Rubella Igg Elisa Kit

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Assay Procedure Continued… after 2-7 weeks and tested concurrently with the original specimen to look
for seroconversion or an IgM specific assay should be performed.
7. After 20 minutes, discard the well contents and carefully wash the wells 4 4. A positive Rubella IgG test in neonates should be interpreted with caution
times with Wash Buffer. Ensure that the wells are empty but do not allow since passively acquired maternal antibody can persist for up to 6 months.
to dry out.
However, a negative test for IgG antibody in the neonate may help exclude
congenital infection.
8. Using a repeating dispenser, rapidly dispense 100l of TMB Substrate
5. Seroepidemiologic studies indicate that in most countries, 80-90% of the
(Reagent 4) into each well. Incubate the plate for 10 minutes.
adult population have detectable antibodies to Rubella.
9. Add 100l of Stop Solution (Reagent 5) to each well. To allow equal
reaction times, the Stop Solution should be added to the wells in the same 15. Performance Characteristics
order as the TMB Substrate.
Comparative Study
The Genesis Diagnostics Rubella IgG kit was compared with another
10. Read the optical density (OD) of each well at 450nm in a microplate reader
within 10 minutes. A 620nm filter may be used as a reference wavelength. commercially available ELISA procedure for the detection of IgG antibodies to Rubella IgG ELISA Kit
Rubella virus. The Genesis kit showed 100% agreement with the other ELISA.
12. Quality Control The results are summarised below. Qualitative/semi-quantitative assay for anti-Rubella
Quality control data is supplied on the lot-specific QC certificate included in the n=78 Reference + Reference - IgG antibodies
kit. Controls are intended to monitor for substantial reagent failure. Any well Genesis + 52 0
positive by spectrophotometer but without visible colour should be cleaned on Genesis - 0 26
the underside and re-read. If OD-values below zero are observed, the Product Code: GD082
wavelengths used should be verified, the reader re-blanked to air and the 16. Reproducibility
measurements repeated.
Within Assay Precision
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic
13. Interpretation of Results CV%: <12% procedures
Semi-Quantitative Results
Between Assay Precision Not for sale or use in the EU
Plot the optical densities of the standards against their respective concentrations.
CV%: <12%
Draw a line to join the points. Read the concentrations of the unknowns from this
graph. Concentrations above 15 IU/ml are considered positive for anti-Rubella
17. Method Summary
 Dilute sera 1:100 with sample diluent (Reagent 1) 1. Materials Included in the Kit
Qualitative Results
 Dispense 100l of each control, the 15 IU/ml standard and diluted
Negative samples: OD < 15 U/ml standard OD
sample into the microplate wells. For semi-quantitative  Microplate 96 wells in 12 X 8 break-apart strips, pre-coated with
Positive samples: OD >/= 15 U/ml standard OD inactivated Rubella virus antigen.
determinations additionally dispense the 25 IU/ml and 100 IU/ml
 Reagent 1: Sample Diluent 150mM Tris-buffered saline, pH 7.2 with
1. A negative result indicates susceptibility to primary infection. However, see
antimicrobial agent, 10ml, (blue), concentrate (x15)
 Incubate for 20 minutes at room temperature
Limitations below  Reagent 2: Wash Buffer 100mM Tris-buffered saline with detergent, pH
2. A positive result indicates a current or previous infection with Rubella virus.  Wash the wells three times 7.2, 100 ml, concentrate (x10)
Individuals with current infection are considered to be at risk of transmitting  Dispense 100l of Conjugate (Reagent 3) into each well  Reagent 3: Conjugate rabbit anti-human IgG (red) conjugated to
Rubella virus infection. Positive individuals are considered immune to further  Incubate at room temperature for 20 minutes horseradish peroxidase in protein stabilising solution and antimicrobial
infection.  Wash the wells four times agent, 12ml, ready to use
3. To evaluate acute and convalescent sera, both samples must be tested in the  Add 100l of TMB Substrate (Reagent 4) to each well  Reagent 4: TMB Substrate aqueous solution of TMB and hydrogen
same assay. If the acute specimen is negative and the convalescent specimen  Incubate at room temperature for 10 minutes peroxide, 12 ml, ready to use
is positive, seroconversion has taken place and a primary Rubella virus
 Add 100l Stop Solution (Reagent 5) to each well  Reagent 5: Stop Solution 0.25M sulphuric acid, 12 ml, ready to use
infection is indicated.  Standards1: 15 IU/ml (yellow), 25 & 100 IU/ml (blue), 1ml of 10mM Tris-
 Read the optical density at 450nm
buffered saline with human serum IgG antibodies to Rubella, ready to
14. Limitations of the Procedure 18. Further Reading use
 Positive control1: 50IU/ml, 1ml of 10mM Tris-buffered saline containing
1. The antibody titre of a single serum specimen cannot be used to determine Vaheri A and Salonen EM: Evaluation of solid-phase enzyme-immunoassay procedure for in human serum antibodies to Rubella, (red), ready to use.
recent infection. Paired samples (acute and convalescent) should be immunity surveys and diagnosis of rubella. J Med Virol 5: 171-181, 1980.
Steece RS, Talley MS, Skeels MR and Lanier GA: Comparison of enzyme-linked immunosorbent
 Negative control1: <15IU/ml, 1ml of 10mM Tris-buffered saline
collected and tested concurrently to demonstrate seroconversion.
assay, hemagglutination inhibition, and passive latex agglutination for determination of rubella containing normal human serum, (green), ready to use.
2. Test results for demonstration of seroconversion should be interpreted in
immune status. J Clin Micro 21:140-142, 1985.  Instructions for use
conjunction with the clinical evaluation and the results of other diagnostic Katz SL: Rubella (German Measles). Zinssmer Microbiology, 18th Edition. Jolik,Willett, Amos 1Calibrated against the 1st International standard for human anti-Rubella
procedures. (ed). Chapter 75: 1067, 1985
immunoglobulin RUBI-1-94. (National Institute for Biological Standards and
3. Samples collected too early in the course of the infection may not have
Control, Potters Bar, UK).
detectable levels of IgG. In such cases, a second sample may be collected Eden Research Park, Henry Crabb Road, Littleport, Cambridgeshire,
CB6 1SE, UK Tel+ 44(0)1353 862220 Fax+44(0)1353 863330
Email: Web: 264-082-05
Certified to ISO9001:2008, ISO13485:2003
Genesis Diagnostics Ltd is a subsidiary of Omega Diagnostics Group PLC
2. Other Equipment Required 6. Safety Precautions 8. Shelf Life and Storage Conditions

Test tubes for dilution  graduated cylinder for preparing wash buffer  1. Only experienced laboratory personnel should use this test. The test On arrival, store the kit at 2 - 8C. Once opened the kit is stable for 3 months
precision pipettes and disposable tips to deliver 10l, 100l, 1ml  EIA protocol must be followed strictly. (or until its expiry date if less than 3 months). Do not use kits beyond their
2. CAUTION: the device contains material of human and animal origin and
microplate washer or multi-channel pipette or wash bottle  distilled or de- expiry date. Do not freeze any kit component. The diluted Wash Buffer and
should be handled as a potential transmitter of diseases. All human source
ionised water  absorbent paper  EIA microplate reader with 450nm and Sample Diluent (see Technical Precautions) have a shelf life of 3 months if
material used in the preparation of standards and control for this product
optional 620nm reference filter. Alternatively, a suitable, self-validated stored in a closed bottle at 2 - 8oC.
have been tested and found negative by ELISA for antibodies to HIV, HbsAg
automated system may be used.
and HCV. No test method, however, can offer complete assurance that
infectious agents are absent. Therefore, all reagents containing human 9. Specimen Collection and Storage
Instrumentation, whether manual or automated, should meet the following
material should be handled as if potentially infectious. Operators should
criteria: pipettes with better than 3% imprecision with no carry over between Serum and plasma samples may be used and should be stored at -20C for
wear gloves and protective clothing when handling any patient sera or serum
pipetting steps; microplate washers should remove 99% of fluid; automated
based products. long-term storage. Frozen samples must be mixed well after thawing and
machines should minimise time between washing and adding the next reagent.
3. Reagents of this kit contain antimicrobial agents and the Substrate solution prior to testing. Repeated freezing and thawing can affect results. Addition
contains 3,3’,5,5’-tetramethylbenzidine. Avoid contact with the skin and of preservatives to the serum sample may adversely affect the results.
3. Intended Use eyes. Rinse immediately with plenty of water if any contact occurs. Microbially contaminated, heat-treated or specimens containing particulate
The Rubella IgG kit is a rapid ELISA designed for the qualitative/semi-quantitative 4. The Stop Solution contains 0.25M sulphuric acid. Avoid contact with skin and matter should not be used. Grossly haemolysed, icteric or lipaemic
detection of IgG antibodies to Rubella virus in human serum or plasma. The assay eyes. Rinse immediately with plenty of water if contact occurs. specimens should be avoided.
5. Any liquid that has been brought into contact with potentially infectious
is intended to be used to evaluate single sera for immune status or paired sera to
material has to be discarded in a container with a disinfectant. Dispose of
demonstrate seroconversion, and is for research use only.
plates and specimens as clinical waste. Any unused reagents should be 10. Preparation of Reagents
flushed away with copious amounts of water. Disposal must be performed in
4. Explanation of the Test 1. Dilute the Sample Diluent (Reagent 1) 1:14 in distilled water to make
accordance with local legislation.
sufficient buffer for the assay run e.g. add 10ml sample diluent
Rubella (German Measles) is a common and usually benign contagious disease concentrate to 140 ml water.
7. Technical Precautions
of children and young adults. The primary medical significance comes from its
teratogenic effects when contracted by childbearing women. Maternal 1. Strips and solutions should not be used if the foil bag is damaged or liquids 2. Dilute the Wash Buffer (Reagent 2) 1:9 in distilled water to make
infection, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy, can result in a have leaked. sufficient buffer for the assay run e.g. add 50ml wash buffer concentrate
range of congenital birth defects including deafness, cataracts, diabetes and 2. Allow all reagents and the microplate to reach room temperature before to 450ml water.
cardiac and bone abnormalities. Because of the serious complications of the use. Ensure that the microplate foil bag containing any unused strips is
disease, it is important to determine the immune status of women of child well sealed and contains the desiccant to avoid moisture. Store at 2 – 8oC 11. Assay Procedure
bearing age, pregnant women, and individuals who may have close contact after use.
3. The sample diluent X15 concentrate contains 0.09% sodium azide as 1. Dilute patient samples 1:100 (e.g. 5l serum plus 0.5 ml IgG-absorbent-
with them.
preservative. Prepare sufficient working strength diluent for the assay run. containing sample diluent). It is important to dispense all samples, standards
However, if the working strength diluent is to be stored for more than 1 and controls into the wells without delay. Therefore ensure that all samples
The presence of circulating maternal antibody indicates immunity to Rubella week, add sodium azide (0.9g/L). Store unused sample diluent
and virtually excludes the possibility of transmission of Rubella to the fetus. are ready to dispense.
concentrate and dilute sample diluent at 2 - 8oC.
Acute Rubella infection can be confirmed by simultaneously testing paired 4. Include the Positive and Negative Control in every test run to monitor for 2. Assemble the number of strips required for the assay.
acute and convalescent sera and looking for seroconversion, or by detecting reagent stability and correct assay performance.
Rubella specific IgM (GD83). The presence of Rubella specific IgM in the 5. Strictly observe the indicated incubation times and temperature. 3. For qualitative determinations, dispense 100 l of the 15 IU/ml standard, the
neonate or the persistence of a high titre of IgG antibody for longer than 6 6. When automating, consider excess volumes required for setting up the positive control, the negative control and the diluted patient sample into the
months confirms a diagnosis of congenital Rubella. instrument and dead volume of robot pipette wells. For semi-quantitative determinations, use sample diluent as 0 IU/ml
7. Ensure that no cross-contamination occurs between wells. Keep all and additionally dispense the 25 IU/ml and 100 IU/ml standards.
A woman tested to be non-immune can be educated on the availability of pipettes and other equipment used for Conjugate completely separate
vaccination. Pregnant women with current Rubella infection should be from the TMB Substrate reagent. 4. Incubate for 20 minutes at room temperature. During all incubations, avoid
8. When pipetting Conjugate or TMB Substrate, aliquots for the required direct sunlight and close proximity to any heat sources.
counselled on the consequences of congenital infection.
numbers of wells should be taken to avoid multiple entry of pipette tips
into the reagent bottles. Never pour unused reagents back into the 5. After 20 minutes, decant or aspirate the well contents and wash the wells 3
5. Principle of the Test original bottles. times using an automatic plate washer or the manual wash procedure (see
9. Do not allow microwells to dry between incubation steps. below). Careful washing is the key to good results. Blot the wells on
Diluted serum or plasma specimens (1:100) are incubated for 20 minutes to allow 10. Strictly follow the described wash procedure. Insufficient washing may
specific antibodies to Rubella to bind to the antigen-coated wells. After washing absorbent paper before proceeding. Do not allow the wells to dry out.
cause high background signal.
away unbound antibodies and other serum constituents, Rubella specific IgG is 11. Avoid direct sunlight and exposure to heat sources during all incubation Manual Wash Procedure
detected using rabbit anti-human IgG conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. After steps. Empty the wells by inversion. Using a multi-channel pipette or wash bottle,
20 minutes incubation, unbound conjugate is removed by washing, and TMB 12. Replace colour-coded caps on their correct vials to avoid cross- fill the wells with wash buffer. Empty by inversion and blot the wells on
enzyme substrate is added for 10 minutes. A blue colour develops if antibodies to contamination absorbent paper. Repeat this wash process 2 more times.
Rubella are present. Addition of stop solution gives a yellow colour and the 13. It is important to dispense all samples and controls into the wells without
optical densities of controls, standard(s) and samples are measured using a delay. Therefore ensure that all samples are ready to dispense. 6. Dispense 100l of Conjugate (Reagent 3) into each well. Incubate the wells
microplate reader. for 20 minutes at room temperature.

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