been designed calf health benefits, labour savings
been consumed. DeLaval CF1000 for heavy duty applications and is the and potential future milk yield, you
also offers plans for concentrates, recommended option if you want to can see how many ways a DeLaval
milk ratio, supplements, and more. rear more than 100 calves per year. calf feeder could positively impact
DeLaval CF1000 offers a number on your bottom line.
Teaching calves to drink of other benefits. For instance, with
DeLaval CF500 and CF1000 both offer 5 kW, it has double the heating
a learning function, which helps you capacity of DeLaval CF500, for faster
teach your calves how to suckle from heating of the water used to make
the feeder. When a new calf enters the the milk. It also features a more
milk station, you simply push a button rugged powder motor and circulation
to release a little milk from the teat. pump, designed for a longer life.
Once the calf gets this first taste of Finally, DeLaval CF1000 provides
the milk it should continue to suckle a storage option for 50 kg of milk-
without any further help. replacer powder, compared with the
standard 35 kg, so it doesn’t need
Milk stations to be refilled so often. It is easy to
DeLaval CF500 allows you to connect see when the powder needs to be
one or two milk stations. With one replenished.
station you are able to feed 25-30
calves, and with two stations 50-60 Integrate with herd management
calves (over a short period). With DeLaval CF500 and CF1000 are
DeLaval CF1000 you can connect stand-alone calf feeders, but can
up to four milk stations and feed at also be controlled by DeLaval herd
least 80 calves very comfortably. And management system. A cable-
if some of your milk stations need to connected handheld computer gives
be located far from the central unit, you access to all your important calf
a milk pump can be added to ensure data directly in the calf barn when
constant pressure and flow, enabling questions arise, and allows you to
your calves to drink easily. control ration adjustments. DeLaval CF500 and CF1000

DeLaval calf feeders

DeLaval concentrate station Additive doser Automatic cleaning system

Optional extras

Options for DeLaval CF500 Additive dosers Fully automatic cleaning with
and CF1000 Additive dosers allow you to add detergent pump
nutritional supplements to the feed of A detergent pump can be added
DeLaval concentrate station specific calves. For example you can to the automatic cleaning system
By adding DeLaval concentrate add Feedtech™ electrolytes or other of both the DeLaval CF500 and
stations to your calf feeding system, Feedtech™ products. Precision dosers CF1000 to implement a thorough
you can enjoy simple and efficient calf are available for powder additives and cleaning cycle. You don’t need to be
rearing with the automatic weaning dosing pumps for liquid additives. there – cleaning starts at a preset
function, helping save expensive milk- time and the detergents are added
replacer costs. By measuring how Anti-freezing kit automatically.
much concentrate each calf eats, If your calf feeder is exposed to sub-
you have the option of automatically zero temperatures in winter, you will
reducing the milk ration for calves that benefit from the installation of this
display a high feed intake at a young heating cable, to keep the water in
age. Calves that develop more slowly your calf feeder from freezing.
can simply continue on the normal
feed plan. Automatic early weaning
could save you in the region of 10 kg
of milk-replacer for each calf*.

* Source: Top Agrar, 12/98, Germany.

DeLaval CF500 and CF1000

in the stainless steel version

DeLaval calf feeders

DeLaval CalfManager Fly door Swing gate

DeLaval CalfManager Fly door Optional extras for all DeLaval

DeLaval CalfManager is a PC An optional fly door is available for calf feeders
program that is ideal if you have large both DeLaval CF500 and CF1000,
groups of calves. It can be linked to which prevents insects from entering Swing gate
one or more calf feeders and gives the unit and contaminating the milk A swing gate works well to enable
you a clear overview and easy control or milk-replacer powder. calves grouped by age to use one
of all your calves from the comfort milk station. In this way, calves from
of your PC. For example, you can both groups can use the same station
manage feeding programmes, move without the older calves dominating
calves from one calf feeder to another the younger ones.
and see whether any animals have
drunk insufficient milk or drunk their Automatic closing gate
milk slowly. You can also generate To prevent calves from being
reports and graphs that show milk harassed by others while drinking,
rations and consumption over specific a special gate closes automatically
periods. behind them. This application is
recommended for certain more
aggressive breeds.

Automatical closing

Country 1 Country 2 Your DeLaval dealer
DeLaval DeLaval
Street address No Street address No
Postal address Postal address
Tel. 1234 567 890 Tel. 1234 567 890
Fax 1234 567 890 Fax 1234 567 890
info@delaval.xx info@delaval.xx www.delaval.xx www.delaval.xx

CF150 CF500 CF1000

Capacity one calf feeder 100 calves 50 calves 80 calves
Numbers of milk stations 1 to 4 1 to 2 1 to 4
Number of feeding plans possible 99 2* 4*
Can be connected to DeLaval herd No Yes Yes
management software
PC software Optional Optional Optional
(PC link) (Calf manager) (Calf manager)
Concentrate station with automatic early Optional Optional Optional
weaning for fast developing calves
Feeding with milk replacer Yes, manual mixed Yes Yes
Feeding with cow milk Yes Optional Optional
Heating capacity 1.25 / 2.0 kW 2.5 kW 5 kW
Water flow meter, heavy duty Not applicable No Yes
powder motor and circulation pump
Automatic cleaning with detergent pump No Optional Optional
(Standard if feeding
with cow milk)
Medicine dispensing Not individual Yes, powder or Yes, powder and Liquid
liquid possible for stand alone
Portion size variable, pump 0.25 variable between
0.25 and 0.5
Minimum milk temperature protection No Yes Yes
Cleaning DeLaval dish cleaner DeLaval Ultra DeLaval Ultra
DeLaval manual cleaner DeLaval Super DeLaval Super

* 8 feeding plans if the calf feeder is connected to DeLaval herd management software

DeLaval is a trademark of the DeLaval Group. The manufacturer reserves the right to make design changes. 53570986BR/en-200809

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