Jesus Love Sinner

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Principles of the Spiritual Life’s series


Jesus Loves Sinners (1)

House of God’s Love

Book Name: Book series of Principles of Spiritual Life
(0/12) Jesus Loves Sinners (1)
Preparation: By: Servants of God’s Love Hostel
First Edition
I.S.B.N. 978-9779-038-59-9

 We hope in Christ that this

series would reach the hands
of every Christian youth.
 You could share this hope by
giving it to your friends and
loved ones.

Note: To get the full benefit of this series, please read

it in order because reading it out of order can lead to
disarray and discontinuation may lead to frustration.

His Holiness Pope Towardos II
Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark

Jesus loves sinners is a beautiful word for the ear
and it has a wonderful effect in every heart because we
are all sinners. It is written that all are gone astray and
become corrupted which means we are all corrupted.
Despite this corruption, we are loved and accepted
because God sees us as sick children in need of cure,
not as enemies worthy of punishment.
This series is considered an introduction and forward
to the way so that we concentrate on knowing God and
his view of us. We will focus on his view of us sinners and
how He deals with us because we are all sinners. Please
finish reading this series if you want to experience the
love of Jesus, His acceptance and transformation.
This series is a simplified course and practical steps
in the spiritual life. May the Lord grant us the renewal of
the mind and acceptance of His love, in the intercession
of Our Lady St. Mary and the prayers of our blessed
father, His Holiness Pope Towadros II. Glory to our God
in His Church now and forever. Amen.

I WALKED in my way to my father and one of the
brothers was with me. I would like for this brother to start
the spiritual course that I started. I have learnt a lot since
I started the spiritual life and the time has come that I tell
others about this course and how they start a relationship
with Jesus. Because I am only in the beginners’ stage, I
can only help those who are willing to come to my father
and he will continue with them and he told me that I can
start with them after a period of time.
My friend is a very good hearted and meek person,
but he changed completely because of past events and
the influence of the environment. He became violent and
an addict. He walks in the evil way and sin. This is not
casting judgment on him because he admits this much
and all his friends know that to the extent that he is now
forsaken by the church and the servants because of his
bad reputation. However, when you sit with him, you will
find a meek child who is so eager to return to Jesus and
the quiet life, but How? He is forsaken by all and nobody
is patient with him!
His vocabulary cannot be changed suddenly and he
cannot be freed quickly from the things he is used to

doing for a while because he experimented with that so
many times. He only heard “YOU are freed. YOU are a
new creature!”, but he returns to his old ways just a few
days after that. He despaired and said “I am hopeless”
and this is not his road. Sometimes he says that those
who are walking this road are hypocrites because there
is no change or anything and they are the same without
change. They are servants, preachers in the church, but they
live as hypocrites outside, using stumbling words and dirty
He tried to attend the church meetings regularly, but
he heard that the true repentance is never returning to
sin. He tried very hard and he failed every time and fell in
the same sin another time. So he despaired also “If my
repentance is not true, why bother?! But when he knew
that the spiritual life is a road and not only one step, he
was encouraged.
When I told him about my father, he was enthusiastic
to come to my father to help him along the way which I
started many months ago.
We walked the road together and we were talking
about the love of Jesus for sinners. My father was waiting
for us when we arrived and he welcomed us and I

introduced my friend to him. I left them together and
I was so embarrassed when my friend left me with the
father because my hair was curly and long hair and it was
annoying the priests and servants in my church. This was
my nature and I like that and I was saying to myself “Does
God care if I have long or short hair?” I felt embarrassed
despite the fact that I am outspoken on so many issues,
but I become very shy when it comes to talking about God
and the spiritual matters.
The father surprised me with his smile and simplicity
and more so with his acceptance of me without any
comment. I hated it when someone invaded my privacy
to ask about my personal life in detail. Almost everyone I
meet was asking me what’s wrong with you? why is your
hair long?! I was thinking to myself “Why do you care? Is
it my hair or yours? mind your own business.” This father
was one of the few people who did not ask, but I felt as if
I knew him for a long time. He shook my hands and asked
me “How are you, my son?
I replied: Thank God, my father!
He said: How are you doing?

I said: As my friend mentioned that I am very far, my
father, and I have done so many shameful things. You
can say that I am addicted to sin, all kinds of sin. I have
tried so many times to repent and return to God, but I was
unsuccessful. However, I have read a book titled” How
do I start?” and I was encouraged when I learned that the
spiritual life is a road, not just a single step. Therefore, I
regained my hope after I despaired and I was so close to
atheism and suicide. I do not know, but I am so tired and
torn! I came to you, my father, when I knew that it is best
if I have someone help me to discover the road. I came
to you, my father, after I have seen a real change in my
friend’s life and I sensed a genuine love and personal
interest, not just a routine visitation. Also, the practical
steps I have read make the road easy.
He said: Perfect, my son! In addition to the spiritual
steps you have read about how to start which we will
review together, we will talk together at first about a
simple series titled” Jesus Loves the Sinners”. We must
establish some basics principles before we start.
I said: Its title is beautiful and encouraging, my father!
I have talked with my friend on the way about it. It appears

he benefited a lot from it, my father, but what is the proof
that Jesus loves the sinners?!
He said: There are three proofs that Jesus loves the
First proof is the Word of God in the Holy Bible
I said: Please tell me in details, my father, and be
patient with me because It is appropriate for the
I was not churched and I person to be practice
did not read the Bible a since childhood to know
lot before and I do not his value of his soul
which is cherished by
know anything about
God and surprises the
dogma. I feel like I am in
heavenly creatures. This
China when I attend the will lead him/her to
liturgy and the prayers realize God’s tenderness
are said in Coptic. I wish who sacrificed His only
you start with me as a Son to restore its beauty
through His precious
child in the spiritual
blood. (St. Jacob
Alsarogy (The Divine
He said: Jesus loves Love page 57)
children and He said “Let
the little children come to
me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God
belongs to such as these.” (Luke 18:16)

As for His love for sinners, He said “It is not the
healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come
to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Mark 1:17
And they said about Him that “He loves sinners”
(Matthew 11:19)
And also “For God so loved the world that he gave his
one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not
perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
God says in Isaiah” Come now, let us settle the
matter," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like
scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are
red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” Isaiah 1:18
I said: What does He mean by scarlet and crimson,
my father?
He said: Scarlet is a very red color and crimson is red
like worm which means no matter how disgusting your
sins are, the Lord says come and He will make it white as
snow and white wool.
I said: These are good news, my father! How do
people live without it!
He Said: If we do not believe the Word of God that He
loves us and cares for us and accepts us no matter how
grave our sins are, we will perish! He is a friend of

sinners. He pardon sin and His mercy is abundant (Isaiah
55:7), but the devil’s main goal is to destroy our
relationship with God and make us believe that God gave
up on us and rejected us because we fall often. The devil
is a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44)
I said: It is true that I fall a lot and my sins are difficult!
He said: There is a very dangerous statement, my
son, and we repeated it often and we do not know that it
is the reason that our relationship with God is destroyed
and we think that we are being meek for using this
I said (surprised): What is it, my father?
“God is upset with me”
I said (hastily): I fall in sin a lot; Does not this make
God upset with me?
He said: Do you love falling in these sins?
I said: No. I wish to get rid of it. Who can save me?
He said: If so, you do not upset God. God says to you
”My beloved, the devil is the one who is making me and
you upset.” It is like a small child who is walking on the
street and an evil person throws rubbish on him. Will his
father be mad at him or the evil person?
I replied: The evil person of course.

He said: In the same manner, when we fall in sin and
return to God speedily and know that God loves us,
cleanses us and accepts us. The saying that I make God
upset is from the devil to hinder the sinner from returning
to his Father and makes him afraid of God. The sinner
does not feel safe with God and he expects punishment,
not help. Why does he return to God to get punishment?
It is better to remain in sin. The sinner may try to please
his difficult and insensitive Father for the likelihood that
his Father accepts him. As time goes on, it becomes
difficult for this sinner to return to God and he despairs
and says to himself:” God is fed up with me”. At this
moment, the devil laughs his devilish laugh” Ha ha you
have fallen in my merciless hands.”
He said: wow, it is really a devilish word indeed and it
is a destructive word. I did not understand the devil’s
He said: There was a large village which has a small
number of Christians. This type of village needs a special
attention from the Church and its servants. The lack of a
church building in the village or nearby and the infrequent
service lead to a culture far away from the gospel and
Christ among the lay people. Therefore, people become

an easy prey for the devil and his followers. A man
traveled to Jordan to work there leaving behind his wife
of two years and his young child. He promised to send
her a letter every month and a sum of money to support
her. He advised her to take the letter to her family or his
to read it for her because she was illiterate and cash the
check. As promised, he started sending her a letter every
month and a check and she used to go to her family in
her village to read the letter for her and cash the check.
However, she started to take the easy way and went to a
neighbor and asked him to cash the check because her
village was far. As months went by, she started asking
him to also read the letter for her. To save herself the trip
of going to the post office, she asked the employees there
to give the letter and the check.
to that person. He then started to cash the check and
read the letter for her every month.
One day, the child became sick and she neglected
him because of her lack of education and his condition
worsened. The neighbor took advantage of the situation
and he lied to her when he read the letter for her. The
neighbor told her that her husband knew of the child’s
condition and her lack of care and that he will punish her

harshly. The wife became afraid and believed the lies.
The evil person then started to talk to her with malice
saying to her that “Do not be afraid. I will protect you.” He
started to make her afraid of her husband day after day
and he terrified her by the fake letters and made up lies.
On the other hand, he started to say loving words to her.
Because she was so afraid, she left Christ and married
her neighbor. The husband returned after two years and
saw her in the street, so she screamed “You have nothing
to do with me. I will call the police if you say anything.”
The man was in shock and asked “What are you saying?”
She said: “You are not my husband and I do not know
you.” She was then shocked when she knew that all lies
told to her by her neighbor.
Therefore, you also, if you do not accept Jesus’
teachings and His love for you as declared in the Holy
Bible. If you believed the lies that God is mad at you and
fed up with you and that He will punish you and that you
are hopeless and the opportunity has passed you by, the
fake repentance and instant salvation and that if we
returned to sin, we did not truly repent and that the time
has passed and we cannot be saved. This is nonsense,
my son and it is neither true nor practical. That what

makes us despair and lose hope in ourselves and in
God’s acceptance of us.
But Jesus loves all sinners; He loves the
adulterers, He does not reject the homosexuals, He
rejoices if an atheist returns without humiliating
anyone, He loves and accepts us unconditionally, He
did not even predicate His love on repentance and
He did not even condition His salvation or
forgiveness on it.
I said: slow down, please, my father, because I am
slow in understanding. What do you mean that He did not
require repentance for His love or His salvation.
He said: God loved us when we did not repent. He
loved us while we were still sinners. He did not say repent
and I will then love you. Actually, there is a verse we call
“the transformation secret” in the life of all
mankind. Whoever accepts it, his life is transformed
from defeat to victory and from slavery of the devil to the
freedom of Christ and from the darkness of sin to the light
of righteousness.
I said: Which verse, my father, that contains this

He said: It is in the epistle of St. Paul to the Romans
(5:8) :” While we were still sinners,…”
This means that we were still sinners, we did not
repent, we did not change and we did not return.
“But God demonstrates His own love for us in this:
While we still sinners, The merciful father does
Christ died for us.” not hate his beloved son in
This means that the his moments of weakness
love of God for us was and despair, no matter
how weak and evil this son
demonstrated without
is. He opens his arms for
any conditions. His love
him and demonstrates his
for us did not require love to save him from his
anything from us to be weakness and sin. God is
demonstrated for us. the clever physician of
Frankly, if we did not souls; He loves his patients
dearly no matter how
accept the fact that God
malignant their disease is.
loves us while we are
This is not because of his
sinner, we will never love for the disease, but to
return to Him nor will we save His patients from the
ever repent. heaviness of sickness.
I asked: How this can Great teacher: Origenes
The Divine Love P. 365
be, my father?

He said: Christ came to save us from sin. We cannot
do that on our own. He is the physician and we are the
patients; we go to Him to be healed.
(All of a sudden, my father placed his hands on his
stomach and screamed from pain.)
I said: what’s wrong, my father?
He was in pain saying uh uh
I said (in fear): Let’s go to the hospital quickly.
He said: Uh uh
I said: Let’s go quickly, father!
He said: I will go. I will go, but not now. Uh uh
I said: Quickly, my father!
He said: I will go, but after I am healed.
I said: Quickly, my father!
My father started laughing here and said: I will go, but
after I am healed.(Did you get it?)
I said with a smile: You terrified me, my father, but it
is a clear practical example (I just wish you told me
beforehand so I am not scared.)
He said: It does not make sense that I got healed first
and then I go to the doctor. I go to the doctor because I
am sick. Likewise, it does not make sense to get rid of

and be freed from sin and then I go to Christ and accept
His love.
I said: God loves me
while I am still a sinner When you fall in sin, do not
and I fall in the most rely on yourself and ask
how did this matter happen
heinous sins.
to me? This is a voice of
He said: Yes,
pride and arrogance.
whenever you fall in a Instead, humble yourself
great sin, God loves you and lift your eyes to God
even more. (Romans and say with your entire
5:20) being: What do you expect
from a weak and sinful
I said: This is a new
person like me, my Lord,
and strange teaching.
except things like that.
How? Thank Him after that this
He said: An matter did not last longer
orthopedic doctor has than it did and say “Without
five children; one of Your unlimited mercies, oh
Lord, this would not have
them was playing
stopped at this point but I
soccer and he broke his
would have fallen in worse
leg. His father took him sins.” St. Theophan the
to the hospital and they Hermit (P.86)
put his leg in a cast.
Which child will he pay more attention to?!

I said: The one who broke his leg, for sure.
He said: Three days later, another son was taking the
stairs down and he fell and broke his pelvis. Which child
will he pay more attention to, now?!
I said: The one who Where the sin
broke his pelvis, for sure. abounded, let your
He said: A week later, grace be much more
the younger son was hurt in abound also. The
Divine Liturgy
an accident and sustained
a fracture in the spine and
some bruises. Which child will he pay more attention to,
now?! Will he take care of the healthy sons or with the
one who broke his leg or the last one?
I said: The last one, of course, because his condition
is critical.
He said: Likewise, God loves and takes care of the
sinners, as the Lord Jesus stated in the parable of the
Lost Sheep, that the Shepherd left the ninety nine and
was searching for the lost one because it is in a critical
need. The devil lies and says “The devil is a liar and the
father of lies.” (John 8:44)
“God is fed up with you. God love the saints but
He prepares hell for you.

Man is poor and deserves pity for trying to heal
and free himself, but in vain.”
Because God is preparing hell for man so he
builds fear and horror in his mind subconsciously
from God and sometimes
Death for those who
he could reach the degree
understands is immortality
of hating God and
but for those foolish
rejecting Him. people who do not
A child in the third grade understand it is death. We
was playing in Sunday should not fear this death
School and the teacher told but fear the soul is
perished which happens
him: whoever plays in
because of the lack of
Sunday School God will
knowledge of God. St.
send him to hell. The child Anthony.
went home and took a
picture of Jesus Christ and
burned on the stove. His mother went to the kitchen and
screamed at him “What are you doing, son?” The child
answered:” I will burn Him before He burns me.” She
asked him “What are you saying?” and he replied “A
teacher in Sunday School told me that the Lord Jesus will
send me to hell so I wanted t burn Him before He burns

I said: Wow, to this extent!
He said: Yes, my son. If we do not accept the love of
God for us while we are still in sin as the Bible stated, we
will reach a point to reject God and even hate Him without
realizing it and this is what
happens with the atheists. God hates sin very
much (because it is sin)
As St. Augustine said
but He loves the sinner
“Behind every case of
very much (because he
atheism is a desire.” An is His son) St. John
atheist is a person who has Chrysostom
a desire.
And because he thinks that God hates him because
of his desire and sin, he also starts to hate God and reject
him. But if he accepted that God loves him while he is still
in sin, it will be the beginning of his repentance.
I said: Does this mean that we remain in sin because
God loves us no matter what?
He said: A father loves his son who was hurt in an
accident and the one who broke his spine and the one
who broke his pelvis, but he does not like him to remain
sick or broke. Likewise, God loves the sinner, but He
does not like it for the sinner to remain in sin.

Because sin is a disease which leads to death and
destruction. If sin had anything
good and beneficial, God would not have kept it from
man because He provides everything “ richly for our
enjoyment” ( 1 Timothy 6:17)
Falling in sin is like walking in the street and the devil
hits me on the head. When I go home to my father, he will
comfort me and encourage me saying “Do not be afraid,
my beloved, and I will take of whoever hit you.” BUT what
would you say for someone who goes to the devil to be
hit so God can comfort him?
I said: That person would be crazy. Forgive me,
maybe he is stupid!
He said: God loves us when the devil makes us fall in
sin. Sin is pain, hurt, guilt and fear. We need the love of
Jesus and His comfort, assurance, and His healing, but
no sane person will say let me get sick on purpose so
God can comfort me.
I said: Exactly, my father. You clarified a very
important point. You mentioned to me that repentance
neither a condition for love and nor it is a condition for
forgiveness. I understood that God loves me if I repented
or not, but the reason for repentance

is that He loves me so I return to Him. However, what
does it mean that repentance is not a condition for
forgiveness? Is it possible that God would forgive me
without repentance?!
He said:
Repentance is not a condition for forgiveness
It is a way to receive fogvieness
I remarked: Sorry, I could not get this point.
He answered: The Lost Son; he was staying with
swine, living with harlots and wasting his father’s money
on dissipation. However, his father was still loving and
waiting for him, watching for the road every morning in
anticipation of his return. Though the son was living with
swine and in sin, the father was forgiving every guilt, and
his heart was full of love for his son.
Thus, repentance was not a condition but a way
Repentance is only the way that the son takes to
receive forgiveness. , for forgiveness had been there
before the son returned, but if he had not taken the way
back (repentance), he would not have received
forgiveness in spite of its existence.

Besides, it is written “Return to Me, for I have
redeemed you” (Isaiah 44: 22) and not “I will redeem
you”; I return because God has redeemed me, so I return
to receive redemption.
I said: I understood, my father, that God always
forgives me, and that repentance is not a condition for my
forgiveness but a way back to receive this forgiveness. If
I do not return, I will not receive forgiveness and will
perish despite of its existence.
But I have a question: you say that God does not want
man to perish, but it is man with his free will who refuses
God (life) and keeps away from Him (death); thus, I do
not want such a free will, I know myself that I only want
wickedness and filthiness. My inside was filled with
wickedness and filthiness took control of my entity. I do
not want my will, I want God to guide me in the way,
even if against my will!!
He said: This is repentance, son.
This is the right beginning of spiritual life, and you has
begun it. It is the most difficult step that you confess your
corruption and sin without
obstinacy or justification, but you accept to surrender
your will to God with your own full free choice. Trust and

believe the words of God, who said: “the one who comes
to Me I will by no means cast out” (John 6: 37), since as
long as you has surrendered your will and life to him, he
is responsible for you and saves you, for he “is able to
keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless
before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy”
(Jude 24).
I asked: What do you mean, my father? I will not
commit any sin again?!
He answered (smilingly): I do not mean that. What I
mean is that you are a patient and have committed
yourself into the hands of your affectionate father, who is
a good doctor as well. Therefore, the responsibility has
become His; your healing is His own responsibility.
However, this healing will not happen in a blink of an eye,
but everything will take its time.
You only have to keep on taking the medicine (the
Of grace), to follow the doctor’s instructions (the
And to avoid the causes of infection (evil
And you will find yourself getting better every day

Until you are fully recovered.
And what helps you most in this is your trust in the
doctor; your father.
First: your trust in his love
Since the doctor’s smile and His sweet words have
greatest effect on healing the sick, and a trust that He
loves you and will not hurt, reproach, nor tell you “why do
you become sick? You are ignorant, unclean and
Second: your trust in his ability
Be totally sure that your doctor (God) is able to heal
all your diseases, and to set you free whatever your
sin is.
I asked: will I really be set totally free from my sins,
habits and filthiness?
He answered: The holy book says: “It shall come to
pass in the day the Lord gives you rest from your sorrow,
and from your fear and the hard bondage in which you
were made to serve” (Isaiah 14:3).
God said, and it shall certainly be

I said: And will that day come during this life? I mean
will that day come when I no longer have sins, faults or
He explained: This is neither our intention, nor our
target. What we target is a genuine love relationship
with God. There will be a day when the son recovers,
rises, plays and rejoices with his father, BUT as long as
he exists in this life, he remains
exposed to infection, BUT similarly, as long as he is
with his father, he remains safe, and if he is infected, his
father will not leave him since the responsibility for saving
and healing him is his father’s full responsibility and He
totally gurantees that (Hebrews 7:22).
I said: your words are very encouraging and
consoling, father. They renew my self-confidence that I
am loved and accepted, and that there is still hope after
losing hope while satan’s whispers crying in my ears:
“there is no hope. You are a sinner sinner. You are
filthy filthy”, especially when I became a teenager and
started to be consumed with youthful lusts and habits,
and watch indecent stuff, do you understand me, father?

He said: I understand you, son. It is not your state
alone, but rather the state of all youth of your age, and it
is a natural war.
I said (feeling a certain relief): really, father?
He answered: when youth begin to be warred against
with youthful lusts and habits, and they fall, satan fights
them using despair, looking down upon themselves and
the misconception that they are filthy. Consequently,
they think that God refuses them, and that they provoke
His anger when they are defeated by satan. But the truth
is totally different.
I interrupted him (as if someone has described my
state accurately): How?!
He remarked (calmly and lovingly like a doctor who is
changing a wound dressing with all love and attention):
Satan’s wars are interim; during childhood, we are warred
against with revilement, swearing and lying which we can
learn from the street or from school. During youth, the
war is that of lusts, habits and indecent views while after
graduation and work, it becomes that of worry and
Childhood satan is young so as to suit the child, and
that of after graduation starts to grow old by the time while

youth satan is very strong and tiresome. Because youth
are characterized by vigor and strength, if they fall into
sin, they are bothered, become sad and take it personally
“how come that I fall?!” (even if a young man is defeated
in a game, you will find that he becomes angry and makes
a mountain out of a molehill.)
I added: you are right! If I am defeated in any game, I
am bothered, and if it is a computer game, I wish I could
smash the device.
He said: But in spiritual life, we are fighting Satan. If
you are defeated, arise quickly, do not give up and do not
give an ear to his horrible voice: “You are a hopeless
case; you are a sinner sinner, and filthy filthy.”
I enquired: And when he whispers these words into
my ear, what shall I do, father?
He replied: Answer him saying: “Jesus’ blood has
cleansed me from all sin. Jesus’ blood has cleansed
me from all sin”, repeating it until this war comes to
an end, for God’s word is a sword; carry it and fight Satan
with it instead of humiliating and troubling you. And be
sure that you are loved and accepted, and that you are
sanctified through the blood of Jesus regardless of how

many times you fall in sin, even if a million times a day;
Just do not take it lightly and do not give up.
I said: These voices really caused me to give up, and
not only to give up, I was about to lose my mind¹. Please,
father do not leave me until you complete the programme
for me as you did with my friend.
He said: Jesus will never leave us. We will go step by
step. How to pray? How to be freed from repeated fall?
How to trust in forgiveness?
¹Some youth really suffer from psychic diseases as a
result of their feelings of filthiness and inferiority.
And many other things we will discuss one by one,
and by Jesus’ grace, we will go step by step.
I said: I want a practical spiritual practice, father. My
friend informed me that every time we will take a practice
to apply in my life. But I wish it to take the form of simple
steps that suit my simple condition, as you see.
He said: Actually, we will take practical practices in
order to feel the result. We will focus on two levels: mind
and action; mind in order to change the old thoughts of
the world by which we are affected, and action which is
the practical level. It consists of practical applications. So,

forgive me, we will concentrate first on mind with some
simple practices. And I will tell you practical steps in three
I asked: What are
In the same way the
these, father?
physician hates the
He responded: First, patient’s illness and works
reading the Bible. to cure the disease and
I said: Father, I have heal the patient, God
not read the Bible since I works in us with his grace
was born except for to diffuse sin and free
man. St. Augustine
almost once or twice!
He said: Well, we will
have a simple beginning that suits you. Read one verse
a day.
I exclaimed: Only one verse!
He said: Please, son, go with me step by step; one
verse a day for a week, two verses for the second week,
a paragraph for the third then half a chapter for the fourth,
and continue at this rate for a year. Can you do this?
I said: It is very simple. I can even read more than
He said: Please, do not read more, and if you stop
reading for more than two weeks, start it from the very

beginning; one verse then two and so on. The most
important thing in reading the Bible is to turn its promises
and words into prayers and do not only read to gain
information, and with God’s grace, we will diuscuss this
in detail while talking about how to read the Bible.
I asked: Why so, father, I have heared that you make
my friend read three chapters a day with prayers from
He said: Your friend started just like you, and he
started to grow gradually and not in a blink of an eye since
progression is a key principle underlying growth and
continuity whether physically or spiritually.
I said: This is the Bible, what about prayer?
He said: Since when have not you prayed?
I said: I do not remember whether it is one year or
He said: well, one minute a day for a week then two
minutes for two weeks, and keep on five minutes for three
months; and as agreed, no more, no less!
I asked: What shall I say while praying?

He answered: pray
Growth happens
according to your needs
gradually from childhood
(three things: spiritual to maturity and
matters, physical matters perfection in Christ.
and for others.) Therefore, the forts of
I enquired: What does evil thoughts are
shattered gradually until
this mean?
they are destroyed
He explained: Pray to
God for protecting you St. Macarius the Great
from wickedness, sin,
lusts and any other sin with which you are warred against,
and say “forgive me, Lord, for so and so” then ask for your
physical matters, studies or work and other physical
needs, and ask for others
Your family (father, mother, children, siblings. . .), and
also pray for anyone who annoys you.
I said: Why shall I pray.. can I invoke against them?!
He said (smilingly): No. Pray that God may change
them since the best way to get rid of an enemy is to turn
him into a friend. Pray that God may give you wisdom in
dealing with them and save both of you from evil because
man is helpless, but Satan is the one who turns man
against his brother. We pray God to save us and them

from the work of Satan. Can you start praying now as we
have just said?
I asked: How?!
He said: Tell him something similar to these words
everyday: “Do you really love me, Lord, though I am a
sinner and filthy?! Maybe, people do not know everything
about me, but you, Lord, know my sins that have become
like an addiction. Do you accept me while I still cannot
give up them all? I want to give up every sin, but I am so
weak; whenever I attempt, I fall. Help me, strengthen me
for you are my father. I miss You, Lord, have not You
missed me too? Come, Lord
and make me know Your love, make me know that
You love me more than my father, mother and friends.
Come and be my mother, father and friend. Make me
know about You, and enough for these ideas that made
me afraid of you and enslaved me to Satan and sin and
then it turned out that you love me, and that you are not
angry with me, but sorry for me; for your distant son, who
lives in humiliation and slavery. It is true that keeping
away from you is humiliation, slavery, fear and horror.
Make me return to you. No, you have already made me
return to you. I want you to keep me safe in your lap, Lord.

Do not let me go back to sin, and if I weaken, make me
return to you to heal me instead of growing afraid, losing
hope and giving up. Give me hope that I will be with you
even if I died while fighting sin rather than despairing and
giving up. Make me aware of how to answer Satan, and
use the Spirit’s sword, whic is your word, for I am an
ignorant who do not know anything; explain to me, you
Lord. From now on, you are responsible for me; I am no
longer responsible for myself, and I am sure that you will
be with me here on earth all the days of my life, and will
take me with you to the happy eternity after my departure,
you my father, love and all life.” Start now and say what
is inside you as it is.
I said: To be honest, I do not even know how to pray,
I did not use to that, and If I pray, I may repeat clichés,
but not words like yours. It is difficult!
He said: Start and you will learn, and to be honest, if
you do not pray in your own words and your own state
and not clichés, do not expect an answer.
I said: I may say something wrong that makes God
more angry with me than he is.
He said: First, As we have agreed, He is not angry
with you, but with Satan that irritates you. Second,

whatever you will say will please God in the same way
He is pleased with the prayers of saints.
I said: Pardon me, father; all your talk is new and
strange. Will my prayer please God, while I do not know
what to say and full of sin and wickedness, in the same
way He is pleased with the prayers of the saints?!
He said: If a father has many sons and a child who is
still learning how to speak, who of them will please him,
and whom he will hear even if he talked nonensense?!
I said: you outspoke me, father; you have examples
of and answers for everything.
He said: God is a more loving father than any father
that may be difficult or cruel to his son. That is why God
said that his love is similar to that of the mother and even
more. Not only this, but even “when my father and mother
forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me.” Besides,
He is as close as “a friend who sticks closer than a
brother”, i.e., you can deal with God as a father and if the
father is cruel and difficult, deal with Him as a mother, and
if she is difficult and careless as well, you can deal with
Him as a friend.
I asked: Is that true, father?

He answered: Yes, son. It is written: “the Lord your
God carried you, as a man carries his son, in all the way
that you went” (Documentary 1:31), and also “As one
whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you (says
the Lord)” (Isaiah 66:13). He also says: “And I (Jesus
Christ) say to you, My friends do not be afraid” (Luke
I said: It is my first time to hear these words. Why do
not we hear them in sermons? why no servants tell us
that during puberty when we feel that we are filthy and
refused by God, people and even ourselves?!
He said: God sends good laborers in his image and
according to his likeness, son. Come on, speak with God.
I said: Since you are so determined that I must speak:
“God, I am a sinner and do not know how to pray. I just
want to tell you that I am so glad to hear today’s words
that You love me even when I am a sinner, and that You
will change and heal me. I will not know to do anything,
but I will come to You and ask for Your forgiveness while
afraid that I may fall again, but, as my father said, if I fall,
I will arise and return and will not despair. I want You to
teach me how to pray to You without ceasing, how to be
always with You, to save me from Satan and from my

lusts, and to free me from my habits that have become
like an addiction. I have no one but you, Lord, Amen!”
He said: This is the second practice that you have to
do every day until we meet next week; talk with God in
similar words morning and night, for prayer is what will
change you and make you repent as St. Isaac remarks:
“He who thinks that there is another door for repentance
rather than prayer is deceived by satans.”
The third practice is to talk with God all the time;
while walking, at work, in the field, in school and in
transportation. Tell Him what is inside your heart, and
make him a close friend for this is what will terrify Satan
of you; when God is always with you and you talk with
Him constantly. That is why saints were praying all the
time and were ceaselessly calling the name of Jesus
even at bedtime and therefore, they were feared by
I said: Honestly, father, I feel so satisfied after praying.
God willing, I will always pray as long as this is prayer. It
is simple and sweet. I will try to pray at work, on the road
and all the time; he who is able to talk with God constantly
and does not is not cut for soft life.
He said: Let’s sum up what we have said:

● The first evidence on Jesus’ love for sinners is
the words of the Bible.
 The secret behind the shift to accept
God’s love and to be freed from the slavery to
Satan is the verse (Romans 5:8): “God
demonstrates His own love toward us, in that
while we were still sinners” (accepting God’s
love for us before we return).
 The practices:
1. One verse a day for a week, two
verses for the second, a paragraph for the
third and half a chapter for the fourth for
one year.
2. Prayer: one minute a day for a
week, then two minutes for two weeks, and
keep on five minutes for three months; no
more, no less! And ask God to guide you to
the way and give you the trust of
acceptance of forgiveness.
3. Talk with God all the time; at
work, in the street and while asleep and

Good bye, son. Let’s continue next week the
rest of the evidences on Jesus’ love for sinners.
Start putting the practical steps into action, and
let’s meet every week
and take a new step (or read the next part) since the
beginning is not enough, but continuity and perseverance
is what matters most.

* If this series is a blessing to you we ask for your

prayers to be able to complete printing the rest of the parts
and we ask you to help us deliver it to all Christians.

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