Magic Bullet Theory/ Hypodermic Needle Theory

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Magic Bullet Theory/ Hypodermic Needle Theory

Hypodermic needle theory, magic bullet or transmission belt theory is
that media message is very powerful and injects into minds of the
audience in such a way as a bullet acts rapidly on a body. So it
assumes powerful media effects leading to the hypodermic needle or
magic bullet approach.
2. Limited Effect
In landmark media effects studies, Paul Lazarsfeld, Bernard
Berelson, and Hazel Gaudet shift the view of media from powerful to
limited effects, this says that media message has not very strong
impact and its effects are limited, it depends on audience that how
they take the media message.
3. Cultivation Theory
Cultivation theory says that media cultivates the minds of the people;
this holds that through heavy exposure to television; people begin to
view the world similar to the television world. Like emphasizing
violence in programs heavy TV viewer perceives the world as a more
violent place.
4. Agenda Setting Theory
Agenda Setting is basically a theory of strong media effects which
says that there are three related agendas as media agenda, public
agenda and policy agenda. This suggests that with the passage of
time media agenda becomes the public agenda and they are linked
with one another.
5. Framing Theory
Framing theory is closely interlinked with the agenda setting concept,
Framing says the media focus attention on certain issues and then
place them within a specific field of meaning. Mass media creates
pictures of the world in our minds; framing is also termed as a second
level agenda setting.
6. Spiral of Silence Theory
This theory is based on the idea that dissidents to a prevailing
media-created idea will not speak out against it if they perceive
themselves to be in the minority and thus avoid the risk of isolation
and rejection. This leads others to keep silent since they believe most
people agree with majority.
7. Authoritarian Theory
Authoritarian theory says it is necessary to control the media to
protect and prevent the people from the national threats through any
form communication i.e. information or news. The press is an
instrument to enhance the ruler’s power in the country. The
authorities have all rights to permit any media and control it by
providing license to the media and make certain censorship.
8. Libertarian Theory
Libertarian theory says people are more enough to find and judge
good ideas from bad, people are rational and their rational thoughts
lead them to find out what are good and bad. The press should not
restrict anything even a negative content may give knowledge and
can make better decision whilst worst situation. The libertarian
thoughts are opposite to the authoritarian theory.
9. Social Responsibility Theory
Social responsibility theory allows free press without any censorship
but at the same time the content of the press should be discussed in
public panel and media should accept any obligation from public
interference or professional self-regulations or both. The theory gives
total media freedom in one hand but the external controls in other
10. Soviet Media Theory
Soviet media theory is imitative of Leninist principles which based on
the Carl Marx and Engel’s ideology. The government undertakes the
total media and communication to serve working classesand their
interest. Theory says the state have absolute power to control any
media for the benefits of people. They put end to the private
ownership of the press and other media.
11. Cognitive Dissonance
(Leon Festinger) According to ​cognitive dissonance theory​, there is
a tendency for individuals to seek consistency among their cognitions
(beliefs, opinions). When there is an inconsistency between attitudes
or behaviors (​dissonance​), something must change to eliminate the
12. Classical Rhetorical Theory
The origin of classical rhetoric theory can be traced back to the times
of ancient scholars such as Plato, Aristotle and Socrates. This Theory
developed when people began to identify that there is some kind of
influence is made to the listeners. Therefore, the ability for public
speaking reaped its magnitude in ancient world.
13. Argumentation Theory
Argumentation is a vital factor for communication and it endured in
our society for centuries. This theory had its origin in
foundationalism​, a theory of justification or reasoning in the field of
philosophy. But during those days the argumentation was based on
oration and logic.
14. Gatekeeping Theory
(communication) Gatekeeping is the process through which
information is filtered for dissemination, whether for publication,
broadcasting, the Internet, or some other mode of communication.
15. Modernization Theory
Modernization theory elaborates the development process within the
societies. Theory states that the marginalized and underdeveloped
societies develop in the same phase with that of other developed
countries by providing proper support. This theory developed as the
economic, social, and political system of developed in the west
European and North American countries which have spread to South
America, Asia and Africa, the underdeveloped countries
16. Media dependency theory
A systematic approach to the study of the effects of mass media on
audiences and of the interactions between media, audiences, and
social systems. It was introduced in outline by the American
communications researchers Sandra Ball-Rokeach and Melvin DE
Fleur in 1976.
17. Knowledge Gap
This theory is concerned mainly with “information” and “knowledge”
and emphasizes that knowledge is not distributed equally throughout
society. As the infusion of mass media information into a social
system increases higher socioeconomic status segments tend to
acquire this information faster than lower socioeconomic status
population segments so that gap in knowledge between the two tends
to increase rather than decrease.
18. Uses and gratifications theory
UGT is an approach to understanding why and how people actively
seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs. UGT is an
audience-centered approach to understanding mass communication.

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