Politecnico Di Torino Repository ISTITUZIONALE: Loop Detection in Robotic Navigation Using MPEG CDVS
Politecnico Di Torino Repository ISTITUZIONALE: Loop Detection in Robotic Navigation Using MPEG CDVS
Politecnico Di Torino Repository ISTITUZIONALE: Loop Detection in Robotic Navigation Using MPEG CDVS
Loop Detection in Robotic Navigation Using MPEG CDVS / de Gusmão, P. P. B.; Rosa, S.; Magli, E.; Lepsøy, S.;
Francini, G.. - ELETTRONICO. - (2015), pp. 1-6. ((Intervento presentato al convegno 2015 IEEE International Workshop
on Multimedia Signal Processing nel 2015.
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19 September 2019
Robotics Navigation Using MPEG CDVS
Pedro P. B. de Gusmão #1 , Stefano Rosa #2 , Enrico Magli #3 , Skjalg Lepsøy ∗4 , Gianluca Francini ∗5
DET and DAUIN, Politecnico di Torino
Video and Image Analysis Lab - Telecom Italia
Abstract—The choice for image descriptor in a visual naviga- in terms of bandwidth requirement where remote processing
tion system is not straightforward. Descriptors must be distinctive is needed such as in collaborative mapping.
enough to allow for correct localization while still offering low In [7] authors have used an intermediate level of representa-
matching complexity and short descriptor size for real-time
applications. MPEG Compact Descriptor for Visual Search is tion to speed-up loop detection known as bags of visual words
a low complexity image descriptor that offers several levels of [8]; a technique originally developed to compare similarity
compromises between descriptor distinctiveness and size. In this between documents and which is still considered the state of
work we describe how these trade-offs can be used for efficient the art today.
loop-detection in a typical indoor environment. Finally as the robot navigates throughout its environment
the number of observed landmarks increases and so does the
I. I NTRODUCTION number of descriptors it stores for loop-detection.This means
Robots that navigate through unknown environments, such that loop-detection algorithms are bound to become expensive
as autonomous vacuum cleaners, all face a common chal- in terms of both memory and computational complexity [2] as
lenge: to create a representation of their environment while the map grows. This forces system designers to either choose
simultaneously trying to locate themselves. This problem is less complex descriptors, risking wrong data association, or to
known in literature as Simultaneous Localization and Mapping overestimate memory demands during hardware design.
(SLAM) and its formulation has been thoroughly reviewed The problem of finding a perfect balance between de-
in [1] and [2]. Approaches to SLAM usually involve two scriptor distinctiveness and descriptor size is not exclusive
alternate phases. During Motion Prediction the robot uses in- to the VSLAM domain. When dealing with large databases,
ternal parameters to estimate local displacements, while during Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) systems face this very
Measurement Update the robot interacts with the environment same issue. Very recently, the Moving Picture Experts Group
to improve both its pose estimation as well as its estimate of (MPEG) has defined a new industry standard for CBIR known
its environments map. as Compact Descriptors for Visual Search (MPEG CDVS).
In visual-based SLAM, motion prediction can be obtained The standard specifies various modes of compression that offer
by extracting and matching visual features from a sequence of trade-offs between distinctiveness and size and also provides
images in a process called feature-based visual odometry[3]. with suggested metrics for image comparison that quantify
These same features can also be used as landmarks of for loop- how similar two images are.
detection during the measurement update phase in a complete In this work we claim that the characteristics that make
Visual SLAM (VSLAM) system [4]. MPEG CDVS a good descriptor for CBIR, also make it ideal
The purpose of Loop-detection is to identify landmarks on for robotic navigation. More specifically, we state that MPEG
the map that have already been seen by the robot during early CDVS can be used as a fast, reliable and storage-efficient loop
stages of navigation. During this process, if a particular land- detector in a typical indoor VSLAM application.
mark is allegedly found in two different places it means that Our first contribution comes in Section III where we de-
the estimated trajectory described by the robot has probably scribe a probabilistic approach to loop detection using the
drifted at some point. The relative displacement between these standard’s suggested similarity metric. We then compare per-
two appearances can then be used by a global optimizer to formance of CDVS compression modes in terms of matching
improve estimations of both the landmarks’ positions as well speed, feature extraction and storage requirements with the
as robot’s pose. well-known SIFT descriptor for five different types of indoor
Early approaches to loop-detection using visual features floors and show that CDVS has superior performance in all
include the work in [5], where authors used the SIFT [6] for cases in Section IV. Finally, in Section V we apply our
its distinctive power and thus capability of correctly find a proposed method to a real robotic application and show that
loop. SIFT’s distinctiveness; however, comes at a high price our VSLAM approach gives better results than state-of-the-art
in terms of compute complexity leading to substantial battery laser-based SLAM.
consumption. Moreover, the amount of SIFT features gener- II. T HE MPEG C OMPACT D ESCRIPTOR FOR V ISUAL
ated by a single image also makes it prohibitively expensive S EARCH
The Compact Descriptor for Visual Search (CDVS) is the
MMSP’15, Oct. 19 - Oct. 21, 2015, Xiamen, China. new standard for Content Based Image Retrieval developed by
the Moving Picture Experts Group [10]. It defines an image Final motion between time steps k−1 and k can be modeled
description tool designed for efficient and interoperable visual as a rotation followed by translation, so that at t = k pose can
search applications. be recursively obtained as
A. Descriptor Generation
[xk , yk ]T = R(∆θk−1,k ) [xk−1 , yk−1 ]T + Tk−1,k (1)
A CDVS descriptor is made of two parts: one global
descriptor associated to the entire image and a set of local θk = θk−1 + ∆θk−1,k (2)
descriptors associated to specific points in the image known where ∆θk−1,k is the rotation angle estimated between time
as interest points. The entire descriptor extraction process can steps k − 1 and k, R(∆θk−1,k ) is the rotation matrix for that
be summarized as follows: same angle, and Tk−1,k is the translation vector.
1) Interest Point Detection;
A. Loop Definition
2) Feature Selection and Descriptor Extraction; where
based on the level of compression used only a limited The use of a downward-facing camera allows for a natural
number of interest points will account for the final definition of loop based on the intersection of imaged regions.
descriptor. For images Ia and Ib taken along the robot’s path, we define
3) Local Descriptor Extraction; loop as a function of the overlap ratio between the floor area
4) Local Descriptor Compression; observed by these two images. So given the area of intersection
5) Coordinate Coding; area(Ia ∩ Ib ), and the respective area of union area(Ia ∪ Ib ),
6) Global Descriptor Generation: It is an aggregation of lo- a loop can be defined as
cal descriptors to generate a fixed, small size description area(Ia ∩ Ib )
of the entire image. J= (3)
area(Ia ∪ Ib )
The final result of CDVS extraction is a compressed file
whose size is upper-bounded by 512B, 1kB, 2kB, 4kB, 8kB, 1 if J ≥ r
loop(Ia , Ib , r) = (4)
and 16kB associated to the extraction modes 1 to 6 respec- 0 if J < r
tively. where r is the threshold that defines the minimum overlap
ratio for which two intersecting images can be considered a
B. Descriptor Matching and Score
loop. In this work we set this threshold to r = 0.33, which
When comparing two images MPEG CDVS suggests the roughly amounts for an area intersection of 50% when Ia and
use of two different types of matching scores: global score Ib have the same areas.
and a locals score.
The global score is given as a weighted correlation between B. Loop Probability
the two images global descriptors. Loop detection as defined in (4) requires the knowledge
The local score given between two images results from the of how much intersection there is between the two images.
sum of local scores of each descriptor in those images, i.e a In order to indirectly measure the probability of having a
one-to-one comparison is made between local descriptors from particular area ratio we use the local score given between two
the two images. Finally, the standard also suggest the use of images so that
a geometric consistency analysis, known as Distrat [11], to
eliminate false matches between descriptors based on their P (loop = 1|score = s) = P (J ≥ r|score = s) (5)
geometry disposition.
In order to detect a loop as defined in III-A, we consider P (J ≥ r, score = s)
P (J ≥ r|score = s) = (6)
only those features that have passed also the geometric con- P (score = s)
sistency test. Moreover we consider the values given by local The conditional probability in (5) can be experimentally
score as our means to indirectly measure the probability of estimated through (6) by combining the knowledge of the cam-
loop detection for it gives more reliable results.. era’s parameters with a source of relative motion estimation.
III. P ROPOSED M OTION M ODEL AND L OOP D ETECTION This process will be described in depth during the next section.
A robot carrying a calibrated camera navigates through an IV. T RAINING OF P ROPOSED M ODEL
indoor environment while taking a picture Ik of the floor below Besides being distinctive, a descriptor needs also to be
at each time step k. The robot’s starting position and heading economical in terms of storage and extraction and matching
define both origin and x-axis of a global coordinate frame. times in order for it to be considered as a feasible option for
This coordinate system then becomes uniquely defined as we loop detection.
choose the z-axis to point upwards. In this section we analyze the distinctiveness of all CDVS’
We assume the environment’s floor to be a planar surface compression modes for the five different types of floorings
so that, for each time step k > 0, the robot’s pose is given seen in figure 1. We also compare their memory and processing
by xk = [xk , yk , θk ]T , where xk and yk indicate the robot’s time requirements with a popular implementation of the SIFT
coordinates and θk is the robot’s heading. descriptor found in [12].
Ideally, these matching matrices should display increasingly
intensity of pixel values (yellow) in regions near each diagonal
and very low values (dark blue) everywhere else. The natural
randomness intrinsically associated to the production of most
(a) Mosaic (b) Marble (c) Red Tiles of the floor types enables them to have a relatively the thick
principal diagonals and to display very low matching scores
where no overlap occurs.
The one noticeable exception occurs for the printed wood
floor. This particular artificial type flooring is made of a printed
(d) Printed Wood (e) Dotted Tiles repetitive patterns. The effect of such patterns appears as bright
spots on its matching matrix and can be particularly harmful
Fig. 1: Different types of floorings commonly found in indoor
environments. for loop-detection since it leads to erroneously detected loops.
We can observe the evolution of these spots and the diagonal
thickness in figure 3 as we vary the compression mode.
A. Distinctiveness of CDVS local score
Our analysis starts by driving the robot forward for 10 meter
using a PointGrey Grasshopper 3 camera rigidly mounted on
a Turtlebot 2 in a setup defined in section III.
For each floor type we extract CDVS descriptors the se-
quence of images and match each image with all the previous
(a) Mode=1 (b) Mode=2 (c) Mode=3
ones using CDVS local score to measure similarity. We repeat
this process for all modes of compression to evaluate its effect
on feature distinctiveness.
Distinctiveness in this context means to have high local
score for images having overlapping regions and very low
scores otherwise. Since images were taken in sequence during
robotic motion, images that are close in the sequence are also (d) Mode=4 (e) Mode=5 (f) Mode=6
spatially next to each other, and thus should have high local Fig. 3: Visual representation of Local Score for the Printed Wood
score. floor using different compression modes.
A visual representations of these matches using compression
mode 6 is given in figure 2 where pixel intensities in position It is clear that the diagonal thickness decreases as the
(i, j) represent the local score between current image i and compression level increases, i.e. for lower modes of compres-
a previously visited image j. Since we only match current sion. This phenomenon happens to all flooring types and it
images with previous ones, each matrix representing the is due to the fact that CDVS will use fewer keypoints with
matches is triangular. shorter local descriptors to represent each image. This makes
To allow for a fair visual comparison, the matrices values it difficult to correctly match images that are even just slightly
have been normalized. Yellow pixels mean high local score displaced with respect to one another. Therefore; as expected,
while dark blue pixels indicate a low score. The presence of lower modes of compression can be considered to offer less
small, bright triangles seen at the lower end of each matrix distinctive local descriptors.
indicates when the robot stopped. On the other hand and for the same reason, bright spots
on the wooden pattern become even more visible as the level
of compression increases, which makes this particular kind of
flooring the worst case scenario and also our study case to test
CDVS for loop detection.
Partial results from Sec. IV have lead us to try our loop-
detection technique on the most challenging flooring for loop-
closure, i.e. the flooring most susceptible false-loop detection.
In this experiment, the robot navigates through indoor office
for about 110 meter while taking a total of 7154 images of its
printed wood floor and performing loops before finally going
Fig. 8: Paths optimized using LAGO.
back to its original position.
We first use the sequence of images to generate the path’s
visual odometry as described in IV for all except the first A visual inspection between the two figures reveals the
compression mode, which was unable to generate enough improvements obtained for all compression modes when loops
matching points between consecutive images. For those modes are correctly detected. Except for compression mode 2, all
capable of estimating translation and rotation from consecutive improved trajectories pass through the hallway, enter and exit
Visual Odometry Visual SLAM We have shown experimentally that CDVS’ feature selection
∆x (m) ∆y (m) ∆θ (rad) ∆x (m) ∆y (m) ∆θ (rad) serves not only to reduce the final descriptor size but also
Mode 2 17.35 -6.58 -0.86 0.0725 -0.0088 0.0075 to significantly speed up feature extraction and matching. In
Mode 3 -4.36 1.27 0.03 0.0355 -0.0115 0.0001 our practical experiment CDVS’s least compressed mode was
Mode 4 0.22 0.19 -0.13 0.0359 -0.0149 0.0086 shown to be over 20 times faster than SIFT during matching
Mode 5 1.01 0.09 -0.17 0.0302 -0.0011 -0.0249
Mode 6 2.10 0.00 -0.23 0.0221 -0.0056 -0.0128 time and to require 10 times less storage space and still able
TABLE IV: Relative pose errors between staring and final position
to provide for correct loop-detection.
for both visual odometry and VSLAM Finally, when we compared to a laser scanner, we have seen
that our approach has generated far better results.
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