Smart Agriculture Monitoring and Fertilizer Injection Using Aot With Data Analytics
Smart Agriculture Monitoring and Fertilizer Injection Using Aot With Data Analytics
Smart Agriculture Monitoring and Fertilizer Injection Using Aot With Data Analytics
A proper agricultural support system is must for today's instantaneous world. The plants
are affected mainly due to diseases that are originated about 250 million years ago and the
improper supplement of nutrients to the soil at the appropriate time. To uncover the disease a
robust and practical technology i.e., Image processing is used. The system helps to find the
disease and sends the required fertilizers to the user through a mobile app. The Support Vector
Machine (SVM) based regression system helps to identify and classify the disease in plants. The
App displays basic parameters obtained from the sensors such as temperature and humidity. It
also acts as a bridge between user and the agricultural support system that paves way for making
the decisions quicker. The farmers can decide the mode of the fertilization injector according to
their need. The disease detection system and the soil monitoring system are interfaced with the
Agriculture is an important factor because it satisfies the basic needs of human. The term
agriculture is a science of cultivation, growth and raise of livestock. Over centuries, it also paved
a way for rise of civilization. In early days, people spent most of their lives in hunting wild
animals and gathering wild plants for the purpose of consumption. About 11,000 years ago,
people began to cultivate the cereals and root crops in their respective lands. In addition to the
farming, they took the shelter in the farming lands. The people learned to produce surplus foods.
In current scenario, the agricultural crops suffer from numerous reasons. Even though, there are
many advancement in technologies people failed to safeguard the potential value of agriculture
crops. The healthy nation lies in hands of healthy plants.
Need for Agriculture
Agriculture is a factor of survival for many people. About 70% of people directly depend on
agriculture for living. It is the primary source of income for many developing countries like India.
Agricultural sectors also provide fodder for domestic animals. The products like sugar, tea,
spices, tobacco, coffee etc constitute the major items of export. The export trade of a nation rely
largely on agricultural sectors. For example, agricultural products such as jute, tobacco, spices,
oilseeds, raw cotton, tea and coffee accounts for 18% of total value of export of a nation.
Problems in Agriculture
The agricultural sector has undergone numerous problems. The main problems include
improper nutrients, irrigation and poor growth. India is named as second largest irrigated country
in the world. Although it has received the name, the irrigation process is not assured due to
uncertain rainfalls. The salinity, water logging and alkalinity make the irrigation process much
tougher. The people are using Indian land for yielding over many years. This has led to depletion
and exhaustion of soil thus making lower productivity.
Manures and fertilizers can increase the agricultural production about 70%. The
utilization of rural and urban compost will provide manure to soil and remove waste from soil .
Role of plants
The humans depend upon plants either directly or indirectly. Over the years, humans used
seven thousand plant species as food. One of the important by-products of plant’s food making
process is oxygen. In order to survive, every living organism should intake oxygen. Plants also
help to provide shade for many animals, moderate the temperature and protect animals from the
excessive winds. It changes the rainfall pattern over large areas of earth’s surface. Plants add
nutrients to soil upon decomposing. This element beautifies the human world with its endless
green nature.
In olden days, farmers found difficult to detect the disease accurately. Since, the
symptoms for most of the diseases are alike the chances of misinterpretation is also increased.
This led to injection of wrong fertilizer and damage to plants. In order to overcome this issue and
increase the production of crops, an agricultural system is developed.
The thermistor as shown in Figure 2 is a temperature sending element composed of
sintered semiconductor material that exhibits a large change in resistance in proportion to a small
change in temperature. Negative temperature coefficient thermistor exhibits a decrease in
electrical resistance when subjected to an increase in body temperature. It is capable of operating
over the temperature range of -100 ℃ to +600 ℃. Because of their very predictable
characteristics and their excellent long term stability, thermistors are generally accepted to be the
most advantageous sense for many applications including temperature measurement and control.
MATLAB is known as Matrix Laboratory and the software uses vectors and matrices to
represent the data. Hence, the software is useful for solving linear algebra, algebraic and
differential equations and numerical integration. It also has powerful graphic tools to produce
nice pictures in both 2D and 3D.
Image processing
Image processing is a method to convert an image into digital form in order to extract
useful information from it. The input is image, like video frame or photograph and output may
be image or characteristics associated with that image. Usually, image processing system treats
images as two-dimensional signals. It is one of the rapidly growing technologies, with its
applications in various aspects of a business. It forms as a core research area within engineering
and computer science disciplines too. Image processing includes the following three steps: i)
Importing the image with scanner or photography, ii) Analyzing and manipulating the image
and iii) Output is either an image or report.
Purpose of Image Processing
The purpose of image processing areas follows visualization to observe the objects that
are not visible, image sharpening and restoration to create a better image, image retrieval to
seek for the image of interest, measurement of pattern to measures various objects in an image
and image recognition to distinguish the objects in an image.
Types of Image Processing
Analog or visual techniques of image processing are used for the hard copies like
printouts and photographs. Image analysts use various fundamentals of interpretation. The
image processing is not confined to area that has to be studied but on knowledge of analyst.
Therefore, the analysts apply a combination of personal knowledge and collateral data to image
Digital Processing techniques help to manipulate the digital images by using computers.
Since the data are collected from satellite platform, it contains deficiencies. In order to overcome
such flaws and to get original information, it has to undergo various phases of processing. All
data should undergo four different phases and they are preprocessing, enhancement and display,
information extraction.
Block Diagram of Image Processing
Algorithm in Image Processing
Image acquisition
Image acquisition in image processing is defined as the action of retrieving an image
from some source, usually a hardware-based source, so it can be passed through whatever
processes need to occur afterward. Image acquisition is always the first step in the workflow
sequence because without an image no processing is possible. The acquired image is
completely unprocessed and is the result of whatever hardware was used to generate it, which
can be very important in some fields to have a consistent baseline from which to work. The
overall block diagram of the image processing process is shown in Figure 5.
Pre-processing images commonly involves removing of low-
frequency background noise, normalizing the intensity of the individual particles, removing
reflections, and masking portions of images. Image pre-processing helps to enhance the data
before undergoing the processing.
Image segmentation
Image segmentation is nothing but a process of segmenting an image into multiple
partitions (sets of pixels, also known as super-pixels). The main aim of segmentation is to
simplify or change the representation of an image into something that is more meaningful and
easier to analyze. Image segmentation helpsto locate objects and boundaries (lines, curves, etc.)
in images. It is also seen as a process of assigning a pixel to each image. The pixels share the
same characteristics.
Feature extraction
Feature extraction nurses initial set of measured information and builds values
(features) which are supposed to be informative and non-redundant to facilitate the next
learning for better human interpretations. Feature extraction is related to dimensionality
reduction. When the input data is too large to be processed, it is suspected to be redundant (e.g.
the same measuring in each feet and meters, or the repetitiveness of images presented as
pixels). Then, it may be remodeled into a reduced set of options (also named a feature vector).
Determining a set of the initial options is termed Feature choice.
Image classification
Image classification helps to analyze the numerical properties of various image
features and organize data into categories. Classification algorithms employ two phases of
processing: training and testing. In the initial training phase, ccharacteristics of image features
are isolated. Based on this information a unique description of each classification category i.e.,
training class is created. In the subsequent testing phase, these features are used to classify
image features.
In this proposed system, Bluetooth electronics app is used for establishing serial connection
between HC-05 module and the microcontroller. It consists of various controls such as buttons,
switches, sliders, pads, lights, gauges, terminals, accelerometers and graphs. This App is used to
control devices. The communication is done through Bluetooth HC-05 module. It helps to
select the mode of the system. The buttons are used to change the mode. Indicators are used to
display the mode. Gauges are used to measure and display the temperature and humidity of the
field. In the pads status of the device is displayed.
In this project, thermistor (10k) is used to measure the temperature of the soil. The
thermistor acts as a transducer by converting the measured heat energy into electrical energy.
Since this thermistor belongs to the type of negative temperature coefficient, the resistance
decreases with increase in temperature. The range of thermistor ranges from 55℃ to +125℃.
One end of the thermistor is connected to the 9th pin (PORT E) of PIC microcontroller and other
end to the supply as shown in Figure 4.
Interfacing Diagram of Thermistor with PIC16F877A
Here, 16x2 LCD is used to display the parameters of soil which are measured using
thermistor and humidity sensor. About 32 characters are displayed in two lines with each 16
characters. The basic supply to turn on the LCD is 5V. From the below Figure 7, the data bus
from 11- 14 are used for transferring 4 to 8 bit data and they are attached to pins from 37-40 of
the controller. LCD pins from 7-10 are not used because they can transfer only 4 bit data. In order
to adjust the colour contrast variable resistor 103 is connected to Vee pin of the LCD. Vss is
connected to 31th pin and Vdd is connected to 32th pin of controller.
The natural image to be tested is loaded in the resultant place of the page and the
reference image is taken from the image database as shown in Figure 11.
The plant is checked for the following three conditions as shown in Figure 11 a) plant
dryness, Figure 12 b) plant normal and Figure 13 c) disease occurrence in the image processing
unit and it is displayed on the app.
Auto Mode
Once this mode is selected, the respective fertilizer ratio for the plant is automatically
taken from the program and the relay triggers the fertilizer pump. The information regarding the
temperature and the water content is displayed in the app as shown in Figure 14 as well as in
Smart Mode
Once this mode is selected, the MATLAB unit is processed and the respective disease
along with the fertilizer is sent to the user app through the Bluetooth module. The parameters
such as temperature and humidity are shown in Figure 16.
The overall agricultural system is mentioned in the Figure 5.6. The plastic container acts as
a tank. One of the tanks is used for injecting fertilizer and other is used for injecting water. The
system is controlled through the microcontroller.
India’s economy still mainly depends upon agriculture. Most of our population lives in
the rural areas, so farmers are not exposed to technology and automation to a greater extent.
The leaves are segmented using canny edge detection. After the completion of segmentation
process, various trained and test images are compared using SVM classifier. The connection
between microcontroller and MATLAB is established using USB to TTL converter. From the
microcontroller the data are displayed on the app through Bluetooth module. The parameters
from soil such as moisture and temperature are measured and displayed on the LCD as well as
in App. The fertilization process works in three different modes according to the convenience
of the user. The disease information is displayed on the App. Since the quality of the plant is
increased automatically the productivity of the crop is also enhanced. Thus, the agricultural
sector will earn more profit.
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