Application Form (Al Masaood Oil and Gas) PDF

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17th Floor (P), Al Masaood Tower606 Hamdan Bin Mohammed Street,

United Arab Emirates. Email:

Candidate Information/Questionnaire Form

Personal Details
Full Name: Contact No.:

Date of Birth: Nationality:

Point of origin(PO) Nearest Int’l

airport to PO
Languages known Email ID :

Employment information
Current/Last position:

Current/LastCompany &location:

Current/Last rotation schedule:

Number of days worked a week:

Number of hours worked a day:

Current/Last monthlysalary in USD:

Notice period (Availability):

Cell phone # at current location:

Total Years of Experience:

Reason for leaving :

Opportunity with AL MASAOOD OIL & GAS

Expected Monthly salary(in USD) per

Have you been contacted by another YES NO
agency for the same position?
Please send us a brief description why
do you think you can fit to the role

Tell us about your self

Why did you choose this career ?

What Goals do you have in this career?

Why do you want to work here?

Can you work well under deadlines or


Tell us about a time when you failed to

meet a deadline?

How do you plan to achieve this goals ?

Why should we hire you over the others

waiting to be interviewed?

What three Specific Job Positions do you

target from the Company?

Possible previous experience in U.A.E (for visa purpose)

a) Have you ever been in UAE? YES NO

If so, please precise when (month/ year) and the type of visa that was
issued & under which sponsorship?
b) Have you ever worked in another G.C.C. country? Yes/No YES NO
If so, please precise when (month / year) and whether the related visa(s)
was/were cancelled.

c) Passport No. and expiry date

d) Single or Married and ( total no. of dependants apart from Self)

References (2 minimum.)
Name Position Contact (Phone and/or e-mail add.)

Date Completed & Confirmation of Information Stated above:

Human Resources Manager
17th Floor (P), Al Masaood Tower
606 Hamdan Bin Mohammed Street
P.O. BOX 4352 - Abu Dhabi, U.A.E

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