Horsham Council Agenda September 2019

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To be held on
23 September 2019
At 5.30pm

In the
Council Chambers, Civic Centre
18 Roberts Avenue, HORSHAM
Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Order of Business

COUNCILLORS are respectfully requested to attend the Ordinary Meeting

of the Horsham Rural City Council to be held on 23 September 2019
in the Municipal Chambers, Civic Centre, Horsham at 5.30pm

Order of Business




Almighty God, we pledge ourselves to work in harmony for, the social, cultural and economic well-being
of our Rural City. Help us to be wise in our deliberations and fair in our actions, so that prosperity and
happiness shall be the lot of our people. AMEN


The Horsham Rural City Council acknowledges the five Traditional Owner groups of this land; the
Wotjobaluk, Wergaia, Jupagalk, Jaadwa and Jadawadjali people. We recognise the important and ongoing
place that all Indigenous people hold in our community.

We pay our respects to the Elders, both past and present, and commit to working together in the spirit of
mutual understanding and respect for the benefit of the broader community and future generations.


Welcome to distinguished guests or persons in the public gallery. The public are advised that the Council
meeting will be recorded to maintain an audio archive.




That the minutes emanating from the Ordinary Meeting of the Horsham Rural City Council held in the
Municipal Chambers, Civic Centre, Horsham at 5.30pm on 26 August 2019 be adopted.

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Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Order of Business


Disclosure of Interest and Declarations of Conflict of Interest.

A Councillor who has a conflict of interest and is attending the Council meeting must make a full disclosure
of that interest.

(a) by either –
(i) advising the Council at the meeting of the details required under paragraphs (b) and (c)
immediately before the matter is considered at the meeting; or
(ii) advising the Chief Executive Officer in writing of the details required under paragraphs (b)
and (c) before the meeting; and

(b) classifying the type of interest that has given rise to the conflict as either –
(i) a direct interest under 77B; or
(ii) an indirect interest and specifying the particular kind of indirect interest under:
Section 78 – close association
Section 78A – financial interest
Section 78B – conflicting duties
Section 78C – receipt of an applicable gift
Section 78D – consequence of becoming an interested party
Section 78E – impact on residential amenity; and

(c) describing the nature of the interest; and

(d) if the Councillor advised the Chief Executive Officer of the details under paragraph (a)(ii), the
Councillor must make a disclosure of the class of interest only to the meeting immediately before
the matter is considered at the meeting.

Members of Staff

Under Section 80C of the Local Government Act 1989, officers or people engaged under contract to the
Council providing a report or advice to Council must disclose any conflicts of interests in the matter,
including the type of interest.

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Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Order of Business


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Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Order of Business

9. OFFICERS REPORTS ....................................................................................................................................................... 7

9.1 HORSHAM REGIONAL LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE ROOF – CONTRACT 19/038 ...................................................................... 7

9.2 HORSHAM URBAN TRANSPORT PLAN ............................................................................................................................ 13
9.3 GREEN LAKE WATER SUPPLY .......................................................................................................................................... 17
9.4 CLEANING CONTRACT EXTENSION – CONTRACT 16/025................................................................................................ 20
9.5 PUBLIC TOILET CLEANING – CONTRACT 20/002 ............................................................................................................. 23
9.6 SUPPLY OF FUEL – CONTRACT 19/028 ........................................................................................................................... 26
19/034 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 29
9.8 AUDIT AND RISK COMMITTEE MEETING – SEPTEMBER 2019 ......................................................................................... 32
9.9 ANNUAL FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS 2018/19 ...................................................................................................................... 35
9.11 COMPLAINT RESOLUTION POLICY REVIEW ................................................................................................................ 42
9.12 COUNCIL PLAN HALF YEARLY REPORT – 1 JANUARY 2019 TO 30 JUNE 2019 .............................................................. 45
9.13 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FUNDING, CITY TO RIVER – NEXT STEPS ............................................................................. 48
9.14 HORSHAM RURAL CITY COUNCIL MUNICIPAL EARLY YEARS PLAN 2019-2023 .......................................................... 52
9.15 SENATE ENQUIRY ON JOBS FOR THE FUTURE IN REGIONAL AREAS ........................................................................... 55
9.16 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REPORT ......................................................................................................................... 58

10. COUNCILLOR REPORTS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................. 68

11. URGENT BUSINESS ...................................................................................................................................................... 69

12. PETITIONS AND JOINT LETTERS ................................................................................................................................... 70

13. PROCEDURAL BUSINESS .............................................................................................................................................. 71

13.1 ASSEMBLY OF COUNCILLORS – RECORD OF MEETINGS ............................................................................................. 71

Council Briefing held on Monday 2 September 2019 at 5.30pm in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Horsham .... 71
Council Briefing held on Monday 9 September 2019 at 5.30pm in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Horsham .... 71
13.2 SEALING OF DOCUMENTS.......................................................................................................................................... 71
13.3 INWARD CORRESPONDENCE ..................................................................................................................................... 71
13.4 COUNCIL COMMITTEE MINUTES ............................................................................................................................... 71
Horsham Community and Police Consultative Committee meeting held on Thursday 15 August 2019 .................... 71
Seasonal Conditions Meeting held on Friday 30 August 2019 ................................................................................... 71
Horsham Regional Livestock Exchange Board of Management Meeting held on Thursday 5 September 2019 ........ 71

14. NOTICE OF MOTION .................................................................................................................................................... 72

15. CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS ............................................................................................................................................ 73

15.1 HORSHAM REGIONAL LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE ROOF – CONTRACT 19/038 ................................................................ 73

Section 89(2)(d) contractual matters of the Local Government Act 1989
15.2 PUBLIC TOILET CLEANING – CONTRACT 20/002 ........................................................................................................ 75
Section 89(2)(d) contractual matters of the Local Government Act 1989
15.3 SUPPLY OF FUEL – CONTRACT 19/028 ...................................................................................................................... 76
Section 89(2)(d) contractual matters of the Local Government Act 1989
Section 89(2)(d) contractual matters of the Local Government Act 1989
15.5 CEO 2019-20 KEY PERFORMANCE MEASURES ........................................................................................................... 78
Section 89(2)(a) personnel matters of the Local Government Act 1989
15.6 WIMMERA INTERMODAL FREIGHT TERMINAL OPERATOR LEASE LEVY CHARGES..................................................... 80
Section 89(2)(d) contractual matters of the Local Government Act 1989

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Order of Business


Chief Executive Officer

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Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Officers Reports



Author’s Name: Dianna Blake Director: John Martin
Author’s Title: Project Manager Directorate: Infrastructure
Department: Infrastructure File Number: F04-A06

Officer Direct or indirect Conflict of Interest Status

In accordance with Local Government Act 1989 – Information classified confidential in accordance
Section 80C: with Local Government Act 1989 – Section 89(2)(d):
☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Yes ☒ No
Reason: Nil Reason: Contractual aspects of this subject have
been presented in a separate report in the
Confidential Reports section of the Council meeting


To award the tender for the design and construction of a roof on the Horsham Regional Livestock
Exchange (HRLE).

 Council called for tenders for the design and construction of a roof for the HRLE, including 100 kW
solar panels, LED lighting, and water reuse and fire service tanks.
 Four tenders addressing the specification requirements were received and evaluated in accordance
with Council’s procedures.
 All of the tenders were over budget.
 Clarifications were sought from all tenderers in relation to potential cost savings, and in relation to a
second design option that had been included in the tender specifications.
 The tender evaluation identified a preferred tenderer, and negotiations proceeded with the preferred
tenderer in relation to confirming the cost savings available to the project, and the methods used to
ensure the site would continue to operate during the construction period.
 Consultation has occurred with the HRLE Board and Agents’ representatives about key aspects of the
proposed works, in particular the continued operation of the site during construction.
 The proposed contract sum reflects the preferred tenderer’s submitted amount less the value of
identified cost savings.

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Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Officers Reports


That Council:

1. Accept the tender submitted by MKM Constructions for the lump sum of $3,434,570 ex GST for
Contract 19/038, Design and Construction of Horsham Regional Livestock Exchange Roof, Burnt Creek.

2. Increase the budget for this project to $3,692,160 to allow for this contract sum, project management
and other costs, as outlined in the confidential report on this subject.

3. Extend the internal loan to the HRLE to $2,202,160 to fund the difference between the total project
cost and the funding from the Australian Government’s Building Better Region Fund grant for the
project, as described in the confidential report on this subject.

4. Review the arrangements for the internal loan for the project, informed by preparation of an Asset
Management Plan for the HRLE.

5. Endorse the following arrangements for ongoing liaison with the Horsham Regional Livestock
Exchange Board throughout the project:
(a) A representative of the Board be invited to join the Project Control Group for the project.
(b) Detailed reports on project progress will be presented at each regular Board meeting and each
alternate month between meetings via email, or as significant items arise.
(c) Any potential project variations which would represent a material change in the functional scope
of the project or which could lead to delays in the project, would be discussed with the Board
where necessary, via email to ensure a timely response to issues.
(d) Any non-functional variations would be addressed by Council staff as part of normal project
(e) Any potential impacts on sale days beyond the anticipated level of interruption, or any potential
re-scheduling or cancellation of sale days would be the subject of consultation with the Board.
(f) Details of all variations would be included in regular reporting to the Board.

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Officers Reports



HRLE is Victoria’s fourth largest sheep and lamb market, with sales by auction averaging in excess of
500,000 animals per year.

The HRLE is a key facility in marketing livestock from the Wimmera region and enables transparent
transactions of livestock on behalf of producers in a high-quality facility, located close to the supply of

Horsham Rural City Council owns and operates the HRLE as a self-funding, discrete financial entity. Given
its significant contribution to the local economy and independent financial viability, it is a valuable asset
for the local community.

With four sale days each month, there is a high likelihood of extremely high or extremely low
temperatures at times when people and animals are present and working at the HRLE. The HLRE faces
significant issues with human and animal welfare and safety during times of extreme weather. These
issues provide a potential deterrent to the users of the facility, which may lead them to choose alternative
facilities in the future. The facility also experiences high operating and maintenance costs in its current

Several options for resolving these issues and securing the future of the HRLE as a premier livestock
exchange for the Wimmera region were considered in a business case prepared in 2018, with the
preferred option being to construct a fixed roof over all of the sheep facility.

This approach was preferred because it has the highest long-term benefits to all stakeholders, significantly
reduces ongoing operating and maintenance costs, provides sun and rain protection, water savings, CO2
emission reductions and some income from power generation. The animal welfare benefits of a roof,
protect against the loss of sale value and the infrastructure investment provides significant economic
impact in terms of increased regional output, employment, salaries and wages and value-add.


Tenders for this shed were conducted using Council’s standard processes, being advertised through
Council’s tender portal. The attachment to the confidential report on this subject (Appendix “15.1A”)
provides details of submitted tenders and their evaluation.

In summary, four tenders were received from:

 Plazzer Builders, Horsham
 Locks Construction, Horsham
 Ultrabuild Construction Group, Hamilton
 MKM Constructions, Ballarat.

The planned timeframe for the project is for construction to start in November 2019, to be completed by
the end of October 2020. The funding agreement calls for the works to be completed by the end of
December 2020.

All four tenders were over the available budget. The cheapest tender being 15% over the budget, and the
most expensive, 80% over the budget.

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Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Officers Reports

A critical issue for the project is ensuring that the site remains operational during construction. If vendors
are discouraged from using the facility, they might find an alternative and not readily return to the HRLE
after trying this alternative.

Sufficient selling space must be retained during construction to cater to the varying numbers of sheep
presented for sale throughout the year. While initial works on site are planned to commence after the
spring selling peak, a secondary peak typically occurs most years in early autumn, and higher numbers can
occur randomly throughout the year. This has been the subject of further negotiations with the preferred
tenderer, who has identified the following relevant methods that will address this:
 The design includes fewer columns, which reduces the number of selling pens/yards required to be
closed at any one time.
 The preferred tenderer has its own equipment for boring piers for the column, meaning there are not
additional mobilisation/demobilisation costs from working in smaller areas at a time.
 Yards in the works area will be able to be reinstated for sales days to a large extent. The preferred
tenderer has proposed a process to sleeve the posts to be able to slip the yards back on when needed.
 The drafting races fitted with electronic tag scanners are identified as critical access points. It is
proposed to install the columns in this area earlier, with roofing of this area delayed to a later stage,
to avoid interruption to these races.
These methods have been allowed for in the tendered price.

Significantly, the preferred tenderer has experience with construction of saleyard roofing while keeping
the facility operating at Hamilton, Colac and Yea.

Consideration was also given to an alternative roofing design option that allows for the eastern-most
section of the roof to be raised, to allow for future installation of a viewing platform as a potential
additional tourist attraction to the region. Some tenderers did not price this option, with one indicating
that it was problematic and potentially impacting on ventilation of the area. It was determined that this
alternative option was not viable to proceed with.

Financial Implications

Council received a grant of $1,490,000 through the Federal Government Building Better Regions Fund.

Additionally, Council had budgeted for $1,540,000 from reserves in the 2019/20 financial year for this
work, providing a total project budget of $3,030,000.

The cheapest tenderer submitted a price of $3,498,030.

Cost savings associated with lighting have been able to be taken into account with a revised contract sum
of $3,434,570. Further savings will arise as variations during the project associated with some reduced
requirements for water tanks and roofing materials, although the exact extent of these savings is not yet
able to be quantified.

Additional costs for the project relating to project management and other items, as outlined in the
confidential report on this subject, increase the total project cost to $3,692,190. It is proposed that the
budget be increased to this amount.

It is proposed that the additional funding for this project be sourced by an increase in the proposed
internal loan from Council reserves to the HRLE financial entity.
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Officers Reports

It is anticipated that this amount would be able to be paid back by HRLE over a period of 23 years,
compared to the initial 16 years anticipated when the Building Better Regions Funding application was
submitted in November 2018.

As the facility would be 43-years-old by the time this loan is paid back, based on the planned payback
arrangements, it is also proposed that:
 The Corporate Services and Infrastructure Directors review the long-term financial position of the
HRLE, including asset renewal and planned maintenance requirements, to prepare an asset
management plan specific to this facility.
 This review be completed in parallel to the 2020/21 budget development process, so that the plan
would inform consideration of the ongoing financing arrangement to be in place in the new financial
year (2020/21).
 Other options for revenue for the Exchange be evaluated on an ongoing basis, for example, the
development of a solar park utilising the new roof.

Links To Council Plans, Strategies, Policies

2019-2023 Council Plan

Advocacy Priority – Funding for roofing at the HRLE
Four-Year Priority 3.4.02 – Master plan preparation for the Livestock Exchange including potential items
such as: roofing to cover yards, electronic ramps to replace manual ramps, compost turner and Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID), solar panels and water capture


Extensive consultation was undertaken on the HRLE Master Plan, identifying roofing as a priority.

The Project Control Group for the project has an established communication plan with the Board of the
HRLE, as well as with the Agents who utilise the site.

An initial meeting with Agents to discuss operability of the site during the works was held on 2 August
2019, and regular meetings are planned with this group. A second meeting was held on 2 September 2019,
where details of the measures planned to keep the site operating during construction were presented
and discussed.

A part of these measures will be regular (weekly) updates of the site plan showing the areas of the site
that are not available on any particular week. This will be circulated to Agents and the HRLE Board.

Plans for the project were reviewed by the HRLE Board at its meeting in June 2019, and a presentation
was given at the Board’s August meeting, primarily in relation to the issue of ongoing operation of the site
during construction. The key issue identified by Board members at that meeting was regarding the
capability of the contractor. The preferred tenderer, MKM Constructions, has significant directly relevant
experience with saleyard roofing projects, including at Ballarat, Hamilton and Colac, and is well known to
Council for some other recent successful projects including the Coughlin Park facility and the Laharum
change rooms.

A further briefing was presented to the HRLE Board at a special meeting held on 5 September 2019. At
that meeting, the Board proposed a series of measures in relation to its oversight of the project. Minutes
of the meeting are included in Appendix “13.4A”.

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Officers Reports

In consideration of the Board’s position in this regard, it is proposed that:

 A representative of the Board be invited to join the Project Control Group for the project.
 Detailed reports on project progress will be presented at each regular Board meeting and each
alternate month between meetings via email, or as significant items arise.
 Any potential project variations which would represent a material change in the functional scope of
the project or which could lead to delays in the project, would be discussed with the Board where
necessary, via email to ensure a timely response to issues.
 Any non-functional variations would be addressed by Council staff as part of normal project process.
 Any potential impacts on sale days beyond the anticipated level of interruption, or any potential re-
scheduling or cancellation of sale days would be the subject of consultation with the Board.
 Details of all variations would be included in regular reporting to the Board.

Risk Implications

A key risk for the project is developing a plan for continued operation of the site during construction,
while ensuring human safety and animal welfare are preserved, as discussed earlier in this report.

A second emerging risk relates to the timing of the project, in particular, to avoid construction during the
peak selling period each spring season.

A third key risk relates to repayment of the internal loan for the facility. Consideration of this has led to
the recommendation to prepare a detailed Asset Management Plan to inform further consideration of
this risk.

Standard construction risks apply. Supervision of works will be conducted by Council Officers to manage
these risks. Geotechnical and other site investigations have been conducted in planning for these works.

Environmental Implications

Standard construction management practices will minimise environmental risks during construction.
Effluent from the site is contained on site.

There will be an improved environmental outcome from the project, as it incorporates water reuse and
solar panels for electricity generation. Concrete removed from the existing HRLE floor will be re-used as
material in Council’s Road Construction Program.

Human Rights Implications

This report complies with the rights listed in the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities
Act 2006.


The tender process has yielded a suitable tender for the design and construction of a roof to the HRLE.
Completion of this project will require an increase in the proposed internal loan from Council.

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Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Officers Reports


Author’s Name: Michael McCarthy Director: John Martin

Author’s Title: Project Manager Directorate: Infrastructure
Department: Infrastructure File Number: F02/A05/000004

Officer Direct or indirect Conflict of Interest Status

In accordance with Local Government Act 1989 – Information classified confidential in accordance
Section 80C: with Local Government Act 1989 – Section 77(2)(c):
☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Yes ☒ No
Reason: Nil Reason: Nil

Draft Horsham Urban Transport Plan (Appendix “9.2A”)
Horsham Urban Transport Plan Engagement Report (Appendix “9.2B”)


To endorse the draft Horsham Urban Transport Plan (HUTP) and place it on exhibition for public
consideration to gain community feedback.


 A draft HUTP has been prepared following an intensive analysis and engagement process.
 It is now proposed to present the plan to the community for consultation.
 The results of the consultation will be presented to the Project Control Group and Councillors to help
shape a final report for Council consideration.


That Council endorse the draft Horsham Urban Transport Plan and place it on exhibition for public
consideration to gain community feedback for a six-week period.

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Officers Reports



The HUTP is being developed under the banner of Transforming Horsham, which is Council’s overarching
vision for growing the city’s economy, vibrancy and liveability. There are four inter-related strategic
projects, each with a common vision – to help guide the transformation of Horsham. These projects are:
 Open Space Strategy
 Horsham South Structure Plan
 City to River (Wimmera River and Central Activity District Vision and Masterplan).

The HUTP has been commissioned to:

 Consider people movement needs alongside place-based activities
 Review and revise Horsham’s internal road hierarchy
 Identify key road network issues in the urban areas of Horsham
 Establish key priorities and issues to be addressed
 Establish principles for street design.

Consultants Tonkin and Intermethod have been engaged for this project.

In addition to the consultation outlined below, Councillors have participated in a series of briefings and
workshops on this plan.


The draft HUTP has been developed to improve the accessibility, transport effectiveness and safety
throughout the regional city. The plan incorporates the Movement and Place principles which consider
both transport efficiency and the sense of place, aiming to make the city more attractive to visitors and
residents (new and existing) and supporting economic and social well-being.

The transport objectives on which this plan are based were those adopted by Council previously, as follows:
 A more active and vibrant CBD and river precinct
 Trucks which don’t originate or terminate in the CBD to be removed from the CBD and river precinct
 More active transport
 More river crossings
 Linking highways to economic activities
 Preference for the use of existing road reserves for future development of the local and arterial roads.

A background report was presented to and endorsed by Council in April 2019. That report:
 Provided the project timetable
 Summarised details of the various transport-related strategies and existing data
 Described the principles of Movement and Place
 Categorised the status of street networks within the CBD against movement and place principles
 Identified key issues that need to be addressed
 Provided the consultation plan for the project
 Discussed the initial responses from the extended on-line and face-to-face survey.

The draft plan (Appendix “15.2A”) has incorporated the consultant’s investigations, feedback from the
initial community engagement, the outputs from the recent community workshops held in August and
comments from the Project Control Group.
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Officers Reports

The assessment of Horsham’s transport network confirmed that the impact on freight movement through
the CAD was a major issue, in particular:
 McPherson Street (Western Highway) has the highest north-south movement function, yet high traffic
flows were also recorded along Firebrace Street and Urquhart Street
 Streets within the CAD have a high movement function and generous road design prioritising
movement of traffic over pedestrian and cycling use
 Wilson Street (Wimmera Highway) is also of concern for freight movements through town and past
the major shopping centre.
The assessment of Horsham’s transport network against the Movement and Place principles found a
number of issues impacting adversely on safety and amenity in Horsham’s streets:
 Wide crossing distances in some side streets and roundabouts
 Lack of continuous tree canopy
 Lack of dedicated cycling infrastructure and poor street design even in locations where the road widths
could easily accommodate cyclists
 Lack of on-street seats as resting opportunities
 There is little on-street vibrancy – pedestrian numbers are low, on-street staying/dwelling
opportunities are rare and mostly not in a great environment
 Freight movement channelled through the CBD impacts adversely on the road network’s safety and amenity
 The hospital and school precincts are very dependent on cars with poor accessibility.
It was also assessed that, whilst there is ample car parking in Horsham, car parking adversely impacts on
the opportunities for active streets where people spend time and money, as they move through the CBD.
The plan is structured on six transport themes, with a series of “priority and ongoing” actions identified
in each of these themes. It is primarily these actions on which community feedback is sought.
Following development of the HUTP, Council will develop its rural transport strategy. The Rural Transport
Network Plan will consider:
 Key freight connections in the municipality’s rural areas
 Establishment of a priority farm machinery network, to facilitate the passage of agricultural
implements with reduced potential for conflict with main traffic routes
 Enhancements to safety
 The interface of the municipality’s rural road network to the Horsham urban transport network
 Development of an achievable service level agreement and road network hierarchy combination for
Council’s sealed and unsealed rural road network.

Financial Implications
The ultimate goal of the HUTP is to identify actions and projects for incorporation in subsequent Council
budgets. Strategies in the draft plan are currently being fed into an action plan, which will accompany the
final report. This action plan will provide indicative costings for priority actions over the first five years of
a longer term capex plan. It will be presented to Council in a subsequent briefing, with priorities updated
to reflect engagement undertaken to date and comments received in the formal consultation period. The
action plan will also aim to identify quick wins, which will start to give effect to key priorities from the plan.

Links To Council Plans, Strategies, Policies

2019-2023 Council Plan

Four-Year Priority 2.2.07 – Horsham Integrated Transport Strategy completed including:
 Stage 2 – Horsham urban area
 Stage 3 – Rural areas of municipality
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Officers Reports


There has been extensive engagement in the development of this draft plan to date. A detailed
Engagement Report is attached (Appendix “9.2B”), and it is proposed that it will be exhibited as a
supporting attachment to the HUTP. The Engagement Report provides a full list of the feedback received
during the development phase of this draft plan.

The community engagement process during the exhibition period is proposed to include the following:
 Exhibition of the draft plan on Council’s website, with printed copies made available at the Council
Reception for viewing
 Regular social media releases explaining the exhibition process and providing details of the strategies
proposed under the six themes
 Use of an on-line social engagement tool that provides the community with an opportunity to respond
to specific questions and to specific details
 A press release explaining the exhibition the draft Plan for community feedback, its purpose and
objectives, the aims of the engagement process, how to view the draft Plan and how to respond to
individual strategies
 Speaking notes for the Mayor, including key questions and aims of the draft Plan
 Briefing notes for Councillors and staff to help support the community engagement process, covering
aspects such as:
- Council’s adopted transport objectives and advocacy priorities
- The Movement and Place principles supporting the investigations
- The six themes outlined in the draft Plan and their aims
- The engagement process, how to view documents and how to respond
- The importance of identifying priorities to assist budget deliberations
- The next steps after the engagement period.

A detailed summary of the responses from the community with commentary on how they shape the final
plan will be presented at the next available Council meeting after the conclusion of the exhibition period.

Risk Implications

Effective consultation will assist in mitigating risks associated with development of the HUTP.

Environmental Implications

There are no environmental implications at this stage of the plan’s development. Some projects identified
in the plan will need detailed investigations of a range of matters, including environmental aspects.

Human Rights Implications

This report complies with the rights listed in the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities
Act 2006.


The draft HUTP report has been developed utilising a thorough and comprehensive process within the
lens of best practice transport practice and theory, and Movement and Place principles. It reflects
Council’s adopted transport objectives and the outcomes of the community, Project Control Group and
Councillor feedback. It is therefore appropriate to exhibit this draft plan for final community
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Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Officers Reports


Author’s Name: John Martin Director: John Martin

Author’s Title: Director Infrastructure Directorate: Infrastructure
Department: Not applicable File Number: F06/A13/000001

Officer Direct or indirect Conflict of Interest Status

In accordance with Local Government Act 1989 – Information classified confidential in accordance
Section 80C: with Local Government Act 1989 – Section 77(2)(c):
☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Yes ☒ No
Reason: Nil Reason: Nil



To approve water supply to Green Lake for the 2019/20 summer.


 This proposal for supply of water to Green Lake is based closely on arrangements in 2018.
 Green Lake is the municipality’s primary recreation lake.
 Changes to the water supply regime of GWMWater’s reservoirs, associated with the introduction of
the Wimmera Mallee Pipeline, have led to a lack of a regular supply to the lake since recovery from
the Millennium Drought which ended in 2010.
 Currently, the lake is below the level suitable for launching boats from the boat ramp. GWMWater has
completed a minor supply to the lake in early August, which saw the lake rise from 2,400 to 2,510 ML
in storage.
 GWMWater is only intending to supply further water to the lake if Council agrees to pay for this water.
 It is proposed that Council pay for this supply.


That Council agree to pay for a supply of up to 1,300 ML of water to Green Lake at a cost of $22.37 per
ML in this current spring, i.e., a total cost of $29,081.

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Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Officers Reports



The supply of water to Green Lake was considered by Council in September 2018. That report provided a
detailed background on the historical supply to Green Lake and the entitlements framework for water
supply in the region.

While the preference would be for GWMWater to supply Green Lake as part of its reservoir network,
GWMWater has been unable to do so. GWMWater has again indicated its preparedness to supply water
to Green Lake if Council pays for the supply. This is in line with the arrangements for supply to
approximately 12 other recreation lakes across the Wimmera-Mallee region.


The chart below, from GWMWater’s website shows the 2018 supply (in orange) and the current lake
volume, tracking below the level at the same stage last year.

In 2018, a supply of 1,000 ML was provided to the lake. The fact that the lake level is tracking below the
level at the same stage last year indicates that the volume supplied is not enough to maintain a sustainable
supply. The lake is around 280 ML below the volume at the same stage last year. It is therefore proposed
that a supply volume of 1,300 ML be requested.

Financial Implications

The current GWMWater tariff for supply to recreation lakes is $22.37 per ML. This tariff is heavily
subsidised by virtue of the recreation contribution charge that all water customers pay.

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Officers Reports

Links To Council Plans, Strategies, Policies

2019-2023 Council Plan

Advocacy Priority – The retention of recreational lakes or other recreational water facilities with the
purpose of securing water-based recreational opportunities in the municipality

Four-Year Priority 2.3.01 – Investigate opportunities for the development of the Green lake/Dock Lake
recreational precinct


Inquiries have been received from the community about whether Green Lake would be supplied again
this year.

Risk Implications

There will always be years in severe droughts when a water supply is not possible to Green Lake. Local
residents are well aware of this and recognise that priorities need to be established in times of water

Environmental Implications

The Wimmera Catchment Management Authority has been supportive of measures to enhance the water
supply to Green Lake in recent years. There are no identified environmental concerns with the supply.

Blue-green algal blooms are regular at Green Lake. This is unlikely to be solved without regular large
throughflow volumes to flush out the lake. This is not a likely scenario in the near term.

Human Rights Implications

This report complies with the rights listed in the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities
Act 2006.


GWMWater has offered a reasonable proposal to provide a water supply to Green Lake that will facilitate
recreation this summer.

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Officers Reports


Author’s Name: Brett Ellis Director: John Martin

Author’s Title: Co-ordinator Facilities Management Directorate: Infrastructure
Department: Engineering Services File Number: 16/025

Officer Direct or indirect Conflict of Interest Status

In accordance with Local Government Act 1989 – Information classified confidential in accordance
Section 80C: with Local Government Act 1989 – Section 77(2)(c):
☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Yes ☒ No
Reason: Nil Reason: Nil



To endorse an optional two-year term extension for the Contract 16/025, Cleaning Contract (Parts A and


 In 2016, Council awarded the contract for cleaning its facilities to Woody’s Cleaning for an initial three
years. The contract allows Council to enter into optional terms of a one or two year extension.

 Since Woody’s has satisfactorily undertaken the first three-year term, it is proposed that the contract
be extended with the new proposed rates for immediate commencement.

 Both the level and scope of service have increased slightly over the past three years. The total
difference in the proposed contract price is 10%, which is considered to be acceptable.


That Council endorse the option of a two-year extension to Cleaning Contract 16/025 (Parts A and B) with
Woody’s Cleaning at the annual sum of $132,831.21.

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Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Officers Reports



In 2016, Council awarded the contract for cleaning its facilities to Woody’s Cleaning for an initial term of
three years. According to the contract conditions, Council can now enter into the optional terms of either
a one or two-year extension.

It has been assessed that Woody’s Cleaning has satisfactorily undertaken the first three-year term. An
invitation for a new rates submission was sent to the contractor regarding the following facilities:

Part A (Council Buildings)

 Municipal Offices
 Council Depot
 Mibus Cultural Centre
 Senior Citizens Centre
 Municipal Pound
 Regional Livestock Exchange
 City Oval Clubrooms
 Dudley Cornell Park
 Visitor Information Centre
 Haven Hall
 Horsham Sports and Community Pavilion

Additional Buildings (new service)

 Sunnyside Pavilion
 Racecourse Reserve Pavilion

Part B (Town Hall, Art Gallery, Kalkee Road Hub and Wesley Performing Arts Centre)
 Horsham Town Hall Public Conveniences (new service – was previously in Part C)

It should be noted that there have been some facilities added to the list of both Part A and Part B of the
original contract. Consequently, the annual cost to Council would increase from $120,650.68 (current) to
$132,831.21 as per Woody’s Cleaning’s new quoted prices.


Given that both the level and scope of service have been elevated significantly over the past three years,
the total overall 10% difference in the cleaning contract price is considered to be reasonable. The
following are some details around the new service demand that triggered the price increase.

Part A – Price increase is largely due to:

 Horsham Regional Livestock Exchange – previous shared travel arrangement no longer available.
 Horsham City Oval Clubrooms – addition of female football
 Haven Hall – serviced more frequent due to increased usage and weekend hire

New services:
 Sunnyside Pavilion
 Racecourse Reserve Pavilion

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Officers Reports

Part B – Price increase is due to:

 Horsham Town Hall Public Conveniences – site identified as a premium facility requiring a higher
service standard. This has been substantially under-quoted and serviced unsatisfactorily by a previous
 Price evaluated as good value. This service was previously conducted through the separate Public
Toilets contract.

Financial Implications

The new rates represent a $12,180.53 (10%) price increase from $120,650.68 (current contract term) to
the new term of $132,831.21 on the basis of the proposed new rates.

Provision for this expenditure is split across the budget of a range of service areas. The costs of cleaning
these facilities are part of the charge-back arrangements managed by Council.

Links to Council Plans, Strategies, Policies

2019-2023 Council Plan

Goal 3 – Asset Management
Upgrading and maintaining our infrastructure to attract more visitors to our municipality


Consideration of the proposal to extend this contract included discussion with user groups and internal
service managers, i.e., the manager of each facility.

Risk Implications


Environmental Implications

Not applicable

Human Rights Implications

This report complies with the rights listed in the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities
Act 2006.


Woody’s has satisfactorily undertaken the first three-year term under this contract, it is proposed that
optional two-year extension term be exercised.

Given that both the level and scope of service have increased over the past three years, the overall 10%
difference in the contract price is considered to be reasonable.

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Officers Reports


Author’s Name: Mazen Aldaghstani Director: John Martin

Author’s Title: Manager Engineering Services Directorate: Infrastructure
Department: Engineering Services File Number: 20/002

Officer Direct or indirect Conflict of Interest Status

In accordance with Local Government Act 1989 – Information classified confidential in accordance
Section 80C: with Local Government Act 1989 – Section 77(2)(c):
☐ Yes ☒ No ☒ Yes ☐ No
Reason: Nil Reason: The appendix only is considered
confidential – Section 89(2)(d) Contractual Matters



To award Contract 20/002, Provision of Cleaning Service Various Outdoor Facilities and Public


 The existing contract for public toilet (and related facility) cleaning has expired.
 Tenders were invited from suitably experienced contractors for provision of these services.
 A good response was received to the request for tenders, with six submissions received.
 The preferred tenderer is within the budget provision and has been reviewed to ensure that a suitable
standard of service will be provided.
 The tender review panel recommend the contract be awarded to Australian Commercial


That Council award Contract 20/002, Provision of Cleaning Service Various Outdoor Facilities and Public
Conveniences, to Australian Commercial Maintenance for the sum of $293,732.00 inc GST, over the period
1 October 2019 to 30 June 2022.

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Officers Reports



The current contract with Pioneer Cleaning expired on 30 June 2019. This company is continuing to
provide services for the time being on a month-by-month basis.

The new contract includes the provision of cleaning services at a broad range of sites including:
 Horsham CBD area
 Parks and playgrounds
 Lakes and open space recreation areas
 Sporting precincts
 Rural facilities.

The public toilets within the Horsham Town Hall were included as part of the original contract, but are
now part of a separate cleaning arrangement that includes the overall cleaning of that facility.


Tenders were conducted using Council’s standard processes, being advertised through Council’s tender
portal. The attachment to the confidential report on this subject (Appendix “15.2A”) provides details of
submitted tenders and their evaluation.

Six tenders were received from:

 ICS Service Solutions, Norwood, South Australia
 KC Facility Services, Keysborough, Victoria
 BG Corporate Services, Taylors Lakes, Victoria
 QKleen, Horsham, Victoria
 Australian Commercial Maintenance, Campbellfield, Victoria
 Peopleworks Cleaning Services, Belgrave, South Australia

The tender of Australian Commercial Maintenance was the cheapest of the six tenders. It was assessed as
being conforming and addressing Council’s requirements, and is therefore the preferred tender.

Financial Implications

The tendered price for these services equates to approximately $106,800 per year. In comparison, the
current budget is based on services provided in 2019/20 at a cost of $127,000. The budget for this cleaning
is spread across a number of Council service areas.

Given this price is lower than budget, sufficient checking of the planned resourcing of the services was
undertaken to ensure that a suitable standard of service would be provided.

Links To Council Plans, Strategies, Policies

2019-2023 Council Plan

Goal 3 – Asset Management

The Council Services Overview 2019 document identifies the need to provide the public with accessible,
clean and safe toilets.

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Officers Reports


Internal consultation has occurred with the relevant service manager in each area.

Risk Implications

Financial risks with this contract will be managed through the provision of a security deposit and
supervision against defined service standards.

Environmental Implications

Not applicable

Human Rights Implications

This report complies with the rights listed in the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities
Act 2006.


The tender evaluation process has produced a suitable tender which is deliverable within the available
budget allocation.

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Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Officers Reports


Author’s Name: Greg Gunn Director: John Martin

Author’s Title: Senior Engineer Directorate: Infrastructure
Department: Engineering Services File Number: 19/028

Officer Direct or indirect Conflict of Interest Status

In accordance with Local Government Act 1989 – Information classified confidential in accordance
Section 80C: with Local Government Act 1989 – Section 89(2)(d):
☐ Yes ☒ No ☒ Yes ☐ No
Reason: Nil Reason: The appendix only is considered
confidential – Section 89(2)(d) Contractual Matters


To award Contract 19/028, Supply of Fuel for Council’s operations fleet.


 Two of the three existing depot fuel tanks are leaking and are no longer able to be used.
 This has led to soil contamination around the fuel tank area, which will require the tanks to be
removed in the near future.
 Off-site fuel supply has been identified as the cheapest ongoing means of providing fuel. This also
addresses a range of governance requirements to ensure sound administration of fuel supplies.
 A tender process was conducted to determine the preferred supplier of fuels.
 Mogas Regional Pty Ltd received the highest evaluation score and is the preferred provider.
 Contracting to Mogas Regional Pty Ltd will be cheaper than using the current depot tank fuel provider.
 The contract has a term of three years with two, one-year options to renew.


That Council award Contract 19/028, Supply of Fuel to Mogas Regional Pty Ltd.

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Officers Reports



The existing depot fuel facilities currently include bowsers and the following underground fuel storage
 2 x 11,000 L diesel
 1 x 11,000 L unleaded petrol (ULP).

Greencap Pty Ltd was engaged in September 2018 to undertake environmental sampling at the depot.
This program indicated that the underground tanks were potentially leaking.

The underground fuel tanks were pressure tested in early January 2019 and this determined that the ULP
tank and one diesel tank were leaking and hence, unable to be used. The depot fleet has since been issued
with fuel cards as a temporary measure.


Rather than repairing or replacing the tanks, it was determined that the cheapest option was to contract
the supply of fuel to a local off-site fuel provider.

Tenders were advertised through Council’s normal processes, with tenders being received from the
following companies:
 Mogas Regional
 Lowes BP
 Caltex Star Card
 Petrogas.

The tender submissions were all assessed as being relatively similar, however, Mogas received the highest
score and is recommended for approval.

Details of the tender evaluation process are included in the attachment to the confidential report on this
subject (Appendix “15.2A”).

Financial Implications

Contracting the fuel supply to Mogas Regional Pty Ltd will result in financial benefits. Until recently, fuel
was supplied and delivered by Caltex, with average consumption of diesel being 12,000 L per week.
Minimal ULP is supplied at the depot, with most ULP vehicles previously having been issued with fuel

It is estimated that the new contract arrangement will result in an estimated savings of $35,000/year and
reduced costs in managing the bulk fuel supplies.

Links To Council Plans, Strategies, Policies

2019-2023 Council Plan

Goal 4 – Governance and Business Excellence

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Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Officers Reports


The options to outsource the supply of fuel have been discussed with the relevant depot and finance staff.
Operations Manager Rob Moir was a member of the Evaluation Panel.

Risk Implications

Contracting fuel supplies as proposed in this report reduces Council’s environmental risk at the depot site,
and helps to address some potential fraud/governance risks.

Environmental Implications

Closing the existing depot fuel facilities and sourcing fuel from offsite will eliminate an environmental risk.

Human Rights Implications

This report complies with the rights listed in the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities
Act 2006.


It is recommended that Council award Contract 19/028, Supply of Fuel to Mogas Regional Pty.

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Officers Reports



Author’s Name: Mazen Aldaghstani Director: John Martin

Author’s Title: Manager Engineering Services Directorate: Infrastructure
Department: Engineering Services File Number: 19/034

Officer Direct or indirect Conflict of Interest Status

In accordance with Local Government Act 1989 – Information classified confidential in accordance
Section 80C: with Local Government Act 1989 – Section 89(2)(d):
☐ Yes ☒ No ☒ Yes ☐ No
Reason: Nil Reason: The appendix only is considered
confidential – Section 89(2)(d) Contractual Matters


To award Contract 19/034 for Road and Drainage Construction Works at the Wimmera Intermodal Freight
Terminal (WIFT) Precinct Stage 1.


 The scope of works for Stage 1 of the WIFT Precinct development has been finalised.
 Tenders were called on the road and drainage components of these works.
 Three conforming tenders were received.
 The cheapest tender, that of Glover Earthmoving, was also assessed as having the best overall tender
submission, and Glover Earthmoving has been nominated as the preferred tenderer.
 The cost of the tender is within the project budget.
 Details of the tender evaluation are included in the attachment to the confidential report on this
subject (Appendix “15.4A”).


That Council award Contract 19/034 for Road and Drainage Construction Works at the WIFT Precinct Stage
1 to Glover Earthmoving for a contract sum of $1,798,576.21 ex GST.

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Officers Reports



The WIFT Precinct is being developed to encourage businesses with a transport and logistics focus to be
located adjacent to the successful intermodal facility at Dooen.

This contract will deliver the civil works for the first stage of the project, including:
 Construction of a section of Molyneaux Road north of Freight Terminal Road
 A roundabout at the Molyneaux Road and Freight Terminal Road intersection
 Drainage works in this area, including a drainage retardation basin.

Additional works in this stage but not in this contract are:

 Power line construction (in progress through PowerCor)
 Water supply (to be tendered shortly).


Tenders were invited using Council’s standard processes, being advertised through Council’s tender
portal. The evaluation report in the separate confidential report on this subject (Appendix “15.4A”)
provides details of submitted tenders and their evaluation.

In summary, three tenders were received from:

 Glover Earthmoving
 Millers Civil Contractors
 Willmore Contractors.

Glover Earthmoving scored highest in the tender evaluation and submitted the lowest priced tender. The
Glover Earthmoving tender submission demonstrated a thorough understanding of the contract
requirements. Based on these points, Glover Earthmoving has been nominated as the preferred tenderer
for this contract.

Financial Implications

The price tendered, $1,798,576, is within the available budget for this project being $2,018,800.

Some further financial aspects of this project are discussed in the attachment to the confidential report
on this subject (Appendix “15.4A”).

It is acknowledged that the Victorian Government is contributing $1.25 million towards the overall works
for this stage of the WIFT Precinct development, through its Agriculture Infrastructure and Jobs Fund.

Links to Council Plans, Strategies, Policies

2019-2023 Council Plan

External Factors that Inform the Council Plan –

The WIFT and surrounding precinct will provide numerous economic opportunities

Four-Year Priority 2.1.01 – Progress implementation of the WIFT Precinct Plan and encourage
opportunities for the establishment of associated industries including the mining sector

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Officers Reports


Development of the WIFT Precinct follows the Planning Scheme Amendment process to rezone this area,
which included a public submissions process.

Details of works impacting on private property have been discussed with relevant landowners/occupiers
where impacted, for example, drainage works in paddocks are scheduled to be conducted after harvest.

Risk Implications

While these construction works are larger than most standard road and drainage works conducted by
Council, Glover Earthmoving has experience with works in this order, including two recent flood recovery
contracts valued at $0.7 million and $1.4 million.

Environmental Implications

Scoping of these works included evaluation of environmental impacts. This included redesign of the
configuration of drainage works to avoid impacting on an area of native vegetation in part of the site.
Most of the site had previously been cropped, and had limited native vegetation value.

The construction works will be conducted in accordance with a management plan that includes
consideration of environmental aspects.

Human Rights Implications

This report complies with the rights listed in the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities
Act 2006.


The tender evaluation process has produced a suitable tender which is deliverable within the available
budget allocation.

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Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Officers Reports


Author’s Name: Diana McDonald Director: Graeme Harrison

Author’s Title: Co-ordinator Governance Directorate: Corporate Services
Department: Governance and Information File Number: F18/A13/000001

Officer Direct or indirect Conflict of Interest Status

In accordance with Local Government Act 1989 – Information classified confidential in accordance
Section 80C: with Local Government Act 1989 – Section 77(2)(c):
☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Yes ☒ No
Reason: Nil Reason: Nil

Audit and Risk Committee Meeting Minutes – 11 September 2019 (Appendix “9.8A”)


To receive and note the minutes of the Audit and Risk Committee meeting held on 11 September 2019
and appoint Council’s internal auditors.


 VAGO Fraud and Corruption Control – Local Government – internal assessment

 Internal Audit Actions Report
 Draft Annual Financial Accounts
 Draft Performance Statement
 Tender for the provision of internal audit services.


That Council:
1. Receive and note the minutes of the Audit and Risk Committee meeting held on 11 September 2019.
2. Approve the appointment of RSD Audit as Council’s internal auditors for a three-year term, with an
option to extend it for further two years.

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Officers Reports



The Horsham Rural City Council Audit and Risk Committee is an advisory committee of Council. The
committee’s objective is to provide appropriate advice and recommendations to Council on matters as
listed in its Charter, in order to facilitate decision making by Council in relation to the discharge of its
accountability requirements.

The current internal auditors, Crowe Horwath, have been Council’s internal auditors since approximately
2010. Their latest contract concluded on 30 June 2019. Crowe Horwath have performed the audit function
in an excellent manner, led predominantly over that time by Senior Partner, John Gavens. They have
conducted some 18+ audits during this period, and over 300 recommendations for improvement.

Council’s Audit and Risk Committee Charter requires the committee to recommend to Council the
provider of the internal audit services. Recently, a public tender process was undertaken for the provision
of internal audit services for a three-year term. The internal auditor’s role is to have a compliance focus
in ensuring legislative requirements are met and that internal controls are operating effectively.


Key topics covered in the Audit and Risk Committee meeting held on 11 September 2019 were:

 VAGO Fraud and Corruption Control – Local Government – An internal assessment was undertaken
of Council’s compliance with recommendations raised in the VAGO Report and recommendations
were made for improvement to processes.

 Internal Audit Actions Report – The quarterly report on the completion and/or number of outstanding
audit actions was provided for the quarter. Seventeen actions were completed for the quarter, 61
remain to be completed, and 35 are past the internally set due date. Two high risk items remain
overdue, but these are over 80% complete.

 Draft Annual Financial Accounts and Performance Statement – The external auditors from the
Victorian Auditor General’s Office presented the draft Financial Accounts and Performance Statement.
There were no significant issues arising from the audit. The auditors praised the work and co-operation
of Council’s Finance Team.

 Internal Audit Tender Evaluation – The tender panel comprised of Graeme Harrison, Director
Corporate Services, Heather Proctor, Manager Finance, and Diana McDonald, Co-ordinator
Governance. Five tenders were received from:
- AFS and Associates Pty Ltd (Bendigo)
- RSD Audit (Bendigo)
- Crowe (Aust) Pty Ltd (Melbourne)
- Moore Stephens (Melbourne)
- Kingston and Knight (Melbourne)
The Tender Evaluation Panel were unanimous in the selection of RSD Audit as the preferred supplier. RSD
Audit have previously been VAGO appointed external auditors for Horsham Rural City Council for a three-
year period, have a good understanding of the organisation, and have provided a good value audit program.

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Officers Reports

RSD Audit currently provide internal audit functions for nine other Councils including Hindmarsh, West
Wimmera, Buloke and Southern Grampians Shire Councils. They are also internal auditors for the
Wimmera Catchment Management Authority and external auditors for 12 Councils across the State.
Lead Partner, Kathie Teasdale, and Senior Auditor, Nathan Barber, are both well qualified and
experienced in the undertaking of the internal audit function. The intention will be to undertake an
Organisational Risk Assessment, which will then inform the development of a three-year internal audit
plan, and more detailed audit plan for 2019/20.
The Audit and Risk Committee recommend the appointment of RSD Audit as the company to
undertake Council’s internal audit program for a three-year period commencing 2019/20.

 Other Compliance Matters Discussed – VAGO future performance audit program, delegations, risk
management, Business Continuity Plan and Monthly Management Report to 30 June 2019.

Financial Implications

Operations of Council’s Audit and Risk Committee are covered within the 2019/20 operational budget
allocation. The full year estimated fees for RSD Audit for a 150-hour audit program is $21,450, which is
within the 2019/20 budget allocation of $25,000.

Links To Council Plans, Strategies, Policies

2019-2023 Council Plan

Goal 4 – Governance and Business Excellence
Four-Year Outcomes –
4.2 Manage risk to the organisation
4.4 Achieve high standards of organisational performance


Council’s Audit and Risk Committee comprises of Councillors and independent members. Consultation as
and if required is undertaken with internal and external (VAGO) auditors.

Unsuccessful tenderers will be notified following the resolution of Council.

Risk Implications

The Audit and Risk Committee is an important committee of Council required under the Local Government
Act 1989. The committee has an important role in monitoring Council’s financial governance and risks. To
not have a properly functioning or constituted committee would be in breach of the requirements of the
Act and could increase Council’s potential for fraud and corruption to occur.

Environmental Implications

Not applicable

Human Rights Implications

This report complies with the rights listed in the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006.


The quarterly Audit and Risk Committee meeting has been effectively discharging its duties and responsibilities.

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Officers Reports


Author’s Name: Graeme Harrison Director: Graeme Harrison

Author’s Title: Director Corporate Services Directorate: Corporate Services
Department: Corporate Services File Number: F18/A10/000001

Officer Direct or indirect Conflict of Interest Status

In accordance with Local Government Act 1989 – Information classified confidential in accordance
Section 80C: with Local Government Act 1989 – Section 77(2)(c):
☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Yes ☒ No
Reason: Nil Reason: Nil

Draft HRCC Financial Accounts 2018/19 (Appendix “9.9A”)
Draft HRCC Performance Statement for the Year Ended 30 June 2019 (Appendix “9.9B”)


To approve in-principle the final audited draft Financial and Performance Statements for 2018/19.


 The Annual Financial Accounts for 2018/19 are provided to Council.

 The Annual Performance Statement for 2018/19 is provided to Council.


That Council:
1. Approve in-principle the Financial and Performance Statements for 2018/19 and authorise their
submission to the Victorian Auditor-General’s office.
2. Authorise the Mayor, Cr Mark Radford and Cr David Grimble to certify the Financial and
Performance Statements for 2018/19 in their final form after any changes recommended or
agreed to by the auditors have been made pursuant to section 131 of the Local Government Act

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Officers Reports



The annual financial statements for 2018/19 were prepared and presented to Council’s external auditor,
McLaren Hunt Financial Group, prior to their visit to Council during the week of 26 August 2019.

The draft Financial Accounts (Appendix “9.9A”) and Performance Statement (Appendix “9.9B”) have
been forwarded to the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office for final review on 6 September 2019, and minor
changes to notes and presentation of the accounts, may be required/requested.

It is recommended that Council give its approval in-principle to the statements in accordance with the
Local Government Act 1989. These statements will form part of Council’s 2018/19 Annual Report, which
must be forwarded to the Minister for Local Government by 30 September 2019.

No changes other than those which might be recommended or agreed by the Victorian Auditor-General’s
Office are anticipated.


The internal Audit and Risk Committee has reviewed the draft statements, at its meeting on Wednesday
11 September 2019, where Mr Chris Kol from McLaren Hunt Financial Group, discussed the statements
and the outcomes from the audit.

The Audit and Risk Committee, at its meeting on 11 September 2019, recommended that Council adopt
in-principle, the Financial and Performance Statements for 2018/19.

Financial Implications

The cost of carrying out the audit is included in the 2018/19 budget.

Links To Council Plans, Strategies, Policies

2019-2023 Council Plan

Four-Year Outcome 4.4 – Achieve high standards of organisational performance


The draft statements have been discussed with members of Council’s Audit and Risk Committee including
Mr Chris Kol, from McLaren Hunt Financial Group (Victorian Auditor-General’s Office agent) at the
11 September 2019.

Risk Implications

Not applicable

Environmental Implications

Not applicable

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Officers Reports

Human Rights Implications

This report complies with the rights listed in the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities
Act 2006.


The Financial Accounts and Performance Statement for 2018/19 have been completed in accordance with
relevant legislation and with reference to relevant accounting standards, and are now presented for in-
principle approval of Council.

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Officers Reports



Author’s Name: Zac Gorman Director: Graeme Harrison

Author’s Title: Management Accountant Directorate: Corporate Services
Department: Finance File Number: F19/A11/000001

Officer Direct or indirect Conflict of Interest Status

In accordance with Local Government Act 1989 – Information classified confidential in accordance
Section 80C: with Local Government Act 1989 – Section 77(2)(c):
☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Yes ☒ No
Reason: Nil Reason: Nil

Local Government Performance Reporting Framework Report of Operations 2018/19 (Appendix “9.10A”)


To receive and note the Local Government Performance Reporting Framework (LGPRF) Report of
Operations 2018/19 prior to the data being published on the Know Your Council website.


 Background development of the LGPRF

 The key drivers in establishing the LGPRF framework
 Summary of highlights for the 2018/19 period.


That Council receive and note the Local Government Reporting Framework Report of Operations 2018/19
prior to the data being published on the Know Your Council website.

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Officers Reports



The LGPRF was developed in response to the Victorian Auditor-General’s observations that performance
reporting in local government had limited relevance to ratepayers because it lacked information about
the quality of Council services, the outcomes being achieved and how these related to Council’s strategic

The LGPRF provides a set of comparative performance measures, and requires Councils to report against
these as part of the Annual Report, and in doing so:

(a) Council will have information to support strategic decision making and continuous improvement
within Council
(b) Communities will have information about Council performance and productivity
(c) Regulators will have information to monitor compliance with relevant reporting requirements
(d) State and Federal governments will be better informed to make decisions that ensure an effective,
efficient and sustainable local government.

Essentially, it has been designed to increase transparency and accountability to the community and other
levels of government on the spending of public money and delivery services and infrastructure to the

The key drivers in establishing the LGPRF framework are:

 Strengthen Accountability - a consistent set of indicators have been introduced to enable

benchmarking of Council performance
 Transparency - the requirement for Councils to identify and report “key strategic activities” has been
replaced by reporting achievement of “major initiatives”
 Improved Resource Planning - a consistent process will be introduced for future capital works planning
 Streamlined Financial Reporting - Council is now required to prepare financial statements instead of
standard statements
 Better Accessibility - Council is now required to publish key accountability documents on a website.

The LGPRF framework was developed over a number of years with the first year of reporting occurring in
2014/15. All measures and related commentary are reported through the Know Your Council website.

For 2018/19, the LGPRF contains 42 service performance indicators across the following nine broad
service areas:

1. Aquatic Facilities
2. Animal Management
3. Food Safety
4. Governance
5. Libraries
6. Maternal and Child Health
7. Roads
8. Statutory Planning
9. Waste Collection.

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Council is required to produce a Report of Operations (Appendix “9.10A”) which is included in the Annual
Report and contains all 42 service performance indicators. Ten of the performance indicators are required
to be audited and are included in the Performance Statement, which is part of Council’s financial
For 2018/19 there are now five years of data available, and explanations are provided where there are
material variations between the past two years (>10%).

Another component of the LGPRF is the Governance and Management Checklist, which seeks to define
measures that identify whether Council has strong and appropriate governance and management
frameworks in place for community engagement, planning, monitoring, reporting and decision making,
etc. Council has met all these requirements.
Council has completed the reporting requirements for the 2018/19 financial year, and the relevant
documents will be lodged with Local Government Victoria (LGV) and the auditors in the coming weeks.
Once they have been fully agreed by LGV, they will be placed on the Know Your Council website.
A summary of some of the highlights is provided below (the reference number provided is the line item
on the LGPRF Report of Operations):

 Utilisation of aquatic facilities has increased in the past year by 6.91% due to promotion of swimming
lessons, an extensive summer holidays program and focusing on aqua based classes.
 The amount of animals reclaimed, has increased from 45.3% to 62.91%.
 In 2018/19 there were less food complaints, therefore, the timeframe to action these complaints was
quicker by 35.71%.
 Whilst the number of Council decisions made that were closed to the public remained consistent with
previous years, less decisions were made at open council meetings which is reflected by an increase
in this ratio.
 Even though participation in the Maternal Child Health Service by Aboriginal children is a voluntary
service, participation has increased significantly. An increase of 36% was seen in 2016/17, 15% in
2017/18 and a further 10% in 2018/19.
 Sealed local road requests decreased by 13.11%, with a decrease from 122 requests in 2017/18 to 106
for 2018/19.
 The costs of recycling services have increased by 41.44% due to the impact of China's National Sword
policy and the domestic recycling crisis that followed. (REF WC4)

Financial Implications

Financial costs are limited to the time taken for staff to collect and collate the information which is done
throughout the year.

Links to Council Plans, Strategies, Policies

2019-2023 Council Plan

Goal 4 – Governance and Business Excellence

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This data will be included in Council’s Annual Report and placed on the Know Your Council website where
detailed comparisons can be made between Horsham Rural City Council and other Councils across the
Risk Implications

Reporting of these measures and the ability for the community and other tiers of government to make
comparisons could result in some impacts to Council in terms of future funding which could be either
negative or positive.

Environmental Implications

Not applicable

Human Rights Implications

This report complies with the rights listed in the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities
Act 2006.


The 2018/19 report provides Council with the results and any variance commentary for the LGPRF.

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Author’s Name: Diana McDonald Director: Graeme Harrison

Sue Frankham
Author’s Title: Co-ordinator Governance Directorate: Corporate Services
Governance Officer
Department: Governance and Information File Number: F19/A10/000001

Officer Direct or indirect Conflict of Interest Status

In accordance with Local Government Act 1989 – Information classified confidential in accordance
Section 80C: with Local Government Act 1989 – Section 77(2)(c):
☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Yes ☒ No
Reason: Nil Reason: Nil

Complaint Resolution Policy (Appendix “9.11A”)


To adopt the revised Complaint Resolution policy.


 The Governance Team has undertaken a review of Council’s complaint management system.

 As part of the review, the Complaint Resolution policy has been updated.

 The revised policy:

- Aligns closely with the Victorian Ombudsman’s “Complaints – Good Practice Guide for Public
Sector Agencies” and reflects best practice in complaint management
- Is based on seven guiding principles and provides details on how to make a complaint, the
responsibility of complainants and a number of other matters
- Will be placed on Council’s website, along with a number of other resources to assist people to
make complaints.


That Council adopt the revised Complaint Resolution policy.

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The public has a right to make complaints and it is important for Council to have an open and transparent
complaint handling system in place that is accessible to all members of the community. Complaints
provide us with free feedback that help us to improve services and the way we conduct our business.

Council adopted the existing Complaints Resolution policy in October 2014. The Governance Team has
recently undertaken a review of Council’s overall complaint handling system, including the Complaint
Resolution policy.


The revised Complaint Resolution policy aligns closely with the Victorian Ombudsman’s “Complaints –
Good Practice Guide for Public Sector Agencies”, which reflects the revised Australian and New Zealand
standard for complaint handling, Victoria’s public sector values, and the Charter of Human Rights and
Responsibilities Act 2006.

The revised Complaint Resolution policy is based on the following guiding principles:
 Commitment
 Accessibility
 Transparency
 Objectives and fairness
 Privacy
 Accountability
 Continuous improvement.

The policy also provides details on how to make a complaint, the responsibility of complainants and a
number of other matters.

Once approved, the revised Complaint Resolution policy will be placed on Council’s website, together with
other resources to assist people in making complaints.

Financial Implications

There are no financial implications associated with the adoption of the revised Complaint Resolution

Links To Council Plans, Strategies, Policies

2019 – 2023 Council Plan

Goal 4 – Governance and Business Excellence
Four-Year Outcomes –
4.2 Manage risk to the organisation
4.4 Achieve high standards of organisational performance

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Consultation has occurred with the Victorian Ombudsman, other Councils, the Executive Management
Team and Executive Leadership Team to ensure that the revised policy captures legislative requirements
and reflects local government best practice in complaint resolution. Councillors also discussed the draft
Complaint Resolution policy at a Council Briefing meeting on 9 September 2019 and feedback has been
incorporated into this policy.

Risk Implications

There are significant risks to Council if complaints are not managed in a transparent, consistent, fair and
equitable way.

Environmental Implications

Not applicable

Human Rights Implications

The Complaint Resolution policy includes a section on human rights considerations outlining Council’s
obligations in accordance with the Charter of Human Rights Act 2006.


The revised Complaint Resolution policy reflects best practice in complaint resolution in Local

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Author’s Name: Sue Frankham Director: Graeme Harrison

Author’s Title: Governance Officer Directorate: Corporate Services
Department: Governance and Information File Number: F19/A11/000001

Officer Direct or indirect Conflict of Interest Status

In accordance with Local Government Act 1989 – Information classified confidential in accordance
Section 80C: with Local Government Act 1989 – Section 77(2)(c):
☐ Yes ☒ No ☒ Yes ☒ No
Reason: Nil Reason: Nil

2019-2023 Council Plan Half-Yearly Report – 1 January to 30 June 2019 (Appendix “9.12A”)


To receive and note the report on progress against the four-year priorities and strategic indicators in the
Council Plan for the period 1 January to 30 June 2019.


 The 2019-2023 Council Plan contains 19 Strategic Indicators and 129 Four-Year Priorities.
 Since the last report, a further nine Four-Year Priorities have been completed.
 Of the 129 Four-Year Priorities, 31 have been completed, 89 are in progress and 9 have not
 Of the 19 Strategic Indicators, seven have now been achieved.


That Council receive and note the 2019-2023 Council Plan half-yearly report for the period 1 January to
30 June 2019.

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The Local Government Act 1989 requires all Victorian Councils to produce a four-year Council Plan which
must be reviewed annually. Horsham Rural City Council has taken the approach to have a four-year rolling
Council Plan that is reviewed and revised on an annual basis for the following four years. The 2019-2023
Council Plan was formally adopted on 24 June 2019.

The Council Plan sets the strategic direction of Council over the next four years, linking the community’s
vision to long-term community goals, four-year outcomes and four-year priorities for Horsham Rural City
Council. It provides direction to management and includes the indicators that Council uses to deliver key

The Council Plan contains five long-term goals:

Goal 1 Community and Cultural Development

Develop Horsham and the municipality as a diverse inclusive and vibrant community

Goal 2 – Sustaining the Economy

Lead in sustainable growth and economic development

Goal 3 – Asset Management

Meet community and service needs through provision and maintenance of infrastructure

Goal 4 – Governance and Business Excellence

Excel in communication, consultation, governance, leadership and responsible use of resources

Goal 5 – Natural and Built Environments

Lead in environmental best practice, create a municipality for the future and plan for the impacts of
climate change

The half yearly report from 1 January to 30 June 2019 was presented to the Council Meeting on 26 August
2019. At that meeting it was resolved:
“That the 2019 – 2023 Council Plan half yearly report for the period 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2019 be
deferred to the next meeting for further consideration and discussion”.

The report was subsequently discussed at a Council Briefing on 2 September 2019 and some further
updates and amendments made.


The 2019-2023 Council Plan lists 129 Four-Year priorities. During the reporting period, the following nine
Four-Year Priorities have been completed:
 Goal 1, 1.2.07 – Development of positive ageing initiatives
 Goal 1, 1.2.11 – Improve presentation, lighting and walking track condition around the racecourse
 Goal 1, 1.3.02 Work with the Wesley Committee of Management to review arrangements associated
with the Wesley PAC
 Goal 3, 3.4.07 – Investigate other options for the Wimmera Sports Stadium
 Goal 4, 4.2.03 – Respond to emerging risks through the strategic risk register and internal audit
 Goal 4, 4.4.06 – Review the Name and Address (NAR) database to create single name and address
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 Goal 4, 4.4.11 – Supporting training and programs relating to family violence and gender equity
 Goal 4, 4.4.12 – Support cultural awareness training and programs
 Goal 5, 5.2.04 – Complete the Wimmera River Corridor Strategy

Of the 129 Four-Year Priorities, 31 have been completed, 89 are in progress and nine have not commenced
(Appendix “9.12A”).

Financial Implications

Not applicable

Links To Council Plans, Strategies, Policies

2019-2023 Council Plan

Goal 4 – Governance and Business Excellence


The Council Plan was developed following an extensive consultative process. The six-monthly report to
30 June 2019 has been reviewed by the Executive Management Team. It was also discussed at Council
Briefings on 12 August 2019 and 2 September 2019.

Risk Implications

The likelihood of Council achieving success in fulfilling its mission and vision is greatly enhanced by the
utilisation of effective planning. Ineffective planning is a significant risk to Council in terms of providing
successful outcomes for the community.

Environmental Implications

Not applicable

Human Rights Implications

This report complies with the rights listed in the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities
Act 2006.


This six-monthly report provides an update on the strategic indicators and Four-Year Priorities listed in
the 2019-2023 Council Plan.

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Author’s Name: Susan Surridge Director: Graeme Harrison

Author’s Title: Co-ordinator Community Relations Directorate: Corporate Services
and Advocacy
Department: Governance and Information File Number: F20/A02/000001

Officer Direct or indirect Conflict of Interest Status

In accordance with Local Government Act 1989 – Information classified confidential in accordance
Section 80C: with Local Government Act 1989 – Section 77(2)(c):
☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Yes ☒ No
Reason: Nil Reason: Nil

Letter from Minister McCormack dated 12 August 2019 (Appendix “9.13A”)
Request for Information Form (Appendix “9.13B”)


To inform Council on the next steps in securing the Federal Government funding commitment of $1.65
million for the City to River Project.


 The Federal Government have confirmed a grant of $1.65 million to Horsham Rural City Council for
the City to River Project, subject to the completion of a ‘Request for Information’ form and the
negotiation of a Deed of Agreement.
 The completed Request for Information form is due back to the Department of Infrastructure by 23
November 2019.
 The City to River Masterplan and prioritised project/s will not be complete and approved by Council
by this date.
 Council will provide a written request for extension to the due date (as per Federal Departmental
advice) to allow sufficient time to complete the Masterplan process and develop the initial scope of
priority project/s.


That Council:

1. Note the Australian Government’s commitment to provide up to $1.65 million for the City to River
2. Request an extension to the date by which the Request for Information form must be submitted
to 29 February 2020.

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In May 2019, in the lead up to the Federal Election, the National Party made an election commitment of
$1.65 million for the City to River project. This commitment followed a period of intensive advocacy
around revitalising Horsham’s CBD, including an unsuccessful application to the federal government’s
Building Better Regions Fund in 2018.
The advocacy strategy centred on funding a project of regional significance that strengthened the role of
Horsham as a regional city and major service centre for the Wimmera-Mallee.

At the time of the funding announcement, the City to River project (launched in December 2018) had
commenced and there had been initial review and discussion on the project with key stakeholders,
however, the draft Masterplan was still to be developed. Pre-election advocacy documentation provided
to number of Mallee election candidates requested $5 million to fund the first stage of the City to River

The announcement by the then Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack on 13 May 2019 provided a
commitment of $1.65 million. Council has allocated $842,500 in the 2019/20 budget to provide an overall
budget of just under $2.5 million for the first stage of works.

The previously envisaged CBD revitalisation works are now included in the City to River planning process
and the staging of works and priority project/s are still to be finalised The draft Masterplan has just
finished a period of public engagement and is now under review, with Council to decide on changes to be
made before adopting a final Masterplan.


On 23 August 2019, Council received a letter from Minister McCormack (Appendix “9.13A”) confirming
the Australian Government’s commitment to provide up to $1.65 million for the project. The commitment
will be delivered by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development
through the Community Development Grants (CDG) Programme.

Instructions accompanying the letter require that Horsham Rural City Council complete a Request for
Information form and submit it to the Department, providing sufficient information for the Department
to undertake an assessment of the project before negotiating a Deed of Agreement.

The CDG Programme is not a competitive grants process and is used to fund election commitments and
other identified government priorities. The Request for Information form (Appendix “9.13B”) requires
detailed information similar to that which would be expected of an application to the Building Better
Regions Fund.

Information required includes:

 Project description and scope
 Economic and community benefits
 Job creation
 Estimated start and finish dates
 Current stage of development of proposal, i.e., concept plans
 Itemised project budget.

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Supporting documentation includes:

 City to River Masterplan documentation
 Project design
 Project cost estimates
 Project Management Plan.

This information will be finalised soon after the Masterplan is complete and priority projects identified
and approved by Council.

The CDG Programme runs through until 30 June 2026, however, Council is required to complete the
Request for Information form within three months of the date of request (23 August 2019), or
alternatively, request an extension in writing.

Given the timing of the City to River Project, it is recommended that Council request an extension to the
date by which the Request for Information form must be submitted to 29 February 2020. This request is
required to be submitted as soon as possible and prior to the current end date of 23 November 2019.

Financial Implications

The Request for Information form is the first step in the process of securing the $1.65 million Federal
Government Grant for the City to River project.

Links To Council Plans, Strategies, Policies

2019-2023 Council Plan
Advocacy Priority – Advocate for improvements to the Horsham CBD and Wimmera River precinct
Four-Year Priorities –
1.2.01 Develop and progressively implement a plan for the redevelopment of the Horsham City Oval
1.2.01 Encourage redevelopment of community facilities at the Horsham Showgrounds
1.2.03 Implement outcomes from the multipurpose/indoor sports and community facility feasibility study
1.2.09 Activate the Wimmera River Precinct for the community and visitors (including lights and greater
1.2.12 Encourage the development of a riverside café
1.4.02 CBD Revitalisation Project – 2016-2025 Stage 1 – improved urban design
2.2 Promote Horsham as a regional city
3.1.01 Develop improved pedestrian access (bridges) across the Wimmera River in Horsham, in
partnership with land developers


Council Officers will continue to liaise with the Department of Infrastructure to ensure the negotiation of
the funding Deed of Agreement.

Risk Implications

Council must request an extension to the end date for the Request for Information or risk losing the
funding commitment by the Federal Government.

Environmental Implications

Not applicable

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Human Rights Implications

This report complies with the rights listed in the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities
Act 2006.


This report details actions to be taken to ensure that Council complies with the funding requirements of
the Federal Government and to secure the funding commitment of $1.65 million for the City to River

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Author’s Name: Michelle Rethus Director: Kevin O’Brien

Author’s Title: Community Wellbeing Strategic Projects Directorate: Community Wellbeing
Department: Community Services and Emergency File Number: F08/A09/000002

Officer Direct or indirect Conflict of Interest Status

In accordance with Local Government Act 1989 – Information classified confidential in accordance
Section 80C: with Local Government Act 1989 – Section 77(2)(c):
☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Yes ☒ No
Reason: Nil Reason: If no type Nil

HRCC Early Years Plan 2019-2023 (Final Draft) (Appendix “9.14A”)
Horsham’s Children 2019 – A Data Snapshot (Appendix “9.14B”)
HRCC Early Years Plan 2019-2023, Public Feedback Submissions (Appendix “9.14C”)


To adopt the final draft of the Horsham Rural City Council Municipal Early Years Plan 2019-2023 (MEYP)
(including the “Horsham’s Children 2019 – A Data Snapshot” document).


 The purpose of the MEYP is to provide children and their families with the best possible foundation
for life success.
 Data analysis, stakeholder engagement, community survey and children’s competition used as input
to develop key themes and actions.
 Key themes in the plan are:
- Creating quality service and support
- Language, literacy and learning
- Advocating for children and families.
 The MEYP contains a series of actions developed by the Early Years Network that Council will
undertake in collaboration with a range of partners over the next four years.
 Public feedback for a period of one month was undertaken. Two submissions were received and
changes have been proposed to update the plan in response to feedback.


That Council adopt the Horsham Rural City Council Municipal Early Years Plan 2019-2023.

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The purpose of the MEYP is to provide children and their families with the best possible foundation for
life success. While not a statutory requirement, Council has supported the MEYP in the past as a key tool
in setting the strategic direction for delivery in the early years sector of Horsham Rural City.


Data analysis, government policy context and stakeholder and community engagement were used when
forming the key themes and actions in collaboration with the Early Years Network.

Key themes in the plan are:

 Creating quality service and support
 Language, literacy and learning
 Advocating for children and families.

Financial Implications

Ongoing costs associated with maintenance of ageing buildings used for sessional kindergarten. New
infrastructure will be required to deliver three-year-old kindergarten, however, specifications on
requirements is pending the findings from the three-year-old kindergarten working group (a key action in
this plan).

Links To Council Plans, Strategies, Policies

2019-2023 Council Plan

Four-Year Outcome 1.4 – Develop the municipality as a desirable place to live, work and enjoy for people
of all ages and abilities

Horsham Rural City Council Health and Wellbeing Plan 2017-2021

Priority Area 6 – Improving Early Years Outcomes Action 26-30


Public Feedback was sought from 23 July – 25 August 2019. Two submissions were received with updates
made in the final draft plan to reflect this feedback.

These updates include:

 Page 6 Appendix A: Reference to Act@Work which includes Council’s commitment to respectful
relationships (Submission date 29/7/19)
 Page 7 Appendix A: Addition of reference to proactive work currently undertaken by Horsham Rural
City Council to support early years education including
- continued monitoring of birth locations to assess future demand needs particularly in more
remote areas of the municipality (Submission date 12/8/19 and Councillor Comment – Council
Meeting Monday 22 August)
 A further change of addition of numbers to action items for easy reference was also made.

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Risk Implications

There is a risk to the community on whether inclusive and accessible kindergarten programs for 3-year-
olds can be provided should either of the private providers or HDKA choose not to participate.

Environmental Implications

Not applicable

Human Rights Implications

This report complies with the rights listed in the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities
Act 2006.


This report is presented for consideration of Council, recommending that the MEYP be adopted.

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Author’s Name: Angela Murphy Director: Development Services

Author’s Title: Director Development Services Directorate: Development Services
Department: Economic Development File Number: F15/A01/000004

Officer Direct or indirect Conflict of Interest Status

In accordance with Local Government Act 1989 – Information classified confidential in accordance
Section 80C: with Local Government Act 1989 – Section 77(2)(c):
☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Yes ☒ No
Reason: Nil Reason: Nil

Submission – Senate Enquiry on Jobs for the Future in Regional Areas (Appendix “9.15A”)


To receive and note Council’s submission lodged with Senate Enquiry on Jobs for the Future in Regional


 Council’s submission to the Senate Enquiry on Jobs for the Future in Regional Areas focused on
responding to:
 New industries and employment opportunities that can be created in the regions
 Community infrastructure to attract investment and job creation.

 The submission was lodged on 6 September 2019.


That Council receive and note the submission lodged with the Senate Enquiry on Jobs for the Future in
Regional Areas.

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On 31 July 2019, the Senate resolved to establish a Select Committee into Jobs for the Future in Regional
Areas. The committee will inquire and report on the following matters:

(a) New industries and employment opportunities that can be created in the regions.

(b) The number of existing jobs in regional areas in clean energy technology and ecological services and
their future significance.

(c) Lessons learned from structural adjustments in the automotive, manufacturing and forestry industries
and energy privatisation and their impact on labour markets and local economies.

(d) The importance of long-term planning to support the diversification of supply chain industries and
local economies.

(e) Measures to guide the transition into new industries and employment, including:
(i) Community infrastructure to attract investment and job creation
(ii) The need for a public authority to manage the transition
(iii) Meaningful community consultation to guide the transition
(iv) The role of vocational education providers, including TAFE, in enabling reskilling and retraining.

(f) The use of renewable resources in Northern Australia to build a clean energy export industry to export
into Asia.

(g) Any related matters.


A copy of Council’s submission to the Senate Enquiry on Jobs for the Future in Regional Areas is attached
(Appendix “9.15A”). The submission focused on responding to (a) new industries and employment
opportunities that can be created in the regions and (e) (i) community infrastructure to attract investment
and job creation.

Council’s economic development opportunities identified included:

 Expand the investment in renewable energy sectors and small towns, including wind, solar and
 Mineral sands mining and the significant economic impact that would be generated (expenditure,
employment, wages and salaries, exports), including the current Stavely release for Western Victoria
which could potentially offer the region other earth resources such as gold, copper or other metals
for exploration and mining.
 Develop tourism product with a focus on food and wine, nature based, indigenous, sport and
recreation, and arts and cultural tourism.
 Facilitate a critical mass of industrial activity in existing industrial precincts.
 Encourage the clustering of industry to promote synergy, for example, intensify health care, social
assistance and medical services in proximity to the existing hospital precinct.
 Build on the Rural City’s liveability through the promotion of social cohesion.
 The sustainable development of public infrastructure and services.
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 Attract and accommodate new residents in locations that provide access to infrastructure and
services, and does not adversely affect productive agricultural land.
 Continue to encourage the Central Activity District of Horsham as a vibrant hub that supports a mix of
retail, office, food and beverage, entertainment, community and cultural activity. State tourism
strategies such as Victoria’s Tourism 2020 Strategy and the Visitor Economy Strategy identify the need
to improve destinations through investment in attractions, experiences and accommodation. This is
particularly relevant for Horsham in terms of regional strengths in nature based tourism, food and
wine, and arts and culture.

Other key strategies include growing events, improving marketing and branding, and more effective co-
ordination and collaboration between regions.

In terms of community infrastructure to attract investment and job creation the submission highlighted
the importance of freight, transportation, education and training, information and computer technology
and renewable energy.

Financial Implications


Links To Council Plans, Strategies, Policies

2019-2023 Council Plan

Goal 2 – Sustaining the Economy
Lead in sustainable growth and economic development

Horsham Rural City Council Economic Development Strategy 2017-2021


Feedback on the draft submission to the Senate Enquiry on Jobs for the Future in Regional Areas was
sought from Councillors, Executive Management Team, Wimmera Development Association Executive
and Regional Development Victoria.

Risk Implications

Not applicable

Environmental Implications

Not applicable

Human Rights Implications

This report complies with the rights listed in the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities
Act 2006.


Council’s submission to the Senate Enquiry was lodged on 6 September 2019.

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Author’s Name: Stephen Pykett Director: Angela Murphy

Author’s Title: Manager Economic Development Directorate: Development Services
Department: Economic Development File Number: F15/A06/000001

Officer Direct or indirect Conflict of Interest Status

In accordance with Local Government Act 1989 – Information classified confidential in accordance
Section 80C: with Local Government Act 1989 – Section 77(2)(c):
☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Yes ☒ No
Reason: Nil Reason: Nil



To receive and note the Economic Development Report for August 2019.


The Economic Development Report provides a summary of economic development activities in the
municipality during the reporting period.


That Council receive and note the Economic Development Report for September 2019.

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At the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 26 August 2019, it was resolved that a regular Economic
Development Report be tabled on the Ordinary Council Meeting agenda.


Key items of interest for the report period are provided below.

Economic Benchmarks and Data


Region Unemployment

Australia 5.2%

Victoria 4.8%

Horsham (LGA) 3.1%

Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Businesses; Small Area Labour Markets – March quarter 2019

Planning Applications Determined

Number Cost YTD YTD cost of


August 2019 23 $3,849,660 30 $4,458,477

August 2018 15 $7,401,500 21 $7769,936

Change +8 -$3,551,840 +9 -$3,311,459

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Building Permits Issued

Number Total cost of YTD YTD cost of

development development

Council 9 $803,972 15 $1,709,708

Private surveyors 13 $3,278,731 31 $11,132,172

Total 22 $4,082,703 46 $12,842,420

Summary of building permits issued YTD

Total Commercial Domestic
Value No Value No Value

HRCC 15 $1,709,708 3 $793,900 12 $915,808

Private Surveyor 31 $11,132,172 7 $5,500,512 24 $5,631,660

Total 46 $12,842,420 8 $6,294,412 16 $6,548,008

Business Engagement

Direct business engagement

Number YTD
General business 35 47
New or expanding business 4 9
Event organisers 2 5
Total 41 61

Networking and business event breakdown

Number YTD
Networking & business events 6 11

Networking attended Attendees Details

Regional Tourism Conversation 80 Regional Tourism Review workshop
Business Horsham Board 7 Monthly board meeting
Total 87

Meeting Date: 23 September 2019 Page 60

Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Officers Reports

Facilitated business events Attendees Details

Tax Essentials 15 ATO event at the WBC
Record Keeping 20 ATO event at the WBC
Single Touch Payroll 15 ATO event at the WBC
AICD Governance Foundations 19 Australian Institute Company Directors/
Total 69

Tourism and Events

Number YTD
Notice of intention to hold an event applications 9 22
Visitor information Centre visits 866 1820
Visithorsham.com web visits 2894 5846

Strategic Planning

Horsham South Structure  The project is needed in order to ensure that South Horsham develops in a co-
ordinated way, ensuring infrastructure needs such as traffic and transport
connectivity, sewer, water and drainage to be developed in a sequenced way,
avoiding land use conflicts and development limitations in the future.
 Horsham South Key Strategic Directions Report is currently under review by the
PCG, in preparation for targeted landholder engagement.
Horsham Aerodrome  Council has appointed a consultant to begin development of the Horsham
Aerodrome Masterplan
Business Plan review
 An assessment of both the previous Aerodrome Business Plan and Aerodrome
Masterplan has been undertaken along with stakeholder engagement.
 On 20 June further engagement took place with the Aerodrome user group to
discuss the draft findings.
 More engagement is planned.
City to River  Wider community engagement process commenced 4th July and closed 30 August
 All submissions will be reviewed, summarised and recommendations made as part
of the final engagement report.

Infrastructure Development

Enhanced Broadband  Funding of $1.7million has been announced to install high speed broadband at one
Project (Connecting gigabit per second in both directions in the Horsham Rural City Council area. This
Regional Communities proposed fixed wireless service will be available to businesses in Horsham, Wimmera
Intermodal Freight Terminal Precinct, Aerodrome and Horsham Enterprise Park. Spirit
Telecom has been awarded the tender to deliver this “state of the art” internet access
through fixed wireless.
 Construction has begun and services are expected to be available for businesses in the
second half of 2019.
 Spirit Telecom has begun advertising services to businesses
Horsham Regional Livestock  Has successfully received funding under the Building Better Regions Fund to roof the
Exchange roofing Livestock Exchange for $1.49m towards a total project of $3.03million to improve
animal and human welfare, value of sheep from improved shelter conditions, water
savings and efficiencies in cleaning the facility.
 A tender process has been conducted to source a contractor to build the roof,
recommendations will go to council once assessments have been completed

Meeting Date: 23 September 2019 Page 61

Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Officers Reports

Projects and Programs

Environmental Upgrade  Council has agreed to offer Environmental Upgrade Agreements (EUA’s) that assist
businesses and commercial property owners in Horsham by providing access to
Environmental Upgrade Finance. This scheme gives access to finance for energy
and environmental efficiency upgrades to buildings with repayments made
through council’s rates system.
 Initial interest has been positive with applications progressing through the system
 Community interest remains positive and further agreements are expected
Wimmera Business  A review of the centre and its operations is being undertaken to look at the
current offerings from the Business Centre, review practices in other centres and
to identify start up trends.
 Engagement through this process has quantified a level of interest in a co-working
space in Horsham.
 Further workshops with small and home based businesses are being arranged.
Horsham Visitor  The VIC review is continuing in association with Grampians Tourism who are
undertaking a Grampians wide Visitor Servicing review.
Information Centre
 The final report has now been received and is being evaluated.

Business Development, Tourism and Events

Major Sporting Events  Horsham will host the PGA ProAm in October 2019 which will see around 160
professional and amateur golfers in Horsham for three days. Part of the event
includes community engagement.
 A round of the National motocross is being negotiated for Horsham to be
scheduled for late March or April 2020. These events are estimated to be worth
close to $500,000 in income to Horsham and the region.
Localised  The Localised project aims to raise awareness of local businesses, prevent
spending leakage from the region and facilitate business to business
communication. This has been a major business engagement tool with currently
70 profiles across the Wimmera.
Tourism  The Visit Victoria tourism review workshop and information session was held in
Horsham on 15 August 2019 with approximately 80 people attending.
 The review is expected to provide recommendations in early 2020.
Better Approvals  Council has been working with Small Business Victoria to streamline business
approvals in Horsham. Information provided by small businesses has helped
shape the service enhancements to reduce overall processing times.
 An official launch is being planned for September or October 2019.

Financial Implications

Not applicable

Links To Council Plans, Strategies, Policies

2019-2023 Council Plan

Goal 2 – Sustaining the Economy


Not applicable

Meeting Date: 23 September 2019 Page 62

Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Officers Reports

Risk Implications

Not applicable

Environmental Implications

Not applicable

Human Rights Implications

This report complies with the rights listed in the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities
Act 2006.


The Economic Development report for August 2019 is provided for the information of Councillors.

Meeting Date: 23 September 2019 Page 63

Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Officers Reports


Author’s Name: Sunil Bhalla Director: Not applicable
Author’s Title: Chief Executive Officer Directorate: Not applicable
Department: Chief Executive Office File Number: F06/A01/000001

Officer Direct or indirect Conflict of Interest Status

In accordance with Local Government Act 1989 – Information classified confidential in accordance
Section 80C: with Local Government Act 1989 – Section 77(2)(c):
☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Yes ☒ No
Reason: Nil Reason: Nil



To receive and note the Chief Executive Officer’s Operational Report for September 2019.


The Chief Executive Officer’s Operational Report highlights issues and outcomes affecting the
organisation’s performance and matters which may not be subject of Council reports or briefings.


That Council receive and note the Chief Executive Officer’s Operational Report for September 2019.

Meeting Date: 23 September 2019 Page 64

Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Officers Reports



At the 24 June 2019 Ordinary Meeting of Council, it was resolved that the Chief Executive Officer provide
an operational report to Council.


Key items of interest for the report period are summarised below.

Advocacy/Funding Announcements

Department of Transport: The Chief Executive Officer and Director Infrastructure, along with the CEO of
Southern Grampians Shire Council, attended a meeting with the Department of Transport on 30 August
2019 to discuss passenger rail to Horsham and Hamilton. A key action from the meeting was to form a
working group with representation from Horsham Rural City Council, Sothern Grampians Shire Council
and the Department of Transport to undertake further analysis and costings to enable return of shuttle
trains between Horsham/Hamilton and Ararat.

South Horsham Structure Plan: Council has received advice from the Victorian Planning Authority of its
successful grant application, Streamlining for Growth 2019/20 under the Regional Victoria funding stream,
and will receive funding to prepare the South Horsham Structure Plan Stage 2.

Community Engagement

Christian Emergency Food Centre: The Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer visited the Horsham
Christian Emergency Food Centre on Monday 9 September 2019.

Community Conversations at Haven Hall: Councillors and senior staff met with the Haven community on
Wednesday 18 September 2019 at the Haven Hall, providing an opportunity for people in the Haven
district to raise issues with Council.

Building Forums: Building information forums were held on 28 August 2019 and 4 September 2019 at
the Civic Centre. These sessions covered discussions on Professional Indemnity Insurance, Building Activity
Management System, registration and licensing of building trades.

Child Protection Week: A breakfast was held at the Kalkee Road Children’s and Community Hub on
Thursday 5 September 2019, which included a presentation from the Co-ordinator of the By Five
Wimmera South West Early Years project. More than 30 early years’ professionals were in attendance.
Council Officers worked with Uniting Wimmera and other agencies to organise this event.

Meeting Date: 23 September 2019 Page 65

Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Officers Reports

Projects and Events

The Hon Martin Pakula MP, Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events: Minister Pakula officially
opened four projects on Thursday 19 September 2019 at the Horsham City Bowling Club. Projects opened
were the Natimuk United Football Netball Club oval lighting upgrade, Horsham City Bowling Club
installation of second synthetic green, Horsham Central Park Netball Courts upgrade of non-compliant
netball courts and the Kalkee Tennis Courts construction of two new concrete/synpave tennis courts and
new lighting.

The Hon Martin Pakula MP: The Mayor and Chief Executive Officer met with Minister Pakula prior to the
event on 19 September 2019 to brief the Minister on the City to River project.

Proactive planned maintenance of unsealed roads: Council’s asset team assisted in development of two-
year unsealed road maintenance program. For all gravelled roads, a clearly defined grading schedule is
developed with indicative timeline about when a particular road will be graded. This arrangement, which
will start from 16 September 2019, will assist in productivity, efficiency and rural community satisfaction
in a number of ways. Grader operators will continue from one road to another without needing further
direction from supervisors, resulting in reduction in idle time of plant, and customer service team can
provide advice to community about when a particular road will be graded. There will be improved
maintenance of gravelled roads on same budget, resulting in longer resheet life and plant utilisation will
increase. The scheduled grading program will be available in POZI in near future assisting community for
self service.

WIM Resources Pty Ltd and Iluka Resources Ltd

Letters have recently been received from Hon. Richard Wynne, Minister for Planning advising of his
decision to require Avonbank Mineral Sands Project (WIM) and The Wimmera Project (Iluka) to prepare
Environment Effects Statements under the Environment Effects Act 1978.

Staff Matters

RuOK Day: Council held two RuOK events for Council staff on Thursday 12 September 2019 at the Depot
and Civic Centre. Both sessions were very well attended. Council recognises the importance of mental
health and looking after each other. Guest speaker was Aaron Schultz who shared his personal journey
of anxiety and depression. RuOK is all about knowing how to ask “Are you OK?”.

Financial Implications

Not applicable

Links To Council Plans, Strategies, Policies

2019-2023 Council Plan

Meeting Date: 23 September 2019 Page 66

Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Officers Reports


Not applicable

Risk Implications

Not applicable

Environmental Implications

Not applicable

Human Rights Implications

This report complies with the rights listed in the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities
Act 2006.


That Council receive and note the Chief Executive Officer’s Operational Report for September 2019.

Meeting Date: 23 September 2019 Page 67

Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Councillor Reports and Acknowledgements


Cr Mark Radford, Mayor

 24 August 2019 – Parkrun 1st Birthday Run (38.10)
 25 August 2019 – Operation 19:14 Family Fun Day
 25 August 2019 – Horsham Amateur Basketball Association Culture of Champions Mural Unveiling
 26 August 2019 - Meeting with Cheryl Linke
 26 August 2019 - Citizenship Ceremony
 26 August 2019 – Ordinary Council Meeting
 27 August 2019 – ABC Radio Interview
 29 August 2019 – Holy Trinity Lutheran Guild Wimmera Rally
 30 August 2019 – Seasonal Conditions Meeting
 2 September 2019 – Holy Trinity Lutheran College Senior Site Opening
 2 September 2019 – Letter to Horsham Anglican Church regarding new car park
 2 September 2019 – Letter to Inglorious Pasta regarding new shop opening
 2 September 2019 – Letter to Po La Asian Grocery regarding new shop opening
 2 September 2019 – Council Briefing Meeting
 3 September 2019 – Principal For A Day at Horsham West Primary School
 5 September 2019 – Horsham Regional Livestock Exchange Board Meeting
 9 September 2019 – ABC Radio Interview
 9 September 2019 – Christian Emergency Food Centre tour
 9 September 2019 – Council Briefing Meeting
 11 September 2019 – Audit and Risk Committee Meeting
 12 September 2019 – WIN News Interview
 12 September 2019 – Meeting with Colin Puls
 13 September 2019 – Roundtable Recycling Discussion with the Hon Lily D'Ambrosio
 13 September 2019 – Letter of appreciation to Faye Smith regarding Aquatic Centre Advisory
 14 September 2019 – Horsham and District Football League Grand Final at the City Oval
 17 September 2019 – Wimmera Mail-Times Interview
 18 September 2019 – Community Consultation at Haven
 19 September 2019 – Visit by the Hon Martin Pakula Minister Sport, Tourism, Major Events
 19 September 2019 – Circular Economy Workshop with DELWP

Meeting Date: 23 September 2019 Page 68

Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Urgent Business


Meeting Date: 23 September 2019 Page 69

Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Petitions and Joint Letters


Meeting Date: 23 September 2019 Page 70

Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Procedural Business



Council Briefing held on Monday 2 September 2019 at 5.30pm in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre,

Council Briefing held on Monday 9 September 2019 at 5.30pm in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre,

Refer to Appendix “13.1A”


Instrument of Delegation to Members of Council Staff – signed and sealed


From the Hon Jacinta Allan MP, Minister for Transport Infrastructure re Dedicated Minister for Rail

Refer to Appendix “13.3A”


Horsham Community and Police Consultative Committee meeting held on Thursday 15 August 2019 at
9.03am in the Uniting Wimmera Board Room, Horsham

Seasonal Conditions Meeting held on Friday 30 August 2019 at 12noon in the Reception Room, Horsham
Rural City Council

Horsham Regional Livestock Exchange Board of Management Meeting held on Thursday 5 September
2019 at 5.00pm at the Horsham Regional Livestock Exchange, Horsham

Refer to Appendix “13.4A”

That Council receive and note agenda items 13.1, 13.2, 13.3 and 13.4.

Meeting Date: 23 September 2019 Page 71

Horsham Rural City Council Council Meeting
Notice of Motion


Meeting Date: 23 September 2019 Page 72


Horsham Urban
Transport Plan
Draft Strategy for Consultation

Introduction & Background 1
Urban Transport Plan 1
Policy context 2
Current M+P Assessment 3

Movement & Place 3

An Integrated Transport Plan 5

Streets for People 6

Local Access Movement 12

Road Cross Sections Alternative Examples 16

Public Transport (Inner Horsham) 17

Parking 19

Cycling 23

Regional Links 29

Draft for Council endorsement for

September 2019

Prepared by Tonkin in partnership

with Intermethod

Level 2 170 Frome Street

Adelaide SA 5000
T+ 61 08 8273 3100
E Paul.Simons@tonkin.com.au
Introduction &

Horsham Transport
Creating a brighter
future for our
rural city
Transforming Horsham is Council’s
vision for growing the city’s economy,
vibrancy and liveability. There are
Wimerra Structure
four inter-related strategic projects
River and Plan
that have been commenced each
City Activity
with a common vision – to transform
Horsham. Visioning
The projects are:
• Horsham Urban Transport Plan
• Open Space Strategy
• Horsham South Structure Plan
Open Space
• Wimmera River and Central Strategy
Activity District Visioning

Urban Transport Plan Numerous investigations have been A separate Background Report details
carried out on the road network and these investigations and community
As part of the Transforming Horsham
transport movements within Horsham. consultation that has informed
program, Horsham Rural City Council
Other recent regional transport development of the transport plan.
is developing the Horsham Urban
studies in and around Horsham have
Transport Plan which will set
also been reviewed, including studies
directions and priorities for developing
that considered a potential Highway
our transport system in a way that
Bypass of the town.
supports the goals of our community,
our economy and environment. While these previous investigations
provided an overarching context, the
focus of this Urban Transport Plan is
the road network within Horsham and
actions that Council can take in the
short to medium term.

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 1

Introduction & Background

Policy context
Horsham is the most populous city
in the Wimmera region, strategically
located at the junction of five
highways and conveniently located
between Melbourne and Adelaide, it
is a major regional centre. Over the
next 20 years Horsham is expected
to grow, increasing its importance as
a regional arts and cultural hub and
strengthening its position at the heart
of one of the world’s largest grain,
pulse and oilseed growing regions.
The Urban Transport Plan will
consider the future local transport
needs that have been identified in a
range of extensive previous studies
and strategies, most notably the
preliminary Horsham Integrated
Transport Strategy (not endorsed by
Council), Horsham Municipal Bicycle &
Share Path Plan, Wimmera Intermodal
Freight Terminal Precinct Structure
Plan, Wimmera Southern Mallee
Regional Transport Strategy and
Municipal Parking Strategy.
This Urban Transport Plan aims
to understand and quantify the
transportation issues of the Horsham
CAD and urban area both now and in
the future. This plan sits within a suite
of four strategies that collectively
form the Transforming Horsham
• Open Space Strategy
• Horsham South Structure Plan
• River and Central
Horsham Visioning
Together they have the common goal
of growing the city’s economy and

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 2

Movement &
A street acts as a Movement conduit.
Design objective for

What is
decrease travel time
and Place?
‘Movement and Place’ (M+P)
is a way of thinking about the
roles and challenges facing
our roads and streets now
and into the future. The M+P
approach recognises that any
street performs two functions:
Movement of people and goods A street is also a Place, a destination in its own right.
(a movement conduit), and Design objective for
serving as a Place (a destination
in its own right). Place=
This way of thinking implies increase dwell time
that while we are planning for
and developing our network,
we need to consider the needs
for movement and placemaking

The Movement and Place process is Current M+P Assessment • McPherson St (Western Highway)
a tool for classifying street networks. has the highest north-south
In undertaking a movement and place
It builds on conventional road movement function, yet high
assessment of Horsham today, several
classification systems by considering flows were also recorded along
key observations have been made:
the needs of places alongside Firebrace St and Urquhart St
movement need. In applying the Movement • Streets within the CAD have a
Movement and Place thinking, two • Horsham is literally at the high movement function and
decisions need to be made: crossroads of several intra generous road design prioritising
1 What strategic function and interstate highway movement of traffic over
does a street perform as a • A number of state roads converge pedestrian and cycling use
Movement conduit? onto Horsham from all directions • Wilson Street (Wimmera Highway)
2 What strategic function does is also of concern for freight
a street perform as a Place, a movements through town and
destination in its own right? the major shopping centre.

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 3

Movement & Place

Place Status - Daytime Place Status - Evening

Key observations: Key observations:
• Firebrace Street is the heart of • Beyond the shopping hours,
Horsham township and is lined there is very little visible
with small and diverse destinations activity in Horsham
• Horsham Town Hall frontage along • The largest numbers of people
Pynsent Street is also a significant in the evening were observed
destination attracting large walking, cycling and camping
numbers of visitors during events around the banks of Wimmera River
• Roberts Avenue with Horsham • All pubs and clubs internalise
Rural City Council offices and their activities with no significant
Wesley Performance Arts Centre activation of the streets.
is an important destination
• Roberts Avenue west of A B C D

Firebrace has the highest

Hazel St Mill St West ke
Daytime Place Status

number of on-street dining seats e



used by a couple of cafes

Place status P1
• May Park attracts large groups
Mc Pherson St
Urquhart St

of people celebrating special Baillie St
Baillie St

Baillie St
Place status P2
occasions, activating Baillie Street Wimmera

Reed St
Base Hospital Rennison St
McLachlan St
Place status P3
Bennett Rd

Darlot St

O’Brien Ln

• The natural setting of

Racecourse Roberts Ave Arnott St
Firebrace St

Urquhart St

Wimmera River is an important Pynsent St

Gillespie St
Place status P4

Mc Pherson St

Robinson St

recreational destination with Wilson St / Wimmera Hwy

Place status P5

visitors during all hours during

Darlot St

Hamilton St Hamilton St
(no colour)
ra Hw E sp

weekdays and weekends

te r

Dellar Cr

• Many of the retail buildings

l la
Rose St

Bennett Rd

present large blank facades to


the streets and are surrounded

by large capacity car parks, thus Barnes Blvd
Plant Ave

encouraging access by vehicles Duff St

Williams Rd
Stawell Rd

instead of walking and cycling Bvd

Western Hwy

Hogan Ct

Citrus Ave
M cTav

• Vehicles are prioritised in the

streets and pedestrians and
cyclists are the “poor cousins”
Evening Place Status
Ka l

Hazel St Mill St West eR


-- Wide crossing distances across


side streets and roundabouts Place status P1

Mc Pherson St

-- Lack of continuous tree canopy

Urquhart St

Place status P2
-- Lack of dedicated cycling
Baillie St Baillie St Baillie St
Reed St

Base Hospital Rennison St

Place status P3
Bennett Rd

facilities even in locations McLachlan St

Darlot St

O’Brien Ln
Racecourse Arnott St

were the road widths could

Firebrace St

Roberts Ave
Urquhart St

Gillespie St
Place status P4

Pynsent St
easily accommodate cyclists
Mc Pherson St

Robinson St

Wilson St / Wimmera Hwy du
Place status P5
-- Lack of cycling parking
Darlot St

y Hamilton St Hamilton St E sp
(no colour)


-- Lack of on-street seats as
te r

Dellar Cr

resting opportunities
l la
Rose St

Bennett Rd

P de

• There is little on-street vibrancy:

pedestrian flows are low,
on-street staying/dwelling
Plant Ave
Barnes Blvd

opportunities are rare and mostly Duff St Williams Rd

Western Hwy
Stawell Rd

Hogan Ct

not in a great environment. sh

Citrus Ave
M cTav

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 4

An Integrated
Transport Plan
Integrated transport planning is a Themes
process that acknowledges the variety
of demands placed on the road and The Horsham Urban Transport Plan
transport network. Effective transport has been developed on the following
plans enable balanced decisions that six key directions. The plan is not
improve accessibility, amenity, safety, a stand-alone document but one
sustainability and functionality for that supports and informs the key
communities. directions for Transforming Horsham.
While some of the strategies are
Integrated transport planning aspirational and build for the future,
recognises that there may not be “one there are numerous actions that
size fits all”, as the transport network Council can take in the short term to
must accommodate competing have an immediate and real change on
demands from different users. The how the community lives and moves
overall plan however ensures that within Horsham.
each transport function (eg freight
movement) has a place in the network. Importantly these strategies are
Similarly, the plan also ensures that designed to allow Council to manage
each road balances the movement and and influence its own road network.
place making activities. While there are external factors that
will also shape the future of Horsham,
this plan provides a basis for Council
and the community to control their
own destiny.

Theme 1
Streets for
Theme 2
Theme 6 Local
Regional Movement
Transport Theme 3
Plan Public
Theme 5
Cycling (Inner

Theme 4

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 5

Theme 1
Streets for People
The section provides directions for: What we plan for:
• Walking • A more active and vibrant CBD
• Accessibility for pedestrians • More active transport
• Personal Mobility Devices • A city where walking is safe easy and comfortable
• The mobility impaired and aging population • Conditions for pedestrians are suitable
• Pedestrian comfort (shade, water for people with all levels of mobility
fountains, ability to sit and rest) • A well-connected walking network throughout
• Street activation (encouraging on-street the city linking key destinations
activities and flexible street design • Alignment of the transport strategy
enabling events and ad hoc activities) with revitalisation of the riverfront
• Creating more destinations and central activity district
• Promoting walking and on-street activities

Poor accessibility for the

mobility impaired

Lack of footpaths

Difficulty in crossing near


Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 6

Streets for People

Visual impact of on-

street parking on the

Excessive amount of
road space dedicated to
vehicle movement and

Lack of crossing facilities

Wide roads to cross

Poor maintenance of

Unsealed paths

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 7

Streets for People

1 Strategies

Priority Ongoing
Strategies Options / Actions
Actions Program

1.1 Improve 1.1.1 Conduct an audit of existing footpaths to assess

footpaths for useable width, condition and type of surfacing
pedestrians and and kerb ramps for compliance with Australian
the mobility Standards and DDA requirements
1.1.2 Develop a hierarchy of footpaths and prepare
a plan to progressively upgrade footpaths and
connections throughout the urban area

1.1.3 Upgrade connecting laneways between main

roads to provide improved connectivity

1.1.4 Conduct a lighting audit of existing paths to

identify areas with inadequate lighting and plan
for progressive upgrade

1.1.5 Progressively upgrade existing kerb ramps to

meet DDA requirements (and suitability for
mobility scooters)

1.2 Improve road 1.2.1 Install exclusive all-pedestrian movement

crossings and “scramble crossing” at Wilson St/Firebrace St
pedestrian traffic signals
1.2.2 Investigate installation of traffic signals with
pedestrian and bicycle crossings at the following
locations to improve connections between urban
areas and the CAD:
• Natimuk Rd (Wimmera Hwy)/Bennett Rd
• McPherson St (Western Hwy)/Hamilton St
• Wilson St (Wimmera Hwy)/Darlot St
• Natimuk Rd (Wimmera Hwy)/Drummond St/
Future Growth Area collector road

1.2.3 Work with the Regional Roads Victoria to ensure

safe pedestrian (and cycling) facilities are
provided on all arms of the proposed roundabout
at the intersection of Western Hwy/Henty Hwy/
Golf Course Road/Plumpton Rd (refer 6.1.7)

1.2.4 Install at grade “continuous footpaths” for

pedestrians at minor intersecting side roads and

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 8

Streets for People

Priority Ongoing
Strategies Options / Actions
Actions Program

Improve road crossings 1.2.5 Work with the rail authorities toward the
and pedestrian network provision of improved crossings of the rail
connectivity corridor to upgrade (or replace) the existing
pedestrian underpasses

1.2.6 Narrow the width of road pavements of key

streets within the CAD or install medians as
part of place making actions to reduce crossing
distances and increase footpath widths (refer
Section 2 example cross drain sections)

1.2.7 Provide mid-block crossing facilities over

wide roads throughout the CAD. At strategic
crossing points consider the installation of raised
pedestrian crossings (wombat) to give priority
to pedestrians (refer Wimmera River and CAD
Visioning Plan)

1.2.8 Provide pedestrian / cycling path along the

Western Highway south of Golf Course Road to
Wimmera Lakes Caravan Resort (and ultimately
Green Lake)

1.2.9 Consider the installation of medians as part of

street upgrading works to reduce the crossing
distances and to provide opportunity for
landscaping and to calm the traffic on CAD
streets and on major roads including:
• Wilson Street / Wimmera Hwy / Natimuk Road
• Baillie Street (Western Hwy)
• Dimboola Rd (Western Hwy)
• Dooen Rd (Wimmera Hwy)
• Hamilton St
• McPherson Street (Western Hwy)
• Pynsent St
• Roberts Ave
• Urquhart St

1.3 Develop 1.3.1 Develop Firebrace Street to be a shared street

Firebrace including appropriate bicycle provisions between
Street linkage the Riverfront and O’Callaghans Parade
between CAD
1.3.2 Investigate options to provide pedestrian and
and River
cycling connectivity along Firebrace Street from
(refer also Sections 2 O’Callaghans Parade and the CAD (eg widen
and 5) footpath adjacent to physically separated bicycle

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 9

Streets for People

Priority Ongoing
Strategies Options / Actions
Actions Program

Develop Firebrace Street 1.3.3 Investigate upgrades to the intersections of

linkage between CAD Firebrace St/O’Callaghans Parade and Firebrace
and River Street/Hamilton Street intersections to provide
pedestrian and cycling connectivity (as part of
(refer also Sections 2
and 5) the shared street linkage)

1.4 Additional 1.4.1 Investigate the provision of a new pedestrian/

Shared Path cycling river crossing for shared path users at
River Crossings Hamilton Street, to support the future urban
(note also consideration of growth areas.
additional road crossings
in sections 2 and 6)

1.5 Improve 1.5.1 Develop a programme of street tree planting to

pedestrian increase the shading of footpaths throughout
comfort the CAD and urban areas

1.5.2 Provide sheltered areas with seating and

water fountains at schools, civic amenities, and
activation areas, throughout CAD and around the

1.5.3 Install DDA compliant seats with back and arm

supports throughout the CAD and urban areas
at regular intervals along identified pedestrian
routes (refer Section 4.6.5)

1.6 Increase street 1.6.1 Consider the trial installation of “parklets” as a

activation quick win, to provide seating or outdoor dining
areas by removing isolated on-street parking

1.6.2 Develop Roberts Ave for increased place

activation with a wide median to accommodate
(for example) a secure and fenced play space
and ad hoc events and increased traffic calming

1.6.3 Increase footpath widths to accommodate areas

of landscaping, outdoor dining, sheltered seating
areas and ad hoc events

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 10

Streets for People

Priority Ongoing
Strategies Options / Actions
Actions Program

1.7 Roundabout 1.7.1 Work with Regional Roads Victoria to trial a

safety consistent roundabout treatment in Horsham
to reduce speeds and improve safety for
pedestrians and cyclists including:
• Enlarge vehicle mountable annulus and install
mountable corner radii at the roundabouts
located in the CAD to reduce vehicle speeds
• Install set back pedestrian crossings on each
arm of the roundabouts located in the CAD to
prioritise pedestrians over vehicles
• Education of local users on how to use
roundabouts safely
• Refer concept below - similar to examples in
Mildura and Warnambool

1.8 Reduce vehicle 1.8.1 Reduce the visual and actual width of streets
speeds in the by widening footpaths, installing medians,
CAD and urban narrowing traffic lanes, widening bicycle lanes
areas and street tree planting
1.8.2 Install raised priority crossings at intersecting
side roads to slow vehicle turning speeds
and to provide a continuous path of travel for
1.8.3 Expand the CAD 40 km/h speed limit to include
Darlot Street between Wilson Street and Baillie

Concept Roundabout for Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety

1 2

1 Integrate Zebra pedestrian crossing

2 Enlarge roundabout with mountable annulus
3 Widen kerb lines
4 Bicycle sharrow symbol
Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 11
Theme 2
Local Access Movement
The section provides directions for: What we plan for:
• Traffic movement within Horsham • A clearly defined functional road hierarchy
• Addressing congestion • Safer roads for all users
• Improving safety and addressing risk
• Addressing safety at known blackspots

Crashes at intersections

Congested intersections

Future growth areas

increasing traffic

Poor city resilience Congestion in and

during emergencies with around two school
one river crossing precincts

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 12

Local Access Movement

2 Strategies

Priority Ongoing
Strategies Options / Actions
Actions Program

2.1 New Wimmera 2.1.1 Undertake detailed investigations into the

River crossings feasibility of a new road (including a pedestrian/
for non-Heavy cycle path bridge) over the Wimmera River at
vehicles one (or more) of the following locations:

(note that additional • connecting Drummond Street to south-west

freight route over the river future growth area
is addressed in section 6) • connecting Barnes Blvd, near Bennett Rd, to
south-west future growth area
• connecting Hamilton Street to eastern future
growth area

2.2 Install traffic 2.2.1 Natimuk Road/Drummond St/Banool St to

signals to improve access for all road users, relieve
improve congestion in the School Priority Zone West
safety and and to accommodate future traffic growth from
connectivity development areas to the north and south of
the Wimmera River. Provides safe access for
pedestrians and cyclists

2.2.2 Natimuk Road/Bennett Road to improve access

for all road users, and to accommodate traffic
growth from future growth areas south of
the Wimmera River. Provides safe access for
pedestrians and cyclists

2.2.3 McPherson Street/Hamilton Street intersection;

install traffic signals to cater for increased
traffic volumes from new residential areas (and
potential changes around the sports precinct)
and to improve safety and to provide an east-
west crossing for people walking and cycling
(cycle lantern required)

2.2.4 Dooen Rd/Baillie St E; form a closely-spaced

signalised intersection (Staggered T) with
McPherson St/Baillie St to reduce the incidence
of traffic queuing over Dooen/Baillie intersection

2.2.5 Wilson St/Darlot St; modify the roundabout in

the short term to increase vehicle mountable
area of annulus and corner radius to reduce
vehicle speeds. - refer to standard roundabout

2.2.6 Wilson St/Darlot St; investigate installation of

traffic signals in the future

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 13

Local Access Movement

Priority Ongoing
Strategies Options / Actions
Actions Program

Install traffic signals 2.2.7 Hamilton Street/Robinson Street intersection;

to improve safety and remove the four-way intersection and create a
connectivity staggered T intersection (as part of potential
redevelopment of recreation precinct)

2.2.8 Dimboola Rd/Hazel St to relieve congestion on

Baillie St by improving access from the northern
urban areas to the proposed school kiss’n’drop
zone on Remlaw Road

2.2.9 Advocate Regional Roads Victoria to provide

right turn signal from the minor roads at arterial
• May Park Tce /Dimboola Rd (Western Hwy)
• Urquhart St /Baillie St (Western Hwy)
• McPherson St/Baillie St (Western Hwy)

2.3 Improve traffic 2.3.1 Hamilton St/Darlot St; investigate alternative

flows and traffic arrangements to better suit priority traffic
safety flows

2.4 New collector 2.4.1 Residential development between Curran Rd and

roads Horsham West Primary School will add to the
existing congestion on Baillie St. As part of the
development, construct a collector road between
Remlaw Rd and Natimuk Road (connecting to
new signals) to encourage traffic to use Remlaw
and Natimuk to access the CAD

2.4.2 Consider provision of a new non-Heavy Vehicle

road link as an extension of Hamilton Street
to the developing residential area between
Cameron Road and the river (east of the river)

2.5 Reallocation of 2.5.1 Consider alternative allocation of road, parking,

road space as / cycling and footpath widths when roads are
when roads are upgraded or renewed, based on the following
upgraded typical examples. Refer examples below

2.6 Safer Schools 2.6.1 Undertake detailed ‘case study’ investigations

Precincts into the two school/educational precincts
and develop traffic calming plans to support
improved access by active transport, improved
parking arrangements, and safer conditions for
all road users

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 14

Local Access Movement

Existing Road Hierarchy

Council has an existing road hierarchy
that describes the movement status of
roads beyond the CAD.
This hierarchy is still valid until such
time as additional road linkages are


Hazel St Mill St West ke




Combined Movement and


Place Status
Mc Pherson St

This map provides an overlay of the

Urquhart St

potential place status that should
Baillie St
Baillie St
Baillie St
be considered as/when roads are
Reed St

McLachlan St
Base Hospital Rennison St
Bennett Rd

Darlot St

O’Brien Ln
Racecourse Roberts Ave Arnott St
Firebrace St

Urquhart St

Gillespie St Movement status M1

Pynsent St

Mc Pherson St

Movement status M2

Robinson St

Wilson St / Wimmera Hwy St

(none in Horsham)
Darlot St

wy Hamilton St Hamilton St
ra H E sp Movement status M3
l in
te r

Movement status M4
Dellar Cr

Movement status M5 (no colour)

l la
Rose St


Place status P1
Bennett Rd


Place status P2

Plant Ave
Place status P3
Barnes Blvd

Williams Rd
Place status P4
Duff St
Stawell Rd

Bvd Place status P5 (no colour)

Western Hwy

Hogan Ct

Citrus Ave
M cTav

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 15

Local Access Movement

Road Cross Sections Alternative Examples

The following examples are provided as an indication of how road space can be re-arranged to provide improved outcomes
for pedestrians and/or place making.
Wilson Street
Wilson Street

3.4m 2.3m 2.5m 4.7m 3.8m 4.7m 2.0m 2.3m 2m 1.8m

3.4m 2.3m
parallel 2.5m 4.7m 3.8m
painted median/ 4.7m 2.0m 2.3m
parallel 2m 1.8m
footpath parking bike lane traffic lane right turn lane traffic lane bike lane parking verge footpath
29.5m total

parallel painted median/ parallel

footpath parking bike lane traffic lane right turn lane traffic lane bike lane parking verge footpath
29.5m total



2.5m 0.9m 2m 1m 2.1m 4.3m 3.5m 4.3m 2.1m 1m McPherson Street

2m 1.3m 2.5m

2.5m 0.9m 2m safety 2.1m
1m parallel 4.3m 3.5mrefuge/
pedestrian 4.3m 2.1m safety
parallel 1m 2m 1.3m
footpath verge bike lane strip parking traffic lane right turn lane traffic lane parking strip bike lane verge footpath

29.5m total
McPherson Street McPherson Street
safety parallel pedestrian refuge/ parallel safety
footpath verge bike lane strip parking traffic lane right turn lane traffic lane parking strip bike lane verge footpath

29.5m total

1.5m 2.6m 3.6m 4.1m 3.4m 3.5m 4.4m 3m 2m 2.1m

path verge parking lane traffic lane traffic lane traffic lane traffic lane parking lane verge footpath

30.1m total
1.5m 2.6m 3.6m 4.1m 3.4m 3.5m 4.4m 3m 2m 2.1m

path verge parking lane traffic lane traffic lane traffic lane traffic lane parking lane verge footpath

30.1m total



1.5m 2.6m 2.5m 3.5m 3.4m 3.5m 3.4m 3.5m 2.5m 1.4m 2.5m

pedestrian refuge/
foot median/
path verge parking lane traffic lane traffic lane right turn lane traffic lane traffic lane parking lane verge footpath

30.1m total
1.5m 2.6m 2.5m 3.5m 3.4m 3.5m 3.4m 3.5m 2.5m 1.4m 2.5m

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies

pedestrian refuge/
foot median/
path verge parking lane traffic lane traffic lane right turn lane traffic lane traffic lane parking lane verge footpath
Local Access Movement
Roberts Street



4m 6.2m 1.9m 3.1m 3.1m 1.9m 6.2m 4m

4m 6.2m 1.9m
bike 3.1m 3.1m 1.9m
bike 6.2m 4m
footpath angle parking lane traffic lane traffic lane lane angle parking footpath

30.4m total

bike bike
footpath angle parking lane traffic lane traffic lane lane angle parking footpath

30.4m total


Typical Residential Street

Typical Residential Street

4m 2.1m 1m 1.5m 2.8m 7.6m 2.8m 1.5m 1m 2.1m 4m

4m 2.1m safety 1.5m
parallel 1m bike 2.8m 7.6m
pedestrian 2.8m 1.5m
bike safety 2.1m
1m parallel 4m
footpath parking strip lane traffic lane median traffic lane lane strip parking footpath

30.4m total
1.4m 2.9m 2.3m 3.7m 3.7m 2.3m 2m 1.6m
parallel safety bike pedestrian bike safety parallel 1.4m 2.9m 2.3m 3.7m 3.7m 2.3m 2m 1.6m
footpath parking strip lane traffic lane median traffic lane lane strip parking footpath

30.4m total
path verge parking traffic lane traffic lane parking verge footpath

Typical Residential
Residential Street
path verge parking
20m total
traffic lane traffic lane parking verge footpath

20m total


1.4m 2.9m 2.3m 3.7m 3.7m 2.3m 2m 1.6m 2.5m 1.8m 2.3m 3.7m 3.7m 2.3m 1.2m 2.5m

2.5m 1.8m 2.3m 3.7m 3.7m 2.3m 1.2m 2.5m

foot shared shared

path verge parking traffic lane traffic lane parking verge footpath path verge parking traffic lane traffic lane parking verge path
shared shared
20m total path verge
20m total verge path
parking traffic lane traffic lane parking

20m total


2.5m 1.8m 2.3m 3.7m 3.7m 2.3m 1.2m 2.5m 2.5m 1.8m 1.5m 3m 3m 1.5m 1m 2.1m 1.2m 2.5m

2.5m 1.8m 1.5m 3m 3m 1.5m 1m 2.1m 1.2m 2.5m

shared shared shared bike bike safety shared

path verge parking traffic lane parking verge path path verge lane traffic lane traffic lane lane strip parking verge path
traffic lane
shared shared
20m total path verge
bike 20m total bike safety
verge path
lane traffic lane traffic lane lane strip parking

20m total

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 17
Theme 3
Public Transport
(Inner Horsham)
The section provides directions for: What we plan for:
• Increase bus patronage • Public transport provides a real alternative
• The bus network and timetabling to travel in and around Horsham
• Waiting areas and facilities • To maximise the use of the existing
and extensive bus routes
• Awareness of disruptive technology
• To capitalise on the advances of disruptive
and innovative transport technologies

Current timetabling does

not support commuters

Lack of shelter at urban

bus stops

Accessibility of bus stops

for people with mobility

Fare structures not easily

interpreted on-line

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 18

Public Transport (Inner Horsham)

3 Strategies

Priority Ongoing
Strategies Options / Actions
Actions Program
3.1 Expand public 3.1.1 Advocate that Public Transport Victoria start bus
transport services to provide for the morning commute
network and (A review of public transport services has recently been
timetable undertaken and over 30 new bus stops and more frequent
services will be introduced, commencing January 2020)

3.2 Bus network to 3.2.1 Advocate that Public Transport Victoria increase
grow with the bus service frequency to 30 minutes during
growing urban commuter and school times
3.2.2 Advocate that Public Transport Victoria expand
the bus service network as new residential areas
are populated

3.3 Improve the 3.3.1 Develop a program to progressively provide

public transport disability compliant bus stops with bus shelters.
user experience
3.3.2 Advocate for Public Transport Victoria to install
real-time arrival information at major bus stops

3.3.3 Lobby State Government to expand the VicFree

WiFi roll out to include Horsham public buses and
Horsham Coach Terminal

3.3.4 Advocate that Public Transport Victoria improve

the website ticketing information

3.4 Review bus 3.4.1 The bus network is currently designed to remove
routes once the need for buses to turn right at unsignalized
intersections intersections. New signals may enable a more
are upgraded direct route for buses

3.5 Disruptive 3.5.1 Monitor the evolving use of app based

Technology technology, particularly for taxi, share car and
hire car platforms and modify the on-street
parking restrictions to cater for the potential
increase in passenger loading or share car permit
zones in the CAD

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 19

Theme 4
The section provides directions for: What we plan for:
• Managing parking supply with any changes • Car parking provides convenient access to essential
in the availability of on street parking services
• Managing parking occupancy • The amount of parking throughout Horsham is
• Addressing impact of parking on street amenity appropriate for the demands for short and long-
term parking demands
• Balancing parking needs with
street activation needs • Parking is managed to support active transport
• Awareness of disruptive technology
• Parking is not the dominant feature of the
• To capitalise on the advances of disruptive and
innovative transport technologies

Council has an endorsed Municipal Parking

Strategy (December 2017) that provides a
sound foundation for the ongoing management
of car parking within the Horsham centre. The
document is consistent with the directions within
the Horsham Urban Transport Plan and has not
been recast in any great detail.

Changes in technology
The advancement
Resident perception of a of autonomous
shortage of convenient motor vehicles may Inadequate Loading
parking for commuters have a significant Zones
and visitors long term impact on
parking demand and

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 20


Accessibility for mobility impaired

Numerous and varied

parking restrictions

Parking detracts from the look of the


Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 21


4 Strategies

Priority Ongoing
Strategies Options / Actions
Actions Program

4.1 Implementation 4.1.1 Continue to manage car parking in accordance

of Parking with Council’s endorsed parking strategy
4.2 Rearrangement 4.2.1 Examine the impact of parking changes (loss in
of parking in spaces) as part of street improvement activities
key streets to 4.2.2 Ensure that any loss of parking is appropriately
increase place managed with availability elsewhere in the
activation, network
and improved
pedestrian and
cycling facilities
4.3 Smart parking 4.3.1 Investigate the implementation of a Smart
system to Parking system that utilises on-street sensors
improve the to detect parked vehicles, feeding information
visitor and to an app-based system to guide users to the
commuter cheapest available parking spaces
parking 4.3.2 Utilise data from the Smart Parking system or
experience traditional parking surveys to routinely monitor
parking use with a view to informing streetscape
upgrades, minimising the impact of parking loss
in areas of high parking demand
4.3.3 Utilise data from the Smart Parking system or
traditional parking surveys to routinely adjust
parking charges relative to parking demand;
higher pricing for the most convenient locations,
lower pricing for less convenient
4.3.4 Utilise data from the Smart Parking system or
traditional parking surveys to rationalise parking
restrictions and to reflect driver behaviour
4.3.5 Reduce the parking demand in the CAD by
implementing improved bus services and cycling
infrastructure, prior to streetscape upgrades

4.4 Parking 4.4.1 As part of street upgrading for additional

arrangements activation and subject to parking demand,
consider converting angle parking to parallel
parking to prevent conflicts between reversing
(unparking) vehicle manoeuvres and other
vehicles and pedestrians in select streets

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 22


Priority Ongoing
Strategies Options / Actions
Actions Program
Parking arrangements 4.4.2 Investigate provision of additional (long vehicle)
spaces in the CAD for caravans, mobile homes, etc
4.4.3 Review standard width of car spaces to
accommodate longer (4WD vehicles)

4.5 Accessible 4.5.1 Conduct an audit of on-street accessible parking

parking spaces to assess their compliance with the
Australian Standards including the provision of
kerb ramps and parking space dimensions
4.5.2 Work with mobility, aged and other stakeholder
groups to identify locations for additional
accessible parking spaces

4.6 Hospital 4.6.1 Discuss with the medical providers the

precinct parking opportunities to increase on-site parking for
4.6.2 Investigate opportunities to provide additional
off street parking in the vicinity of the hospital
4.6.3 Reduce parking demand by providing Journey
to Work planning for medical staff, taking into
account varying and overlapping shift patterns
4.6.4 Review timed limits (on-street) around the
hospital to provide balance of staff and visitor
parking needs
4.6.5 Improve amenity for walking around the hospital
including provision of seating and shade (refer
section 1.5.3)

4.7 Reduce school 4.7.1 Subject to the school safety review (see 2.6)
congestion provide a Kiss’n’drop zone on Remlaw Road to
alleviate congestion on Baillie St (W)
4.7.2 Subject to the school safety review (see 2.6)
provide a Kiss’n’drop zone off Trinity Dr to deter
parking adjacent to the Helipad
4.7.3 Prevent east to west traffic using Baillie
St, south of May Park, to encourage traffic
originating in the east to use Dimboola Rd/High
St Nth/Remlaw Rd to access the Remlaw Rd
Kiss’n’drop zone

4.8 Electric vehicle 4.8.1 Investigate the potential for an EV charging

hub station in May Park with ‘human recharge’
4.8.2 Promote Horsham as the rest stop and EV
charging hub for the Melbourne-Adelaide route

4.9 Changes in 4.9.1 Continue to monitor advancements in

technology automotive technology and ensure future
parking arrangements can adapt with change

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 23

Theme 5
The section provides directions for: What we plan for:
• To create a culture of cycling, increasing the number • Cycling is a safe and convenient form of transport
of people cycling to work, school and for fun for all trips
• A connected cycling network • People of all levels of cycling experience and ability
• Low-stress cycling environment are safe
• Targeted cycling infrastructure upgrades • A more active and vibrant CBD
• Reduce cost of living pressures • More active transport
• A well connected on and off-road network linking
key destinations

Narrow bicycle lanes

A fragmented bicycle
network not supporting a
safe and efficient journey
to school or work

Disappearing bicycle
lanes at intersections

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 24


Obstacles on paths

Poor quality surfaces

A lack of cycling
infrastructure near

Lack of safe and secure areas to park

bicycles at offices, shopping centres and

Faded road markings

Busy roads form barriers

with few safe places to

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 25


5 Strategies

Priority Ongoing
Strategies Options / Actions
Actions Program

Council has an endorsed Bicycle and Shared Path Plan (2012)

that provides a basis for the ongoing development of cycling
infrastructure and programs within Horsham.
Council recognises the good work of its community based Bicycle
Advisory Committee which has helped to refine and enhance the
cycling network in Horsham.
There is also a Grampians RDV Reginal Cycling master plan that has
relevance to Horsham.

5.1 Create a 5.1.1 Undertake mapping of the existing bicycle path

Bicycle Corridor network to clearly identify missing links in the
Network network.
throughout the
5.1.2 Undertake a specific review of the Horsham
urban areas
Cycling strategy with consideration to the
options and ideas listed below

5.1.3 Review existing funding commitment to the

implementation of the cycling strategy to enable
more works to be undertaken

5.2 Create a 5.2.1 Modify the existing roundabouts to slow vehicle

safe, lower speeds (refer Section 2)
stress cycling
5.2.2 Widen footpaths and/or medians to narrow the
streetscape to reduce vehicle speeds
within the CAD
5.2.3 Install bicycle merge zones in advance of the
roundabouts (refer 1.7)

5.2.4 Provide safety zones between on-street parking

and bicycle lanes to prevent car-dooring conflicts

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 26


Priority Ongoing
Strategies Options / Actions
Actions Program

Create a safe, 5.2.5 Convert angle loading zones to parallel loading

lower stress cycling zones to prevent larger commercial vehicles
environment within the overhanging the bicycle lanes
5.2.6 Use continuity markings to continue on-road bike
lanes across side roads with coloured surfacing

5.2.7 Prioritise Cycling upgrades in the School Zones.

Create a network of Shared Path Bicycle
Corridors throughout the school priority zones

5.3 5.3.1 Develop Shared Path Bicycle Corridors to consist

of new shared paths located within the existing
footpath and verge areas:
• East Zone (Nth)– Sunnyside Av, Olga Av,
Culliver St, Lawrence St, Knowles St, Pryors
Rd and Charles/Cathcart St connecting to Holy
Trinity Lutheran College, Horsham Primary
and Wimmera River path
• East Zone (Sth) – Robinson St, Arnott St and
Rennison St connecting River Path and St
Brigid’s College
• West Zone - Bennett Rd (Horsham
Racecourse), Banool Street (future growth
area), Hillary Street, connecting Baillie Street,
Horsham West Primary School, Federation Uni.
and Horsham College

5.3.2 Shared Path Bicycle Corridors are to provide

priority for cyclists across intersecting side roads
with crossing facilities at major intersections

5.4 5.4.1 Work with Regional Roads Victoria to finalise the

best alignments for Strategic Cycling Corridors

5.4.2 Implement key east-west and north-south

corridors once preferred routes are established)

5.4.3 Upgrade signalised intersections to provide

bicycle lanterns to continue shared paths across
major roads

5.4.4 Provide crossing facilities at all collector and

arterial road intersections

5.4.5 Provide a new river crossing for shared path

users at Hamilton Street, to support the ongoing
urban growth areas

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 27


Priority Ongoing
Strategies Options / Actions
Actions Program

5.4.6 Develop and install a suite of wayfinding

measures to provide consistent directional
signing and road markings, to guide cyclists
along key routes, with distance and travel time
information to major destinations

5.4.7 Secure and convenient bicycle parking facilities

at key locations including schools, shopping
centres and key public places. Consider installing
bicycle parking nodes on street by removing
underused parking spaces

5.4.8 End of trip facilities including changing rooms

and showers to be included in new commercial,
office or industrial land developments

5.4.9 Install Bicycle Service Nodes at intersecting

Bicycle Corridors that include tyre pumps,
tethered/secured tools and water fountains

5.5 Future Growth 5.5.1 Provide dedicated shared path connections from
Areas to be within Future Growth Areas direct to schools and
sustainable the river crossings, not using the road corridor
5.5.2 Future Growth Areas to have continuous shared
paths permeating through new developments

5.5.3 If ‘no through roads’ or cul-de-sacs form part of

the local road network, provide permeability for
walking and cycling with shared paths linking
the vehicle turn-around areas

5.5.4 Shared paths to be sealed with no undulations

when traversing domestic driveways

5.5.5 Provide crossing facilities at all shared path and

road intersections

5.5.6 Shared paths crossings of side roads to give

priority to pedestrians and cyclists over motor

5.6 Create links to 5.6.1 Connect shared path on south bank of Wimmera
tourism and River to the future Horsham to Natimuk Regional
recreational Cycling Trail
5.6.2 Connect Strategic Cycling Corridor to the future
Horsham to Green Lake Regional Cycling Trail

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 28


Priority Ongoing
Strategies Options / Actions
Actions Program

5.7 Create links to 5.7.1 Upgrade Dudley W Cornell Park path to a shared
tourism and path providing an east-west link from the future
recreational Strategic Cycling Corridor to Albert St shared
trails path or include a Shared Path Corridor as part of
Children’s/Community Hub development

5.8 Education and 5.8.1 Work with Road Safety Education Victoria to
Promotion expand the Kids on the Move to all schools in

5.8.2 Following completion of improved routes

promote their use via social media, maps, fun
days and cycling artistic trails

5.8.3 Develop infographics and other material to

communicate the health and costs benefits of

5.8.4 Work with employers to encourage their staff to

cycle to work

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 29

Theme 6
Regional Links
The section provides directions for: What we plan for:
• Minimising the impacts of freight on the Horsham • Trucks which don’t originate or terminate in the
CAD and urban areas CBD to be removed from the CBD and river precinct
• Horsham as the Melbourne-Adelaide stopover • A road network linking highways to economic
• Passenger rail into Horsham activities
• Air travel to/from Horsham • Consideration of alternative truck routes to reduce
truck traffic through the CAD
• Reintroduction of regular passenger rail services to
• Introduction of air travel services to Horsham

Overarching Issues

Degradation of the
Horsham environment
caused by heavy
vehicles, including noise,
fumes and vibration

Poor regional public

transport links, with
coach to rail changes

Safety concerns with

the transportation of
hazardous materials
through the CAD

Safety concerns with

interaction between
heavy vehicles and other

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 30

Regional Links

Freight Link / Bypass Issues

• Managing the diversity of freight movements
• The extremely high cost of the “Bypass”, as
in around and through Horsham.
previously mooted, and the length of time it may take
before it is built, creates considerable uncertainty • An Alternative Truck Route will be
for Council and the community in managing the investigated in detail as a priority.
road network within Horsham, and in particular
the freight movements through the CAD

A significant issue for transport in

Horsham, is provision of alternative
routes for trucks that don’t need to go
into or through the CBD area. Such a route
will be important, for removal of through
truck traffic along Western Highway,
Wimmera Highway and Henty Highway.

One such route is a possible south/western link

through Horsham’s Industrial area in the Golf Course
Rd precinct. Council will be collaborating with RRV
in the consideration of alternative truck routes. This
consideration of alternate routs will include at least
the following issues:
• Efficient freight movements
• The possibility of a dual-purpose link, i.e. freight
The existing gazetted freight routes all links and residential connections (north/south of
pass through town (the green lines are the river)
gazetted B-Double routes) • Environmental issues, including flooding
• The significant cultural heritage site – Wopet
Council should consider better Bungundilar near Pearsons Rd
management of the existing routes in the • The impact of freight movements on residential
amenity, e.g. adjacent to Curran Rd
short term
• Cost.

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 31

Regional Links

6 Strategies

Priority Ongoing
Strategies Options / Actions
Actions Program
6.1 Manage the 6.1.1 Collaborate with Regional Roads Victoria and
existing heavy other stakeholder groups, including Barenji
vehicle route Gadjin Land Council, to identify alternative truck
network until routes to divert freight traffic from Horsham’s
an alternative CAD
truck route is
6.1.2 Signpost the existing B-double route of Golf
Course Rd, Horsham-Noradjuha Rd, Natimuk
Rd, Curran Rd, Geodetic Rd, Gatehouse Rd,
Henty Highway as a short term alternative for a
preferred route for Heavy vehicles

6.1.3 Collaborate with Regional Roads Victoria

to implement the upgrade of the Horsham
Noradjuha Road as identified in the Wimmera
Southern Mallee Regional Transport Strategy,
with priority given to the length between the
Wimmera Hwy and Three Bridges Rd, including
provision for Heavy Vehicle turning at these

6.1.4 Consider repeating Origin Destination surveys to

coincide with peak grain season

6.1.5 Undertake detailed investigations, in

collaboration with Regional Roads Victoria, to
enable accessibility between Geodetic Road and
Curran Road over the rail crossing and Western

6.1.6 Upgrade Natimuk Road-Wilson Street and

McPherson Street road links with medians and
improved pedestrian/cycling connections in
collaboration with Regional Roads Victoria (refer
section 2)

6.1.7 Collaborate with Regional Roads Victoria in

developing and implementing the concept
design of the new roundabout at Western Hwy/
Golf Course Rd/Plumpton Rd/Hamilton Rd (refer

6.1.8 Investigate the potential expansion of EV

charging with new universal charging stations

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 32

Regional Links

Priority Ongoing
Strategies Options / Actions
Actions Program
6.2 Promote 6.2.1 Upgrade the May Park Rest Area as identified
Horsham as by the Wimmera Southern Mallee Regional
the Melbourne Transport Strategy including the reconfiguration
to Adelaide of Baillie St and realising economic opportunities
stopover for providing refreshments

6.2.2 Provide improved passenger facilities bus

layover area for interstate bus services

6.3 Reintroduce 6.3.1 Advocate the State Government to pursue

passenger rail the introduction of passenger shuttle rail
into Horsham services between Horsham Stawell and Ararat
as identified in the Wimmera Southern Mallee
Regional Transport Strategy

6.3.2 Advocate the State Government to introduce

more regular connections with Ararat rail
services, particularly on weekends to improve
linkages with Melbourne

6.4 Review freight 6.4.1 Investigate feasibility of realigning the freight

rail network rail line between Dooen and the Western
Highway to remove freight rail from the
residential precincts

6.5 Promote regular 6.5.1 Advocate the State Government to introduce

passenger passenger services at the re-developed Horsham
air services Aerodrome in conjunction with the Airport
at Horsham Master Plan (currently under development)
6.6 Improved 6.6.1 Upgrade the Horsham Coach Terminal in the
regional bus short term including free wifi, air-conditioned
services waiting rooms, DDA toilet, refreshment facilities
and parking facilities

6.6.2 Investigate alternative sites for a comprehensive

upgrade to coach terminal facilities in the longer

Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Strategies 33




11 JUNE 2019


TRANSFORMING HORSHAM������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
HORSHAM URBAN TRANSPORT PLAN���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
ENGAGEMENT PARTICIPATION�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5

SURVEY FEEDBACK������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6
RESPONDENT PROFILE���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
LEVEL OF PROBLEMS�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
PRIORITIES����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
SUGGESTIONS��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24

WORKSHOP FEEDBACK������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40
WORKSHOP AGENDA OVERVIEW������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40
KEY ISSUES AND IDEAS FOR THE URBAN TRANSPORT PLAN������������������������������������������������������������������ 41
KEY PRIORITY ACTIONS�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45

Engagement activities documented in this report are part of the Horsham Urban Transport Plan
project, delivered in partnership by Intermethod and Tonkin.
This report was prepared by Intermethod.

e: natalya.boujenko@intermethod.com.au
m: 0413 570 229



Transforming Horsham is Council’s vision for As part of the Transforming Horsham program,
growing the city’s economy, vibrancy and Horsham Rural City Council is developing the
liveability. There are four inter-related strategic Horsham Urban Transport Plan which will set
projects that have been commenced each with directions and priorities for developing our
a common vision – to transform Horsham. transport system in a way that supports the
goals of our community, our economy and
The projects are: environment.

oduction & • Horsham Urban Transport Plan

• Open Space Strategy
Council has identified six key objectives that are
driving the project, being:
kground • Horsham South Structure Plan
• Wimmera River and Central
• a more active and vibrant city centre and
river precinct
• Activity District Visioning • trucks which don’t originate or terminate in
the city centre to be removed from the city
rming centre and river precinct
m Transport • more active transport
brighter • more river crossings
our • linking highways to economic activities
• preference for the use of existing road
sham is Council’s
Horsham reserves for future development of the local
the city’s
y and liveability.
South and arterial roads.
River and Structure
er-related strategic
Central Plan
been commenced
Activation Development of the Urban Transport Plan and
on vision – to
Strategy investigations commenced in February 2019 and
will be completed by December 2019.
n Transport Plan
rategy The project is led by the Council’s Engineering
h Structure Plan
Open Space Services and is a collaborative effort between
r and Central Strategy all Council departments and consultancy firms
t Visioning
Tonkin and Intermethod.


sport Plan The Plan will: The investigations are largely
centred on the road network and
nsforming • consider people movement
transport movements within

ENGAGEMENT survey was available on Council’s website

from 2 March and until 30 April 2019. It was
ACTIVITIES FOR THE also advertised via Council’s Facebook page.
• Short survey - two-page extract from the
HORSHAM URBAN comprehensive survey was developed for
use in face-to-face interviews at Wimmera
TRANSPORT PLAN Field Days. Council’s staff facilitated
interviews with attendees of the Field Days
To support development of the Horsham Urban and completed these surveys with the
Transport Plan, the following engagement participants. The short survey mirrored the
activities have been developed and delivered: first two pages of the comprehensive survey,
therefore feedback from these two surveys
• Engagement surveys
was combined.
• Issues and opportunities community
• Engagement with Elected Members ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES
• Engagement with Project Control Group COMMUNITY WORKSHOPS
Two 2 hour workshops were conducted on 29
April 2019, at 2 pm and at 6 pm, offering a choice
of a daytime or an evening session. The scope
ENGAGEMENT SURVEYS and approach to both of these workshops was
Three versions of the surveys were developed: the same.
• Comprehensive surveys - four-page hard
copy/pdf survey was available for download These workshops focussed on identifying
from the Council’s website and in hard copies key issues with Horsham’s streets and roads,
from Council’s reception. mobility and accessibility; and on establishing
opportunities and future directions.
• Electronic version of the ‘comprehensive’

Workshop Facebook advertisement




Elected Members were regularly briefed during A dedicated Project Control Group (PCG) guided
the course of the project via: Urban Transport Plan’s development. Council
• E-mail updates and Consultant project team held a series of
formal meetings with the PCG, in addition to
• Teleconference call with the Consultant Team
informal communications and updates. Through
• Dedicated meetings aligned with key project PCG, development of the Horsham Transport
milestones. Plan was integrated with other projects and
initiatives within Transforming Horsham
strategic program. PCG also ensured ownership
of the Horsham Transport Plan within Council
and provided inputs and reviews of technical
material through all steps of UTP’s development
and engagement.



completed a

people aparticipated in workshops
engagement activities

people attended stakeholder
workshops (Project Control
Group or Elected Members)



Percentage 1%
Gender Number of specified
Female 70 50%
Male 69 49% 50%
Neutral 1 1%
Not specified 27 - Female
Total 167

Under 18 1%
Age group Number of specified
responses 18-25 3%
Under 18 1 1%
26-35 15%
18-25 4 3%
26-35 22 15% 36-45 23%
36-45 34 23% 46-55 17%
46-55 25 17% 56-65 24%
56-65 36 24%
Over 65 18%
Over 65 27 18%
Not specified 18 -
Total 167

It is common for survey respondents not to answer personal questions in relation to age and
gender. In this survey, 17% of the respondents did not specify their gender. Of those who did, the
gender profile was balanced between males and females.
11% did not specify their age group. Of those who did, all age groups were represented. However,
young people aged 25 and under, were least represented, accounting for 4% of all the respondents.



Postcode Number of specified
3300 1 1%
3388 1 1%
3393 1 1%
3400 108 74%
3401 25 17%
3402 1 1%
3409 3 2%
3414 3 2%
3418 1 1%
3441 1 1%
3950 1 1%
Not specified 21
Total 167


Place of residence Number of specified
Dimboola 3 2%
Haven 8 5%
Horsham and
118 81%
Kalkee 2 1%
Laharum 1 1%
McKenzie Creek 1 1%
Natimuk and district 3 2%
Nhill 1 1%
Nurrabiel 1 1%
Quantong 1 1%
River Heights 1 1%
Rupanyup 1 1%
Vectis 1 1%
Wail 2 1%
Warracknabeal 1 1%
Wartook 1 1%
81% of the respondents lived
Not specified 21 -
in Horsham and district.
Total 167



The first survey question asked respondents:
‘Indicate the level of problem associated with the following in Horsham’.
16 themes were listed, as per the response table below. The possible tick box responses were:
• Don’t know
• Not a problem
• Minor problem
• Major problem
Also, between 4 and 7 respondents (per theme) did not provide a response (first column in teh table).
The table below provides the complete response statistics. Percentages exclude responses ‘don’t
know’ and if the question was left blank.

Percentage of respondents
Number of respondents for who selected one of the
each possible ‘level of problem’ rating three level of problem
# Themes ratings
Don’t Not a Minor Major % not a % minor % major
know problem problem problem problem problem problem
Car movement and road
(a) 7 3 44 75 38 28% 48% 24%
network connectivity
Freight movement and
(b) 6 19 22 46 74 15% 32% 52%
freight network connectivity
Frequency and extent of
(c) 5 31 21 39 71 16% 30% 54%
public transport services
(d) Cycling facilities 5 21 49 49 43 35% 35% 30%
Pedestrian facilities
(e) 4 2 59 63 39 37% 39% 24%
(footpaths and crossings)
Accessibility for mobility
(f) 5 43 26 59 34 22% 50% 29%
(g) Cycling parking 5 38 38 53 33 31% 43% 27%

(h) Bus stop facilities 5 45 55 45 17 47% 38% 15%

(i) Car parking for workers 5 18 25 46 73 17% 32% 51%

(j) Car parking for visitors 4 8 36 58 61 23% 37% 39%

(k) Loading bays 5 62 49 33 18 49% 33% 18%

(l) Street lighting 5 17 75 48 22 52% 33% 15%

Look (amenity) of the
(m) 7 1 63 68 28 40% 43% 18%
Street trees and
(n) 4 1 68 54 40 42% 33% 25%
(o) Public spaces 5 5 61 65 31 39% 41% 20%
Maintenance of streets and
(p) 5 3 28 74 57 18% 47% 36%
road/footpath surfaces



Level of problem determination for all respondents who did not skip the question or answered ‘don’t
know’, in descending order for ‘major problem’ rating

Freight movement and freight network connectivity 15% 32% 52%

Frequency and extent of public transport services 16% 30% 54%

Car parking for workers 17% 32% 51%

Maintenance of streets and road/footpath surfaces 18% 47% 36%

Accessibility for mobility impaired 22% 50% 29%

Car parking for visitors 23% 37% 39%

Car movement and road network connectivity 28% 48% 24%

Cycling parking 31% 43% 27%

Cycling facilities 35% 35% 30%

Pedestrian facilities (footpaths and crossings) 37% 39% 24%

Public spaces 39% 41% 20%

Look (amenity) of the streets 40% 43% 18%

Street trees and landscaping 42% 33% 25%

Bus stop facilities 47% 38% 15%

Loading bays 49% 33% 18%

Street lighting 52% 33% 15%

% not a problem % minor problem % major problem

The smallest proportion of respondents found ‘street lighting’ to be a problem (52% of all
respondents who indicated a level of problem), followed by ‘loading bays’ (49%) and ‘bus stop
facilities’ (47%).
The largest proportion of respondents found ‘frequency and extent of public transport services’ to
be a major problem (54%).
The largest proportion of respondents had issues (i.e. combined minor and major problem ratings)
• ‘Freight movement and freight network connectivity’ (85% of all respondents who indicated a
level of problem)
• ‘Frequency and extent of public transport services’ (84%)
• ‘Car parking for workers’ (83%)
• ‘Maintenance of streets and road/footpath surfaces’ (82%)
Themes with the smallest numbers of people rating the level of problem were ‘loading bays’ (100
respondents), ‘bus stop facilities’ (117) and ‘accessibility for mobility impaired’ (119).




As an open-ended question following the level of problems questions, respondents were asked:
‘Please list any further strategic transport issues or problems you are aware of.’

These open-ended priorities were grouped into categories and are included in full (‘verbatim’) in this
section. Total of 101 comments were put forward by 82 respondents. In this and other sections, all open-
ended questions are grouped by topics and only minor corrections to spelling and punctuation were

Number of comments within each topic/group

New road links and/or river crossings and/or bypass 24

Traffic movement 14
Regional public transport 13
Car parking and loading 11
Cycling 8
Freight movement 8
Local public transport 8
Road maintenance and upgrade 6
Walking and accessibility 6
Cultural heritage 1
Industrial area development 1
Street design and destinations 1



CAR PARKING AND LOADING Roundabouts for cars - dangerous to cyclists.

No separation of cyclists and cars or when
• Better parking for workers within the CBD. there are bike tracks they stop and are not
• Car parking for visitors at the Hospital. connected. Almost impossible for people who
are older or unstable on their feet to cross
• Getting a park in the city main street can be a
the streets in Horsham. The wide streets
must have traffic calming measures installed
• I’m opposed to parking metres in the CAD. and crossing points at regular intervals - not
They should be abolished. just one or two placed midway in a block.
• More parking in town centre for employees. That won’t help the elderly to cross the
• Not enough access to taxis picking up street. An obvious example is trying to cross
wheelchairs. Car parking for visitors at Wilson St to get to the Town hall, or trying to
hospital an issue. cross Pynsent St to the Town hall. The bike
arrangements at the new roundabout are
• Parking problems.
awful and the green marking is a disgrace.
• Parking spaces are a problem and parking Incredibly dangerous and hopefully ignored
meters are too expensive. by cyclists. Until we recognise that cars are
• Poor parking for caravans and trailers. killing the town and contributing to obesity
• Right angled parking on some streets and and isolation we won’t make the changes we
in carparks is difficult to negotiate especially require and the centre of the city will continue
for the larger vehicles many people seem to to be busy with cars - but empty of people.
drive now. They are also too narrow to open • Roads within town are destroyed by the
door without hitting the car next to you. heavy freight traffic, public transport by bus
• There is no parking in supermarkets or near in town is unheard of (we could do more
toilets for caravan parking etc. Existing to promote it and have commuters using
parking is not easy to find and limited. it - freeing up parking and streets, rather
than just people without cars) and Horsham
CULTURAL HERITAGE people are not interested in sharing the roads
with people on bikes.
• Respect Aboriginal cultural heritage. Send • There is no clear cycle path from South of the
anyone who won’t to some awareness raising River to Horsham Primary School and Holy
training. Trinity Lutheran School.
• Walking/cycling bridge to waterlinks bridge
CYCLING at Baillie St to waterlinks.

• Connectivity to schools via safe walk or ride FREIGHT MOVEMENT

options. Certain areas of town lack complete
footpaths or crossovers at key points. People • All the trucks coming from the Wimmera
will take the direct route, not the one you Highway into Wilson St.
make them take.
• Large vehicles in congested/small areas eg.
• Cycling parking at the Hospital. Wilson St and Firebrace St.
• Facilities for cyclists to park and ride safely • Major through transport routes mix with
through the town. local traffic. Through traffic from many
• Make Horsham a cycle and pedestrian different directions has to go through
friendly town and that will improve Horsham. Established areas/buildings make
community health while fixing car parking alternatives difficult.
and traffic concerns. Need to have high • Noise, the amount of heavy vehicles that run
quality (separated) cycle paths to get high through the CBD.
adoption. Horsham is a great place for this.
• Roads within town are destroyed by the
• Priority given to cars all over the town.



heavy freight traffic, public transport by bus • Trains.....not buses...not suitable for elderly
in town is unheard of (we could do more disabled. People not using buses for reasons
to promote it and have commuters using stated. Can’t manage solo trips on bus.
it - freeing up parking and streets, rather
than just people without cars) and Horsham NEW ROAD LINKS AND/OR RIVER
people are not interested in sharing the roads CROSSINGS AND/OR BYPASS
with people on bikes.
• Trucks in McPherson/Baillie St. • Alternative truck route (bypass). Second
• Trucks travelling through the centre of the river crossing. Strategic industrial area
city without need. development in association to the truck
• With the development of industry and the
increase of population, the amount of cargo • Better heavy transport possible bypass
transportation will gradually increase in the option. Definitely need a 2nd bridge off
future. Natimuk Road end of town over to Golf
Coruse Road.
INDUSTRIAL AREA DEVELOPMENT • Bottle neck at the bridge, Darlot Street and
Natimuk Road intersection needs looking
• Alternative truck route (bypass). Second at. Too many trucks in town, need a ring
river crossing. Strategic industrial area road and at least 1 and preferably 2, river
development in association to the truck crossings.
route. • Bridge over river below weir.
• Bypass around Horsham.
• Bypass should go to Dooen and help heavy
transport out of Horsham.
• Bus routes need review to cater for Aldi, GCH
and headspace. • Bypass?
• Buses do not have effective timetabling to • Factor in the improvement that will come
suburbs like Haven & River side etc. when the bypass comes. In other words
we currently have a lot of non-local traffic
• Hospital - community bus. No bus stop at
but when the bypass comes things like
Kmart needs to be looked at.
the Williams Rd/Bridge congestion will be
• More frequent bus services. If public dramatically reduced.
transport routes and times were better I
• Horsham needs a bypass that can
would accompany my children on the bus to
accommodate removing truck traffic from
school and use the bus to get to work, thus
McPherson Street and Wilson Street. I will
eliminating the requirement for parking for
nominate my thoughts to HRCC.
my vehicle at work.
• Horsham needs another vehicle bridge
• PTV visited Horsham in October 2017 to
crossing over the river within city limits
review the bus timetable and stops. What
besides Stawell Road so traffic congestion is
was the outcome of this as no further actions
reduced at the Stawell Road/Williams Road
seem to have occurred.
intersection. A bypass around Horsham is
• Public bus to and from neighbouring suburbs. not going to solve this issue as most traffic is
• Roads within town are destroyed by the local and wants to travel to the CBD. Maybe
heavy freight traffic, public transport by bus a road bridge over the river at Bennett Road
in town is unheard of (we could do more with complementary pedestrian and cycle
to promote it and have commuters using facilities on it that links up to Southbank and
it - freeing up parking and streets, rather Haven. A Bennett Road bridge is not too
than just people without cars) and Horsham far out of the way for Horsham traffic, and
people are not interested in sharing the roads opens up access to schools (especially the
with people on bikes. secondary school), and an alternate access



to the CBD. Freight also needs streamlining out side the current urban sprawl, but
from the south (especially Golf Course Road incorporates the industrial area on Golf
industrial estate) to access Western Highway Course Road. This needs to be done before
South (the highway intersection is terrible future development, especially to the
for trucks - and cars waiting behind them!), west of Horsham. This in turn involves the
and also for freight wanting to travel to the development of a second river crossing
Dooen Freight Terminal that have to travel downstream of the weir.
through Horsham to access Dooen. A bypass • TRUCKS - please build a truck bypass. I’m
to the east of Horsham with appropriate sure the truckies would be happy if they could
access ramps for traffic heading south- do 80 kms/hr and not stop at multiple traffic
east on the current Western Highway from lights and make a sharp turn in the middle of
Horsham to travel up to Dooen would benefit a town where they don’t stop in anyway.
this. Otherwise all trucks from Horsham
• We need a ring road
South would have to continue to travel
through Horsham or use the residential • Western Highway bypass.
Williams Road.
• I would like to see Horsham have a ring road
to channel traffic around the town.
• Access to and from surrounding towns
• Internal vehicle crossing of the Wimmera and farms in regards to public transport.
River, second pedestrian crossing of the river Also limited public transport in regards to
to the east of the Stawell Road bridges. connecting cities.
• Make a decision on the bypass and stop • Better connections to the train in Ararat and
pandering in specific individuals. The location Ballarat.
is going to annoy whom ever is affected, so
• First thing that is needed is a public meeting
get over it and put the matter to bed. Option
of all residence about our train. I would like to
2A is clearly the best. Also, if anyone says the
attend a meeting about this.
the bypass needs to be closer to Horsham
for economic reasons, have them document • Horsham desperately needs a rail service to
those reasons and investigate their validity. Melbourne.
A bypass route clearly must bypass the town. • Lack of passenger rail connection to
There will be access points to exit/enter the Melbourne.
town regardless of where it go. • Lack of regular train service impedes ability
• More options to travel through town. of residents to access major cities easily, in
• Only one vehicle access over the river in the particular when needing to attend medical
urban area of Horsham. appointments.
• Push for bypass of Horsham to the north east • No regular rail network services from
asap. Horsham to Melbourne and return (i.e.
V-Line services).
• Second river crossing western edge/
side of city providing connection of • No train service from Horsham to Melbourne
Western Highway, Wimmera Highway, or anywhere else.
Henty Highway enabling truck/transport • Public transport access to Ballarat, Mildura
alternative route to industrial areas and and Hamilton.
bypass of City centre. • Public transport service - train service.
• Second traffic bridge over the Wimmera • Trains.....not buses...not suitable for elderly
River that is not in a flood plain area. disabled. People not using buses for reasons
• The bypass of Horsham. stated. Can’t manage solo trips on bus.
• The bypass. • We need a regular passenger train service.
• There needs to be a ring road that connects • We need train line to Melbourne to be
the Western, Wimmera, and Henty Highways reinstated.




• Morning gridlock intersection of Williams
• Amount of freight traffic (large trucks Road/Duff Street with Stawell Road
etc) travelling through town and lack of (Western Highway).
maintenance on rural roads and those within • Natimuk Road is congested and an issue.
Horsham township.
• Need traffic lights at Bennet Rd and Natimuk
• Fix the dips in the roads caused by tree routes Rd intersection.
- Natimuk are and Banool St for example.
• New turbo intersection has created another
It’s wrecking cars and it’s caused by council
issue at the Williams Road lights. Now all
planning, not the residents.
Melbourne bound traffic block the left lane
• River Road south of Trento Avenue: River turn into Williams Road.
Road has become quite a busy road used by
• Roundabouts in CBD.
visitors to the Church of Christ and trades
people accessing to and from Plumpton • School rush management. Very busy for a
Road. These vehicles turn from the Stawell short time. It would be better to design out
Road traffic lights at Duff Street then head 40kmh zones on federal highways passing
south down River Road. Conversely traffic schools, this just leads to congestion.
from the church and Plumpton Road travels • School zones.
north to Duff Street to use the lights at • Sunnyside area between 8.15 and 9 am and
Stawell Road. The current situation consists 3.15 - 3.45pm. Traffic lights intersection of
of a narrow single bitumen road with an open Baillie and McPherson also cause back ups
drain carrying storm water from the north as traffic returning from school drop off back
to the south where the outfall heads into to these traffic lights only lets 3 cars turn
the existing wetland. There is vacant land left from Dooen Rd into McPherson and
abutting the western boundary and the rear traffic banks up in Baillie St - often back past
of Toys Restaurant to the east. This length Robinson St. Congestion at these lights also
of road needs up dating provide a safe and creates issues for buses trying to get to the
convenient transport route for the additional interchange at Horsham College after school
users. An updated road may encourage - vehicles cut through all the residential
the development of the vacant westerly streets to try to avoid the back up at the
residential land. lights.
• Road surfaces are unsafe and terrible. • Traffic blockage areas at peak times. Notably
• Rural roads surfacing is average. the roundabout at Woolworths.
• The actual road surface around the turbo • Traffic light timing just not right for certain
roundabout at Williams Road is sub- times of the day.
standard. • Traffic lights at Stawell Rd / Williams Rd are a
nightmare at peak hour.
STREET DESIGN AND DESTINATIONS • Transports often don’t stop at red lights, very
unfair to say for those that do. You always
• Spaces are not connected. Lack of adequate have to be very wary???
shade, major issue in the heat. No under
cover public parking in all of Horsham is a WALKING AND ACCESSIBILITY
strange decision.
• Connectivity to schools via safe walk or ride
TRAFFIC MOVEMENT options. Certain areas of town lack complete
footpaths or crossovers at key points. People
• 50 km/h signage. will take the direct route, not the one you
• Golf Course Road and Stawell Road make them take.
intersection, Bennett Road and Natimuk • Make Horsham a cycle and pedestrian
Road intersection, Hamilton Street and



friendly town and that will improve

community health while fixing car parking
and trafic concerns. Need to have high
quality (seperated) cycle paths to get high
adoption. Horsham is a great place for this.
• Pedestrain crossing in Baillie Street west, not
• The foot things where you cross the roads
which I assume are for the visually impaired
or those that need assistance in crossing
the road are slippery and dangerous. My
husband has slipped on 2 of them and I
slipped also.
• Walk/cycle track on Western Highway from
caravan park to roadhouse we see lots of
pedestrians walking along the highway with
lots of tragic passing an accident just wating
to happen.
• Walking/cycling bridge to waterlinks bridge
at Baillie St to waterlinks .



The second survey question asked respondents:
‘Over the next 20 years, what do you think are the top three priority initiatives that
would improve transport, movement and accessibility in Horsham?’

Respondents were asked to select three of the 10 predetermined transport-related themes. With
regard to qualifying responses:
• Four of the respondents left this question blank.
• 19 of the respondents nominated four or more priorities, instead of 3, and therefore these answers
were excluded from the statistics shown below.
• 144 respondents selected three or less priorities, as shown on the chart below.
Three top priorities selected
Percentage of 144 total respondents who selected the theme as one of their three top priorities

Reducing heavy vehicle traffic through Central

Reducing heavy vehicle traffic through Central Activity District 60%
Activity District
Improving public transport service frequency and
Improving public transport service frequency and connectivity 46%

Creating additionalcar
capacity 34%
oving the look and function the look
of streets: andlandscaping,
trees, function of streets:
lighting and sitting opportunities lighting and sitting
trees, landscaping, street
mproving road network connectivity and car journey times, and
Improving road network connectivity and car 30%
reducing delays
journey times, and reducing delays
Improving walking walking(footpaths
conditions conditionsand
(footpaths and
crossings) 24%

safety 22%

g travel demand by encouraging

Managing walking,
travel demand bycycling and thewalking,
encouraging use of
public transport
cycling and the use of public transport

Improving cyclingconditions
conditions 19%

Increasing ride share options (car sharing, ride

g ride share options (car sharing, ride sharing
sharing) 1%

‘Reducing heavy vehicle traffic through Central Activity District’ was considered to be a priority by
the highest number of respondents, 86 (or 60% of all qualifying responses). Following, ‘improving
public transport service frequency and connectivity’ was the second most popular answer (66
respondents or 46%) and ‘creating additional car parking capacity’ (49 respondents or 34%).





The third survey question asked respondents:

‘Please consider the following possible transport initiatives for Horsham’s Central
Activity District. Please select three priorities that you consider most important.’

Respondents were asked to select three of the 8 predetermined transport-related themes. With
regard to qualifying responses:
• 11 of the respondents left this question blank.
• 9 of the respondents nominated four or more priorities, instead of 3, and therefore these answers
were excluded from the statistics shown below.
• 147 respondents selected three or less priorities, as shown on the chart below.
Three top priorities selected
Percentage of 147 total respondents who selected the theme as one of their three top priorities

More treesand
landscaping 63%

More carparking
parking 47%

More loadingbays
bays 37%

Overall improvements to street design with more

Overall improvements to street design with more public spaces 34%
public spaces

services 32%

Better walking conditions along and across the

Better walking conditions along and across the streets 27%

facilities 23%

delays 3%

‘More trees and landscaping’ was considered to be a priority by the highest number of respondents,
92 (or 63% of all qualifying responses). Following, ‘more car parking’ was the second most popular
answer (69 respondents or 47%) and ‘more loading bays’ (54 respondents or 37%).




As an open-ended question following the two prioritisation questions, respondents were asked:
‘Please list any further transport, movement and access priorities.’

These open-ended priorities were grouped into categories and are included in full (‘verbatim’) in this
section. 141 comments were put forward by 82 respondents and the chart below shows the number of
comments within each group.

Number of comments within each topic/group.

Car parking 27
Traffic movement 24
New road links and/or river crossings and/or bypass 22
Walking 20
Cycling 12
Street design and destinations 11
Regional public transport 8
Local public transport 6
Freight movement 3
Airport 1
Future technologies 1
Main street revitalisation 1
Personal safety and security 1
Regional roads 1
Ride share 1
Travel bevahiour 1
Travel demand management 1



AIRPORT the town.

• More long term parking for workers in CBD.
• Look at our airport strategy, as it could • More parking for a car trailer or car caravan.
become more relevant in future, particularly
• Multi-story car park.
if we become a mining area.
• Parking.
CAR PARKING AND LOADING • Public parking spaces.
• Reduce car parking.
• Car parking for the bigger vehicles very • Special parking facilities for senior citizens -
limited. not just for people with a disabled sticker.
• Car parking that is timed to allow walking • Think outside the box to improve parking
between shopping areas. even buying commercial property to help.
• Car parks in middle of road - blocks views • Widen parking bays eg. 4WD etc
• Eliminate parking meters from the CBD. • Worker car parking.
• Facilitate privately owned and run multistory
car parking . CYCLING
• Free parking days.
• Freight loading/unloading in town. • Creating cut throughs at roundabouts so
cyclists aren’t pushed into the path of cars but
• I am especially concerned about parking
can continue in a straight line.
near the hospital
• Encouraging walking and cycling will do more
• If we are to encourage people to stay and
to improve congestion. Enable kids to ride
wander enjoy public spaces then we need
safely to school to reduce the number of cars
the opportunity for people to park longer
at peak times. Provide safe cycle routes to
than 1 hour and stop booking visitors to town
the CBD and suitable parking and reduce
for overstaying car park when there are car
road congestion.
parks empty up and down the street on most
days. The biggest complaint from visitors to • Get local cars out of the CBD and bike
shop owners is the car parking. friendly. Put bike bays so people can ride to
work or visit the town on there bike. Need
• Keep the cars off the street with abundant
bike bays in Horsham township so people
convenient parking.
are encouraged to ride bike to work and/or
• More all day parking for workers. town.
• More car parking near central park areas e.g. • Public toilet disability access; better footpath
May Park. conditions for disabled/pram/bicycle access;
• More car parking spaces. More parking improved footpath/bicycle path access from
spaces for car /caravan or car/trailer or car/ Sawyer Park to Peppertree Lane.
horse float. • Review bike lanes, footpaths and roads
• More car parks hospital area. around schools in regards to safety and
• More car parks. increasing active transport.
• More disabled parking in key areas e.g. foot • Ride pathways through the town.
clinic, Lister House, etc. • Safe cycling and walking. Good options will
• More free parking all day. Its bloody improve travel times for everyone. Let’s take
ridiculous how limited this is especially the opportunity to greatly increase the use of
near Hamilton St and Darlot Street. There active transport options in Horsham (cycling
are many local community health centres, and walking). This will improve lifestyle in
Tristar clinic, shopping etc. and there is no Horsham, more roads won’t do this.
free parking that is all day for staff and/or • Safer walk/bike ways near major roads.
customers. This could be said for majority of • Safety for cyclists.



• Survey the parents via the schools (esp other options to provide public transport.
primary) on what is stopping them from • Promotion of the use of public transport.
allowing there children to walk/ride/scoot or
• Review of public transport routes.
catch the bus to school (those who take their
kids to school). If some of those issues could • Shuttle buses.
be addressed then some morning traffic • Trains and local buses times to start at a
issues could be reduced. good time so people don’t have to use their
• There needs to be a bike track from the east car for work.
side of Horsham (hospital area) to the only
public secondary school in Horsham which is MAIN STREET REVITALISATION
on the west side of town. There are no safe
cycling routes. • Force landlords to make their rents cheaper
to fill all the empty shops. The main street
• There needs to be safe ways to cross the
is dying. We need more variety and more
Western Highway to get to the CBD from
options to keep people spending their money
the North and East side of the Highway - for
pedestrians, gophers and cyclists if people
are going to be encouraged to use these NEW ROAD LINKS AND/OR RIVER
methods of transport.
• Bypass?
• Rerouting of heavy transport around the • 2nd bridge at the Natimuk side of town. A
CAD. town bypass for heavy vehicles but allow
the option of coming through town, this will
• No trucks in streets
encourage tourists and passing travellers to
• The most critical issue in Horsham is the still stop in town.
truck movements through Wilson St. This
• 2nd traffic bridge over the Wimmera River
issue ties in with the additional river crossing
and widening footpaths in Wilson St adjoining • A bridge for traffic at the west side of the city
hotels, eating places. It also ties in with the in the Curran Road area and suitable road
need for a ring road around Horsham. It’s the network to accommodate it.
biggest issue that Horsham needs to address • A local vehicle bridge at the hospital end of
first. Baillie St. A local vehicle bridge across to the
Curran Road area.
FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES • A ring road connecting the western highway,
from Currans Road to the Wimmera Highway
• Prepare for electric vehicles to become a and out to the industrial area.
significant percentage of the vehicle fleet. • Actively call for the bypass to go ahead.
LOCAL PUBLIC TRANSPORT • Additional River crossing on Western side of
• Fix public bus time table so town people can • Additional road (car) river crossing access at
go to work and come home on our buses. ends of both Baillie St and Bennett Road.
• Our bus system is not effective and bus • Another bridge over Wimmera River western
routes and timing do not encourage end of town for local traffic only.
increased use. The bus stops are not linked • How can Horsham get the most out of a
to key areas - no bus stop near Lister House Western Highway bypass. What is the town’s
or near Reid St medical centre. All bus stops strategy to entice when it is in place (what is
should have seating, shelter and a printed the vision). How would road priorities change
timetable on them. Because PTV is so slow when it is installed. Where are people going
and ponderous it may be worth exploring to and from (e.g. school drop offs, trucks



across town to industrial areas that should be • Train to Melbourne.

outside of town).
• Not enough car bridges over the Wimmera REGIONAL ROADS
• Provide an alternative truck route via Curran • Safety also, dual lanes in both directions
Road over the river and utilise Plumpton and along the highway between Melbourne and
Golf Course Roads. Alter Golf Course Road Adelaide.
intersection by acquiring art council building
and joining Western Highway with Henty
Highway with a traffic light intersection.
• Encourage ride sharing, and walking from
• Ring road for freight (separate from bypass). parking areas.
• Ring road.
• Roundabouts, bypass, trucks through STREET DESIGN AND DESTINATIONS
Wimmera Highway.
• Second bridge either at waterlink esplanade • Better river front park, lawn, cafe, public
or river end of Bennett Rd. toilets at playgrounds.
• Second bridge. • Cars dominate the CBD streetscape.
• Start Ring Road. i.e. 2nd bridge . • Creating more parks at hospital.
• Truck pypass and old people off the road. • Good lighting.
• VicRoads have completed all of their • More open spaces to enjoy and facilities for
investigations which came up with Option D. young people to enjoy.
I fully support their decision - lock it in so that • More trees.
good planning for the link roads can begin. • Provision of shade for parking.
• Western Highway bypass. • Shaded areas.
• Shaded walking and shaded open space,
shaded car parking.
• CCTV camera network for security to • Traffic calming, safe crossing points at key
encourage walking. locations along the streets (not just in the
centre of a block) seats and shade, trees and
REGIONAL PUBLIC TRANSPORT water, points of interest, public spaces that
encourage people to gather, artwork and
• Direct regular fast train link to Melbourne. colour, signs and symbols that encourage
people to gather and linger - temporary
• Passenger rail connections to Ararat. seating in parking bays (parklets). The
• Pressure state and federal government to streetscapes are hot, boring and do not have
reintroduce the rail and implement Horsham seating or shelter from the sun. O’Callaghan’s
as the regional hub for light rail to Dimboola Parade is an example of everything that is
and Nhill which will reduce the need for wrong. The one seat near the pool faces a
additional traffic and parking within the CBD. car park. At no time throughout the year is
• Providing greater bus access to Ararat, the seat ever in shade. The footpath from the
connecting train. pool to the city oval is never in shade and the
• Public transport from neighbouring towns beautiful trees down the middle of the road
like Nhill and Kaniva. (O’Callaghan’s Parade) are lovely to look at
but don’t provide protection to either cars or
• Public transportation with surrounding towns
and cities should be improved.
• Wider footpaths on Firebrace Street and
• Train connectivity to Melbourne and
encouraged business utilisation of footpath



spaces e.g. cafe chairs, retail sales. is totally congested.

• Improving traffic flow at the Wilson St/
TRAVEL BEVAHIOUR Darlot St roundabout. Wilson St is also the
Wimmera Highway which trucks use to
• Educate the population on how to share travel through Horsham as there is no other
infrastructure. alternative to access the Dooen Freight
terminal, Bendigo, NSW, Hamilton/Portland,
TRAVEL DEMAND MANAGEMENT and Ballarat/Melbourne. The intersection
is also the main access point for Horsham
• Manage travel demand, both within and West, as there are no nearby alternatives
outside of Horsham. that people use. There is also a large volume
of traffic changing direction/turning at that
TRAFFIC MOVEMENT intersection, which decreases the capacity of
the intersection dramatically. A lot of traffic
• Ban 4WD’s from CBD is turning to avoid the traffic lights at Wilson
• Coles loading bay, where trucks just reverse St/Firebrace St, so improvements to that
out of gleed street and block Darlot Street intersection and/or light sequence would
without any warning devices. help.
• Congestion management to reduce car • Proper vehicle access under the Wawunna
delays at Doeen Road, McPherson St corner Rd and McPherson St underpasses (re-open
and Williams Road corner. both roads). Electronic flashing lights at all
• Consider traffic free zone in CBD. school crossings. A large roundabout at the
Stawell Road / Golf Course Rd / Henty Hwy
• Corner Hamilton Street and Darlot Street -
traffic congestion.
• Put a roundabout at Darlot St and McLachlan
• Darlot St-Wilson St need stop lights.
st intersection.
• Fix the Bradbury Lane/Coles Loading
• Redesign the Darlot / Wilson street
Bay death trap. It is Russian roulette with
roundabout. Redesign the O’Callaghans Pde
pedestrians, semi trailers and cars all in close
/ Mc Pherson Street turbo about to make
proximity. Having trucks back across Darlot
lane changing to Williams Rd and Duff Street
St into Coles is incredibly dangerous and
there have been lots of near misses.
• Reduce vehicle speed.
• Fix up the hazardous intersections like
Bennett Road, Stawell hwy into Golf Course • Remove traffic lights at Roberts Avenue and
Rd & Old Hamilton road etc. There will be a Firebrace Street intersection as this causes
major collision there one day with fatalities. traffic congestion and delays.
• Get rid of the lights at Roberts Ave and put • Retain angle parking but do away with the
back the roundabout, we should have some big curves that come out at intersections.
pedestrian lights rather than full on traffic Median strip in Firebrace Street causes
lights which just aid traffic congestion in congestion with cars pulling out as there isn’t
Firebrace St. enough room.
• Get rid of the strip of concrete in the middle • Slow traffic speeds.
of Firebrace St. Causes congestion. Who • Synchronising lights on the Western Hwy to
rides bicycles ? improve traffic flow and clear traffic out.
• Have a look at our whole CBD area because • Traffic lights at Bennett Rd and Natimuk Rd
it’s becoming harder and harder to move intersection.
around particularly at peak times, in a town • Upgrading the accessibility and safety
this size it shouldn’t be that hard. of the Bennett Road and Natimuk Road
• I only use the road into Horsham from intersection.
Natimuk and at particular times of the day it



• Widening arterial roads to 2 lanes and • Pedestrian crossings.

removing some roundabouts • Public toilet disability access; better footpath
conditions for disabled/pram/bicycle access;
WALKING improved footpath/bicycle path access from
Sawyer Park to Peppertree Lane.
• A walking bridge at the end of Hamilton St. • Review bike lanes, footpaths and roads
Dedicated areas on footpaths for gophers around schools in regards to safety and
and bicycles. Move the council yard and increasing active transport.
concrete business out of Horsham to help
free up Darlot Street and Hamilton Road. • Review the intersection of Roberts Avenue
and Firebrace Street. Remove traffic lights
• Also need to improve the walking tracks with and make a pedestrian friendly roundabout.
suitable surfaces and seating, etc, for Haven,
River side etc. Barnes Boulevarde has all the • Safe cycling and walking. Good options will
funding it appears. improve travel times for everyone. Let’s take
the opportunity to greatly increase the use of
• Consideration of the needs and demands of active transport options in Horsham (cycling
gophers, changing the connections between and walking). This will improve lifestyle in
the roads and footpaths (too steep at the Horsham, more roads won’t do this.
• Safer walk/bike ways near major roads.
• Encouraging walking and cycling will do more
to improve congestion. Enable kids to ride • Survey the parents via the schools (esp
safely to school to reduce the number of cars primary) on what is stopping them from
at peak times. Provide safe cycle routes to allowing there children to walk/ride/scoot or
the CBD and suitable parking and reduce catch the bus to school (those who take their
road congestion. kids to school). If some of those issues could
be addressed then some morning traffic
• Fix footpaths to cater for mobility scooter. issues could be reduced.
• Foot bridges, smarter and more street • There needs to be safe ways to cross the
lighting. Western Highway to get to the CBD from
• I find crossing main intersections in Natimuk the North and East side of the Highway - for
Road dangerous at busy times and avoid pedestrians, gophers and cyclists if people
these intersections. I even drive up to Aldi are going to be encouraged to use these
and congest the road more before I try and methods of transport.
cross Natimuk Road.
• Increase pedestrian priority.
• Make the footpaths more even so more can
walk or ride in safety.
• More zebra crossings for the elderly on
gofers and pedestrians.
• Need to get people to understand how
to use the many roundabouts in town so
they use them for effective traffic flow
instead of treating them like pedestrian
crossings. Needs an awareness campaign.
Put in more actual pedestrian crossings
that motorists must stop at [like in NSW] so
people understand the differences between
roundabout crossings and right of way for
pedestrians to cross busy roads in town.
• Pedestrian crossings, covered walkways to
parking areas, covered car parks.



‘What are your suggestions for improving movement and access for car traffic and
77 suggestions were put forward by 66 respondents and are all included below.

Number of suggestions within each topic/group

New road links and/or river crossings and/or bypass 38

Manage traffic and freight movements 13
Intersection improvements 12
Encourage other travel modes 5
Car parking and loading management 4
Road maintenance and upgrade 3
Speed management 1
Travel behaviour 1

CAR PARKING AND LOADING • Stop viewing transport as being about

MANAGEMENT vehicles and start viewing it as being about
people and services
• Fix Bradbury Lane and Coles loading bay. • TRAIN TO MELBOURNE!!!
Maybe have the trucks drive in a loop
through the lane and out the car park. So INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS
• More loading zones. • Changing the Baillie St/McPhersons St/
• Review the parking arrangements. Not more Down Road bottleneck which is very
parking but better planned - providing shade apparent during morning and afternoon
and shelter for cars and publicising shade school hours. With 4 schools within close
and long term parking so city workers are proximity, plus heavy vehicles the area is a
encouraged and supported to park away complete dangerous nightmare!
from the CAD. • Consider additional traffic light option at Cnr
• Shop owner/employees need to be of Wilson and Darlot St (Bakers Delight/Trevs
encourage to park outside the CBD corner). Roundabout is choked after school
pickup and between 5 and 6pm.
ENCOURAGE OTHER TRAVEL MODES • Create a roundabout at Bennett Road and
Natimuk Road intersection.
• Better public transport • Improving traffic flow at the Wilson St/Darlot
• Introduce light rail to Ararat and Nhill. St roundabout.
• Passenger rail, that doesn’t take forever and • More lights and roundabouts.
require transfers. • Remove traffic lights at Roberts Avenue and
Firebrace Street intersection.



• Review Hamilton St Darlot st intersection. surreal experience to be crossing Wilson

• Review of congestion at the Darlot and St at 9 am and have a B-Double transport
Wilson st roundabout. heading towards me as I cross the road. Why
are transports allowed to travel through the
• Roundabouts.
• Stawell and Williams Road are dangerous.
• Understand where trucks and cars are
• Traffic lights at intersections. trying to go. I would suggest encouraging
• Update Henty/Western/Golf Course Road the southern Horsham industrial businesses
intersection. that move many shipping containers per
day to Dooen should move to Dooen. Car
MANAGE TRAFFIC AND FREIGHT traffic from south of Horsham will flow much
MOVEMENTS better if Western Highway through traffic
used an East Horsham Bypass. This would
• Better traffic management/flow st Wilson allow priority flow for traffic on Williams Rd
Darlot streets. into Horsham over Stawell Rd through traffic.
• Designate delivery times for freight in CAD (if School and Health cluster in North East
not already adhered to naturally). would benefit from direct access across the
• Find a way to move traffic away from Darlot river to decongest Baille St and Menidue St
St/Wilson St round about. (especially at the Velodrome). A crossing at
Bennett Rd would allow school kids to ride to
• Freeway to re-divert freight and transit traffic school from the growing southern suburbs.
out of CBD, traffic lights at bennett road/
natimuk road intersection to provide a break • Too many roundabouts and traffic lights -
in traffic so the ‘feeder’ streets can join the maybe make the CBD one way traffic.
traffic and people can cross the road safely.
• Freight outside city centre.
• Have freight trucks travel through non peak
times. • A bypass for freight to not go through town if
• I think it is important to assess any work they don’t need to.
involving addressing car traffic and freight • A second bridge for heavy vehicle use from
movements with data. For example; I notice West along Wimmera Highway to bypass
here in Horsham people comment that a line Horsham to Western Highway South .
of three cars is heavy traffic and two Coles
• A series of link roads around Horsham that
trucks going through town is “congested”.
connect to the bypass.
Whereas, in comparison to suburbs in
Melbourne car and freight movement in • A western highway bypass. If the current
Horsham is wonderful! Data should be option D was adopted it would allow local
collected - but also drilling down into this council the opportunity to plan future link
data (i.e. not just large vehicles but actual roads that can utilise the bypass as part of
trucks and finding out what the destinations transport plan. A bypass will help provide two
are). Signage would be a simple and low cost thirds of the road network required around
solution for improving freight movement. For Horsham at the expenses of the State and
example, there are already options for trucks Federal Governments. This would only leave
to not go through the centre of town perhaps one-third of the road network to be funded
just communicate alternative paths. by ratepayers with State Government
assistance. The other major benefit is that
• Introduce curfews for heavy transport on
ongoing maintenance will be reduced and
certain routes during peak times.
create a saving for local council with two-
• Limiting available truck routes. Ban trucks thirds of the network being the responsibility
from certain roads. of the State Government.
• Not sure how to manage freight but it is a • Advance the completion of the proposed



highway bypass. Complete other heavy trucks out of Wilson Street). Another bridge
traffic routes to south and west. along this stretch of the river is an absolute
• Alternative river crossings. waste of money. Horsham also needs to
divert trucks out of McPherson Street
• Alternative truck route would reduce
(including freight from the industrial area to
numbers in the city and free up car
the WIFT). The most efficient way to do this
is with Bypass Option D, being the VicRoads
• Another bridge over the river on the west preferred option.
side of town for trucks going to the industrial
• Just get the bypass built and someone
area. This could be also be the bypass that
just make a decision. Never going to keep
the town sorely needs.
everyone happy.
• Arterial road on the south west side of
• Local consensus planned bypass! Not!
Horsham connecting Wimmera, Henty and
Government mandated one!
Western Highway.
• Make a decision on if we are going to have
• Build a ring road incorporating the three
a road go around h=Horsham. This is being
intersecting highways to the south and west
spoken about for years.
of the city.
• More bridges over the Wimmera River.
• Build the bypass.
• Need another bridge.
• Bypass.
• Need bypass routes for through traffic, and
• Bypass but not through River Heights.
also ‘main’ routes to business/work/school
Take the traffic out to the transfer station
areas to reduce congestion at peak times.
at Dooen. Don’t cut off River Heights from
Diifficult with so many entry directions.
• Ring road and river crossings.
• Bypass for freight.
• Ring Road type scenario.
• Bypass now.
• Ring road.
• Bypass to get heavy trucks out of Horsham.
• Ring road.
• Bypass Western Highway.
• Second river crossing West of Horsham.
• Bypass.
• Truck only bypass.
• Construct a second bridge (and bypass) to
separate the cars and the some of the freight. • We need an effective ring road of major
roads for trucks around the city that links all
• Extra river crossings, better access to Golf
Course Rd.
• Firstly, get VicRoads to lock in Option D so ROAD MAINTENANCE AND UPGRADE
that other link roads and bridges can be
planned. Once the bypass is in place, a ring • Just improve road surfaces for all traffic.
road could be developed to assist with traffic
movement. • River Road has become a major shortcut
for trades and delivery vehicles from the
• Forget the bypass and put in an industrial estate and for residents form the
interconnecting arterial road to connect the haven area to enter access the Western
highways to the West and give us a second Highway at the Williams Road lights rather
bridge at the same time. than the Golf Course Road intersection.
• Freight bypass. North or south there are pros There has also been a considerable increase
and cons. Slip lane at the Stawell Rd/Williams in traffic due to the new church and patrons
Rd intersection (Melbourne bound). using the new fuel stations in Golf Course
• Getting started on a bypass. Road. The road service is poor, the edges
• Horsham needs to better utilise existing are dangerous and the road is narrow - an
bridges/roads (Horsham Noradjuha Road accident waiting to happen and needs to be
and 3 Bridges road to divert commercial upgraded as a priority.



• Upgrade the Horsham - Natimuk Road to

two lanes in each direction.


• Try to make less cars in the CBD. Bike or

reduce speed to 30 and if this can be done all
cars have to give way to pedestrians.


• Educate country drivers about how to use

roundabouts and treat pedestrians with
respect - some motorists fail to stop at the
pedestrian crossing in Roberts Avenue on
a regular basis. Also cyclists are not well
catered for.




‘What are your suggestions for improving our public transport?’
70 suggestions were put forward by 63 respondents and are all included below.

Number of suggestions within each topic/group

Regional public transport 36

Local public transport 29
Travel behaviour 3
Taxi services 1

LOCAL PUBLIC TRANSPORT near these bus stops.

• Extra town bus services. Other towns have to
• A decent bus station in Roberts Avenue. later at night and early in morning even on
More frequent buses - especially at peak weekends.
hours i.e. to support 9 - 5:30 workers. • Follow up with PTV as they set the local bus
• Also the bus service around town and bus timetables/routes. Install bus shelters , or at
stops - seems odd that Public Transport a minimum seating at all bus stops. Install the
Victoria decides this yet don’t know the bus timetables on the bus stop signposts.
community demographics/needs. • Have smaller buses circulating more often,
• Build a central transport hub in the middle of with a hail and ride operation.
town and have a free shuttle to a new train • Increased frequency.
station out of town (move railway north to re-
• Increased frequency.
integrate northern suburbs) and also to the
aerodrome. Bring back passenger rail. More • Increased frequency. Use of smaller busses if
frequent services to local towns (Natimuk, more cost efficient.
etc) to allow day trips via public transport. • More buses.
More bus stops across town. • More frequent services.
• Encourage more people to use it! In order • More frequent services. Mini buses to replace
for people to use it, it needs to be prompt, large buses on selected routes. Explore
frequent, trips are relatively direct, and easy creative options to develop alternative public
to access/locations (not too far to walk to transport options than relying on PTV.
a bus stop). The bus routes seem to travel • More services.
along many of Horsham’s streets, but there
are not enough bus stops. This is especially • More stops.
important for the elderly. In conjunction with • Move bus depot to station, use shuttle bus
this, please ensure that there are footpaths into city/ town bus times.
that lead to/from the bus stops. Some bus • Operate buses so they arrive at central
stops are a concrete slab with uneven dirt/ activity center BEFORE work hours start, and
ground leading up to/away from the bus leave after work hours are finished! 15 min
stop. The footpaths should link up to at least before 8:30am and 15min after 5:30pm.
the next intersection. In Williams Road this is • Public transport to regional areas is poorly
not so, and quite a few elderly people live on/ thought through with limited access to public



transport during peak period demand. • Extend the V-Line railway service from
Introduce the light rail and eliminate buses Ararat to Horsham and create regular
and reduce cars. weekly or daily services to Melbourne and
• Review bus routes and consult with users as return.
to how these can be improved. • External bus routes ok.
• Review the times and routes of the city buses. • Get passenger rail connection to Melbourne!
Are they accessible to workers to reduce the • Have fast rail connection to Ballarat/
number of worker cars in the CBD? Melbourne constructed.
• Run bus timetables more frequently to • I don’t use public transport. Bring back the
enable those out of town to use them trains to Melbourne for those who use this
effectively. transport.
• Shuttle buses. • Implementation of regular train service from
• Smaller buses and more frequent. Horsham to Ballarat/Melbourne
• Smaller buses: we have Melbourne sized • More buses and trains.
buses driving around blocking roads like in • More trains.
front of Priceline, that have 2-10 people on
• Need passanger trains.
them. Go back to smaller buses and save
some emmissions and make town safe again. • Need regular fast train to Melbourne and
• Start our local bus about 6 am and finish
about 9 pm. • Not sure. Make some of the linkages to and
from Ararat station to Horsham a little bit
• The bus routes need review and better
more sensible, particularly on weekends.
action from PTV. The process of review and
change is 3rd world. A person travelling • Passenger rail.
from Horsham North can’t easily get to the • Pedestrian railway to Melbourne.
swimming pool and is delivered at Coles - and • Regular interstate passenger trains.
must return via Coles. I don’t understand why • Regular trains between Ballarat and
the buses are so large (and empty) when a Horsham, for a start.
smaller, cheaper option (bus) could increase
• Return of rail service that is faster than
the timetabling of circuits. There appears
road travel. If this can not be achieved a rail
to be no consideration of public transport
service will never work. (Example: road trip
options to get people to work and to collect
to Melbourne CBD currently takes 3.5-4.5
them at the end of the day.
hrs, rail service would need to do the same
• There needs to be more than one stop in the tip in 2.5 to 3 hrs to be viable and used by the
cbd for the buses. community.
• Use smaller buses. • The bus system is unknown to anyone in
• Utilise buses where available. Horsham who has a car - it is too easy to get
around Horsham in a car, so public transport
REGIONAL PUBLIC TRANSPORT is rarely considered. Although a passenger
service to Melbourne/Ballarat would make
• A fast efficient train to Melbourne that Horsham such a better place to live with
arrives at 8 am into the city. connectivity to the cities for work and
• A regular rail service, please. recreation.
• Continue lobbying for rail. • The rail to come to Horsham.
• Daily rail service to Melbourne. • There needs to be more frequent public
• Daily return train service to Melbourne transport services to smaller communities
within the region (Dimboola, Warracknabeal,
• Establishment of public transport services Haven, Murtoa etc).
between Horsham and smaller towns in the
wider region. • Train availability.



• Train direct Melbourne.

• Train service to Melbourne and in lieu of that
more regular buses.
• Train to come back to Horsham or more bus
services to Horsham on weekends. More
town bus services in West area.
• Train to Horsham.
• Trains from Horsham.
• Trains.
• Trains.
• Unsure. If rail returned I guess cost and travel
time would be the main factor for me to use.
• We definitely need the train to be accessible
in Horsham. Horsham is a Regional City
and we need these basic public transport
services to support our ageing and growing
• Well bring back the trains from here to
Melbourne, that’s most needed most of all.


• I do not travel by bus in Horsham so am

unaware of how good this service is. If taxi
come under the service then Saturday night
then I am told it is shocking.


• Do some things to encourage people to use

it. I tried to use the town bus - and it was
over an hour to wait for the next one. It was
quicker to walk 3.5 km home (which I did).
The public transport to Melbourne is better
than everyone says - If we can’t show that
we’re using it - what is the incentive for Govt
to give us better services? Let’s consider
some ways to get people using public
transport and then we have a better case to
argue for more services.
• Encourage business (e.g. supermarkets and
the like) to provide transport of people and
goods instead of car parks.
• This issue needs more education and
encouragement so that the public transport
is use more be all.




‘What are your suggestions for improving cycling conditions?’
73 suggestions were put forward by 60 respondents and are all included below.

Number of comments within each topic/group

Connectivity, new lanes/paths 22

Segregated facilities 12
Improved facilities 11
Bike parking and storage 9
None needed / question if needed 9
Education and awareness 6
Strategic routes 2
Expertise 1
Investment 1

CONNECTIVITY, NEW LANES/PATHS town and around schools.

• More bike tracks parallel to busier streets/
• Add cycling paths through the town. roads.
• Add to both sides of river. • More cycle paths to outer areas. Use the
• Connect the river to the CBD. unused train lines for bike paths as they have
• Connecting key bike routes. done elsewhere such as Bright, Victoria.
• Cycling lanes would be helpful within town • More cycle tracks/lanes.
and major roads to increase safety for • More cycling tracks.
cyclists. • More designated cycle lanes.
• Existing cycle paths are safe and efficient • Much extended and linked network of
ways to travel. Would be great to have more. dedicated walking/cycling tracks.
• Good paths and safe crossings leading to the • Open MacBain St so it goes down to the river
CBD and to all the schools. like its shown on Google maps. McBryde St
• Improve the paths and connectivity. An is no longer ideal for children riding through
assessment should be done as to can you with it’s unsealed surface and narrowness
access each school on a safe bike path. since half the road was given to the property
• Line-marked areas for bicycles to use where owner at 6 MacBain St. What is the council’s
possible plus more interlinking tracks. timeline to acquire the land from 8 MacBain
• Link open spaces with bike paths. Link
schools, hospital, sporting grounds to each • River crossing near Bennett Rd. Best access
other CAD with safe bike paths. Educate the to the Horsham College from the south.
public on the safe routes/bike paths. Ensure Designated cycling lanes into town and in
regular maintenance of bike paths. CBD. Connect river track to CBD with cycling
• More and better paths along the river (inc.
bridges). • Safer and more connected routes on paths.
I am looking at this from kids getting to
• More bike and walking tracks.
• More bike lanes on main artierial roads in



BIKE PARKING AND STORAGE • Better roads quality tracks and places to plug
in and charge e-bikes.
• Add extra bike parking near shops. • Create better safety lanes for cyclists.
• Cycling parking. • Cycling lanes, more shaded areas for
• Make bike bays for people in CBD so they can extreme heat.
lockkup their bikes. • I love that you can now cycle down the other
• More bike parking. side of the river too and do a loop back to
• More facilities for bike parking. Weir park. Its a bit tricky cycling around
town - I used to cycle to the gym, but that felt
• More places to park bicycles.
dangerous (traffic-wise) so I stopped.
• More space for bike parking with more
• Improved footpaths and dedicated bicycle
appropriate racking facilities throughout the
• Level footpaths. Increased street and
• Provide decent places for them to park their
footpath lighting. More water bottle refill
stations along cycling paths (like the new
• Secure and covered bike storage for all day type at Apex skateboarding park, by ANZAC
use (workers). More bike park rails. bridge).
• Much improved dedicated lane marking on
• Community education. • Remove sections of kerbs at intersections
that stick into bike lanes. Paint bike lanes a
• Cycle teach beside highway. different colour.
• Cycling along the river is pretty good. Often • Review roads with bike access. Do they
have issues with people not having their meet the needs of all users...school, worker,
dogs on leads (in areas where they should weekend rider, visitors?
be). Possibly greater awareness (and if
necessary) enforcement of that responsibility • Well defined bike lanes throughout CBD.
would be good. Improve bike tracks in and around our
schools to encourage more children to ride to
• I do not ride a bike and consider cyclists have school in a safe environment.
to take responsibility for themselves. Many
times we have cyclist on the road that have • Where on-road cycling lanes are required,
no reflection tops or anything on there bikes. they should be wider, and not part of on-road
If it is not good weather conditions we are on car parking lanes.
these guys before we see them. Of course
there is ALWAYS the guys that help us out.
We should speak to the cyclist and listen to
their problems, but can they please help us. • Register cycles revenue into cycle paths.
• Implement a trial of licencing cycle riders and NONE NEEDED / QUESTION IF NEEDED
run a public safety awareness campaign.
• Teach cyclists to ride on bike tracks and not • Ban bikes :)
think they are cars.
• Cycling is not too bad.
EXPERTISE • How many cyclist are using the road every
day here in Horsham. Do have a number of
• Have someone who ride a bike do the workers commuting to work by bike? How is
planning. this number compared to those who drive or
IMPROVED FACILITIES • How many ride bikes ?
• Is this a real issue, not sure if many people are



cycling to work. Most cycling for pleasure/ • Separate lanes for cyclers and walkers.
• None, Horsham has plenty of cycling tracks. STRATEGIC ROUTES OR APPROACH
• Not required.
• Get cyclists off major roads such as Natimuk
• Nothing. and Noradjuha.
• This is hard to answer. What are the issues? Is • Signage and streetscaping/bike lanes -
it within the CBD or other areas? Are shared I’d suggest thinking about who might be
roads the issue or paths? interested in commuting via bike (office
workers, health, teachers) and work out
SEGREGATED FACILITIES where their journies may be - perhaps along
Urqhuart and Darlot Streets for professionals
• Build bike tracks separate to the highways in the CBD, Baillie/McLachlan Street for the
and main roads. schools and hospital, Dooen Road, Dimboola
• Connectivity of cycling paths, Identification Road and O’Callaghans’ Pde seem like the
of key routes and make cycling a priority - main roads people would use.
not just a nuisance for cars. Create separate • Accessibility
cycling lanes so young and older people
feel safe on the roads - not just people who
are brave and in lycra! Cut throughs at
all roundabouts and crossings so cyclists
aren’t pushed into the middle of the road.
Use strategies that are clearly working in
Adelaide and through the CAD of Melb. It’s
not that hard.
• Cycling only tracks to keep all cyclists off foot
• Designated and promoted preferred access
routes to the CAD. Reduce bike chokes at
intersections. Use of green bands for bike
lanes at intersections.
• Designated cycle lanes with proper
separation from cars, not just a painted line
on the road.
• Get bikes of major roads, bike track on old
railway track Horsham to Natimuk.
• More dedicated bicycle tracks with high
quality surfaces. Better connections between
cycle tracks. Separate cars and bikes.
• Need designated cycling tracks that don’t run
along the busy roads - utilise the space next
to the railway line.
• Off road cycling lanes.
• Put all bike tracks on the in side and block
them off from cars.
• Separate off-road cycling tracks where
possible for cyclists’ safety, and good links
between locations that cyclists want to ride




‘What are your suggestions for improving walking conditions?’
79 suggestions were put forward by 64 respondents and are all included below.

Number of suggestions within each topic/group

Pedestrian comfort 28
Maintenance 15
Crossings 8
New footpaths and trails 8
Footpaths on both sides 6
Accessibility 5
None needed / question if needed 4
Car dominance 2
Dedicated paths 1
Destinations 1
Dog control 1


• Accessible paths. I note that gophers don’t • More pedestrian crossings - eg across
seem to be mentioned, which appears to be McPherson St, O’Callaghan’s Parade,
an oversight given the % of our population Natimuk Rd, etc.
that are elderly. Having used a gopher a • More pedestrian crossings along all CAD
number of times post surgery, it is unsafe streets, rather than pedestrians having to
crossing and getting along so many of the cross at traffic intersections. Introducing
streets. zebra crossings (outside Horsham Town Hall
• Get gophers of footpaths and more walking on Pynsent St). Narrowing Pynsent, Roberts
tracks properly cemented in all parks. and McLachlan street to be more pedestrian
• I sit down the river and many people use this friendly. Streets are very wide. A median in
facility, cyclists, walkers so this should be kept the streets would work well to allow a half-
safe. Would suggest we speak to people who way point for crossing pedestrians.
actually take elderly around Horsham to see • More road crossing points with median
if conditions are adequate - not only check safety islands where applicable Or more
but put long term plan to update footpaths. pinch points that allow pedestrians to have a
• Level footpaths. narrower width to cover.
• Level paths. • More zebra crossings in the CBD for high
pedestrian traffic intersections (moreso
CAR DOMINANCE Firebrace St roundabouts) so pedestrians
clearly have priority, especially when vehicles
• Increase space allocated for pedestrian are turning.
traffic by getting cars out of high usage areas. • Pedestrian crossings.
• Reduce car traffic. • Pedestrian safety at Bradbury Lane (conflicts



with loading vehicles at Coles). township to make it easier. Especially if you

• Reducing clutter around the entrances to are trying to encourage people to walk/ride
cross the road so that pedestrians and car to work or school.
drivers can see each other more easily.
• Walking paths are pretty good. Main issue is
difficulty getting across Wilson St/Darlot St
area I think. A traffic light would make a big • Better footpaths.
difference. Know there’s one up further at • Enforce overgrown hedges on footpaths and
Firebrace St corner - but I think it would make make the owners trim them. Rather than
it easier to park the car and walk the kids having them encroaching in the way over the
around town if you could get across the road path.
at Wilson st/Darlot St easier. • Ensure footpaths are trip hazard free.
• Fix the footpaths all around town check them
DEDICATED PATHS by walking not a gopher since those wheels
on it can’t tell you where the little tripping
• Exclusive walk ways without cyclists. hazard is.
• Fix the footpaths.
• Fix the footpaths.
• Have somewhere to go. • Improve the footpaths. Given the nature of
Horsham soil - the trip hazards are an issue
DOG CONTROL with uneven paths.
• Maintain pavers in public areas.
• Ensure dogs are more controlled in non leash • Maintenance on all footpaths.
areas. Some dog owners fail to adequately
• Make ALL home owners trim their
control their animal blaming the walker for
overhanging trees and overgrown bushes
their dog’s bad behaviour. All dogs should be
that are in the footpath area. Enforce
on a leash where the public walk.
penalties if they don’t!!
FOOTPATHS ON BOTH SIDES • Moving soil makes concrete slab paving
variable and sometimes dangerous. Needs
• Footpaths on both sides of the streets in regular inspection.
town. • Repair of cracked footpaths.
• Improved footpaths - particularly where • The first thing is to fix up all the existing
there are footpaths lacking. footpaths in Horsham. All the yellow/white
• Lots of areas still have no footpaths. lines must be removed and the paths fixed.
• More footpaths. Lots of people walk on the • The footpaths are poorly maintained.
road out my side of Horsham as there are no • Walking tracks need surface improvements.
footpaths but its a popular area due to the gravel tacks need a more stable surface that
river is long lasting, won’t wash away and is suited
• Some streets don’t have a footpath on both to its environment.
sides of the street. This could be a way to
• Within Horsham west area and others there
• Additional footpaths.
are some streets with footpaths only on one
side of the street. Often meaning you are j • Again existing paths around the river and
walking to cross from one side to the other racecourse are great. Perhaps some new
and this could be within one block. Would be paths in the Horsham north area.
great to see footpaths enhanced throughout • Both sides of river and scooter friendly.



• Continue extending river walking tracks. and town better maps and guides - how far?
Consider a walking track to Natimuk (rail How long (time).
trail?). • More shade from street trees or covered
• Extension of walking trails. walkways.
• More trails and pathways. • More shade on walking routes (eg. Natimuk
• More walking tracks. Rd).
• Walking track desire highway (Western). • More shade trees.
• More shaded areas for extreme heat.
NONE NEEDED / QUESTION IF NEEDED • Not enough shady seating areas in shopping
precinct - emphasis has been on driving and
• All good. parking at each shop, not parking once and
• No major issue. walking to shop.
• None. There are plenty of walking paths. • Safe surfaces with random seating.
• The facilities are already pretty good. • Seating along the river walk to sit and rest.
• Shade, cover from rain, and basically ensure
PEDESTRIAN COMFORT climate change adaptation is central to
design and provision.
• Additional lighting and seating. • Shade, seating, drinking fountains,
• Additional seating improve path surfaces. appropriate lighting, easy connections and
• Additional seats and shade for people to rest. crossings. Wayfinding and signage that is
• Better footpaths, shaded walk areas better consistent and respectful - distance and
lighting. approx times to walk A to B. Create points
of interest as well to break the journey and
• Community education, signage and
create opportunities to gather and linger so
streetscaping/pedestrian crossings - for me,
sitting alone on a bench seat is not a sign of
definitely Natimuk Road is an issue in the
being puffed but is an opportunity to meet
mornings to work.
with friends. This involves tables as well as
• Have some seating, if we’re an ageing seating, rubbish bins, wi-fi and artwork -
population we’ll need it. sculpture, mosaics.
• Identify major walking routes for schools, • Shady trees in nature-strips, seating,
public services and shopping centres and maintenance to current footpaths.
provide footpaths and shelter on both sides
• Signage and better concrete footpaths.
of the road.
• The inclusion of more solar lighting along
• Improved street lighting.
the walking areas to improve safety for the
• Increase shade by planting trees. Elderly, Women and Children.
• Increased street and footpath lighting along • Wear comfortable shoes!
riverbank precinct.
• Maintain existing tracks /trails with decent
surfaces with resting seats at reasonable
spots, provide water points also.
• More access to shady paths - not enough
mature trees.
• More lighting.
• More native street trees and more areas to
• More shade and seating and street crossings.
Drinking fountains located around the CAD




‘How can we make our streets better for everyone?’
67 suggestions were put forward by 60 respondents and are all included below.

Number of suggestions within each topic/group

Destinations and streetscape 17

Pedestrian comfort and safety 12
Maintenance 9
Active transport 6
Car dominance 6
Speed management 4
Car parking 2
Cycling facilities 2
Education, consultation and awareness 2
Enforcement and security 2
Accessibility 1
Bypass 1
Promotion 1
Revitalisation 1
Strategic approach 1

ACCESSIBILITY for pedestrians/cyclists and gophers at

Baillie St/McPherson St intersection - as
• Level roads and guttering. many drivers do not even notice the green
pedestrian light due to watching for trucks
ACTIVE TRANSPORT and b doubles going through red lights. It is
not unusual to be first car at the lights going
• By catering to the individual experience into CBD from Dooen Rd and light turns
of walking, cycling and driving through green but b double turning from Baillie St into
Horsham. McPherson St - turns as light goes to red, and
• Emphasis on public transport, pedestrians by the time he gets around the car is facing a
and cyclists. red light again.
• Encourage more walking, cycling and less • Well lit areas make me feel safe at night
car-hopping. times when walking/riding. Our community
needs better tolerance towards sharing the
• Less bigger transport - actually no big roads with peds and bikes.
• Shared bike/gopher and walking paths and BYPASS
more pedestrian crossings and monitor
the lights so that they can be programmed • Divert heavy vehicles around Horsham with
better for school drop off and pick up times, a bypass.
and investigate a way to make it safer



CAR DOMINANCE Horsham. The entrance on Dimboola road is

a total disgrace.
• Get more people (not vehicles) on them. • Good footpaths, nice size shade trees.
• Get rid of huge buses and stupid roundabouts • Improved plantings.
and weird concrete sections in southbank. • Lots of trees and sun shades to keep
• Less cars. pedestrians and cars cool.
• Reduce car traffic. • More green areas and sitting areas.
• Slow down cars in some residential streets. • More hardy appropriate larger shade trees
Kids should be able to have kick-to-kick footy eg chinese elms / jacarandas /elms with
in the streets and not have to worry about seasonal beauty not crepe myrtles or natives.
cars. More uniform planting scheme - check out
• Take back the streets from cars. Don’t Paul Bangay’s Guide to Plants. Need to have
get caught up in side discussions - have underground power lines for this to occur.
a clear vision that is people focused and • More shady trees, seats, rubbish bins that
stay with that. Our car culture will roar but are emptied regularly and in all areas of
cars are ruining the CAD as people shop- Horsham.
hop from block to block and don’t get the • More street trees; more street furniture.
chance to meet people and to talk and be
• More trees.
connected. Our CAD is soul-less. Many of the
streets throughout Horsham are wide and • Shade, road markings for cyclists,
encourage fast movement of cars. Traffic roundabouts, undercover parking area
calming measures like many of the suburbs to shelter from heat for cars, cyclists and
in Adelaide and Melbourne, visual cues that pedestrians.
encourage cars to slow, landscaping etc so • There has been a big effort by council to
that streets can be areas for the community improve street scapes particular in Horsham
(as they used to be). north. The completed streets look fantastic
but there is still a way to go. Hopefully
CAR PARKING the remaining streets can be improved
• Get rid of parking meters. • Tree shade.
• More free parking which is all day. • Trees. Bowden and Searle St have large,
shady, ancient trees which add significant
CYCLING FACILITIES value to the properties located along them.
Short scraggly trees do not.
• Add more bike paths to enable safer cycling • Which Streets, CBD or Residential? We
on the roads. need to make all our streets look and feel
• Keep cyclists of the main roads. cooler through the warmer months. Is can
be achieved with more grass areas on the
DESTINATIONS AND STREETSCAPE main roads into Horsham as well as within
the CBD that are kept green with more
• Better design/aesthetics and open spaces. drought tolerant grasses. This should also be
• Better signage. Priority to pedestrians in a program extended to the households of
town. Horsham to help create this greener calming,
• Encourage respectful behaviour in public cooler streetscape. More trees for shade.
areas like parks, create more attractive Also this inclusion of Shade sails over car
spaces, more natural green spaces etc. for park areas, both council owner and business
families to enjoy with not too much signage owned (eg. Safeway, Horsham Plaza, Coles
and infrastructure. etc..).
• Firstly we need to improve the entrances to



EDUCATION, CONSULTATION AND • Safety zones in the middle of the streets -

AWARENESS resting points. Shade.
• Shade and seating.
• Asking questions is a good start. I’ve • Shade, windbreaks (wind roars along some
appreciated having this survey and the shopping streets).
opportunity to give my opinion. That’s a nice
• Street lighting.
• Toilet block in Roberts Ave is a disgrace,
• Information to teach people how to be more
especially as used by bus travellers.
patient and courteous at roundabouts and
in CBD. Information sessions. Informative • Unsure if you mean safer as I feel this is
Facebook posts. becoming an issue -when my father could
walk he tried to keep his independence but
ENFORCEMENT AND SECURITY could not get from one end of the street to
the other. Put seats in then someone will
• More cameras and media on local traffic complain they are in the way. ???
• Police to patrol street more.
• A strong marketing campaign celebrating
everything good in Horsham and
remembering neighbouring towns and
• Better road surfaces. farmers. Showcasing a welcoming city
• Eliminate potholes and undulations in the that values surrounding communities
roads and provide footpaths. in neighbouring shires and encourages
• Ensure maintenance requirements are two way travel and support to and from
attended to promptly. surrounding towns.
• Keep improving and maintain.
• Keep up maintenance.
• Maintain footpaths. • Fill empty shops in the main cbd area.
• Smooth roads and footpaths (not uneven or
• Trim branches overhanging footpaths.
• You will never please everyone but seeing • Measures to slow traffic.
things on long term plans help. As in knowing • Managing speed areas and making sure
that there street will be resealed/improved street crossings are safe for all ages and
drainage in 2 years etc. abilities to use.
• Slow motor traffic to 35 km/h.
PEDESTRIAN COMFORT AND SAFETY • Slow the car traffic down, especially in
Firebrace Street. This will encourage cars to
• Better lighting in some streets, foot paths and use Darlot and or Urquhart Streets.
• Better road and footpath surface, better STRATEGIC APPROACH
• Light them, fix them and shade them. Much • Develop a map of movements to prioritise
more likely to walk then. needs.
• Make safer.
• More lights.
• Need more seats.




Two 2 hour workshops were conducted on 29 • Facilitated workshop discussion (1 hour and 10
April 2019, at 2 pm and at 6 pm, offering a choice minutes):
of a daytime or an evening session. The scope » What are the issues experienced with
and approach to both of these workshops was Horsham’s urban street network?
the same.
» What are some of the opportunities to
improve movement, access and streets
These workshops focussed on identifying
in Horsham’s CAD?
key issues with Horsham’s streets and roads,
mobility and accessibility; and on establishing » Using Movement and Place concept,
opportunities and future directions. what should the future vision for the
street network be?
» What should be some of the key
Both workshops were well attended by directions in the Urban Transport Plan?
members of the public, members of the PCG • Prioritisation of key actions (5 minutes)
and Elected Members.
• Group feedback and close (15 minutes).
23 people attended both workshops.
Workshop discussions were facilitated at three
tables and key feedback from each table was
The workshop agenda was as following:
discussed in the combined group of attendees.
• Welcome and introductions (5 minutes)
• Presentation – overview of the Urban This section includes key messages and key
Transport Plan project and its strategic priorities identified at these two workshops. The
alignment (10 minutes) feedback from both workshops (all six discussion
• Presentation – key context and issues for tables) was combined.
transport, movement and accessibility in
Horsham (10 minutes)
• Presentation – Movement and Place
approach and assessment for Horsham (5





• Consider give way confusion at roundabouts • Suggested intersections for investigations

between cars and also cars and pedestrians. and improvements:
• Investigate options for freight linkages to » Western Highway / Geodetic Road
direct freight movements around town. » Golf Course Road / Henty Highway /
• Install freight route signage, clearly marking Western Highway
freight routes. » Bailie Street / Menadue Street
• Build a new vehicle river crossing west of the (especially for pedestrians and cyclists
city. crossing)
• Build a new vehicle river crossing east of the » Bailie Street / McPhersons Street (review
city. phasing of signals)
• Bypass (or a ring road as an alternative) » Darlot/Wilson Street roundabout
needs to be considered to support local » Darlot / Hamilton Street intersection
access needs. (road priority is wrong)
• Address the need for an additional bridge,
subject to bypass timing. CAR PARKING, LOADING AND SCOOTER
• Establish a ring road for Horsham. PARKING
• Address impact of amenity from freight in
Wilson Street. Keep trucks out of town (out of • Horsham, being the regional centre, needs to
Wilson Street and McPherson Street). provide convenient access for visitors:
• Consider impacts of residential growth to the » for cars and car parking
west of Horsham. » good access to key services and popular
• There is an issue of trucks not observing red destinations
lights. » opportunity to consider hop on/hop off
• Address weaving traffic from O’Callanghans bus linking services in town.
Parade to William Road. • Maintain good DDA car parking accessibility
• Address River Road to Plympton Road rat at key service locations, such as banks,
run for traffic heading to Church of Christ. medical destinations, post office and shops.
• Consider measures to improve compliance • Develop information and information
with 40 km/h speed limit (e.g. speed humps campaigns regarding where car parks and
and wombat crossings). available to address the desire to park
immediately at the front of destinations.
• Install red light enforcement cameras
(suggested locations is at the Anglican • Consider safety of centre road car parks from
Church). the points of view of on-going traffic visibility
and pedestrian accessibility.
• Consider safety measures for scooters and
motorcycles. • Consider a multi-storey car park.
• Improve road signage and lane signage. • Remove long-term parking to encourage use
of buses, cycling and walking.
• Plan for the future by incrementally
improving CAD destinations and on-street
staying opportunities, and relocating



street space from car parking to those • Encourage cycling to work.

opportunities. • Enhance and expand continuity of pedestrian
• Introduce electric scooter/bike parking and cycle paths, and create new linkages.
spaces. • Improve and prioritise linkages to key
• Shade car parking areas, especially at outer destinations.
location (to encourage parking further out). • Make greater use of river paths as a conduit
• Offset any car parking loss by building a for school travel, improve connectivity and
multi-storey car park. reinforce riding/walking routes.
• Strengthen pedestrian connectivity
PUBLIC TRANSPORT through laneways, establishing their role as
• Consider improving public transport
connectivity to the south of the CBD (to CYCLING FACILITIES
connect gardens and the river)
• Improve public transport: • Install frequent bike parking opportunities in
» needs to be publicised CAD.
» install timetables • Install more secure cycling storage.
» survey current users • Improve cyclist safety at roundabouts
(cyclists get squeezed out as bike lanes
» survey potential users.
disappear). Make roundabouts safer for
• V-line terminates at the courts - is there not a cycling and mobility scooters.
better location?
• Design key priority cycling routes that
• Train station is a horrible place and needs a are safe (refer to the work by the Bicycle
rethink. Advisory Committee).
• Consider building a public transport terminus, • Design Copenhagen-style bikeways to
an exciting destination with cafes and encourage parents riding with children.
information centre.
• Invest more into cycling infrastructure,
• Public transport waiting areas need to be making cycling safer.
much improved.
• Need more cycling connectivity in residential
ACTIVE TRANSPORT areas to encourage commuting by bike.


• Establish and reinforce active transport
routes for to/from schools ACCESSIBILITY
• Work with schools to promote active
• Create age-friendly accessible streets.
transport, encourage children to ride to
school on bikes or scooters, and catching a • Address the issue of crossing wide roads,
bus. especially for older people and those with



mobility constraints (for example, Wilson • Review pedestrian connections and

Street adjacent Safeways/Woolworths). wayfinding to May Park from other CBD
• Address poor condition of footpaths and trip locations. It is currently an underutilised
hazards. resource.
• Reinforce the use of the median in Firebrace • Improve the ease of crossing Western
Street for pedestrian accessibility. Highway and crossings for pedestrians
walking towards CBD from Horsham North.
• Improve walkability in Horsham:
There is too much traffic and pedestrians are
» widen footpaths wherever possible not safe.
» install more pedestrian crossings (there • Increase pedestrian priority and
is currently very few crossing points and opportunities for crossing the roads in the
many more are needed). CBD. Consider the approach that Bendigo
• Create short mid-block pedestrian crossings took.
by building out footpaths. • Remove street clutter such as unnecessary
• Prioritise widening of footpaths at key sign posts.
destinations, for example at the cinema.
• In the future, there will be an increase in STREETSCAPE AND DESTINATIONS
motorised mobility scooters/wheelchairs:
» ensure the width of footpaths are • Install more seating throughout to provide
appropriate rest points and opportunities to enjoy
» ensure intersecting side streets can be
safely traversed. • Increase numbers of and improve seating
with shade and drinking fountains.
• There is an issue of pedestrians crossing
against red near Vic Hotel. • Install shade wherever possible.
• McPherson Street is a barrier for east-west • Invest in attractive tourist signage and
pedestrian connectivity. destination/walking route signage. There is a
distinct lack of signage in Horsham.
• Address accessibility issues due to steep kerb
and gutter profile. Mobility scooters bottom • Improve street lighting.
out when traversing side streets. • Install entry treatments on approaches to
• Improve pedestrian connectivity and Horsham to welcome visitors and provide a
pedestrian access priority at Horsham Plaza. sense of destination.
Create opportunities for attractive staying • Consider opportunities for destination/
activities at the front of the Plaza. Integrate streetscape improvements on Pyncent Street
pedestrian route to Plaza with routes to other next to the Townhall, connections to the river
destinations. and the CBD.
• Review school pedestrian crossing at • Improve street aesthetics of O’Callaghans
Natimuk Road, which conflicts with traffic Parade.

• Create a key destination (Place P1 on the

Movement and Place hierarchy) at Firebrace
Street, between McLachlan and Bailie).
• Develop a structured/strategic tree planting
program to shade streets, encourage walking
and encourage use of outer city car parks.
• Investigate a possibility of and build a town
square, the heart of Horsham, which will
encourage on-street staying activities.
Consider a major attractor like a splash pad.
Use Mildura as an example.
• Make public/common areas more attractive.
• Strengthen the role of Darlot Street as a
• Create more and better connections between
the riverfront and the city street network.
• Encourage outdoor dining. Make permits and
regulations easier to comply with.
• Curate on-street events, for example, install
parklets, roll out the grass.



• Driver education courses for right of way at

• Cultivate and promote culture and unique
Horsham-centric experiences. For example,
consider a discovery centre for the Cultural
• Provide more community information about
what is on and what is open.
• Educate users of mobility scooters to
encourage safer driving practices.


• Plan to consider aerodrome.


• Get access to water pipeline.

• Urban masterplan for Horsham is much
needed to address the needs of recreation
and sporting facilities and to plan out
pedestrian links to green areas.




As the last activity for the workshop attendees were invited to select four top priority considerations
discussed at their table, using sticky dots. The list below details which of the priorities were selected
and numbers indicate the number of workshop attendees who selected them. The priority list below
is a repeat of the messages included in the previous section and it is a collation of all selected priority
items from six discussion tables, hence it has a degree of repetition.

Number of
people who
Priority action
prioritised the
5 Driver education courses for right of way at roundabouts.

4 Build a new vehicle river crossing west of the city.

Bypass (or a ring road as an alternative) needs to be considered to support local
access needs.
Develop a structured/strategic tree planting program to shade streets,
encourage walking and encourage use of outer city car parks.
Investigate a possibility of and build a town square, the heart of Horsham, which
will encourage on-street staying activities.
4 Investigate improvements at Darlot / Wilson Street intersection.

4 Keep trucks out of town (out of Wilson Street and McPherson Street).
Urban masterplan for Horsham is much needed to address the needs of
recreation and sporting facilities and to plan out pedestrian links to green areas.
3 Address impact of amenity from freight in Wilson Street.
Consider measures to improve compliance with 40 km/h speed limit (e.g. speed
humps and wombat crossings).
3 Create age-friendly accessible streets.
Improve the ease of crossing Western Highway and crossings for pedestrians
walking towards CBD from Horsham North.



Number of
people who
Priority action
prioritised the
3 Increase numbers of and improve seating with shade and drinking fountains.

3 Increase pedestrian priority and opportunities for crossing the roads in the CBD.

3 Install freight route signage, clearly marking freight routes.

3 Install more secure cycling storage.

3 Invest more into cycling infrastructure, making cycling safer.

Shade car parking areas, especially at outer location (to encourage parking
further out).
2 Build a new vehicle river crossing east of the city.

2 Design Copenhagen-style bikeways to encourage parents riding with children.

2 Encourage outdoor dining.

2 Establish a ring road for Horsham.

2 Establish and reinforce active transport routes for to/from schools.

2 Improve public transport.

2 Install more pedestrian crossings.

2 Make roundabouts safer for cycling and mobility scooters.

2 Need another river crossing bridge.

Need more cycling connectivity in residential areas to encourage commuting by
2 Widen footpaths.

1 Achieve continuity of pedestrian/bike paths.

1 Address confusion at roundabouts.

1 Address poor condition of footpaths.

1 Address the need for an additional bridge, subject to bypass timing.

1 Address weaving traffic from O'Callanghans Parade to William Road.

1 Cater for accessibility needs of mobility scooters.

1 Consider a multi-storey car park.

Consider improving public transport connectivity to the south of the CBD (to
connect gardens and the river).



Number of
people who
Priority action
prioritised the
Create more and better connections between the riverfront and the city street
1 Create more cycling routes.

1 Curate on-street events, for example, install parklets, roll out the grass.

1 Educate users of mobility scooters to encourage safer driving practices.

1 Encourage children to ride to school on bikes or scooters, and catching a bus.

1 Encourage cycling to work.

1 Improve and prioritise linkages to key destinations.

1 Improve car parking access to services for the elderly.

1 Improve road signage and lane signage.

1 Install red light enforcement cameras.

1 Invest in attractive tourist signage and destination/walking route signage.

1 Investigate improvements at Darlot / Hamilton Street intersection.

Investigate improvements at Golf Course Road / Henty Highway / Western
1 Investigate improvements at Western Highway and Geodetic Road intersection.
Investigate streetscape improvemenst and destination opportunities at Town
Hall in Pyncent Street.
1 Make public/common areas more attractive.

1 Remove long-term parking to encourage use of buses, cycling and walking.

1 Remove street clutter such as unnecessary sign posts.

Strengthen pedestrian connectivity through laneways, establishing their role as
1 Strengthen the role of Darlot Street as a destination.




Wednesday 11 September 2019
Council Chambers, Horsham Rural City Council, 12.07pm
File Ref: F18/A13/000001


Committee Members:
Mr Geoff Price (Chair)
Mr Vito Giudice (conference call)
Mr Richard Trigg
Cr Mark Radford
Cr David Grimble

Also in Attendance:
Mr Sunil Bhalla, Chief Executive Officer
Mr Graeme Harrison, Director Corporate Services
Mrs Heather Proctor, Manager Finance
Ms Diana McDonald, Co-ordinator Governance
Mr Chris Kol, McLaren Hunt Financial Group (1.30-1.52pm)

Additional Council
Officer Attendees:
Ms Lindy Haigh, Governance Officer (Minutes)
Mr Robert Letts, Business Partner, Risk & HR (Item 10.3) (1.15-1.30pm)




Audit & Risk Committee Meeting – Minutes (11 September 2019) Page 1


Moved Richard Trigg seconded Cr David Grimble that the minutes of the meeting held on 13
June 2019 be confirmed as an accurate record.



6.1 Robert Letts to report back on the Chain of Responsibility to Horsham Regional Livestock
Exchange for their next meeting.

No further action until a policy and procedure are created regarding the chain of responsibility for
Horsham Rural City Council.


7.1 Emerging Issues

Sunil discussed:
 City to River Project – Plan out for public submission for 8 weeks and received 760
 Urban Transport Plan
 Horsham Structure Plan
 Regional Library Corporation – three Councils have pulled out of the Corporation which will
occur as of July 2020
 Procurement – processes and probity, now all electronic through e-procure
 Enterprise Bargaining Agreement
 Recycling issues – no current issues for HRCC
 Local Government Bill – October
 Review of Local Government Rating system

7.2 Any new level of Risk/Fraud and Corruption/Protected Disclosures

Nothing to report on fraud or risk

7.3 Rural Council Transformation Program

Project discussed – originally commenced with 10 Councils now down to six Councils.

Moved Cr Mark Radford seconded Richard Trigg that the CEO’s report be accepted.


Audit & Risk Committee Meeting – Minutes (11 September 2019) Page 2



9.1 Internal Audit Progress Report


9.2 VAGO Fraud and Corruption Control Review – HRCC analysis and Recommendations for
Of the 12 items listed in the review, seven items are seen as relevant to HRCC.
Committee commended Management on the development and analysis of the Review.


9.3 Internal Audit Actions Report – Council

In total seven items were completed for the quarter, (12 completed the previous quarter). One
item was high risk, one medium risk and five low risk.
A further two audits were completed last quarter and have now been added to this quarters
reporting: Procurement (under tender threshold) and VAGO Local Government Performance
Reporting Framework (LGPRF).
There are now 35 actions overall that are outstanding, (23 overdue previous quarter). Two high,
26 medium and seven low. 13 items in top quartile nearly complete.
Business Efficiency function is still yet to be implemented.

Moved Vito Giudice seconded Cr David Grimble that the Committee receives the Internal Audit
Actions report.


10.1 Compliance & Legislation

10.1.1 VAGO Annual Plan 2019/2020

A brief YouTube video regarding VAGO’s Annual Plan was presented.

10.1.2 VAGO Performance Audit Program 2019/2022

Graeme highlighted areas that may relate to Council out of VAGO’s Performance audit work
program 2019-2022. The recommendations will be uploaded to Cambron for actioning and

10.1.3 Delegations Update

Updates provided to the Committee.

Moved Cr Mark Radford seconded Richard Trigg that the Committee receives the Compliance
and Legislation reports.

Audit & Risk Committee Meeting – Minutes (11 September 2019) Page 3

10.2 Reporting
10.2.1 Draft Closing Report
The draft closing report was discussed and indicated three risks: valuation of infrastructure,
accounting standard and performance statement. Low risk issues have not yet been

Moved Richard Trigg seconded Cr David Grimble that the Audit and Risk Committee recommend
to adopt in principle the Annual Financial Accounts and Performance Statements for the year
ended 30 June 2019, and nominates the Mayor Cr Mark Radford and Cr David Grimble to sign
the financial statements.

10.2.2 Draft Annual Financial Accounts

The draft Annual Financial Accounts shows Council’s Sustainable Capacity Indicators, Service
Performance Indicators and the Financial Performance Indicators as required by legislation.
Both the Annual Financial Report and Performance Statement will be published in Council’s
Annual Report (2018-2019).

The Committee commended the finance team on their work surrounding the Financial

10.2.3 Draft Performance Statement

Provided for the information of the Committee.

Moved Richard Trigg seconded Cr Mark Radford that the Committee receives the Annual
Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2019.

10.2.4 Quarterly Financial Report – 30 June 2019

The quarterly financial report was tabled.

10.2.5 Proposed Quarterly Reporting

Graeme discussed the proposed new quarterly reporting for Council and the community.

Moved items Cr Mark Radford seconded Richard Trigg that the Committee receives the above

10.3 Risk Management

10.3.1 Risk Management & Insurance Report
Key points from Risk Management Committee Meeting held on 3 September 2019:
 JLT Public Sector Risk Report – Reputation risk was ranked third out of the 13 risks
 JLT Insurance Renewal – Renewal completed for 2019-20 year with a slight increase
in premium.

Audit & Risk Committee Meeting – Minutes (11 September 2019) Page 4

 Status of Insurance Claims - A confidential insurance report was tabled for September
2018–Jan 2019 with a major decrease in the under excess public liability claims this
 Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Annual Review – The plan is currently being reviewed.
Issues include the changes to the IT systems, how it ties to new Emergency
management systems and what services we currently provide to the community.
Although there are some issues the current BCP will still work if an incident was to

10.3.2 Strategic Risk Register Report by Risk Owner

10.3.3 Draft Business Continuity Plan

Being reviewed, still a functioning document but will need to be updated with changes
within Council. Document is currently out for comment with Management.

10.3.4 JLT Public Sector Risk Report (2019)

Tabled for the information of the Committee as noted above.

Moved Cr Mark Radford seconded Richard Trigg that the Committee receives the above Risk
Management reports.

10.4 Governance

10.4.1 Policies reviewed and adopted (14 June 2019 – 11 September 2019)
There were three policies and procedures reviewed and/or updated for the quarter.



11.1 Committee Meetings and Membership

The position of Chair expires at the end of November meeting. Geoff Price (Chair) has informed
the Committee that he will be retiring at the end of this year therefore will not be standing for
Chair again.

Graeme discussed Audit and Risk Committee meetings for next year and proposed it may serve
better if they were held after the end of the quarter as opposed to the middle of the month. The
September meeting needs to stay as is due to Annual and Financial Reports but the other three
quarter dates to be tabled for discussion. Geoff proposed that they stay as they are. Vito agreed
with Graeme re moving the dates and suggested a fifth date for 30 minutes during September for
the financial reports. Discussion to be held outside of meeting to set dates.

11.2 Ombudsman training in Horsham

Information for Committee - Conflict of Interest and Complaints Handling, being held on 15, 16
October 2019.


Audit & Risk Committee Meeting – Minutes (11 September 2019) Page 5


12.1 Appointment of Internal Auditors

Councils previous internal auditors were Crowe Horwath who had the contract for approximately
eight years, their final contract extension finished 30 June 2019. An open tender process occurred
for the provision of internal audit services for an initial three year term with RSD Audit being
recommended from the tender evaluation panel as the preferred supplier.

Moved Cr Mark Radford seconded Cr David Grimble that the Committee recommends to Council
the appointment of the Internal Auditors.


The next meeting of the Audit and Risk Committee will be held on Thursday 21 November 2019
commencing at 12 noon in the Council Chambers, Civic Centre

Meeting closed at 2.01pm

Director Corporate Services

Minutes signed as correct: (Chair) Mr Geoff Price …………………………………….

Date: ………………………………….

Audit & Risk Committee Meeting – Minutes (11 September 2019) Page 6
Service Performance Indicators Results Results Results Results
Service/indicator/measure 2016 2017 2018 2019 Material Variations and Comments
Aquatic Facilities
Service standard
Health inspections of aquatic facilities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 No health inspections were conducted as they are not required by the Health Act 2008.
[Number of authorised officer inspections of Council aquatic facilities /
Number of Council aquatic facilities]
Health and Safety
Reportable safety incidents at aquatic facilities 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 There were no reportable Worksafe incidents for 2018-2019.
[Number of WorkSafe reportable aquatic facility safety incidents]
Service cost
The aquatic centre contract was renegotiated at a higher cost as a result of increased
Cost of indoor aquatic facilities $3.71 $3.92 $3.10 $4.31 competition in the local market resulting in less memberships and on the basis that a 24/7 Gym
service was introduced. There was also an additional cost associated with extending outdoor
pool hours as part of a trial and increases in utility costs, partially as a result of the introduction
[Direct cost of indoor aquatic facilities less income received / Number
of the new 24/7 gym service.
of visits to indoor aquatic facilities]
Service Cost
Cost of outdoor aquatic facilities $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
[Direct cost of outdoor aquatic facilities less income received / Number
of visits to outdoor aquatic facilities]
Utilisation of aquatic facilities has increased due to the introduction of access to Gym 24/7 which
Utilisation of aquatic facilities 6.70 6.39 8.20 8.77 has led to an increase in memberships and therefore visits, extending outdoor pool hours, an
[Number of visits to aquatic facilities / Municipal population] extensive summer holidays program and a greater focus on aqua based classes.
Animal Management
Time taken to action animal management requests 1.00 1.00 1.01 1.00
[Number of days between receipt and first response action for all
animal management requests / Number of animal management
Service standard
Animals reclaimed 38.00% 55.81% 45.31% 62.91% 2018-2019 saw a marked increase in animals being reclaimed by their owners.

[Number of animals reclaimed / Number of animals collected] x100

Service cost
Cost of animal management service $68.07 $66.70 $72.43 $117.43 Costs have increased significantly due to staff turnover resulting in an increased use of casual
[Direct cost of the animal management service / Number of registered and contract labour.
Health and safety
Animal management prosecutions 2.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 Council had one successful animal prosecution for the period.
[Number of successful animal management prosecutions]
Food Safety
Time taken to action food complaints 5.00 3.00 4.67 3.00 There were 13 less food complaints during 2018-2019, therefore the time frame to action food
[Number of days between receipt and first response action for all food complaints was quicker.
complaints / Number of food complaints]
Service standard
Food safety assessments 93.33% 77.71% 112.50% 99.41% 2017-2018 saw a catch up of the 2016-2017 backlog. 2018-2019 saw a return to a normal
assessment cycle where over 99 percent of Class 1 premises were assessed.
[Number of registered class 1 food premises and class 2 food
premises that receive an annual food safety assessment in accordance
with the Food Act 1984 / Number of registered class 1 food premises
and class 2 food premises that require an annual food safety
assessment in accordance with the Food Act 1984] x100

Service cost
Cost of food safety service $621.23 $573.99 $666.84 $650.59
[Direct cost of the food safety service / Number of food premises
registered or notified in accordance with the Food Act 1984]
Health and safety
Critical and major non-compliance outcome notifications 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 93.75% There were zero non-compliances notification during during 2017-18 and 16 non-compliance
notifications during the 2018-19 year, one non-compliance wasn't followed up during the year as
[Number of critical non-compliance outcome notifications and major the premises burned down.
non-compliance notifications about a food premises followed up /
Number of critical non-compliance outcome notifications and major non-
compliance notifications about a food premises] x100
Service Performance Indicators Results Results Results Results
Service/indicator/measure 2016 2017 2018 2019 Material Variations and Comments
Council decisions made at meetings closed to the public 13.91% 8.21% 10.95% 13.39% Whilst the number of council decisions made that were closed to the public remained constant to
previous years, less decisions were made at open council meetings which is reflected by an
[Number of Council resolutions made at ordinary or special meetings of increase in this ratio.
Council, or at meetings of a special committee consisting only of
Councillors, closed to the public / Number of Council resolutions made
at ordinary or special meetings of Council or at meetings of a special
committee consisting only of Councillors ] x100

Consultation and engagement

Satisfaction with community consultation and engagement 61.00 57.00 53.00 54.00
Community satisfaction rating out of 100 with how Council has
performed on community consultation and engagement
Councillor attendance at council meetings 95.05% 89.44% 87.58% 96.19% Council changed from fortnightly to monthly meetings from August 2018.
[The sum of the number of Councillors who attended each ordinary and
special Council meeting / (Number of ordinary and special Council
meetings) × (Number of Councillors elected at the last Council general
election)] x100
Service cost
Cost of governance $39,421.08 $37,546.00 $36,317.94 $36,965.42
[Direct cost of the governance service / Number of Councillors elected
at the last Council general election]
Satisfaction with council decisions 60.00 58.00 49.00 49.00
[Community satisfaction rating out of 100 with how council has
performed in making decisions in the interest of the community]
Library collection usage 2.88 2.60 2.40 2.14 Slight decrease in library loans, whilst small increase in number of items in the library collection.
[Number of library collection item loans / Number of library collection
Resource standard
Standard of library collection 54.66% 48.70% 46.14% 43.11%
[Number of library collection items purchased in the last 5 years /
Number of library collection items] x100
Service cost
Cost of library service $4.91 $5.11 $5.75 $5.70
[Direct cost of the library service / Number of visits]
Active library members 12.85% 12.38% 11.83% 11.06%
[Number of active library members / Municipal population] x100
Maternal and Child Health (MCH)
Participation in first MCH home visit 93.88% 91.74% 100.00% 98.76%
[Number of first MCH home visits / Number of birth notifications
received] x100
Service standard
Infant enrolments in the MCH service 100.72% 100.43% 101.25% 100.41%
[Number of infants enrolled in the MCH service (from birth notifications
received) / Number of birth notifications received] x100
Service cost
2017-2018 had a higher reliance on casual Maternal Child Health staff, compared to 2018-2019
Cost of the MCH service $64.03 $63.95 $70.48 $60.62
where the team returned to normal permanent coverage of Maternal Child Health staff.
[Cost of the MCH service / Hours worked by MCH nurses]
Participation in the MCH service 72.82% 83.67% 89.63% 90.16%
[Number of children who attend the MCH service at least once (in the
year) / Number of children enrolled in the MCH service] x100

Participation in the MCH service by Aboriginal children 55.17% 75.00% 86.54% 94.12% 2018-2019 once again saw an increase in participation by Aboriginal Children in the Maternal
Child Heath program. This has been achieved by the work Council has done building the
[Number of Aboriginal children who attend the MCH service at least relationship with the local Aboriginal Co-operative Goolum Goolum and the ease of access to
once (in the year) / Number of Aboriginal children enrolled in the MCH the service by having a MCH nurse based at Goolum Goolum half a day every week.
service] x100
Service Performance Indicators Results Results Results Results
Service/indicator/measure 2016 2017 2018 2019 Material Variations and Comments
Satisfaction of use
Sealed local road requests 4.22 6.33 12.22 10.72 Reduction in local sealed road requests logged in 2018-2019 compared with 2017-2018.
[Number of sealed local road requests / Kilometres of sealed local
roads ] x100
Sealed local roads maintained to condition standards 99.22% 99.29% 99.30% 99.23%
[Number of kilometres of sealed local roads below the renewal
intervention level set by Council / Kilometres of sealed local roads]
Service cost
Reduction in cost is due to the urban/rural split during 2018-2019. Urban road construction has a
Cost of sealed local road reconstruction $53.23 $52.67 $50.11 $30.86 higher cost per square metre when compared to rural road reconstruction. 2018-2019 saw an
[Direct cost of sealed local road reconstruction / Square metres of approximate reduction of 4,000m2 of urban roads completed as compared to 2017-2018. This
sealed local roads reconstructed] was due to contractor availability during the year.
Service Cost
Cost of sealed local road resealing $5.12 $4.66 $4.67 $5.71 Higher contract costs from suppliers for resealing in 2018-2019.
[Direct cost of sealed local road resealing / Square metres of sealed
local roads resealed]
Satisfaction with sealed local roads 45.00 44.00 44.00 45.00
[Community satisfaction rating out of 100 with how council has
performed on the condition of sealed local roads]
Statutory Planning
In 2019 there was an eight month period where the Statutory Planning team only had one
Time taken to decide planning applications 51.00 50.00 39.00 59.00
planner, therefore permits were processed over a longer timeframe.
[The median number of days between receipt of a planning application
and a decision on the application]
Service standard
Planning applications decided within required time frames 69.06% 65.76% 86.96% 49.59% Staff departures at the start of the year resulted in the Statutory Planning team operating for
eight months with only one planner.
[(Number of regular planning application decisions made within 60
days) + (Number of VicSmart planning application decisions made
within 10 days) / Number of planning application decisions made] x100

Service cost
Cost of statutory planning service $2,194.58 $2,456.04 $3,221.30 $2,702.15 Savings resulted from recruitment lag along with a cost reduction following a service realignment
[Direct cost of the statutory planning service / Number of planning and clear separation of Council's Strategic Planning service.
applications received]
Decision making
Council planning decisions upheld at VCAT 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% Two planning decisions were taken to VCAT in 2018-2019 with one decision upheld.
[Number of VCAT decisions that did not set aside council's decision in
relation to a planning application / Number of VCAT decisions in
relation to planning applications] x100
Waste Collection
Kerbside bin collection requests 34.15 66.66 63.56 77.27 Council received 131 additional requests for new services as opposed to the 2018 period.
[Number of kerbside garbage and recycling bin collection requests /
Number of kerbside bin collection households] x1000
Service standard
Kerbside collection bins missed 0.95 1.07 1.03 1.39 Council received 35 additional missed bin requests during 2018-2019.
[Number of kerbside garbage and recycling collection bins missed /
Number of scheduled kerbside garbage and recycling collection bin
lifts] x10,000
Service cost
Cost of kerbside garbage bin collection service $109.44 $115.94 $117.81 $115.54
[Direct cost of the kerbside garbage bin collection service / Number of
kerbside garbage collection bins]
Service cost
Cost of kerbside recyclables collection service $50.86 $36.71 $43.61 $61.67 Impact of China's National Sword policy and the domestic recycling crisis that followed.
[Direct cost of the kerbside recyclables bin collection service / Number
of kerbside recyclables collection bins]
Waste diversion
Kerbside collection waste diverted from landfill 24.32% 24.16% 22.75% 22.13%
[Weight of recyclables and green organics collected from kerbside bins
/ Weight of garbage, recyclables and green organics collected from
kerbside bins] x100
Sustainable Capacity Indicators
Results Results Results Results
Indicator /measure 2016 2017 2018 2019 Material Variations and Comments
Expenses per head of municipal population $2,338.42 $2,310.84 $2,523.98 $2,705.89
[Total expenses / Municipal population]
Infrastructure per head of municipal population $20,496.31 $20,902.93 $21,266.98 $22,478.67
[Value of infrastructure / Municipal population]
Population density per length of road 6.64 6.65 6.66 6.68
[Municipal population / Kilometres of local roads]
Own-source revenue
Own-source revenue per head of municipal population $1,613.79 $1,623.96 $1,807.54 $1,784.76
[Own-source revenue / Municipal population]
Recurrent grants
Recurrent grants per head of municipal population $406.65 $679.36 $540.06 $500.05
[Recurrent grants / Municipal population]
Relative Socio-Economic Disadvantage 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00
[Index of Relative Socio-Economic Disadvantage by decile]
Service Performance Indicators
Results Results Results Results
Service/indicator /measure 2016 2017 2018 2019 Material Variations and Comments
Aquatic Facilities
Utilisation of aquatic facilities has increased due to the introduction of
access to Gym 24/7 which has led to an increase in memberships and
Utilisation of aquatic facilities 6.70 6.39 8.20 8.77 therefore visits, extending outdoor pool hours, an extensive summer
holidays program and a greater focus on aqua based classes.
[Number of visits to aquatic facilities / Municipal population]
Animal Management
Health and safety
Animal management prosecutions 2.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 Council had one successful animal prosecution for the period.
[Number of successful animal management prosecutions]
Food Safety
Health and safety
Critical and major non-compliance outcome notifications 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 93.75% There were zero non-compliances notification during during 2017-18 and
[Number of critical non-compliance outcome notifications and major non- 16 non-compliance notifications during the 2018-19 year, one non-
compliance notifications about a food premises followed up / Number of critical compliance wasn't followed up during the year as the premises burned
non-compliance outcome notifications and major non-compliance notifications down.
about a food premises] x100
Satisfaction with council decisions 60.00 58.00 49.00 49.00
[Community satisfaction rating out of 100 with how council has performed in
making decisions in the interest of the community]
Active library members 12.85% 12.38% 11.83% 11.06%
[Number of active library members / Municipal population] x100
Maternal and Child Health (MCH)
Participation in the MCH service 72.82% 83.67% 89.63% 90.16%
[Number of children who attend the MCH service at least once (in the year) /
Number of children enrolled in the MCH service] x100
2018-2019 once again saw an increase in participation by Aboriginal
Children in the Maternal Child Heath program. This has been achieved
Participation in the MCH service by Aboriginal children 55.17% 75.00% 86.54% 94.12% by the work Council has done building the relationship with the local
Aboriginal Co-operative Goolum Goolum and the ease of access to the
service by having a MCH nurse based at Goolum Goolum half a day
[Number of Aboriginal children who attend the MCH service at least once (in the
every week.
year) / Number of Aboriginal children enrolled in the MCH service] x100
Satisfaction with sealed local roads 45.00 44.00 44.00 45.00
[Community satisfaction rating out of 100 with how council has performed on the
condition of sealed local roads]
Statutory Planning
Decision making
Council planning decisions upheld at VCAT 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% Two planning decisions were taken to VCAT in 2018-2019 with one
[Number of VCAT decisions that did not set aside council's decision in relation to decision upheld.
a planning application / Number of VCAT decisions in relation to planning
applications] x100
Waste Collection
Waste diversion
Kerbside collection waste diverted from landfill 24.32% 24.16% 22.75% 22.13%

[Weight of recyclables and green organics collected from kerbside bins / Weight
of garbage, recyclables and green organics collected from kerbside bins] x100
Financial Performance Indicators APPENDIX 9.10A
Results Forecasts
Dimension/indicator /measure 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Material Variations and Comments
Revenue level
Average residential rate per residential property assessment $1,711.33 $1,787.00 $1,844.89 $1,871.78 $1,898.67 $1,925.56 $1,952.44 $1,979.33
[Residential rate revenue / Number of residential property assessments]
Expenditure level
Expenses per property assessment $3,759.00 $3,813.08 $4,171.50 $4,482.75 $4,523.83 $3,818.38 $3,866.23 $3,933.46
[Total expenses / Number of property assessments]
Workforce turnover
Resignations and terminations compared to average staff 8.92% 10.76% 11.53% 13.68% 8.28% 8.28% 8.28% 8.28%
[Number of permanent staff resignations and terminations / Average number of
permanent staff for the financial year] x100
Working capital
Current assets compared to current liabilities 245.39% 298.41% 337.55% 423.13% 247.66% 252.26% 237.64% 240.08% A large cash balance was held at 30th June due to $5m grant being received on 26th June 2019 for a
[Current assets / Current liabilities] x100 program to commence in 2019-2020.
Unrestricted cash
Unrestricted cash compared to current liabilities 76.63% 36.24% 11.04% -32.23% -1.37% -9.31% -14.00% -5.95% Taking advantage of longer term deposits directly affects unrestricted cash held, this is reflected in year-end
figures where high levels of long term deposits are held. Forecast figures reflect a return to a more consistent
[Unrestricted cash / Current liabilities] x100 unrestricted cash balance.
Asset renewal
Asset renewal compared to depreciation 72.90% 77.70% 82.79% 59.85% 88.44% 84.76% 73.66% 103.73% Whilst 80 percent of capital expenditure was spent on asset renewal in 2019, a large increase in depreciation
[Asset renewal expense / Asset depreciation] x100 expense due to infrastructure asset revaluations has reduced the asset renewal ratio.
Loans and borrowings
Council did not draw down any new loans during 2018-2019 year which has resulted in a decreased ratio and
Loans and borrowings compared to rates 28.50% 25.38% 22.85% 20.20% 17.80% 15.60% 22.10% 37.58%
therefore showing a favourable variance. This trend will continue until Council increases its external loan
[Interest bearing loans and borrowings / Rate revenue] x100 borrowings.
Loans and borrowings repayments compared to rates 2.87% 3.04% 2.90% 2.81% 2.59% 2.37% 1.04% 1.46%
[Interest and principal repayments on interest bearing loans and borrowings /
Rate revenue] x100
Non-current liabilities compared to own source revenue 27.13% 27.68% 25.58% 24.77% 22.88% 21.05% 24.69% 37.54%
[Non-current liabilities / Own source revenue] x100
Operating position
Adjusted underlying result
Adjusted underlying surplus (or deficit) -11.01% 6.43% -3.20% -2.56% -4.02% -3.41% -2.91% -3.82% A large non-recurrent operating grant of $5m was received on 26th June 2019 resulting in a significant
[Adjusted underlying surplus (deficit)/ Adjusted underlying revenue] x100 improved result for 2018-2019. In future years, the adjusted deficit will remain around -4 percent.
Rates concentration
Rates compared to adjusted underlying revenue 58.38% 50.94% 52.97% 50.88% 52.83% 59.21% 59.78% 60.90%
[Rate revenue / Adjusted underlying revenue] x100
Rates effort
Rates compared to property values 0.65% 0.61% 0.62% 0.60% 0.60% 0.61% 0.62% 0.62%
[Rate revenue / Capital improved value of rateable properties in the municipality]
Complaint Resolution


To provide an open and transparent complaint handling system for Horsham Rural City Council by:
 Establishing timeframes for resolving complaints
 Clarifying roles and responsibilities of Council staff
 Ensuring that staff handle complaints fairly and objectively
 Setting out how staff record and analyse complaint data to identify where we can improve our services.


Members of the public have the right to complain about Council services. A complaint may arise when:
 A programmed or requested service that should be provided has not been provided to the predetermined


 There has been a delay in responding to a service request
 A Council Officer has behaved in an inappropriate way.

Horsham Rural City Council is committed to managing complaints in a transparent, fair and consistent way and
feedback is encouraged. It helps improve Council services and the way business is conducted.

This policy aims to ensure that customers can raise their complaints easily and with confidence that Council
will listen and respond to their concerns, and handle their complaint in a fair and equitable way. If Council is
not the right organisation to respond to the complaint, the complainant will be referred to an organisation that
can help.

Requests for service, information, suggestions and enquiries are not complaints and will not be handled
through the complaints resolution process.


This policy applies to all Council staff and contractors carrying out services on Council’s behalf. This policy also
forms the basis of expectations for student placements and volunteers in respect of the conduct expected by


4.1 Guiding principles

Horsham Rural City Council has adopted the following Guiding Principles for effective complaint handling as
outlined in the Victorian Ombudsman’s Complaints – Good Practice Guide for Public Sector Agencies (2016).

Commitment: Council is committed to resolving complaints and has a culture that recognises an individual’s
right to complain. Council values complaints and recognises them as being part of its business of serving the
community and improving service delivery.

Accessibility: People with a range of needs can easily complain and staff are available to assist them to navigate
the complaints process.

Transparency: Council makes it clear how to complain, where to complain and how the complaint will be
handled. The steps taken to respond to a complaint are recorded and will stand up to scrutiny.
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Complaint Resolution

Objectivity and fairness: Complaints are dealt with courteously, impartially, within established timeframes and
assessed on merit.

Privacy: Complaint information is handled according to privacy laws and other relevant legislation. Council
provides clear information about how personal information is handled. Complaint data is de-identified if
reported on more widely.

Accountability: Council is accountable internally and externally for its decision making and complaint handling
performance. Council provides explanations and reasons for decisions and ensures that its decisions are subject
to appropriate review processes.

Continuous improvement: Acting on, learning from and using complaint data helps Council identify problems
and improve services.

4.2 How to make a complaint

Complaints to Council can be made by:

 Lodging a service request through Council’s customer service request system on the website or through
the Horsham Rural City Council App, stating that you wish to make a complaint
 Completing the Complaints Form available on the website or from Customer Service
 Contacting Council by telephone on (03) 5382 9777
 Writing to Council, email council@hrcc.vic.gov.au or post PO Box 511, Horsham Vic 3402.

Complaints should include:

 Date, time and location/event
 Nature and description of the complaint
 Statement identifying what the complainant seeks as an acceptable outcome to the complaint by way of
 Any additional supporting information, for example, photos or earlier correspondence.

If compensation is requested, the complainant is required to complete and submit the Request for
Compensation form available on Council’s website.

People with specific needs can contact Council to make a complaint through the National Relay Service:
 TTY users can phone 133 677 then give the relay officer our number (03) 5382 9777
 Speak and Listen (speech-to-speech) users can phone 1300 555 727 and then give the relay officer our
number (03) 5382 9777
 SMS Relay users can send a text message to 0423 677 767 containing our number (03) 5382 9777
An interpreting service can also be provided if required.

4.3 Responsibility of complainants

To ensure that Council provides a high standard of service to complainants, it is their responsibility to:
 Clearly identify the issues of the complaint, (Council Officers will assist with this task if/as required)
 Provide all the information available about the complaint in an organised format at the time of making the
 Co-operate with any enquiries or investigations
 Treat Council staff with courtesy and respect.

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Complaint Resolution

4.4 Anonymous complaints

Council may not be able to progress anonymous complaints where sufficient information is provided. When a
complainant is unwilling to disclose their details, it can reduce Council’s ability to clarify the nature of the
complaint in order to investigate the matter thoroughly. If it is determined, after reasonable investigation, that
insufficient information has been provided, no further action will be taken. This decision will be made at the
discretion of the relevant Director.

4.5 Unreasonable complainant conduct

While most complainants act reasonably, responsibly and respectfully in their interactions with Council,
occasionally they may act in a way that is inappropriate and unacceptable, despite every effort by Council staff
to assist with their complaint. Sometimes it may be necessary to change or restrict a complainant’s rights or
access to services as a result of their behaviour.

4.6 Privacy and confidentiality

When gathering information to respond to a complaint, Council will only:

 Use it to deal with the complaint or to address systemic issues arising from the complaint
 Disclose it in a de-identified format when disclosing data to the public
 Discuss it with staff on a need-to-know basis
 Disclose it if required to do so under law.

Complainants have the right to expect that their complaint will be handled in a confidential way. The identity
of the complainant will only be shared with Council staff on a need-to-know basis and their identity will not be
revealed or made public by Council, except where required by law. The Information Privacy policy which sets
out details of how Council meets the Information Privacy Principles in the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014,
is available on our website.

All complaints lodged with Council are subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982. Complaints about
individuals will be handled confidentially in accordance with Council’s Human Resource policies.

4.7 Service requests

A service request is a request for the provision of a service that is not provided on a programmed basis or a
request for the provision of a program service in excess of the predetermined standard. Service requests are
not handled through the complaints resolution process. Service requests should be made by entering the
details on Council’s customer service request system. They can also be received by letter, telephone, email or
in person by a Council Officer.

4.8 Complaints concerning statutory matters

Some Council activities are governed by State or Federal legislation, for example, parking fines, planning and
building and land valuation. In such circumstances, Council is unable to alter its decision-making processes and
is guided by the requirements of the legislation in making the final decision.

Land valuations: All objections to land valuations will follow the process as set by the relevant government
authorities and will not be handled through the complaints resolution process.

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Complaint Resolution

Local laws: Council has adopted local laws which provide for law, order and safety within the community. Local
laws have specific provisions relating to an appeal process and should be dealt with according to those
guidelines or relevant legislation. When provisions within the local law or other legislation that Council is
responsible for implementing is breached, Council Officers commence procedures which may include legal
action and the issue of infringement notices.

Where a member of the community wishes to have a decision to commence legal action reviewed, or the issue
of an infringement notice reconsidered, this must be received in writing and will not be handled through the
complaints resolution process. The matter will be handled by the responsible officers, including any appeals
for parking fines and reviewed by the relevant Director (or delegate), who will make the final decision on the
matter and ensure all details are recorded on Council’s record management system.

4.9 Human rights considerations

Council has an obligation to act in accordance with the Charter of Human Rights Act 2006 and to consider
relevant human rights when making decisions and resolving complaints.

We will:
 Acknowledge and deal with complaints in a timely way
 Provide transparent information about how complaints are handled
 Protect the privacy of information as far as possible
 Treat everyone involved in a way that is objective, respectful and fair
 Consider and respect human rights
 Promote accountability for decisions.

4.10 Remedies

In response to complaints, Council will take steps to redress the situation. Possible remedies may include, but
are not limited to:
 An explanation of why the error occurred and the steps taken to prevent it happening again
 A reversal of a decision
 Disciplinary action taken against a staff member
 Providing the means of redress requested by the complainant.

Where we identify an error, we will offer a genuine apology in addition to any other remedies offered,
irrespective of whether the complainant specifically requests this.

Should a complaint not be resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction, then it will be internally reviewed by the
Chief Executive Officer. If the complaint is still unresolved, then the complainant has the right to take the
matter to the Victorian Ombudsman.


This policy will be publicly available on Council’s website.


Policy Owner: Director Corporate Service

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HRCC Policy No: C04/035 – Complaint Resolution Page 4 of 5
Complaint Resolution


Definition Meaning
Complaint  A programed service that has not been provided to the predetermined standard (timeline,
quality and quantity); or
 A requested service that should be provided but has not been provided to the
predetermined standard (timeline, quality and quantity); or
 A delay in responding to a service request; or
 Conduct unbecoming of an Officer of Council.
Programmed service  A service that is delivered by Council on a regular or scheduled basis
Service request  A request for the provision of a service that is not provided on a programed basis; or
 A request for the provision of a programed service in excess of predetermined standard
(timeline, quality and quantity)


Document Location
Complaint Resolution – Procedure No P04/240 intranet, customer service
HRCC Customer Commitment Charter Website, intranet, customer service
HRCC Customer Service Standards – Procedure No P04/040 Website, intranet, customer service
Complaints – Good Practice Guide for Public Sector Agencies, September 2016 – www.ombudsman.vic.gov.au
Victorian Ombudsman
Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006
Freedom of Information Act 1982
Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2011
Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014
Protected Disclosure Act 2012


Version Approval Date Approval By Amendment Review Date

01 6 October 2014 Council  New Framework October 2018
02 Council  Rewritten to align with Victorian
Ombudsman’s Complaints – Good
Practice Guide for Public Sector
Agencies (2016)

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HRCC Policy No: C04/035 – Complaint Resolution Page 5 of 5
Council Plan Half Yearly Report - 30 June 2019 APPENDIX 9.12A
Goal & Outcomes 4 Year Priority - Description Status % Comp Comments
1 - Community and Cultural Development
0.1 Goal 1 - Strategic Indicators
0.1.01 100% completion of construction of the Kalkee Road Completed 100% KOB Apr 18 - Construction completed.
Children's and Community Hub and commencement
of operations by April 2018
0.1.02 Completion of a detailed feasibility study for a Completed 100% JM Jun 18 - Draft feasibility study has been completed.
multipurpose/indoor sports and community facility
by December 2017
0.1.03 Work with the Horsham Historical Society to plan for Completed 100% SS Aug 18 - Feasibility study has been completed and the Consultant
and scope a new Heritage Centre by December 2017 will present this to a Councillor Briefing in November/December.

0.1.04 Securing funding for CBD Revitalisation Project Stage Started 20% SB Jul 19 - $1.65 million election commitment by the coalition for
1 - improved urban design by 31 December 2017. City to River Stage 1. Further funding opportunities to be pursued
after the masterplan is endorsed and staging confirmed.

0.1.05 Develop plans for a Town Square by 31 December Started 50% JK Aug 19 - Potential location and concept of a town square tested
2017. through the targeted "city to River" engagement. Wider community
engagement on potential location underway as part of "City to

1.1 Contribute to building a vibrant, diverse and resilient community

1.1.01 Pursue ongoing funding for a neighbourhood Started 100% MB Jul 19 - Awaiting Vic Track remediation of subject land prior to
renewal program in Horsham North initiation of discussions re acquisition of Railway corridor land. No
further action required on this initiative at this stage (Horsham
North project closed earlier by Martin Bride).

1.1.02 Pursue funding for implementation of the Horsham Started 50% MAB Jul 19 - No further action required on this initiative at this
North Urban Design Framework and Railway Corridor stage (Horsham North project closed earlier by Martin Bride).
Master Plan

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Council Plan Half Yearly Report - 30 June 2019 APPENDIX 9.12A
Goal & Outcomes 4 Year Priority - Description Status % Comp Comments
1.1.03 Facilitate ongoing development of community Completed 100% MM Dec 16 - The Laharum and Haven Precinct plans have been
facilities at Cameron Oval, Laharum finalised Council has submitted an application to RDV for works at
the Laharum Hall but this was unsuccessful. Council is working with
the Laharum Sports Inc regarding funding for Stage 1 works at the
Cameron Oval. (Note listed as 95% complete in previous CP) now

1.1.04 Facilitate ongoing development of community Started 20% MAB Jul 19 - It is understood that works are scheduled to improve
facilities at Haven Recreational Reserve the car park between the tennis courts and the school. Otherwise,
comment below is still valid.
1.1.05 Complete construction of the Kalkee Road Children's Completed 100% KOB Apr 18 - Construction completed.
and Community Hub and commence operations

1.1.06 Implement Volunteer Management Framework Started 75% TSch Jul 19 - An extension of the implementation program until 30
June 2020 has been approved by EMT. This will provide a proper
opportunity for the program worker to overcome resistance to the
program and to ensure that the arrangements are properly
embedded and made sustainable before the worker's appointment

1.1.07 Develop and implement an Indigenous Reconciliation Started 75% KOB Jul 19 - Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan was endorsed by
Action Plan Reconciliation Australia on 21 May and formally launched, actions
being implemented.

1.1.08 Review future use of all kindergartens and Maternal Started 70% MS Jul 19 - Early Years Plan complete and awaiting approval of
& Child Health, post the Horsham North Children's Council to go out for public comment. Kindergartens being assessed
Hub in a State-wide process in line with the three-year-old rollout.

1.1.09 Develop a master plan for Dudley Cornell Reserve Started 95% SJ Jul 19 - Open Space Strategy supports Dudley Landscape Plan. Plan
following the construction of the Children's Hub will need to be updated as now superseded by change room works
and tree removals.

1.1.10 Support our local communities in developing Started 60% MB Dec 18 - Community Plan actions being implemented but further
community plans and strategies work to do.

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Council Plan Half Yearly Report - 30 June 2019 APPENDIX 9.12A
Goal & Outcomes 4 Year Priority - Description Status % Comp Comments
1.1.11 Implement recommendations from Innovate Started 45% KOB Jul 19 - Actions have commenced.
(Indigenous) Reconciliation Action Plan

1.2 Develop a safe, active and healthy community, encouraging participation

1.2.01 Develop and progressively implement a plan for the Started 25% MAB Jul 19 - Comment below is still valid.
redevelopment of the Horsham City Oval precinct

1.2.02 Encourage redevelopment of community facilities at Started 85% MAB Jul 19 - Will be informed by Social Infrastructure Plan, Open
the Horsham Showgrounds Space Strategy and Transforming Horsham initiatives.

1.2.03 Complete a detailed feasibility study for a Completed 100% JM Sep 19 - Draft feasibility study completed but not endorsed by
multipurpose/indoor sports and community facility Council.

1.2.04 Implement outcomes from the multipurpose/indoor Started 15% KOB Jul 19 - Draft Wimmera River and CAD Precinct Master Plan on
sports and community facility feasibility study exhibition. Outcomes on hold dependant upon this planning work.

1.2.05 Development of the Health and Wellbeing Plan 2017 Started 100% MAB Jul 19 - Plan adopted. Implementation in co-operation with
other agencies is underway.
1.2.06 Support family violence prevention programs & Started 90% KOB Jul 19 - Act@Work program actions near full implementation.

1.2.07 Development of Positive Ageing initiatives Completed 100% MS Jul 19 - The project was successfully completed and has now
become part of Council business through the action plan

1.2.08 Review of Youth services in consultation with other Completed 100% MS Mar 19 - Youth Strategy has been completed October 2018. We
agencies and develop a strategy have now written implementation plan and begun with the
employment of a Youth Planning and Engagement Officer.

1.2.09 Activate the Wimmera River Precinct for the Started 70% SP Jul 19 - Activation propositions have been developed as part of
community and visitors (including lights and greater the draft City to River report. Community consultation is taking place
presentation) to inform the development of the final strategy.

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Council Plan Half Yearly Report - 30 June 2019 APPENDIX 9.12A
Goal & Outcomes 4 Year Priority - Description Status % Comp Comments
1.2.10 Plan and progressively construct shared cycling and Started 75% SJ Jul 19 - OSS recommend better and universal access along rivers.
walking track paths along the Wimmera River -– from Justification complete. Planning and construction yet to occur.
Riverside Bridge to Horsham Weir - both sides,
including improvements to lighting and other
1.2.11 Improve presentation, lighting and walking track Completed 100% JM Jul 19 - Works completed.
condition around the racecourse

1.2.12 Encourage the development of a riverside café Started 70% SP Sep 19 - Community consultation is being undertaken to develop
the final plan which may include consideration of a riverside café
and the potential for it to be a private or Council enterprise.

1.2.13 Support planning for review of use of the Riverside Completed 100% SJ Jul 19 - Review and justification complete as part of City to River
Recreation Hub precinct as part of the Wimmera project.
River strategy

1.2.14 Determine Councils future role in Aged Care as a Started 60% KOB Jul 19 - Consultant appointed and will present a report to
consequence of Commonwealth Government Aged Council in August and discuss options.
Care reforms currently being undertaken

1.2.15 Support behaviours that reinforce respect and Started 90% KOB Jul 19 - Gender Equity Officer appointed to complete
equality for women and address rising levels of outstanding Act@Work actions.
family violence

1.2.16 Support behaviours that reinforce respect and Started 85% KOB Jul 19 - Communities of Respect and Equality Membership,
equality for all members of the community and Community of Practice.
address rising levels of violence generally

1.3 Contribute to cultural activities that enhance our community

1.3.01 Complete Business Plan to determine the viability Started 60% MAB Jul 19 - Artist in Residence facility not now considered feasible
and funding options for an artist in residence facility on subject land as originally envisaged. Alternative options are now
on the Wimmera River. being investigated.

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Council Plan Half Yearly Report - 30 June 2019 APPENDIX 9.12A
Goal & Outcomes 4 Year Priority - Description Status % Comp Comments
1.3.02 Work with the Wesley Committee of Management to Completed 100% KOB Jul 19 - Council decision made re future ownership subject to
review arrangements associated with the Wesley compliance works being carried out.

1.3.03 Develop a public art action plan Started 85% MAB Jul 19 - Implementation underway with regular Advisory
Committee oversight.

1.3.04 Continue to develop the Horsham Cinema in the Started 90% KOB Jul 19 - Proposed new lease will include further improvements
main cinema with improved seating, screen and to main cinema.
sound in conjunction with the cinema operator

1.3.05 Support the Horsham Historical Society with the Completed 100% SS Sep 19 - The project was referred to the City to River project and
Horsham Museum Project is included in the draft plan. The Feasibility Study Stage 1 was placed
on public exhibition on the Council website and one email response
was received.

1.3.06 Support the Arapiles Historical Society with the Started 65% MAB Jul 19 - Martin Bride has met with AHS a number of times but
Natimuk Museum development there hasn’t been any concrete outcomes in terms of being able to
open the old garage as a public building. They have adopted a
Collections Policy and developed a strategic plan for the
organisation. These are part of the necessary conditions for
accreditation with Museums Australia Victoria.

1.3.07 Form a stronger relation with Wimmera Machinery Started 5% SP Jul 19 - A proposal outlining support required from council for the
Field Days committee and their major and significant 2020 Field days has been received by council, Economic
event in the municipality. Development unit and Wimmera Machinery Field Days will continue
to work through this proposal and opportunities to increase the
notice given to council for permits and assessments ahead of the

1.3.08 Review service levels for rural hall operational costs, Started 20% MAB Jul 19 - Infrastructure Directorate is now investigating Small
safety and amenity upgrades Hall operational costs and ongoing asset renewal issues.

1.3.09 Seek funding for Stage 2 Horsham Museum Project Not Started 0% SS Sep 19 - No work has commencted on this as yet.

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Council Plan Half Yearly Report - 30 June 2019 APPENDIX 9.12A
Goal & Outcomes 4 Year Priority - Description Status % Comp Comments
1.4 Develop the municipality as a desirable place to live, work and enjoy for people of all ages and abilities
1.4.01 Work with other Councils and relevant agencies to Completed 100% KOB Jul 19 - Transition commenced in October 2017. Completed in
prepare rollout of the National Disability Insurance December 2018.
1.4.02 CBD Revitalisation Project – 2016-2025 Stage 1 - Started 10% AM Mar 19 - Considered as part of the Wimmera River/CAD
improved urban design Visioning Project.

1.4.03 CBD Revitalisation Project – 2016-2025 Stage 2 - Started 50% AM Mar 19 - Considered as part of the Wimmera River/CAD
Town Square Visioning Project.

1.4.04 Work with Victrack to improve linkages between Completed 100% JM Dec 16 - Works on initial project largely complete. Further
Horsham North and wider Horsham scoping required for future works.

1.4.05 Review the Domestic Animal Management Plan Started 65% LC May 2019 - Underway.
2 - Sustaining the Economy
0.2 Goal 2 - Strategic Indicators
0.2.01 Complete Stage 1 infrastructure development at the Started 15% AM Jun 19 - Funding of $1.25 million confirmed for the project by
Wimmera Intermodal Freight Terminal Precinct by State Government. Infrastructure design is 80% complete in
December 2018 prepara on for tender

0.2.02 Implement the outcomes from the Visitor Started 30% AM Jun 19 - Review of Visitor Information Centres by Grampians
Information Centre review by 30 June 19 Tourism is due to be presented to Councils. Council has had an
interim briefing on the project.

2.1 Cultivate opportunities for the municipality to prosper and pursue possibilities for new development
2.1.01 Progress implementation of the Wimmera Started 30% SP Jul 19 - WIFT Precinct Development Plan and WIFT Masterplan
Intermodal Freight Terminal Precinct Plan and adopted by Council at the June 2019 Ordinary Council meeting.
encourage opportunities for the establishment of
associated industries including the mining sector

2.1.02 Work with the economic and community sectors to Started 75% SP Jul 19 - Localised Wimmera business to business platform has
maximise opportunities arising from the national approximately 30 business profiles from Horsham loaded. Business
broadband rollout, including training and awareness engagement to secure additional uptake is ongoing. A launch date is
of on-line retail business opportunities not yet set.

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Council Plan Half Yearly Report - 30 June 2019 APPENDIX 9.12A
Goal & Outcomes 4 Year Priority - Description Status % Comp Comments
2.1.03 Develop an Economic Development strategy Completed 100% SP Aug 18 - Economic Development Strategy adopted by Council on
19 February 2018.

2.1.04 Support development opportunities facilitated by the Started 30% JK Aug 19 - Draft amendment documents that seek to implement the
Wartook Valley strategy Wartook Strategy are currently being prepared in consultation with
DELWP. When completed (subject to capacity and competing
strategic priorities) a decision will be sought from Council to proceed
with the formal Planning Scheme Amendment process.

2.1.05 Facilitate further development of the Aerodrome Not Started 0% AM Jun 19 - completed second workshop with Council and users to
Industrial Estate review business plan and undertake technical review of the master

2.1.06 Develop partnerships with industry groups and Started 50% SP Jul 19 - Ongoing, working with RDV, DELWP, Parks Victoria,
government Grampians Tourism, Visit Victoria, Victorian Tourism Industry
Council, Business Horsham, WDA, DEDJTR (now Dept Jobs, Precincts
and Regions.

2.1.07 Support investigations into the community service Completed 100%

station at Natimuk

2.2 Support initiatives for improved transport services in and around the municipality
2.2.01 Work with the business sector to maximise Removed 15% Removed following Council Plan Review - adopted 24/06/19.
opportunities of the proposed Horsham bypass and
work with the community to minimise social and
environmental impacts including the Aerodrome and
other community assets

2.2.02 Support a Western Highway by-pass of Horsham Completed 100% SB Mar 19 - Council working on Urban Transport plan for Horsham to
address truck traffic issues on all highways including Western

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Council Plan Half Yearly Report - 30 June 2019 APPENDIX 9.12A
Goal & Outcomes 4 Year Priority - Description Status % Comp Comments
2.2.03 Explore, with reference to current planning activities Started 80% SB Jul 19 - Ongoing advocacy through the federal election and recent
being undertaken, opportunities for improved meetings with State Ministers and elected members. CEOs to meet
timetabling and passenger rail and bus services to shortly with Department of Transport bureaucrats to progress the
Horsham from outside and within the region discussion.
(including Horsham to Halls Gap, Melbourne and
2.2.04 Investigate the impacts of the relocation of the rail Not Started 0% JM Jul 19 - Not yet started.
line out of the town area

2.2.05 Review Municipal Parking strategy Completed 100% AM Feb 18 - Municipal Parking Strategy endorsed by Council in
December 2017.

2.2.06 Conduct a review of the roads service to encompass Started 1% KS Jul 19 - A review team to be formed by 31 July 2019 for:
levels of service, construction and maintenance development of scenario model for various level of service for rural
methods (including cost efficiency) road infrastructure; and development of optimum construction and
maintenance methods. A report with recommendation will be
presented to EMT in October 2019.

2.2.07 Horsham Integrated Transport Strategy completed, Started 45% JM Jul 19 - Workshops about to commence to develop draft plan.
• Stage 2 – Horsham urban area
• Stage 3 – Rural areas of municipality
2.2.08 Develop a plan for a further vehicle bridge across the Started 5% JM Jul 19 - Being considered as part of Horsham Urban Transport
Wimmera River and determine the timing when this Plan.
should be constructed

2.2.09 Support the development of the Grampians Way Started 60% AM Mar 19 - No further activity, looking for funding opportunities to
(ring road) - 'Stage 1 Mt Zero Access Road, Stage 2 advance.
Establish Picnic sites/viewing areas and signage,
Stage 3 Seal remaining North West alignment
(Winfield Rd north of Plantation Rd)

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Council Plan Half Yearly Report - 30 June 2019 APPENDIX 9.12A
Goal & Outcomes 4 Year Priority - Description Status % Comp Comments
2.2.10 Provide input to VicRoads on the redevelopment of Started 50% JM Jul 19 - A draft design has been prepared by RRV. Input from
the Western Highway/Hamilton Road/Golf Course HRCC has included ensuring consideration of bike paths. RRV has
Road intersection been requested to provide the latest public domain version of the
design to facilitate review by Council.

2.2.11 Continue to monitor and review car parking Started 5% LC Aug 19 - Brief prepared for parking consultant.
requirements in and around the CBD

2.2.12 Investigate suitable locations for motorhome parking Started 5% LC Aug 19 - Brief prepared for parking consultant.
in Horsham

2.3 Increase visitors to the municipality

2.3.01 Investigate opportunities for the development of the Started 50% SJ Jul 19 - Recommended in OSS - Planning for opportunities not yet
Green Lake/Dock Lake recreational precinct commenced.

2.3.02 Pursue opportunities for improvements at the Police Started 50% SJ Jul 19 - Supported in OSS. Improvements to path network, name
Paddock Reserve/Horsham North including walking change and more seating recommended. Exact improvements yet to
and bike tracks in the vicinity be scoped and costed.

2.3.03 Support the development of the Grampians Peak Started 60% SP Jul 19 - Additional work taking place with businesses seeking to
Trail develop accommoda on offerings close to the Mount Zero Trailhead

2.3.04 Explore opportunities from the 2017-18 Australian Completed 100% SP Mar 19 - Event held. Visitor Information Centre support with
and International Motocross Events accommodation information for teams and attendees. Horsham
Town Hall and Business Development advised local businesses of
potential increased patronage. Event debriefs were undertaken with
council and emergency services.

2.3.05 Investigate marketing and funding through the RMIT Not Started 0% CM Jul 19 - This project has not progressed.
for the Zero to Nhill Trail

2.3.06 Investigate opportunities and plan for possible bike Started 50% SP Mar 19 - Input into Grampians Cycling Trails Master Plan included
trails, Green Lake to Horsham, Horsham to Natimuk, priority projects. Report being finalised.
Wartook to Zumsteins

2.4 Promote Horsham as a regional city

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Council Plan Half Yearly Report - 30 June 2019 APPENDIX 9.12A
Goal & Outcomes 4 Year Priority - Description Status % Comp Comments
2.4.01 Support the WDA initiative to promote a Grains Started 30% SP Jul 19 - No further development due to recruitment of new
Centre of Excellence Executive Officer.

3 - Asset Management
0.3 Goal 3 - Strategic Indicators
0.3.01 Develop a consultative process for community input Completed 100% JM Aug 18 - Implemented in 2018-19 budget consultation process.
into road construction and maintenance priorities for Improved approach to community input to be developed latter part
input to the 2018-19 budget, by December 2017 of 2018.

0.3.02 Finalise preparation of asset management plans for Started 70% JM Jul 19 - Significant work has occurred in most asset groups
all main asset groups by June 2018 developing detailed inventory of all assets.

0.3.03 Implement improved asset management and Started 50% JM Jul 19 - Reporting systems and link to customer response system
maintenance management systems by December being developed to integrate maintenance system with other Council
2017 systems.

0.3.04 Complete, or commit via contracts, 90% of Started 92% HP Sep 19 - $6.6 million expended with $3.2 million commitments
infrastructure works (by value) within the planned for infrastructure works.
financial year

3.1 Determine infrastructure needs and expectations through consultation with developers and the community
3.1.01 Develop improved pedestrian access (bridges) across Started 50% JM Jul 19 - On hold pending completion of Transport Plan.
the Wimmera River in Horsham, in partnership with
land developers

3.1.02 Undertake a review of Council infrastructure asset Started 30% KS Jul 19 - Infrastructure Services asset team will continue on
holdings to ensure they meet future community development of financial model for sustainably managing assets
needs and longer term implications of ownership within the LGA. Practical and realistic asset life will be considered in
long term financial modelling. This analysis will provide direction
towards whether our focus should be more on renewal or we still
can invest on capital upgrades or new assets. The analysis to be
completed in December 2019.

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Council Plan Half Yearly Report - 30 June 2019 APPENDIX 9.12A
Goal & Outcomes 4 Year Priority - Description Status % Comp Comments
3.1.03 Purchase additional land for hangar space at Not Started 0% AM Jun 19 - Completed second workshop with Council and users to
Aerodrome including access-way development review business plan and undertake technical audit of master plan.

3.1.04 Development of an Aerodrome Master Plan and Started 25% AM Mar 19 - Aerodrome Review of the Business plan to commence
implementation of planning overlays to protect the in April 2019. Overlays already there.
future development space of the Aerodrome

3.1.05 Develop a prioritised plan for upgrade of community Started 70% SJ Jul 19 - More concise and justified priority list to come out of OSS
recreation facilities and involved greater planning in ROSP team.

3.1.06 Implement a cyclic renewal program for all public Started 10% JM Jul 19 - On hold pending outcomes of City to River and Open
convenience facilities in the Horsham central Space Strategy.
business district and across the municipality

3.1.07 Undertake master planning and major refurbishment Started 75% KOB Jul 19 - Wet deck works including new pool shell and concourse
of the Aquatic Centre commenced in June.
3.1.08 Develop improved park and street tree policy as an Started 10% SJ Jul 19 - UFP under tender evaluation. Project on hold until further
‘urban forest plan’ notice due to scoping and budget requirements.

3.1.09 Identify and develop new off street parking areas on Started 10% AM Mar 19 - To be considered as part the Parking Plan to review
CBD fringe restrictions and infrastructure.

3.1.10 Develop a master plan of streetscape themes and Started 5% GN Mar 19 - Tree data for CBD has been completed to understand
service levels for existing streets and new the canopy structure which will then feed into the Urban Forest Plan.

3.1.11 Investigate better footpaths for Natimuk Started 10% JM Jul 19 - Some upgrade works completed.

3.2 Ensure projected financial and physical programs that reflect infrastructure needs
3.2.01 Implementation of the Civic Centre Redevelopment Started 10% GH Jul 19 - Tenders came in well over budget, alternatives are being
Plan explored to deliver the outcomes within the available budget.

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Council Plan Half Yearly Report - 30 June 2019 APPENDIX 9.12A
Goal & Outcomes 4 Year Priority - Description Status % Comp Comments
3.2.02 Confirm and undertake design and planning for the Started 60% JM Jul 19 - Major focus at present on assessing contamination of
relocation of the municipal depot including potential existing depot site.
co-location of Tech Services planning and delivery

3.2.03 Review and update Road Management plan Completed 100% JM Aug 17 - Completed June 2017.

3.3 Maintain asset management systems that will assist planning asset maintenance and capital renewal
3.3.01 Develop a maintenance and replacement schedule Started 60% KS Jul 19 - Transport infrastructure asset maintenance is being
for all groups of assets managed by Council, trialled using functionality of REFLECT software. Inspections will be
including heritage listed buildings carried out in planned fashion followed by defect remediation. A
detailed review of condition of asset is planned to be completed by
September 2019. Once completed, a replacement schedule will be
developed by October 2019.

3.3.02 Develop and implement asset management plans for Started 75% RU May 19 - Same as element code 1.01.
all nominated asset groups to assist with long term
financial and asset management planning and
legislative requirements - involve the community in
the process

3.3.03 Develop and implement a fair and transparent Started 75% SJ Jul 19 - Pricing policy being developed between Graeme Harrison,
pricing policy for all of Council's community facilities Kerry Bell and Mandy Kirsopp. Policy yet to be completed.

3.4 Deliver works to develop and maintain Council’s physical assets for long term sustainability, amenity and safety
3.4.01 Develop infrastructure that encourages greater Started 30% JM Jul 19 - This is a major focus of the Urban Transport Plan which is
participation and use of alternate transport options well advanced.
to the city (eg, walking, gophers, cycling and public
transport) - consider the incorporation of dedicated
cycling lanes initially with priority routes, based on
outputs from the Horsham Urban Transport Network
Plan for all new road construction

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Council Plan Half Yearly Report - 30 June 2019 APPENDIX 9.12A
Goal & Outcomes 4 Year Priority - Description Status % Comp Comments
3.4.02 Master plan preparation for the Livestock Exchange Completed 100% JM Aug 18 - Plan adopted. Now implementing actions - Roofing #1
including potential items such as: roofing to cover priority.
yards, electronic ramps to replace manual ramps,
compost turner and Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID), solar panels and water capture.

3.4.03 Develop and review the Sports and Recreation Started 95% SJ Jul 19 - Review of S&R Strategy completed with Sport &
Strategy Recreation Advisory Committee in February 2019. Taken to Council
Mar 2019. Will be superseded by Open Space Strategy. Actions still
to be implemented from S&R Strategy.

3.4.04 Develop additional off leash areas for dogs Completed 80% SJ Jul 19 - More off leash dog areas to be developed after community
engagement to understand gaps/requirements for community.

3.4.05 Develop improved entrances to all towns (street Started 25% AM Mar 19 - Branding to be identified as part of the Wimmera
signage and landscapes) River/CAD strategy.

3.4.06 Investigate and plan Wesley PAC refurbishment and Started 80% KOB Jul 19 - Jubilee Hall works completed, Wesley refurbishment to
Jubilee Hall upgrade be carried out by the committee then transfer of ownership.

3.4.07 Investigate other options for the Wimmera Sports In Progress 50% KOB Sep 19 - Options being considered in the Sports Facilities
Stadium Demand Study which is currently out for public exhibition.

4 - Governance and Business Excellence

0.4 Goal 4 - Strategic Indicators
0.4.01 Complete an engagement process by 30 Jun 18, with Started 50% GH Jul 19 - No further work has been undertaken on this item during
community, for the 2018/19 Council Plan and Budget the last 12 months.
cycle that is more deliberative and explains the
“why” of council services

0.4.02 Maintain staff turnover rates at under 10% Started 50% GH Jul 19 - Staff turnover for the 12 months to 30 Jun 2019 was

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Council Plan Half Yearly Report - 30 June 2019 APPENDIX 9.12A
Goal & Outcomes 4 Year Priority - Description Status % Comp Comments
0.4.03 Increase overall score in the Community Satisfaction Started 50% GH Jul 19 - The Overall Performance score increased by 1 point from
Survey 54 to 55 which is below the regional centres score of 58 and the
state-wide score of 60. Action plans have been developed to further
improve in this measure.

0.4.04 Implement a new HRCC External website Completed 100% GH Jul 19 - A review is underway of the new website to identify what
further improvements may be made.

4.1 Continuously improve communication and engagement with the community through effective consultation
4.1.01 Review the rates strategy and implement Completed 100% GH Jul 19 - Rating Strategy & Rating Policy have been adopted
following extensive community consultation process.

4.1.02 Feedback to Community on engagement clearly Started 50% GH Jul 19 - No further work has been undertaken on this item since
explaining "why" Council delivers the services that it Mar 2019.

4.1.03 Prepare for a more deliberative approach to Started 20% GH Jul 19 - Still on hold pending new LG Act.
community engagement following the adoption of
the major revisions to the Local Government Act
including seeking community ideas for prosperity.

4.1.04 Review our communications methods with a view to Started 80% GH Jul 19 - A range of activities have been implemented including
increasing electronic engagement with our use of Community Map, Electronic on-line forms for all engagement,
customers and the community use of social media and the establishment of an electronic

4.2 Manage risk to the organisation

4.2.01 Review programs for savings/cancellation of services Started 30% GH Jul 19 - Business Efficiency role has yet to be engaged.

4.2.02 Implement a robust financial and performance Completed 100% GH Jul 19 - Financial and Performance Reporting Framework was
management system updated in May 2019.

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Council Plan Half Yearly Report - 30 June 2019 APPENDIX 9.12A
Goal & Outcomes 4 Year Priority - Description Status % Comp Comments
4.2.03 Respond to emerging risks through the strategic risk Completed 100% TSc Jul 19 - Strategic risk register reviewed quarterly and presented
register and internal audit to the Risk Management Committee for update and then to the
Audit Committee. This regular process ensures an opportunity for
changing/developing/emerging risks to be considered and
revised/added/deleted, etc

4.3 Be an employer of choice

4.3.01 Investigate opportunities for participating in Completed 100% TSc Nov 18 - The recent staff restructure and the many changes
employee exchange programs associated with it has meant that to some extent exchanges and
sharing are occurring as a matter of course, with various people
moving into new departments and working with different people
and managers/supervisors. This, coupled with the office
accommodation changes, has meant that an additional layer of
organised change is no longer appropriate and will not be for the
foreseeable future . As with previous updates, and in addition to the
exchanges and sharing occurring naturally, there has been some
other opportunities that have arisen - such as the recent internal
transfer of a member of the customer service team to the visitor
information centre, and the secondment of a customer service
officer to the community safety unit. Exchanges and sharing are
beginning to happen more naturally and more frequently as a
consequence of the implementation of this priority and an
associated change of culture.

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Council Plan Half Yearly Report - 30 June 2019 APPENDIX 9.12A
Goal & Outcomes 4 Year Priority - Description Status % Comp Comments
4.3.02 Pursue implementation of Council’s Workforce Completed 100% TSc Nov18 - The trainee position at the Town Hall/Art Gallery
Strategy and identify opportunities for previously referred to is still being considered, owing to the need to
indigenous/migrant employment prioritise other staff changes that have been occurring at that
facility. In the meanwhile the traineeship in the Records Unit that
had ended, has been re-activated and an indigenous appointment
made and commenced. The position at the Visitor Information
Centre is shortly due to end but given the review of VIC operations is
still pending, re-filling of this position is not proposed. It is
anticipated that the current budget for indigenous employment
opportunities (including incentive payments and any other
support/assistance that is available) will be fully expended, therefore
the scope to do more in this area is not foreseeable and the
objective has been met (as we are best able to).

4.4 Achieve high standards of organisational performance

4.4.01 Widen the implementation of the Merit Customer Completed 100% GH Mar 19 - This now has essentially been completed, like all such
Service request tracking system across the systems an ongoing continual improvement process and review will
organisation be in place.

4.4.02 Develop an ICT Strategy for Council including GIS Started 25% GH Jul 19 - RCTP funding has been successful. It is anticipated that a
capabilities digital assessment will be carried out as part of the RCTP Program in
order to develop a digital roadmap for future investment.

4.4.03 Develop a Management Strategy for Council’s record Started 25% RL Jul 2019 - The money has been set aside in the budget for a
and data management systems replacement system and may be included as part of the shared
services in the rural Councils transforma on program project.

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Council Plan Half Yearly Report - 30 June 2019 APPENDIX 9.12A
Goal & Outcomes 4 Year Priority - Description Status % Comp Comments
4.4.04 Embrace new technology in order to achieve greater Started 50% CG May 19 - New and updated technologies continue to be
efficiencies and outcomes across the organisation implemented throughout council. Recently implemented technology
has allowed for: Improved network connectivity and reliability,
remote access for mobility and flexible work hours/environment,
easier use of meeting spaces visual and audio.

4.4.05 Maintain sister city relationships as a means of Started 60% SB Jul 19 - Request received recently for a possible visit by the
facilitating business, educational and cultural Chinese delegation in October 2019. Details to be confirmed.
networks and exchanges

4.4.06 Review the Name and Address Register (NAR) Completed 100% TH Jun 19 - Data remediation and training completed in March 2019.
database to create single name and address All necessary data has been cleansed. This needs to be checked on a
database monthly basis, and is in Teagan Harvey and Karen Telfer's objectives
for each year.

4.4.07 Renew HRCC external website Completed 100% GH Jul 19 - A review is underway of the new website to identify what
further improvements may be made.

4.4.08 Manage the implementation of the major revision to Started 20% GH Jul 19 - New Local Government Act has yet to go before
the Local Government Act parliament. Expect this to occur at some point during 2019-20.

4.4.09 Review need for more HR resources Completed 100% GH Feb 18 - A staff member has now been appointed to this role and
systems and processes are now being reviewed.

4.4.10 Work with surrounding Shires to identify Started 75% SB Mar 19 - Council currently participating in the Rural Council
opportunities for shared services Transformation Program in a group of nine Councils to develop a
common IT platform and shared services model.

4.4.11 Support training and programs relating to family Completed 100% KOB Jul 19 - Act@Work Program completed with action plan being
violence and gender equality implemented. New staff being provided training opportunities
through Women's Health Grampians and also information provided
through induction.

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Council Plan Half Yearly Report - 30 June 2019 APPENDIX 9.12A
Goal & Outcomes 4 Year Priority - Description Status % Comp Comments
4.4.12 Support cultural awareness training and programs Completed 100% KOB Jul 19 - Majority of staff have completed cultural awareness
training, new staff trained as part of induction.

5 - Natural and Built Environments

0.5 Goal 5 - Strategic Indicators
0.5.01 Update and promote our Sustainability Strategy by Started 5% JM Jul 19 - Scope of strategy developed, work to commence in
June 2018 August 2019.

0.5.02 Install solar panels on at least two Council buildings Completed 100% JM Aug 18 - 5 buildings being investigated, with potential for grant
by June 2018 to maximise value of Council contribution. Report due September
2018, budget available for these works.

0.5.03 90% of planning permits issued within the 60 day Started 80% AM Jun 19 - Better Approvals program and training is almost
statutory period complete - planning launch of program.

0.5.04 Complete at least one major strategic planning Completed 100% AM Feb 18 - WIFT Planning Scheme Amendment gazetted in
review prior to 30 Jun 18 December 2017.

5.1 Promote sustainability by encouraging sound environmental practice

5.1.01 Investigate opportunities for the use of Renewable Started 30% JM - Jul 19 - Tender out for panels to several Council buildings at
energy for Council facilities including implementing a present.
Biomass Boiler system at the Aquatic Centre and
Solar Panels where feasible on Council buildings and

5.1.02 Review Council’s Environment Sustainability Strategy Started 70% JWH Jul 19 - Consultant engaged for the below mentioned
and lead the community in environmentally Sustainability Strategy. The LGES program mentioned below has
sustainable practices to improve management of our been implemented, and has successfully progressed through Stages
natural environment 1 and 2, and is currently in Stage 3.

5.1.03 Develop a Climate Change Response Strategy for Started 5% JM Jul 19 - Part of Sustainability Strategy. Scope of strategy
Council operations developed, work to commence in August 2019.

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Council Plan Half Yearly Report - 30 June 2019 APPENDIX 9.12A
Goal & Outcomes 4 Year Priority - Description Status % Comp Comments
5.1.04 Support the Natimuk Community Energy Project Started 10% AM Mar 19 - Supported through Council loan to lodge application in

5.1.05 Establish a sustainability reserve for the ongoing Started 5% KS Jul 19 - Current funding planned to be used for some solar panel
funding of sustainability related projects. installations currently out to tender.

5.1.06 Develop and implement a Waste Management Started 75% JM Jul 19 - Focus of waste strategy is on introduction of a green
Strategy - investigate a waste to energy project waste service by July 2020. Funding for waste to energy project
investigation is in 2019-20 budget.

5.1.07 Explore GWM recycled water use within the Started 10% JM Jul 19 - Government funding received for detailed investigation of
community reusing Horsham reclaimed sewerage water. Consultants work to
commence shortly.

5.1.08 Optimise use of water basins - capturing storm water Not Started 0%

5.1.09 Investigate and support renewable energy Started 40% SP Jul 19 - Working with two separate organisations seeking to place
opportunities throughout the municipalities Electric Vehicle charging facilities in Horsham.

5.1.10 Investigate options for shade at sporting facilities, Started 90% SJ Jul 19 - As per below. Potential shade at Dudley using Little Aths
recreational facilities and public spaces across the grant funds. No other shade projects planned.

5.2 Plan for rural and urban land use to create a sustainable municipality for the future
5.2.01 Complete the Horsham South Structure Plan Started 30% JK Aug 19 - Mesh Planning were engaged by Council in February
2019 to prepare the Horsham South Issues and Opportunities paper,
due for completion in December 2019. This background report will
direct the final Structure Plan, of which, will be partly funded by the
Victorian Planning Authority.

5.2.02 Complete the Rural Land Use Strategy Started 30% JK Aug 19 - A project charter has been drafted with the preparation
and appointment of a consultant likely to commence in 2019/20
subject to competing strategic priorities.

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Council Plan Half Yearly Report - 30 June 2019 APPENDIX 9.12A
Goal & Outcomes 4 Year Priority - Description Status % Comp Comments
5.2.03 Complete the Public Open Space Strategy Started 40% SJ Jul 19 - OSS currently out for Public Comment until 24 July 19.

5.2.04 Complete the Wimmera River Corridor Strategy Completed 100% JK Aug 19 - Wimmera River Corridor Strategy completed and use to
help inform the draft Open Space Strategy and City to River
Background Report.
5.2.05 Review and further develop planning controls for Started 66% JK Aug 19 - No progress to report.
heritage items through the completion of heritage

5.2.06 Encourage the upgrade of heritage facades on shop Started 25% SP Mar 2019 - Design of CAD is a consideration included in the CAD
fronts along key retail strips and investigate possible and Wimmera River strategic planning project. Currently under
contributions from Councils commercial property development with report expected by mid 2019.

5.2.07 Amend the Planning Scheme to implement the Started 20% JK Aug 19 - Consultation with DELWP and WCMA currently in
recommendations from flood investigations progress, with a decision to run one amendment process for all
existing investigations. WCMA are currently consulting with the
community on the Horsham/Wartook Flood Investigation in order
finalise the study. Upon finalising, Council will commence preparing
the draft amendment documents in collaboratin with DELWP and
WCMA before seeking a decision from Council to commence the
formal amendment process.

5.2.08 Implement selected recommendations from the Not Started 0%

Wimmera River Project Report

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Request for Information

Community Development Grants Programme

Before you begin

The Department is asking for information about your project proposal so that we may commence
developing a Funding Agreement should the Australian Government decide to approve funding
for the project. Missing or unclear information may delay the development of the Funding
Please note that information requested in this document may be provided to relevant
Commonwealth, State and/or local government agencies, organisations and individuals, including
those you identify in this proposal. The purpose of this process is to substantiate your claims and/or
statements, and to verify the capacity of your organisation to manage Australian Government funds
and deliver the project. It will also seek comment on the viability of the proposal and, if
appropriate, identify if the proposal is eligible for funding through an alternative funding stream.
Information relating to individuals will be protected under the Privacy Act 1988. Requests for
access to such information, where rejected by proponents, will be dealt with under the provisions
of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
You will need to complete Request for Information and submit with required supporting
documentation to support your application.
This information enables the Department to undertake a value with relevant money assessment
and provide advice to the Minister prior to an Agreement being negotiated and funding being
released. The Department will contact proponents if further information is required.
Should you have any questions on how to answer any part of the Request for Information please
submit your query to cdg@infrastructure.gov.au.

How do I submit my Request for Information?

Complete and submit this form and the necessary support documents via email to:
cdg@infrastructure.gov.au as soon as possible.

If your response is likely to include documents that cannot be sent electronically, please
submit this form and all necessary documents in hard copy to:
Community Development Grants Programme
Regional Programs Branch
Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities
GPO Box 594

Page 1 of 12


Organisation Details
1. Organisation details
2. Legal Name ABN
3. Trading Name ACN
4. GST Status Registered / Not Registered

2. What is your Business Structure?

Local Government
Incorporated Association
Sole Trader
Trust – provide a copy of the trust deed
Other, please specify

3. Your bank account details. Provide details of the bank account where project funding will
be deposited
Bank Name
Account Name
Account Number

4. Your Organisation’s Physical (registered) Address

Street Address Line 1
Street Address Line 2
Organisational Email
Organisational Website

5. Your Organisation’s Postal Address

Postal Address Line 1
Postal Address Line 2

Page 2 of 12

6. Authorised Person Contact Details

(e.g. CEO or the person authorised to sign Deed of Agreements)
Title (eg. Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr)
First Name
Telephone (w) (m) (f)
Email Address

7. Project Manager Contact Details

(e.g. the person who will lead the implementation of your project)
Title (eg. Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr)
First Name
Telephone (w) (m) (f)
Email Address
Additional Details
(Relevant to the project,
qualifications, experience, and
professional memberships, if

8. Key Personnel within the Organisation who will be involved in the project delivery, other
than the authorised person or project manager
Title (eg. Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr)
First Name
Telephone (w) (m) (f)
Email Address
Additional Details
(Relevant to the project,
qualifications, experience, and
professional memberships, if

9. Within the last five (5) years, has your Organisation been subject to an event such as a
Government investigation, liquidation, litigation or significant change of financial position
No Yes
If Yes, please note which of the following events occurred and provide details below
Government Investigation on your
organisation or related entities
Litigation or liquidation proceedings
Significant (adverse) change of financial
position not reflected in Financial statements
Any other particulars likely to adversely
affect your capacity to undertake this project

Page 3 of 12

Project Details
10. Project Title – Use the title from the confirmation of the election commitment. If
proposing an alternative project title, provide reasons why.

11. Project location. If a street number is not known, please provide the Lot number.
Street Address Line 1
Street Address Line 2
Federal Electorate

12. Detailed Project Description (Describe in less than 150 words what the project is doing, ie
construction of sport precinct including two Rugby League fields, six netball courts and
amenities block including change rooms, public facilities, meeting rooms and cafeteria;
upgrade of swimming pool to include new grandstand and children’s waterpark; or
installation of lighting at sports field including purchase and installation of four poles and
footings, 16 x 15000W MZ lights and 16 shields and upgrade of existing power supply on

13. If the CDG funded project is part of a larger project, please provide details below (ie CDG
is funding one stage of a multi-stage project).

14. Detail/list the economic and community benefits of the proposal (and the larger project if
applicable), and how it contributes to programme outcomes.
(See Guidelines - Section 1.1 Programme Outcomes).
Economic Benefits:

Community Benefits

Page 4 of 12

15. How do you propose to measure the economic and/or social benefit outcomes which will
be achieved as a result of the completed project.

16. Has your organisation prepared a Business Case/Plan, or undertaken a Feasibility Study,
Market Research or Community Consultation process within the last two years in relation
to this project?
No Yes
If Yes, please supply details below. If documents have been developed please supply as
evidence with your proposal.

17. How many full-time equivalent employee construction jobs and how many full-time
equivalent employee ongoing jobs will be created by this project?
Please note a full-time equivalent employee (FTE) is based on an average of 1,800 hours
over a 48 week period.

Total number of FTE jobs created during Total number of FTE jobs created
the project period (construction) long term (on-going)
Number of jobs that are Indigenous Number of these jobs that are

18. Please provide the following project dates:

Estimated Project Start Date:

Estimated Project Finish Date:
Estimated Construction Start Date:
Estimated Construction Finish Date:

19. Indicate the current stage of development of your proposal. Provide any supporting
documents if available (i.e. concept or preliminary designs, final designs, independent cost
estimates, ready to commence tender/procurement process or preferred contractor selected
and contracted for the project.)
Document Stage of development

Page 5 of 12

20. Identify and provide details of who will own the asset on completion. Where land and
buildings are owned by a Third Party, have leasing arrangements been confirmed and
secured? (Written evidence must be provided).
Street Address Line 1
Street Address Line 2
Suburb/Town (w) (m) (f)
Leasing arrangements

21. Provide detail of who will manage and maintain the project after completion and who will
provide the funding.

22. Provide information on at least three projects your organisation has managed in the past
five years which have received funds from either the Commonwealth, state government or
local government authority (local government authority funded projects do not apply for
applicants who are a local government authority).

Jurisdiction and managing Project Name Funding Amount

Department Name

Financial Details
23. What is the total project cost? (Use GST exclusive amounts) $______________

24. What is the amount of funding committed by the

Australian Government? (Use GST exclusive amounts) $______________

25. Partner funding. Complete the table with details of all confirmed funding to this project,
and the status of the funding.
Partner name ABN Amount Cash / In Kind Received,
(GST Excl) Confirmed, To
be confirmed

26. Provide details of the arrangements in place to provide for any cost overruns or funding
shortfalls on your proposed project.

Page 6 of 12

27. Have you completed a tender/procurement process and appointed a preferred contractor or do
you have a cost estimate which has been independently developed/assessed?
Please provide details below:

28. Are there any parts of the project that have already commenced?
No Yes
If Yes, please provide details below:

29. Budget Table (this is a summary of either the contracted Budget or quantity surveyor cost
Cost Item Description of Cost Item Total Estimated Cost
($) (GST exclusive)

List of Cost Items

Planning / Design
Construction/Fit-out Consultants/contractors
Research and Development Project Management
Plant/Equipment Hire Materials
Plant/Equipment Purchase Training
Government Approvals Marketing/Promotion
Operating Costs (e.g. rent, computers, etc) Legal/accounting
Wages, salary and superannuation Other Costs

NOTE1: Evidence of these costs are to be provided as a required supporting document (e.g.
cost estimate, quotes, market comparisons, valuations, contracted cost, etc)
NOTE2: Australian Government Funding will not be provided for ongoing operation and
maintenance costs or for salaries for existing staff members of the funding proponent

Page 7 of 12


 Audited financial statements for the last two (2) years (only required for projects with a
total project cost over $80,000);
 Cash flow forecasts for the next five (5) years (only required for projects with a total
project cost in excess of $1.5 million for state or local government authorities or $1 million
for other organisations);
 Business Plan and/or Feasibility Study (if applicable);
 Project Management Plan (if applicable);
 Market research/community consultation (if applicable)
 Asset Operations Management Plan (if applicable);
 Confirmation of partnership funding including evidence of bank borrowings (if applicable)
 Evidence of third party leasing arrangements (if applicable)
 Designs
 Cost estimate or contracted cost

Page 8 of 12

Legal Authorisation

I <full name of Authorised

as <position/title>
of <organisation name>
<postal address> >

confirm that:
 I am a person authorised to make this declaration on behalf of my organisation and all
relevant persons have made a full disclosure of information.
 The information provided in this form and all appended documents is complete and
correct. I understand that information provided in this Request for Information will
form the basis of the funding agreement and that giving false or misleading
information is a serious offence.
 The Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities (the Department)
is authorised to undertake the necessary steps to assess the proposal from my
organisation by checking the information provided in this proposal, or by obtaining
additional information from:

 Departmental databases and records, including information related to previous

funding provided to my organisation;
 Other Australian Government agencies such as the Australian Taxation Office and
the Australian Securities and Investments Commission;
 State, Territory or Local Government agencies;
 Law enforcement agencies;
 Credit reference agencies;
 Courts or Tribunals; and
 Any other appropriate organisation, information source or person as reasonably
required to perform background checks.
 I agree that the Department may arrange for an Independent Viability Assessment
(IVA) of my project by an external adviser or consultant to the Department. Where
applicable, the Department may request a yearly breakdown of costs for on-going
operational and maintenance of the complete project for a minimum of five (5) years.
 To the best of my knowledge, I have disclosed (Part A Declaration of Conflict of
Interest) all actual, apparent or potential conflicts of interest that would prevent my
organisation from proceeding with the proposal outlined in this Request for
Information or from entering into a Funding Agreement with the Australian
Government to deliver a project which relates to this Request for Information.

Date: / /

Page 9 of 12

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Please complete either Part I or Part II of the Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Part I – No Known Conflict

I confirm that at the time of signing, to the best of my knowledge I am unaware of any actual,
apparent or potential conflicts of interest that would prevent my organisation from proceeding
with the proposal outlined in this Request for Information or from entering into a Funding
Agreement with the Australian Government to deliver a project which relates to this Request
for Information..
I undertake that if at any time I become aware that I, or any other employees or persons
associated with the <INSERT name of proponent organisation> have an actual, apparent or
potential conflict of interest, then I will:
a) immediately notify the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities in
writing of that Conflict and of the steps the <name of proponent organisation> propose to
take to resolve or otherwise deal with the Conflict;
b) make full disclosure to the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities
of all relevant information relating to the Conflict; and
c) take such steps as the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities may,
if they choose to, reasonably require to resolve or otherwise deal with that Conflict.
I understand that if I fail to notify the Department of any actual, apparent or potential
conflicts of interest or am unable or unwilling to resolve or deal with the Conflict as required
by the terms noted above, the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities
may seek to terminate any Funding Agreement established in relation to a project which
relates to this Request for Information.

(printed name)
(signature of witness)
(printed name of witness)

Page 10 of 12

Part II - Disclosure of Interests

I disclose the following interests:

I undertake that if at any time I have an actual, apparent or potential conflict of interest, then I
a) immediately notify the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities in
writing of that Conflict and of the steps the <name of proponent organisation> propose to
take to resolve or otherwise deal with the Conflict;
b) make full disclosure to the Department Infrastructure and Regional Development of all
relevant information relating to the Conflict; and
c) take such steps as the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities may,
if they choose to, reasonably require to resolve or otherwise deal with that Conflict.
I understand that if I fail to notify the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development
and Cities of any actual, apparent or potential conflicts of interest or am unable or unwilling
to resolve or deal with the Conflict as required by the terms noted above, the Department of
Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities may seek to terminate any Funding
Agreement established in relation to a project which relates to this Request for Information.

(printed name)
(signature of witness)
(printed name of witness)
Any information disclosed in this form will only be used by the Australian Government for
the purposes of assessing CDG proposals and will be maintained in accordance with the
Privacy Act 1988.

Page 11 of 12


I, <name>, <Title>, <organisation>, make the following statement for the benefit of the
Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities:
Having made diligent inquiries, I have reasonable grounds to believe the organisation itself,
and staff working with children on behalf of my organisation in relation to the Department of
Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities grant activity:

 comply with relevant legislation relating to requirements for working with children in the
jurisdiction in which they work; and

 have complied with relevant legislation in their jurisdictions relating to mandatory

reporting or suspected child abuse and neglect as required or otherwise defined by state or
territory legislation.
I undertake to ensure that all staff will continue to comply for the duration of any grant
agreement <organisation> hold with the Department of Infrastructure, Regional
Development and Cities.

Signed: ……………………………………………………………….

Date: ………………………………………………………………….

Page 12 of 12

2 3



If you would like to receive this publication in another

format, please contact reception at the Civic Centre
Municipal Office on telephone (03) 5382 9777 or
email council@hrcc.vic.gov.au.

If you require an interpreter service, please contact the

Translating and Interpreter Service (TIS National) on
131 450 and ask them to contact Horsham Rural City
Council Reception on telephone (03) 5382 9777. Our
business hours are 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.

Recognition of Our Land’s

Traditional Owners
Horsham Rural City Council recognises the five
Traditional Owner groups of this land: the Wotjobaluk,
Wergaia, Jupagulk, Jaadwa and Jadawadjali people.

Horsham Rural City Council

Civic Centre Municipal Office 18 Roberts Avenue
(PO Box 511) Horsham Vic 3402

P: (03) 5382 9777

F: (03) 5382 1111

E: council@hrcc.vic.gov.au
W: www.hrcc.vic.gov.au





Planning and coordination 7

Service provision 8

Facility planning 8

Advocacy 8

Strengthening community capacity 8


Data Review 9

Policy Context 9

Infrastructure Review 10

Stakeholder Engagement 11

Community Engagement 12


Creating quality service and support 13

Language, literacy and learning 15

Advocating for children and families 16





Horsham Rural City Council Council is committed to continuing the good work
recognises the importance already underway in the early years sectors including
of creating a healthy, safe, working with key partners to provide kindergarten, after
learning environment school care, school holiday programs and leisure and
for the development recreation facilities, but will work to continually improve
of our children. The and ensure community needs are being met.
Horsham Rural City
Council Early Years Plan Collaboration and partnership is critical to the
2019-2023 demonstrates our successful delivery of this Plan and Horsham Rural City
commitment and recognition of Council is dedicated to working with key partners to
our role as a key partner, in the ongoing delivery in the deliver on the actions within this Plan and ensure our
early years sector to enable children and their families children are provided with the best opportunity for a
to thrive now and in the future. happy and healthy life.

I believe our region is a great place to raise children Cr Mark Radford

and offers many benefits to families. However, I also Mayor
recognise the challenges that living in a regional city can
create for families and it is these challenges that the
Horsham Rural City Council Early Years Plan 2019-2023
aims to address.
EARLY YEARS PLAN 2019 – 2023 5

The purpose of the Municipal Early Years Plan is to This plan contains a series of actions for each key theme
provide children and their families with the best formulated during the Early Years Network Workshop.
possible foundation for life success. These are actions Council will undertake to improve the
early years outcomes for our community over the next
Horsham Rural City Council (Council) understands the four years.
importance of early years. While the Municipal Early
Years Plan is not a statutory requirement, Council fully Council is committed to working collaboratively with
embraces the Plan and uses it as a key tool in setting the partners and the community to deliver these actions to
strategic direction for delivery in the early years sector ensure the most effective and sustainable outcome.
of Horsham Rural City.
This is a living document and will be reviewed annually
As part of the development of the Early Years Plan, and updated as required.
comprehensive data analysis was undertaken with
a range of sources including assistance from the
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. This data was
used to create a profile of Horsham’s children and can
be viewed in the document: Horsham – Horsham’s
children 2019 – A Data Snapshot.

This data was a key component in developing the

key themes for action. Stakeholder engagement was
also conducted including reconvening the Early Years
Network, Stakeholder 1:1 interviews, a community
survey and children’s competition. As a result from
these, the following key themes were identified (in no
particular order):
• Creating quality service and support
• Language, literacy and learning
• Advocating for children and families

The purpose of the Municipal Early Years Plan is to
provide children and their families with the best
possible foundation for life success.

Horsham Rural City Council (Council) understands the

importance of early years. As such, despite a Municipal
Early Years Plan not being a statutory requirement,
Council full embraces the Plan and uses it as a key tool
in setting the strategic direction for delivery in the early
years sector of Horsham Rural City.

Early Years, for the purpose of this Plan, is defined as

the age group 0-12 years old. Investment at this early
stage in life has the greatest opportunity for impact and
benefit – delivering social and economic benefits to
children, families and the community now and into the

The Early Years Plan acknowledges the systems

approach, in that each of the social, built, economic
and natural environments can influence a child’s
development in learning, health and wellbeing.

It sets the strategy for Council for the next four years
and is developed and delivered in collaboration with a
suite of Partners. For the first time, the HRCC Early Years
Plan 2019-2023 will be used in conjunction with a data
snapshot, which outlines the profile of a child in, which
outlines the profile of a child in Horsham’s Children
2019 - A Data Snapshot.
EARLY YEARS PLAN 2019 – 2023 7


Council currently works in partnership with a range of stakeholders to provide the following:


Council currently provides:
• Service planning and development
• Funding of roles related to Early Years including: Manager of Community Services and Emergency and Co-Ordinator
of Youth and Early Years to oversee early years services, programs and facilities
• Development and delivery of strategic plans that include elements of delivery across the early years sector including
the Municipal Early Years Plan and the following:

HRCC Council Plan GOAL 1.4: Develop the municipality as a desirable place to live, work and enjoy for people
of all ages and abilities
HRCC Health and The Health and Wellbeing Plan greatly influences early years outcomes. Key priorities of this
Wellbeing Plan Plan are: Increasing healthy eating and active living, reducing harmful alcohol and drug use,
2017–2021 Improving mental health, Preventing family violence, Improving sexual and reproductive
health, Strengthening education and economic development. The objectives of Improving
early years outcomes are:
Objective 1: Improve opportunities for participation and connection with services for parents.
Objective 2: Improve learning and development of young children aged 0–6 years.
Youth Strategy The Youth Strategy targets youth aged 10–25. (By defining early years as 0–12, Council
ensures a strategy for all early years and youth)
Open Space In development at time of writing but outlines Council’s vision regarding provision of open
Strategy space based on the principles of equity, accessibility, health and wellbeing, sustainability,
participation, safety, adaptability, efficiency
Social A consultant has been appointed at the time of writing to develop this Plan. This Plan
Infrastructure Plan will provide evidence-based strategic directions to determine priorities for the planning,
provision and development of social infrastructure over the next 20 years.
Community In development at time of writing but demonstrates Council’s commitment to being proactive
Inclusion Plan in meeting the needs of people with a disability and their families.
Child Safe Policy Horsham Rural City Council is committed to the establishment of Council as a child safe
organization. It has a Child Safe policy that applies to all Councillors, staff, volunteers,
contractors, sub-contractors and individuals involved in HRCC services or activities.

ACT@Work Act@Work is a comprehensive, organisation-wide, cultural change program challenging

sexism, discrimination and violence against women. For the Early Years Plan it reflects
that Council is working towards challenging gender stereotypes and building respectful

Victoria’s Charter Local governments are legally bound under Victoria’s Charter of Human Rights and
of Human Rights Responsibilities Act 2006 to actively enact, promote and support the human rights of adults
and Responsibilities and children in service provision, policy, and practice
Act 2006

These plans and policies were used in the development of this Plan.

2. Council’s role in Early Years

– what we c urrently do continued...


Council, in partnership with state government, currently Council is committed to providing quality services and
delivers: support for children and their families to ensure they
• Maternal and child health services achieve the best health, wellbeing and development
outcomes. It is imperative that children in Horsham RC
• The Enhanced Family Connection Officer role and
are not disadvantaged because of their location and
Youth Services Planning & Engagement Officer role
have access to the same services as their metropolitan
• Library services - which provides early years programs counterparts. As such, a key role of Council is:
• Immunisation program
Advocating to State and Federal government for
increased resources, services and infrastructure our
FACILITY PLANNING community needs to improve early years outcomes
Council currently provides: for all.
• Kalkee Road Children and Community Hub
• Kindergarten facilities used by Horsham & STRENGTHENING COMMUNITY CAPACITY
District Kindergarten Association (Bennett Road, Council is currently involved in:
Natimuk Road, Green Park, Natimuk Preschool)
• Facilitation and support of community events,
• Horsham Aquatic Centre Facilities - which provides festivals and community engagement opportunities.
learn to swim programs, creche, after school care and
• Kindergarten referrals and supported playgroup
School Holiday Care
referrals through the Maternal Child Health Nurse
• Sporting facilities, open spaces and playgrounds. program.
This will be shaped by the Open Space Strategy
• Assistance to vulnerable families to access fully
and the importance of Council’s role in this space
funded childcare.
is highlighted by feedback from the Early Years
Community Survey in which ~20% of respondents • Continued monitoring of birth locations to assess
described better playgrounds for all ages being future demand needs particularly in more remote
required. areas of the municipality. These needs may relate
to accessing supported playgroups, early childhood
education etc.
EARLY YEARS PLAN 2019 – 2023 9


The development process contained a number of elements to ensure the key themes and actions developed were
responding to, and relevant to, the community needs as displayed by data but also as outlined by the community
and other stakeholders. Given the complexity of the early years sector, it was also necessary to consider the political
context that would influence the key themes and actions across the next four years.

DATA REVIEW • Royal Commission into Family Violence – findings and

recommendations from the Royal Commission inform
The first step in the process was a series of data analysis
the Victorian Government’s clear agenda to prevent
to determine how children and their families are
and respond to family violence in the community.
currently faring in Horsham RC. A number of sources
were reviewed and analysed working closely with Some funding directives from state government include:
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute.
• School readiness funding will be introduced into the
Analysing relevant data ensured, the development of system in 2019.
key themes was data driven. The document - Horsham’s • Funding development of early childhood facilities to
Children 2019 – A DATA SNAPSHOT outlines key be co-located at government primary schools.
indicators and provides a summary of the data relevant • Reform funding for non-government schools to
to the Plan. encourage more to offer a kindergarten program,
particularly in low socioeconomic areas
• Funding for Maternal Child Health – expand the
enhanced Maternal Child Health service, additional
National, State and Local government policies influence Maternal Child Health visit for those women and
how we support our children and families in Horsham children who are at risk of, or are experiencing, family
Rural City. The following is a summary of key policies violence, attract new Maternal Child Health nurses
that were considered when developing the Plan: into the Service,
• Funding of 3 year old kindergarten for Victorian
NATIONAL GOVERNMENT POLICY children. Horsham is nominated for commencement
in 2023, to have access to at least 5 hours in a
• Universal access to quality preschool program
kindergarten program delivered by a teacher. This
(including funding of 4yo kinder)
will then progressively scale up to reach a full 15-hour
• The Early Years Learning Framework – Belonging, program by 2029.
Being and Becoming - part of the National Quality
Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care
Local government have a joint responsibility with
the State and Commonwealth to ensure that locally
accessible family and children’s services are provided
• Early Childhood Reform Plan to support families in the care, protection, health,
• Victorian Early Years Learning and Development development and education of young children.
Framework Early Year Management Framework
Councils determine the most effective means of
• Supporting Children and Families in the Early Years:
providing a service to the community through such
a Compact between the Department of Education
principles as evidence-based practice, responsiveness
and Training (DET), Department of Health and Human
and accessibility. The full list of Best Value principles
Services (DHHS) and Local Government (represented
and processes are contained in Part 1A of the Local
by the Municipal Association of Victoria). The
Government Act 1989.
objective of this Compact is to strengthen the
collaborative relationship between these departments The Local Government policies and plans that were
and local government in the planning, development considered in the development of this Plan are outlined
and provision of early services. in Section 2: Planning and Coordination.
10 EARLY YEARS PLAN 2019 – 2023 APPENDIX 9.14A

3. Development of the Horsham Early Years Plan continued...

INFRASTRUCTURE REVIEW Council currently provides five buildings for use by
Horsham and District Kindergarten Association (HDKA)
In the timeframe of this Plan, perhaps the most critical
to provide kindergarten to the community. It provides:
change is the funding for three year old kindergarten.
Initially, the Victorian Government has said the program • Bennett Road (refurbished in 2016)
will be introduced as 5 hours and then work up to 15 • Natimuk Road
hours. • Green Park (refurbished in 2016)
As such, an Infrastructure Review was conducted to • Natimuk Preschool
determine Council’s capacity to assist in delivery of this • Kalkee Road Children’s HUB

In 2014 an audit was conducted that sees all buildings (with the exception of the HUB which was opened in 2018) as
in acceptable condition for the duration of this Plan. See below for findings (and see Appendix A for building rating

Building Built/ Year of
Facility Name Address remaining
rating Acquired refurbishment
Bennett Rd 1H Bennett Road, Horsham 4 1959 20 2016

Nati Rd 48 Natimuk Road, Horsham 4 1963 24 N/A

Green Park 20 Williams Road, Horsham 5 2003 64 2016
Kalkee Rd 24/28 Kalkee Road, Horsham 1 2017 80-100 N/A
Children’s HUB
Nati Rd Preschool 2 Regent Street, Natimuk 3 1977 38 N/A

Two other buildings that have historically been in an early years service include the Maternal Child and Health Nurse
building on Bennett Road and the Roberts Avenue Kindergarten. Below are the audit findings for these buildings.

Building Built/ Year of
Facility Name Address remaining life
rating Acquired refurbishment
Unused building previous in early years service
Roberts Avenue 23 Roberts Avenue 8 1950 1 N/A
Bennett rd MCHN 1J Bennett Road 3 1980 41 N/A

The Roberts Avenue building is not in an acceptable no change in delivery model to 4year old or 3 year old
condition for the use of kindergarten services and the kindergarten programming.
Maternal Child and Health Nurse building would require
renovation work and an assessment regarding its size Therefore, a move to delivery of a 15-hour program will
and how many children could be educated in the space. require additional infrastructure. In order to outline
the specific infrastructure requirements, it is necessary
In terms of capacity, there is currently 67 full days to first perform a review on the delivery model of
available for three year olds at private childcare 3-year-old kindergarten classes and how they will
providers and space for approximately seven (7) single run in regards to timing. This, in turn, will inform the
sessions at the Kalkee Rd Children’s HUB. This review infrastructure requirements regarding the number of
is set in the context that no major population change class rooms required to deliver this program.
is expected across the next 0-10 years. It also assumes
EARLY YEARS PLAN 2019 – 2023 11

3. Development of the Horsham Early Years Plan continued...

SERVICE PROVIDER ENVIRONMENT committed to annually and therefore poses an inherent
difficulty in strategic planning in this area. The delivery
Appendix B outlines all childcare, kindergarten and
model of HDKA is more accessible to vulnerable families
primary school providers in Horsham RC.
(with health care cards recognised) however, it can
Childcare (0-5 years) is delivered by private providers be inaccessible to working families who are unable to
and most offer a kindergarten program in their 4-5 accommodate the logistics that a five-hour kindergarten
year old room. The affordability of private provider session requires.
centres is largely dictated by the childcare subsidy
It is clear there is currently no one model of delivery
program offered by the Federal Government. However,
that addresses accessibility for all families. Therefore,
the requirements of this subsidy can mean childcare
to realise an inclusive and accessible 3-year-old kinder
remains inaccessible to vulnerable families (including
program, all providers in this space would need to
those with health care cards and those whose primary
take part. A key action in this Plan will be a working
caregiver does not work).
group investigating the delivery model of an inclusive,
Horsham & District Kindergarten Association (HDKA) is accessible 3-year-old kindergarten program.
the sole provider in Horsham of sessional 3 and 4-year-
old kindergarten. It is these sessional programs that are
run from the buildings provided by HRCC. An ongoing
concern in this service delivery model is that funding is

The key to successful development and delivery of the Plan is collaboration with Stakeholders. A Stakeholder mapping
exercise was conducted and an engagement strategy formed around this.

A series of 1:1 stakeholder interviews were conducted and an Early Years Network formed. A Workshop was held to
brainstorm the actions in this plan around the key themes.

Stakeholders included:

Horsham & District Kindergarten Association (HDKA) Department of Education and Training
Goodstart Early Learning Horsham Library
Community Kids Horsham Early Education Centre Holy Trinity Lutheran College
GreenLeaves Ss Michael and John’s Primary School
Uniting Wimmera Wimmera Health Care Group
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute Wimmera Southern Mallee LLEN (Local Learning &
Employment Network)
Goolum Goolum Aboriginal Cooprative Wimmera PCP
Horsham Aquatic Centre Victoria Police

Stakeholders who were contacted but unable to attend were:

Department of Health and Human Services Horsham West Primary School

Horsham Primary School (298, Rasmussen) Laharum Primary School
Natimuk Primary School Horsham Special School
12 EARLY YEARS PLAN 2019 – 2023 APPENDIX 9.14A

3. Development of the Horsham Early Years Plan continued...

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Children’s Competition

The Competition was centered on two questions, and
Council understands the importance of involving
whilst there were only seven entries, the feedback was
children in decision-making and as such, the Community
used and will be fed into the Open Space Strategy as
engagement was two-fold – the use of an Early Years
well as the Early Years Plan. The feedback is outlined
Community Survey and a Children’s Competition.

What do you enjoy doing in Horsham?

playgrounds • fishing • swimming
football ovals • park • skate park

What could make Horsham better?

lego • better skate park • games room full of computers
harry potter house • paintball • more park
nature playgrounds • stall spots • nerf guns war area
bike track linking key areas • street library

Early Years Community Survey

The Survey was performed electronically and delivered For Professionals working with children and/or their
to the early years network for distribution through their families: What three priorities do you think are most
network channels and also via the HRCC Facebook page. important for improving outcomes for children aged
The Strategic Projects Officer also attended playgroups 0-12 in Horsham?
and an immunisation session. There were 73 responses 1. Parental/Family support
in total and feedback included:
2. Availability and access to health services
What are the most important priorities for early years? 3. Social connection opportunities
1. Families can access health care
2. Ensuring finances and transport are not barriers for
families to access services
3. Schools can meet the needs of children and families
4. Children have access to parks and safe spaces to play
EARLY YEARS PLAN 2019 – 2023 13


Data analysis, stakeholder engagement and policy context were all taken into account to develop the key themes and
actions. The key themes have been identified as:
• Creating quality service and support
• Language, literacy and learning
• Advocating for children and families

Council undertakes a number of different roles in the delivery of actions. These include delivery, facilitating, partnering
or advocating. These roles are outlined in the actions, as are the relevant Partners. Collaborating with Partners is an
integral part of success in this Plan’s delivery as no one agency is responsible for early years outcomes.


Why is this a priority?

The community says: • Majority of survey respondents stated lack of services
• 53% of survey respondents (professionals working and/or information (regarding services and activities)
with children &/or families) identified parental/family as a key area for improvement.
support as a key priority for early years in Horsham. • Majority of 1:1 meetings saw early years staffing as a
key issue in the Wimmera.

What is already being actioned this space?

Health and Wellbeing Plan Action 25: Utilise the KRCCH setup to strengthen link between Maternal
Child and Health Nurses (MCHN) with other service providers and supporting
transition between service providers

Action 26: Provide and promote a range of spaces for parents to meet and
provide info that supports and connects parents (HUB and open spaces)
By Five WSM Early Years Project Young parents group: A Horsham working group has commenced around the
priority to action innovate approaches to engaging with young parents.
14 EARLY YEARS PLAN 2019 – 2023 APPENDIX 9.14A

4. Key Themes and Actions continued...


Objective Action Role of Partners Indicator Timing

1.1 To better 1.1.1 Implement parent Partner Centre for Annual parent 2019–
support parents, support programs with focus Participation, program delivered and 2023
particularly on new delivery approaches. Library, effectiveness measured.
those Uniting
experiencing Wimmera,
vulnerability. Goolum
1.1.2 Support different Partner Childcare Program delivered 2020
approaches to increase private
parents knowledge of the providers,
Early Childhood Education Horsham
and Care models available & District
including relevant government Kindergarten
subsidies Association,
Early Years
1.2 To better 1.2.1 Deliver a collaborative Deliver / Communication Strategy 2021
inform parents early years communication Partner developed
on services strategy utilising My
and support Community Directory
1.2.2 Investigate establishing Deliver Early Years Decision made by Early 2019
a Parent Advisory Group Network Years Network
to engage parents in
consultation and planning
1.3 Streamline 1.3.1 Deliver a Central Deliver Maternal Central Enrolment 2020
processes to Enrolment service for Child Health, Process in place and
make it easier kindergarten (Subject to Kinder, being used as the sole
for families funding). Playgroup, source of enrolment
1.4 To attract 1.4.1 Establish working group Partner Early Years Working group 2020
and retain to look at innovative ways to Network established. Careers
quality staff for increase and retain quality expo annually (Early
the early years staff in the early years sector Years Speaker) careers
sector. and relevant health services in people at schools
Horsham engaged.
1.4.2 Increase awareness in Partner By Five Careers Expo attended 2019–
secondary schools of early 2023
years as a career option.
1.5 Strengthen 1.5.1 Establish ongoing Early Deliver All / By Five Early Years Network 2019
partnerships Years Network to enhance meets regularly
and collaborative approach to
collaboration in Early Years Plan actions and
the early years promotions
1.5.2 Support families to Facilitate Early Years Website information up 2020
access and navigate early Network to date
years services
EARLY YEARS PLAN 2019 – 2023 15

4. Key Themes and Actions continued...


Why is this a priority? The community says:

• 37% of survey respondents saw “Schools can meet the
The data says: needs of children and families” as a key priority for
• Speech and language concerns on school entry 2017 early years.
(%)21.4 vs VIC 14
• Affordable and accessible childcare and kindergarten
• 38 children are deemed vulnerable regarding social
competence domain “responsibility, respect, approach options was in the top four themes identified by
to learning” (AEDC 2018) survey respondents as an area for improvement.
• Horsham had an 88.3% kindergarten participation rate
in 2017.
• The state government will be funding up to 15hours of
3 year old kindergarten in a roll out from 2023 – 2029.

What is already being actioned this space?

Health and Wellbeing Plan Action 27: Develop principles of 0–6years programs within council operated
areas e.g. KRCCH, Town Hall, Aquatic Centre, Indoor Stadium, Library
Action 28: Partner with organisations to conduct a review of outcomes/
benefits/relevance of current services.
BY FIVE WSM Early Years project Early Years Transition: A Horsham working group has commenced work to
action the priority of development of strong relationships between school
and ECEC in order to facilitate improvement in transition.

Objective Action Role of Partners Indicator Timing
2.1 To equip 2.1.1 Deliver education Partner Early Years Network A program 2020
parents programs for parents with targeted at
with the focus on new delivery parents delivered
necessary approaches. annually
tools to
participate 2.1.2 Increase parents Partner Early Years Network A literacy program 2020
in their engagements in literacy targeted at
children’s programs (e.g. 1000 books, Let’s parents delivered
learning Read) and develop their skills
and confidence to
their children
2.2 To 2.2.1 Establish Working Group Deliver / Horsham & District Working Group 2019
ensure to investigate 3yo Kinder by Partner Kindergarten Association, established and
children in 2023 with focus on universal Childcare providers, operational
Horsham access. Department Education &
have access Training, Horsham Aquatic
to funded Centre
3 year old
kinder. 2.2.2 Gather data for Deliver / Horsham & District Data gathered 2019–
kindergarten including Partner Kindergarten Association, annually 2023
attendance/participation to Department Education &
ensure kinder is accessible to all. Training, Childcare providers
2.2.3 Upon proposal from 3yo Deliver Department Education & Infrastructure 2021
kinder working group - Conduct Training, Horsham & District Proposal
infrastructure Review Kindergarten Association, completed
Childcare providers, HRCC
Building group
16 EARLY YEARS PLAN 2019 – 2023 APPENDIX 9.14A

4. Key Themes and Actions continued...


Why is this a priority?

The community says:
The data says:
• Majority of survey respondents stated a lack of
• A recent national survey showed regional Australia
services and difficulty in accessing services as key
was in desperate need of investment to improve staff
areas for improvement.
levels and hospital facilities
• The equal top priorities identified in the survey
• The Australian Medical Association Rural Health Issues
were; “Families can access health care” and “Ensuring
Survey 2019 revealed rural doctors believed more
finances and transport are not barriers for families to
staff and workable rosters was the most critical
access services”.
priority for improving rural-health outcomes.

Objective Action Role of Partners Indicator Timing

3.1 To ensure 3.1.1 Create an Early Deliver / Department Advocacy Paper 2020
Horsham Years Advocacy Paper Partner of Education & developed
children are not Training, Early
disadvantage Years Network
because of their 3.1.2 Act as TeleHealth Deliver Wimmera PCP Championed TeleHealth in Ongoing
location Early Years Champion a range of arenas.
3.1.3 Advocate for Deliver Early Years Advocated for health Ongoing
health screening to Network screening in a range of
occur earlier mediums.
EARLY YEARS PLAN 2019 – 2023 17


Council will work collaboratively with partners to deliver An annual review will occur for the duration of the Plan
the Early Years Plan and thereby, the best possible reporting into the Executive Management Team and the
outcomes for the children of Horsham RC and their Early Years Network.
In addition to the Indicators outlined for each action,
The Early Years Network will meet a minimum of twice the HRCC Early Years Plan 2019-2023 will be monitored
a year and be used as the key forum to report on and evaluated by the data and sources contained in
progress and align priorities. (Sub working groups will Horsham’s Children 2019 – A DATA SNAPSHOT. Final
be developed as required to focus on particular areas of evaluation measures include (but are not limited to):

Indicator Source Target Available

Percentage of Children vulnerable in each AEDC AEDC Downward trend 2021
Percentage of Children vulnerable in one and two or AEDC Downward trend 2021
more domains
4 year old kindergarten participation rate LGA Profile - DET 100% Annually
MCHN Attendance for children aged 2 years MCHN Annual Report 90% Annually
18 EARLY YEARS PLAN 2019 – 2023 APPENDIX 9.14A

Appendix A: Explanation of Building Condition Rates used by HRCC

Condition Rating Description

0 New building or component recently rehabilitated to new condition
1 As new condition, no visible signs of wear and tear or defects
2 In excellent condition with only very slight condition decline (obviously no longer new)
3 In very good condition with some early signs of wear and tear commensurate with age and use
4 In good condition with some obvious signs of wear and tear but no evidence of deterioration
5 In fair condition, minor evidence of deterioration of the elements which could potentially
shorten life
6 In fair to poor condition with evidence of minor isolated failure in an element which will reduce
future life, maintenance costs high
7 In poor condition with evidence of minor isolated failure in an element which will reduce future
life, maintenance costs high
8 In very poor condition with evidence of multiple failures and the inability of the element to
continue to satisfactorily provide the original intended purpose
9 In extremely poor condition with significant evidence of failure of the element and failure to
provide design and purpose
10 Total failure of the element, extreme risk in leaving asset in service
EARLY YEARS PLAN 2019 – 2023 19

Appendix B: Map and Summary of Early Years – Childcare Centres, Kindergartens and Primary Schools

Facility Name Address Service Description Service Operator Age Operating

group Hours
Horsham Community 9 Roberts Ave, LDC with integrated 4yo Uniting Care 0-5 Mon - Fri
Childcare Centre Horsham kinder Wimmera 8am - 6pm
Goodstart Early Learning 10 Madden LDC with integrated 4yo Goodstart 0-5 Mon - Fri
Horsham Street, Horsham kinder 6.30-6.30
Green Leaves Early 44 Hillary Street, LDC with integrated 4yo Green Leaves 0-5 Mon - Fri
Learning Horsham Horsham kinder 6.30-6.30
Community Kids Horsham 138 Baille St, LDC with integrated 4yo Community Kids 0-5 Mon - Fri
D Early Education Centre Horsham kinder 6.30-6.30

48 Natimuk 4yo sessional kinder HDKA 4-5 Mon-Fri
A Natimuk Rd
Road 8.50-1.50
1H Bennett Road 4yo sessional kinder HDKA 4-5 Mon-Fri
B Bennett Rd
Kalkee Rd Children’s HUB 24/28 Kalkee 4 & 3yo sessional kinder HDKA 4-5 Refer to
Road service
– Wombat Room 4yo Mon-Fri 9am-2pm description
– Possum Room 4yo Mon, Tues, Thurs
– Possum Room 3yo Tues 9am-2pm,
Fri 9-midday or 9am-2pm
– Wallaby Room LDC Mon, Wed, Thurs

D Green Park 20 Williams 4 & 3yo sessional kinder HDKA 4-5 Refer to
Road service
– Casuarina Room 4yo Mon-Fri 8.30-1.30
– Acacia Room 4yo Tues-Fri 9am-2pm
– Acacia Room 3yo kinder mon 9am-2pm 3-4
2 Regent Street 4yo Sessional kinder HDKA 4-5 Refer to
E Natimuk Preschool service
1574 Northern Not in use as of
Laharum Preschool Grampians 2019
Road, Wartook
20 EARLY YEARS PLAN 2019 – 2023 APPENDIX 9.14A

APPENDIX B continued...
Appendix B: Map and Summary of Early Years – Childcare Centres, Kindergartens and Primary Schools

Facility Name Address Service


A Horsham West Primary School - West Campus 24 Hillary Street, Horsham VIC 3400 Primary School

B Horsham Primary School, Rasmussen Campus 2B Rasmussen Rd, Horsham VIC 3400 Primary School

C Horsham Primary School, 298 Campus 38 Baillie St, Horsham VIC 3400 Primary School

D Holy Trininity Luthran College 25 Trinity Drive, Horsham P-12

E Horsham West Primary School - Haven Campus 4362 Henty Hwy, Haven VIC 3401 Primary School

F Ss Michael and John’s Primary School 7 McLachlan St, Horsham VIC 3400 Primary School

G Horsham Special School 17 High St N, Horsham VIC 3400 P-12

H Natimuk Primary School 38 Old Noradjuha Rd, Natimuk VIC 3409 Primary School

I Laharum Primary School 1574 Northern Grampians Rd, Laharum VIC 3401 Primary School

Occasional Care

Horsham Aquatic Centre

After School Care

Horsham Aquatic Centre

School Holiday Program

Horsham Aquatic Centre

EARLY YEARS PLAN 2019 – 2023 21

APPENDIX B continued...
Appendix B: Map and Summary of Early Years – Childcare Centres, Kindergartens and Primary Schools

Rasmussen Rd

Kalkee Rd

nor EN



D Baillie St
Darlot St

McLachlan St
Roberts Ave A
Bennett Rd


Pynsent St
Urquhart St
Madden St
Firebrace St





E Gardens CITY


ra River
W im

Williams Rd

22 EARLY YEARS PLAN 2019 – 2023 APPENDIX 9.14A
– 2023 23

2 3
Council Offices
Horsham: Depot: Natimuk: Kalkee Road Children’s
Civic Centre, 18 Roberts Selkirk Drive, Natimuk and Community HuB:
Avenue, Horsham 3400 Horsham 3400 Community Centre, 28 Kalkee Road,
62 Main Street, Horsham 3400
P: (03) 5382 9777 P: (03) 5382 9600 Natimuk 3402
F: (03) 5382 1111 F: (03) 5382 5358 P: (03) 5382 9531
P: (03) 5387 1304
E: council@hrcc.vic.gov.au Monday to Friday
W: www.hrcc.vic.gov.au 7.30am to 4.30pm Thursdays only
9am to 12pm
Monday to Friday
8.30am to 5pm

Postal Address:
PO Box 511, Horsham 3402

2 3
Horsham Rural City Council understands the importance of early years
in establishing the foundation for life success. Investment at this early
stage in life has the greatest opportunity for impact and benefit for,
not only the child, but to the community in general.
Horsham’s Children 2019 – A DATA SNAPSHOT, and wellbeing. As Council has an oversight into each
provides an insight into how children are faring in of these areas, it can play a unique role in facilitating
Horsham RC. Municipal Early Years Plans (EYP) are partnerships to achieve the best outcomes for the
place-based and acknowledge the importance of community. As such, data across these areas has been
being data driven to ensure the EYP is responsive compiled to outline the profile of children in Horsham.
to the individual municipality needs. This snapshot
acknowledges the systems approach, in that each of This Snapshot has been used to inform HRCC’s EYP to
the social, built, economic and natural environments ensure it is data based and best positioned to support
can influence a child’s development in learning, health Horsham’s children to succeed in life.

Horsham rural city population

8 Populaon





50 9



















Horsham rural city population continued...

Total Population of Horsham RC in 2031 - 21,793. BIRTH RATES IN HORSHAM RC 
Estimated population change to be 9.6% B

+121 -6 +140
+125 2016
+149 +103 200

900 2031 150








Birthrate in age group 15–19 years – 2017
0-4 5-9 10-14 AGE (years)
6% Horsham 3% Victoria
Birth rates in Horsham have fluctuated between the
years 2000 and 2017 as seen to the right. However This birthrate has decreased by 14% since 2000.
there has been an increase of 12% across this period However Horsham remains third highest local
vs the birth rate in non-metro Victoria of 28%. government area in the state for teenage pregnancy.

What do Horsham families look like?

Horsham family composition FAMILY COMPOSITION – HORSHAM RC 2016
has remained relatively constant
from 2011 to 2016 with an 45
approximate 2% increase of 35
Percentage (%)

families with children (both 30

couple and one parent). The 25
family composition is quite 15
similar to the Victorian average, 10
however, there is slightly more 5
one parent with children under
Couple families
with children
under 15 and/or

Couple families with

children only

Couple families
without children

One parent
families with
children under 15
students (no.)

One parent
families with
children only


and/or dependent

15 years old in Horsham. A

Culturally and linguistically diverse communities

Percentage of children in Horsham with both The cultural and linguistic diversity in Horsham is significantly less
parents born in Australia.A than the Victorian average. However, Horsham has continued to
see a steady increase in population cultural diversity that live and/
or work here since the last Census. This signifies the importance for
social connection opportunities as it can be isolating for families new
to the area. Evidence shows social Isolation can lead
to or exacerbate poor health, including mental health.
86.4% 79.6%
Population identify as ATSI A
2011 2016 1.5% 3%
Horsham Victoria

How healthy are our children?

The health and wellbeing of children is critical in MCHN KEY AGE/STAGE VISIT P ARTICIPATION
their development and establishing the foundation to (2016-2017) HORSHAM VICTORIA
succeed in life. 110
Immunisation Rates at 5 yearsC 100

Participation (%)

98.18% 95.3% 65
Horsham Victoria Home 2
8 4 8 12 18 2
wks mths mths mths mths yrs

MCHN Key age/stage visit participation: Horsham

is above 90% for the first 12 months and above 75%
18 months to 3.5 years. There is a general downward
GP VACANCIES 1. Western Victoria 61 trend of participation as age increases (also reflected
NOVEMBER 2018 2. Murray 77
in Victorian average figures).
3. North Western Melbourne 1
4. Eastern Melbourne 1
5. South Eastern Melbourne 0
6. Gippsland 38
Women who smoked during pregnancyD
3 4

The Wimmera has experienced a significant issue in GPs. 25.2% 11.4%
This remains an issue and is a key advocacy item for HRCC. Horsham Victoria

Education Readiness
Speech and language 31 Children identified by teachers as requiring further
assessment in 2018 (e.g. medical and physical, behavior
concerns on school 21.4% 14% management, emotional and cognitive development).
entry 2017 A
This is the same number as in 2015 and almost double
Horsham Victoria that in 2012. E

The development of Horsham children:

AEDC Vulnerability 2012–2018 Horsham Vs Vic Average
AEDC Vulnerability per domain 2009–2018
Percentage of Children (%)

Number of Children

30 20
25 15
15 10
5 5
Physical Health
and Wellbeing



Language and



one or more

two or more

Vic Average
AEDC Vulnerable
one or more

Vic Average
AEDC Vulnerable
two or more

2009 2012 2015 2018 2012 2015 2018


Being part of a community can have a positive effect
on mental health and emotional wellbeing. This in turn
influences positive parenting and child development
leading to more positive outcomes for families.
Family experience Horsham Rural City Council has a strong commitment
to social connection and open space and priorities
Family experiences, living conditions and the
are outlined in the Horsham Rural City Health and
sociodemographic experiences of the family all heavily
Wellbeing Plan.
influence a child’s health, wellbeing and learning
throughout life. It is increasingly recognized that a person’s health
may be affected by where they live. Living in
Some environmental factors:
neighbourhoods with low levels of pollution and with
Horsham has consistently had the highest rate of easy access to shopping facilities, basic services, good
family violence incidents in the Grampians Region parks, play spaces and affordable transport can have a
(2011 to 2016). Since 2012, Horsham has consistently positive influence on the lives of family.
been the top 10 worst performing Local Government
Areas across the state. F People are willing to help each other – Horsham 2015 J

In general, children are present in 1 out of every 3

family violence cases reported to police G 83.5% 63%
Children subject to care and protection orders I
(Rate per 1,000 children aged 0–17 years) Horsham Victoria

This is a close-knit neighbourhood – Horsham 2015 J

11.5% 5.4%
Horsham Victoria 76.5% 45.3%
27 children whose parents reported having high levels Horsham Victoria
of family stress in past month. I

This child is regularly read to/encouraged in his/her

reading at home: E (Response by teacher)



Data References for Early Years Plan

A – ABS Census
B – Victoria in Future
C – Australian Immunisation Register - Coverage Report LGA by age group(Age calculated as at 30SEP17)
D – (2009-2011) Social Health Atlas of Australia, Victorian Local Government Areas, May 2016 Release, PHIDU 2016
E – AEDC Data
F – Women’s Health Grampians
G – Victoria Police 2015, ‘Crime statistics 2013/14’, Victorian Government, retrieved 3rd September 2015,
H – Victorian Child and Adolescent Monitoring System (VCAMS), accessed via the VCAMS Portal online August 2016 at
http://www.education.vic.gov.au/about/research/Pages/vcamstableau.aspx p133 PCP profile.
I – Vichealth Survey – 2015
J – Child Development Information System


Sent: Friday, 26 July 2019 5:56 PM
To: Council Support <council@hrcc.vic.gov.au>
Subject: Feedback to Draft Early Years Plan

Hi there,

The plan does not include any reference to the inclusion of the respectful relationships framework:
The Royal Commission into Family Violence identified the critical role that schools and early
childhood education have in creating a culture of respect to change the story of family
violence for future generations.



Sent: Thursday, 8 August 2019 3:18 PM

To: Council Support <council@hrcc.vic.gov.au>
Subject: Draft early years plan response.

I just read the plan and have the following comments
1. The plan needs to positively encourage participation in early years education and be more
proactive in ways to support this. Please don’t just look at slow development of facilities or
just catering for those that can participate.
2. The plan needs to cater for all children in the municipality, not just those that presently have
facilities available, and for the future.
3. The plan should also be about providing for the future through education for all, especially
for children who may not have the opportunity due to distance, parent work, ethnicity and
language, or income. Funding may need to be sought through Council or HDKA or immigrant
programs, or maybe arts, environment and physical activity funds.
4. Laharum PreSchool had considerable funding for upgrades recently and should therefore be
used, perhaps not just by local preschool children but also by children from a larger area.
This may mean transport arrangements need to be made. There is also an opportunity here
for a ‘Bush Kinder’ project.

Senate Enquiry on Jobs for the Future in Regional areas


Horsham Rural City Council is pleased to submit to the Senate Enquiry on Jobs for the Future in
Regional areas

Background – Horsham Rural City Council

Horsham Rural City Council (population 20,000) is the regional centre of the Wimmera Southern
Mallee and services a regional population of 55,000. Horsham is strategically located on the
Western Highway and National Freight Route 300km west of Melbourne and 400km east of

Population projections for Horsham indicate growth of around 0.5 per cent can be expected
over the next 20 years. Projected dwelling demand for Horsham Rural City Council is 80 to 100
per annum. There is a need for high quality housing to attract skilled professionals to the

There is vacant residential zoned land available in the city with the largest area being to the
west and south of the city centre. It is projected that Horsham has a supply of greenfield
residential land for the next 10 to 15 years.

A range of available industrial land is located in and around the city and data indicates a supply
of 15 years, with current capacity at the Burnt Creek Industrial Estate, the Wimmera Intermodal
Freight Terminal precinct and private industrial developed land.

New Industries and Employment Opportunities

Council’s Economic Development Strategy adopted in 2018 summarises Horsham’s priorities

and opportunities for new industries and employment

The priority objectives for economic development in Horsham and the broader Wimmera
Southern Mallee are focussed around supporting major industry such as Agriculture and
Manufacturing, improving liveability, fostering growth opportunities in new and emerging
industries that capitalise on the region’s competitive advantages and attracting new business
and residents.

A key strength of the region is the considerable agriculture production and the opportunity to
leverage further from value-add production, advancements and development of farming
technology, consolidation of land holdings and capitalising on water security as a result of the
Wimmera-Mallee pipeline.

Address correspondence to: Chief Executive Officer PO Box 511 Horsham Victoria 3402
Civic Centre 18 Roberts Avenue Horsham Victoria 3400
Ph 03 5382 9777 Fax 03 5382 1111 Email council@hrcc.vic.gov.au Website: www.hrcc.vic.gov.au

There is, however, an objective to further diversify the local economy to create greater
resilience. Horsham’s role as a regional City in the broader Wimmera sees it well-placed to
accommodate growth in public service industries such as health and education, as well as
industries that develop more organically through an increase in population and activity such as
retail, food and accommodation, entertainment and recreation, construction and professional

Some of the key strategic economic development opportunities identified for Horsham Rural
City include:

 Expand the investment in renewable energy sectors and small towns, including wind,
solar and biomass;

 Mineral sands mining and the significant economic impact that would be generated
(expenditure, employment, wages and salaries, exports), including the current Stavely
release for Western Victoria which could potentially offer the region other earth
resources such as gold, copper or other metals for exploration and mining

 Develop tourism product with a focus on food and wine, nature based, indigenous, sport
and recreation, and arts and cultural tourism;

 Facilitate a critical mass of industrial activity in existing industrial precincts;

 Encourage the clustering of industry to promote synergy. For example, intensify health
care, social assistance and medical services in proximity to the existing hospital precinct;

 Build on the Rural City’s liveability through the promotion of social cohesion,

 and the sustainable development of public infrastructure and services;

 Attract and accommodate new residents in locations that provide access to

infrastructure and services, and does not adversely affect productive agricultural land;

 Continue to encourage the Central Activity District of Horsham as a vibrant hub that
supports a mix of retail, office, food and beverage, entertainment, community and
cultural activity. State tourism strategies such as Victoria’s Tourism 2020 Strategy and
the Visitor Economy Strategy identify the need to improve destinations through
investment in attractions, experiences and accommodation. This is particularly relevant
for Horsham in terms of regional strengths in nature based tourism, food and wine, and
arts and culture.

Other key strategies include growing events, improving marketing and branding, and more
effective coordination and collaboration between regions.

A key strength of the Horsham and Wimmera region is agricultural production and the
opportunity to leverage further from value-add production, advancements and development
of farming technology (research), mineral sands mining and processing, and capitalising on
water security via the Wimmera-Mallee pipeline.

Horsham Rural City Council strongly supports Government policy that helps to take the service
and infrastructure pressure away from Melbourne which is struggling with: increasingly
congested road and rail infrastructure; declining housing affordability; rapid growth in outer
fringe suburbs; and the loss of valuable agricultural land on the urban fringe.

In recent years, our municipality has attracted substantial international investment and
national strategic focus through grains research. Recent examples showing the high level of
interest and activity in the agricultural research sector include:

 the establishment of the Australian Grains Genebank in Horsham (a joint initiative of

the Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries and the Grains
Research and Development Corporation) has capacity to store up to 200,000 grains
samples, and is designed to acquire, conserve, characterise and distribute grain crop
genetic resources globally for plant breeding research;
 the construction of a phenomics glasshouse by DEPI;
 the $14million wheat breeding station established by BASF in 2013 (one of seven global
sites); and
 the investment of $3 million in glasshouse upgrades by Nuseed.

As a result of these initiatives, the region hosts a significant number of national and
international researchers. Research personnel are generally more highly qualified than the
regional community as a whole. A number of them have international backgrounds – living and
working (often with their families) in countries around the world before settling in Australia.
This strength presents a further opportunity to build on grain research capability in the
Wimmera, through decentralization and relocation of Government Departments with a focus
on agriculture.

Council has recently granted planning approval for establishment of a protein powder factory
for Horsham that will value add to faba beans produced in the region to generate protein
powder in response to international markets. This proposed industry will require specialist
skills in science and technology to produce the output, and will require recruitment of
specialists from outside of the Wimmera region. This is a great example of value adding to
agriculture produced in the region, and reinforces the need for quality community, recreational
and cultural infrastructure to attract skilled labour force.

The current recycling crisis presents an opportunity for regional areas to consider waste
processing as an industry to value add and generate employment opportunities locally.

It is important to note that discussion and planning for new jobs and industries should include
continued investments in connectivity (high speed internet and mobile coverage), power
infrastructure capacity in terms of transmission lines (to support development of the renewable
energy sector) and transportation (particularly the return of passenger rail to the western part
of Victoria and the duplication of the Western Highway) will be required to maximise the
success of sustained employment into western Victoria over the next decade. In addition,
continued investment in innovation in manufacturing industries through clustering, training
and education will facilitate efficiencies and competitiveness to improve productivity and
support further job opportunities.

Development of creative industries are emerging and important to communities. In particular,

arts and culture facilities and programs can collectively enrich residents’ quality of life by
providing vital social and community connections, as well as employment and learning
opportunities. This is particularly relevant for the Wimmera with the Horsham Town Hall’s
successful performing arts centre and regional art gallery together with major cultural events
such as the Art Is Festival and Nati Fringe. There is further opportunity to develop employment
opportunities in cultural tourism and events, with the ongoing support of government and
other partners.

Arts and cultural projects also support longer-term economic growth for our regions by creating
local jobs and destination tourism experiences. As well as creating regional jobs during the
construction of multiple projects, once they are complete permanent jobs will further boost
local economies, regional tourism and the liveability of communities.

Community Infrastructure to attract investment and job creation

Regional cities such as Horsham, have the capacity to absorb a larger population, but requires
the support of Government to develop quality community infrastructure in parity with cities to
attract, recruit and retain professionals to fill skills shortages in the regional areas. Promoting
‘liveability’ needs to be an important strategy for future development of sustainable regional
centres. Regional cities have a distinct competitive advantage in terms of factors such as:
housing affordability, visitor attractions (visual appeal), and easy access to quality health and
education services. It is important that Government policy continues to support liveability
infrastructure improvements such as cultural, recreation and sporting infrastructure. High
quality community infrastructure facilities and services are key considerations for families and
businesses in making decisions to relocate to regional centres like Horsham.


Provision of access to the port is critical for agribusiness to transport produce for export.
Continuation of and ongoing access to the mode shift incentive scheme to encourage business
to utilise rail freight facilitates efficient and easy access to the port, and less heavy vehicles on
the roads. More recently, the road versus rail issue has reached a critical point for rail providers
with approval for heavier vehicles on the highways, making it less competitive for producers to
use rail. In terms of the Wimmera region, this could see a further 40,000 trucks on the Western
Highway between Horsham and Melbourne which could be detrimental for road safety.

The Wimmera Intermodal Freight Terminal located at Dooen in Horsham Rural City Council was
constructed and opened for business in 2012. The container throughput has gradually
increased since commencement of operation, due to improved seasonal conditions and
developing markets. Annual container throughput from 2012/13 started at 8916 and for the
2016/17 season totalled 23,567. This demonstrates the need for continued support for
incentives to use rail freight, but at the same time has highlighted that the Wimmera
Intermodal freight Terminal has already exceeded the business plan throughput which was
expected to be reach 20,000 annual containers in 2021.

The successful 2016/17 year throughput has identified that the site is operating at capacity and
has highlighted inefficiencies in logistics, traffic flow and insufficient pad capacity for loading
and unloading. Ongoing Federal and State Government support for capital funds for expansion
and redevelopment of intermodal freight terminals is critical to meet the needs of agribusiness
and exporters and their viability.


Improving transport in all forms is the key to sustainable transition to regional cities. Horsham’s
role as the regional centre of the Wimmera is based firmly upon the national road and rail links
between Melbourne and Adelaide. These links provide access to markets for our regional
industries and tourism. The development of the Wimmera Intermodal Freight Terminal (WIFT)
in 2012 was a collaborative project between local, state and federal governments, and private
industry. Horsham Rural City Council was the key driver of this project which has created a
strong logistics chain for the Wimmera region for the next 10-20 years.

Strong commitment at State and National level is needed to maintain and improve transport
networks and regional connectivity to capital cities and major ports.

An improvement in public transport is also required. The eight Councils of the South West of
Victoria and the Wimmera believe that the return of passenger rail to the western part of the
state is a significant economic driver, a key factor in providing increased employment
opportunities and has an important social aspect for our communities to provide access to
services in Melbourne and Ballarat. Connectivity to regional centres improves the
attractiveness of our regions to live, work and invest. The recent Grampians and Barwon South
West Regions Passenger Services Cost and Feasibility Study identified the return of passenger
rail to the regional centres of Horsham and Hamilton as a key economic and social imperative
at a cost of $369million.

Strong government policy and funding for major and minor road networks in regional Victoria
is also essential to ensure easy and safe travel within rural areas and linking regional centres to

Education and Training

State and Federal Government need to support regional centres through the development and
implementation of policies (and funding) to support further education and job creation that will
attract and retain professional workers in regional areas. Access to high quality education at
all levels is essential to attract and retain people in our region. Strong government support of
tertiary institutions (i.e. Federation University in Horsham) is essential to ensure that people
can undertake undergraduate tertiary studies in key workforce shortage areas i.e. nursing and
education. Promotion of work placements in regional centres as part of tertiary studies is
another policy and funding area that needs to be developed by all levels of government.
Sampling rural living and showcasing the benefits of our lifestyle is a key factor in people
choosing to live and work in regional Victoria on a permanent basis.

There is also a need for continuing focus on vocational training in regional areas, in particular,
VET in schools programs and post-secondary vocational training. The success of Longerenong
College in providing an Advanced Diploma in Agriculture showcases the potential and need for
increased vocational education training and degree level agricultural courses which can feed
into the strong agricultural research industry that exists in the Wimmera.

Information and computer technology (ICT)

The availability of high speed internet and mobile coverage to regional areas is crucial. The
current roll-out of the NBN offers significant opportunities to regional communities in terms of
increased speed and capacity for business. Ongoing investment in communications is needed,
particularly linked to advancements in technology related to the agricultural industry. Horsham
is one of the first regional centres in Victoria to have access to high speed internet, through the
State Government’s Enhanced Broadband program (5G) which will provide opportunities to
improved connectivity for existing businesses and new business development.

Renewable energy

The Wimmera Southern Mallee has been identified as a primary area for the development of
renewable energy. The area has natural assets of wind and sunshine on largely flat land, ideally
suited to these renewable options.

The area has limited electricity grid capacity and that needs to be upgraded to capitalise on the
natural assets and the opportunities to use the wind and solar to generate alternative energy.
The current transmission system in North West Victoria is currently restricting investment into
the region.

Investment in regional infrastructure is a key to supporting the ‘liveability’ of regional capitals

that will attract business investment through the provision of high standard
health/education/social services.

Critical infrastructure projects identified for our region include:

 Western Highway duplication and upgrades

 Return of passenger rail services to Horsham (Western Victoria)
 Improvement in mobile phone coverage
 Improvement in power transmission capacity



Present: Cr MA Radford, Mayor; Cr DA Grimble, Cr A Gulvin (from 5.40pm), Cr J Koenig,

Cr L Power, Cr J Robinson; Sunil Bhalla, Chief Executive Officer; Graeme Harrison,
Director Corporate Services; John Martin, Director Infrastructure; Kevin O’Brien,
Director Community Wellbeing; Angela Murphy, Director Development Services;
Cameron Gerlach, IT Co-ordinator (item 3.1 only); Deepen Dutta, IT Systems
Administrator (item 3.1 only); Justine Kingan, Co-ordinator Strategic Planning
(item 3.3 only)

Apologies: Cr P Clarke


Cr Radford welcomed everyone.




3.1 Councillors Laptop Handover / Instructions

3.2 SayNO2Family Violence – Rotary Club of Horsham East

In attendance: Steve Holmes, Peter Robertson, Joanne Bates, Geoff Eagles, Don Perry, Tom
Gallagher; apology – Simone O’Brien


3.3 City to River

Justine Kingan briefed Councillors on the number of submissions received, planned next steps
and future reporting back to Council.


4.1 Council Plan Six Monthly Report


Meeting adjourned for dinner 7.50pm

Meeting Reconveneded: 8.15pm

4.1 Council Plan Six Monthly Report (continued)

4.2 Local Government Performance Reporting Framework (LGPRF)


4.3 Local Government Rating System Review – Submission


4.4 Horsham Regional Livestock Exchange (HRLE) Roof


4.5 Wimmera Regional Library Corporation (WRLC)



John Martin, Kevin O’Brien and Angela Murphy left the meeting at 9.40pm.


Councillors, Chief Executive Officer and Director Corporate Services only in attendance.



Meeting closed at 9.55pm




Present: Cr MA Radford, Mayor; Cr DA Grimble, Cr A Gulvin, Cr J Koenig, Cr L Power (until

5.55pm), Cr J Robinson; Sunil Bhalla, Chief Executive Officer; Graeme Harrison,
Director Corporate Services; John Martin, Director Infrastructure; Kevin O’Brien,
Director Community Wellbeing; Angela Murphy, Director Development Services;
Mandi Stewart, Manager Community Services and Emergency (item 4.4 only);
Michelle Rethus, Community Wellbeing Strategic Projects Officer (item 4.4 only);
Shana Miatke, Acting Manager Arts, Culture and Recreation (item 4.5 only);
Stefanie Jones, Co-ordinator Recreation and Open Space Planning (item 4.5 only)

Apologies: Cr P Clarke


Cr Radford welcomed everyone.


Item 4.8 Green Lake Water Supply – Cr Robinson lives near lake’s edge


3.1 Federation University TAFE

In attendance: Prof Helen Bartlett (Chancellor), Andy Smith (Vice Chancellor), Barry Ryan
(Executive Director TAFE)

Discussed activities in Horsham and west, and future plans.


4.1 Complaints Resolution Policy


4.2 Kerbside Organics Service Consultation


4.3 Horsham Regional Livestock Exchange (HRLE) Roof


Meeting adjourned for dinner 7.35pm

Meeting Reconveneded: 8.00pm

4.4 Early Years Plan

4.5 Dogs in Botanical Gardens


4.6 Horsham Urban Transport Plan Draft Report


4.7 Wimmera Intermodal Freight Terminal (WIFT) Tender (Roads and Drains)


4.8 Fuel Supply Tender


4.9 Cleaning Contract


4.10 Green Lake Water Supply



5.1 HRCC Email Newsletter Report



Meeting closed at 9.33pm


Horsham Community & Police Consultative Committee

Chairman: Secretariat:
David Eltringham Horsham Rural City Council
P.O. Box 1012 Cr. Mark Radford
Horsham 3400 mark.radford@hrcc.vic.gov.au
0418 147 482 Horsham Community & Police Network

Thursday the 15th. August 2019
Uniting Wimmera Board Room

Meeting commenced: 9.03am

Welcome: David welcomed everyone, especially Inspector Dianne Thompson (VicPol) and Steve
Wickes (RRV)

Chairman: (Community) David Eltringham DJE
Victoria Police Insp. Dianne Thompson DT
Victoria Police Senior Sgt. Leigh Creasy LC
Regional Roads Victoria Steve Wickes SW
Wimmera Mobility Group Geoff Baker GB
State Emergency Service Nola Smith NS
Horsham Rural City Council Keith Emmerson KE
Wimmera River Improvement Gary Aitken GA
Horsham Rural City Council Cr. Mark Radford MR

Glenn Carroll HSCClub, Tim Shaw LLEN, Geoff Lord Fed.Uni., Craig Brittain CFA,
Michael Gelligen AV.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting: 18th April were circulated and tabled. GB/GA
(Noting that there was no June Meeting)

- Regional Roads Victoria (formally VicRoads) re name change and the new Delegate


**Victoria Police Insp. Dianne Thompson reported:

Introduced herself and her background in ‘crime prevention’ and her responsibilities in a large area
of the State. She spoke about the new Police Assistance Line and its purpose when ‘Lights &
Sirens’ are not required. She also talked about a Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign…”Pink up
the Town”…encouraging people to get involved..

Sen. Serg. Leigh Creasy reported:

Leigh discussed the recent Jewelry Shop robbery and subsequent Arrest, a recent Drugs haul and
the discovery of a ‘drug lab’ in Horsham. He also mentioned the Eye Watch App. He raised the
recent Bus/Truck crash on the Western Highway and the resulting 12 hour Road Closure. Some
drivers ignored the Detour and followed their GPS….this led to trouble. The Police Station building
was discussed with building works happening to cater for a Family Violence Unit. Noting that the
building was opened in 1987 with 33 Staff. 109 people now work there.
An additional Night Shift car is being rostered on.
LC also mentioned the Courthouse Improvements that will be happening soon.

**AV Discussion: Noting that the AED machines are tested and maintained by HRCCouncil.
The prospect of installing an AED at Mount Arapiles was discussed. (There is already one in
Natimuk) Peter Hawker is the Parks Victoria Ranger. Action: David to contact Peter Hawker PV

**State Emergency Service Nola Smith reported:

Advertising for a new Controller. Some storm damage recently

**Regional Roads Victoria (formally VicRoads) Steve Wickes reported:

Introduced his role in regards to Road Safety, Traffic Management and Planning.
Re-structure happening, new Regional Director (Michael Bailey), Mal Kirsting has retired after 47
years….a good man who served the community well. Discussion about Road Maintenance
Funding and accident diversions. This issue of Flashing Lights at School Crossings was raised
with Steven. This is particularly an issue in Natimuk Road. (LC commented that some drivers are
not slowing down) and McPherson Street. Also the issue of heavy vehicles running Red Lights in
Horsham was raised with Steven. Action: David to write a Letter to Mal Kirsting.

**Wimmera Mobility Group Geoff Baker reported:

On a recent accident in Horsham with a Mobility Scooter. Concerns raised about ‘Gophers on the
road’. Mentioned the relationship with Council is working well.

**Horsham Rural City Council Keith Emmerson reported:

Talked about the Merit System of reporting ‘issues’ around Horsham. DJE is a regular Merit user.
Graffiti around Horsham was again raised.

**Wimmera River Improvement Committee Gary Aitken reported:

Gary mentioned that improved signage for dog owners is now along the River. Gary asked about
road line marking and what he has seen in other States while on tour.

**Community Rep. David Eltringham reported:

He has a regular spot on 3HHH local radio. David also raised the issue of motorized bikes along
the River using the Cycling tracks.
Discussion about Neighbourhood Watch. DT spoke about new ways of thinking about Community
Engagement including Social Media

**Horsham Rural City Council Cr. Mark Radford reported:

Was part of a Community Forum with VicPol to discuss the local Police and ‘how things are going’
and ‘how they can be improved’. The selected participants, overall were very complimentary of
our local Police. The VicPol staff were very interested in our HC&PCC Group and Minutes of a
Meeting was provided. MR mentioned the Consultation work being done on the ‘City To River’
project. MR also praised the work of all involved with the recent Highway Crash (making National
news) where, sadly a long serving Coach Driver, Emil Pich, 60 was killed.

Public Lighting Improvement List:

- Top of the Town Car Park -Roberts Place -Burnt Creek Ped. Bridge

NEXT MEETINGS: October Thursday 17th

December Thursday 19th
February Thursday 20th

9.00am Thursday October 17th. at the United Wimmera Board Room, Baillie St

Meeting Closed: 10.20am

*Confirmed Correct

Chairman Secretariat

Referred Issue Responsible Status
18/4/19 AED at Mt.Arapiles Peter Hawker PV DJE ongoing
18/4/19 Community Safety Unit @ HRCC DJE invited
15/8/19 Letter of thanks to Mal Kirsting DJE
13/12/18 Media Support Ongoing
18/04/19 “Dark Spots” Public Lighting ALL Ongoing


Seasonal Conditions Meeting
Friday 30 August 2019 at 12noon
Reception Room, Horsham Rural City Council
18 Roberts Avenue, Horsham

Austin Luke (Wimmera CMA) O’Brien Kevin (HRCC)
Clapham Phil (DHS) O'Shannessy Rob (DJPR)
Curtis Melanie (DJPR) Radford Cr Mark (HRCC)
Dodds Ken (RFCS) Remnant Mark (Buloke Shire)
Fischer Krista (Wimmera PCP) Rethus Tim (Farmer – guest)
Fletcher Mark (WDA) Saunders Andrew (Edenhope Dist Mem Hosp)
Kendrigan Rachel (Mildura RCC – via skype) Shrestha Praphulla (HRRC)
Knights Bridgette (Northern Grampians Shire) Sounness Chris (WDA)
Lacey Paul (Northern District Comm Health) Stewart Mandi (HRCC)
Leahy David (West Wimmera Shire) Timmons Pat (RFCS)
Melgren Ngareta (Rural Outreach Program) White Patrick (RFCS)
Newton Kathy (HRCC – minutes) Williams Mark (GWMWater)

Bailey Michael (Northern Grampians Shire) Kemp Colin (RDV)
Bales Richard (RDV) Koenig Josh (Uniting Wimmera)
Benjamin Stuart (Elmstone Property Group) Little Greg (Grampians Community Health)
Bhalla Sunil (HRCC) Massey Cr Graeme (Yarriambiack Shire)
Brennan David (Wimmera CMA) Pritchard Belinda (DJPR)
Brittain Craig (CFA) Risson Simon (Christian Min Assoc) (include?)
Brumby Sue (National Centre Farmer Health) Rosebery Ambulance
Business Horsham Ryan Brendan (DEET)
Cook Jacinta (Centacare) Severin Justine (DJPR)
Dalton Simone (DHHS) Simons Julie (DJRP)
Davies Ray (Pyrenees Shire Council) Stewart Cr Carolyn (Buloke Shire)
Drendel Heather (DJPR) Tepper David (DHHS)
Fitzgerald Cecilia (WDHS) Thomas Chantal (Northern Grampians Shire)
Hateley Rachel (WDA) (include???) White Michael (RFCS)
Hutchinson Mandy (Northern DCH) Whitfield Barbara (DJPR)
Jochinke David (VFF) Witmitz Geoff (PCP)
Judd Anthony (Buloke Shire)
Kealy Emma (Member for Lowan)


The Horsham Rural City Council acknowledges the five Traditional Owner groups of this land; the
Wotjobaluk, Wergaia, Jupagalk, Jaadwa and Jadawadjali people. We recognise the important and
ongoing place that all Indigenous people hold in our community.

We pay our respects to the Elders, both past and present, and commit to working together in the spirit
of mutual understanding and respect for the benefit of the broader community and future generations.
Seasonal Conditions Meeting – Minutes 30.8.19 Page 1 of 7
1. Welcome and Introduction

Cr Mark Radford, Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting. Note: item 5.1 (Regenerative Communities
Road Trip presentation) was provided via skype immediately after item 3.

2. Disclosure of Conflict of Interest – nil

3. Minutes of the previous meeting

On the motion of Rob O’Shannessy, seconded Mark Fletcher, the minutes of meeting held 21 June
2019 as circulated with the agenda were received.

4. Business arising from previous minutes

4.1 Circulation of Minutes

Pat Timmons provided a handout ‘Seasonal Conditions Notice Board’. He advised that he had looked
at the possibility of an information bank or resource where information is raised at forums (like this
one). There are several places where stakeholders get together. A lot of information is tabled in one
place, but not another. He mentioned the opportunity of sharing good news too. He looked at getting
resource (ie at PCP as an option), this has gone all the way around. He suggested it is a very simple
process for the Rural Financial Counselling Service to have a seasonal conditions noticeboard on their
website. He said his organisation is happy to screen submissions, the idea is to create a link to this
information and publicly promote. Pat would like to go away and build this and lobby different groups
like this one to put information up, so anyone with a website can invite others. He’s happy to build that
into the RFCS website and bring back as a live tool, so people can link in. Pat will present a fait accompli
next meeting. Kevin asked if Pat is looking at Facebook too, and the number of followers. The key thing
is to get the information out there. Pat replied that he should be able to get data. The noticeboard
would become an archive over the years.

On the motion of Pat Timmons, seconded Rob O’Shannessy, it was agreed to set up a seasonal
conditions noticeboard. Carried

4.2 Initiatives for Federal Government Future Farming Fund (standing agenda item)

Rob O’Shannessy advised he has been working with Pat Timmons and Geoff Witmitz. The future
drought fund has been passed by both houses of parliament, funding will commence from 1 July 2020.
He advised it is proposed that we will write a submission on behalf of all north-west councils (after
checking with councils they are prepared to be signatory), then he will submit that. Submission will be
around trying to garner some ongoing support, and supporting our mental health initiatives across the
north-west. Chris Sounness asked for confirmation this has been passed, and Rob replied that funding
opens 1 July 2020 but submissions are being called for now; we thought if we put submission now,
we’ll have time to work on that and will form basis of submission for NW, with view that we know
funding won’t be allocated until July 2020. Rob added that once submissions are able to be submitted
we’ll have our submission ready to go. We also need to have an application regarding how we think
the money should be spent. Rob advised that supporting mental health services in rural areas was on
the list, that’s the line we’d be taking. Action: Rob will provide an update at the next meeting. There’s
a link on website: http://www.agriculture.gov.au/ag-farm-food/drought/future-drought-fund

Seasonal Conditions Meeting – Minutes 30.8.19 Page 2 of 7

4.3 Evaluation Committee Process

Rob O’Shannessy recapped – a meeting or two ago we proposed this process, to look at what the
original purpose of meetings was and whether we’re achieving it; to celebrate successes and improve
things as required. One of the challenges has been finding a facilitator. He advised that Pat Timmons
has offered to do this at no cost, so today we need to decide if we wish to take up that offer; and if we
do, to work out when we want to do this. Rob said we could nominate next meeting (in October) to do
this, allocating perhaps 1½ hours, or it could be done separately.

At Cr Radford’s request, Pat left the room at this point for the ensuing discussion.

Rob provided background information. He advised that part of Pat’s role is employment at the Rural
Financial Counselling Service, he is currently CEO of Northern Rural Financial Counselling Services.
Andrew Saunders advised he doesn’t see any conflict, so it’s about the process. Rob mentioned he
spoke to an internal facilitator at his department (DJPR); some things she suggested were to look at
whether we want to discuss together or form a sub-committee – relooking at our purpose, looking at
what we have achieved, how important, what improvements could be made and how we operate. We
could incorporate whether we go in and out of recess on as-needs basis, whether that is working well,
what’s the legacy of the committee, who is the keeper of the key (HRCC have kindly been host in that
role). Rob said – then as a facilitator, could work towards those questions we would provide. Cr Radford
asked about value in sub-committee re continuous improvement. Rob replied – yes, more people
providing input. Rob said the first question is, when do we want to do this? If in October, need sub-
committee now; if not today, we could do a ring-around or send EOI process. Kevin suggested getting
interest today and sending out EOI. Kevin said he’s happy to represent HRCC.

On the motion of Andrew Saunders, seconded Mark Remnant, it was agreed that Kevin O’Brien and
Rob O’Shannessy will put together an Evaluation Sub-committee. Carried

On the motion of Rob O’Shannessy, seconded Kevin O’Brien, it was agreed Pat Timmons be appointed
as facilitator of the Evaluation Sub-committee. Carried

Pat Timmons returned to the meeting.

Kevin added – for the next meeting, two hours will be allocated to include evaluation, we may need to
extend the allocated meeting time.

5. Presentations

5.1 Regenerative Communities Road Trip

Rob O’Shannessy introduced Rachel Kendrigan from Mildura Rural City Council (attending via skype).
Rob advised Rachel has worked at Mildura Rural City Council since February and has a background in
event and project management. He advised that this presentation and another three presentations
today have all been funded or partly funded through the mental health component of the State
government Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The program is focused on providing
inspiring stories and practical tools for rural communities to build resilience.

Rachel sent through a handout which was tabled at the meeting. She discussed a working group which
Rob is on. She discussed challenges and feedback brought back to the group. The issue of talking about
mental health being a barrier came up, a lot of providers are already providing support and training in

Seasonal Conditions Meeting – Minutes 30.8.19 Page 3 of 7

farming sector; so it was decided to do a broader community program including all sectors (ie schools,
businesses etc). From there four themes were pulled out (four panels, twelve speakers):

 People Power – knowledge and skills as a shared community asset. Rachel said a lot of volunteers
have been working there a long time, skill bases are not always there, and it can be difficult to
engage young people in volunteering. The Centre for Participation is involved here, she mentioned
a local photographer working on stations and farming communities.
 Inviting Diversity – injecting new life into community by embracing new migrants. Rachel spoke of
amazing success stories with micro-communities introduced to small towns. She mentioned
migrant families being matched with vacant farming land; matching with inspiring and retiring
 Own Your Story – successful and authentic engagement in our Mallee country life.
 Rewrite the System – a fresh perspective on innovative farming models and food systems.

Rachel mentioned the communities have been consulted; travelling out to those communities and
running workshops; guest speakers; projects to run in those communities; experiment running a
project across municipality; better connect communities with each other, show support of Council. She
said the events are all free and available to the public, can take people from SA and NSW as well as

5.2 Tactics for Tough Times

Rob O’Shannessy introduced Paul Lacy from Northern District Community Health. He advised Paul, as
program co-ordinator, would discuss the joint program with Buloke, Swan Hill, Gannawarra and Loddon
local government areas. This program is aimed at increasing the capacity of communities to support
each other through tough times. Rob advised Paul has been working in this role since April, having
previously worked for Goulburn-Murray Water.

Paul handed around fridge magnets. He advised that Rob O’Shannessy, Pat Timmons and Mark
Remnant are on a steering group for this program which receives DHHS funding. Paul said the dairy
industry in his area has taken massive hit – lots of stories and a lot of stress; with high water prices
impacting the dairy industry. He is working with the four shires mentioned above. The idea of the
program is to upskill people in the community. Service providers sometimes don’t feel equipped to
have the conversation with people. Paul rolls out a 30 minute presentation, they talk about their own
wellbeing as well as how to have the conversation and link into referral options. The sessions have
been deliberately cut down to 30 minutes. Paul started doing presentations in July/August with about
16 sessions and 380 attendees so far (mostly around Cohuna dairy industry); now moving out into
Buloke and Loddon for cropping area. Paul has talked to other people rolling out this funding, some
were around counselling role, a bit hard to engage, the PCP co-ordinators couldn’t really do anything
so Paul said this program provides for both sides, a lot like RUOK, getting it out in the regional

Cr Radford asked if it was more than just a rain issue for the dairy industry, to which Paul replied – yes,
a lot of dairy farmers have sold their water rights to pay down debt. The downturn in the dairy industry
has also had large impact. Water prices have increased massively, a lot of dairy farmers have exited
the industry. All those service providers are struggling because there are less farmers now.

Seasonal Conditions Meeting – Minutes 30.8.19 Page 4 of 7

5.3 Rural Outreach Program

Rob O’Shannessy introduced Ngareta Melgren, Rural Outreach Program Co-ordinator who is working
under the Edenhope and District Memorial Hospital. Her background includes working at Rural North-
West Health in Warracknabeal, and previously as a physiotherapist.

With her background of caring for people, Ngareta knows the mental health statistics are terrible. She
said this is a complex issue that has been going on for years which no one single program or
organisation can address. She said the Rural Outreach Program are our partners and without the
partnership we can be working in silos. Ngareta said we need to understand where the person interacts
in the community. Part of the program is an education role, more a one-on-one support system. She
advised they have three outreach workers who live across the region, covering four shires in the
Wimmera and Southern Mallee. Drought funding was provided to secure those workers. Initially the
program was to support people whilst suffering psychological stress and stigma attached. Ngareta
advised they are trying to break down the barriers of stigma (situational distress), also relationship
breakdowns; anything in anybody’s life can create situational distress and they talk to people from that
point of view. Some people need clinical services to help navigate, rural outreach workers will have
that conversation, co-ordinating and navigating (but driven by the person). Sometimes clinicians think
they know best for people, but they do need to listen; it costs nothing to talk. Research shows 85% of
benefit from clinical services is talking about it and having someone to talk to. Waiting lists can be a
problem. Regarding issues of clinical services – recruitment etc, Ngareta advised they try to make it
simple (mental health services are very complicated); they like to say ‘we don’t have any boundaries’.
There are some clients outside the region, the Rural Outreach Program are that navigation
co-ordination. She said this is an exciting space to work in, dealing with vulnerable people. Ngareta
referred to folders Krista Fischer has put together and reminded everyone we need to remember when
dealing with people, it’s not just the numbers.

Andrew Saunders advised of a meeting being held on 9 September at West Wimmera Shire Council
with Rural Outreach staff to give overview of the first nine months of the program. This will be a
celebration of the first body of work achieved, with a meeting after that with State and Federal funding
bodies. He said he’d like to see those present there, without whom we wouldn’t have got to this point.

Cr Radford asked about waiting times for Grampians Community Health (10-12 weeks).

David Leahy mentioned the service the Royal Flying Doctors Service doctors who are very helpful for
the Edenhope community. Feedback from wider community shows this is hitting the mark, however,
crisis level remains. Mandi Stewart added – numbers on waiting lists are not new, in 2000-2010,
nothing had changed (known from her experience in previous roles). She said now there is an important
place keeping people safe and connected; this situation has been with us for a long time. What we
have now is building the system.

Cr Radford said we should get a representative from DHHS to hear these stories. Rob O’Shannessy
added – Primary Health Network had a launch recently growing rural health. Andrew Saunders
mentioned the pathway via GPs is bogged down, outreach workers are getting onto it. Minister the
Hon Martin Foley has been invited to the 9 September meeting (as mentioned above), the ask is
approximately $1.8m over three years.

It was suggested we could write a letter of support at the appropriate time.

Andrew Saunders advised that over 1,000 people have been through Mental Health first aid program,
which also plugs into rural outreach program.

Seasonal Conditions Meeting – Minutes 30.8.19 Page 5 of 7


5.4 Resilience Project

Rob introduced Bridgette Knights, Business Engagement Officer, Northern Grampians Shire Council.
The Resilience Project aims to build resilience from children to adults, building overall community

Bridgette advised this project came to NGSC last year, run through a facilitator bringing in mental
health awareness and providing understanding on how important this is from a young age. This is a
school based program and Bridgette has a presentation available and if anyone would like to see this,
she can be contacted at Northern Grampians Shire Council. Working within a rural community, there
are quite a few opportunities where people come up to you and have a discussion re how they’re
coping/feeling. Building resilience from a young age is essential in having our kids growing up as whole
beings. One in seven primary school age children experience mental health illness; identifying that it is
not just adults.

The reason local government got involved in this project has a lot to do with our municipal health and
wellbeing; delivering in a way that’s practical provided tangible skills. Our long-term aim is to increase
protective factors. When facilitators come they initially discuss with teachers, coaches and business
owners who have most contact with these people, then follow on with community forum. Bridgette
mentioned the St Arnaud event was pretty full – parents, partners, carers and child care workers who
identified a need for this in the community; then work facilitators at the schools for two days. This is
ongoing, we keep in touch with the schools, work into classroom schedule. Main vehicle is a six month
journal (ie ‘what made you feel happy today’). A lot of sporting clubs are taking this up (ie AFL). Dustin
Martin is a supporter of this project. A Resilience Project mobile app has since been developed, that is
an interactive way to work through the day. It’s made a lot of people sit up and think about how they’re
feeling, how they can work through things, be aware of conversations with kids.

Kevin O’Brien asked if this has increased demand for services (ie counselling, community-based
agencies); Bridgette replied she isn’t sure, but in terms of more conversations happening – absolutely.
This has opened up childrens’ eyes into conversations they can have with teachers/parents. The main
aim was to get people talking about it; previously there was so much stigma around it.

Mark Remnant added – those conversations are really important, it’s great to hear things are starting
at that young age.

6. Correspondence


7. Updates

Mark Remnant (Buloke Shire): This year Buloke is the centre of good things. For Paul Lacy and his
project coming down, a bit of a battle as things are looking good. Getting feedback from farmers north
needing rain, eight frosts in a row last week, lentils looking shaky. Early barley crops about to be cut;
message is not particularly positive for the rest of the season. Thinking around mental health
(preventive), really important for this group to support.

Rob O’Shannessy (DJPR): Supports Mark’s comments above. In Rachel Kendrigan’s area the Millewa is
in drought, crops have failed already. Our first watch area (north of the Mallee Highway across to north
of Manangatang) is showing signs of moisture stress in crops. Another watch area (just north of

Seasonal Conditions Meeting – Minutes 30.8.19 Page 6 of 7

Hopetoun) we believe without significant rain by the end of September, crops will be showing signs of
moisture stress; several frosts in a row. We haven’t heard of damage in the north. Crops in northern
part of the Mallee may be vulnerable over the last week. Rob provided a Rural Aid handout from Suzie
Jacobs (see appendix).

Ngaretta Melgren (Rural Outreach Program): Thanks for the invitation, it’s been great to come along.
If anyone has communications people, she’s very keen to share across that platform.

Ken Dodds (RFCS): Supports recommendations made today. Outstanding seasonal conditions Ouyen
way, and parts of West Wimmera. Eight inches rainfall west of the State, then down to Ballarat 17
inches since May. Dams from Stawell on are full. Our role with the banks continues. Lots going on
behind the scenes.

Andrew Saunders (Edenhope Hospital): Update on meeting to be held 9 September, for those wanting
to come – Minister the Hon Martin Foley has been invited (as mentioned in 5.3 above).

Bridgette Knights (Northern Grampians Shire): Have appointed an Agricultural Engagement Officer at
NGSC. Will be looking at ways of providing additional support.

Mark Williams (GWM Water): 43% water consumptive water holding, 3 – 4 years supply, security good.

Mark Fletcher (WDA): The works on radar tower at Rainbow are progressing well.

Mandi Stewart (HRCC): Promoting Lessons on Disaster training day 25 October in Horsham and
encourages anyone who is interested to register online (free). If you know emergency volunteers, get
them to go. Funding provided by Office of Women. Also Leading Change lunch, similar theme, we have
gender and disaster pod here. Lunch is 24 October. Action: Mandi will circulate.

Phil Clapham (DHS): Noted it’s coming up four years for a lot of people on the Farmhouse Allowance,
will run out of funding and there is no other funding; that will cause additional stress. People may have
a few months where they don’t have access to money. We have exit interviews and offer referrals.

Tim Rethus (guest – local farmer, board member Birchip Cropping Group): Had a few events, had
‘wheat smartly’ at town hall recently. Farmers like to learn something new. Had a conference in
Bendigo last month, further events coming up. Locally rainfall has been enough, farmers are feeling
comfortable, a lot of optimism. Running an average year rainfall-wise.

Paul Lacy (Northern District Community Health): Thanks for the opportunity to present today, enjoyed
the other presentations too. There’s a lot going on. Have been working closely with people in rural
agriculture. If you have people struggling financially, register them.

Cr Mark Radford (HRCC): Attended Sheepvention in Hamilton a couple of weeks ago. Went to Rainbow
last week and toured the radar site, looking good.

8. General Business


9. Next Meeting – Friday 25 October

Meeting closed 1.30pm

Seasonal Conditions Meeting – Minutes 30.8.19 Page 7 of 7


Horsham Regional Livestock Exchange Board of Management Meeting
To be held on Thursday, 5 September 2019 at 5.00pm
Horsham Regional Livestock Exchange, Western Highway, Horsham

Attendees: Cr David Grimble – Chairman DG

Dale Dridan – Horsham Stock Agents Association DD
Gordon Fischer – Livestock Transporters Association of Victoria GF
Kevin Pymer – Victorian Farmers Federation Representative KP
Ray Zippel – Community Representative RZ
Cr Mark Radford – Mayor HRCC MR
Sunil Bhalla – CEO HRCC SB
John Martin – Director Infrastructure, HRCC JM
Angela Murphy – Director Development Services, HRCC AM
Stephen Pykett – Manager Economic Development, HRCC SP
Paul Christopher – HRLE Superintendent, HRCC PC

Graeme Astbury - Livestock Buyers Representative
Brittaney Price -Ireland - DEDJTR

Also Present:
Cr John Robinson JR
Neville McIntyre NM

Agenda Items:

1. Welcome

2. Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest


DG gave a verbal Chairs report (Document 1).

DG asked for a motion to accept the report.
RZ / GF [carried]

DG tabled a motion document (Document 2).

DG asked the board to comment, accept or amend the motion tabled.
RZ agree with all points in the document.
RZ / DD [carried]

3. Roofing Project update JM

3.1 Onscreen presentation
• Outline of the tender process including evaluations.

• Information relating to all tender submissions having a higher value than

the current budget allowance – Steel prices have increased between cost
estimates for funding purposes and tender submissions.
• Discussions regarding operations of the HRLE during construction period;
communication with user groups and contractors.

DG & JR steel prices indicated their research showed decreasing prices between cost
estimates obtained and quotes received.

DD & JR left the meeting 17:54

4. Additional Funding
4.1 JM tabled a proposal a longer payback period of the current loan from 16 to
23 years as an option to fund any shortfall
DG discussed the competitive neutrality document [policy]
AM clarified the purpose of that policy (acknowledging that the subsidy
covers all council corporate costs such as overheads, depreciation etc that
are not included in the total cost of the HRLE)

MR left the meeting 18:20

SB agreed that during the construction period council will provide the HRLE
Board with Monthly reports (at meetings) initially with exceptions
communicated as necessary. This can be adjusted if necessary.

5. Next Meeting
Tentative date – 17 October 2019

6. Meeting Close

Cr David Grimble
Horsham Regional Livestock Exchange Board of Management
5 September 2019

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