Fevicol Case Study

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60 Years of Building The challenge was to sustain the Finally,the sofa is

strong bond with the customers taken by the
Bonds which it had built over the years. third generation when
They came up with advertisements they set up their new home
that were more contemporary in after a love marriage.
nature,which the new generation The advertisement show the
could connect to at the same time
Started in 1959 to capitalize strategy employed by Fevicol of
retaining the humor and creative
potential market for Synthetic Glue evolving with the times to stay
Taking the example of the ad
and resins relevant in the minds of
which celebrates 60 years of the
Used the strategy of direct customers.
company,It perfectly encapsulates
marketing to their main target The campaign also depict the
the journey of the companies
segment of carpenters. change in social practices and
marketing strategy.
Came up with different packaging norms.It depicts the Indian
The advertisement shows the
to cater different segments.
journey of a sofa which is a mentality of reuse and subtly
In 1970's,they extended their
conscious effort on part of Pidilite hints at the durability of the sofa
product line to enter the retail
to keep Fevicol in the center of the because its made using Fevicol.
story rather than any character or The ad manages to captivate
Used a creative marketing
a famous personality. the audience by its brilliant
strategy of using humorous
The Sofa comes into the family as visuals and catchy background
advertising campaigns.
part of dowry payment by the music which has remained the
Advertisements were tailor-made
bride's family. USP of Fevicol ads over
for Indian context,with a rustic
Then,this sofa is given to the the years.
With time, the brand had to ensure relative as a wedding gift,which is
it stays relevant as the new then used by the next generation
generation had different as office furniture.

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