Digital Logo Reveal: Main Features
Digital Logo Reveal: Main Features
Digital Logo Reveal: Main Features
Make futuristic design intro, technology greetings or digital logo reveal with extra high
definition engineering elements, science effects and minimalistic motion design!!! Perfect for
company opener, connection bamper, military video beginner or sci fi introduction, elegance
greetings. You can place any title instead logo and you will get extra techno opener for you
video!!! Minimalistic style, industrial draft design and clean animation will help you make your
logo animation stand out!
Main Features
Music link
2) Open "Main Comp"- named composition and you will see “Control Layer”, "!!!Logo
Placement" - named compositions. Also you will see “Glow” - named layer. Use it to set
addition glow effects.
3) To place your logo or type your text just double click on "!!! Logo Placement" - named
layers and place inside any you want (logo with alpha or text). And type subscribe text under
your logotype.
4) Turn back to main composition "Main Comp" named choose Control layer and set own
colors,opacity and other parameters
5) Check Your video and then Push Ctrl+M and click Render
if you use “Cam Blur” parameter (set it more than Zero) then your render time will be 2-3 hrs
Thats all