Features of Staffing:
The following are the features or nature or characteristics of the staffing
1. It is a universal function. It is the responsibility of every manager.
2. It is a continuous function performed by every manager to ensure
successful functioning of his department and to develop his successors.
Since staffing is a continuous function, it will be effective in realizing its
3. It is a dynamic and never ending process. With changes in the size and
environment of the organization, changes take place in personnel.
4. Human resources expects and deserves dignity. So the success of the
staffing function lies in involving every individual in the organisation in the
task of achieving organisational goals.
5. It is a difficult function with problems of social, philosophical and
psychological nature.
6. Staffing is a management function.
7. It in an integral part of management process.
8. Staffing is concerned with the optimum utilisation of human resources.
Importance of Staffing:
1. Staffing function help in discovering of qualified and obtaining competent
personnel for various jobs in the organisation.
2. Since the right person is recruited for the right jobs, it leads for maximum
productivity and higher performance.
3. It promotes optimum utilization of human resources.
4. It increases job satisfaction and morale of the workers through adequate
remuneration for each job.
5. Since the staffing helps to ensure maximum utilization of human
resources exist the labour costs per unit or production will be reduced.
6. It ensures the continuity and growth of the organization, through
development managers.
7. It help, business activities are not disrupted at any time due to shortage of
competent workers or excess of workers. Because it forecasts the correct
staff requirements for the present and for the long-term.
8. It leads to efficient functioning of the organization due to systematic
programmes for the selection, training and appraisal of employees are
required by proper staffing function.
9. The use of latest technology can be achieved by the right person,
selected in the organization.
Selection in staffing is the part of the recruiting process that deals with choosing
an employee to hire from among a narrowed-down list of outstanding candidates.
Selection can actually occur several times throughout the recruiting process.
Managers select which candidates to contact based on their resumes, which
candidates to bring in for an interview and finally which applicants to hire for open
positions. Understanding the different levels of selection and what to look for at
each level can help you to select the ideal job candidates for long-term success.
The selection process begins with a review of applications or résumés to eliminate
applicants who do not have the required skills or experience. Next, the candidates
who meet the basic qualifications are screened, often by a combination of phone
screenings, email communications or face-to-face interviews. Background checks,
drug screens, employment and reference verification and skills testing may also be
part of the process, which concludes when a hiring decision has been reached.
Selection means the taking up the different workers by various acts from the
application forms invited through different sources of internal and externals.
According to Dale Yoder, “Selection is the process in which candidates by
employment are divided into two classes those who are to be offered
employment and those who are not.”
Selection Procedure :
Selection of workers is regarded as a policy matter. Every enterprise has its own
policy for recruitment. The following procedure is adopted.