Short Question Bank CAD

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CAD (NME-701)


1) What do you understand by CAD?

2) Define term CAE.
3) What are the benefits of CAD?
4) Write a short note on the following input devices
(1)Track ball (2) OMR (3) OCR (4) MICR (5) Joystick (6) Light pen

5) Differentiate between random and raster scan display.

6) List the differences between CAD/CAM.
7) Explain the use of computers in (i) Design (ii) manufacturing
8) What is design workstation?
9) What is a function of display controller?
10) What is the importance and use of display processor in computer graphics system?
11) How will pixel count affect the memory requirement of a raster display monitor?
12) Compare drum plotter with flat-bed plotter.
13) Discuss the storage device used in computer.
14) What are the important parameters that need to be considered while selecting a
CAD/CAM system?
15) What are the different phases of product development cycle?
16) Give specific advantages of using CAD in product development cycle.
17) Discuss the statement “CAD is only a tool in the design process.”
18) What should be the qualities of a CAD engineer?
19) Differentiate between classical design and computer aided design procedures.
20) Explain the functions of basic hardware components of a general purpose digital

1) Write the full form of GKS and IGES.
2) Define IGES.
3) Write down the matrix for the following operations
(i) Translation in 2-D
(ii) Rotation about x axis
(iii) Shearing in y axis
(iv) Reflection about x axis
4) What do you understand by Homogenous co-ordinate.
5) Explain Concatenation rule.
6) Write down the steps involved in reflection matrix when axis of reflection is y=mx+c.
7) Find the final position of the line having the end points (3,5) and (10,5) when it is
translated by 3 units in x direction and then rotated by 300 in clockwise direction.
8) What is computer graphics?
9) Discuss the need for CAD/CAM data exchange.
10) Distinguish between direct and indirect data exchange translators.
11) What do you understand by shape based formats and products- data based formats?
12) Describe the various standard data exchange formats currently in use.
13) What do you understand by “mapping of geometric model”?
14) What is geometric mapping?
15) How geometric transformation differs from geometric mapping?
16) Describe the various functions of graphics software.
17) What is geometric transformation?
18) What is the significance of homogeneous coordinates in geometric transformations?
19) What do you understand by concatenated transformations?
20) Write short note on transformation matrix for perspective projections.

1) Write down properties of bazier curves.
2) What are the important properties for curves designing?
3) What do you understand by interpolation and approximation?
4) Write down hermite matrix.
5) Explain blending function.
6) Explain order of continuity.
7) Explain global and local control.
8) What do you mean by order of continuity of curves?
9) Describe any two differences between Bazier curve and cubic spline curve.
10) What is bazier surfaces.
11) Describe the most common primitives used in solid modeling briefly.
12) Describe Zero order continuity.
13) Describe first order continuity.
14) Describe Second order continuity.
15) Write down effect of control point on curve accuracy.
16) Write down properties of bazier curve.
17) Write down properties of B spline curve.
18) Write down properties of Hermite curve.
19) Write down blending function.
20) Write down equation of bazier curve.

1) Briefly explain the following commands used in Autocad
(i) Trim
(ii) Extend
(iii) Lengthen
(iv) Donut
(v) Move
(vi) Mirror
2) Define blobby object.
3) What do you understand by fractals
4) Explain colour models.
5) Write down the paremetric equation for torus.
6) What are various sweep representations and discuss anyone.
7) Differentiate between plane surfaces and ruled surface with neat sketch.
8) Write down parametric equation for circle, ellipse, hyperbola and straight line.
9) Describe ray casting techniques for generarting CSG objects.
10) Differentiate between CSG and B-rep.
11) What are the application of solid model.
12) What are essential properties of CAD model.
13) Briefly describe 3-D curves.
14) Discuss quadric surfaces.
15) Discuss superquadric surfaces.
16) Explain the colour system.
17) Define B-rep.
18) Explain basic properties of space curves.
19) Explain RGB model
20) Explain CMY model.


1) Explain the concept of FEM.

2) What is the advantage of using FEM for engineering analysis problems?
3) Write down the steps of FEM.
4) Write down an expression for stiffness matrix of 1-D truss element.
5) Discuss different type of elements used in FEM.
6) Explain post processing as applied to finite element method.
7) What are the different types of errors in finite element method solution.
8) Define different types of forces.
9) Write down the shape function.
10) Write down the elements body force matrix.
11) Write down elemental traction force matrix.
12) What do you understand by global stiffness matrix.
13) State the methods of engineering analysis.
14) Give examples for the finite element.
15) What is meant by node or Joint?
16) What do you mean by discretization?
17) What are the three phases of finite element method.
18) What is structural and non-structural problem?
19) During discretization, mention the places where it is necessary to place a node
20) Name the four FEA softwares?

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