Faults, Testing & Test Generation

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Faults, Testing &

Test Generation
Smith Text: Chapter 14.1,14.3, 14.4
Mentor Graphics/Tessent:
“Scan and ATPG Process Guide”
“ATPG and Failure Diagnosis Tools Reference Manual”
(access via “mgcdocs”)
ASIC Design Flow
DFT/BIST Gate-Level Verify
& ATPG Netlist Function

Test vectors Full-custom IC

Transistor-Level Verify Function

Standard Cell IC Netlist & Timing

DRC & LVS Verify
Verification Timing

IC Mask Data/FPGA Configuration File

Importance of test (Ch. 14.1)
ASIC defect Defective Total PCB Total
level ASICs repair cost system
repair cost
5% 5000 $1 million $5 million
1% 1000 $200,000 $1 million
0.1% 100 $20,000 $100,000
0.01% 10 $2,000 $10,000
Parts shipped: 100,000 @ part cost = $10
PCB cost: $200, System cost: $5,000, 100,000 systems shipped
System repair/replace cost: $10,000

Q: What would it cost to reduce defect density from 5% to 1% ?

Top-down test design flow

Source: ATPG Manual

Fault models (supported by FastScan)
 Map physical fault to a “logical” fault, i.e. faults that change
the logic function of the circuit
 Stuck-at: net effectively stuck at a logic 0/1
 Bridging: value on one net affects another net
 “Parametric” faults alter physical properties other than logic
 Delay
 Transition
 Voltage level
 Signal strength
Defects and physical faults

nodes p5 & p6

t1 gate open node n4

t3 gate open disconnected
from output Z1

nodes n1 & VSS


t4 & t5 gates

Smith Text: Figure 14.11

Defects translated to logical faults
(defects from previous slide)

Simplified schematic

Gate equivalent Functional level

Smith Text: Figure 14.12

Stuck-at faults

Fault Test (A,B) Y(good) Y(faulty) Resulting

A/0 11 1 0 Y=0
A/1 01 0 1 Y=B
B/0 11 1 0 Y=0
B/1 10 0 1 Y=A
Y/0 11 1 0 Y=0
Y/1 01,10,00 0 1 Y=1
Fault collapsing
 Fault A equivalent to fault B if every test for A is also a test
for B and vice versa
 Faults are indistinguishable
 Group equivalent faults into a fault-equivalence class (FEC)
 Only one fault from a FEC needs to be tested
 Fault A dominates fault B if any test for B also detects A, but
only some of A tests detect B
 Need only test dominated fault B/omit dominating fault A
 Testing B guarantees A also tested
Fault collapsing example
A/0 = B/0 = Y/0 (remove B/0, Y/0)
A A/1 dominated by Y/1 (remove Y/1)
Y B/1 dominated by Y/1 (remove Y/1)
Collapsed fault set = {A/0, A/1, B/1}
Min test set = {11, 01, 10}
Fault Test (A,B) Y(good) Y(faulty) Collapsing
A/0 11 1 0 A/0 equiv to B/0, Y/0
A/1 01 0 1 A/1 dom by Y/1
B/0 11 1 0 B/0 equiv to A/0, Y/0
B/1 10 0 1 B/1 dom by Y/1
Y/0 11 1 0 Y/0 equiv to A/0, B/0
Y/1 01,10,00 0 1 Y/1 dom A/1, B/1
Fault collapsing example


Equivalence classes: Fault dominance: (remove dominating)

{A/0, B1/0, G/1} – keep G/1 A/1 <- G/0 B1/1 <- G/0
{B2/0, C/0, F/1} – keep F/1 B2/1 <- F/0 C/1 <- H/0
{G/0, K/0, Y/0} – keep G/0 D2/1 <- J/0 E/1 <- J/0
{D2/0, E/0, J/1, H/1, K/1, F/0, D1/0} – keep F/0 F/1 <- H/0 D1/1 <- H/0
H/0 <- K/0 J/0 <- K/0
G/1 <- Y/1 K/1 <- Y/1

Collapsed fault set = {A/1, B1/1, B2/1, C/1, D1/1, D2/1, E/1, G/1, F/1, K/1}
Test generation: D Algorithm
 Select a fault on net N (ex. sa0)
 Produce an error at N (ex. N=1)
 “D” denotes expected 1, actual 0 values
 “D*” denotes expected 0, actual 1 values
 Propagate D condition to primary output
 Set gate inputs to propage D
 “Justify” D condition from primary inputs
 Set gate inputs to create D condition
D Algorithm – tabular method


F stuck-at-0

Step A B C D E F G H J K Y
control D
observe 1 D D*
observe 1 D D* 0 D*
observe 1 D 1 D* 0 D* D*
Consistency - J 1 1 D 1 D* 0 D* D*
Consistency - G x 0 1 1 D 1 D* 0 D* D*
Consistency - F x 0 x 1 1 D 1 D* 0 D* D*

Test vectors: ABCDE = {-0-11, 0-011} = {00011,10011,00111,10111,01011}

Generate and verify a test set
 Collapse the fault set
 minimize fault set required for 100% fault coverage
“coverage” = (# faults detected)/(# possible faults)
 Automatic test pattern generation (ATPG)
 apply D algorithm or other method to derive test patterns for all
faults in the collapsed fault set
 “random patterns” detect many faults
 FastScan ATPG method:
 apply random patterns until new pattern detects < 0.5% of undetected faults
 apply deterministic tests to detect remaining faults
 Fault simulation
 verify fault coverage of test patterns
 simulate fault, apply test pattern, and observe output
fault detected if output different from expected value
 repeat for each fault & test pattern combination
Mentor Graphics “Tessent” FastScan
 Perform design for testability (DFT), ATPG, and fault
 FastScan: full-scan designs
Legacy: FlexTest: non-scan through full-scan designs
 Typical flow:
1. Implement DFT
2. Generate test patterns (ATPG)
3. Verify fault coverage of patterns
through fault simulation
Invoking FastScan
Command> fastscan testckt.v –lib bicmos8hp.atpg –dofile dofile_name

Verilog file.v cell_lib.atpg

(from synthesis)

External file

Source: ATPG Manual

FastScan Flow

Setup mode

 Flatten model
 Study circuit
 Perform DRC

set system mode


Save patterns &

fault lists

Source: ATPG Manual

System mode = setup
cmd>set system mode setup “Legacy” FastScan/FlexTest control panel

Add to lists:
primary inputs/outputs*
scan chains
*Normally found automatically

add primary input /nx131
add clock X
report primary inputs

Other system modes:

atpg – generate patterns
fault – fault simulation
good – fault-free simulation
Testability design rule checks
When leaving setup: Check design issues that affect testability
Example: synchronous circuit DRC:
 System has a minimum number of clocks—optimally only one.
 Register all design inputs and account for metastability.
 Treat metastability time as another delay in the path.
 If the propagation delay plus the metastability time is less than the clock
period, the system is synchronous.
 If it is greater than or equal to the clock period, add an extra flip-flop to
ensure the proper data enters the circuit.
 No combinational logic drives flip flop set/reset/clock inputs.
 No asynchronous signals set or reset the flip-flops.
 Buffers or other delay elements do not delay clock signals.
 Do not use logic to delay signals.
 Do not assume logic delays are longer than routing delays.
System mode = ATPG
Command> set system mode atpg

“Legacy” FlexTest ATPG control panel

2. Select auto
test patterns
1. Select faults or external
to be tested test pattern

3. Run the ATPG

and fault

4. Report
Select fault types/models
 set fault type Stuck (default)
 Fault model to be used for ATPG
 Also: Iddq, Toggle, Transition, Path_delay, Bridge
 Optionally specify “multiple detection” # to require multiple
detections of each fault
 add faults –all
 add faults to current fault list, discarding all patterns and setting
all faults to undetected
 options for each fault model; Ex. stuck_at 01 (or 1 or 0)
 set fault mode uncollapsed - include EQ faults
 set fault mode collapsed (don’t report EQ faults)
 load faults filename - load fault list from file
 write faults filename – write fault list to file
 report faults – print list of modeled faults
Select the test pattern source
 set pattern source Internal
 Generate and use ATPG patterns
 set pattern source External filename
 Load and use patterns from file
 User guide defines pattern file formats
 set pattern source Random
 Generate and use random patterns
 set pattern source Bist
 BIST circuit generates patterns
 create patterns –auto
 Perform ATPG to create patterns (-auto for stuck-at faults)
FastScan simulation modes
 Good – verify the simulation model
 Use ATPG algorithm to generate test patterns
 Apply patterns and capture outputs without simulating faults
 Produces expected output for each test pattern
 Fault – determine fault coverage of a set of patterns
 User provides a set of test patterns and fault list
 Perform fault simulation using these patterns and faults to
determine coverage
 ATPG -
 Use ATPG algorithms to generate test patterns for given faults
 Perform fault simulation using generated patterns to determine
coverage of the ATPG-produced test set
Fault Simulation (Chap. 14.4)
 Deliberately induce faults to determine what happens to circuit
 Access limited to primary inputs (PIs) & primary outputs (POs)
 Apply pattern to PIs at start of test cycle
 At end of test cycle, compare POs to expected values
 Fault detected if POs differ from correct values
 Fault coverage = detected faults/modeled faults
Fault simulation with external file selected as
“Pattern Source” (This format was discontinued*)
// FastScan test pattern file – define primary inputs and outputs

// test patterns – bits in above order

010000 Notes:
011111 1. These are “random” patterns.
2. * See next slide for correct ASCII pattern file format.
Test pattern file format (ASCII)
declare input bus "PI" = "/A", "/B", "/C", "/D“ “/E”; I/O pin names
declare output bus "PO" = "/Y"; (in order of vector bits)


pattern = 0; Pattern #
force "PI" "00010" 0; Input vector
measure "PO" "0" 1; Expected output for this pattern

pattern = 1;
force "PI" “01000" 0;
measure "PO" “0" 1;

(3 lines per pattern)

Example circuit
Instance/pin names appear in FastScan report


Verilog netlist – testckt.v
// Verilog description of example circuit

module testckt ( A, B, C, D, E, Y ) ;
input A ;
input B ;
input C ;
input D ;
input E ;
output Y ;
wire F, G, H, J, K;

NAND2_B ix15 (.Y (G), .A0 (A), .A1 (B)) ;

NAND2_B ix16 (.Y (F), .A0 (B), .A1 (C)) ;
NAND2_B ix14 (.Y (H), .A0 (F), .A1 (D)) ;
NAND2_B ix13 (.Y (J), .A0 (D), .A1 (E)) ;
OR2_B ix12 (.Y (K), .A0 (H), .A1 (J)) ;
AND2_B ix11 (.Y (Y), .A0 (G), .A1 (K)) ;

Sample script to test my patterns

Command> fastscan testckt.v –lib bicmos8hp.atpg –dofile mypats.do

set system mode fault --do fault simulation
set pattern source external mypats.txt --use my patterns
add faults –all --put all faults in the list
run --run the simulation
write fault mypats.flt–replace --write results
FastScan fault simulation results
1 RE /ix14/A1 0 DS /ix16/Y 0 DS /ix12/A1
1 RE /ix13/A0 0 DS /ix14/A1 0 DS /ix13/Y
1 DS /ix15/A1 1 DS /Y 0 DS /Y
1 DS /B 1 DS /ix11/Y 0 DS /ix11/Y
1 DS /D 0 DS /B 0 DS /ix11/A0
0 DS /D 1 DS /ix14/A0 0 DS /ix15/Y
1 DS /ix11/A1 1 DS /ix16/Y 0 DS /ix11/A1
1 DS /ix12/Y 0 DS /ix16/A1 0 DS /ix12/Y
1 DS /ix12/A1 0 DS /C 1 UO /ix16/A1
1 DS /ix13/Y 0 DS /ix16/A0 1 UO /C
0 DS /ix13/A1 0 DS /ix12/A0 1 UO /ix16/A0
0 DS /E 0 DS /ix14/Y 1 UC /ix11/A0
0 DS /ix13/A0 1 DS /ix15/A0 1 UC /ix15/Y
1 DS /ix12/A0 1 DS /A 0 UC /ix15/A0
1 DS /ix14/Y 1 DS /ix13/A1 0 UC /A
0 DS /ix14/A0 1 DS /E 0 UC /ix15/A1
Test coverage = 38 detected/48 faults = 79%
DS – fault detected in simulation UO – unobserved fault UT – untestable fault
RE – redundant fault UC – uncontrolled fault
Design individual tests for UC/UO faults

C stuck-at-1

Step A B C D E F G H J K Y
control D*
observe 1 D* D
observe 1 D D*
observe D* 0 D*
observe 1 D* D*
Consistency - J 1 1 0
Consistency - G 0 x 1
Final values 0 1 D* 1 1 D 1 D* 0 D* D*
Test vector: ABCDE = {01011} – Raised fault coverage to 80%
Sample script using ATPG

Command> fastscan testckt.v –lib bicmos8hp.atpg –dofile atpg.do

set system mode atpg --ATPG to produce patterns
set fault type stuck --test stuck-at faults
add faults –all --add all s-a faults to the list
set pattern source internal --fault sim with atpg patterns
create patterns –auto --create the patterns
run --run fault simulation
write fault atpg.flt -replace --write fault list
save patterns atpg.pat –replace --save the patterns
report faults > atpg.faults --report detected faults
report statistics > atpg.stats --fault coverage statistics
ATPG statistics (stuck-at faults)

Fault Classes #faults (total)

--------------------- --------------
Generated 8 test patterns
FU (full) 48
------------------- -------------- PI "01100“ PO "1"
DS (det_simulation) 46 (95.83%) PI "01011" PO "0"
RE (redundant) 2 ( 4.17%) PI "00001" PO "1"
PI "00111" PO "0"
------------------------------------------ PI "00010" PO "1"
test_coverage 100.00% PI "01111" PO "1"
fault_coverage 95.83% PI "11110" PO "0"
atpg_effectiveness 100.00% PI "10100" PO "1"
#test_patterns 8
#simulated_patterns 64 Red: the only one of my
“random” patterns used.
Tessent Documentation
 Open the Tessent InfoHub:
 Click “Tessent” in left pane
 Under “ATPG and TessentTestKompress”
 “Scan and ATPG Process Guide”
 describes basic test procedures and terminology
 “ATPG and Failure Diagnosis Tools Reference Manual”
 lists all commands that can be used in FastScan and related tools
 “Tessent DFTAdvisor Reference Manual”
 is the reference that we will use for DFT activities

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