BioAid 5535 Benefit Sheet en A4
BioAid 5535 Benefit Sheet en A4
BioAid 5535 Benefit Sheet en A4
Many odors in wastewater are formed as the result of unintended biological activity in anaerobic
conditions in wastewater treatment and collection systems. Hydrogen sulfide, for example, is
generated from sulfate-reducing bacteria that grow in anaerobic conditions. Hydrogen sulfide not
only has a strong odor, but it is corrosive and a health hazard at high concentrations. Odor control
strategies that focus only on neutralizing odor compounds after they are generated are often
unsuccessful because they fail to moderate the conditions that facilitate the formation of odors.
BioAid 5535 is used in combination with OdorCap 5700. BioAid 5535 allows OdorCap 5700 to
work effectively in anaerobic zones in lagoons, sewer lines, and other areas of the wastewater
conveyance or treatment system where anaerobic conditions may persist. BioAid 5535 is a critical
part of an effective biological strategy using OdorCap.
BioAid 5535: Additive with microbes for use with OdorCap 5700 for controlling odors in
anaerobic environments