Encumbrance Certificate Google Docs

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Format for Application to be filed to apply for an encumbrance certificate

(Name, Address, Contact number of the applicant)


The Registrar (Sub-registrar)

Register (or sub-register) office,
Address: (to be filed as per the location of registrar’s office)

Dear Sir / Madam,

Sub: Application for Encumbrance Certificate (EC) of the Property

With reference to the subject mentioned above, I would like to apply for the Encumbrance
Certificate (EC) for the following house property.

[State the property details, like full address as mentioned in the registration deed, measurement
including East, West, South and North with identification of the nearby properties or ne].

I have filled the EC application form, a letter and required fees as per your office’s instruction
and guidelines. Kindly assist me to process the above detailed EC and furnish me two original
copies of the same (you can even apply for just one copy as well).

Thanking you,

Your's Truly,
(Your Name and Contact detail - this letter has to be attached with the application form of EC).

(Note : Do not worry if you don’t have the complete details of the property. The officer will help
you to fill in the details properly and completely.)

Tips: It is better to write application form in a simple manner at home and keep another blank
white paper to modify at the Registered office if needed. It is also the best idea to get at least
one copy of EC by paying nominal fee and take copies of the original later.

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