RSLinx® Classic Getting Results Guide

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RSLinx® Classic Getting Results Guide

Getting Results Guide
Table of contents

Chapter 1

Introduction Purpose of the document................................................................................. 7

Intended audience ........................................................................................... 7
How does the getting results guide fit in with other Rockwell Software
product documentation?.................................................................................. 7
Help .......................................................................................................... 7
Document conventions ................................................................................... 8
Feedback ......................................................................................................... 8

Chapter 2

Welcome to RSLinx What is RSLinx Classic? ................................................................................ 9

Differences between RSLinx Classic types .................................................... 9
Classic RSLinx Classic Lite ................................................................................. 9
RSLinx Classic Single Node .................................................................. 10
RSLinx Classic OEM ............................................................................. 10
RSLinx Classic Gateway........................................................................ 11
Quick start..................................................................................................... 11
Step 1 Configure a driver ....................................................................... 11
Step 2 Configure a topic ......................................................................... 12
Step 3 Copy a link to the clipboard ........................................................ 13
Step 4 Paste a link from the clipboard .................................................... 13
Explore RSLinx Classic ................................................................................ 14
Title bar .................................................................................................. 14
Menu bar ................................................................................................ 14
Toolbar ................................................................................................... 15
Application workspace ........................................................................... 16
RSWho ................................................................................................... 16
Status bar ................................................................................................ 16

Chapter 3

Install and start Before you begin........................................................................................... 17

System requirements ..................................................................................... 17
RSLinx Classic Hardware requirements .......................................................................... 17
Software requirements............................................................................ 18
Install RSLinx Classic software .................................................................... 19
Update an existing installation ...................................................................... 20
Updating the FactoryTalk Services Platform software ................................. 21
Start RSLinx Classic software ...................................................................... 21
RSLinx Classic running as a service vs. running as an application .............. 21
Troubleshooting installation ......................................................................... 22

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 3

Table of contents

Chapter 4

RSWho Use RSWho .................................................................................................. 23

Control bar .................................................................................................... 24
Tree control................................................................................................... 24
List control .................................................................................................... 25

Chapter 5

OPC and DDE OPC............................................................................................................... 27

DDE .............................................................................................................. 27
Connectivity DDE/OPC client connectivity....................................................................... 28

Chapter 6

Register EDS files of Manually upload and register EDS files in the RSWho ............................... 29
Automatically upload and register EDS files in the RSWho ........................ 30
devices Manually register EDS files in the EDS Hardware Installation Tool ........... 31
View existing EDS files of devices on the computer ................................... 32
Unregister EDS files in EDS Hardware Installation Tool ............................ 33
Uninstall EDS Hardware Installation Tool and all EDS files ....................... 34

Chapter 7

Compact harmony Compact harmony files in RSLinx Classic ................................................... 37

Chapter 8

Find the information Use the help .................................................................................................. 39

Access help for a control or field ........................................................... 39
you need Find step-by-step procedures ................................................................. 40
Find definitions ...................................................................................... 41
Access guides................................................................................................ 42
Training......................................................................................................... 42
Technical support.......................................................................................... 43
When you call ........................................................................................ 43

Appendix A

Activation Grace period.................................................................................................. 45

Activate RSLinx Classic with FactoryTalk Activation Manager ................. 45
How to activate RSLinx Classic............................................................. 45
Find more information about FactoryTalk Activation ........................... 46

4 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Table of contents

Appendix B

Secure RSLinx How do I set up security in RSLinx Classic? ............................................... 47

If you have not used FactoryTalk Security or RSSecurity before .......... 47
Classic with If you have used RSSecurity but not FactoryTalk Security ................... 50
FactoryTalk Security If you have used FactoryTalk Security before ....................................... 53
What can I secure in RSLinx Classic? .......................................................... 54
Using FactoryTalk Security .......................................................................... 55
Network/Local Directory ....................................................................... 55
Reset Network Tree................................................................................ 56
Miscellaneous ......................................................................................... 56

Appendix C

Install RSLinx Comparing different installation methods .................................................... 57

Use unattended installation ........................................................................... 58
Classic with Perform unattended installation ............................................................. 58
command line syntax Parameters .............................................................................................. 58
Use silent installation for RSLinx Classic .msi file ...................................... 60
Before you begin .................................................................................... 60
RSLinx Classic x64 driver package ....................................................... 61
Install certificates ................................................................................... 62
Perform silent installation ...................................................................... 63

Appendix D

Using RSLinx Classic Select an RSLinx Edition in ControlFlash .................................................... 65

RSWho.......................................................................................................... 65
with ControlFlash Configure drivers in RSLinx Classic ............................................................ 65


Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 5

Chapter 1


Purpose of the The Getting Results with RSLinx Classic™ guide provides you with
information on how to install and navigate the RSLinx Classic software. It
document explains how to access and navigate the help, and how to effectively use the
RSLinx Classic software.

Intended audience We assume that you are familiar with:

 IBM-compliant personal computers

 Microsoft® Windows® operating systems
 OPC (OLE for Process Control®) communication
 DDE (Microsoft dynamic data exchange) messaging
 Allen-Bradley PLC™ (programmable logic controllers)
 Rockwell Software PLC programming tools

How does the This getting results guide can be considered the entry point into Rockwell
getting results Software documentation set for this product. The documentation set contains
pertinent, easily accessible product information and ships with the software
guide fit in with product. This set ships with the software product, and is designed to free you
other Rockwell from tedious paper shuffling and reduce information overload.
Software product Other components of the documentation set include electronic release notes
documentation? and help.

Help The help includes all overview, procedural, screen, and reference
information for the product. The help contains these basic components:
overview topics, quick start topics, step-by-step procedures, and screen
element descriptions (for example, text boxes, drop-down lists, and option
buttons). All of the help is context-sensitive with the application, and
provides you with immediate access to application tasks and screen element
descriptions. For a more detailed description of the help, see Chapter Five,
Find the information you need.

Note: This getting results guide, as well as any reference guides, are included
in a PDF (portable document format) on your RSLinx Classic DVD.
These files must be viewed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader software,
which you can download for free from the Adobe website:

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 7

Chapter 1 Introduction

Document The conventions used throughout this document for the user interface
comply with those recommended by Microsoft. If you are not familiar with
conventions the Microsoft Windows user interface, read the documentation supplied with
the operating system you are using before attempting to use this software.

Feedback Please use the feedback form packaged with your software to report errors,
or let us know what information you would like to see added in future
editions of this document. You can also send an email message to with any comments about Rockwell products
and services.

8 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Chapter 2

Welcome to RSLinx Classic

This chapter includes the following information:

 What is RSLinx Classic?

 Differences between RSLinx Classic types
 Quick start
 Explore RSLinx Classic

What is RSLinx RSLinx Classic for Rockwell Automation Networks and Devices is a
Classic? comprehensive factory communication solution, providing Allen-Bradley
programmable controller access to a wide variety of Rockwell Software and
Allen-Bradley applications. These range from device programming and
configuration applications such as RSLogix and RSNetWorx, to HMI
(Human-Machine Interface) applications such as RSView32, FactoryTalk
View SE (Site Edition), and FactoryTalk View ME (Machine Edition), to
your own data acquisition applications using Microsoft Office, web pages, or
Visual Basic®. RSLinx Classic also incorporates advanced data optimization
techniques and contains a set of diagnostics. The API (Application
Programming Interface) supports custom applications developed with the
RSLinx Classic SDK. RSLinx Classic is an OPC Data Access Compliant
Server and a DDE server.

Differences between RSLinx Classic is available in four versions to meet the demand for a variety
of cost and functionality requirements. Depending on the version you are
RSLinx Classic running, some functionality may or may not be operational. Refer to the
types following sections for specific version functionality.

The RSLinx Classic version you are running appears in the title bar at the top
of the main window. If a version of RSLinx Classic is started without the
proper activation files, it runs as RSLinx Classic Lite.

RSLinx Classic Lite RSLinx Classic Lite provides the minimum functionality required to support
RSLogix and RSNetWorx. This version is not commercially available, but is
bundled with products that require only direct access to the RSLinx Classic
network drivers. This version does not support OPC, DDE, or the published
RSLinx Classic C API (Application Programming Interface).

RSLinx Classic Lite is used for the following:

 Ladder logic programming using RSLogix products.

 Network and device configuration and diagnostics using RSNetWorx.

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Chapter 2 Welcome to RSLinx Classic

 Configuring Ethernet modules and devices (for example, 1756-ENET,

1756-DHRIO, and so on).
 Upgrading firmware using ControlFlash.
 Browsing networks and getting device information such as firmware
RSLinx Classic Single RSLinx Classic Single Node includes the required functionality to supply
Node communication services for all Rockwell Software products. OPC and DDE
interfaces are supported, but to only one device. It does not support
applications developed for the RSLinx Classic C API, or direct drivers in
HMI applications. RSLinx Classic OEM or higher is required for these
application types.

RSLinx Classic Single Node is used for the following:

 Data acquisition using OPC or DDE to only one device. This includes
clients such as RSView32, FactoryTalk View SE, FactoryTalk View
ME Station, Microsoft Office, Visual Basic, and web pages. Note that
this is limited to 32bit client only.
 Ladder logic programming using RSLogix products.
 Network and device configuration and diagnostics using RSNetWorx.
 Configuring Ethernet modules and devices (for example, 1756-ENET,
1756-DHRIO, and so on).
 Upgrading firmware using ControlFlash.
 Browsing networks and getting device information such as firmware
RSLinx Classic OEM RSLinx Classic OEM includes the required functionality to supply
communication services for all Rockwell Software products. OPC and DDE
clients are supported for any number of devices. It also supports applications
developed for the RSLinx Classic C API. But note that this is limited to 32bit
client only.

RSLinx OEM version 2.2 and previous versions only supported

AdvanceDDE. RSLinx Version 2.3 and subsequent versions support all DDE
types except FastDDE.

RSLinx Classic OEM is used for the following:

 Data acquisition using OPC or DDE to any number of devices. This

includes clients such as RSView32, FactoryTalk View SE, FactoryTalk
View ME Station, Microsoft Office, Visual Basic, and web pages.
 Ladder logic programming using RSLogix products.
 Network and device configuration and diagnostics using RSNetWorx.
 Configuring Ethernet modules and devices (for example, 1756-ENET,
1756-DHRIO, and so on).

10 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Welcome to RSLinx Classic Chapter 2

 Upgrading firmware using ControlFlash.

 Browsing networks and getting device information such as firmware
RSLinx Classic RSLinx Classic Gateway extends RSLinx Classic-based communication
Gateway throughout the enterprise by connecting clients over TCP/IP networks.
Programming and configuration products such as RSLogix and RSNetWorx
use a local RSLinx Classic Lite or better with a Remote Devices via Linx
Gateway driver configured to communicate to the RSLinx Classic Gateway.
Remote HMIs and VB/VBA applications including Microsoft Office can use
remote OPC to communicate to RSLinx Classic Gateway for data collection.
This allows you to have multiple distributed computers performing data
collection without having RSLinx Classic installed on each machine!

In addition to the capabilities provided in the RSLinx Classic Professional

version, RSLinx Classic Gateway offers remote connectivity to:

 Multiple RSView32, FactoryTalk View SE, and FactoryTalk View ME

Station clients accessing data through one RSLinx Classic Gateway
(remote OPC).
 Remote computer running RSLogix connecting to a plant network over
a modem for online program changes.
 Remote Microsoft Office applications showing plant floor data such as
 A web page showing plant floor data when the web server and RSLinx
Classic are on separate computers.

Quick start This section outlines the main tasks you need to perform to use the RSLinx
Classic software. The quick start information included in this section is
intended to be a high-level, conceptual overview. When you are ready to use
RSLinx Classic software, follow the detailed procedures found in the Quick
Start, which is located in the RSLinx Classic help. To access the Quick Start,
click Help > Quick Start from within RSLinx Classic. For information
about specific controls on RSLinx Classic windows and dialog boxes,
right-click any control.

Step 1 Configure a A driver is the software interface to the hardware device that will be used to
communicate between RSLinx Classic and your processor. To configure a
driver driver in RSLinx Classic, click Communications > Configure Drivers. The
Configure Drivers dialog box appears, which is used for adding, editing, or
deleting drivers. Click a driver to configure from the Available Driver Types
list, click Add New, and complete the information required in the driver
configuration dialog box that shows. The driver configuration dialog box
varies depending on which driver you select.

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 11

Chapter 2 Welcome to RSLinx Classic

After you complete the driver configuration, the driver name will appear in
the Configured Drivers list.

Step 2 Configure a In RSLinx Classic, a project is a storage container for one or more topics,
and a topic represents a specific path to a processor. By grouping topics
topic together in a project, you can make multiple topics available at the same
time. To create or edit a project in RSLinx Classic, select File > Open
Project (opens the Open Project window). To create or edit a topic, select
DDE/OPC > Topic Configuration (opens the DDE/OPC Topic
Configuration window). If you attempt to create a topic without creating a
project, RSLinx Classic creates default project for you.

If you selected Configure New DDE/OPC Topic by right-clicking a station in

RSWho, the Topic Name field is pre-filled for you. RSLinx Classic starts
with the name of the program running in the processor, and if this topic

12 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Welcome to RSLinx Classic Chapter 2

exists, it adds a number to the end until it finds one that does not exist. If
there are any spaces, it converts them to underscores (_). You can change the
topic name RSLinx Classic selected for you.

From the Data Source tab, click the device, with which you wish to set up
communication. To add a new topic to a project that already has at least one
topic configured, click New. To edit an existing topic, click the topic from
the list. Use the Data Collection tab to include more detailed information
about specific topics.

Step 3 Copy a link to RSLinx Classic provides a mechanism for easily establishing a link from
RSLinx Classic to a compatible program. To use the Copy to Clipboard
the clipboard function, choose an RSLinx Classic project that contains topics. Select Edit
> Copy DDE/OPC Link, select the topic, and then click OK.

The Copy function takes the information needed to create a link and places it
on the Windows clipboard. Some packages support the ability to paste links
from the clipboard. The Copy to Clipboard function can be used with these
applications only.

Select the topic you just added in the DDE/OPC Topic Configuration dialog
box, and browse for the address string for your request.

The Copy to Clipboard function only establishes hot links from RSLinx
Classic, the DDE server, to a Windows DDE client application. The Data
Table Address, Block Size, Columns per Row, and selected topic are
maintained from the last time that you used this function. Changing these
values has no effect on the last established link.

Step 4 Paste a link Most Windows applications support a Paste Link operation, and this feature
is generally located in the Edit menu.
from the clipboard
Go to your application program that supports the Paste Link function. For

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 13

Chapter 2 Welcome to RSLinx Classic

example, in Microsoft Excel, click an open cell in a spreadsheet where you

would like to place the data, click Edit > Paste Special, click Paste Link,
and click OK. The hot link is pasted into the spreadsheet at the location you
selected and begins to update. If you click Paste, instead of Paste Link, the
item string will get copied.

Explore RSLinx When you start RSLinx Classic, the Rockwell Software RSLinx Classic
application window appears. The application window contains a title bar, a
Classic menu bar, a tool bar, the application workspace where opened child windows
(RSWho, diagnostics, and so on), and a status bar.

Title bar The title bar shows the RSLinx Classic icon, the name of the software
product (for example, Rockwell Software RSLinx Classic Gateway), the
RSWho instance number (RSWho - 1 opens by default when you open
RSLinx Classic), and the Minimize, Maximize, and Close button.

To view the Control Menu, click the RSLinx Classic icon on the title bar.
The following items appear on the Control Menu.

Item Description
Restore Restores the window to its former size after you enlarged it by using
the Maximize command or shrunk it by using the Minimize
Move Allows you to reposition the window on the desktop using the arrow
keys on the keyboard.
Size Allows you to resize the window by using the arrow keys on the
Minimize Shrinks the window to an icon, which is located on the task bar.
This performs the same function as if you clicked the Minimize
button on the title bar.
Maximize Enlarges the window to occupy the entire screen. This performs the
same function as if you clicked the Maximize button on the title bar.
Close Exits the RSLinx Classic application. This performs the same
function as if you clicked the Close button on the title bar.

Menu bar The RSLinx Classic menu bar contains the following menus:

Each menu contains options for performing the following tasks:

Menu Description
File Create and open RSLinx Classic projects.
Edit Copy DDE and OPC links to the clipboard.

14 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Welcome to RSLinx Classic Chapter 2

Menu Description
View Set and change RSLinx Classic interface shows, open the
Event Viewer, and click the RSWho view.
Communications Configure drivers, topics, and other RSLinx Classic options,
and view driver, DDE, other client application diagnostics.
Station Perform actions on diagnostic counters and view the Data
DDE/OPC Configure DDE/OPC topics and view event and diagnostic
Security Set security user and access rights.
Window Arrange RSLinx Classic windows.
Help View help options for RSLinx Classic and other Rockwell
Software products and services.

Toolbar The toolbar contains shortcuts to several commonly used RSLinx Classic
functions. Each toolbar button is a graphical representation of a command
that is also available from the RSLinx Classic menu bar. The following items
appear on the RSLinx Classic toolbar.

Icon Menu Selection Description

File > Open Project Shows the currently defined projects and allows
you to open a DDE/OPC project.

Communications > Opens an additional instance of RSWho (one

RSWho instance is opened by default each time you
open RSLinx Classic).

Communications > Shows the currently configured RSLinx Classic

Configure Drivers software drivers and allows you to add additional
drivers for use with your hardware devices.

Communications > Shows a list of currently configured drivers and

Driver Diagnostics provides the option to view diagnostic
information for each driver.

Edit > Copy Provides the ability to create a DDE/OPC link

DDE/OPC Link between RSLinx Classic and a client application
such as Microsoft Excel.

DDE/OPC > Topic Allows you to create and modify a DDE/OPC

Configuration topic, which is a specific path to a processor.

Help > Whats This? Changes the cursor to an arrow and a question
mark to indicate you are in What's This? help
mode. Click any screen item to show help text
for that item and to exit What's This? help mode.

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Chapter 2 Welcome to RSLinx Classic

Application workspace The application workspace shows open child windows, such as the RSWho
and RSLinx Classic dialog boxes.

RSWho RSWho is RSLinx Classic's main window that shows networks and devices
in a style similar to Windows Explorer. It allows you to view all network
connections from a single screen. For more details about RSWho, refer to
Chapter 4: RSWho on page 23.

Status bar The status bar at the bottom of the RSLinx Classic screen provides
information about the current status of your system.

The left area of the status bar is used to pass messages to the user. For
example, when you scroll through the items on the menus, a brief description
of the function of that menu item appears in this area of the status bar.

The right area of the status bar shows:

 CAP if the Caps Lock key on your keyboard is toggled for all caps.
 NUM if the Num Lock key on your keyboard is set to enable the
numeric keypad on your keyboard.
 SCRL if the Scroll Lock key on your keyboard is set.
 The current date from your computer system clock and calendar.
 The current time from your computer system clock and calendar.

16 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Chapter 3

Install and start RSLinx Classic

RSLinx Classic supports two installation methods: Setup wizard installation

and automated installation with command line syntax. This chapter uses the
Setup wizard installation method to illustrate the steps.

This chapter includes information on the following:

 System requirements
 Installation procedure
 Update an existing installation
 Start procedure
 Troubleshooting installation

The automated installation with command line syntax reduces user

interaction and provides command line parameters to install RSLinx Classic.
See Install RSLinx Classic with command line syntax on page 57.

Before you begin Rockwell Software uses a software key to implement copy protection for
Windows-based software products. Every software product has a unique key.
Although, you can install the software on any number of computers, you are
only licensed to run the software on one computer at a time. After you install
the RSLinx Classic software, the Setup program will prompt you to activate
your software. For more information about moving software keys, copy
protection, and software activation, refer to Appendix A in this guide.

System To effectively use RSLinx Classic, your personal computer must meet the
following minimum hardware and software requirements:
Hardware To install RSLinx Classic software, you will need the following hardware:
requirements  Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.8 Ghz processor; 2 GB of memory.
 At least 2.2GB of available hard drive space; more hard disk space
may be required for specific application features.
 A 16-color, SVGA display with 800 by 600 or greater resolution.
 A mouse or other Windows-compatible pointing device.
 An Ethernet card, and Allen-Bradley communication device or cable.
 This version of RSLinx Classic will not run on Alpha, MIPS, or Power
computer processors.

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 17

Chapter 3 Install and start RSLinx Classic

Software requirements To run RSLinx Classic v3.90.00 (CPR 9 SR 9), one of the following
operating systems is required:

Supported operating systems

RSLinx Classic is tested on operating systems installed from original

Microsoft media only. RSLinx Classic runs on either the 32-bit or 64-bit
versions of the following Microsoft Windows operating systems:

 Windows 7 Enterprise with Service Pack 1

 Windows Embedded Standard 7 with Service Pack 1
 Windows 7 Home Premium with Service Pack 1
 Windows 7 Ultimate with Service Pack 1
 Windows 7 Professional with Service Pack 1
 Windows 8
 Windows 8 Enterprise
 Windows 8 Professional
 Windows 8.1
 Windows 8.1 Enterprise
 Windows 8.1 Professional
 Windows 10 Enterprise*
 Windows 10 Professional*
 Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2016 Long Term Servicing Branch
(LTSB) Embedded**
 Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition with Service Pack 1
 Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition with Service Pack 1
 Windows Server 2012 Datacenter
 Windows Server 2012 Standard Edition
 Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter
 Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition

*See Rockwell Automation Knowledgebase Answer ID 964391 for

Windows 10 support information.

**Supported with the Allen-Bradley 61xx family of Industrial Computers or

CompactLogix™ 5480 family of controllers.

RSLinx Classic is a 32-bit application. While it will function on 64-bit

edition of Windows, the RSLinx Classic Single Node and OEM activations
may not operate with a Windows 64-bit application running on the same
computer. Windows 64-bit forces 32-bit and 64-bit applications to run in

18 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Install and start RSLinx Classic Chapter 3

different processes which causes RSLinx Classic Single Node and OEM to
see the 64-bit application as running remote and thus prevents it from using
the OPC interface. In this case the system should upgrade to RSLinx
Gateway to work with 64bit applications.

For the latest information regarding software platform support, refer to

Install RSLinx You can install one or more Rockwell Software products to a single personal
Classic software
Important:  This procedure could shut down your process applications.
Depending on which applications you are installing or upgrading, it
is possible that your factory automation system will become
inoperable, shutting down your processes. Be certain you have
prepared for this downtime and all of your company's systems are
prepared for these applications to be terminated.
 To install RSLinx Classic, you must log onto your computer as an

To install RSLinx Classic software:

1. Start your Windows operating system.

2. Insert the RSLinx Classic DVD into the DVD-ROM drive.

 Click Start, and then click Run. The Run dialog box appears.
 In the Open control, type x:\setup, where x is the letter of the
drive containing the RSLinx Classic DVD-ROM, and then click

3. If Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or later is not installed on your

computer, the Microsoft .NET Framework Setup dialog box shows.
Click Install.

4. On the RSLinx Classic Setup dialog box, choose one of the following:

 Click Install Now to start the software installation process with the
default installation directory, that is, C:\Program Files\Rockwell
Software (for 32-bit operating systems) or C:\Program
Files(x86)\Rockwell Software (for 64-bit operating systems).
 Click Customize to start the software installation process with a
different drive where you want to install the RSLinx Classic
software, and then click Install.

5. (Optional) If you select Customize in Step 3, and RSSecurity Emulator

was previously installed on the computer, the RSLinx Classic
Security Configuration Selection dialog box shows. Select Enable
Security if you want to use security, and click Install.

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 19

Chapter 3 Install and start RSLinx Classic

6. On the End-User License Agreements dialog box, read the

agreements and click Accept all to continue the installation, or click
Decline to return to the previous page.

7. The We'll take it from here dialog box shows with the installation
progress bar. Wait while the wizard installs the required components.

8. (Optional) When prompted to restart your computer, click Restart now

to restart your computer and continue the installation, or Restart later
to suspend and exit the installation.

9. On the Almost there dialog box, select one of the following, and click

 Select Activate your software to activate the software now. For

more information, refer to Appendix A Activation on page 45.
 Select Skip activation to activate the software later. Some features
may not by available until you complete the software activation.

10. After the RSLinx Classic software finishes installing, the That's it!
dialog box shows.

 Click Installation Summary to see the installation details.

 Click Register for updates to learn how to receive email updates
about product patches.
 Click Download it free to install Adobe Acrobat Reader. Adobe
Acrobat Reader is required to open the RSLinx Classic Getting
Results Guide and other documents.
 Click Restart now to restart your computer and continue the
installation, or Restart later to exit the installation. You must
restart your computer before using RSLinx Classic.

11. When you finish installing the software, remove the RSLinx Classic
DVD from the DVD-ROM drive, and store it in a safe place.

After installing the software, you are recommended to read the release notes
located in the help. The release notes may contain more up-to-date
information than was available when this document was published. To view
the release notes, start RSLinx Classic, and then choose Help > Release
Notes from the main menu.

Update an existing Perform the following steps to update an existing RSLinx Classic installation
to RSLinx Classic v3.90.00 (CPR 9 SR 9):
1. Close your current version of RSLinx Classic.

2. Insert the RSLinx Classic DVD into the DVD-ROM drive. Refer to
Install RSLinx Classic software on page 19 and perform the installation
steps. The old version of RSLinx Classic that exists on your computer

20 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Install and start RSLinx Classic Chapter 3

is automatically uninstalled when you install a newer version of

RSLinx Classic.

Tip: The Installation Setup Wizard automatically backs up the driver

configuration that exists in the old version of RSLinx Classic, and
restore the configuration automatically into RSLinx Classic v3.90.00
(CPR 9 SR 9). You can find the backup file
BackupFromSystemInstall.rsx in

3. When the upgrade completes, restart your computer.

Updating the For RSLinx Classic version 2.57.00 and later, a compatible version of
FactoryTalk Services Platform must be installed along with RSLinx Classic.
FactoryTalk In the Installation Setup Wizard of RSLinx Classic version 3.70.00 and later,
Services Platform a compatible version of FactoryTalk Services Platform is automatically
installed (or upgraded) along with the RSLinx Classic installation (or
software upgrade).

For more details about upgrading FactoryTalk Services Platform, refer to

Upgrading the FactoryTalk Services Platform software in FactoryTalk
Services Platform Online Help.

Start RSLinx To start RSLinx Classic software, select Start > Programs > Rockwell
Software > RSLinx > RSLinx Classic.
Classic software
Note: We assume that you used the default names for the directory and program
group. If you did not use the default names, substitute the actual names that
you specified for the default names shown.

RSLinx Classic RSLinx Classic can run as a service or as an application. When you start
RSLinx Classic, it automatically runs as a service by default.
running as a service
vs. running as an Tip: Starting with RSLinx Classic v3.74.00, when RSLinx
Classic is running as a service, if you select Start >
application Programs > Rockwell Software > RSLinx > RSLinx
Classic, the following warning message shows, and you
can choose to Stop Service or Cancel.
"RSLinx Classic is currently running as a service. To
view or change the RSLinx configuration, the service
must be stopped and RSLinx started as an application.
Stopping the service will stop all communications and
may impact other client software."

To switch RSLinx Classic to run as an application, follow the steps below:

1. Click Start > Programs > Rockwell Software > RSLinx > RSLinx
Classic Launch Control Panel.

2. In the RSLinx Classic Launch Control Panel dialog box, click Stop.

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 21

Chapter 3 Install and start RSLinx Classic

3. Once RSLinx Classic service stops running, clear the Always Run As
Service check box.

4. Click Start to start RSLinx Classic as an application.

RSLinx Classic now runs as an application, and the RSLinx Classic main
window shows on the screen. When RSLinx Classic is running as an
application, the RSLinx Classic icon appears in the lower right corner of the
Windows task bar. You can also click this icon to show RSLinx Classic main

Note: To modify RSLinx Classic configuration, you must run it as an


Troubleshooting If RSLinx Classic does not start or run properly, consider the following:

installation  Does your computer have enough memory? Running RSLinx Classic
requires a minimum of 512MB of RAM.
 Does your computer have enough disk space? Running RSLinx Classic
requires a minimum of 2.2GB of available hard disk space.
 Do you have the correct activation for RSLinx Classic installed? If
your RSLinx Classic installation shows as RSLinx Classic Lite,
RSLinx Classic Single Node, or RSLinx Classic OEM, the proper
activation files were not installed. See Activate RSLinx Classic with
FactoryTalk Activation Manager on page 45 for information about
activation files.
 Have you reinstalled an earlier Service Pack or removed a component,
such as DCOM, that RSLinx Classic requires?

22 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Chapter 4


This chapter describes the features of the RSWho network browser interface.
RSWho allows you to view all the active network connections from a single

Use RSWho RSWho is RSLinx Classic main window that shows networks and devices in
a style similar to Windows Explorer. A variety of integrated configuration
and monitoring tools are accessible from the right mouse button in the
RSWho. Some of the available tools are the ControlLogix Gateway
Configuration Tool for Controlnet, DeviceNet, Ethernet, 1756-DHRIO, and
1756-DH485 modules, and a Data Monitor for monitoring live data out of
any ControlLogix, PLC-5, SLC, or MicroLogix family controllers.

The following figure shows the main areas of the RSLinx Classic RSWho.

Item Name
Control bar
Tree control (left pane)
List control (right pane)

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 23

Chapter 4 RSWho

Control bar
The control bar of the RSWho contains the following items:

Item Description
The Autobrowse check box is selected by default.
 If you select the check box, RSWho continually queries the
selected device or network to discover items to display in the
browser (regardless if the selected item is expanded or
collapsed). Additionally, the Refresh button is disabled.
 If you clear the check box, the Refresh button is enabled, and
RSWho stops the discovery process. To refresh the browser
you must then click the Refresh button.
The Refresh button is available if you clear the Autobrowse
check box. Clicking the Refresh button instructs RSWho to
perform one discovery cycle of the selected device or network.
Since clicking the button only performs one discovery cycle, you
may need to click multiple times to discover everything on the
The EDS file auto-upload button indicates whether the EDS files
automatic upload and registration function is enabled. If you turn
on the EDS file auto-upload button, RSLinx Classic automatically
uploads and registers EDS files of unrecognized online devices
when detected during a browse discovery operation. By default,
the button is turned off, and the automatic upload and registration
function is disabled.
The Show large icons button indicates how devices and
networks show in the list control (right pane) in the RSWho. If you
click the Show large icons button, devices and networks show as
large icons. By default, the button is turned on, and devices and
networks show as large icons.
If you click the Show details button, devices and networks in the
list control (right pane) show in a list. You can view device details
such as Address, Device Type, Online Name, and Status.
Status The status of device and network browsing.
Tip: Be patient when browsing some networks, such as through a
1785-KA, as it may appear that no devices exist, but the update is
only being delayed as RSWho checks all possible station

Tree control The left pane of the RSWho is the tree control, which shows networks and

The RSWho icon indicates a network. If the icon is animated, the

network is being browsed. Click a network or device to start browsing. The
RSWho only browses one network at a time.

A network is browsed when you click the "+" sign to expand it, or select it or
a device under the network node. When the network or device is collapsed
(indicated by the "+" sign), click "+" or double-click the network or device
icon next to the "+" sign to expand the view and begin browsing. When the

24 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

RSWho Chapter 4

network or device is expanded (indicated by the "-" sign), click "-" or

double-click the network or device icon next to the "-" sign to collapse the

Right-click a supported device to select Station Diagnostics, Configure DDE

Topic, or other supported services for that device.

Note: A device that appears with a red X indicates that RSWho previously
recognized this device, but now it cannot. The red X indicates a
communication status error, such as unplugging a recognized device.
These devices can be removed from the RSWho display by right-clicking
the device and selecting Remove.

List control The right pane of the RSWho is the list control, which shows all members of
a collection. A collection is a network, or a device that is a bridge. Right
click in the list control and choose a view option of large icons or details.
You can also right click a supported device to select Station Diagnostics,
Configure DDE Topic, or other supported services for that device.

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 25

Chapter 4 RSWho

26 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Chapter 5

OPC and DDE Connectivity

This chapter describes the features of:

 OPC (OLE for Process Control)

 DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange)

OPC OPC (OLE for Process Control) is a communication standard based on OLE
technology provided by Microsoft, and developed and maintained by the
OPC Foundation, a coalition of industrial manufacturing companies, of
which Rockwell Automation is a member. The charter of this group is to
provide an industrial standard exchange mechanism between plant floor
devices and client applications. RSLinx Classic is an OPC-compliant server
exposing the required interfaces for an OPC client application to access data
consistent with other OPC-compliant servers. The added benefit provided
from RSLinx Classic is its ability to provide several DDE formats in addition
to OPC.

OPC is designed to allow client applications access to plant floor data in a

consistent manner. OPC provides many benefits:

 Hardware manufacturers only have to make one set of software

components for customers to use in their applications.
 Software developers do not have to rewrite drivers because of feature
changes or additions in a new hardware release.
 Customers have more choices with which to develop world class
integrated manufacturing systems.

With OPC, system integration in a heterogeneous computing environment is

simple. Leveraging the OLE/COM environment is possible.

RSLinx Classic is an OPC-compliant server. For more information about

OPC, visit the OPC Foundation web site at
For more information on using OPC with Rockwell Software products, visit
our web site at

DDE DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) is a standard inter-application

communication protocol, which is built into Microsoft Windows operating
systems and supported by many applications that run under Windows. DDE
takes data from one application and gives it to another application. It allows
Windows programs that support DDE to exchange data between themselves.

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 27

Chapter 5 OPC and DDE Connectivity

 A DDE server is a program that has access to data and can provide that
data to other Windows programs.
 A DDE client is a program that can obtain data from a server.

By specifying an application, topic, and item, a client application can

exchange data with a server application. DDE works like a conversation
between two people. The people represent the different applications running
under Windows, and the data they share is what they are talking about.
RSLinx Classic does not know the type of data it is receiving, it only knows
that a DDE link is providing the data.

For example, if you have a DDE link from RSLinx Classic to an Excel
spreadsheet, Excel does not know that you are sending a counter value into a
spreadsheet. All Excel sees is data.

For example, RSLinx Classic is the application name, PLC5TOPIC1 is an

example topic name, and C5:0.ACC is an example item, in this case a
counter accumulator in an Allen-Bradley PLC-5.

Note: Not all applications that run under Microsoft Windows support
DDE. Check with the applications manufacturer before purchasing
an application for use with RSLinx Classic.

For more information about DDE, refer to the DDE topic in the RSLinx
Classic help.

DDE/OPC client RSLinx Classic provides connectivity for client applications using OPC or
multiple DDE data formats. The OPC and AdvanceDDE interfaces provide
connectivity optimized read operations by packing multiple requests from multiple clients
in a single transaction. In configuring a DDE Topic, you can specify whether
or not you want DDE poke operations optimized. Optimized pokes only
work with PLC-5 and SLC processors.

The benefit of optimizing DDE poke operations is packing multiple updates

in a single write operation, thus reducing the overall number of packets
required. Operations such as downloading a recipe can take advantage of this

Other DDE formats supported include FastDDE (for Wonderware clients),

XL_Table and CF_Text to support Microsoft Office products, and other
generic DDE client applications.

28 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Chapter 6

Register EDS files of devices

Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) files (*.eds) are text files that contains
configuration data for specific device types. The EDS file of a device is
provided by the device vendor and is required for compliance with Open
DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc. (ODVA) standards.

This chapter introduces the possible ways to register EDS files of devices in
RSLinx Classic, the folder path of all the existing EDS files, and how to
remove EDS files from your computer.

 Manually upload and register EDS files in the RSWho

 Automatically upload and register EDS files in the RSWho
 Manually register EDS files in the EDS Hardware Installation Tool
 View existing EDS files of devices on the computer
 Unregister EDS files in EDS Hardware Installation Tool
 Uninstall EDS Hardware Installation Tool and all EDS files

Manually upload For an online device whose EDS file is not registered, RSLinx Classic
detects whether the device contains an EDS file within its firmware. If there
and register EDS is an EDS file found, you can manually upload and register the device's EDS
files in the RSWho file in the RSWho.

To manually upload and register EDS file from device in the RSWho,
perform the following steps:

1. Connect the device to the computer.

2. Open RSLinx Classic, and browse for the device in the RSWho.

3. Once you find the device, right-click it, and select Upload EDS file
from device from the context menu.

Tip: If you right click an unregistered online device, and the context
menu does not contain the Upload EDS file from device
option, it means the device does not support this function.

You can manually upload and register one EDS file of a device at a time. If
you want to upload and register multiple EDS files at a time, refer to

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 29

Chapter 6 Register EDS files of devices

Automatically upload and register EDS files in the RSWho and Manually
register EDS files in the EDS Hardware Installation Tool.

Automatically For an online device which supports manually upload and registration in the
RSWho, RSLinx Classic can automatically upload and register it, if you
upload and register enable the EDS files automatic upload and registration function. With this
EDS files in the function enabled, you can upload and register the EDS file(s) of one or more
devices at a time.
To upload and register EDS files automatically, perform the following steps:

1. Turn on the EDS file auto-upload button on the control bar of the
RSWho window.

Tip: This enables the automatic upload and registration function. By

default, the function is disabled.

2. In the communication tree in the Explorer of the RSWho, double click

(or click the "+" sign beside) a node or a bus under a certain network to
expand and view devices under the selected node or bus.

Tip: To trigger the automatic upload and registration, you must

double click (or click the "+" sign beside) a sub-node under a
certain network. Double clicking (or clicking the "+" sign beside)
a root node of a network (for example, Ethernet) does not
trigger the automatic upload and registration.

The software performs a browse discovery query for a selected node or bus.
If an unregistered online device is found with its EDS file upon browsing, the
EDS file is uploaded and registered automatically. A progress bar shows
beside the unregistered device in the communication tree.

30 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Register EDS files of devices Chapter 6

Note:  If you turn off the EDS file auto-upload button when an EDS file is
in the process of being uploaded, the EDS file upload process is
aborted. While an EDS file is being registered, the EDS file
auto-upload button cannot be turned off.
 If an EDS file is invalid, or an error occurs during the upload and
registration, the EDS file cannot be registered, and a diagnostics
message is logged into FactoryTalk Diagnostics Viewer. To view the
diagnostics messages:
 From the Windows Start menu: Start > All Programs >
Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Tools > Diagnostics
Viewer, or
 From the FactoryTalk Administration Console: From the Tools
menu, click FactoryTalk Diagnostics > Viewer.
 If there are multiple RSWho instances:
 To allow automatic upload and registration, you need to turn on
the EDS file auto-upload button in each RSWho instance
respectively. If a RSWho instance does not enable this
function, double clicking (or clicking the "+" sign beside) a
node or a bus in this RSWho instance triggers the network
browsing, but not the automatic upload and registration
 If a device is automatically uploaded and registered in one
RSWho instance, the device information of this specific
device is synchronized in the rest of RSWho instances
(including the RSWho instances which disable the automatic
upload and registration function). Note that no progress bar
shows for the synchronization in the other RSWho instances.
 RSWho may respond slowly if there are many EDS files being

Manually register You can manually register EDS files of devices by launching the EDS
Hardware Installation Tool. The EDS Hardware Installation Tool is installed
EDS files in the EDS on your computer when you install RSLinx Classic.
Important:  You must have a valid and complete EDS file of the device
Installation Tool which you want to register. To search and download the EDS
file of a specific device, visit Rockwell Automation Network
Resources at
 If an icon file (*.ico) exists for the device, save it with the
same name as the EDS file in the same directory. You can
save one or more EDS files (and the related icon files) in one

To manually register EDS files of devices in the EDS Hardware Installation

Tool, perform the following steps:

1. Launch the EDS Hardware Installation Tool from Start > All
Programs > Rockwell Software > RSLinx > Tools > EDS
Hardware Installation Tool.

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 31

Chapter 6 Register EDS files of devices

2. On the Rockwell Automation - Hardware Installation Tool dialog

box, click Add. The Rockwell Automation's EDS Wizard dialog box

3. On the Registration screen, do one of the following, and then click


 Select Register a single file to register one EDS file at a time, and
click Browse to select the EDS file
 Select Register a directory of EDS files to register two or more
EDS files at a time, and click Browse to select the directory of the
EDS files

4. On the EDS File Installation Test Results screen, review the

hardware device list, and click Next.

5. On the Change Graphic Image screen, review the icon(s) of the

hardware device(s), and click Next.

Note: The Rockwell Automation's EDS Wizard assigns a default icon

to each hardware device. You can specify another icon for the
hardware device(s) by selecting the hardware device and
clicking the Change icon button.

6. On the Final Task Summary screen, review the hardware device list
and click Next.

7. When the registration is complete, click Finish to return to the

Rockwell Automation - Hardware Installation Tool dialog box.

8. Click Exit.

View existing EDS All the existing EDS files (and related icons) are stored in a default folder on
your computer. These existing EDS files include:
files of devices on
the computer  EDS files that are installed from the RSLinx Classic installation media
 EDS files that are uploaded and registered in the RSWho, either
manually or automatically
 EDS files that are manually registered via the EDS Hardware
Installation Tool

To view existing EDS files on your computer, refer to the default folder path

 For RSLinx Classic v3.80.00 or earlier

32 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Register EDS files of devices Chapter 6

 C:\Program Files\Rockwell Software\RSCommon\EDS (for

32-bit operating systems)
 C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockwell Software\RSCommon\EDS
(for 64-bit operating systems)
 For RSLinx Classic v3.81.00 or later

*RSLinx Classic v3.81.00 relocates the default EDS file folder. For RSLinx
Classic v3.81.00 or later, you can register or remove EDS files in the EDS
Hardware Installation Tool without having to login as Windows
administrator on the computer.

Important: If you want to remove one or more EDS files from your computer,
do not delete EDS files (or related icons) in this folder. Follow the
steps in Unregister EDS files in EDS Hardware Installation Tool
and Uninstall EDS Hardware Installation Tool and all EDS files.

Unregister EDS files To unregister one or more EDS files from your computer, perform the
following steps:
in EDS Hardware
Installation Tool 1. Select Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > RSLinx > Tools
> EDS Hardware Installation Tool to launch the tool.

2. On the Rockwell Automation - Hardware Installation Tool dialog

box, click Remove. Wait while the tool prepares and generates a full
list of the existing EDS files on your computer. A progress bar shows
and indicates the status. This may take a few seconds.

Tip: The full list of the existing EDS files on your computer includes:
 EDS files that are installed from the RSLinx Classic installation
 EDS files that are uploaded and registered in the RSWho, either
manually or automatically
 EDS files that are manually registered via the EDS Hardware
Installation Tool

3. On the Rockwell Automation's EDS Wizard dialog box, select the

check boxes before the EDS files which you want to unregister from
the computer. For devices with multiple firmware revisions, select the
check boxes before the specific revisions to be unregistered. Click

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 33

Chapter 6 Register EDS files of devices

Tip:  Click Select All to select all the EDS files in the list, or click
Clear All to clear your selections.
 Click Find Device and enter a keyword of a device’s name to
quickly locate the device’s EDS file in the list.
 The full list of the existing EDS files shows in alphabetical order
by default. You can select the Display by Catalog Name check
box to view the devices by catalog name.

4. Review the Final Task Summary, and click Next.

5. Click Finish.

6. On the Rockwell Automation - Hardware Installation Tool dialog

box, click Exit.

Important: The following products share the EDS files on your computer. If
any of the products listed below are installed on your computer,
you are not recommended to unregister the EDS files:
 RSNetworx
 RSLinx Classic
 RSLinx Enterprise
 RSLogix 5000 or Studio 5000 Logix Designer
 Logix Designer (RSLogix 5000) Module Profiles
 FactoryTalk Services Platform

Uninstall EDS To uninstall EDS Hardware Installation Tool and all EDS files, perform the
following steps:
Installation Tool and 1. Select Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > RSLinx > Tools
> Uninstall EDS Hardware Installation Tool and all EDS files to
all EDS files launch the uninstall EDS subsystem process.

2. Read the Uninstall EDS Subsystem warning message, and click Yes.

Wait while the system uninstalls the tool and unregisters devices from
your computer. This may take a few minutes. A confirmation message
shows when this is complete.

3. Click OK on the confirmation message.

34 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Register EDS files of devices Chapter 6

Important: The following products share the EDS subsystem on your

computer. If any of the products listed below are installed on
your computer, you are not recommended to uninstall the EDS
 RSNetworx
 RSLinx Classic
 RSLinx Enterprise
 RSLogix 5000 or Studio 5000 Logix Designer
 Logix Designer (RSLogix 5000) Module Profiles
 FactoryTalk Services Platform

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 35

Chapter 6 Register EDS files of devices

36 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Chapter 7

Compact harmony files

RSLinx Classic v3.90.00 (CPR 9 SR 9) allows you to compact existing

harmony topologies through the RSLinx Classic user interface, instead of
manually locating and deleting the harmony files from your computer's hard
drive. This reduces the waiting time to open RSLinx Classic, or to expand the
driver nodes in the RSWho.

Important:  This operation deletes the browsed

topologies and configured DDE/OPC topics
in RSLinx Classic. If you are using RSLinx
Classic for OPC communications, RSLinx
Classic will not be able to serve data for the
defined topics after the operation is
 To re-establish communications after you
have compact harmony files, you must
re-open the application which uses RSLinx
Classic, edit the topic in RSLinx Classic,
re-browse and select a target device for
each topic within RSLinx Classic's Topic

Compact harmony To compact harmony files:

files in RSLinx 1. In RSLinx Classic menu bar, click File > Compact Harmony, or
Classic In RSLinx Classic Launch Control Panel, click Tools > Compact

2. The following warning message shows. Read the message and click
Yes to continue, or click No to cancel the compact harmony operation.

"This operation will delete all of the RSLinx Classic stored topology
information. If you are using RSLinx Classic for OPC
communications, after the Compact Harmony Database operation is
completed, RSLinx Classic will not be able to serve data for defined
topics. To re-establish communications, you must manually browse
and select a target device for each topic within RSLinx Classic's Topic
Configuration. Do you want to continue?"

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 37

Chapter 7 Compact harmony files

3. If RSLinx Classic or the Harmony service is running, the following

warning message shows. Read the message and click Yes to continue,
or click No to cancel the compact harmony operation.

"RSLinx Classic and Harmony service need to be shut down in order to

perform this operation. Shut down RSLinx Classic and Harmony
Tip: (Optional) Clear the Restart RSLinx Classic when
finished check box if you do not want to restart
RSLinx Classic after the compact harmony process.
This option is selected by default.

4. If the system detects RSLinx Classic is in use by any other

applications, the following warning message shows. Read the message
and click Yes to continue, or click No to cancel the compact harmony

"RSLinx Classic is currently in use by one or more applications. If

RSLinx Classic is shut down now, these applications will experience
timeouts and/or loss of data. Shut down RSLinx Classic anyway?"

5. Depending on your Windows User Account Control (UAC) level, an

UAC warning message may show to confirm whether to make changes
to your computer or not. Click Yes to start the compact harmony

6. The progress begins and the Compact Harmony Progress dialog box
shows with progress bar. Click Detail to show or hide progress details.

Tip: During the compact harmony process, the OK

button is disabled. The button is enabled once the
compact harmony progress is completed or failed.

7. When the compact harmony process is completed, click OK.

38 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Chapter 8

Find the information you need

Use this chapter to review the sources of additional information about

RSLinx Classic software. This chapter helps you find what you need
efficiently by describing how to:

 Use the help

 Access guides
 Participate in Rockwell Software training courses
 Contact Technical Support

Use the help RSLinx Classic help provides general overview information, comprehensive
step-by-step procedures, and context-sensitive, dialog box control definitions
for working with all of the features in the software. To view online help
while running RSLinx Classic:

 Choose RSLinx Classic Help from the Help menu on the RSLinx
Classic main window,
 Click Help on any RSLinx Classic dialog box or property page,
 Position the cursor over a control, with which you want help and
right-click, or
 Press F1.
Access help for a
To show a definition for a control or a field, click the Whats This? icon
control or field in the upper right corner of the dialog box, drag the cursor to the selected
area, and then click to show the definition. In this example, the Property
control was selected.

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 39

Chapter 8 Find the information you need

Find step-by-step To view a list of tasks related to the current topic, move to the See also
section at the bottom of the help window and select one of the listed tasks.
procedures The current topic is replaced with a step-by-step procedure for completing
the task.

For example, from the What is a driver? help topic, if you select Add a driver
under the See also section, the procedure that describes how to add RSLinx
Classic drivers shows.

40 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Find the information you need Chapter 8

Find definitions

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 41

Chapter 8 Find the information you need

Within the RSLinx Classic help, blue text highlighted with an underline
indicates a link to a pop-up definition or a link to a related topic. For
example, in the Dynamic Data Exchange help topic, application, topic, and
item are pop-up definitions, and DDE link is a link to a related topic.

Access guides You can gain immediate access to product documentation through the guides
included with RSLinx Classic. The guides include this Getting Results
Guide, as well as any reference guides, in an electronic book format. The
guides are included in a PDF (portable document format) on your RSLinx
Classic DVD. These files must be viewed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader
software, which you can download for free from the Adobe website at

Training One of the best ways to increase your proficiency at using Rockwell
Software products is to attend a Rockwell Software training program. Our
training programs can help you master the basics and show you how to
unleash the full potential of our software.

Rockwell offers a wide range of training programs, from regularly scheduled

classes conducted at Rockwell Software facilities, to custom-tailored classes
conducted at your enterprise. The size of each class is kept small
intentionally to maximize student engagement.

If you would like more information about Rockwell training programs, visit
the Rockwell Software site or contact the Rockwell Software Training
Coordinator. Our World Wide Web address and telephone numbers appear
on the inside front cover of this document.

42 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Find the information you need Chapter 8

Technical support If you cannot find answers to your questions in the Getting Results with
RSLinx Classic guide, the help, or the guides, you can call Rockwell
Software Technical Support at the numbers listed on the inside front cover of
this guide. The technical support staff is available Monday through Friday
from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Eastern Time, except holidays. You can also
access the Rockwell Software Online Support Library from the web site
listed on the inside front cover of this guide.

When you call When you call, you should be at your computer and prepared to give the
following information:

 Product serial numbers

 Product version number
 The product serial numbers and version number can be found in the
software by clicking Help > About RSLinx Classic.
 Version of Windows and any service packs that you are using
 Hardware you are using
 Exact wording of any errors or messages that appeared on your screen
 Description of what happened and what you were doing when the
problem occurred
 Description of how you attempted to solve the problem

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 43

Chapter 8 Find the information you need

44 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Appendix A


RSLinx Classic v2.58.00 (CPR 9 Service Release 4) and later only supports
activation using FactoryTalk Activation.

Note: EvRSI activation is replaced by FactoryTalk Activation. If you are a current

user using EvRSI activation and want to upgrade to RSLinx Classic
v2.58.00 or later, contact your local Rockwell Automation Sales office or
Rockwell Automation Technical Support for information on migrating your
activations to FactoryTalk Activation Manager. For Rockwell Automation
Technical Support in the U.S. call 1 (440) 646-3434. Outside the U.S. see

RSLinx Classic v3.90.00 (CPR 9 SR 9) shows a message indicates the

activation status when you place the cursor over the tray icon in the
notification area. If the activation status changes during runtime, the message
shows the new status after you restart RSLinx Classic.

Grace period RSLinx Classic v2.52.00 (CPR 9) and later supports a seven-day activation
grace period when a valid activation is not found. During the grace period:

 When the software is started, a message is logged to the FactoryTalk

Diagnostic log every four hours until a valid activation is found.
 RSLinx Classic can be started an unlimited number of times. If the
grace period ends, and a valid activation has not been found, RSLinx
Classic Lite is started.
Note: If RSLinx Classic is unable to successfully obtain valid activations
(for example, a network failure occurs), the software will attempt
to run in grace period for up to seven days.

Activate RSLinx RSLinx Classic v3.70.00 introduces the ability to activate the software
during the software installation. The new Installation Setup Wizard contains
Classic with an Activate products using FactoryTalk Activation check box. This no
FactoryTalk longer requires you to open FactoryTalk Activation Manager to activate the
Activation Manager
To activate your RSLinx Classic v3.90.00 and later in the RSLinx Classic
How to activate RSLinx Installation Setup wizard, perform the following steps:
1. Perform the steps in Install RSLinx Classic software on page 17 on
page 19 to install RSLinx Classic software.

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 45

Appendix A Activation

2. On the Almost there dialog box in the Installation Setup wizard, select
the Activate your software check box and click Next.

3. On the Software Activation dialog box, enter the serial number and
product key from your Activation Certificate.

4. Select a version from the Earliest version drop down list.

5. Select Activate locally to activate RSLinx Classic on a single

computer, or select Activate using a dongle to activate RSLinx
Classic on any computer by using a dongle.

Note: The Activate using a dongle option requires that you have a
dongle to lock the activation.

6. Click Continue.

You can still activate RSLinx Classic via FactoryTalk Activation Manager
by clicking the Explore other options link in the Software Activation
dialog box. The link provides direct access to the FactoryTalk Activation
Manager software. To activate your copy of RSLinx Classic in the
FactoryTalk Activation Manager, click Get New Activations and follow the
instructions in the FactoryTalk Activation Manager.

For more information on using the FactoryTalk Activation Tool, click More
or Help in the FactoryTalk Activation Manager window.

Find more information For help with FactoryTalk Activation Manager at any point, you can click:
about FactoryTalk  Help on the FactoryTalk Activation Manager window
 Help on the Rockwell Software Activation website:

If you cannot connect to the Internet, call Technical Support for help creating
an activation file from an e-mail or a fax.

Phone: 440-646-3434 in North America. Outside of North America, call

your local support organization.

46 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Appendix B

Secure RSLinx Classic with

FactoryTalk Security

FactoryTalk Security™ is intended to improve the security of your

automation system by limiting access to those with a legitimate need.
FactoryTalk Security authenticates user identities and authorizes user
requests to access a FactoryTalk-enabled system. These security services are
fully integrated into the FactoryTalk Directory and are included as part of the
FactoryTalk Services Platform that installs with many products.

For more information on how to use security services, refer to FactoryTalk

Security help.

How do I set up RSLinx Classic, along with supporting RSSecurity, also supports
FactoryTalk Security. FactoryTalk Security is intended to improve the
security in RSLinx security of your automation system by limiting access to those with a
Classic? legitimate need. FactoryTalk Security authenticates the identities of users
and authorizes user requests to access a FactoryTalk-enabled system against
a set of defined user accounts and access privileges held in the FactoryTalk
Directory. For more information on FactoryTalk Security, read the About
FactoryTalk Security topic located in RSLinx Classic Help. The following
sections explain the steps you would need to perform to implement one of the
two security mechanisms (FactoryTalk Security and RSSecurity) supported
by RSLinx Classic.

Follow the steps in the sections below to set up security in RSLinx Classic
v3.70.00 (CPR 9 SR 7) and later versions. The steps below take RSLinx
Classic v3.81.00 (CPR 9 SR 8.1) as an example.

Note: When you install or upgrade the RSLinx Classic software,

make sure to install or upgrade a compatible version of
FactoryTalk Services Platform. For the compatibility
information, refer to

If you have not used If you have not used FactoryTalk Security before, and have never configured
security using RSSecurity, follow the steps below to set up security in
FactoryTalk Security or RSLinx Classic.
RSSecurity before
1. Install FactoryTalk Services Platform v2.81.00 and RSLinx Classic
v3.81.00 using RSLinx Classic Setup Wizard.

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 47

Appendix B Secure RSLinx Classic with FactoryTalk Security

2. Install RSSecurity Emulator from Start > All Programs > Rockwell
Software > FactoryTalk Tools > RSSecurity Emulator Install.

Note: During the RSSecurity Emulator installation, the FactoryTalk

Directory screen appears (see the following figure) where you
will be prompted to select the FactoryTalk Directory (Network
or Local) that RSSecurity Emulator should use. At this step, be
sure to make a note of the directory you choose — you will
require this information when adding security policies to
FactoryTalk Directory in Step 4.

Open the Windows Control Panel. Select Add or Remove Programs or

Programs and Features in the Control Panel. In the list of installed
programs, right click RSLinx Classic 3.81.00 CPR 9 SR 8.1, and then select
Change. The RSLinx Classic Setup Wizard opens. While running the
RSLinx Classic Setup Wizard, select Modify in the Program Maintenance

48 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Secure RSLinx Classic with FactoryTalk Security Appendix B

Note: In the RSLinx Classic Security Configuration Selection page,

select Enable Security. Click Next and follow the instructions
until you finish the modification.

1. Open FactoryTalk Administration Console from Start > All Programs

> Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Administration Console to add
user accounts and set security settings to secure RSLinx Classic.

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 49

Appendix B Secure RSLinx Classic with FactoryTalk Security

Note:  For more information on how to add user accounts, read the
Add a user account topic in FactoryTalk Administration
Console help, located at Manage FactoryTalk-enabled
systems > Log on and configure security > Configure
security > How To > Work with user accounts > Add a
user account.
 For more information on how to secure RSLinx Classic
features, read the Secure Product Features topic in
FactoryTalk Security help, located at Configure Security >
How to > Set up product policies > Secure product
 For more information on what you can secure in RSLinx
Classic, read the What can I secure in RSLinx Classic topic
in RSLinx Classic Online help, located at How to > Secure
RSLinx Classic with FactoryTalk > What can I secure in
RSLinx Classic.

2. Open RSLinx Classic from Start > All Programs > Rockwell
Software > RSLinx > RSLinx Classic, and click Security > Set
Security User from the main menu. In the New User dialog box, enter
the username and password of the user you created in FactoryTalk
Administration Console in step 4, and click OK.

Note: Because the access to features in RSLinx Classic is governed

by the permissions you set for a user in FactoryTalk
Administration Console, some features out of the 13 securable
features in RSLinx Classic may be inaccessible (for example,
if the user you entered in Step 5 does not have the appropriate

This completes the security setup for RSLinx Classic.

If you have used If you have not used FactoryTalk Security before, and want to import an
existing RSSecurity Configuration into the FactoryTalk Directory, follow the
RSSecurity but not steps below to configure security in RSLinx Classic. The steps below take
FactoryTalk Security RSLinx Classic v3.81.00 (CPR 9 SR 8.1) as an example.

1. Install FactoryTalk Services Platform v2.81.00 and RSLinx Classic

v3.81.00 using RSLinx Classic Setup Wizard.

2. Launch the Security Config Explorer by selecting Start > All

Programs > Rockwell Software > Security Server Network Edition
> Security Config Explorer.

3. Locate the RSSecurity Configuration (*.bak) file, and select File >
Export to backup the *.bak file.

4. Close the Security Config Explorer.

5. Uninstall RSSecurity Server/Client (whichever is installed on this

machine) from Windows Control Panel.

6. Install RSSecurity Emulator from Start > All Programs > Rockwell
Software > FactoryTalk Tools > RSSecurity Emulator Install.

50 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Secure RSLinx Classic with FactoryTalk Security Appendix B

Note: During the RSSecurity Emulator installation, the FactoryTalk

Directory page appears. Select the FactoryTalk Directory
(Network or Local) which RSSecurity Emulator uses. At this
step, be sure to make a note of the directory you choose―this
directory information is needed when adding security policies
to FactoryTalk Directory in Step 8 below.

7. Open the Windows Control Panel. Select Add or Remove Programs

or Programs and Features in the Control Panel. In the list of installed
programs, right click RSLinx Classic 3.81.00 CPR 9 SR 8.1, and then
select Change. The RSLinx Classic Setup Wizard opens. While
running the RSLinx Classic Setup Wizard, select Modify in the
Program Maintenance page.

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 51

Appendix B Secure RSLinx Classic with FactoryTalk Security

Note: In the RSLinx Classic Security Configuration Selection

page, select Enable Security. Click Next and follow the
instructions until you finish the modification.

8. Import RSSecurity Server database by selecting Start > All Programs

> Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Tools > Import RSSecurity

Note: While running the Import RSSecurity Configuration utility, the

FactoryTalk Security Import dialog box appears. In the
Destination directory of the FactoryTalk Security Import dialog
box, be sure to import the .bak file to the directory where you
installed the Emulator (Local or Network).

9. Open RSLinx Classic, and select Security > Set Security User from
the main menu. In the New User dialog box, enter the username
(domain name\username) and password of the RSSecurity user.

52 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Secure RSLinx Classic with FactoryTalk Security Appendix B

Note:  If you do not remember the usernames of the users that

existed in your old RSSecurity setup, perform the following
a. Run FactoryTalk Administration Console by selecting
Start > Programs > Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk
Administration Console.
b. In the Explorer pane, expand the FactoryTalk Local or
Network Directory tree, and then expand the Systems
folder until the Users folder is visible.
c. In the Users folder, the users who have domain
associated with their usernames (for example, na\Bob)
are your RSSecurity users.
 Because access to features in RSLinx Classic is governed
by the permissions you set in the security server, some
features out of the 13 securable features in RSLinx Classic
may be inaccessible (for example, if the user you entered in
Step 9 does not have the appropriate permission)

This completes the security setup for RSLinx Classic.

If you have used If you used FactoryTalk Security before, and want to continue to use
FactoryTalk Security when upgrading RSLinx Classic to v3.81.00 or later,
FactoryTalk Security follow the steps below to set up security in RSLinx Classic. The steps below
before take RSLinx Classic v3.81.00 (CPR 9 SR 8.1) as an example.

1. Install FactoryTalk Services Platform v2.81.00 and RSLinx Classic

v3.81.00 using RSLinx Classic Setup Wizard.

Note: While running the RSLinx Classic Setup Wizard, the RSLinx
Classic Security Configuration Selection page appears.
Select Enable Security. Click Next and follow the instructions
until you finish the installation.

2. Open FactoryTalk Administration Console from Start > All Programs

> Rockwell Software > FactoryTalk Administration Console to add
user accounts and set security settings to secure RSLinx Classic.

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 53

Appendix B Secure RSLinx Classic with FactoryTalk Security

Note:  For more information on how to add user accounts, read the
Add a user account topic in FactoryTalk Administration
Console help, located at Manage FactoryTalk-enabled
systems > Log on and configure security > Configure
security > How To > Work with user accounts > Add a user
 For more information on how to secure RSLinx Classic
features, read the Secure Product Features topic in
FactoryTalk Security help, located at Configure Security >
How to > Set up product policies > Secure product features.
 For more information on what you can secure in RSLinx
Classic, read the What can I secure in RSLinx Classic topic
in RSLinx Classic Online help, located at How to > Secure
RSLinx Classic with FactoryTalk > What can I secure in
RSLinx Classic.

3. Open RSLinx Classic from Start > All Programs > Rockwell
Software > RSLinx > RSLinx Classic, and click Security > Set
Security User from the main menu. In the New User dialog box, enter
the username and password of the user you created in FactoryTalk
Administration Console in Step 2, and click OK.

Note:  Because the access to features in RSLinx Classic is

governed by the permissions you set for a user in
FactoryTalk Administration Console, some features out of
the 13 securable features in RSLinx Classic may be
inaccessible (for example, if the user you entered in Step 3
does not have the appropriate permission).
 When RSLinx Classic is reinstalled, all security settings that
were previously configured for networks and devices are
lost. You must redefine these security settings in the
Networks and Devices tree, or in RSWho. For more
information, see Considerations when using RSLinx Classic
with FactoryTalk Security.

This completes the security setup for RSLinx Classic.

What can I secure in The following table explains the features you can restrict access to in
RSLinx Classic. For example, you might restrict the ability to shut down the
RSLinx Classic? RSLinx Classic service to a small group of users, to prevent parts of your
automation system from going down at runtime.

Important: If you selected Network Directory during the RSLinx Classic security
setup procedure, you must use FactoryTalk Security to secure the
following list of features. For more information, contact your local
Rockwell Automation distributor.

54 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Secure RSLinx Classic with FactoryTalk Security Appendix B

Securable feature Description

Clear DDE/OPC Event Shows information on any DDE/OPC error messages
Log logged while running RSLinx Classic with DDE/OPC
compliant programs.
Configure CIP Options Administers how PCCC requests that use the CIP
protocol are sent over networks.
Configure Client Maps configured and running RSLinx Classic drivers to
Applications legacy INTERCHANGE C API, as well as shows the link
identifier of the virtual network maintained by RSLinx
Classic for the use of Client Applications in the virtual
link unsolicited messaging model.
Configure ControlLogix Provides you with information about the modules in your
Gateway ControlLogix Gateway.
Configure DDE/OPC Configures DDE/OPC topic.
Configure Drivers and Configures (add, edit, or delete) drivers and shortcuts
Shortcuts that allow RSLinx Classic to communicate with your
PLC, and provide quick access to specific networks.
Configure Gateway Allows you to enable the RSLinx Classic Gateway.
Configure Network Allows you to configure network properties.
Edit DDE/OPC Project Allows you to edit your DDE/OPC project.
Edit Options Shows the options dialog box, which contains the
General and DDE tabs.
Reset Station Diagnostic Clears the counters in the station diagnostic screens.
Shutdown Shuts down RSLinx Classic.
View NT Event Log Records important system occurrences such as RSLinx
Classic drivers successfully starting and stopping.

Using FactoryTalk Keep the following in mind when using RSLinx Classic with FactoryTalk
Network/Local The FactoryTalk Services Platform can install two completely separate and
independent FactoryTalk Directories: Local Directory and Network
Directory Directory. User accounts, passwords, and security permissions to securable
features are completely separate and cannot be shared between the Network
Directory and the Local Directory. Configuring any of these items on one
directory does not configure them on the other. Similarly, changing the
password to a user account in one directory does not change the password in
the other directory, even if the account has the same name in both directories.

When configuring RSLinx Classic to work in one of the two directories, keep
the following in mind:

 RSLinx Classic security policies and RSSecurity Emulator must be

installed in the same directory (either Local or Network).

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 55

Appendix B Secure RSLinx Classic with FactoryTalk Security

 If you configured RSLinx Classic to work in the Network Directory,

you must use FactoryTalk Security to administer centralized security
across the network.
 If you configured RSLinx Classic to work in Local Directory and want
to use FactoryTalk Security, you can administer security only on a
single computer.
Reset Network Tree When RSLinx Classic is reinstalled, all security settings that were previously
configured for networks and devices are lost. You must redefine these
security settings in the Networks and Devices tree, or in RSWho. For more
information, read the Network and Devices are not shown correctly topic in
FactoryTalk Security help, located at Configure security >
Troubleshooting security > Network and Devices are not displayed

Miscellaneous Keep the following additional FactoryTalk Security considerations in mind:

 If you did not select the Enable Security check box during the RSLinx
Classic installation, but want to enable security now, you will need to
uninstall and then reinstall RSLinx Classic.
 Every time you are in RSLinx Classic, be sure to verify that the
Username shown in the Current Security User text box of the Set
Security dialog box (Security > Set Security User) is correct. If it is
incorrect, enter the new Username and Password, and click OK.

56 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Appendix C

Install RSLinx Classic with

command line syntax

Besides the Setup Wizard installation, RSLinx Classic supports automated

installation using command line syntaxes. You can typically use this
automated installation method during large-scale rollouts, when it might be
too slow and costly to have administrators or technicians interactively install
the software on individual computers.

This automated installation method requires you enter a command line at the
beginning of the installation. During the installation process, instead of
prompting you for installation and configuration information interactively,
the process follows the specific command line, without user intervention.

RSLinx Classic supports the following automated installation:

 Unattended installation (recommended)

 Silent installation for RSLinx Classic .msi file

Comparing different RSLinx Classic v3.90.00 (CPR 9 SR 9) supports setup wizard installation,
installation methods and installation with command line syntax (that is, unattended installation
and silent installation). The following table illustrates the differences among
each installation method.

Installation Description References

Setup wizard The standard method to install RSLinx Classic. It Install RSLinx
installation installs all the necessary prerequisites software Classic
and required components. The installation software on
processes are visible, easy to use, and provides page 19
full installation details such as installation
summary and how to register for products
Unattended A new automated installation method in CPR 9 Use
installation SR 9. It installs all the necessary prerequisites unattended
software and required components with little (or installation on
no) user intervention, and provides multiple page 58
parameters that allow customized installations. It
is recommended for large-scale rollouts.
Tip: Depending on the customized parameters,
you can silently install RSLinx Classic,
prerequisite software, and required components
using this method. See Example 1 on page 60.

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 57

Appendix C Install RSLinx Classic with command line syntax

Silent An automated installation method in CPR 9 SR 6 Use silent

installation for and later. It installs the RSLinx Classic .msi file installation for
RSLinx Classic with little (or no) user intervention. You need to RSLinx
.msi file manually install the prerequisite software and Classsic .msi
required components before silent installation. file on page

Use unattended Starting with CPR 9 SR 9, RSLinx Classic support unattended installation. In
the unattended installation, you enter a specified command line syntax with
installation multiple parameters. You can customize the parameters to meet your needs.

Perform unattended To perform RSLinx Classic unattended installation, follow the steps below.
The steps may vary slightly. Follow the on-screen instructions that apply to
installation your operating system.

1. Close all open Windows programs.

2. Open the Command Prompt window as administrator.

3. In the Command Prompt window, navigate to D:, where D: is the

drive containing the RSLinx Classic installation DVD or installation
package, and press Enter.

Tip: The User Account Control dialog box may show after
you press Enter, click Yes to continue.

4. Type a command line with the following syntax:

Setup.exe {/Q | /QS}


5. Press Enter. The installation process starts with the parameters you

6. For detailed description about each parameter, see Parameters. You can
also type Setup /? in the Command Prompt window, and press Enter
to view the help information of all parameters and examples.

Parameters The parameters and values are not case sensitive. If the value includes
spaces, you need to enclose it in quotation marks (" ").

58 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016
Install RSLinx Classic with command line syntax Appendix C

Required if /QS is not specified.

Installs the product in the silent mode without any user interface.


Required if /Q is not specified.

Installs the product in the unattended mode without user interaction

during installation, and shows the progress, errors, or complete
messages on the user interface.


Required. Specifies that you read and acknowledge all license

agreements, and agree to continue the installation.


Optional. If specified, the computer will be restarted automatically

after the installation, if a restart is required to complete the installation.

The parameter is ignored if a restart is not required.


Optional. Specifies which language will be displayed during the

installation process. The value must be the one of ENU, CHS, DEU,

If omitted, the default language is the user or system user interface



Optional. Specifies the installation drive.

If omitted, the default drive and location are:

 C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockwell Software (64-bit) or

 C:\Program Files\Rockwell Software (32-bit).


Optional. Specifies the serial number that is required if you want to get
activation keys during installation.


Optional. Specifies the product key that is required if you want to get
activation keys during installation.

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 59

Appendix C Install RSLinx Classic with command line syntax


Optional. Specifies the version corresponding to the product version

that the SerialNumber and ProductKey are able to activate if you
want to get activation keys during the installation.

If omitted, the installer uses a default version which is the most recent
product version available when retrieving the activation.

The following examples show how to use the commands during the
unattended installation.

Example 1

Setup.exe /Q /IAcceptAllLicenseTerms


The RSLinx Classic unattended installation uses the default settings

during the installation process, with no user interface.

Example 2

Setup.exe /QS /IAcceptAllLicenseTerms /AutoRestart

/SetupLanguage=CHS /InstallDrive=D:
/SerialNumber=0123456789 /ProductKey=ABCDE-FGHIJ


 During the installation, the progress, error, or complete messages show

on user interfaces. The displayed language is Chinese.
 RSLinx Classic version v3.90.00 will be installed to D:\Program Files
(x86)\Rockwell Software if you are using a 64-bit operating system,
or D:\Program Files\Rockwell Software if you are using a 32-bit
operating system.
 The setup will get activation keys during installation if the serial
number 0123456789 and product key ABCDE-FGHIJ are valid.
 After the installation, if a restart is required, the computer will be
restarted automatically.

Use silent Starting with RSLinx Classic v3.60.00 (CPR 9 SR 6), RSLinx Classic
installation for supports silent installation for RSLinx Classic .msi file. In the silent
installation, RSLinx Classic is installed with default settings, with no (or
RSLinx Classic .msi little) dialog boxes, messages, or user intervention.
Before you begin Before installing the .msi file of RSLinx Classic using the silent installation,
you must manually install the following prerequisite software and required
components, in the following sequences:

60 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Install RSLinx Classic with command line syntax Appendix C

 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6

To manually install it, run it from RSLinx Classic installation directory
For detailed instructions about how to install it, refer to
 Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0
To manually install it, run it from RSLinx Classic installation directory
 OPC .NET API 4.5
To manually install it, run it from RSLinx Classic installation directory
 FactoryTalk Diagnostics v2.90.00
To manually install it, run it from RSLinx Classic installation directory
 Windows Firewall Configuration Utility 1.00.08
To manually install it, run it from RSLinx Classic installation directory
 Certificates installation
For detailed instructions about how to install it, refer to Install
certificates on page 62.
 USB CIP driver package (for 32-bit operating systems)
This driver is used for Rockwell Automation USB devices and is
represented by the Virtual Backplane (SoftLogix58xx, USB driver)
type on the Configure Drivers dialog box.
To manually install it, run it from RSLinx Classic installation directory
 x64 driver package (for 64-bit operating systems)
To manually install it, run it from RSLinx Classic installation directory
 FactoryTalk Services Platform
To manually install it, run it from RSLinx Classic installation directory

RSLinx Classic x64 RSLinx Classic version 3.90.00 (CPR 9 SR 9) x64 driver package includes
driver package the following:

 1747-UIC (DH485)

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 61

Appendix C Install RSLinx Classic with command line syntax

 1752-SmartGuard USB
 1784-PCIC(S) (ControlNet)
 1784-PKTCS (ControlNet)
 1784-PKTX (DH485/DH+/RIO)
 1784-U2DHP (DH+)
 Micro800 Remote LCD (208-REMLCD / 820 Remote LCD)
 Micro810
 Virtual Backplane

In addition, this release of x64 driver package includes a number of

enhancements, including USB CIP driver improvements and new driver
installation folder C:\Program Files\Rockwell Automation.

Install certificates The following certificates are available in the installation directory

 2016-Rockwell-Driver-SHA1.cer
 2016-Rockwell-SHA256.cer
 DriverCodeSigning2012-1.cer
 Rockwell_2013.cer
 Rockwell_2014.cer
 Rockwell_2015.cer
 rockwellcert2010.cer
 rockwellcert2013.cer
 VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5

To manually install a certificate, perform the following steps. The steps

below take the VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
2036.cer certificate as an example.

1. Locate the certificate file at RSLinx Classic installation directory

\Redist\Cert\VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification
Authority -G5 2036.cer, and double click it.

2. On the General tab of the Certificate dialog box, click Install


3. In the Certificate Import Wizard dialog box, click Next.

62 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Install RSLinx Classic with command line syntax Appendix C

4. Select Place all certificates in the following store, and click Browse.

5. In the Select Certificate Store dialog box, select the Trusted Root
Certificate Authorities folder, and click OK.

6. In the Certificate Import Wizard dialog box, click Next.

7. Click Finish.

For more information on certificate installation, see Deploying Certificates to

the Trusted Publishers Store at

Perform silent To install RSLinx Classic in silent mode with default parameter:
installation 1. Close all open Windows programs.

2. Open the Command Prompt window as administrator.

3. In the Command Prompt window, navigate to

D:\3.90.00-RSLinxClassic\ENU, where D: is the drive containing the
RSLinx Classic installation DVD or installation package, and press

Tip:  For RSLinx Classic Lite, the directory is

D:/3.90.00-RSLinxClassic-Lite\ENU; for RSLinx
Classic SDK, the directory is
 The User Account Control dialog box may show after
you press Enter, click Yes to continue.

4. Type the following command line syntax, and press Enter.

Msiexec /I "RSLinx.msi" /qn /L*v+ "%Temp%\Rockwell - RSLinx
Classic Install.log"

Tip: The command line install has two options:

 /qb: basic UI (user interface) - simple progress and
error handling
 /qn: no UI - completely silent installation

The installation process starts silently. For the installation log file, type the
following command line syntax in the Command Prompt window:

%Temp%\Rockwell - RSLinx Classic Install.Log

During the installation, you may see one or two Windows Security

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 63

Appendix C Install RSLinx Classic with command line syntax

 If the message shows "Windows can't verify the publisher of this driver
software", click Install this driver software anyway to continue the
 If the message shows "Would you like to install this device software",
select the Always trust software from Rockwell Automation check
box and click Install. Selecting the check box prevents this dialog box
from appearing again.

64 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Appendix D

Using RSLinx Classic with


Select an RSLinx When working with ControlFlash, you can use either RSLinx Enterprise or
RSLinx Classic as your communications software. The default choice is
Edition in RSLinx Classic.
To select or change an RSLinx edition in ControlFlash:

1. Launch ControlFlash on your computer.

2. On the Welcome page, click Change RSLinx Edition. The button is

enabled only if RSLinx Classic and RSLinx Enterprise version 5.90.00
or higher are installed.

 The default choice is RSLinx Classic to communicate over Data

Highway Plus, DF1, DH485, ControlNet, DeviceNet, Ethernet, and
USB networks.
 The other choice is RSLinx Enterprise to communicate over USB
and Ethernet networks.

The following table shows the RSLinx edition that ControlFlash uses.

ControlFlash uses... If...

RSLinx Classic RSLinx Classic is installed, and RSLinx
Enterprise is not installed.
RSLinx Enterprise RSLinx Enterprise is installed, and
RSLinx Classic is not installed.
Your preferred RSLinx RSLinx Classic and RSLinx Enterprise
edition are installed.

RSWho RSWho is RSLinx Classic's main window that shows networks and devices
in a style similar to Windows Explorer. It allows you to view all network
connections from a single screen. For more details about RSWho, refer to
Chapter 4: RSWho on page 23.

Configure drivers in To add a driver in RSLinx Classic:

RSLinx Classic 1. From the RSLinx Classic main menu, select Communications >

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 65

Appendix D Using RSLinx Classic with ControlFlash

Configure Drivers.

2. From the Configure Drivers dialog box, select the desired driver from
the Available Driver Types list.

3. Click Add New. The Add New RSLinx Classic Driver dialog box

4. Enter a name for the selected driver (15 characters at maximum), and
click OK. The Configuration dialog box for that driver shows.

5. In the Configuration dialog box, enter the appropriate parameters for

the desired driver.

6. Click OK to close the Configuration dialog box. The new driver now
appears in the Configured Drivers list.

To edit a driver in RSLinx Classic:

1. From the RSLinx Classic main menu, select Communications >

Configure Drivers.

2. From the Configure Drivers dialog box, select the desired driver from
the Configured Drivers list.

3. Click Configure. The Configuration dialog box for that driver shows.

4. Make the necessary modifications to the driver, and click OK to return

to the Configure Drivers dialog box.

66 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016


Activation file - A hidden, read-only, system file that activates a Rockwell

Software product. The software will run only if your system can find the
correct activation file.

Activation key - Activation files contain a database of activation keys. Each

key is particular to a certain product and must be accessible on a local or
remote drive for that product to run.

Driver - The software interface to the hardware device that will be used to
communicate between RSLinx Classic and your processor.

DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) - A form of inter-process communication.

When two or more programs that support DDE are running simultaneously,
they can exchange information and commands.

License - Authorization to use a specified number of instances of software. A

products activation key contains a license for each copy of the software you
have purchased.

Links - The data path established for one or more channels between two or
more stations. DDE links can be hot, warm, or cold.

OPC - Provides an industry-standard mechanism to communicate and

exchange data between clients and servers using OLE technology.

Packet - The transmission unit exchanged at the network layer.

Poke - DDE version of a write.

Read - To acquire data from somewhere (memory, an output, another


Topic - Represents a specific path to a processor.

Write - To load data into somewhere (memory, an output, another station).

Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 67


68 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016


activation 45
activate 45 hard drive space 17
application workspace 16 hardware 17

classes 42 Install 19
close 14 FactoryTalk Services Platform 47
communications device 17 RSLinx Classic 17
configure a driver 11 RSSecurity Emulator 47
configure a topic 12 intended audience 7
context-sensitive help 15, 39
control definitions 39 L
Control menu 14
copy a link 13 license 17
Customer Information 19 License Agreement 19
Lite version 9
Local Directory 55
diagnostics 15 M
document conventions 8
document set 7 maximize 14
driver configuration 11 memory 22
Dyamnic Data Exchange 27 menu bar 14
minimize 14
mouse 17
E move 14, 54
electronic book format 8, 42
Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) 29 N
Enable Security 19
ethernet card 17 Network Directory 54

FactoryTalk Activation 45 OEM version 10
FactoryTalk Administration Console 47 OLE for Process Control 27
FactoryTalk Security user 47 online guides 42
feedback 8 online help 7, 39

Gateway version 11 paste a link 13
grace period 45 pointing device 17
pop-up definition 41
Process Terminating 19
Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016 69

serial numbers 43 system requirements 17

version number 43

Q tasks 40
Quick start 11 technical support 43
title bar 14
toolbar 15
R topic configuration 12
RAM 17, 22 training 42
related topic 41 troubleshooting
release notes 17 installation 22
requirements types of RSLinx Classic 9
hardware 17
software 18
restore 14, 47, 54
RSLinx Classic icon 14 updating an existing installation 20
RSLinx Classic types 9
RSSecurity Emulator 47
RSSecurity user 47
version numbers 43

security 47
Add user accounts 47 What’s This? help 39
considerations 55
enable security option 56
FactoryTalk Administration Console 47
FactoryTalk Security user 47
FactoryTalk Services Platform 47
Local Directory 55
Network Directory 54, 55
Network Tree 56
RSSecurity Emulator 47, 55
RSSecurity user 47
securable features 54
Set Security dialog box 56
set up security 47
serial numbers 43
Single Node version 10
size 14, 54
software 18
starting RSNetWorx for DeviceNet 17, 21
status bar 16
step-by-step procedures 39, 40
support 43
support library 43
SVGA graphics adapter 17
70 Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016
Legal notices
Copyright Notice

© 2016 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.

This document and any accompanying Rockwell Software products are copyrighted by Rockwell Automation,
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End User License Agreement (EULA)

You can view the Rockwell Automation End-User License Agreement ("EULA") by opening the License.rtf file
located in your product's install folder on your hard drive.

Trademark Notices

Allen-Bradley, ControlLogix, Data Highway Plus, DH+, FactoryTalk, Logix5000, PanelView, PLC-2, PLC-3,
PLC-5, Rockwell, Rockwell Automation, Rockwell Software, RSLinx, RSLogix, RSNetWorx, RSView, SLC,
and Studio 5000 are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.

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Adobe, Acrobat, and Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the
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Oracle is a registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation.

ControlNet is a registered trademark of ControlNet International.

DeviceNet is a trademark of the Open DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc. (ODVA).

All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders and are hereby acknowledged.


This product is warranted in accordance with the product license. The product’s performance may be affected by
system configuration, the application being performed, operator control, maintenance, and other related factors.
Rockwell Automation is not responsible for these intervening factors. The instructions in this document do not
cover all the details or variations in the equipment, procedure, or process described, nor do they provide directions
for meeting every possible contingency during installation, operation, or maintenance. This product’s
implementation may vary among users.
This document is current as of the time of release of the product; however, the accompanying software may have
changed since the release. Rockwell Automation, Inc. reserves the right to change any information contained in
this document or the software at any time without prior notice. It is your responsibility to obtain the most current
information available from Rockwell when installing or using this product.

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Contact Rockwell

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Online Support —
Rockwell Automation support
Rockwell Automation provides technical information on the web to assist you in using its products. At you can find technical and application notes, sample code, and links to software service
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In addition, we offer multiple support programs for installation, configuration, and troubleshooting. For more information, contact your
local distributor or Rockwell Automation representative, or visit .

Installation assistance
If you experience a problem within the first 24 hours of installation, review the information that is contained in this manual. You can
contact Customer Support for initial help in getting your product up and running.

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New product satisfaction return

Rockwell Automation tests all of its products to ensure that they are fully operational when shipped from the manufacturing facility.
However, if your product is not functioning and needs to be returned, follow these procedures.

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Rockwell Automation Publication LINX-GR001Q-EN-E – November 2016

Supersedes Publication LINX-GR001P-EN-E Copyright © 2016 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

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