Math 2 DLL (3RD Q)

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School Grade Level TWO


Teacher Learning Area MATHEMATICS
Teaching Dates and Quarter Third WEEK 1

October 30, 2017 October 31, 2017 November 1, 2017 November 2, 2017 November 3, 2017

A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of division of whole numbers up to 1000 including money.
B. Performance Standards Is able to apply division of whole numbers up to 1000 including money in mathematical problems and real-life situations.
Measures ones’ ability to Creates and writes a
C. Learning Competencies/ retain and apply lessons related equation for
Objectives learned each type of situation:
(DIAGNOSTIC TEST) equal sharing,
HOLIDAY repeated subtraction,
(ALL SOULS’ DAY) Value: Honesty equal jumps on the
number line, and
formation of equal
groups of objects.

Value: Sharing
II.CONTENT Numbers and Number Sense
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages TG pp. 233-241 TG pp. 214-219
2. Learner’s Materials Lesson 44.1 pp. 179-182 Lesson 43.1 pp. 163-
pages 167
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
for Learning
Resources (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Test papers, answer Pictures, task cards,
sheets flash cards, and
counters (e.g. 40 color
A. Reviewing previous Present the lessons that 1. Drill on basic division
lesson or presenting the will be takne for the third facts
new lesson. quarter.
Say: For us to know what 2. Review The teacher
lessons you have prepares a chart for this
mastered and still not to activity.
master, we will conduct
our diagnostic test. A. Choose from the box
the correct answer for
the following item.
divisor, dividend,

1. In 16 ÷ 2 = 8, what is
8? ___________________ 2.
In 20 ÷ 4 = 5, what is
20? __________________ 3.
In 36 ÷ 9 = 4, 9 is
called? _________________
4. In 40 ÷ 4 = _________,
what part is missing?
5. In 45 ÷ 5 = 9, which is
the quotient?
C. Establishing a purpose PRE-TEST Here are 40 colored
for the lesson. Are you ready for the pencils. I will divide
test? What did you do to these among 10 girls.
become ready for it? (The teacher requests
10 girls to stand) Ask:
How many color pencils
did each girl receive? (4
color pencils)
B. Presenting examples/ Let the pupils act out
instances of the new this problem.
Roy has 15 banana
cakes. He divides them
equally among his 3
friends. How many
banana cakes did each of
his friend get?

1. Who has banana
cakes? (Roy) 2. How
many banana cakes did
he have? (15)
3. To whom did he give
the banana cakes? (to
his friends)
4. How many friends has
he? (3) 5. Are the
banana cakes equally
shared among his
friends? (yes)
6. How many banana
cakes did each of his
friend receive? (5)
7. What do you call the
number of banana cakes
that are to be
divided? (dividend)
8. What do you call the
number of persons that
shares the total
number of banana
cakes? (divisor)
9. What do you call the
number of banana cakes
in each person or the
answer when you divide
a number? (quotient)
What is the division
C. Discussing new PRESENTATION Discuss division as
concepts and practicing Say: Today, we shall have equal sharing
new skills #1. our diagnostic test
D. Discussing new BEHAVIOUR Group Work
concepts and practicing Before we proceed with
new skills #2. the test, let us Divide the class into 3
remember/agree on the groups. Eacg group will
things that we should do do the task given below.
while taking the test.
What are they? 1. Count the number of
popsicle sticks inside
the box. (20 popsicle
sticks and a box will be
given to the group)
2. How many popsicles
are there? Answer:
3. It is called the
4. Divide the popsicle
sticks into 4
5. The number 4 is the
6. How many popsicle
sticks are in each
group? _________ .
7. It is named as the
8. What is the division
sentence for it?

E. Developing Mastery DISTRIBUTION OF TEST Let the pupils answer

( Leads to Formative PAPERS Buluhaton 2 A and B on
Assessment 3)  Inspecting test paper pp. 165-166
for misprints
 Clarifying directions
including time allotted
for each subject
 Writing of information
in the answer sheet
F. Finding practical TEST PROPER Ask: Why is it important
applications of concepts Teacher checks pupils’ for us to share things
and skills in daily living. work from time to time equally?
and the class observes the
given time allotment
G. Making generalizations POST TEST What is one way of
and abstractions about  Gathering of answer representing and
the lesson. sheets illustrating division?
 Gathering of test (By equal sharing or
papers. partition)
 Checking/Grouping of
test papers
 Ask; How did you find
the test?
Ask: A. Isulat ang insaktong
 Were you able to pagkabhin nga pahayag
I. Evaluating Learning follow properly our sa mga hut-ong sa
standards of behaviour inyong papel.
set? 1.
 Was the test easy or
12 ÷ 2 = _____

 What will you do next 2.

time so you will be
better prepared than 8 ÷ 4 = ______
you are today? 3.

12 ÷ 3 = _____

______ ÷ ______ = 3
J. Additional activities for Let the pupils answer
application or Buluhaton sa Balay on
remediation. p. 167 in the LM
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Do the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by: ____________________________

Checked/ Observed / Analyzed:

School Head
School Grade Level TWO


Teacher Learning Area MATHEMATICS
Teaching Dates and Quarter Third WEEK 2
November 6, 2017 November 7, 2017 November 8, 2017 November 9, 2017 November 10, 2017

A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of division of whole numbers up to 1000 including money.
B. Performance Standards Is able to apply division of whole numbers up to 1000 including money in mathematical problems and real-life situations.
Visualizes and represents Visualizes and represents Visualizes and represents Creates and writes a Creates and writes a
C. Learning Competencies/ division as equal sharing, division as equal sharing, division as equal sharing, related equation for each related equation for
Objectives repeated subtraction, repeated subtraction, repeated subtraction, type of situation: equal each type of situation:
equal jumps on the equal jumps on the equal jumps on the sharing, repeated equal sharing, repeated
number line and using number line and using number line and using subtraction, equal jumps subtraction, equal
formation of equal groups formation of equal formation of equal on the number line, jumps on the number
of objects. M2NS-IIIa49 groups of objects. groups of objects. and formation of equal line, and formation of
M2NS-IIIa49 M2NS-IIIa49 groups of objects. equal groups of
Value:: Patience M2NS-IIIa50 objects.
Value:: Listening Value:: Cooperation M2NS-IIIa50
Attentively Value: Fairness
Value: Being Healthy
II.CONTENT Numbers and Number Sense
B. References
5. Teacher’s Guide pages TG pp. 223-226 TG pp. 227-232 TG pp. 233-241 TG pp. 233-241 TG pp. 241-248
6. Learner’s Materials Lesson 43.2 pp. 167-170 Lesson 43.3 pp. 171-173 Lesson 43.4 pp. 174-178 Lesson 44.1 pp. 179-182 Lesson 44.2 pp. 183-
pages 188
7. Textbook pages
8. Additional Materials
for Learning
Resources (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Pictures, activity cards, Drill cards: Subtraction Pictures, activity cards, Drill cards, cut-outs, Multiplication
flash cards: subtraction facts, illustrations, flash cards (division subtraction and division flashcards, 2 kinds of
facts, and counters number lines, printed on facts), and counters, chart sentences written on roulettes, illustrations,
the cartolina strips, of number lines cartolina strips activity cards, papayas,
cutouts of cupcakes and illustrations, dolls and ball and pictures
saucers or paper plates, activity sheets
activity sheets and show
– me – cards
H. Reviewing previous 1. Drill 1. Drill Mental 1. Drill 1. Drill 1. Drill
lesson or presenting the Flash the subtraction Computation Give the Flash these cards and let “Mix and Match” Give a drill on
new lesson. cards. Let pupils give the difference orally (Flash them complete the The teacher prepares multiplication using
correct difference. cards) division sentence. Let the several pairs of flashcard. Present the
pupils write the correct subtraction sentences. Give-Me-The-Card game
2. Review 2. Review answer on your show-me- to the class. Arrange
Identify the underlined Checking of Assignment board. 2. Review the cards on the chalk
part of the division 1. 9 ÷ 3 = ___ Divide the class into four ledge. The teacher will
sentence namely; 2. 36 ÷ 4 = __ groups. Each group will give the product and
dividend, divisor and 3. 12 ÷ __ = be given cutouts with the pupils from each
quotient. 4. 28 ÷ 7 = __ division sentence at the team will find the card of
5. __ ÷ 5 = 25 back. The first group to its factors. The first one
1. 25 ÷ 5 = 5 ______________ finish the drawing to get the correct card
2. 14 ÷ 2 = 7 2. Review division by partition will wins.
______________ Let the pupils write the clap their hands. Then,
division sentence shown discuss the group output. 2. Review
3. 12 ÷ 4 = 3 ______________ on number line. Let the pupils spin the
roulette then give the
4. 10 ÷ 10 = 1 repeated subtraction of
______________ the division sentence.

5. 16 ÷ 8 = 2 ______________
C. Establishing a purpose Show a picture of a hungry Posing a problem Ask the pupils to use a ¼ Posing a problem opener. Present a problem
for the lesson. rabbit eating carrots. opener. manila paper for the (Teacher uses real objects opener
activity. to better illustrate the (Teacher uses real
What do you see in the Ten cupcakes to be problem) objects to better
picture? (The hungry placed in 5 saucers. How Donna has 8 bananas. illustrate the problem or
rabbit saw 6 carrots on a many cupcakes in each She divides them equally
Gina has 18 dolls to can opt to use other
garden plot. It ate 2 whole saucer? among her 4 cousins.
share. He decides to give objects available in the
carrots. It ate 2 more
carrots. Then it ate 2 (Pupils act out the How many bananas did them equally to her 6 classroom.)
problem to internalize each of his cousin get? playmates. How many
more.) marbles will each Voltair bought 20
the situation.)
playmate receive? papayas in the market.
He placed them equally
in 4 baskets. How many
papayas were placed in
each basket?
I. Presenting examples/ Ask: a. How many carrots Ask: How many Ask: How many dolls does Ask:
instances of the new are there? (6) cupcakes will be placed 1. Who has bananas? Gina have?(18 dolls) Who bought papayas?
lesson. b. How many times did the in saucers? How many ( Donna) 1. How many playmates How many papayas did
rabbit eat the carrot by saucers are there? What 2. How many bananas did will be given? (6 he buy? Where did he
twos? (3 times) is the division sentence? she have? (8 bananas) playmates) Show an place the papayas?
c. What division sentence Present this illustration. 3. To whom did she give illustration which tells Why do you think
can you write? (6 ÷ 2 = 1. Distribute the the bananas? (cousins) about the problem. Voltair bought papayas?
n) d. Find its quotient cupcakes one by one 4. How many cousins Is it good to eat
through repeated to the saucers until does she have? (4) 2. What does the papayas? Why?
subtraction. nothing is left on 5. Are the bananas illustration show? (It
you. This shows equally divided shows the equal Ask: How many
division by equal among her cousins? sharing of dolls to papayas are there in all?
distribution of objects (yes) Gina’s 6 playmates.) How many baskets are
to each group or set. 6. How many bananas 3. What is the division used?
We write: 10 ÷5 = 2 did each of his cousin sentence?
We read: 10 divided receive? (2 bananas) As shown in the
by 5 equals 7. What is the correct 18 ÷ 6 = 3 illustration, how many
number sentence? (8 ÷ papayas are in each
4. How many dolls will
4 = 2) box? What is the
each playmate get?
division sentence? Let
(Each playmate will get
us apply the number line
3 dolls.)
to solve the given
Show another way to example of a division
illustrate the problem. sentence. (Post this
number line on the
18 – 6 = 12 chalkboard)
12 – 6 = 6
6- 6=0

5. How many times did

we subtract before we
got 0? (3 times)

Say: 3 then is our

quotient. Another way
of solving division is
through repeated
J. Discussing new Discuss division as equal Discuss division as equal Discuss division Discuss creating and
concepts and practicing sharing, repeated sharing, equal jumps on using formation of equal writing a related equation
new skills #1. subtraction, the number line groups of objects. for each type of situation:
equal sharing and
repeated subtraction,
K. Discussing new Group Work Game Pair-Shared Activity Pair Wok Dyad
concepts and practicing
new skills #2. Draw cookies to show Distribute number lines Ask the pupils to find their Each pair will be given Write a division
division as repeated printed on cartolina partner. Each pair is given some exercises to work sentence for the given
subtraction. Group them strips. Tell them to write an activity card to on. After answering them, number lines.
according to the number the correct division accomplish. The pair who the pupils will
of people in your family. sentence on their show. can give the card with draw/write their Ex.
Then write the The first pupil to come correct answers in a answers on a ½ manila
subtraction sentence and up with the correct fastest time wins the paper. The pair with the
the division sentence. answer wins the game. game. Illustrate division most number of correct
as formation of equal answerswill be given a 15 ÷ ____ = ____
1. 16 ÷ 4 = groups of objects. “boom” clap.
2. 20 ÷ 5 =
3. 21 ÷ 3 = 1. 20 ka manga sa bukag.
4. 18 ÷ 6 = 4 ka bata naginahinay
sa mangga.
Ipakita pinaagi sa:
a. Equal sharing
Ex. 20 ÷ 4 = 5
b. Repeated
Ex. 20 – 4 = 16
16 – 4 = 12
12 – 4 = 8
8–4 =4
4 -4 =0
L. Developing Mastery Let the pupils answer Let the pupils answer Let the pupils answer Let the pupils answer Let the pupils answer
( Leads to Formative Buluhaton 1 and 2 on pp. Buluhaton 1 and 2 on Buluhaton 1 and 2 on pp. Buluhaton 1 A and B on Buluhaton 1 A and B on
Assessment 3) 167-168 in the LM pp. 171-172 in the LM 174-177 in the LM pp. 179-180 pp. 183-184
M. Finding practical Ask: Were you patient in Ask: Did you listen Ask: Did you help each Ask: What attitude do you Ask: How can eating
applications of concepts doing them? What attentively to the other in your group show when you divide fruits like papaya help
and skills in daily living. did you show while doing discusion activity? things equally? us?
your activity?
N. Making generalizations What is the other way of What is another way to What do you call the What are the ways to What are the other
and abstractions about representing division? represent division? process of finding how find the quotient? ways to represent
the lesson. (by repeated subtraction) (Division using number many times a number is division?
What operation is shown line which can be contained in a given
by repeated subtraction? expressed in repeated number?
(Subtraction) subtraction.)
Subtract the same number
until you get 0. The
number of times you
subtracted until you get 0
is the quotient.
Ipakita nga ang A. Tun-i ang mga Iapod-apod ang mga A. Pilia ang saktong A. Isulat ang hustong
pagkabahin us aka pabalik numerong linya. Isulat butang sa matag pagbahin nga pahayag sa pagkabahin nga
K. Evaluating Learning nga pagkuha ang letra sa insaktong sudlanan.Isulat ang matag hut-ong sa mga pahayag sa kada
tubag sa inyong papel. insaktong tubag sa butang diha sa inyong numerong linya sa
inyong papel. papel. inyong papel.
1. 16 ÷ 4 = ________ 1.
2. 16 – 4 = ________ 1
3. 12 - 4 = _________
4. ____ - 4 = 4 ______
5. 4 - _____ = 0 1. a. 6 ÷ 2 =
a. 15 ÷ 3 = 5
b. 6 ÷ 4 =
b. 3 ÷ 15 = 5
c. 15 ÷ 4 = 4 c. 6 ÷ 5 =


2. a. 10 ÷ 4 =
b. 10 ÷ 3 =
a. 12 ÷ 6 = 2 c. 10 ÷ 2 =
b. 12 ÷ 4 = 3
c. 4 ÷ 12 = 3 B. Idibuho ang
pagkabahin nga sama sa
pagporma og parehas
3. a. 6 ÷ 6 = nga hut-ong sa butang.
3. b. 2 ÷ 6 = Isulat ang insaktong
c. 6 ÷ 3 = tubag sa inyong papel.

4-5. 4 ka pichay nga

a. 7 ÷ 14 = 2
2 gitanom sa 2 ka lumbay.
b. 14 ÷ 2 = 7 Ipakita ang pagbahin
c. 14 ÷ 7 = 3 3 sama sa pabalik-balik na
B. Isulat ang saktong
pagbahin sama sa 4 – 2 = ______
gipakita sa number line. ____ - 2 = ______
5. Isulat ang equation.
_______ ÷ ______ = ______
4. ______ ÷ ______ = ________
C. Ihulagway ang
pagkabahin pinaagi sa
parehas nga paglukso sa
numerong linya ug
isulat ang insaktong
tubag sa inyong papel.

9. 10 ÷ 2 = 5
L. Additional activities for Let the pupils answer Let the pupils answer Let the pupils answer Let the pupils answer Let the pupils answer
application or Buluhaton sa Balay on p. Buluhaton sa Balay on p. Buluhaton sa Balay on pp. Buluhaton sa Balay on p. Buluhaton sa Balay on
remediation. 169 in the LM 173 in the LM 177-178 in the LM 182in the LM pp. 185-186 in the LM
H. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
I. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
J. Do the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
K. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
L. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
M. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
N. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by: ____________________________

Checked/ Observed / Analyzed:

School Head

School Grade Level TWO

Teacher Learning Area MATHEMATICS
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Quarter Third WEEK 3

November 13, 2017 November 14, 2017 November 16, 2017 November 17, 2017 November 18, 2017

A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of the concept of the four fundamental operations of whole numbers and the identity and zero
properties of multiplication.
B. Performance Standards Explore and model the concept of division of whole numbers.
Creates and writes a Creates and writes a Visualizes division of Visualizes division of Divides mentally numbers
C. Learning Competencies/ related equation for each related equation for each numbers up to 100 by numbers up to 100 by by 2,3,4,5 and 10 using
Objectives type of situation: equal type of situation: equal 2,3,4,5, and 10 2,3,4,5, and 10 appropriate strategies
sharing, repeated sharing, repeated (multiplication table of 2, (multiplication table of (multiplication table of 2,
subtraction, equal jumps subtraction, equal jumps 3, 4, 5 and 10), M2NS- 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10), 3, 4, 5 and 10), M2NS-IIIb-
on the number line, and on the number line, and IIIb- 51.1 M2NS-IIIb- 51.1 52.1
formation of equal groups formation of equal
of objects, M2NS-IIIa- 50 groups of objects, Value: Listening Value: Listening Value: Mental Alertness
M2NS-IIIa- 50 Attentively Attentively
Value: Listening
Attentively Value: Listening
II.CONTENT Numbers and Number Sense
C. References
10. Teacher’s Guide TG pp. 215-221 TG pp. 223-228 TG Lesson 45.1 pp. 248- TG Lesson 45.2 pp. 257- TG Lesson 46 pp. 263-269
pages 256 263
11. Learner’s Materials Lesson 44.1 pp. 179-182 Lesson 44.2pp. 183-186 LM in Elem.pp. 186-188 LM in Elem. pp. 189- LM in Elem. pp. 191-192
pages 190
12. Textbook pages
13. Additional Materials
for Learning
Resources (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources pictures Chart, pictures Concrete objects Concrete objects, slateboards
O. Reviewing previous Drill on division using Checking of the Checking of the Checking of the Checking of the
lesson or presenting the flashcards assignment assignment assignment
assignment Drill on division using
new lesson.

C. Establishing a purpose Ask: How do we show Ask: How do we divide Ask: How do we divide Say: You went to buy
for the lesson. division as equal jumps numbers found in the numbers found in the something at the store and
Ask: How do we show on the number line and multiplication tables 2 multiplication tables 2 you need to divide
division as equal sharing as formation of equal and 3? and 3? numbers but you don’t
and repeated subtraction? groups of objects. have a paper and a pencil
or a calculator, what do
you do?
P. Presenting examples/ Present the following: Present the following:
Use concrete objects (such Use concrete objects to Teacher dictates the
instances of the new as balloons) to show 4 x 3 show 5 x 4 = 20 and 20 division equation. Let the
lesson. = 12 and 12 ÷3 = 4 ÷ 5 = 4. The illustration pupils divide them
How many jumps make Ex. is just an example on mentally:
15? how to group the
concrete objects. Ex:
Pagkabahin nga pahayag
10 ÷ 5 = 2 Ex. 1. 16 ÷ 4 = 4
Pagkabahin sa usa ka
pabalik-balik na pagkuha
10 ÷ 5 = 2
10 – 5 = 5 How many equal parts
5–5 =0 can we group the
Q. Discussing new Using the examples, Using the example, Using the example, Using the example, Using the example,
concepts and practicing discuss division as equal discuss division as equal discuss dividing numbers discuss dividing discuss Divides mentally
new skills #1. sharing and repeated jumps on the number found in the numbers found in the numbers by 2,3,4,5 and 10
subtraction. line and as formation of multiplication tables 2 multiplication tables 4, using appropriate
equal groups of objects. and 3 5 and 10 strategies
R. Discussing new Oral Recitation/Board Oral Recitation/Board Board Work Board Work Game
concepts and practicing Work Work
new skills #2. Paghimo ug dibuho na Divide the class into
Let pupils answer Let pupils answer 1.
nagpakita sa musunod: group. Give slateboard to
Buluhaton 1 A and B on Buluhaton 1 A and B on
pp. 179-180. pp. 183-184 each group. Dictate the
1. 8 x 4 = 32 division equation. The
Ex. 32 ÷ 8 = ____ groups race in giving the
5 x 3 = ______
A. 2. 5 x 2 = ______ quotient. The one with the
15 ÷ ____ = 5 10 ÷ ____ = 5 most number of points
3. 5 x 5 = _________ win.
25 ÷ 5 = ________
Pagbahin nga pahayag 2.
________ ÷ ______ = ______
25 ka abokado sa bukag
5 ka bata nagbinahinay 3 x 2 = ______
Sa abokado 6 ÷ 3 = ______
1. Pagbahin-bahin nga
2. pahayag 3.
pagbalik-balik nga

4 x 3 = ______
12 ÷ ___ = 4
S. Developing Mastery Let pupils answer Let pupils answer Let the pupils answer the Let the pupils answer Let the pupils answer the
( Leads to Formative Buluhaton 2 A and B on Buluhaton 2 A and B on Buluhaton 1 and the Buluhaton 1 and Buluhaton 1 and
Assessment 3) pp. 180-181 in the LM pp. 184-185 in the LM Buluhaton 2 on pp. 186- Buluhaton 2 on pp. 189- Buluhaton 2 on pp. 191-
187 in the LM. 190 in the LM. 192 in the LM.
T. Finding practical Ask: Did you listen Ask: Did you listen Ask: Did you listen Ask: Did you listen Ask: What value did you
applications of concepts attentively to the attentively to the attentively to the attentively to the show when you are able to
and skills in daily living. discussion? discussion? discussion? discussion? divide numbers mentally?
U. Making generalizations Ask: How to write a Ask: How to write a Ask: How do we divide Ask: How do we Ask: What can help us
and abstractions about related equation in related equation in numbers found in the numbers found in the divide numbers mentally
the lesson. division as equal sharing division as equal sharing multiplication tables 2 multiplication tables 4, with ease?
and as repeated and as repeated and 3 5 and 6?
subtraction? subtraction?
A. Pilia ang hustong A. Itangkod ang A. Ihulagway ug kolori A. Isulat ang insaktong A. Isulat ang hustong
pagkasulat sa dili iglain pagkabahin nga pahayag ang kahon sa insaktong tubag. lapa(quotient) sa matag
M. Evaluating Learning (related) nga talaid sa insaktong numerong tubag og puwa. numero.
1. Ang 5 mao ang
(equation)sa pagbahin sa linya. Isulat ang letra sa
1. 27÷3=? tigbahin. Ang 35 mao
hut-ong sa mga butang. insaktong tubag. 1. 12 ÷ 3 = ____
7 8 9 ang bahinon. Unsa man
1. 4÷2=2 2. 16 ÷ 4 = ____
ang lapa? _________
Pagbahin nga pahayag 2. 36÷2=? 3. 20 ÷ 5 = ____
2. Ang 4 mao ang
1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 4-5.
17 18 19 tigbahin. Ang 32 mao
2. 6÷3=2
ang bahinon. Unsa man Alidongi( )ang insaktong
3. 18÷3=? ang lapa? ___________
1 2 3 4 hut-ong sa tulo ka numero
6 7 8 3. Sa 70 ÷ 10, _____ ang aron makaporma
3. 10÷5=2 og
lapa. pagkabahin nga pahayag.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4-5. Kumpletuha ang
B. Iapod-apod ang mga 4-5 Tan-awa ang mga kada talad. Isulat ang 27 9 3 8 3 24
a. 12÷3=n
butang sa sulod sa hulagway. Kumpletuha insaktong lapa
b. 12÷4=n ang pagpilo-pilo ug ÷ 4 16 8 6 15 5 3
kahon sa kada kahon
c. 12÷5=n pagkabahin nga pahayag. 4 36 24 16 4 4 9
sa toong dapit. Isulat
2. 1
4 8 7 25 5 5
ang insaktong
pagkabahin nga
a. 16÷4=n
b. 16÷5=n
c. 16÷6=n

5. Ihulagway ang kada
numerong pahayag sa
a. 9÷3=n parehas nga paglukso 9 x 5 = ___
b. 9÷4=n (equal jumps) sa 45 ÷ ___ = 5
c. 9÷5=n numerong linya.
B. Isulat ang numerong
sentence) sa kada
Husaya pinaagi sa
pabalik-balik nga
4. 24 ka abokado sa bukag
3 ka bata nagbinahinay
sa abokado.
Pagbahin nga pahayag:
Pabalik-balik nga pagkuha
5. Isulat ang pagkabahin
nga pahayag sa matag
hut-ong sa mga butang.
N. Additional activities for Let the pupils answer Let pupils answer Let pupils answer Let pupils answer
application or Buluhaton sa Balay on p. Buluhaton sa Balay on Buluhaton sa Balay on p. Buluhaton sa Balay on
remediation. 182 in the LM. pp. 185-186 in the LM 188 in the LM pp. 189-190 in the LM
O. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
P. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
Q. Do the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
R. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
S. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
T. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
U. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by: ____________________________

Checked/ Observed / Analyzed:

School Head

School Grade Level TWO

Teaching Dates and Quarter Third WEEK 4
November 20,2017 November 21,2017 November 22,2017 November 23,2017 November 24,2017

A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of the concept of the four fundamental operations of whole numbers and the identity and zero
properties of multiplication.
B. Performance Standards Explore and model the concept of division of whole numbers.
Illustrates that Measures ones’ ability to Solves routine and non Solves routine and non Solves routine and non
C. Learning Competencies/ multiplication and retain and apply lessons routine problems routine problems routine problems
Objectives division are inverse learned involving division of involving division of involving division of
operations, strategies and (SUMMATIVE TEST) numbers by 2,3,4,5 and numbers by 2,3,4,5 and numbers by 2,3,4,5 and 10
tools, M2NS-IIIc- 53 10 and with any of the 10 and with any of the and with any of the other
Value: Honesty other operations of whole other operations of operations of whole
numbers including whole numbers numbers including money
money using appropriate including money using using appropriate
problem solving appropriate problem problem solving strategies
strategies and tools, solving strategies and and tools, M2NS-IIIc- 56.1
M2NS-IIIc- 56.1 tools, M2NS-IIIc- 56.1

Value: Listening Value: Listening

Attentlivey Attentlivey
II.CONTENT Numbers and Number Sense
D. References
14. Teacher’s Guide TG Lesson 47.1 pp. 269- TG Lesson 47.2 pp. TG Lesson 47.2 pp. 273-
pages 273 273-278 278
15. Learner’s Materials LM in Elem. pp.193-196 LM in Elem. pp. 197- LM in Elem. pp. 197-200
pages 200
16. Textbook pages
17. Additional Materials
for Learning
Resources (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Test paper, answer Flashcards, money, bread Money, charts
V. Reviewing Drill on division using Ask: What lessons are
previous Drill on division using
lesson or presenting the we going to take in our flashcards Checking of assignment
new lesson. summative test?
C. Establishing a purpose Ask: Do you know that PRE-TEST Ask: Why do we need to Ask: Why do we need to
for the lesson. division and Are you ready for the learn how to divide whole learn how to divide
multiplication are inverse test? What did you do to numbers involving whole numbers
operations? become ready for it? money? involving money?
Say: This is what we will
be learning today.
W. Presenting examples/ Present the following: PRESENTATION Present the situation: Present the situation:
instances of the new x = Say: Today, we shall Si Sasha gusto mupalit Si Sandra nipalit ug
lesson. have our summative test ug pan na tig-P2.00 Naa ug manga na tig-P35.00
siyay P10.00. Pila tanan ang is aka kilo. Naa
3 x 4 = 12 iya mapalit? siyay P80.00. Pila tanan
iya mapalit na mangga?
÷ = Pila iya sukli?

12 ÷ 4 = 3

X. Discussing new Using the example, SETTING STANDARDS OF Using the word problem, Using the word
concepts and practicing discuss multiplication and BEHAVIOUR the teacher uses real problem, the teacher
new skills #1. division are inverse Before we proceed with money to better illustrate uses real money to
operations. the test, let us the problem and its better illustrate the
remember/agree on the solution. Discuss solving problem and its
things that we should do routine problem involving solution. Discuss
while taking the test. division. solving non-routine
What are they? problem involving
Y. Discussing new Board Work PAPERS Board Work Board Work
concepts and practicing  Inspecting test paper Si Karen gitagaan sa
new skills #2. Present illustrations that for misprints iya mama ug P8.00 para Si Sharon nipalit
show multiplication and  Clarifying directions ihatag sa iyang 2 ka ug mansanas na tig-
the same picture that including time allotted igsoon. Tagpila ang iya P10.00 Naa siyay
show division. Have for each subject ihatag sa iya igsoon para P23.00. Pila tanan iya
pupils write the number  Writing of information patas sila? mapalit na mansanas?
sentence in multiplication in the answer sheet 1. Unsay gipatunga? Pila iya sukli?
and division to show that
they are inverse 2. Unsay gihatag na 1. Unsay gipatunga?
operations numero? 2. Unsay gihatag na
Ex. numero?
000 x 00000 = 00000 3. Unsa ang pansambingay 3.Unsa ang
00000 o word clue? pansambingay o
00000 4. Unsa ang operasyon word clue?
____ x _____ = ________ gamiton? 4. Unsa ang operasyon
5. Unsa ang insaktong gamiton?
00000 tubag? 5. Unsa ang insaktong
00000 ÷ 000 = 00000 tubag?
______ ÷ ____ = _____

Z. Developing Mastery Paghimo ug dibuho na TEST PROPER Let the pupils answer the Si Perla nipalit ug
( Leads to Formative nisubay sa number Teacher checks pupils’ word problem. burger na tig-P15.00
Assessment 3) sentence. work from time to time Naa siyay P43.00. Pila
and the class observes Si Sandy nay baon na
1. 2 x 4 = 12 P9.00. Nipalit siya ug tanan iya mapalit na
the given time allotment
2. 12 ÷ 4 = 2 kutsinta na tig-3.00. Pila burger? Pila iya sukli?
3. 4 x 6 = 24 tanan iya napalit na 1. Unsay gipatunga?
4. 24 ÷ 6 = 4 kutsinta? 2. Unsay gihatag na
1. Unsay gipatunga? numero?
2. Unsay gihatag na 3.Unsa ang
numero? pansambingay o
3. Unsa ang pansambingay word clue?
o word clue? 4. Unsa ang operasyon
4. Unsa ang operasyon gamiton?
gamiton? 5. Unsa ang insaktong
5. Unsa ang insaktong tubag?
AA. Finding practical Ask: Did you listen POST TEST Ask: Did you listen Ask: Did you listen
applications of concepts attentively to the  Gathering of answer attentively to the attentively to the
and skills in daily living. discussion? sheets discussion? discussion?
 Gathering of test
 Checking/Grouping of
test papers
BB. Making generalizations Ask: How do we show that Ask: How did you find Ask: How do we solve Ask: What are the steps Ask: What are the steps in
and abstractions about multiplication and the test? routine problems in solving non-routine solving non-routine
the lesson. division are inverse involving division? problems? problems?
Isulat ang kulang na Ask: Si Kendra gitagaan sa iya Si Perla nipalit ug salad
numero aron makompleto  Were you able to mama ug P 8.00 para na tig-P20.00 Naa siyay
ang number sentence. follow properly our ihatag sa iyang 4 ka P58.00. Pila tanan iya
standards of igsoon. Tagpila ang iya mapalit na salad? Pila
O. Evaluating Learning 1. 3 x 7 = 21 behaviour set? ihatag sa iya igsoon para
iya sukli?
21 ÷ ___ = 7  Was the test easy or patas sila?
2. 2 x ____ = 16 difficult? 1. Unsay gipatunga?
16 ÷ 8 = 2 1. Unsay gipatunga?
 What will you do next a. Pila tanan iya
3-4 ____ x 6 = 30 a. Tagpila ang iya ihatag
time so you will be mapalit na salad?
_____ ÷ 5 = 6 sa iya igsoon para
better prepared than Pila iya sukli?
patas sila?
you are today?
5. Paghimo ug dibuho na b. Tagpila iya igsoon?
c. Tagpila ang gihatag sa b. Pila iya madawat?
nagpakita sa number
iya mama? c. Pila tanan iya
2. Unsay gihatag na makuha na sukli?
numero? 2. Unsay gihatag na
a. P8.00 ug 3 numero?
b. P4.00 ug 8 a. P20.00 ug P58.00
c. P8.00 ug 4 b. P23.00 ug P58.00
3. Unsa ang operasyon c. P20.00 ug P48.00
gamiton? 3. Unsa ang mga
a. addition operasyon na gamiton?
b. multiplication a. Division ug
c. division addition
b. Multiplication ug
4-5. Unsa ang insaktong division
tubag. Ipakita ang c. Division ug
solution. subtraction

4-5. Unsa ang insaktong

tubag. Ipakita ang
P. Additional activities for Paghimo ug dibuho na Si Karla nipalit ug okra
application or nagpakita sa number na tig-P15.00 ang is aka
remediation. sentence. kilo. Naa siyay P36.00.
5 x 4 = 20 Pila ka kilo sa okra iya
20 ÷ 5 = 4 mapalit? Pila iya sukli?
1. Unsay gipatunga?
2. Unsay gihatag na
3. Unsa ang
o word clue?
4. Unsa ang operasyon
5. Unsa ang insaktong
V. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
W. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%.
X. Do the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
Y. No. of learners who
continue to require
Z. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
AA. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
BB. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/ discover which I wish
to share with other
Prepared by:
Checked/ Observed / Analyzed:
School Head

School Grade Level TWO

Teacher Learning Area MATHEMATICS
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Quarter Third WEEK 5
November 27,2017 November 28,2017 November 29,2017 November 30,2017 December 1, 2017

A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of division of whole numbers up to 1000 including money
B. Performance Standards Is able to apply division of whole numbers up to 1000 including money in mathematical problems and real-life situations.
Creates word problems Creates word problems Visualizes, represents Measures ones’ ability to
C. Learning Competencies/ involving division of involving division of and identifies unit HOLIDAY retain and apply lessons
Objectives whole numbers including whole numbers including fractions with learned
money. M2NS-IIIc57.1 money. M2NS-IIIc57.1 denominators of 10 and (SUMMATIVE TEST)
below. M2NS IIId72.2
Value: Appreciation Value: Honesty
Value: Fairness
II.CONTENT Numbers and Number Sense
E. References
18. Teacher’s Guide CG p. 50 TG Lesson 47.1 pp. 269- TG Lesson 47.2 pp. 273-
pages 273 278
19. Learner’s Materials LM in Elem. pp.193-196 LM in Elem. pp. 201-204
20. Textbook pages
21. Additional Materials
for Learning
Resources (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Division flash card, chart pictures Concrete objects that can Test papers, answer
be divided into parts, sheets
activity sheets, pictures
CC. Reviewing previous Drill on division. Ask: What lessons are we
lesson or presenting the Ask: What are the steps in Checking of assignment. going to take in our
new lesson. in problem solving summative test?
C. Establishing a purpose Ask: Why do we need to Present the objective of PRE-TEST
for the lesson. learn how to divide? the lesson. Are you ready for the
D. Presenting Present a real-life Present any concrete test? What did you do to
examples/ instances situation: object that can be divided become ready for it?
of the new lesson. to show fraction.
Si Allan adunay P10.00 na Divide the object into
baon. Gusto siya mupalit four. Ask: Into how many
ug puto na nagkantidad ug parts did I divide the
P2.00. Pila ka puto ang object?
puwede niya mapalit?
Give one of the pieces to a
pupil. Ask: Out of the 4
parts, how many did I give
to your classmate?
Write their answer in
fraction form on the
E. Discussing new Use the word problem as a Using their answer, PRESENTATION
concepts and model in creating word discuss unit fractions with Say: Today, we shall have
practicing new skills problems involving denominators of 10 and our summative test
#1. division of whole below
numbers including
money. Give emphasis on
what consists a word
problem such as the given
facts, operation to be used
and the question asked.
F. Discussing new Board Work Group Activity BEHAVIOUR
concepts and Give the following facts: Before we proceed with
practicing new skills Group 1 the test, let us
#2. Allan’s baon – P 6.00 Idibuho ang matag sipak remember/agree on the
popcorn – P 2.00. nga makita sa papel. things that we should do
while taking the test. What
Si Allan adunay baon 1. 1/2 are they?
na _________. Gusto siya 2. 1/5
mukaon ug _______________ 3. ¼
na nagkantidad ug
__________. ________________? Group 2
Ihatag ang insaktong unit
Guide the pupils in fractions sa gihatag nga
creating a word problem dibuho.
using the given facts.

1. 2. 3.
Group 2
Bahina ang kada hugis
ngadto sa 1/5 ug itomi
ang kada parte.

G. Developing Mastery Show the picture and let Let the pupils answer DISTRIBUTION OF TEST
( Leads to Formative the pupils create Buluhaton 2 on pp. 202- PAPERS
Assessment 3) problem by soliciting 203 in the LM.  Inspecting test paper
their ideas for misprints
 Clarifying directions
including time allotted
for each subject
 Writing of information
in the answer sheet
H. Finding practical Ask: Why do we need to Ask: Is it important to TEST PROPER
applications of know how to divide divide things equally Teacher checks pupils’
concepts and skills in numbers involving among ourselves? Why? work from time to time
daily living. money? and the class observes the
given time allotment
I. Making Ask: What are the needed Ask: What are the How do we visualize a unit POST TEST
generalizations and facts when creating a needed facts when fraction?  Gathering of answer
abstractions about word problem. creating a word sheets
the lesson. problem.  Gathering of test
 Checking/Grouping of
test papers
 Ask; How did you find
the test?
Look at the pictures. Buhata ang musunod. Ask:
Create word problem 1.Itomi ang ¼ sa butang  Were you able to follow
from the picture using nga gitakda. properly our standards
the given data. of behaviour set?
Q. Evaluating Learning  Was the test easy or

2.Itomi ang 1/6 sa butang  What will you do next

P 50.00 –kuwarta nga gitakda time so you will be
ni Mama better prepared than
P 5.00 – presyo sa you are today?

Si Karen naay 3.Kolori ang parte o sipak

P _______. Nipalit siya ug nga nagpakit ug 1/3/
cookies na nagkantidad
ug P _______. ____________?
4.Idibuho ang 2/5 nga
5. Idibuho ang 3/6 nga
R. Additional activities for Kompletuha ang Kolori ug itomi ang kada
application or impormsayon para us aka parte sa sipak niini
remediation. mabuo ang word problem. ug isulat ang simbolo.
Isulat ang tubag sa
Halin ni Zia – P 8.00 kuwaderno.
Iya mga igsson – 4
P6.00 - kuwarta ni Alex 1.
Si Zia naay ___________ na
___________. Kailangan niya 3.00 – burger sa
tagaan ang iyang _____ ka canteen.
igsoon ug baon. Si Alec gitagaan sa 2.
____________________________? iya mam ug P_______ aron
iya baon. Nipalit siya ug
burger sa ila canteen na
tig-P_______. _____________?
CC. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
DD. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%.
EE. Do the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
FF. No. of learners who
continue to require
GG. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
HH. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
II. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/ discover which I wish
to share with other
Prepared by:

Checked/ Observed / Analyzed:
School Head

School Grade Level TWO

Teaching Dates and Quarter Third WEEK 6
December 04, 2017 December 05, 2017 December 06, 2017 December 07, 2017 December 08, 2017

A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of the concepts of halves and fourths.

B. Performance Standards Visualize, model and represent the concept of halves and fourths using whole objects and sets.
Reads and writes unit Compares unit fractions Arranges unit fractions in Identifies other fractions Visualizes similar fractions
C. Learning Competencies/ fractions. using relation symbols. increasing or decreasing less than one with (using group of objects and
Objectives M2NS-IIId-76.1 M2NS-IIIe-77.1 order. M2NS-IIIe78.1 denominators 10 and number line). M2NS-IIIf-72.3
below. M2NS-IIIe-79.1
Value: Sharing Values: Cooperation
Value: Fairness Value: Sharing
II.CONTENT Numbers and Number Sense
F. References
22. Teacher’s Guide TG Lesson 49 pp. 281-286 TG Lesson 50 pp. 287- TG Lesson 51 pp. 290-295 TG Lesson 52 pp. 295- TG Lesson 53 pp. 298-301
pages 290 298
23. Learner’s Materials LM in Elem. pp. 204-206 LM in Elem.pp. 201-210 LM in Elem. pp. 210-212 LM in Elem. pp. 213- LM in Elem. pp. 216-218
pages 215
24. Textbook pages
25. Additional Materials
for Learning
Resources (LR) portal
Cut-outs of different Cut-outs of shapes, flashcards, charts, activity cut-outs of different flashcards, activity sheets,
shapes, cards with activity sheets sheets objects, chart and scissors, paper, crayon,
B. Other Learning Resources fractions, cards with flashcard ruler and pencil
shapes, illustration,
boards, pre-cut fruits,
cartolina strips.
a. Divide the figure into 2. Present illustrations Show illustrations Checking of assignment Let the pupils identify
J. Reviewing previous Shade ½ of it. showing ½ and ¼. Let showing 1/5 and 1/7, 1/6 fractions that are less than
lesson or presenting them read and write the and 1/8. Have pupils one.
the new lesson. b. Divide the figure into 4. fractions in words and compare the fractions
Shade ¼ of it symbol. using the relation symbols 1. 3/6
<, > or =. 2. 4/2
c. Divide the figure into 5. 3. 6/3
Shade 1/5 of it. 4. 2/9
d. Divide the figure into 8. 5. 1/3
Shade 1/8 of it.

Let us have a game. Which would you rather Let us study the drawings Teachers demonstrates Have one set of straws.
Make several pairs of have, ½ of a cake or 1/3 below. the fractions given One set will have six
cards like the one shown of a cake? Why below using any real straws consisting of two
below. objects found in the white straws and four
1/2 classroom/school. green straws.
½ 1/3 ¼

Ask: How will we arrange 1/3, 2/4, ½ Ask:

1. Shuffle the cards and the fractions from lowest 1. How many straws are in
K. Establishing a place them on the chalk to highest (increasing Then have pupils the set?
purpose for the ledge facing down. order) and highest to illustrate/draw the 2. Out of six, how many are
lesson. 2. Divide the class into 2 fractions given above. white straws? Write
lowest (decreasing
groups. At the teacher’s order)? the answer in fraction
signal, a player from form.
each group chooses 2 3. Out of six, how many are
cards and inverts them. green? Write the
When the cards match, answer in fraction
the player keeps the form.
cards. Otherwise, the 4. Do the two fractions
player returns the cards have the same
to their original numerator?
position. The team with 5. Do they have the same
the most number of denominator?
cards wins.
Teacher shows two
Teacher shows loaf bread hotdogs that can be
to the pupils. She/He will bought at the canteen.
L. Presenting divide it into 4. The first hotdog is
examples/ instances Ask: How many slices do
sliced into half. Give
of the new lesson. we have now?
one slice to the pupil.
Teacher gives two slices The other is sliced into
to the pupil. four. Giive one slice to
another pupil.
Ask: How many slices did Ask: Which slice is
I give you? bigger?
Teacher shows a picture ½ or ¼?
of a pie divided into four
equal parts with two parts
that are shaded.
Ask: How many equal
parts do the pie have?
Ask: How many are the
shaded parts?
(Teacher writes the
fraction on the board)
Using the same fractions, Using the example, Using the fractions shown Discuss other fractions Using their answers,
M. Discussing new teacher discusses reading discuss comparing in the drawings, discuss less than one with discuss visualizing similar
concepts and and writing numbers. fractions using relation arranging fractions in denominators 10 and fractions
practicing new skills symbols. increasing and decreasing below.
#1. order.
Group Activity Group Activity Pair-Shared Activity Group Activity Group Activity
Let each group draw the Group 1
N. Discussing new Give each group 5 pictures Group Activity Let the pupils answer
fractions given on the Let the group draw two
concepts and of fractions. Let the pupils Group I – Compare the Buluhaton 1 and 2 on pp.
activity sheet. sets of objects showing
practicing new skills write the fractions in fractions. Ring the 225-226 with a partner.
words and in symbols. correct symbol. similar fractions.
#2. Ex.
During the reporting, let Group II Ex.
the pupils read the Write the correct symbol 2/6 1. 1/3 and 2/3
fractions. to compare the fractions.

Group 2
Let the group illustrate
the given similar fractions
using number lines.
1. 4/5 and 2/5
2. 5/7 and 3/7
3. 2/6 and 1/6
Group 3
Let the group give three
pairs of similar fractions.
Then illustrate them
using group of objects.

A. Isulat ang pulong ug

Let the pupils answer A. Iplastar ang mosunod Idibuho ang regions Let the pupils answer
simbolo sa sipak nga Buluhaton 1 on p. 207in nga mga sipak gikan sa nga nagresentar sa Buluhaton 1 A and B on
gipakita sa dibuho the LM. kinagamyan padulong sa matag sipak. Isulat sa pp. 216-217 in the LM.
kinadak-an. Isulat ang kuwaderno ang
1. A. Itandi ang sipak o tubag sa kuwaderno. insaktong tubag.
fractions na gipakita sa
O. Developing Mastery dibuho. 1. 1/3, 1/5, 1/4, 1/2 1. 1/3
( Leads to Formative 2. ______________________________ 2. 2/4
Assessment 3) 2. 1/8, 1/8, 1/10, 1/9, 1/7 3. 2/6
4. 4/8
B. Iplastar ang mosunod
5. 5/9
nga mga sipak gikan sa
kinadak-an padulong sa
½ ______ 1/2
kinagamyan. Isulat ang
tubag sa kuwaderno.

3. 1/10, 1/12, 1/11, 1/13

4. 1/15, 1/14, 1/16, 1/17
P. Finding practical Have you experienced Ask: Do you look at the Are you willing to share What is the thing that How did you feel while
applications of sharing your snacks to negative side more than some of the things you you share to your doing your work?
concepts and skills in your friend or classmates? the positive aspects of have with other people? friends? Did you enjoy it?
daily living. the person? Why? Your family?
Q. Making How do we read and write Ask: How do we How do we arrange unit How do we know if a How do we visualize and
generalizations and unit fractions in symbols compare unit fractions fractions? fraction is less than identify the similar
abstractions about and in words? using relation symbol? one? fractions?
the lesson.
Isulat ang simbolo sa A. Kopyaha ang A. Iplastar ang mga sipak A. Lingini ang sipak na A. Lingini ang mga dibuho
matag sipak. Isulat ang mosunod nga buluhaton gikan sa kinagamyan mas ubos ang ihapan na nagpakita ug similar
letra sa insaktong tubag. ug isulat ang mga padulong sa kinadak-an. kaysa dagnayan. fractions.
simbolo o symbols nga 1. 3/6, 1/6, 2/6
S. Evaluating Learning 1.duha ka sikawalo >, < o = sa kahon. a. 3/6, 2/6, 1/6 1. 5/4, 3/8, 7/6 1.
a.1/8 b.2/8 c.3/8 b.1/6, 2/6, 3/6 2. 8/2, 9/12, 8/5
2.tulo ka sikawalo 1.1/2 1/3 c. 3/6, 2/6, 1/6 3. 4/6, 8/6, 7/6 *
a.1/8 b.2/8 c.3/8 2. 4/8, 6/8, 5/8 2.
3.Isulat ang pulong sa a. < b.> c.= a. 6/8, 5/8, 4/8 Idibuho sa region ang
mga sipak.7/8 b.4/8, 5/8, 6/8 insaktong bahin sa
a.pito sa sikawalo 2. 1/3 ¼ c. 5/8, 4/8, 6/8 sipak nga makita sa
b.walo sa sikawalo a. > b. < c. = 3. 2/9, 1/9, 6/9 ubos. 3.
c.siyam sa sikawalo a. 6/9, 2/9, 1/9
Ikumpara ang mga b. 1/9, 2/9, 6/9 4. 5/6
sipak pinaagi sa c. 2/9, 1/9, 6/9
Isulat ang sipak nga paggamit sa Magdibuho ug usa ka 4-5 Linyahi ang matag
Han-aya ang mga sipak
gipakita sa dibuho. mga simbolo nga >, < 0 pinaagi sa kinagamyan porma na nagpakita ug dibuho nga anaa sa ubos
sipak na ubos ang nga nagpakita sa parte sa
=. padulong sa kinadak-an.
4. 3.
ihapayn kaysa matag sipak ug idibuho
T. 5/9, 3/9, 7/9 =
½ 1/4 dagnayan. ang number line niini.
4-5 Magdibuho og 2 ka 4/8 and 5/8
5. Maghatag og 3 ka
5. Magdibuho og sipak sepak nga nagpakita sipak/fraction gikan sa
nga nagpakita og 4/10. og pagtandi gamit ang kinagamyan paingon sa
mga simbolo nga <, >, kinadak-an.

Isulat ang insaktong sipak Isulat sa kuwaderno ang Han-aya kini pinaagi sa Idibuho sa regions ang
sa simbolo ug pulong na nawala nga sipak o pagplastar sa dapit nga insaktong bahin sa
gipakita sa dibuho. fraction para matandi sa makita sa ubos nga bahin. sipak nga makita sa
1. insaktong simbolo. Isulat ang tubag sa ubos. Isulat sa papel ang
kuwaderno. tubag.
1. < 1/5 Plastado Kina- Kina
sa sipak gamyan dak- 1. 5/6
V. Additional activities for 2. > 1/10 padu- an
application or 2. long padu 2. 4/5
remediation. 3. 1/7 < kinadak long
-an kina 3. 2/3
½,1/4, 4.1/8


JJ. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
KK. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%.

LL. Do the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
MM. No. of learners who
continue to require
NN. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
OO. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
PP. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/ discover which I wish
to share with other
Prepared by:

Checked/ Observed / Analyzed:
School Head
School Grade Level Two
Teacher Learning Area MATHEMATICS
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Quarter Third WEEK 7
December 11, 2017 December 12, 2017 December 13, 2017 December 14, 2017 December 15, 2017

A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of the concepts of halves and fourths.

B. Performance Standards Visualize, model and represent the concept of halves and fourths using whole objects and sets.
Reads and writes similar Compare similar Compare similar Arranges similar Arranges similar fractions
C. Learning Competencies/ fractions. M2NS-IIIf-76.2 fractions using relation fractions using relation fractions in increasing in increasing or
Objectives symbols. M2NS-IIIf-77.2 symbols. M2NS-IIIf-77.2 or decreasing order. decreasing order. M2NS-
Value: Listening Attentively M2NS-IIIf IIIf
Value: Fairness Value: Fairness
Value: Fairness
II.CONTENT Numbers and Number Sense
G. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages TG Lesson 54.1 pp. 301- TG Lesson 54.2 pp. 305- TG Lesson 54.2 pp. 305- TG Lesson 55 pp. 310- TG Lesson 55 pp. 310-312
305 309 309 312
2. Learner’s Materials LM in Elem. pp. 219-221 LM in Elem.pp. 222-224 LM in Elem.pp. 222-224 LM in Elem. pp. 225- LM in Elem. pp. 225-228
pages 228
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
for Learning
Resources (LR) portal
cut-outs on different Cut-outs on different Cut-outs on different flash cards, fraction flash cards, fraction bars,
shapes, cards with shapes, activity sheets shapes, activity sheets bars, charts, activity charts, activity sheets
B. Other Learning Resources fractions, cards with sheets
shapes, illustration
boards, mini-board
Draw two sets of objects Checking of assignment Checking of assignment Checking of assignment Checking of assignment
A. Reviewing previous that show the following as form of review
lesson or presenting the similar fractions:
new lesson. 1. ¼ and 2/4
2. 4/7 and 5/7
Ask: How do we read and Let pupils recite the Ask: Which would you Read the problem
write these similar poem. rather have 1/5, 2/5 or
fractions. 3/5 of a cake? Why? In the art class, leaders
Say: Today, we are going Fractions were asked to share their
to learn how to read and I have learned that, 6/8 is cartolinas with their
write similar fractions. greater than 4/8. 8/10 is members. Francis used
greater than 5/10. And 3/4 of the cartolina, John
4/8 is lesser than 6/8. I’ll used 1/4 nd Luis used 2/4
B. Establishing a purpose never understand these. Ask: Who used the most
for the lesson. If not for my teacher dear and the least materials?
Who teaches us so clear?
Give examples of Show illustration. The teacher divides a
drawings showing similar bond paper to eight
fractions. Teacher shows parts. Teacher gives
C. Presenting examples/ how to write them in Pupil A gets 3/8 Pupil B
instances of the new symbol and in words. receives 1/8 and Pupil C
lesson. Then the teacher reads Say: has 4/8 of the cartolina.
them followed by the 1. Write the similar
pupils. fraction shown by Ask: Which pupil gets
illustration A and B. the least/most of the
2. Which is greater, 8/20 bond paper?
or 15/20?
Discuss reading and Discuss comparing Discuss arranging Discuss arranging similar
writing similar fractions. similar fractions using similar fractions in fractions in decreasing
relation symbols. increasing order. order.

Show another example:

Ask questions about it.

D. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills
#1. Set 1

Set 2
1. What do you see in the
2. How many balls are
there in set 1? (10 balls)
3. How many balls are
there in set 2? (10 balls)
4. What part is encircled
in set 1? (2 parts)
5. What part is encircled
in set 1? (3 parts)
6. Which encircled part is
greater, set 1 or set 2?
(set 2)
Say: If we put symbol to
represent the relation of
the 2 sets, what relation
symbol are we going to
Show-Me Board Board Work Arrange Me Arrange Me

E. Discussing new Present illustrations Let pupils compare Teacher gives each Teacher gives each group
concepts and practicing showing similar fractions. similar fractions written group one strip with 5 one strip with 5 similar
new skills #2. Pupils write their answers on the board using similar fractions. Each fractions. Each group will
in symbols on the slate relation symbols. group will arrange the arrange the similar
board. 1. 1/6 _____ 3/6 similar fractions from fractions from greatest to
2. 3/5 ______ 2/5 least to greatest. least.
3. 4/7 ______ 4/7
4. 4/9 ______ 5/9
5. 1/3 _______ 1/3
Isulat ang simbolo saLet the pupils answer Compare the following Let the pupils answer Order the fractions from
matag sipak. Buluhaton 1 on p. 222 in using relation symbols >, Buluhaton 1 on p. 225 greatest to least.
the LM. < or =. Act out the in the LM.
1. duha ka sikawalo - _____ symbols using their arms. 1. 3/6, 1/6, 4/6
F. Developing Mastery 2. tulo ka sikawalo - ______ Activity 1
(Leads to Formative 3. upat ka sikawalo - ______ a. Identify the fractions ____ _____ ______
Assessment 3) 4. lima ka sikawalo - ______ of the shaded parts, and
5. pito ka sikawalo - ______ ½ 3/4 then order them from
least to greatest,

____ ____ ____

G. Finding practical Did you listen attentively How will you divide the Are you willing to share
applications of concepts to the discussion? cake to your family so you some of the things you
and skills in daily living. will receive equal parts of have with other people?
the cake? Why?
How do we read and How do we compare How do we compare How do we order How do we order similar
H. Making generalizations write similar fractions? similar fractions using similar fractions using similar fractions in fractions in decreasing
and abstractions about relation symbols? relation symbols? increasing order? order?
the lesson. What symbols do we use What symbols do we use
in comparing fractions? in comparing fractions?
A. Isulat ang simbolo sa A. Ikumpara ang mga A. Iplastar ang mga A. Iplastar ang mga sipak
matag sipak. Isulat ang sipak gamit ang mga sipak gikan sa gikan sa kinadak-an
letra sa insaktong tubag. simbolo nga >, <, o =. kinagamyan padulong padulong sa kinagamyan.
Lingini ang letra sa sa kinadak-an. Pilia ang letra sa insaktong
1. duha ka sikawalo saktong tubag. tubag.
a. 1/8 1. 3/6, 1/6, 2/6
b. 2/8 1. 3/10 7/10 a. 3/6, 2/6, 1/6 1. 1/5, 3/5, 4/5
c. 3/8 a. > b. < c. = b. 1/6, 2/6, 3/6 a. 4/5, 3/5, 1/5
I. Evaluating Learning 2. tulo ka sikawalo c. 3/6, 2/6, 1/6 b. 1/5, 3/5, 4/5
a. 1/8 2. 5/9 8/9
2.4/8, 6/8, 5/8 c. 3/5, 4/5, 1/5
b. 2/8 a.> b. < c. =
a. 6/8, 5/8, 4/8 2. 5/9, 3/9, 8/9
c.3/8 3. 5/8 5/8
b. 4/8, 5/8, 6/8 a. 8/9, 5/9, 3/9
3. Isulat ang pulong sa a. > b. < c. =
c. 5/8, 4/8, 6/8 b.5/9, 3/9, 8/9
sipak 7/8 3. 2/9, 1/9, 6/9 c. 8/9, 3/9, 5/9
a.pito sa sikawalo a. 6/9, 2/9, 1/9 3. 15/20, 18/20, 12/20
b.walo sa sikawalo B. Ikumpara ang mga b. 1/9, 2/9, 6/9 a. 12/20, 15/20, 18/20
c. tulo sa sikawalo sipak. Isulat ang c. 2/9, 1/9, 6/9 b.18/20, 15/20, 12/20
simbolo nga >, <, o =. c. 12/20, 18/20, 15/20
4-5 Maghatag ug duha ka 4.
similar fraction ug isulat
ang insaktong sipak sa 2/4 1/4 B. Han-aya ang mga B. Han-aya pinaagi sa
simbolo ug sa pulong. sipak pinaagi sa kinadak-an padulong sa
C. Idibuho ang matag kinagamyanpadulong kinagamyan.
sipak og ikumpara kini sa kinadak-an.
gamit ang simbolo nga 4. 5/9, 3/9, 7/9= 4. 5/9, 3/9, 7/9=
>, <, o =
C. Maghatag og 3 ka
5. 3/7 5/7 5. Magsulat og 3 ka sipak
sipak/fraction. Han-ay
ug ihan-ay kini gikan sa
kini gikan sa
kinadak-an padulong sa
kinagamyan paingon sa

Isulat ang insaktong sipak Isulat sa kuwaderno ang Isulat sa kuwaderno ang Han-aya pinaagi sa
sa simbolo ug sa insaktong sipak o insaktong sipak o fractions kinagamyan padulong
pulong. Isulat ang tubag sa fractions sa mosunod ug sa mosunod ug ikumpara sa kinadak-an. Isulat
kuwaderno. ikumpara kini pinaagi sa kini pinaagi sa simbolo nga ang tubag sa kwaderno.
J. Additional activities for >,< o =.
simbolo nga >,< o =.
application or 1. 5/9, 3/9, 7/9, 8/9

_____ _____ 2. 12/15, 15/15, 11/15,

__________ _________ 10/15

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
C. Do the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/ discover which I
wish to share with other

School Grade Level Two

Teaching Dates and Time Quarter Third WEEK 8
December 16, 2017 December 17, 2017 December 18, 2017 December 19, 2017 December 20, 2017

A. Content Standards Demonstrate an understanding of 2- dimensional and 3- dimensional objects.

B.Performance Standards Explore the concept of symmetry.
C.Learning Competencies/ Visualize, identify, classifies Construct squares, Identifies shapes/ figures Identifies and draws the Measures ones’ ability
Objectives and describes half circles rectangles, triangles, that show symmetry in a line of symmetry in a to retain and apply
and quarter circles. M2GE- circles, half circles and line. M2GE-IIIh-7.1 given symmetrical figure. lessons learned
IIIg-5 quarter circles using M2GE-IIIh-7.4a (SUMMATIVE TEST)
cut-outs and square Value: Teamwork Creates figures that show
Value: Cooperation grids. M2GE-IIIh-6 symmetry in a line. Value: Honesty
Value: Appreciation,
Creativity Value: Neatness
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Lesson 62 pp. 347-350 Lesson 63 pp. 351- Lesson 64 pp. 355-359 Lesson 65 pp.359-364
pages 355
2. Learner’s 259-261 261-267 268-270 271-275
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
for Learning
Resources (LR)
B.Other Learning Charts, cut-outs, circle, half Graphing paper, cut- Cut-outs of shapes and Cut-outs of different Paper, pencil
Resources circle, quarter circle outs, scissors objects pictures of objects figures, picture of objects

A. Reviewing Han-aya pinaagi sa kinadak- Checking of Show different objects. Let Answer yes if the figure Ask: What lessons are
previous lesson or an padulong sa assignment the pupils identify the show symmetry and no if we going to take in
presenting the kinagamyan. Isulat ang shapes then ask how many not. our summative test?
new lesson. tubag sa kwaderno. sides.
1. 6/9, 8/9, 3/9, 9/9

B. Establishing a Let the pupils sing the action Say: Look around you. Prepare cut-outs of figures Present symmetrical PRE-TEST
purpose for the song. Do you think our that are cut into halves. Let figures. Using the shapes, Are you ready for the
lesson. surrounding would be the pupils look for the other show to the pupils how to test? What did you do
//:Kalo nako lingin beautiful if it has only half by singing” Hello, How identify and draw their to become ready for
Lingin akong kalo one shape? do you do. lines of symmetry. it?
Kanang kalo dili lingin
Dili akong kalo://

C. Presenting examples/ Teacher shows a hotcake. Present real objects Past the cut-outs on the PRESENTATION
instances of the new Ask: What shape does a found in the board. Using them, show to Say: Today, we shall
lesson. hotcake have? He/she then classroom that are of the pupils the line at the have our summative
cuts into half. Then asks, different shapes. center. Then introduce the test
“What do we call this circle?” lesson.
She then proceeds to cut it
into quarters. Again she asks
this question, “What do we
call this circle?”
D. Discussing new Discuss half and quarter Demonstrate how to Discuss shapes/ figures Discuss the line of SETTING STANDARDS
concepts and circles. construct different that show symmetry in a symmetry in a given OF BEHAVIOUR
practicing new skills shapes using cut-outs line symmetrical figure. Before we proceed
#1. and square grids. with the test, let us
Provide charts with remember/agree on
square grids. Let the the things that we
pupils draw the should do while taking
shapes on the the test. What are
square grids. they?

concepts and Group Game Group Work Pair Work Board Work PAPERS
practicing new skills  Inspecting test
#2. Group the class into two. Activity 1 Look at the different Show symmetrical paper for misprints
Provide each group with a Let the pupils get their shapes. . Do what is asked figures. Let pupils identify  Clarifying directions
box of different shapes Have scissors and graphing and answer the questions and draw their line of including time
each group classify the papers. Let below. symmetry. allotted for each
shapes into half and quarter them form different 1. Trace the broken lines. subject
circles found in the box. plane figures. Each 2. Which shapes show  Writing of
They will do the task in two one of them should symmetry? information in the
minutes. The group with the construct at least 3 3. Which shapes do not answer sheet
highest number of half- figures. show symmetry
circles or quarter circles
wins. Activity2
Using old/used
papers, plastic
wrappers, have pupils
cut out figures with
different shapes.
F. Developing Mastery Himoa ang gipangayo. Idibuho ug ilha ang Itangkod ang mga bahin Linhayi ang lina of TEST PROPER
( Leads to Formative mga porma sa mga aron mapormang tibook. symmetry sa mga dibuho. Teacher checks
Assessment 3) 1. Badlisan ang katunga sa butang. Buhata kini sa Isulat ang letra sa pupils’ work from
alidong o half circle. inyong papel. insaktong tubag sa inyong 1. time to time and the
papel. class observes the
given time allotment
1. a. 2.

Pananglitan :1.
2. Ikahon ang sikaupat sa __________ alidong 3.
alidong oquarter circle. gitlo

1. _____ ______ 2. b.

2. ______ ________

G. Finding practicalThe teacher will ask How do shapes make Ask: Did you enjoy the What does the figure POST TEST
applications ofstudents if they have ever our surroundings activity? As a pair, did you hold? What values that  Gathering of
concepts and skills in had a situation when beautiful and help each other in doing the the figures show? answer sheets
daily living. something in the shape of a interesting? pair work?  Gathering of test
circle was separated into papers
halves. (Students may think  Checking/Grouping
of a pizza or a cookie.) The of test papers
teacher may ask if students
remember an occasion when
something shaped in a circle
was divided into four equal
parts. (The students may
mention a pie.)
H. Making generalizations Let pupils describe a half Ask: What shapes did (indigenization) What do you call the line How did you find the
and abstractions about circle and a quarter circle we construct today? Let pupils give examples of that we draw when we test?
the lesson. Describe them. objects/shapes found in match the halves of the
school/at home/in the shapes?
community that show
A. Himoa ang gipangayo. A. Ilha ang ngalan sa A. Isulat ang Oo kon A. Asa sa mga hulagway Ask:
Pilia porma sa ubos. Pilia symmetry ang putol – putol ang adunay insakto nga  Were you able to
ang letra sa insaktong ang letra sa insaktong nga linya. Dili kon ang pagka- bahin/symmetry? follow properly our
tubag. tubag. putol-putol nga linya walay Isulat ang letra sa standards of
1. a. gipat symmetry. insaktong tubag. behaviour set?
1. Badlisan ang katunga sa b.lingin _______1.  Was the test easy or
lignin o half circle. c.sinug-ang 1.a. b. c. difficult?
2. a. lingin What will you do
b.sinug-ang next time so you
a. b. c. c.rektangulo 2a. b. c. will be better
I. Evaluating Learning prepared than you
3. a.gipat _______2. are today?
2. Ikahon ang sikaupat sa b.lingin 3.a. b. c.
lingin o half circle. c.sinug-ang
a. b. c. 4. Gamit ang square B. Bahina ang usa ka
grid, pagporma ug butang sa insaktong
gipat ug sinug-ang _______3. bahin gamit ang
3.Unsa ang gilinginan nga symmetrical nga linya.
bahin? 5. Gamit ang papel,
paggunting ug lingin.
4. _________
B.Susiha ug ilha kung
unsang bahin ang gigamit
nga symmetrical nga linya 5. Magdibuho og usa ka
sa butang sa ubos. butang ug bahina kini sa
a.half circle b. quarter insaktong bahin. Gamiti
circle c. 1/3 circle kini og symmetrical nga
4. Ako isa ka sikaupat sa ______________
lingin o quarter circle . ______
Unsa kini nga porma?____
5. Magdibuho og sikaupat sa C. Magdibuho og usa ka
lingin o quarter circle. butang ug bahina kini gamit
ang symmetrical nga linya
J. Additional activities Isulat kung ang gipakita na Kopyaha sa inyong Ipakita ang symmetry Identifying Least
for application or dibuho kay half circle o papel ug ilha ang pinaagi sa pagkompleto sa learned Skills.
remediation. quarter circle. porma sa kada butang. dibuho.
Isulat ang tubag sa
inyong papel.
1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.

1. 2.
_______ _______
4. 5.
4. 5.
_____ ______

A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%.
C. Do the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/ discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?
Prepared by:

Checked/ Observed / Analyzed:
School Head

School Grade Level Two

Teacher Learning Area MATHEMATICS
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter Third WEEK 9
January January 02, 2017 January 03, 2017 January 04, 2017 January 05, 2017
01, 2017
A.Content Standards Demonstrate an understanding of 2- dimensional and 3- dimensional objects.
B.Performance Standards Explore the concept of symmetry.
C. Learning Competencies/ Recognizes shapes that can Tessellate a surface using Identifies straight lines and
Objectives tessellate. M2GE-IIIh-8.1 triangles and squares. curves, flat and curved
M2GE-IIIi-8 surfaces in a 3- dimensional
Value: Creativity objects. M2GE-IIIi-9
Value: Creativity
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Lesson 66 pp. 365-369 Lesson 67 pp. 369-374 Lesson 68 pp.374-378
2. Learner’s Materials 275-278 279-281 282-287
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
for Learning Resources
(LR) portal
Illustration board, cut-outs Box, cut-outs of small Concrete objects, models of
B. Other Learning of shapes, old colored squares, rectangles & 3- dimensional objects &
Resources paper/plastic wrappers triangles pictures
A. Reviewing previous Match column A with B to Let pupils draw on the
lesson or presenting the form symmetrical figures. board figures that can Checking of assignment.
new lesson. tessellate.
Give examples of shapes Ask: What shapes can Ask: When you form a line
B. Establishing a purpose that can tessellate tessellate using squares during flag ceremony, what
for the lesson. and triangles? does your teacher tell you?
C. Presenting examples/ Post different shapes on the
instances of the new lesson. Present a figure.
board. Demonstrate to
Demonstrate how to Present concrete objects
pupils how to tessellate the
tessellate the figure that show straight and
shapes without gaps and
using triangles and curved lines, flat and curved
overlapping between them.
squares. surfaces.
Ask: What shapes can be
Using the outputs, discuss Using the outputs, Using the concrete objects,
the shapes that can discuss a surface using discuss straight lines and
tessellate. triangles and squares. curves, flat and curved
D. Discussing new concepts surfaces in a 3- dimensional
and practicing new skills objects.
Yes or No Game Tesselate Me Board Work
Teacher shows different Give each group an Present objects/pictures
E. Discussing new concepts shapes. Let the group write activity sheet with two that show straight and
and practicing new skills on their slate board YES if shapes. Let the groups curved lines, flat and curved
#2. the shape can be tessellated tessellate the shapes surfaces. Let pupils identify
but NO if not. The group using squares and them and write their
with the most number of triangles out of answers on the board.
points wins. recyclable materials.

F. Developing Mastery Linginan ang letrang “Oo” Gamiton ang or Linginan ang insaktong
( Leads to Formative kon ang maong hitsura aron matakpan o hitsura o hulagway sa guha
Assessment 3) puwede ma Tessellate, matabunan ang matag (cube), rectangular prism
“Dili” kon dili puwede. porma sa ubos nga walay ug lilik (cylinder). Koloran
Buhata kini sa inyong gawang na Makita og og pula ang tul-id o badlis
papel. pagsapaw niini. (straight) ug bawog o likog
(curved) na mga linya niini.
1. 1. Ug bughaw ang ikolor sa
mga patag (flat) ug likog
2. 2. (curved) na ibabaw

G. Finding practical What value did you show What character traits are Ask:
applications of concepts and when you performed the being developed in your
skills in daily living. group activity? group activity?
H. Making generalizations and Let pupils give objects found
abstractions about the What shapes can
in the school/home/
lesson. tessellate?
What is tessellation? community that show
straight and curved lines,
flat and curved surfaces.
I. Evaluating Learning Susiha ang mga hitsura nga Tubaga ang mga Susiha ang hulagway nga anaa
gipakita sa ubos. Isulat ang pangutana. Pilia ang letra sa ubos. Ihatag ang mga tubag
Oo kung ang hitsura pwede sa insaktong tubag. sa mga pangutana. Pilia ang
maka tessellate, Dili kung letra sa insaktong tubag.
dili pwede. 1.Unsa nga porma sa
ubos ang matabunan nga
walay gamay na nakita o
pagsapaw niini gamit ang A
1 ______
a. b. c.
2. 0 0 1. Unsay gihulagway sa A sa
______ usa ka kilid sa taas?
2. Asa nga porma sa ubos
a. tul-id o badlis nga linya
nga matabunan nga
b. bawog o likog nga linya
walay gawang na Makita
3. c. patag sa ibabaw
o pagsapan niini, gamit
ang ? 2. Unsay gipahulagway sa B
______ sa usa ka lilik sa taas?
a. b. c. a. tul-id o badlis nga linya
B. Paghanap og butang sa b. bawog o likog nga linya
inyong classroom nga 3. Asa nga porma ang c. patag sa ibabaw
puwede ma-tesselate. matabunan og 2 nga
Isulat ni sa imong papel. walay gawang na makita
o pagsapaw niini gamit
4.______________ ang ? 3

5. Magdibuho og usa ka a. b. c. 3. Unsay gipahulagway sa

butang nga pwede ma- numero 3 sa usa ka lilik
tessellate. B. Magdibuho og usa ka (cylinder) sa taas?
________________ butang nga pwede a. tul-id o badlis nga linya
matabunan og nga b. bawog o sikog nga
walay gawang nga linya
pagsapaw. c. patag sa ibabaw
4. Pagdibuho ug us ka tul-id
C. Magdibuho og usa ka na linya.
sinug-ang nga porma ug 5. Pagdibuho ug usa ka patag
maggupit-gupit og papel na ibabaw.
aron itabon niini.
Paghanap og mga butang o Susihon ang mga butang sa
habin sa inyong balay ug Idibuho ang duha ka inyong balay nga
susihon kon ang hitsura square grid sa bond gihulagway sa kahon ug
niini puwede ma paper nga adunay sukod tubaga ang mga pangutana:
tessellate. nga 10x10 pulgada ang
kada-usa. Takpan o
tabonan og ginunting na
J. Additional activities for lado (square) nga Susiha kini
application or remediation. adunay sukod na 2x2 1. Pila man kabuok ang tul-
pulgada. Ug ang usa usab id o badlis na mga linya ang
ka square grid tabonan nia niini nga hulagway?
sa gitlo (triangle) nga __________.
katunga sa maong 2. Pila man kabuok ang
lado(square) ang iyang patag na ibabaw?
kadak- on. ________________________.
Susiha kini.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Do the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover
which I wish to share with other
Prepared by: Checked/Observed/Analyzed:
___________________________ ________________________
School Grade Level Two
Teacher Learning Area MATHEMATICS
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Quarter Third WEEK 10
January 08, 2017 January 09, 2017 January 10, 2017 January 11, 2017 January 12, 2017

A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of patterns & mathematical sentences.

B. Performance Standards Explore the concepts of lines curved & surface on 3 dimensional objects.
C. Learning Competencies/ Explains the differences Determines the missing Visualizes and finds the Measures ones’ ability to retain and apply
Objectives between straight lines and term/s in a given missing value in a lessons learned
curved lines, flat surfaces continuous pattern using number using 2,3,4,5 and
and curved surfaces. two attributes (any two 10 only. M2AL-IIIj-11 THIRD QUARTER TEST
M2GE-IIIi-10 of the following: figures,
numbers, colors, sizes, Value: Cooperation
Value: Listening and orientations, etc.),
Attentively M2AL-IIIj-3

Value: Attentiveness
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Lesson 69 pp. 378-385 TG Lesson 72 pp. 406- TG Lesson 46 pp. 263-
pages 411 269
2. Learner’s Materials 288-294 LM in Elem. pp. 318-326 LM pp. 259-303
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
for Learning
Resources (LR)
Concrete objects of Objects as simple gifts Counters, activity sheets
straight and curve lines,
B. Other Learning Resources curve and flat surfaces.

A. Reviewing previous Show figures. Let pupils Post a repeating pattern.
lesson or presenting identify whether they are Checking of Assignment Let pupils identify the Ask: What lessons are we going to take in our third
the new lesson. straight and curved lines, missing pattern. quarter examination?
flat and curved surfaces. Ex. 1a, 2b, 3c, _____, _____

Ask: Why are some Have you been to a Let the pupils count off to PRE-TEST
B. Establishing a purpose objects curved, straight birthday party? What are show the number
for the lesson. and flat? the things that you see in sequence. Are you ready for the test? What did you do to
a birthday party? become ready for it?
Present concrete Say: We are having a Present counters PRESENTATION
examples of straight and birthday party. available in the
curved lines. Let the classroom. Let the pupils Say: Today, we shall have our third quarter
pupils trace the lines. Teacher gives each pupil count them. Stop at examination.
C. Presenting examples/ Ask: What is the one “gift”. Example, certain points for pupils
instances of the new difference between the pencil and balloon. One to guess what number
lesson. two? pencil for Allan, a balloon comes next.
Let pupils touch flat and for Sandy, pencil for
curved surfaces. Silvia. Ask: What will I
Ask: What is the give to Sandra?
difference between the Emphasize the pattern.
Discuss the differences Discuss missing term/s in Discuss the missing value SETTING STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOUR
between straight lines and a given continuous in a number using 2,3,4,5
Before we proceed with the test, let us
D. Discussing new curved lines, flat surfaces pattern using two and 10 only
remember/agree on the things that we should do
concepts and practicing and curved surfaces. attributes (any two of the
while taking the test. What are they?
new skills #1. following: figures,
numbers, colors, sizes,
and orientations, etc.).
E. Discussing new Guided Activity Guided Activity Guided Activity DISTRIBUTION OF TEST PAPERS
concepts and practicing Describe Me Oral Recitation Group Activity
new skills #2.  Inspecting test paper for misprints
Teacher gives Let the pupils answer Give each group an  Clarifying directions including time allotted for
descriptions of straight Buluhaton 1-A on p. 296 activity sheet. Let them each subject
and curved lines, curve in the LM. give the missing pattern.  Writing of information in the answer sheet
and flat surfaces. Have Ex.
pupils identify them 2, 3, 4, 5, ____, 6, ___, 8
through actions.
F. Developing Mastery Isulat ang “Oo” kon ang Let the pupils answer Let the pupils answer TEST PROPER
( Leads to Formative butang nga gipakita Buluhaton 1-B on p. 297 Buluhaton 2 and 3 on p.
Assessment 3) adunay tul-id o badlis nga in the LM. 312. Teacher checks pupils’ work from time to time and
linya sa iyang kilid ug the class observes the given time allotment
isulat ang “Dili” kon dili
tul-id o badlis ang mga
linya sa inyong papel.

G. Finding practical Did you listen attentively Let pupils give How did you work with POST TEST
applications of concepts to the discussion? instances/objects/events the group?
and skills in daily living. where patterns are used.  Gathering of answer sheets
H. Making generalizations Let pupils describe/give How do you find and Where do we find/use  Gathering of test papers
and abstractions about the difference between complete patterns number patterns?  Checking/Grouping of test papers
the lesson. straight, curve lines, flat according to shape, size,
and curve surfaces. color, and orientation?
Tubaga ang mga Isulat ang insaktong A. Kompletoha ang Ask:
pangutana. Pilia ang letra sundanan sa blangko. number pattern. Pilia ang
sa insaktong tubag. Pilia ang letra sa letra sa insaktong tubag.  Were you able to follow properly our standards of
insaktong . behaviour set?
1. Asa nga balay ang 1. 3, 4, _____, 6  Was the test easy or difficult?
nagpakita og tul-id o 1. 1 E, 2 F, 3 G, ___ a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 What will you do next time so you will be better
badlis nga linya sa iyang a. 4 H b. 5 I c.6 J 2. 22, 33, 44, 55, ____. prepared than you are today?
kilid. 2. ____ a. 88 b. 99 c.66
3. 2, 4, 6, 8, ____, 12
I. Evaluating Learning a. b. c. a. b. c. a. 14 b. 10 c. 9
2. Asa nga butang ang
nagpakita og adunay 3. 4a, 5b, 6c, 7d, __ B. Isulat ang insaktong
patag? a. 7e b. 8e c. 9e tubag sa blangko.
4. Idibuho ang kasunod 4. 10, 9, 8, ____, 6, 5.
nga desinyo. C. Paghat ug number
a. b. c. pattern.
3. Asa ang butang nga ______, _______, _______, ____
adunay likog o bawog ang
5. Magdibuho og 2 ka mga
butang nga magpakita og
insaktong pagkasunod-
a. b. c. sunod nga sundanan.
4. Kani nga butang adunay
bawog o likog nga linya ug 1 , 2 ,3 4
tul-id o badlis nga linya
kining butanga, aduna ___, ____, ____, ____
usab siyay patag nga
ibabaw ug likog o bawog
nga ibabaw. Hain man
niini ang insaktong

a. b. c.
5. Idibuho ang usa ka
butang ug ikolor ang pula
sa mga tul-id nga linya ug
patag sa ibabaw.
Idibuho ang usa ka butang Pagdibuho repeating
ug ikolor ang pula sa mga patterns pinaagi sa
tul-id o badlis nga mga paggamit sa mga hitsura
J. Additional activities for linya ug patag na ibabaw. (shape), sukod (size),
application or kolor (color) nga
remediation. mamahimong gamiton
isip usa ka boarder sa
imong hulagway

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%.
C. Do the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/ discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:

Checked/ Observed / Analyzed:
School Head

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