Up Cat List of Topics

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BASIC MATH  Glands & Hormones (Human, Plant)

 Sets  Vitamins (with deficiencies)

 Exponents  Phyla & Classes (with examples)
 Decimal to Fraction (Rational)  Body Organs, Systems, and Parts
 Work Problem  Microoganisms
 Time Problem  Tropisms
 Age Problem  Chromosomal Abnormalities
 Systems of Functions Day 7: Chemistry
 Types of Functions  Atomic Models
JoRJ MATH  Periodic Properties
 Arithmetic & Geometric  Rules & Principles
 Probability  Electron Configuration & Orbitals
 Permutation & Combinations  Thermodynamics
 Tests  Gas Law
 Exponential & Logarithmic f(x)  Reactions (Balancing, Types)
 Sin Cos Tan  Mixtures & Solutions (Types)
GeomXSTIM  Redox
 Geometry Theorems  Intermolecular Forces (with Bonding)
 Circle  Molecular Geometry
 Trigonometric Identities  Types of Concentrations
 Volume, Surface Area  Acids and Bases
 Matrix (2x2, 3x2, 2x3, 3x3)  Naming Organic & Inorganic
 Number Theory  Radioactivity, Half Life
Excess Math  Isomerism
 Limits Day 8: Physics
 Conic Sections  Newton’s Very Basic Laws
General Science  Basic Kinematics (Big 3 Formulas)
 Constellations  Momentum and Impulse
 Solar System (Planets, Moons, Sun,  Vectors (Addition, Common Angles)
Meteors)  Free fall & Projectile
 Tides, Breeze, Global Warming  Work Energy Theorem (with Power)
 Stars (Types, Major)  Circular Mortion
 Layers (Atmostphere, Ocean, Earth, Soil)  Circuits (Types, Ohm’s Law)
 Rock (Hardness, Type, Layer Principles,  Nuclear Physics (Particles, Decay)
Conformities, Major)  Waves (EM, Simple Harmonic)
 Volcanoes (Types)  Magnetism (Rules, Lines)
 Climate (Seasons, Equinox, Solstice)  Optics (Mirror, Lens, Color, Polarization)
 SI Prefixes & Conversions  Universal Gravitation
 Earthquakes (Diagrams, Waves)  Difference of Center of Gravity and Mass
 Earth Timeline (Periods, Eras, Continents)  Work Efficiency
 Weather (Types, Disturbances, Clouds)  GRAPHS
 Big Bang, Continental Drift, Seafloor
Spreading, Plate Tectonic Theory
 Cycles (Water, Nitrogen, Carbon)
 Scientific Method
 Microscope, Lab Equipments, Instruments
 Simple Machines

Day 6: Biology
 Photosynthesis
 Cellular Respiration
 Cell Parts
 Virus
 Protists
 Mitosis and Meiosis
 Mendellian and Non-Mendellian Genetics
 Plants (parts, types, kinds, etc.)

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