Annual Report: Royal Dutch Shell PLC Annual Report and Form 20-F For The Year Ended December 31, 2009
Annual Report: Royal Dutch Shell PLC Annual Report and Form 20-F For The Year Ended December 31, 2009
Annual Report: Royal Dutch Shell PLC Annual Report and Form 20-F For The Year Ended December 31, 2009
a c d E
(Bio) Fuels
GAS AND Lubricants
Industrial use Liquefied
Domestic use petroleum gas
Exploring for oil and gas a Refining oil into fuels and lubricants J
Developing fields b Producing petrochemicals K
Producing oil and gas c Developing biofuels l
Mining oil sands d Trading M
Extracting bitumen E Retail sales N
Liquefying gas by cooling (LNG) F Managing CO2 emissions
Regasifying LNG G Supply and distribution
Converting gas to liquid products Business-to-business sales
Generating wind energy I
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$ US dollar
£ sterling
¤ euro
CHF Swiss franc
C$ Canadian dollar
acre approximately 0.4 hectares or 4 square kilometres
b(/d) barrels (per day)
bcf/d billion cubic feet per day
boe(/d) barrel of oil equivalent (per day); natural gas has been converted to oil
equivalent using a factor of 5,800 scf per barrel
(k)dwt (thousand) deadweight tonnes
MMBtu million British thermal units
mtpa million tonnes per annum
MW megawatts
per day volumes are converted to a daily basis using a calendar year
scf standard cubic feet
GTL gas to liquids
LNG liquefied natural gas
LPG liquefied petroleum gas
NGL natural gas liquids
ADR American Depositary Receipt
AGM Annual General Meeting
CO2 carbon dioxide
DBP deferred bonus plan
EMTN euro medium-term note
FID final investment decision
GHG greenhouse gas
HSSE health, safety, security and environment
IFRIC International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
LTIP long-term incentive plan
NGO non-governmental organisation
OML onshore oil mining lease
OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPL oil prospecting licence
PSA production-sharing agreement
PSC production-sharing contract
PSP performance share plan
R&D research and development
REMCO Remuneration Committee
RSP restricted share plan
SEC United States Securities and Exchange Commission
TRCF total recordable case frequency
WTI West Texas Intermediate
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5 Our locations
6 Chairman’s message
7 Chief Executive Officer’s review
8 Business Review
8 Key performance indicators
10 Selected financial data
11 Business overview
13 Risk factors
16 Summary of results and strategy
19 Upstream
38 Downstream
44 Corporate
45 Liquidity and capital resources
49 Our people
50 Environment and society
53 The Board of Royal Dutch Shell plc
56 Senior Management
57 Report of the Directors
60 Directors’ Remuneration Report
76 Corporate governance
87 Additional shareholder information
96 Consolidated Financial Statements
140 Supplementary information – oil and gas
158 Parent Company Financial Statements
170 Royal Dutch Shell Dividend Access Trust Financial Statements
177 Exhibits
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Upstream Downstream Upstream Downstream
Europe Africa
Austria m m Algeria m m
Belgium m Benin m
Bulgaria m Botswana m
Czech Republic m Burkina Faso m
Denmark m m Cameroon m
Finland m Cape Verde Islands m
France m Côte d’Ivoire m
Germany m m Egypt m m
Gibraltar m Gabon m
Greece m m Ghana m m
Hungary m m Guinea m
Ireland m m Kenya m
Italy m m Libya m
Luxembourg m Madagascar m
The Netherlands m m Mali m
Norway m m Mauritius m
Poland m Morocco m m
Portugal m Namibia m
Slovakia m m Nigeria m
Slovenia m La Réunion m
Spain m m Senegal m
Sweden m m South Africa m m
Switzerland m Tanzania m
UK m m Togo m
Ukraine m m Tunisia m m
Asia Uganda m
Brunei m m North America
China m m Barbados m
Guam m Canada m m
India m m Costa Rica m
Indonesia m Dominican Republic m
Iran m m El Salvador m
Iraq m Mexico m m
Japan m m Panama m
Jordan m Puerto Rico m
Kazakhstan m Trinidad & Tobago m
Laos m USA m m
Malaysia m m South America
Oman m m Argentina m m
Pakistan m m Brazil m m
Papua New Guinea m Chile m
Philippines m m Colombia m m
Qatar m French Guiana m
Russia m m Guyana m
Saudi Arabia m m Peru m
Singapore m m Venezuela m m
South Korea m m
Sri Lanka m
Syria m
Taiwan m
Thailand m
Turkey m m
United Arab Emirates m m
Vietnam m
Australia m m
New Zealand m m
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Our technology enables us to find and produce crude oil and natural
CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE gas in hard-to-reach places, from the deep ocean to the frozen Arctic. It
will one day enable us to produce transport fuels from unusual sources,
In 2009 the world felt the acute effects of the global recession. Oil such as agricultural waste.
demand experienced its steepest drop since 1982. Consumption of
natural gas in the European Union fell more than it ever has before. We are already applying our technology to capitalise on our supplies
Refining margins were put under great pressure, as were the margins in of natural gas, the cleanest-burning fossil fuel. When used to generate
the petrochemicals business. Financing of projects tightened as banks electricity, it emits half the CO2 of coal. New production techniques
rebuilt their balance sheets. And the treasuries of many countries came help us coax it out of impermeable rock. We aim to maintain our
under severe strain. leading position in liquefied natural gas, allowing us to extract gas in
far-flung locations and transport it to markets in sea-going tankers. We
By the end of 2009, unprecedented economic-stimulus packages and are also turning natural gas into high-performance lubricants and liquid
the irrepressible growth of key Asian nations appeared to turn around transport fuels. All of this means that by 2012 more than half of our
the global economy. But weak consumer demand and lingering production will be natural gas.
unemployment in the USA and Europe are likely to weigh down the
recovery for some time. Shell excels at applying technology to complex projects on a massive
scale. The offshore fields that we recently brought on-stream in Brazil
We responded swiftly to the downturn, restructuring Shell to make it and Russia attest to that. We are following a similar project-engineering
more competitive. And we did so without diluting the talents that make approach in several demonstration projects to capture CO2 and store it
our company strong. At the same time, we retained our long-term view. safely underground.
We stuck to our capital-spending plans throughout 2009 and continued
working on the energy projects that form the foundations of our future. We are also working to squeeze more value out of every unit of energy
we use in our operations. And we are introducing new products and
With economic recovery, global demand for energy will resume its services that help our customers become more efficient energy-users
growth, in step with increasing population and rising wealth in themselves.
developing countries. Supplies of all kinds of energy – not just oil and
gas but also renewables – will struggle to keep pace. And even while Making the world’s energy supply secure, affordable and sustainable is
energy use grows, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions must be kept in not just a worthy goal; it is a global imperative. It will take time, and it
check. will take a lot of effort. But with our far-sightedness and technical
prowess, we can contribute to the endeavour even as we deliver the
As the world evolves toward a low-carbon energy system in the years results that our shareholders expect in the long term.
and decades ahead, our unrivalled tradition of technical innovation
positions us well. Jorma Ollila
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We will continue to apply our exploration capabilities wherever they To channel our skills more quickly, more effectively and more
are appropriate, including our new leases in Egypt, South Africa and economically, last year I reorganised our business units. One of the
French Guiana. Resources found will be matured into the project funnel main aims was to concentrate in one unit the accountabilities for
that drives our growth. delivering major new projects and developing new technologies. That
will better position us to execute Upstream operations and secure
Several major projects already matured in our Upstream portfolio in access to resources. It will also help us better manage the many
2009 – with several more set to reach first production within a few environmental and societal issues associated with developing oil and
years. Together with our partners, we completed Russia’s first liquefied gas fields.
natural gas (LNG) plant, Sakhalin II, one of the world’s largest
integrated projects. These changes, which were implemented shortly after I took on the
position of CEO, were not a reaction to transient tough times. In the
In 2009, the Parque das Conchas project offshore Brazil began short term they did accelerate our plans to reduce complexity,
delivering heavy oil from fields in waters two kilometres deep. In 2010 overheads and – ultimately – costs. But in the long term they will
our Perdido platform in the Gulf of Mexico will tap fields lying under improve our performance by sharpening our external focus and giving
more than three kilometres of water – a world record. At such depths added impetus to our technology and innovation.
sophisticated sub-sea equipment is needed, and it has to be built on site
by remote-controlled machines in near-freezing darkness. I look forward to seeing our revitalised organisation succeed in 2010
and beyond.
Our Pearl gas to liquids project in Qatar will apply Shell technology to
convert some 1.6 billion cubic feet of gas per day into liquid transport Peter Voser
fuel and other high-quality oil products and petrochemical feedstocks. Chief Executive Officer
The Qatargas 4 project will take about the same amount of gas and
turn it into LNG. Both projects are progressing well; construction is
expected to be completed by the end of 2010 with production ramp-up
in 2011.
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Shell scorecard Refinery and chemical plant availability is the weighted average of the
actual uptime of plants as a percentage of their maximum possible
uptime. The weighting is based on the capital employed. It excludes
Total shareholder return downtime due to uncontrollable factors, such as hurricanes. This
2009 22.6% 2008 (33.5)% indicator is a measure of operational excellence of Shell’s Downstream
manufacturing facilities.
Total shareholder return (TSR) is the difference between the share price
at the start of the year and the share price at the end of the year, plus
gross dividends paid during the calendar year (reinvested quarterly), Total reportable case frequency (injuries per million working hours)
expressed as a percentage of the year-start share price. The TSRs of 2009 1.4 2008 1.8
major publicly-traded oil and gas companies can be directly
compared, providing a way to determine how Shell is performing Total reportable case frequency (TRCF) is the number of staff or
against its industry peers. contractor injuries requiring medical treatment or time off for every
million hours worked. It is a standard measure of occupational safety.
Net cash from operating activities is the total of all cash receipts and
payments associated with our sales of oil, gas, chemicals and other
products. The components that provide a reconciliation from income for
the period are listed in the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows on
page 100. This indicator reflects Shell’s ability to generate cash for
investment and distributions to shareholders. For scorecard purposes
only, it is adjusted to exclude taxes paid on divestments.
Production is the sum of all average daily volumes of unrefined oil and
natural gas produced for sale. The unrefined oil comprises crude oil,
natural gas liquids and synthetic crude oil. The gas volume is converted
into energy-equivalent barrels of oil to make the summation possible.
Changes in production have a significant impact on Shell’s cash flow.
Operational spills over 100 kilograms Proved oil and gas reserves (million boe)
2009 264 2008 275 2009 14,132 2008 10,903
Operational spills are the total number of spills of oil and oil products Proved oil and gas reserves (excluding minority interest) are the total
over 100 kilograms per spill that resulted from our operations. estimated quantities of oil and gas that geoscience and engineering
data demonstrate with reasonable certainty to be recoverable in future
years from known reservoirs, as at December 31, under existing
Employees (thousands) economic and operating conditions. Gas volumes are converted into
2009 101 2008 102 barrels of oil equivalent (boe). Reserves are crucial to an oil and gas
company, since they constitute the source of future production. Reserves
Employees is the number of notional full-time employees whose work estimates are subject to change based on a wide variety of factors,
hours would be equivalent to those of all staff actually holding full-time some of which are unpredictable; see pages 13 to 15. The proved
and part-time employment contracts with Shell subsidiaries, averaged reserves volumes reported for 2009 have been established using the
throughout the year. new SEC rules on oil and gas reporting.
Income for the period is the total of all the earnings from every business
segment. It is of fundamental importance for a sustainable commercial
2009 15.5% 2008 5.9%
Gearing is defined as net debt (total debt minus cash and cash
equivalents) as a percentage of total capital (net debt plus total equity),
at December 31. It is a measure of the degree to which Shell’s
operations are financed by debt. (For further information see Note 16
to the Consolidated Financial Statements.)
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2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
Basic earnings per ¤0.07 ordinary share 2.04 4.27 5.00 3.97 3.79
from continuing operations 2.04 4.27 5.00 3.97 3.84
from discontinued operations – – – – (0.05)
Diluted earnings per ¤0.07 ordinary share 2.04 4.26 4.99 3.95 3.78
from continuing operations 2.04 4.26 4.99 3.95 3.83
from discontinued operations – – – – (0.05)
2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
Basic weighted average number of Class A and B shares 6,124,906,119 6,159,102,114 6,263,762,972 6,413,384,207 6,674,179,767
Diluted weighted average number of Class A and B shares 6,128,921,813 6,171,489,652 6,283,759,171 6,439,977,316 6,694,427,705
Upstream International manages the upstream business outside the
History Americas. It searches for and recovers crude oil and natural gas,
From 1907 until 2005, Royal Dutch Petroleum Company (Royal Dutch) liquefies and transports gas and operates the upstream and midstream
and The “Shell” Transport and Trading Company, p.l.c. (Shell infrastructure necessary to deliver oil and gas to market. Upstream
Transport) were the two public parent companies of a group of International also manages the global LNG business and the wind
companies known collectively as the “Royal Dutch/Shell Group” business in Europe. The activities are organised within geographical
(Group). Operating activities were conducted through the subsidiaries units, some business-wide managed activities and supporting activities.
of Royal Dutch and Shell Transport. In 2005, Royal Dutch Shell plc
(Royal Dutch Shell) became the single parent company of Royal Dutch Upstream Americas manages the upstream business in North and
and Shell Transport, the two former public parent companies of the South America. It searches for and recovers crude oil and natural gas,
Group (the Unification). liquefies and transports gas and operates the upstream and midstream
infrastructure necessary to deliver oil and gas to market. Upstream
Royal Dutch Shell plc (the Company) is a public limited company Americas also extracts bitumen from oil sands that is converted into
registered in England and Wales and headquartered in The Hague, the synthetic crude oil. Additionally, it manages the US based wind
Netherlands. business. It comprises operations organised into business-wide
managed activities and supporting activities.
Shell is one of the world’s largest independent oil and gas companies in Downstream manages Shell’s manufacturing, distribution and
terms of market capitalisation, operating cash flow and oil and gas marketing activities for oil products and chemicals. These activities are
production. Our oil and gas producing heartlands are the core organised into globally managed classes of business, including
countries that have the available infrastructure, expertise and chemicals, some regionally and globally managed activities and
remaining growth potential for Shell to sustain strong operational supporting activities. Manufacturing and supply includes refining,
performance and support continued investment. They are Australia, supply and shipping of crude oil. Marketing sells a range of products
Brunei, Canada, Denmark, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Nigeria, including fuels, lubricants, bitumen and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
Norway, Oman, the UK and the USA. Russia represents a new for home, transport and industrial use. Chemicals produces and
heartland with Sakhalin II on-stream in 2009, and we expect Qatar to markets petrochemicals for industrial customers, including the raw
become a heartland in the coming years. materials for plastics, coatings and detergents used in the manufacture
of textiles, medical supplies and computers. Downstream also trades
We are bringing new oil and gas supplies on stream from major field Shell’s flow of hydrocarbons and other energy related products,
developments. We are also investing in growing our gas-based supplies the Downstream businesses, markets gas and power and
business through liquefied natural gas (LNG) and gas to liquids (GTL) provides shipping services. Downstream also oversees Shell’s interests
projects. For example, we are building one of the world’s largest GTL in alternative energy (excluding wind) and CO2 management.
projects in Qatar, and we are participating in the Gorgon LNG project
in Australia. Projects & Technology manages the delivery of Shell’s major projects
and drives the research and innovation to create technology solutions.
At the same time, we are exploring for oil and gas in prolific geological It provides technical services and technology capability covering both
formations that can be conventionally developed, such as those found Upstream and Downstream activities. It is also responsible for providing
in the Gulf of Mexico, Brazil and Australia. But we also are exploring functional leadership across Shell in the areas of safety and
for hydrocarbons in formations, such as low-permeability gas reservoirs environment and contracting and procurement.
in the USA, Canada and China, which can be economically developed
only by unconventional means. SEGMENTAL REPORTING
With effect from July 1, 2009, Upstream consists of the activities
We also have a diversified and balanced portfolio of refineries and previously reported in the Exploration & Production, Gas & Power
chemicals plants and are a major distributor of biofuels. We have the (excluding solar) and Oil Sands segments. It combines the operating
largest retail portfolio of our peers, and delivered strong growth in segments Upstream International and Upstream Americas, which have
differentiated fuels. We have a strong position not only in the major similar economic characteristics and these operating segments are
industrialised countries but also in the developing ones. The distinctive similar in respect of the nature of products and services, the nature of
Shell pecten (a trademark in use since the early part of the twentieth production processes, type and class of customers and the methods of
century) and trademarks in which the word Shell appears support this distribution. Downstream consists of the activities previously reported in
marketing effort throughout the world. the Oil Products and Chemicals segments and solar. Upstream and
Downstream earnings include their respective elements of Projects &
Organisation Technology and of trading activities. Corporate represents the key
On July 1, 2009, Peter Voser succeeded Jeroen van der Veer as Chief support functions comprising holdings and treasury, headquarters,
Executive Officer (CEO). On the same date, a series of changes in the central functions and Shell’s insurance activities. Comparative
organisation and responsibilities of senior management became information in this Report has been reclassified.
OIL AND GAS PRODUCTION AVAILABLE FOR SALE [A] MILLION BOE Rising climate change concerns could lead to additional
2009 [B] 2008 2007 regulatory measures that may result in project delays and
Subsidiaries 828 846 886 higher costs.
Equity-accounted investments 319 314 295 Emissions of greenhouse gases and associated climate change are real
Total 1,147 1,160 1,181 risks to Shell. In the future, in order to help meet the world’s energy
[A] Natural gas has been converted to oil equivalent using a factor of 5,800 scf demand, we expect more of our production to come from
per barrel. unconventional sources than at present. Energy intensity of production
[B] Includes synthetic crude oil production. of oil and gas from unconventional sources can be higher than that of
production from conventional sources. Therefore, in the long term, it is
expected that both the CO2 intensity of our production as well as our
absolute CO2 emissions might increase, for example from the
expansion of oil sands activities in Canada. Also our Pearl GTL project
in Qatar is expected to increase our CO2 emissions when production
begins. Over time, we expect that a growing share of our CO2
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emissions will be subject to regulation and carry a cost. If we are meet their financial or other obligations to the projects, threatening the
unable to find economically viable as well as publicly accepted viability of a given project.
solutions that reduce our CO2 emissions for new and existing projects
or products, regulatory and/or political and societal pressures could Reliable information technology (IT) systems are a critical
lead to project delays, additional costs as well as compliance and enabler of our operations.
operational risks. Organisational changes and process standardisation, which lead to
more reliance on a decreasing number of global systems, outsourcing
The nature of Shell’s operations exposes us to a wide range of and relocation of information technology services as well as increased
significant health, safety, security and environment (HSSE) regulations increase the risk that our IT systems may fail to deliver
risks. products, services and solutions in a compliant, secure and efficient
The HSSE risks, to which we are potentially exposed, cover a wide manner.
spectrum, given the geographic range, operational diversity and
technical complexity of Shell’s daily operations. Shell has significant Shell’s future performance depends on successful development
operations in difficult geographies or climate zones, as well as and deployment of new technologies.
environmentally sensitive regions which exposes us to the risk, amongst Technology and innovation are essential to Shell. If we do not develop
others, of major process safety incidents, effects of natural disasters, the right technology, do not have access to it or do not deploy it
social unrest, personal health and safety and crime. If a major HSSE effectively, it may affect the delivery of our strategy, our profitability
risk, such as an explosion or hydrocarbon spill due to a process safety and our financial condition.
incident, materialises, this could result in injuries, loss of life,
environmental harm, disruption to business activities and, depending The general macroeconomic environment as well as financial
on their cause and severity, material damage to Shell’s reputation. and commodity market conditions influence Shell’s operating
results and financial condition as our business model involves
Shell operates in over 90 countries, with differing degrees of trading, treasury, interest rate and foreign exchange risks.
political, legal and fiscal stability. This exposes us to a wide Shell companies are subject to differing economic and financial market
range of political developments and resulting changes to laws conditions throughout the world. Political or economic instability affect
and regulations. such markets. For example, if the current worldwide economic
Developments in politics, laws and regulations can and do affect our downturn deepens or is prolonged, it could contribute to instability in
operations and earnings. Potential developments include forced financial markets. Shell uses debt instruments such as bonds and
divestment of assets; expropriation of property; cancellation of contract commercial paper to raise significant amounts of capital. Should our
rights; additional windfall taxes and other retroactive tax claims; import access to debt markets become more difficult, we might not be able to
and export restrictions; foreign exchange controls; and changing maintain a level of liquidity required to fund the implementation of our
environmental regulations. In our Upstream activities these strategy. Trading and treasury risks include among others exposure to
developments could additionally affect land tenure, re-writing of leases, movements in commodity prices, interest rates and foreign exchange
entitlement to produced hydrocarbons, production rates, royalties and rates, counterparty default and various operational risks (see also
pricing. Parts of our Downstream business are subject to price controls pages 81-82). As a global company doing business in over 90
in some countries. When such risks materialise they can affect the countries, we are exposed to changes in currency values and exchange
employees, reputation, operational performance and financial position controls. While Shell does undertake some currency hedging, we do
of Shell as well as of the Shell companies located in the country not do so for all of our activities. The resulting exposure could affect our
concerned. If we do not comply with policies and regulations, it may earnings and cash flow (see Notes 4 and 23 to the Consolidated
result in regulatory investigations, lawsuits and ultimately sanctions. Financial Statements).
Shell’s international operations expose us to social instability, The estimation of reserves is a process that involves subjective
terrorism and acts of war or piracy that could significantly judgements based on available information, so subsequent
impact our business. downward adjustments are possible. If actual production from
Social and civil unrest, both within the countries in which we operate such reserves is lower than current estimates indicate, our
and internationally, can and does affect operations and earnings. profitability and financial condition could be negatively
Potential developments that could impact our business include impacted.
international conflicts, including war, acts of political or economic The estimation of oil and gas reserves involves subjective judgements
terrorism and acts of piracy on the high seas, as well as civil unrest and and determinations based on available geological, technical,
local security concerns that threaten the safe operation of our facilities contractual and economic information. The estimate may change
and transport of our products. If such risks materialise, they can result in because of new information from production or drilling activities or
injuries and disruption to business activities, which could have a changes in economic factors. It may also alter because of acquisitions
material adverse effect on our operational performance and financial and disposals, new discoveries and extensions of existing fields and
condition, as well as our reputation. mines, as well as the application of improved recovery techniques.
Published reserves estimates may also be subject to correction due to
Our investment in joint ventures and associated companies the application of published rules and guidance. Any downward
may reduce our degree of control as well as our ability to adjustment would indicate lower future production volumes and may
identify and manage risks. adversely affect our earnings as well as our financial condition.
Many of our major projects and operations are conducted in joint
ventures or associated companies. In certain cases, we may have less The Company’s Articles of Association determine the
influence over and control of the behaviour, performance and cost of jurisdiction for shareholder disputes. This might limit
operations in which a Shell company holds an interest. Additionally, shareholder remedies.
our partners or members of a joint venture or associated company Our Articles of Association generally require that all disputes between
(particularly local partners in developing countries) may not be able to our shareholders in such capacity and the Company or our subsidiaries
(or our Directors or former Directors) or between the Company and our
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Directors or former Directors be exclusively resolved by arbitration in Shell has substantial pension commitments, whose funding is
The Hague, the Netherlands under the Rules of Arbitration of the subject to capital market risks.
International Chamber of Commerce. Our Articles of Association also The risk regarding pensions is the ability to fund defined benefit plans
provide that if this provision is for any reason determined to be invalid to the extent that the pension assets fail to meet future liabilities.
or unenforceable, the dispute may only be brought in the courts of Liabilities associated with and cash funding of pensions can be
England and Wales. Accordingly, the ability of shareholders to obtain significant and are dependent on various assumptions. Volatility in
monetary or other relief, including in respect of securities law claims, capital markets and the resulting consequences for investment
may be determined in accordance with these provisions. Please see performance as well as interest rates, may result in significant changes
“Corporate governance” for further information. to the funding level of future liabilities. In case of a shortfall, Shell might
be required to make substantial cash contributions, depending on the
Violations of antitrust and competition law pose a financial risk applicable regulations per country. For example, as a result of the
for Shell and expose Shell or our employees to criminal funding shortfall experienced at the end of 2008, employer
sanctions. contributions to defined benefit pension funds in 2009 were
Antitrust and competition laws apply to Shell companies in the vast $3.6 billion higher than in 2008.
majority of countries in which we do business. Shell companies have
been fined for violations of antitrust and competition law. These include See “Liquidity and capital resources” for further discussion.
a number of fines by the European Commission Directorate-General for
Competition (DG COMP). Due to the DG COMP’s fining guidelines, Shell companies face the risk of litigation and disputes
any future conviction of Shell companies for violation of European worldwide.
Union (EU) competition law could result in significantly enhanced fines. From time to time cultural and political factors play a significant role in
Violation of antitrust laws is a criminal offence in many countries, and unprecedented and unanticipated judicial outcomes contrary to local
individuals can be either imprisoned or fined. Furthermore, it is now and international law. In addition, certain governments, states and
common for persons or corporations allegedly injured by antitrust regulatory bodies have, in the opinion of Shell, exceeded their
violations to sue for damages. constitutional authority by attempting unilaterally to amend or cancel
existing agreements or arrangements; by failing to honour existing
An erosion of the business and operating environment in contractual commitments; and by seeking to adjudicate disputes
Nigeria could adversely impact our earnings and financial between private litigants. Adverse outcomes in these areas could have
position. a material effect on our operations and financial condition.
We face various risks in our Nigerian operations. These risks include
security issues surrounding the safety of our people, host communities, Shell is currently under investigation by the United States
and operations, our ability to enforce existing contractual rights, limited Securities and Exchange Commission and the United States
infrastructure and potential legislation that could increase our taxes. Department of Justice for violations of the US Foreign Corrupt
The Nigerian government is contemplating new legislation to govern Practices Act.
the petroleum industry which, if passed into law, would likely have a In July 2007, Shell’s US subsidiary, Shell Oil, was contacted by the US
significant influence on Shell’s existing and future activities in that Department of Justice regarding Shell’s use of the freight forwarding
country and could adversely affect our financial returns from projects in firm Panalpina, Inc and potential violations of the US Foreign Corrupt
that country. Practices Act (FCPA) as a result of such use. Shell has an ongoing
internal investigation and is co-operating with the US Department of
Shell has investments in Iran and Syria, countries against which Justice and the US Securities and Exchange Commission investigations.
the US government imposed sanctions. We could be subject to As a result of these investigations, Shell may face fines and additional
sanctions or other penalties in connection with these activities. costs.
US laws and regulations identify certain countries, including Iran and
Syria, as state sponsors of terrorism and currently impose economic
sanctions against these countries. Certain activities and transactions in
these countries are banned. Breaking these bans can trigger penalties
including criminal and civil fines and imprisonment. For Iran, US law
sets a limit of $20 million in any 12-month period on certain
investments knowingly made in that country, prohibits the transfer of
goods or services made with the knowledge that they will contribute
materially to that country’s weapons capabilities and authorises
sanctions against any company violating these rules (including denial
of financings by the US export/import bank, denial of certain export
licences, denial of certain government contracts and limits of loans or
credits from US financial institutions). However, compliance with this
investment limit by European companies is prohibited by Council
Regulation No. 2271/96 adopted by the Council of the EU, which
means the statutes conflict with each other in some respects. While
Shell did not exceed the limit on investments in Iran in 2009, we have
exceeded it in the past and may exceed the US-imposed investment
limits in Iran in the future. While we seek to comply with legal
requirements in our dealings in these countries, it is possible that Shell
or persons employed by Shell could be found to be subject to sanctions
or other penalties under this legislation in connection with their
activities in these countries.
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The gearing ratio was 15.5% at the end of 2009, compared with 5.9%
SUMMARY OF RESULTS AND STRATEGY at the end of 2008. The change reflects the increase of the total debt in
combination with a decrease in the cash and cash equivalents position
2009 2008 2007
Upstream 8,354 26,506 18,094 Market overview
Downstream 3,054 39 12,445 The demand for oil and gas is strongly linked to the strength of the global
Corporate 1,310 (69) 1,387 economy. For that reason, projected economic growth is considered an
Income for the period 12,718 26,476 31,926 indicator of the future demand for our products and services.
Earnings 2009-2007 Following the extreme contraction in the global economy in the fourth
The most significant factors affecting year-to-year comparisons of quarter of 2008 and first quarter of 2009 that was triggered by the
earnings and cash flow generated by our operating activities are: severe financial crisis in the USA and Europe, world output accelerated
changes in realised oil and gas prices; oil and gas production levels; over the remaining quarters of 2009. The recession ended in most
and refining and marketing margins. major economies by the third quarter of the year. This turnaround was
due in part to the extraordinary macroeconomic stimulus and financial
During 2009, oil prices increased, but the average price was lower sector supports implemented by governments and central banks to
than in 2008. Gas prices and refining margins declined sharply, contain the crisis. In this context, the global economy contracted by
because of weaker demand and high industry inventory levels. Oil and (0.8%) in 2009, down from growth of 3.2% in 2008 and 5.1% in
gas production available for sale in 2009 was 3,142 thousand barrels 2007.
of oil equivalent per day (boe/d), compared with 3,248 thousand
boe/d in 2008 (including mined oil sands production of In 2010, global output growth is expected to recover, but the recovery
78 thousand b/d). is likely to be slow and uncertain given the depth of contraction in
Earnings in 2009 were 52% lower than in 2008, when they were 17%
lower than in 2007. The decrease reflected lower realised oil and gas OIL AND NATURAL GAS PRICES
prices and lower production in Upstream as well as lower margins and Oil prices rose steadily through 2009. Brent crude oil started the year
sales volumes in Downstream. These effects more than offset the at $40 per barrel and in mid-November reached the $78 mark, which
positive effect on earnings of increasing oil prices on inventory. is approximately where it ended the year. On average, however, 2009
prices were considerably lower than they were in 2008. Brent crude oil
In 2009, Upstream earnings were $8,354 million, 68% lower than in averaged $61.55 per barrel in 2009, compared with $97.14 in
2008 and 54% lower than in 2007. Earnings in 2009 reflected the 2008, and West Texas Intermediate averaged $61.75 per barrel in
effect of significantly lower realised prices for both oil and gas in 2009, compared with $99.72 a year earlier.
combination with lower production volumes. Moreover, the 2008
earnings included significant gains from the divestment of various Natural gas prices also spanned a wide range in 2009. The Henry Hub
assets. In 2008, earnings increased by 46% from 2007, mainly prices trended downwards between January and September: from a
reflecting higher realised oil and gas prices, partly offset by lower monthly average high of $5.27 per million British thermal units
production volumes. (MMBtu) in January down to a monthly low of $2.88 in September,
when inventories were hitting an all-time high and production had to be
Downstream earnings in 2009 were $3,054 million, compared with discouraged. From October until the end of 2009, however, Henry Hub
$39 million in 2008 and $12,445 million in 2007. When earnings are gas prices reversed the trend with the onset of winter weather. Overall,
adjusted for the impact of changing oil prices on inventory, then the Henry Hub gas price averaged $3.90 per MMBtu in 2009
earnings in 2009 decreased significantly with respect to 2008 because compared with $8.85 in 2008. In the UK, prices at the National
lower demand drove down our realised refining margins and most of Balancing Point averaged 30.93 pence/therm in 2009 compared with
our realised marketing margins in 2009. The adjusted earnings also 58.06 pence/therm in 2008.
decreased between 2007 and 2008 because of lower margins on
chemical products, lower refining margins in the USA and higher Unlike crude oil pricing, which is global in nature, gas prices can vary
operating costs. significantly from region to region. Shell produces and sells natural gas
in regions whose supply, demand and regulatory circumstances differ
Balance sheet and capital investment markedly from those of the US’s Henry Hub or the UK’s National
Shell’s strategy to invest in the development of major growth projects, Balancing Point. Natural gas prices in continental Europe and in the
primarily in Upstream, explains the most significant changes to the Asia-Pacific region are predominantly indexed to oil prices. In Europe,
balance sheet in 2009. Property, plant and equipment increased by contractual time-lag effects resulted in a continued price decline
$19.6 billion mainly as a result of capital investment of $31.7 billion, throughout the first half of 2009, while demand was at the same time
17% lower than capital investment in 2008. The effect of capital severely impacted by the recession. Oil-indexed prices started to
investment on property, plant and equipment was partly offset by recover in the fourth quarter, maintaining a very significant premium
depreciation, depletion and amortisation of $14.5 billion in 2009. above the UK’s National Balancing Point.
Of the 2009 capital investment, $24 billion related to Upstream OIL AND NATURAL GAS PRICES FOR INVESTMENT EVALUATION
projects that will primarily deliver organic growth over the long term. The range of possible future crude oil and natural gas prices used in
These projects include several multi-billion-dollar, integrated facilities project and portfolio evaluations within Shell are determined after
that are expected to provide significant cash flows for the coming assessment of short-, medium- and long-term price drivers under
decades. In 2009, the total debt increased by $11.8 billion. Overall, different sets of assumptions. Historical analysis, trends and statistical
total equity increased by $9.3 billion in 2009, to $138.1 billion. volatility are all part of this assessment, as are analyses of possible
future economic conditions, geopolitics, OPEC actions, supply costs
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and the balance of supply and demand. Sensitivity analyses are used to and project-management skills that allow us to deliver large oil and gas
test the impact of low-price drivers, such as economic weakness, and projects, and the management of integrated value chains. We leverage
high-price drivers, such as strong economic growth and low investment our diverse and global business portfolio and customer-focused
levels in new production. Short-term events, such as relatively warm businesses built around the strength of the Shell brand.
winters or cool summers, weather-and (geo)political-related supply
disruptions, contribute to price volatility. OUTLOOK
We have defined three distinct layers for Shell’s strategy development:
Shell expects oil prices to typically average $50 to $90 per barrel and near-term performance focus, medium-term growth delivery and
screens new upstream opportunities inside this range. Shell uses a grid maturing next generation project options.
based on low, medium and high oil and gas prices to test the economic
performance of long-term projects. As part of our normal business Performance focus
practice, the range of prices used for this purpose is always subject to In the near-term, we will emphasise performance focus. We will work
review and change. on continuous improvements in operating performance, with an
emphasis on health, safety and environment, asset performance and
REFINING AND PETROCHEMICAL MARKET TRENDS operating costs, including plans for $1 billion of cost savings in 2010.
Refining margins were lacklustre in all key refining centres in 2009. There will be asset sales of up to $3 billion per year as Shell exits from
Margins came under downward pressure with the reduced demand due non-core positions across the company.
to the global recession. On top of that, there was significant refinery
overcapacity following the start-up of major refining facilities in Asia. We have new initiatives that are expected to improve on Shell’s
industry-leading Downstream, focusing on the most profitable positions
Demand for petrochemicals recovered during the second half of 2009, and growth potential. Shell has plans to exit from 15% of its world-wide
as GDP growth resumed and restocking took place. Global ethylene refining capacity and from selected retail and other marketing
demand grew a little under 1% in 2009 after suffering a decline of over positions, and is taking steps to improve the quality of its chemicals
3% in 2008. assets.
Industry refining margins in 2010 are likely to remain fundamentally We plan net capital investment of some $29 billion in 2010 (net capital
weak because of the expected ongoing global excess product investment represents capital investment, less divestment proceeds).
inventory, particularly for middle distillates. This amount relates largely to investments in projects where the final
investment decision has already been taken or is expected to be taken
Strategy and outlook in 2010. This excludes any impact of the indicative offer to acquire
Arrow Energy Limited.
Our strategy seeks to reinforce our position as a leader in the oil and Growth delivery
gas industry in order to provide a competitive shareholder return while Organic capital investment is expected to be $25 to $30 billion per
helping to meet global energy demand in a responsible way. year for 2011 to 2014, as Shell invests for long-term growth. Annual
spending will be driven by the timing of investment decisions and the
Intense competition will remain for access to resources by our Upstream near-term macro outlook.
businesses and new markets by our Downstream businesses. We
believe our technology, project-delivery capability and operational Cash flow from operations excluding working capital was $24 billion
excellence will remain key differentiators for our businesses. in 2009. Shell expects cash flow to grow by around 50% from 2009 to
2012 assuming a $60 oil price and a more normal environment for
In Upstream, we focus on exploration for new oil and gas reserves and natural gas prices and downstream. In an $80 environment, 2012 cash
developing major projects where our technology and know-how adds flow should be at least 80% higher than 2009 levels.
value to the resource holders. In our Downstream businesses, our
emphasis remains on sustained cash generation from our existing In Downstream, Shell is adding new chemicals capacity in Singapore
assets and selective investments in growth markets. and refining capacity in the USA, and making selective growth
investment in marketing.
We will continue to focus on capital and cost discipline. We expect
around 80% of our capital investment in 2010 to be in our Upstream Oil and gas production is expected to average 3.5 million boe/d in
projects. In Downstream, we aim to maintain relatively steady capital 2012, compared to 3.1 million boe/d in 2009, an increase of 11%,
employed. and with confidence of further growth to 2014.
Meeting the growing demand for energy worldwide in ways that Maturing next generation project options
minimise environmental and social impact is a major challenge for the Shell has built up a substantial portfolio of options for the next wave of
global energy industry. We are committed to improving energy growth. This portfolio has been designed to capture price upside, and
efficiency in our own operations, supporting customers in managing minimise Shell’s exposure to industry challenges from cost inflation and
their energy demands and continuing to research and develop political risk. Key elements of this opportunity set are in the Gulf of
technologies that increase efficiency and reduce emissions in oil and Mexico, USA and Canada tight gas, and Australia LNG. These are the
gas production. projects that have the potential to underpin production growth to the
end of the decade. Shell is working to mature these projects, with an
Our commitment to technology and innovation continues to be at the emphasis on financial returns.
core of our strategy. As energy projects become more complex and
more technically demanding, we believe our technical expertise will be Reserves and production
a deciding factor in the growth of our businesses. Our key strengths Shell added 4,417 million boe of proved oil and gas reserves before
include the development and application of technology, the financial production, of which 3,632 million boe comes from Shell subsidiaries
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and 785 million boe is associated with the Shell share of equity- that stands most to profit from what they deliver. In doing so, we also
accounted investments. Included in the 4,417 million boe is established useful links between our Upstream and Downstream
1,630 million boe of synthetic crude oil reserves. Last year, we had technologies. The new R&D organisation also enables us to introduce
reported 997 million boe of proven minable oil sands reserves as of further simplification and standardisation in the way we manage the
December 31, 2008. As a result of the SEC rule changes these proven development of technology.
minable reserves have been converted to synthetic crude oil proved
reserves and are included in the 1,630 million boe. Accordingly we Our R&D programme for 2010 will remain on the same general course
will no longer be reporting proven minable oil sands reserves. The as that for 2009. But it will benefit from the clearer lines of sight now
increase of 4,417 million boe of proved oil and gas reserves also established between a technology’s creation and its ultimate
includes approximately 270 million boe associated with other SEC deployment in the field.
changes in proved reserves reporting. Furthermore, for the first time we
have included 599 million boe proved reserves associated with future Key accounting estimates and judgements
production that will be consumed in operations (for example, as fuel Please refer to Note 3 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for a
gas). Finally, the total additions reflect a net positive impact from discussion of key accounting estimates and judgements.
commodity price changes of approximately 260 million boe proved
reserves. Legal proceedings
Please refer to Note 28 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for a
In 2009, total oil and gas production available for sale was discussion of legal proceedings.
1,147 million boe. An additional 40 million boe was produced and
consumed in operations. Production available for sale from subsidiaries Audit fees
was 828 million boe with an additional 35 million boe consumed in Please refer to Note 29 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for a
operations. The Shell share of the production available for sale of discussion of auditors’ fees and services.
equity-accounted investments was 319 million boe with an additional
5 million boe consumed in operations.
Our R&D programme adapts and applies technologies that reduce the
energy requirements, environmental impacts and running costs of our
current operations. It also develops technologies that help us capitalise
on business-growth opportunities, both in Upstream and in
Downstream. And it can create entirely new technologies, such as those
needed for alternative fuels or carbon capture and sequestration, which
may become part of the world’s energy system in the longer term.
lower realised oil and gas prices. Higher costs and lower sales volumes
UPSTREAM also contributed slightly to the decline. The earnings decline was partly
offset by lower royalties, lower taxes and higher trading contributions.
K E Y S TAT I ST I CS $ MILLION Additionally, 2009 earnings included a net charge of $134 million
2009 2008 2007 compared with net gains of $3,487 million in 2008. The net charge of
Revenue (including inter-segment sales) 55,140 88,308 67,278 $134 million in 2009 mainly relates to impairments and redundancy
Segment earnings 8,354 26,506 18,094 charges, partly offset by exceptional tax items, and divestment gains.
Including: The net gains of $3,487 million in 2008 mainly related to the
Production and manufacturing expenses 13,958 13,763 13,122 divestment of assets in Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands,
Selling, distribution and administrative Nigeria, the UK and the USA, which were partly offset by the
expenses 2,206 2,030 2,015 mark-to-market valuation of certain UK gas contracts and an
Exploration 2,178 1,995 1,822 exceptional tax charge due to new legislation in Italy.
Depreciation, depletion and amortisation 9,875 9,906 9,913
Share of profit of equity-accounted investments 3,852 7,521 5,446 While natural gas production was flat in 2009, LNG sales volumes of
Capital investment 23,951 32,166 21,362 13.40 million tonnes were 3% higher than in 2008. This increase
Oil and gas production available for sale reflected the ramp-up in sales volumes from the Sakhalin II LNG project
(thousand boe/d) 3,142 3,248 3,315 and Train 5 at the Australian North West Shelf project, which were partly
LNG sales volume (million tonnes) 13.40 13.05 13.18 offset by lower volumes from Nigeria LNG and reduced LNG demand
Proved reserves (million boe) [A] 14,132 10,903 10,809 due to the recession.
[A] Excludes minority interest. Minable oil sands reserves of 997 million boe in
2008 and 1,111 million boe in 2007 are not included in the proved Segment earnings in 2008 were $26,506 million, 46% higher than in
reserves. 2007, due to the impact of higher realised oil and gas prices. This was
partly offset by lower production volumes, particularly in the USA,
Overview where hurricanes affected operations. Higher taxes, royalties and
Our Upstream businesses explore for and extract crude oil and natural exploration costs also reduced 2008 earnings. Net gains of
gas, often in joint ventures with international and national oil $3,487 million in 2008 compared with net gains of $1,471 million in
companies. We liquefy natural gas by cooling and transport it to 2007. The net gains in 2007 mainly related to asset divestments and
customers across the world. We also convert natural gas to liquids various taxation credits, which were partly offset by the mark-to-market
(GTL) to provide cleaner burning fuels. Upstream markets and trades valuation of certain UK gas contracts and a charge mainly relating to
natural gas and power in support of our businesses. We extract bitumen the onshore assets in Nigeria, including impairments and provisions
– an especially thick, heavy oil – from mined oil sands and convert it to arising from the funding and security situation there.
synthetic crude oil. We are also developers of wind power as a means
to generate electricity. Capital investment, portfolio actions and
business development
Earnings 2009-2007 Capital investment in 2009 was $24 billion. This represents a 26%
The economic environment in 2009 was a challenge to both Shell and decrease from 2008, which included over $8 billion in acquisitions,
the industry. According to the International Energy Agency, the 2009 primarily relating to Duvernay Oil Corp. Capital investment included
oil demand decline of 1.5% is the largest decline since 1982. Similarly, exploration expenditure of $4.5 billion (2008: $11.0 billion).
we faced gas demand declines in Europe and the USA of some 7% and
2% respectively. At the same time, global liquefied natural gas (LNG) In Abu Dhabi, Shell signed an agreement with Abu Dhabi National Oil
capacity increased by 20% in 2009, exerting downward pressure on Company (ADNOC) to extend the GASCO joint venture for a further
global gas prices. Spot gas prices were significantly lower in 2009 20 years.
than in 2008. Much of Shell’s natural gas and LNG portfolio has term
contracts with price realisations that trailed oil price trends, typically by In Australia, Shell and its partners took the final investment decision
4 to 6 months. Gas production represented 47% of total production of (FID) for the Gorgon LNG project (Shell share 25%). Gorgon will
3,142 thousand boe/d. The chart below illustrates the significant supply global gas markets to at least 2050, with a capacity of
difference in direction between Shell’s realised prices for oil and gas in 15 million tonnes (100% basis) of LNG per year and a major carbon
2009. capture and storage scheme.
RE A L I SE D PRI CE $/BOE Shell has announced a front-end engineering and design study for a
floating LNG (FLNG) project, with the potential to deploy these facilities
at the Prelude offshore gas discovery in Australia (Shell share 100%).
Natural gas
In Australia, Shell confirmed that it has accepted Woodside Petroleum
$80 Ltd.’s (Woodside) entitlement offer of new shares at a total cost of
$0.8 billion, maintaining its 34.27% share in the company;
$60 $0.4 billion was paid in 2009 with the remainder paid in 2010.
$40 In Bolivia and Brazil, Shell sold its share in a gas pipeline and in a
thermoelectric power plant and its related assets for a total of around
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 $100 million.
2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009
In Canada, the Government of Alberta and the national government
Segment earnings in 2009 were $8,354 million, 68% lower than in jointly announced their intent to contribute $0.8 billion of funding
2008. The decrease in 2009 from 2008 was mainly due to significantly towards the Quest carbon capture and sequestration project. Quest,
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which is at the feasibility study stage, could capture CO2 from the contain. Shell also saw particularly strong results from exploration and
Athabasca Oil Sands Project at the Scotford Upgrader, for appraisal drilling in the North American Haynesville and Groundbirch
underground storage. tight gas areas. In appraisal drilling, Shell participated in three notable
successes in onshore and offshore Australia and the UK.
In Egypt, Shell signed agreements to acquire a 40% holding and
become the operator on the Alam El Shawish West Concession, where In total, Shell participated in 345 successful wells drilled outside
oil and gas discoveries have been confirmed. proved areas. This comprises 28 conventional oil and gas wells and
148 unconventional gas exploration and appraisal wells, as well as
In Iraq, Shell was awarded a contract as lead operator in developing 169 additional appraisal wells intended to extend proved areas near
the Majnoon field (Shell interest 45%). Production is expected to reach existing assets.
1.8 million boe/d, up from a current level of approximately 45
thousand boe/d (100% basis). In addition, Shell was awarded a 15% In 2009, Shell added acreage to our exploration portfolio mainly from
share in a contract for the development of the West Qurna 1 field. new licences in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Guyana, Italy, Jordan,
According to the contracts’ provisions, Shell’s equity entitlement Norway and the USA, and successfully bid for new exploration
volumes will be lower than the Shell interest implies. licences in Egypt, South Africa and French Guiana. Shell acquired one
licence in the Exmouth area, offshore north-west Australia. In Brazil,
In the USA, the FID was taken on the Caesar Tonga project (Shell Shell was awarded 5 blocks in the onshore frontier Sao Francisco
interest 22.4%), with estimated peak production of 40 thousand boe/d Basin. In Canada, Shell expanded our acreage holdings in British
(100% basis). Columbia. In Guyana, the farm-in agreement to the Stabroek licence
was finalised. In Italy, Shell farmed into six blocks in the deepwater
In Africa and Europe, Shell has agreed to an asset swap with Hess Sicily Channel area. In Jordan, an oil shale concession agreement was
Corporation to acquire assets in Gabon and in the UK North Sea in finalised. In Norway, Shell was awarded two licences in the 20th bid
return for Shell’s interest in a pair of Norwegian offshore fields (subject round. In the US Gulf of Mexico, Shell was awarded exploration rights
to government approval and other requisite consents). on 42 blocks in two lease sales, of which 39 were in lease sale 208.
Production In total, Shell secured rights to some 97,000 km2 of new exploration
In 2009, hydrocarbon production averaged 3,142 thousand boe/d, acreage. Overall, our exploration acreage increased in 2009 relative
which was 3% lower than in 2008 and 5% lower than in 2007. Lower to 2008, mainly due to the acreage additions in locations noted above,
production in 2009 when compared with 2008 is attributable to field partly offset by a combination of divestments, relinquishments and
declines, OPEC restrictions, lower production in Nigeria due to security licence expiry of acreage in various countries (mainly Canada,
issues, and higher maintenance downtime, mainly in the UK. A Malaysia and the UK).
reduction in gas demand due to the global recession was also a key
factor. These declines were partly offset by ramp-up of new fields, PSC Outlook
price effects and a comparatively mild 2009 hurricane season in the Shell, along with the oil and gas industry as a whole, was impacted by
USA. the global recession during 2009. Compared with the previous year,
the business environment was characterised by overall weaker oil and
Field declines affecting production were predominantly in the UK and gas demand, reduced spending on non-core development and
the USA, but were also seen in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, exploration activities and lower average realised prices.
Malaysia and Norway. The effect of declining fields was more than
offset by production from new fields. Although oil prices did recover throughout the year, this was driven
more by disciplined production controls from OPEC and other oil
In Brazil, production started from the multi-field Parque das Conchas producing countries than from a recovery in underlying demand. In the
(BC-10) project (Shell interest 50%). Production wells, which are some short term, uncertainties around the robustness of the global economic
two kilometres deep, are linked to a floating production, storage and recovery continue to present the industry with challenges in terms of
offloading vessel with a capacity to process 100 thousand barrels of oil investment choices, and require a sharp and sustained increase in
and 50 million cubic feet of natural gas a day (100% basis). emphasis on cost management. Longer term we do believe that global
energy demand will again experience strong growth based on the
In Brunei, field-development projects at Mampak Block 4 and Bugan fundamentals of an increasing global population and economic
came on-stream in 2009. development, with supplies of easy-to-access oil and gas remaining
challenged to keep up with demand. This long-term view on global
In Norway, the Ormen Lange gas field (Shell interest 17%) reached energy demand means that Shell’s strategy, which has been pursued
peak production in November 2009. The field delivers gas to the UK consistently for several years, remains unchanged.
The implementation of our strategy will see us actively manage our
In Russia, the Sakhalin II project (Shell interest 27.5%) achieved peak portfolio around four themes:
production of over 400 thousand boe/d in the third quarter. It also
successfully ramped up production from its two LNG trains, ahead of 䡲 maximising long-term value in our existing businesses, especially in
schedule. Production continued to increase from the Salym fields (Shell our heartlands, by striving for, and sustaining, operational excellence
interest 50%), reaching almost 160 thousand boe/d during the latter and a keen focus on competitive cost management;
half of 2009. 䡲 maturing our substantial resource base to bring new projects on-
be evaluated in order to establish the extent of the volumes they exploration programme and selective new business development; and
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2,769 million boe is from Shell subsidiaries and 461 million boe is barrels, of which 54 million barrels is attributed to revisions and
associated with the Shell share of equity-accounted investments. reclassifications and 2 million barrels to extensions and discoveries;
after taking into account production of 7 million barrels, the bitumen
SHELL SUBSIDIARIES proved reserves were 57 million barrels at December 31, 2009.
Before taking into account production, Shell subsidiaries added
3,632 million boe of proved oil and gas reserves. This includes DEPRECIATION, DEPLETION AND AMORTISATION
843 million barrels of oil and natural gas liquids, 1,103 million boe The changes resulting from the revised SEC rules to Shell’s estimates of
(6,397 thousand million scf) of natural gas, 1,630 million barrels of proved developed reserves affect prospectively from 2010 the amounts
synthetic crude oil and 56 million boe of bitumen. Of those volumes of depreciation, depletion and amortisation charged. These changes
2,266 million boe came from revisions and reclassifications. The will not have a material impact.
revisions and reclassifications include 1,207 million barrels of synthetic
crude oil, of which 997 million boe had been previously booked as Proved undeveloped reserves
proven minable oil sands reserves and 325 million boe for volumes The net addition to proved undeveloped reserves was
expected to be consumed in operations. Also contributing to the 2,055 million boe in 2009. During the year we converted
3,632 million boe was a net 2 million boe relating to acquisitions and approximately 556 million boe of proved undeveloped reserves to
divestments; 1,324 million boe from extensions and discoveries of proved developed reserves, of which approximately 40% is related to
which 96 million boe are related to volumes consumed in operations; fields with no previously reported proved developed reserves. We
and 40 million boe from improved recovery. spent approximately $7.3 billion in developing proved undeveloped
reserves in 2009. As at December 31, 2009 we had 7,602 million boe
After taking into account production of 863 million boe (of which of proved undeveloped reserves.
35 million boe was consumed in operations), Shell subsidiaries added
1,017 million boe of proved developed reserves and 1,752 million As at December 31, 2009, approximately 1,064 million boe have
boe of proved undeveloped reserves. been held as proved undeveloped reserves for five years or longer. A
majority of these reserves are in locations where Shell has a proven
SHELL’S EQUITY- ACCOUNTED IN VESTMENTS track record of developing major projects, such as in the Netherlands,
Before taking into account production, Shell’s equity-accounted Nigeria, Norway, Russia and the USA. These proved undeveloped
investments added 785 million boe of proved reserves, 331 million reserves relate primarily to long-life fields. Approximately 90% of these
barrels from oil and natural gas liquids and 454 million boe (2,634 proved undeveloped reserves are associated with currently producing
thousand million scf) of natural gas. The majority of these additions – fields. These reserves are expected to be converted from proved
745 million boe – were from revisions and reclassifications. Included in undeveloped to proved developed over time as development activities
the 745 million boe is 177 million boe for volumes expected to be are undertaken to meet contractual obligations and production facilities
consumed in operations and 568 million boe due to extension of are expanded or upgraded. The majority of these undeveloped proved
licences, improved well performance, ongoing development and reserves are associated with fields that will produce for decades.
commodity price changes. Accordingly, over the life of these fields, we will be required to provide
gas compression and drill additional wells to support existing gas
After taking into account production of 324 million boe (of which delivery commitments as well as a number of phased developments that
5 million boe was consumed in operations), Shell’s equity-accounted will optimise the use of production facilities.
investments added 158 million boe to proved developed reserves and
303 million boe to proved undeveloped reserves. In the coming years we expect an increase in our proved undeveloped
reserves that have been held for five years or longer due to the
PROVED SYNTHETIC CRUDE OIL RESERVES relatively recent commencement of construction of major, long-lasting
As a result of SEC rules changes, we are required to report proved production projects in Canada, Kazakhstan and Qatar.
synthetic crude oil reserves from our Canadian oil sands operations.
Accordingly, in 2009 we added 1,630 million barrels of synthetic Delivery commitments
crude oil to our proved oil and gas reserves before accounting for Shell sells crude oil and natural gas from its producing operations
production. Last year, we had reported as proven minable oil sands under a variety of contractual obligations. Most contracts generally
reserves 997 million barrels. As a result of the SEC rules changes these commit Shell to sell quantities based on production from specified
proven minable oil sands reserves have been converted to synthetic properties, some natural gas sales contracts specify delivery of fixed
crude oil reserves and are included in the 1,630 million barrels of and determinable quantities, as discussed below.
proved synthetic crude oil reserves. Accordingly, we will no longer be
reporting proven minable oil sands reserves. Also included in the Shell is contractually committed to deliver to third parties and affiliates
1,630 million barrels are 423 million barrels related to new mine a total of approximately 4,500 billion cubic feet of natural gas from
extensions. 2010 through 2012 from Australia, Brunei, China, Malaysia, Nigeria,
Norway, Philippines, Russia and the UK. The sales contracts contain a
In 2009 we had synthetic crude oil production of 31 million barrels of mixture of fixed and variable pricing formulas that are generally
which 2 million barrels were consumed in operations. Therefore, as at referenced to the prevailing market price for crude oil, natural gas or
December 31, 2009 we had total net proved synthetic crude oil other petroleum products at the time of delivery. Shell believes it can
reserves of 1,599 million barrels, of which 691 million barrels were satisfy these contracts from gas sources in these regions.
proved developed reserves and 908 million barrels were proved
undeveloped reserves. Shell has met all contractual delivery commitments.
pricing, environmental protection, social impact, exports, taxes and been producing for 15 years, and the Ormen Lange gas field (Shell
foreign exchange. interest 17%), which reached peak production in 2009.
The conditions of the leases, licences and contracts under which oil and Shell was also the operator of the development phase of the Troll field
gas interests are held vary from country to country. In almost all cases and is a partner in the Statfjord field, both of which were producing in
(outside North America), the legal agreements generally are granted 2009.
by or entered into with a government, government entity or state oil
company, and the exploration risk practically always rests with the oil Shell also holds interests in potential development assets and in several
company. In North America, these agreements may also be with Norwegian gas transportation and processing systems, pipelines and
private parties who own mineral interests. Of these agreements, the terminals.
following are most relevant to Shell’s interests:
䡲 Licences (or concessions), which entitle the holder to explore for In terms of production volumes, Shell is one of the largest oil and gas
hydrocarbons and exploit any commercial discoveries. Under a exploration and production companies operating in the UK. It operates
licence, the holder bears the risk of exploration, development and a significant number of its interests in the UK Continental Shelf on
production activities and of financing these activities. In principle, the behalf of a 50:50 joint venture with ExxonMobil.
licence holder is entitled to the totality of production minus any
royalties in kind. The state or state oil company may sometimes enter Most of Shell’s UK oil and gas production comes from the North Sea.
as a joint venture participant sharing the rights and obligations of the Natural gas comes from associated gas in mixed oil and gas fields in
licence but usually without sharing the exploration risk. In a few cases, the northern sector of the North Sea and gas fields in the southern
the state oil company or agency has an option to purchase a certain sector. Crude oil comes from the central and northern fields. In the
share of production. Atlantic Margin area, Shell has interests as a non-operating participant
䡲 Lease agreements are typically used in North America and are usually principally in the West of Shetlands area, which encompasses the
governed by similar terms as licences. However, participants may Schiehallion, Clair and Loyal fields.
include governments or private entities and royalties are either paid in
cash or in kind. Rest of Europe
䡲 PSCs entered into with a state or state oil company oblige the oil In Ireland, the Corrib Gas Project (Shell interest 45%, operator) is
company, as contractor, to provide all the financing generally, and currently under development, and is largely complete (pending final
bear the risk of exploration, development and production activities in decision from the Irish planning board on an application for a nine
exchange for a share of the production. Usually this share consists of kilometres onshore pipeline).
a fixed or variable part, which is reserved for the recovery of
contractor’s cost (cost oil); the remainder is split with the state or state Shell also has interests in Austria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy,
oil company on a fixed or volume/revenue-dependent basis. In some Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and Ukraine.
cases, the state oil company will participate in the rights and
obligations of the contractor and will share in the costs of ASIA (INCLUDING MIDDLE EAST AND RUSSIA)
development and production. Such participation can be across the
venture or on a per field basis. Additionally, as the price of oil or gas Brunei
increases above certain pre-determined levels, Shell’s entitlement Shell and the Brunei government are 50:50 shareholders in Brunei
share of production would normally decrease. Shell Petroleum Company Sendirian Berhad (BSP). BSP holds long-term
oil and gas concession rights onshore and offshore Brunei and sells
EUROPE most of its natural gas production to Brunei LNG Sendirian Berhad
(BLNG, Shell interest 25%). BLNG was the first LNG plant in the Asia
Denmark Pacific region and sells most of the LNG on long-term contracts to
Shell holds a 46% interest in a producing concession until 2042. Shell’s buyers in Japan and South Korea.
interest will reduce to 36.8% in July 2012, when the government
increases its position to a 20% fully participating stake in the Shell has a 35% interest in the Block B concession where gas is
concession. Shell also holds an interest in one other non-operated produced from the Maharaja Lela Field. Shell also has a 54%
exploration licence. operating interest in exploration Block A.
of a number of phases of feasibility work before any final decision can was also awarded a 15% interest in the West Qurna 1 field, as part of
be taken. It is hard to predict how circumstances in any one country will the ExxonMobil-led consortium. According to the contracts’ provisions,
evolve over that period. Some countries that today appear stable may Shell’s equity entitlement volumes will be lower than the Shell interest
become less stable and vice versa. It therefore makes sense for Shell implies.
and other international energy companies to prepare a portfolio of
possible new energy projects in a variety of different locations, and to Shell signed a heads of agreement with the Iraqi Ministry of Oil in
leave a final investment decision on whether to proceed until the last September 2008 which sets out the commercial principles to establish a
practicable moment. joint venture between Shell and the South Gas Company. The South
Gas Company would be the 51% majority shareholder in the joint
We recognise that there are export controls and sanctions legislation in venture, with Shell holding 44% and Mitsubishi Corporation holding
various jurisdictions targeting Iran. We have established programmes 5%. The joint venture would gather, treat and process raw gas
to manage compliance with such applicable laws, including the US produced within Basrah and sell the processed natural gas (and
Export Administration Regulations and the Iranian Transaction associated products such as condensate and LPG) for use in the
Regulations. However, as discussed in the Risk factors section domestic and export markets. The government has extended the heads
(pages 13 to 15) conflicting US and European Union regulations in this of agreement by six months from its current expiry date in March 2010.
area complicate compliance matters for European companies.
Shell Exploration B.V. (Shell interest 100%) has a 70% interest in an Shell has a 16.81% share in the offshore Kashagan field. This shallow-
agreement with the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) concerning water field covers an area of approximately 3,400 km2. Phased
the Soroosh/Nowrooz fields. The development phase is completed and development of the field will lead to an expected plateau production of
all permanent facilities were handed over to NIOC in 2005. Since 300 thousand boe/d (100%) from phase 1, increasing further with
then, the Soroosh/Nowrooz fields have been producing, with NIOC additional phases of development. Shell is now executing Kashagan
being responsible for all aspects of the operations. The term of the Phase 2 front-end engineering and design. Shell and KazMunayGas
agreement expires when all petroleum costs and the remuneration fee will manage production operations on behalf of the operator.
have been recovered, which is expected to occur in 2010.
Shell is also a 55% partner in the Pearls production-sharing agreement
A project framework agreement for the Persian LNG project was signed (PSA) that covers an area of some 1,000 km 2 in a water depth of nine
in 2004 with Repsol and the National Iranian Oil Co. to take forward metres in the North Caspian Sea. The block contains two oil
the Persian LNG project to the next stage of design. Under this discoveries, Khazar (2007) and Auezov (2008), which are currently
agreement, it is envisaged that Shell would acquire a 50% interest in a under appraisal. In 2009, a successful appraisal well and production
project to develop phases of the South Pars field in the Persian Gulf and test were completed on the Khazar discovery.
a 25% interest in the midstream liquefaction company. In early 2007,
Shell and Repsol entered into a service contract with respect to The Caspian Pipeline Consortium (Shell interest 5.1%) exports
development of the South Pars fields for the Persian LNG project. production from west Kazakhstan to the Black Sea. The pipeline is
Negotiations on commercial issues continued to make progress in 1,510 kilometres long and has been operational since October 2001.
2009. During 2009 we have also looked to mature the technical basis In December 2009, the Caspian Pipeline Consortium shareholders
of the project, including front-end engineering design work for the approved a pipeline expansion implementation plan. The expansion
offshore facilities and for the liquefaction plant. The parties will not project is expected to be fully completed in early 2015.
reach a final decision on whether to proceed with the project until the
remaining significant commercial and engineering work is complete. Malaysia
As with all projects, decision timing is fundamentally driven by the need Shell, as contractor to Petronas, produces oil and gas located offshore
to ensure first class decision quality. Our main concern is getting the of Sarawak and Sabah under 15 PSCs, where Shell’s interests range
remaining significant commercial and engineering work right. When from 30% to 80%.
we come to make a final investment decision, we will take political
considerations into account. Naturally, we are following international In Sabah, Shell operates four producing offshore oil fields (with a 50%
developments closely and keeping a wide range of governments and interest in three and 80% in the other). Shell also has interests in
other stakeholders informed. offshore PSCs for the exploration and development of three blocks with
interests ranging from 35% to 40%. In addition, Shell has a 50%
We are also providing China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation interest in offshore blocks ND-6 and ND-7.
with technical services relating to their development of the Yadavaran
field in Iran. At this time, we have not made any decision on whether to Shell operates the unitised Gumusut field (Shell interest 33%), which is
take an equity stake in the project. currently being developed, and the Malikai field (Shell interest 35%).
Shell has a 30% interest in the Kebabangan field held through the
Shell’s investments and activities in Iran are not material to our Kebabangan Cluster PSC and the Kebabangan Petroleum Operating
revenues, earnings or assets. In general, potential US sanctions could Company. Shell took FID to proceed with the F28 field development
have a material adverse effect on our future earnings (see Risk factors). (Shell interest 50%) project under the SK308 PSC in 2009.
Iraq In Sarawak, Shell is the operator of 16 gas fields, in which its interests
The Iraqi Ministry of Oil awarded Shell a 20-year contract as lead range from 37.5% to 70%. Shell also has a 40% interest in the
contractor in the development of the Majnoon oilfield. Shell will PETRONAS Carigali operated Baram Delta PSC and a 50%
operate the development and production service contract. The Iraqi exploration interest in SK-307.
state owns 25% of the participating interest and Shell will hold a 45%
share with Petronas holding the remaining 30%. Majnoon, located in In 2009, over 92% of the gas produced by Shell in Malaysia was
southern Iraq, is considered one of the world’s largest oil fields. The supplied to the LNG complex in Bintulu, Sarawak (see table on
current level of production is approximately 45 thousand boe/d. Shell page 37).
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Shell also operates a GTL plant (see table on page 37), adjacent to the Syria
LNG facilities. Using Shell technology, the plant converts natural gas A registered branch of Syria Shell Petroleum Development B.V. (Shell
into high-quality middle distillates and other specialty products. interest 100%) holds interests ranging from 62.5% to 66.67% in three
PSCs (Deir Ez Zor, Fourth Annex and Ash Sham). These were extended
Oman by 10 years in December 2008 and now expire between 2018 and
Shell has a 34% interest in Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), which 2024. In addition, Shell companies are parties to a gas utilisation
is the operator of an oil concession expiring in 2044. The government agreement for the collection, processing and sharing of natural gas
of Oman holds a 60% interest in the concession and Private Oil from designated fields for use in Syrian power generation and other
Holdings Oman Ltd. (POHOL) holds the remaining 40%. Shell has an industrial plants. Al Furat Petroleum Company, a Syrian joint stock
85% shareholding in POHOL. company in which Syria Shell Petroleum Development B.V. holds a
31.25% to 33.3% interest, performs operations under these contracts.
PDO has a portfolio of field-development projects that will build on the
successful delivery of ongoing enhanced oil recovery projects and Shell South Syria Exploration Limited (Shell interest 100%) entered into
other chemical and thermal pilots. two production-sharing contracts, effective from February 2007, for
Blocks 13 and 15 in the south of Syria. There is a four-year exploration
Shell also participates in the development of the Mukhaizna oil field period for these blocks, expiring in February 2011, and seismic data
(Shell interest 17%) where horizontal steam flooding will be applied on acquisition was completed in 2008. Prospect maturation and drilling
a large scale. preparation is ongoing. Shell completed a 30% farm-out to Tri Ocean
Energy in November 2009. Shell remains operator with 70% interest.
Additionally, Shell has a 30% interest in Oman LNG which mainly
supplies Asian markets under long-term contracts, and an interest of United Arab Emirates
11% in Qalhat LNG. In Abu Dhabi, Shell holds a concessionary share of 9.5% in the
onshore crude oil and natural gas liquids operations of the Abu Dhabi
Philippines Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO). The licence expires in
Shell has a 45% interest in the deep-water PSC for block SC-38, which 2014. Shell also has a 15% interest in the licence of Abu Dhabi Gas
includes a production licence for the Malampaya, Camago and Industries Limited (GASCO), which extracts and exports propane and
San Martin fields. Current production comprises gas and condensate butane as well as heavier liquid hydrocarbons from the wet natural gas
from the Malampaya field via a platform north-west of the island of associated with the oil produced by ADCO. Shell signed an agreement
Palawan. Shell also holds a 55% interest in block SC-60, an area with Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) to extend the
offshore of north-east Palawan. GASCO Joint Venture for a further twenty years to 2028.
Russia Shell has a 25% interest in the Gorgon development project covering
Shell’s main asset is the Sakhalin II project (Shell interest 27.5%), an the offshore Greater Gorgon fields, with the exception of Io gas field,
integrated oil and gas export project in a sub-arctic environment. The where Shell has a 12.5% interest. The final investment decision on the
construction of the project was completed in 2009, and the first LNG project was taken in September 2009, and construction activities on
from Russia was exported in March 2009. Barrow Island commenced in December 2009. Gorgon is the largest
single resource project in Australia and, at 15mtpa, the world’s largest
Plateau production from the Sakhalin II project will be some foundation LNG project.
400 thousand boe/d of oil and gas, supplying 9.6mtpa of LNG from
two production trains. Shell is operator and 100% equity holder of a permit in the Browse
Basin, in which 12 exploration wells have been drilled, finding two
Shell has a 50% interest in the Salym fields in Western Siberia, where separate gas fields – Prelude and Concerto. After evaluating
production increased, reaching almost 160 thousand boe/d during the development options, Shell is working towards deployment of FLNG
latter half of 2009. technology. FLNG processes gas in situ at the offshore gas field
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location, reducing project costs and minimising the environmental Offshore Nigeria The main offshore activities are carried out by Shell
footprint. During 2009, Shell entered the front-end engineering and Nigeria Exploration and Production Company (SNEPCo – Shell interest
design phase for Prelude FLNG. Environmental approval work is 100%) with interests in three deep-water blocks, of which two are
continuing. operated by Shell. This includes the Bonga field 120 kilometres
offshore with a production capacity of more than 200 thousand barrels
Also in the Browse basin, Shell is a participant in the Woodside of oil and 150 million standard cubic feet of gas per day. Deep-water
operated Browse Joint Venture (Shell interest approximately 25%) offshore activities are typically governed through PSCs with the
covering the Torosa, Brecknock and Calliance gas fields. The Browse Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation.
Joint Venture participants have agreed to enter the Basis of Design
phase for development of the Browse gas resources at the Kimberley SPDC also holds an interest in six shallow water offshore leases, of
LNG Precinct. which five expired on November 30, 2008. However, under the
Nigerian Petroleum Act, SPDC is entitled to an extension. Currently, the
Utilising our 30% equity interest in the Surat and Bowen basin Coal status quo is maintained following a court order issued on
Seam Gas (CSG) reserves we hold in an alliance with Arrow Energy, November 26, 2008. The parties involved are pursuing a negotiated
Shell has progressed its Shell Australia LNG CSG project in Gladstone, resolution. Production from one of the leases – the Sea Eagle FPSO
Queensland. The project has been granted ‘significant project’ status (“EA licence”) restarted on July 2, 2009, following the shut-down as a
by the state government, triggering the environmental permitting result of security incidents in 2006.
Other Shell companies in Nigeria have an interest in deep-water block
Shell holds further interests in the Sunrise and Evans Shoal gas fields in OPL 322 and a disputed interest in OML 122. Furthermore, the
the Timor Sea (Shell interests 38% and 25% respectively). Sunrise joint ownership of the licence and the rights in the OPL 245 PSC are the
venture partners are considering two concepts for the development of subject of ongoing litigation.
Greater Sunrise gas, which would be delivered either to an offshore
Shell FLNG plant or to the onshore Darwin LNG plant. Shell also has a 25.6% interest in NLNG, which operates six LNG
trains with a total capacity of 21.6mtpa (100%). NLNG currently has
Shell has a 33% interest in the WA-16-R permit, where a discovery was operational control of 24 LNG vessels.
made with the Iago-2 well. Development options are being assessed.
Shell also has gas rights in the Crux field (AC/P23) and in the Libra-1 Rest of Africa
gas discovery in the Shell-operated AC/P41 block (Shell interest 80%). In Egypt, Shell has a 50% interest in the Badr El-Din Petroleum
Company joint venture with the Egyptian General Petroleum
New Zealand Corporation (the Egyptian national oil company). Shell also
Shell has an 83.75% interest in the offshore Maui gas field, a 50% participates in the deep-water North East Mediterranean Deepwater
interest in the onshore Kapuni gas field and a 48% interest in the concession and the North West Damietta concession. In 2009, Shell
offshore Pohokura gas field. The produced gas is sold domestically, acquired a 40% working interest in the Alam El Shawish West
mainly under long-term contracts. Shell also has interests in other concession, located in the Egyptian western desert.
exploration licence areas in the Taranaki Basin.
In Gabon, Shell has interests in nine onshore mining concessions and
AFRICA exploitation permits, and operates six of them. The three non-Shell-
operated concessions expire between 2010 and 2021. Shell also
Nigeria holds the Igoumou Marin permit in ultra-deep water and two
Onshore Nigeria The Shell Petroleum Development Company of exploration and production-sharing contracts offshore Gabon.
Nigeria Ltd. (SPDC) is the operator of a joint venture (Shell interest
30%) that holds 30 onshore oil mining leases (OML) in the Niger Delta. In South Africa, Shell won the exploration rights in the Orange Basin
The leases expire in 2019. deep-water area off the country’s west coast in November 2009. The
exploration area covers approximately 37,000 km2. In December
In 2009, SPDC ramped up power output of the 640 MW Afam VI 2009, the South African Petroleum Authorities (Petroleum Agency SA)
Power Plant and fuel gas production from the Okoloma Gas Plant in the awarded Shell a Technical Cooperation Permit for a one-year study to
Niger Delta, and continued to deliver production from gas wells determine the hydrocarbon potential in parts of the Karoo Basin in
associated with the project – collectively known as the Afam Integrated central South Africa.
Gas and Power Project. The Afam VI Power Plant is capable of
delivering over 400 MW since July 2009, but the lack of upgrades on Shell also has interests in Algeria, Cameroon, Ghana, Libya, Morocco
the Nigeria electricity grid limits full production. and Tunisia.
The Gbaran-Ubie integrated oil and gas project (Shell interest 30%) is NORTH AMERICA
developing an area of approximately 650 km2 in Bayelsa State. When
fully operational, it is expected at its peak to produce one bcf/d of gas Canada
and 70 thousand b/d of oil. SPDC will drill more than 30 new oil and Shell produces natural gas, NGL, bitumen, synthetic crude oil and
gas wells, and is building a central processing facility with gas delivery sulphur mainly in Alberta and British Columbia where the main leases/
to power plants and Nigeria LNG Ltd. (NLNG). assets are held.
On the financing side, progress has been made towards full In total, Shell holds over 2,100 leases. Canadian exploration rights are
implementation of the Modified Carry Agreements (MCAs) and the generally granted for varying terms, depending upon the provincial
bridge loan signed in 2008 and 2009. All requirements for the jurisdiction and applicable regulations. Subject to certain conditions,
utilisation of the bridge loan and the implementation of the MCAs have exploration rights can be converted to production leases, which may be
been met in the fourth quarter of 2009.
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extended as long as there is commercial production pursuant to the completing a minimum level of development prior to their expiry, leases
lease. may be extended.
Shell has a 50% interest in an LNG regasification terminal at Altamira,
on Mexico’s gulf coast, and a 75% interest in a separate marketing
company that holds the capacity rights in the terminal. Shell also holds
capacity rights at the Costa Azul LNG import terminal in Baja
California on Mexico’s west coast.
Shell produces oil and gas from the offshore Parque das Conchas
(BC-10) field, which came on-stream in 2009 (Shell operated; interest
50%) and Bijupirá and Salema fields (Shell operated; interest 80%).
Shell also has an interest in an operated offshore development block
and interests in seven deep-water exploration blocks in the Campos,
Santos and Espirito Santo basins. Shell operates two of these blocks
with interests ranging from 17.5% to 100%.
Shell operates two heavy oil fields in block BS-4 (Shell interest 40%) in
the Santos Basin where potential development concepts are being
assessed. Shell formally received exploration rights to five onshore
blocks comprising over 11,000 km2 in the São Francisco basin.
2009 2008 2007
Shell share of Shell share of Shell share of
Shell equity-accounted Shell equity-accounted Shell equity-accounted
subsidiaries investments subsidiaries investments subsidiaries investments
Europe 7.06 8.17 9.46 10.87 7.24 8.54
Asia 3.61 4.26 4.67 7.06 3.46 3.15
Australia/Oceania 5.29 3.94 [A] 2.96 4.13 [A] 2.22 1.81 [A]
Africa 1.71 – 1.67 – 1.20 –
North America – USA 4.36 5.02 9.61 12.15 7.23 9.85
North America – Canada 3.73 – 7.71 – 5.90 –
South America 3.18 – 4.37 – 3.58 –
Total 4.83 6.73 6.85 9.63 5.14 6.83
[A] Shell owns 34% of Woodside Petroleum Ltd, a publicly listed company on the Australian stock exchange. We have limited access to data, accordingly the number is
an estimate.
North America – Canada 56.23
North America – Canada 50.00
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North America – Canada 39.83
North America – Canada 18.32
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Shell 100% capacity
Location interest (%) (mtpa) [A]
Australia Pluto 1 Karratha 31 [B] 4.3
Gorgon Barrow Island 25 15.3
Qatargas 4 Ras Laffan 30 7.8
[A] As reported by the operator.
[B] Based on 90% Woodside shareholding in the Pluto 1 plant.
K E Y STAT I ST I CS $ MILLION Our 2009 Refining earnings were significantly below those of 2008,
2009 2008 2007 due to substantially lower industry and realised refining margins
Revenue (including inter-segment sales) 250,362 412,813 324,280 worldwide. Weak margins were the result of lower demand, industry-
Segment earnings 3,054 39 12,445 wide excess inventory and new industry refining capacity, which was
Including: brought on-stream. In addition, Refining earnings were impacted by
Production and manufacturing asset impairments and redundancy and restructuring provisions.
expenses 11,829 12,225 10,546
Selling, distribution and Marketing earnings related to oil products decreased compared with
administrative expenses 14,505 14,451 13,858 2008, due to lower marketing sales volumes and lower Retail and B2B
Depreciation, depletion and margins, which were partly offset by higher Lubricants margins. These
amortisation 4,399 3,574 3,106 earnings were further reduced by redundancy and restructuring
Share of profit of equity-accounted provisions as well as impairments.
investments 1,110 17 2,904
Capital investment 7,510 6,036 5,295 Earnings from trading activities were higher than in 2008 as the market
Refinery availability (%) 93 91 91 remained in a contango structure (forward prices higher than current
Chemical plant availability (%) 92 94 93 spot prices) throughout most of the year and benefited from storage
Refinery processing intake opportunities and arbitrage opportunities (the pricing difference
(thousand boe/d) 3,067 3,388 3,779 between markets).
Oil products sales volumes
(thousand b/d) 6,156 6,568 6,625 Earnings in Chemicals were higher than in 2008 due to higher income
Chemicals sales volumes from equity-accounted investments and higher divestment gains, which
(thousand tonnes) 18,311 20,327 22,555 were partly offset by lower realised margins and lower sales volumes.
Refinery processing intake in 2009 declined 9% from 2008 despite Alternative Energy) and the effect of a weaker US dollar on non-dollar
improved availability, reflecting reduced run rates due to weak denominated costs.
demand, new industry capacity brought on-stream and the sale of the
French refineries in the first quarter of 2008. Depreciation, depletion and amortisation in 2008 increased by
$468 million, largely because of impairments.
Total oil products sales volumes in 2009 were 6% lower than in 2008.
Oil products marketing sales volumes (adjusted for the impact of In 2008, after taking into account the impact of falling oil prices on
divestments) dropped by some 3%, mainly because of lower B2B inventory, our share of profit from equity-accounted investments
volumes, partly offset by increased Retail sales volumes. decreased from 2007, mainly due to lower income from Motiva and
Deer Park as a result of lower industry refining margins in the USA and
In 2009, Chemical sales volumes decreased by 10% compared with the impact of hurricanes in the US Gulf Coast. We also obtained lower
those of 2008, primarily due to lower demand resulting from the global income from the Nanhai chemical plant in 2008 because of weakened
economic downturn. demand and higher feedstock costs.
In 2008, segment earnings were adversely impacted by falling oil Refinery processing intake declined in 2008 by around 10% relative to
prices on inventory by $5,270 million. In 2007, earnings benefited 2007, reflecting the sale of our French refineries and higher unplanned
from the impact of increasing oil prices on inventory by $3,857 million. outages.
In 2008, after taking into account the impact of falling oil prices on our Total oil products sales volumes in 2008 were 1% lower than in 2007.
inventory, earnings fell by 38% from 2007. Adjusted for the impact of divestments, oil products marketing sales
volumes were in line with those in 2007.
Our 2008 Refining earnings were lower than those of 2007 due to
lower realised margins in the USA, which were partly offset by higher In 2008, Chemical sales volumes fell by 10% from the levels of 2007,
realised margins in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. Additionally, largely due to the performance of our base chemicals business in the
2008 refining earnings were adversely impacted by higher unplanned USA.
downtime (6.5% compared with 5.7% in 2007), which included the
hurricane impact in the US Gulf Coast region, as well as currency- Capital investment and portfolio actions
exchange impacts and higher operating costs compared with those of Capital investment was $7.5 billion in 2009, of which $4.4 billion was
2007. in Manufacturing, $1.7 billion was in Marketing and $1.4 billion was
new equity and loans in equity-accounted investments. Around 62% of
Marketing earnings in 2008 related to oil products increased our 2009 capital expenditure was to maintain integrity and
(excluding impairments) on the basis of higher Retail, B2B and Base Oil performance of our asset base; a slightly higher percentage than the
Lubricants margins. Higher margins were partly offset by lower sales 2007-2009 average of around 57%.
volumes relative to 2007 and currency-exchange impacts.
Investments were aligned with the strategy of selective growth, portfolio
Earnings from trading activities in 2008 were higher than in 2007, concentration and operational excellence. The two main growth
driven by the return of more favourable trading conditions during the investments are the expansion of the Port Arthur refinery in Texas and
year as the market shifted back into contango and trading benefited the Shell Eastern Petrochemicals Complex (SEPL) in Singapore. During
from arbitrage opportunities. 2009, the monoethylene glycol unit within the SEPL started up
In 2008, Chemicals earnings were lower relative to 2007, reflecting
significantly lower margins (particularly in the USA), volume decline, Shell also started construction of a new hydrodesulphurisation plant at
lower income from equity-accounted investments and higher operating the Pernis refinery in the Netherlands to manufacture cleaner-burning
expenses. oil products.
Downstream earnings in 2008 included net charges of $435 million In the Marketing businesses, we continued to invest in selected markets
relating to impairments, provisions and a charge related to the such as Germany and China in our Retail business, and in China and
estimated fair value accounting of commodity derivatives. These were Russia to grow our Lubricants business.
partly offset by gains from divestments, including the sale of our
refineries in France and the Dominican Republic, as well as by tax Several developments in 2009 led to the concentration of our global
credits and pension accounting adjustments. Downstream portfolio.
In 2008, Downstream revenue increased by $88,533 million Shell agreed to sell its Downstream businesses in Greece. The retail
compared with 2007, reflecting higher average oil prices in 2008. network will continue to operate under the Shell brand. This transaction
is subject to regulatory approvals.
Production and manufacturing expenses increased by $1,679 million
relative to 2007, largely because of increased refinery maintenance Shell sold 49% of its interest in Petrochemical Corporation of Singapore
costs, higher energy-related costs, increased trading expenses and the and in The Polyolefin Company to Qatar Petroleum International.
effect of a weaker US dollar on non-dollar denominated costs.
In Canada, Shell announced the decision to convert the Montreal East
Selling, distribution and administrative expenses increased by Refinery into a terminal for distribution of gasoline, diesel and aviation
$593 million between 2007 and 2008 as a result of higher energy- fuels.
related distribution costs, higher corporate and functional costs,
additional costs related to governance changes (Canada and
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In Australia and New Zealand, Shell announced the sale of its share in 145 billion litres of fuel in 2009. With more than 100 years of
two bitumen joint ventures. The sale will be concluded in several phases experience in fuel development we believe we are a leading provider
and finalised by 2014. of innovative fuels. Differentiated fuels with special formulations
designed to clean engines and improve performance are available in
The portfolio concentration will continue. Some 15% of Shell’s more than 60 countries under the Shell V-Power brand. Our Fuel
worldwide refining capacity – some 560 thousand barrels per day – is Economy formula for gasoline and diesel is now available in nearly 30
under review for possible disposal, conversion to terminals or closure. countries, including the new Shell FuelSave brand recently introduced
in 5 countries. Our 2009 global customer tracker survey ranked Shell
In 2008 capital investment was $6.0 billion of which $4.0 billion was number one globally as the preferred global brand of service stations.
in Manufacturing, $1.9 billion was in Marketing and $0.1 billion was
new equity and loans in equity-accounted investments. The main Lubricants
investments included expenditure in the fully integrated Shell Eastern Shell Lubricants sells more branded lubricants than any other lubricants
Petrochemicals Complex in Singapore and refining investments to manufacturer and is also the largest marketer of lubricants overall, with
maintain the integrity and performance of the asset base. Retail a 13% share of the global finished lubricants market in volume terms
investments included upgrades in selected European markets and (2008). We sell technically advanced lubricant products to customers
growth in Asia, while Lubricants investments prioritised growth in the across the transport sector for passenger cars, trucks and coaches, as
East. well as in manufacturing, mining, power generation, agriculture and
construction industries. Our products are available in around 100
Outlook countries.
Industry refining margins in 2010 are likely to remain fundamentally
weak because of the expected ongoing global excess product Business to Business (B2B)
inventory, particularly for middle distillates. Margins may recover B2B sells fuels and speciality products and services to a broad range of
slightly in the latter half of 2010, as increased demand for middle commercial customers and consists of six separate businesses:
distillates might coincide with further improvement in the global
economy. However, the overall strengthening of margins is likely to be Shell Aviation provides fuel every day at over 850 airports across
tempered by the large excess refinery capacity. The eventual margin some 55 countries, for more than 7,000 aircraft, refuelling a plane
level will be influenced by the pace of the global economic recovery, every 12 seconds.
the extent of refinery rationalisation in the face of weak margins and
the pace of new refining capacity start-ups in China, India and the Shell Marine Products provides fuels, lubricants and related technical
USA. services to the marine industry. We supply over 100 grades of marine
lubricants and 20 different types of marine fuel for vessels powered by
The growth of demand for petrochemicals in 2010 is expected to be in diesel, steam and gas turbine engines. We serve more than 15,000
line with GDP growth. Sizeable cracker capacity expansion projects in customer vessels, ranging from large ocean going tankers to small
the Middle East and China, delayed during 2009, are expected to fishing boats in more than 600 ports in 49 countries.
come on-stream. They will be joining other expansions that were
scheduled for 2010. Cracker capacity is expected to increase at a rate Shell Gas (LPG) provides liquefied petroleum gas and related services
twice that of demand growth, placing significant pressure on loading in 29 countries to domestic, commercial and industrial customers for
rates and margins during the year. activities as diverse as transport, cooking, heating, and lighting
Business and property
Shell Commercial Fuels provides transport, industrial and heating fuels
MANUFACTU RIN G and related services to more than 200,000 customers in more than
40 countries. Our Commercial Road Transport business supplies road
Refining haulage and bus companies worldwide through a global network of
We have interests in more than 35 refineries worldwide with the sites and offers payment through Shell’s card system. More than
capacity to process some 4 million barrels of crude oil per day. Our 500,000 fuel cards are in operation.
refining portfolio is global with approximately 40% of our refining
capacity in Europe and Africa, 30% in the Americas and 30% in Asia- Shell Bitumen supplies around 11,000 tonnes of bitumen products
Pacific. Our refineries make a wide range of products including every day to some 1,600 customers worldwide; the equivalent of
gasoline, diesel, heating oil, aviation fuel, marine fuel, lubricants, resurfacing one kilometre of road every four minutes. Shell Bitumen
bitumen, liquefied petroleum gas and sulphur. continues to grow in key markets, most notably in the paving solutions
and airport sectors. We are also developing innovative products like
Supply and Distribution Warm Asphalt Mix and Shell Floraphalte that can be mixed and laid at
With 9,000 kilometres of pipeline, more than 2,500 storage tanks and lower temperatures to reduce energy use and carbon dioxide
some 250 distribution facilities in around 60 countries, our Supply and emissions.
Distribution infrastructure is well positioned for global delivery.
Deliveries include feedstocks for Shell refineries and finished products Shell Sulphur Solutions develops sulphur products that provide
for Shell’s Downstream marketing businesses and customers innovative uses for sulphur, a natural by-product of oil and gas
worldwide. processing. These include Shell Thiopave, a paving solution that can
prolong road life; Shell Thiocrete, a highly durable, fast-setting
MARKETING concrete; and Shell Thiogro, a new family of fertilisers to enhance crop
yields in sulphur-responsive soils.
The Shell branded fuels retail network is the world’s largest with around
44,000 service stations in more than 80 countries, selling more than
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Shell Chemicals sells a range of petrochemicals to industrial customers E T HY L E N E CAPA CITY – S HE L L AN D E QUI T Y- ACCO UN TE D
globally. The products are widely used in plastics, coatings and I N V E S T ME N T S [A]
detergents, which in turn are used in products such as fibres and 2009 2008 2007
textiles, thermal and electrical insulation, medical equipment and Nominal capacity (thousand
sterile supplies, computers, vehicles, paints and biodegradable tonnes/year) 5,182 5,827 6,216
detergents. Chemicals has more than 1,300 major industrial customers Utilisation (%) 80 87 90
across the world, with the 20 largest accounting for about 50% of our [A] Data includes our share of capacity entitlement (offtake rights) that may be
third-party sales proceeds. These key customers are major multi- different from nominal equity interest. With effect from 2008, we have
national organisations, including many household names, which buy excluded from our ethylene capacity certain US units which have been taken
large volumes from us, often across several product areas. offline for a long-term or indefinite period. Nominal capacity is quoted as at
December 31, 2009. Utilisation is based on the annual average capacity.
Downstream business activities with Iran
In 2009, Shell produced lubricants in Iran through an associate
company and sold them through an Iranian joint venture. Through OI L PRODUCTS – CRU DE O IL PROCE S S E D [A] THOUSAND B/D [B]
Shell’s trading activities, we purchased crude oil from Iran as part of the 2009 2008 2007
optimisation of feedstocks for our refining operations. We also Europe 1,251 1,394 1,644
purchased feedstock from Iran for the Nanhai petrochemical facility in Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania 523 683 765
China. We sold some refined products and petrochemicals to Iran. USA 721 751 789
Since October 2009 there have been no gasoline sales to Iran. In Other Americas 288 294 299
addition we provided refinery and gas plant consulting advice and Total 2,783 3,122 3,497
services. Shell share of equity-accounted
investments 360 372 392
[A] Including natural gas liquids; includes processing for others and excludes
processing by others.
[B] One barrel per day is equivalent to approximately 50 tonnes a year,
depending on the specific gravity of the crude oil.
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Earnings 2009-2007
CORPORATE Segment earnings were $1,310 million, compared with a $69 million
loss in 2008 and earnings of $1,387 million in 2007.
2009 2008 2007 Net interest and investment income increased by $32 million between
Interest and investment 2008 and 2009. An increase in borrowings resulted in increased
income/(expense) 360 328 875 interest cost, despite lower interest rates. Capitalised interest
Currency exchange gains/(losses) 644 (650) 205 consequently increased. Interest income was lower due to lower cash
Other – including taxation 306 253 307 balances and lower interest rates. Between 2007 and 2009, net
Segment earnings/(losses) 1,310 (69) 1,387 interest and investment income decreased by $515 million. The main
reason for the decrease is that the 2007 earnings included the
Overview realisation of $404 million in gains on the sale of the equity portfolio
The Corporate segment covers the non-operating activities supporting held by the Shell insurance companies.
Shell. It includes Shell’s holdings and treasury organisation, its
headquarters and central functions as well as its insurance companies. Currency exchange gains of $644 million in 2009 were mainly driven
by the depreciation of the US dollar against most other currencies on
All finance expense and income as well as taxes on these items are loan payable balances in operating units with a non-US dollar
included in the Corporate segment earnings rather than in the earnings functional currency.
of the business segments. The Corporate segment earnings also include
insurance underwriting results and the functional and service-centre Other earnings increased by $53 million in 2009 compared with
costs that have not been allocated to the other segments. 2008, mainly because of tax credits arising from settlement of
prior-year tax returns.
The holdings and treasury organisation manages the financial assets
and liabilities of Shell. As the point of contact between Shell and the
external capital markets, it conducts a broad range of transactions from
raising debt obligations to transacting foreign exchange. Treasury
centres in London, Singapore and Rio de Janeiro support these
Shell has a diverse portfolio of development projects and exploration The credit crisis affected Shell’s activities most exposed to financial
opportunities, which may mitigate political and technical risks of counterparty risk; that is, the credit exposure arising from Shell’s cash
Upstream and the associated cash flow provided by operating deposits, money market funds, foreign exchange and financial
activities. instrument trading with financial institutions. Exposure to failed
financial counterparties was minimal in 2009 (see Note 23 to the
Consolidated Financial Statements).
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As a result of the decrease of the assets in our pension plans during 䡲 a $25 billion EMTN programme; and
2008, Shell made significant cash contributions to the plans in 2009, 䡲 an unlimited US shelf registration.
in addition to the regular contributions of $1-2 billion per annum in
recent years. In 2010, additional contributions are expected to be paid Despite an uncertain start to 2009, public debt markets were
as well. Total contributions in 2009 amounted to $5.2 billion, while favourable to high investment grade corporate issuers and Shell
contributions in 2010 are expected to be around $2.1 billion. successfully accessed the commercial paper markets and issued
Additionally, the lower pension asset values at the beginning of 2009 $18 billion of long-term publicly traded debt during the course of the
are the main cause of the $2.8 billion increase in the pre-tax pension year comprised of $7.5 billion under the US shelf registration and
costs between 2008 and 2009. Note 3 to the Consolidated Financial $10.5 billion under the EMTN programme.
Statements describes the principal assumptions and Note 18 provides
further disclosure on retirement benefits. All CP, EMTN and US shelf issuances were undertaken by Shell
International Finance B.V. (SIF BV), and guaranteed by Royal Dutch
In all of our businesses – but particularly in chemicals – customers, Shell plc. Further disclosure on debt issued – including maturity profile
suppliers, partners and counterparties show signs of financial stress. and fixed/floating rate characteristics – is included in Note 16 to the
Entire industrial sectors and countries are under economic strains. Consolidated Financial Statements. Certain joint venture operations are
Certain joint ventures and associated companies have faced separately financed.
constrained capital markets as well as an increased cost of bank debt.
Limited bank and capital funding capacity for lower-rated companies, Shell currently maintains $2.5 billion of committed bank facilities
together with the global economic slowdown, may restrict Shell’s which, together with internally available liquidity, provides back-up
business opportunities, notably in the area of potential divestments. coverage for commercial paper maturing within 30 days. Aside from
this facility and certain borrowing in local subsidiaries, Shell does not
In response to the international credit environment, we continue to take have committed bank facilities as this is not considered to be a
a variety of measures to reduce and diversify risk exposure. These necessary or cost-effective form of financing for Shell, given its size,
measures include intensified credit analysis and monitoring of trading credit rating and cash-generative nature.
partners, restricting large-volume trading activities to the highest-rated
counterparties, shortening exposure duration, and taking collateral or The maturity profile of Shell’s outstanding commercial paper is actively
other security. As Shell’s treasury and trading operations are highly managed to ensure that the amount of commercial paper maturing
centralised, these measures have proved reasonably effective in within 30 days remains consistent with the level of supporting liquidity.
controlling credit exposures associated with managing Shell’s The committed facilities, which are with a number of international
substantial cash, foreign exchange and commodity positions. Credit banks, will expire in 2012. Shell expects to be able to renew or
information is regularly shared between business and finance increase these facilities on commercially acceptable terms.
functions, with dedicated teams in place to quickly identify and respond
to cases of credit deterioration. Mitigation measures are defined and While Shell is subject to restrictions (such as foreign withholding taxes)
implemented for high-risk business partners and customers. The on the ability of subsidiaries to transfer funds in the form of cash
measures include shortened payment terms, collateral or other security dividends, loans or advances, such restrictions are not expected to
posting and vigorous collections. have a material impact on the ability of Shell to meet its cash
Cash and cash equivalents amounted to $9.7 billion at the end of 2009
(2008: $15.2 billion). Cash and cash equivalents are held in various The following table sets forth the consolidated unaudited ratio of
currencies but primarily in US dollar, euro and sterling. Total current earnings to fixed charges of Royal Dutch Shell for the years ended
and non-current debt rose $11.8 billion in the year. Total debt at the December 31, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009.
end of 2009 amounted to $35.0 billion. The total debt outstanding
(excluding leases) at December 31, 2009 will mature as follows: 13% R AT I O OF E A R N I N G S T O F I X E D CH A RG E S
in 2010, 11% in 2011, 10% in 2012, 12% in 2013 and 54% in 2014 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
and beyond. Ratio of earnings to fixed
charges 9.28 20.27 21.43 19.99 23.33
Shell believes its current working capital is sufficient for its present
requirements. Shell currently satisfies its funding and working capital For the purposes of this table, earnings consist of pre-tax income from
requirements from the cash generated within its business and through continuing operations (before adjustment for minority interest and share
the issuance of external debt. Our external debt is principally financed of profit from equity-accounted investments) plus fixed charges
from the international debt capital markets through debt instruments (excluding capitalised interest) less undistributed earnings of equity-
issued under two commercial paper programmes (CP programmes), a accounted investments plus distributed income from equity-accounted
euro medium-term note programme (EMTN programme) and a US investments. Fixed charges consist of expensed and capitalised interest
universal shelf registration (US shelf registration), each guaranteed by plus interest within rental expenses (for operating leases) plus
Royal Dutch Shell plc. preference security dividend requirements of subsidiaries.
The central debt programmes and facilities consist of: Please refer to Exhibit 7.1 for details concerning the calculation of the
ratio of earnings to fixed charges.
䡲 a $10 billion global CP programme, exempt from registration under
section 3(a)(3) of the US Securities Act 1933, with maturities not
exceeding 270 days;
䡲 a $10 billion CP programme, exempt from registration under
Separate financial statements for the Dividend Access Trust are also
included in this Report.
For the years 2009, 2008 and 2007 the Dividend Access Trust
recorded income before tax of £2,902 million, £2,277 million and
£1,930 million respectively. In each period this reflected the amount of
dividends received on the dividend access share.
At December 31, 2009, the Dividend Access Trust had total equity of
£ Nil (2008: £ Nil; 2007: £ Nil), reflecting cash of £525,602 (2008:
£205,518; 2007: £444,639) and unclaimed dividends of £525,602
(2008: £205,518; 2007: £444,639). The Dividend Access Trust only
records a liability for an unclaimed dividend, and a corresponding
amount of cash, to the extent that cheques expire, which is one year
after their issuance, or to the extent that they are returned unpresented.
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Transition 2009 Another outcome of our Shell People Survey is the D&I (diversity and
Transition 2009 is intended to help improve our competitive position by inclusion) indicator, a global measure of workplace inclusion. We are
building – from the top down – a simpler, leaner organisational pleased to report that we once again saw improvement in this indicator,
structure with clearer accountabilities, enabling more customer focus from 67% in 2008 to 69% in 2009.
and faster decision-making.
Employee share plans
The new top-level organisation structure enabled us to reduce the number There are a number of share-based compensation plans for Shell
of senior management positions by around 20% in July 2009. A broader employees. The principal ones currently operating are discussed
reorganisation followed, requiring affected employees to re-apply for below. For information on the share-based compensation plans for
some 15,000 roles in the restructured businesses and corporate Executive Directors, see the Directors’ Remuneration Report on
functions. Around 5,000 staff are leaving Shell as a result of this pages 60-75. Under the Performance Share Plan awards are made to
restructuring, mostly in management and non-operational positions. some 15,000 employees each year. Some 30,000 employees in 50
countries participate in the Global Employee Share Purchase Plan.
A framework of people principles ensured a consistency of approach
towards resourcing the new organisation. The framework also ensured PERFORMANCE SHARE PLAN
that due regard was given to those whom the reorganisation affected. Under the terms of the Performance Share Plan (PSP), conditional
Appropriate diversity checks were embedded into the Transition 2009 awards of the Company’s shares are made to employees as part of a
resourcing process to ensure we maintained our focus on gender, long-term incentive plan, which was introduced in 2005.
ethnicity and local hires throughout the process.
For the PSP awards made in 2005 and 2006, the extent to which the
Despite staff reductions in 2009, Shell has maintained external awards vested depended on the total shareholder return (TSR) of Shell
recruitment commitments in order to keep our capability to deliver our compared with four of its main competitors over a three-year
strategy and plans over time. We continue to transfer work to our performance period. For the PSP awards made in 2007 until 2009, the
growing business service centres around the world. extent to which the awards vest is determined by two performance
conditions. For half of the award the number of shares that may vest
Employee communication and involvement depends on the relative TSR measure over the measurement period. The
Two-way communication with our staff – either directly or via staff other half of the award will be linked to Shell’s declared Business
councils or recognised trade unions – is important to us. Performance Factor. None of the awards will result in beneficial
ownership until the shares are released. Any shares that vest will be
The Transition 2009 programme has been communicated via different increased by an amount equal to the notional dividends accrued on
channels and engagement sessions, including regular letters to staff those shares during the period from the award date to the vesting date.
from the Chief Executive Officer, webcasts, publications and
face-to-face gatherings. RESTRICTED SHARE PLAN
Under the Restricted Share Plan (RSP), awards are made on a highly
One of the principal tools by which the effectiveness of our employee selective basis to senior staff. Shares are awarded subject to a three-
communications is assessed is the Shell People Survey. It provides year retention period. Any shares that vest will be increased by an
valuable insights into employees’ views, and it has had a consistently amount equal to the notional dividends accrued on those shares during
high response rate. A key outcome from the Shell People Survey is the the period from the award date to the vesting date.
employee engagement index, which measures affiliation and
commitment to Shell. The average index score in 2009 was 78%, GLOBAL EMPLOYEE SHARE PURCHASE PLAN
which is an increase of 4 percentage points from the 2008 index score. This plan enables eligible employees in participating countries to make
contributions towards the purchase of the Company’s shares at a price
We encourage safe and confidential reporting of views about our which is the lower of the market price on the first trading day of the
processes and practices. Our global telephone helpline and website twelve-months savings cycle or the first trading day of the following
enable employees to report breaches of our Code of Conduct and the cycle, reduced by 15%.
Shell General Business Principles, confidentially and anonymously (see
page 76).
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Eligible employees of participating companies in the UK may ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIETY
participate in the UK Sharesave Scheme. Options are granted over the
Company’s shares at prices not less than the market value on a date not Our success in business depends on our ability to meet a range of
normally more than 30 days before the grant date of the option. These environmental and social challenges. We must show we can operate
options are normally exercisable after completion of a three-year or safely and manage the effect our activities can have on neighbouring
five-year contractual savings period. communities and society as a whole. If we fail to do this, we may lose
opportunities to do business and our reputation as a company may also
Please refer to Note 24 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for a be harmed. We have standards and processes, controls, incentives and
further discussion of the principle Shell share plans. a firm governance structure in place to make sure that our operations
manage their impacts. The Shell General Business Principles include a
Employee data commitment to sustainable development that involves integrating
See Note 6 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for employee data. economic, environmental and social aspects into our business decisions.
Maintaining the safety and reliability of our operations – such as
refineries, chemicals plants, exploration and production projects – is
critical to our ability to sustain a licence to operate and to form joint
ventures with other companies, including national oil companies. We
continued to invest in process safety during the economic downturn to
maintain the safety of our operations.
Climate change
The need to manage carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions – the most
significant greenhouse gas (GHG) – will become increasingly
important as concerns over climate change lead to tighter
environmental regulations. Governments at the UN conference on
climate change in Copenhagen at the end of 2009 agreed to continue
working towards deep cuts in the growth of GHG emissions. Shell
already assesses potential costs associated with CO2 emissions in its
evaluation of future projects. But in the years to come regulations may
impose a price on CO2 emissions that all companies will have to
incorporate in their investment plans and that may result in higher
energy and product costs. Governments may also require companies to
apply technical measures to reduce their CO 2 emissions into the
atmosphere, which will add to project costs. Current proposed
legislation in the USA, Europe and other regions is expected to
increase the cost of doing business through such regulatory
mechanisms. Shell, together with other energy companies, has been
subject to litigation regarding climate change. We believe these
lawsuits are without merit and not material to Shell.
Upgrader, although we have not yet made a final investment decision Shell’s tailings pond at the Athabasca Oil Sands Project (AOSP) in
(see page 19). There will be costs involved in developing the Alberta, Canada, is around 12 km2. Tailings are toxic, so we
technologies needed to capture and store CO2 underground. We continually assess and manage them to reduce their potential impact.
continue to urge governments to introduce incentives as soon as This includes steps to prevent contamination of surface and ground
possible to make such technology commercially viable. water and measures to protect wildlife.
We are offering our customers more efficient fuels. In 2009 we A government-approved project is under way to manage the tailings
launched our most economical fuel to date, Shell FuelSave, in the from planned production expansions at the AOSP. The intent is to
Netherlands, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Turkey. Shell remove all water from the tailings and then treat the remaining solid
FuelSave will be launched in more countries in 2010. It can save up to tailings, to make reclamation of the land more effective. This land must
one litre of fuel for every 50-litre tankful, depending on driving habits be reclaimed – for example, through revegetation or reforestation – to
and the condition of the car. a state that matches its pre-mined capability, as required by the Alberta
We are working to improve energy efficiency and reduce GHGs across
all our operations. Of our total GHGs in 2009, a small proportion Water
came from the flaring or burning off of gas in our Upstream business. Our industry is not as big a water user as some others, such as power
Most of our continuous flaring is in Nigeria. Since 2002 the Shell generation. But some of the industry’s activities use quantities of water
Petroleum Development Company-operated joint venture (Shell interest that can be significant. For example, refining processes and growing
30%) in Nigeria has spent over $3 billion to install gas-gathering crops for biofuels are water intensive. Extracting one barrel of bitumen
equipment, reducing continuous flaring by more than 30%. But a from oil sands takes two to three barrels of water. In 2009, Shell
further $3 billion at least is needed to complete this programme and the operations used around 198 million cubic metres of fresh water,
majority shareholder, the government, cannot readily fund its share of compared with 224 cubic metres in 2008.
the programme. The security and funding situation has hindered
progress. Our flaring in Nigeria also reduced partly because sabotage We develop and use advanced technology so as to continue to reduce
and theft have forced a temporary halt to production at some facilities. our need for fresh water. At our oil sands project in Canada we use far
less than our water allocation from the Athabasca River, and we
Spills minimise the amount withdrawn during the winter months when the flow
Large spills of oil and oil products can incur major clean-up costs. If they rate is low. We also recycle water from collection ponds for tailings. In
are operational spills, they can also affect our licence to operate and 2009, we continued working on a pilot project testing new technology
harm our reputation. In operations that we control we have clear to extract more water from tailings to improve storage, treatment and
requirements and procedures designed to prevent such spills. These can recycling.
occur for reasons such as operational failure, accidents or corrosion.
We continue to learn from such spills. In Nigeria, sabotage and theft Once operational, the Pearl GTL plant will take no fresh water from its
are a significant cause of spills. arid surroundings. Instead, it will use and recycle water produced by
the GTL manufacturing processes. At both the Schoonebeek oil field
In 2009, we had 264 oil spills over 100 kilograms from operations and (Shell interest 50%) in the Netherlands and the SAPREF refinery (Shell
95 spills over 100 kilograms from sabotage. This is down from our interest 50%) in South Africa we have agreements with local water
2008 totals of 275 from operations and 115 from sabotage. authorities that allow us to use household wastewater recycled for
industrial purposes.
The 2008 total volume of spills from operations has been re-estimated
at 8.8 thousand tonnes, an increase from that reported in the 2008 Environmental costs
Annual Report. This increase was primarily the result of a single Shell operates in environments where the most advanced technologies
November 2008 spill in Nigeria, that was not yet included in our are needed. We place a premium on developing effective technologies
reported 2008 total as an agreement on the spill volume estimate from that are also safe for the environment. However, when operating at the
the investigation was still pending with the Nigerian authorities (as cutting edge of technology, there is always the possibility of unknown
noted in the 2008 Annual Report, investigations can take several and unforeseeable environmental impacts. While Shell takes all
months to complete). necessary precautions to limit these risks, we are subject to additional
remedial environmental and litigation costs as a result of unknown and
As noted above detailed 2009 data, including spill volumes, will be unforeseeable impacts to the environment from our operations. While
published in May 2010 in Shell’s Sustainability Report. these costs have not been material to the Company, no assurance can
be made that this will continue to be the case, as we continue to
Oil-sands tailings develop advance technologies necessary to differentiate us from the
Mining oil sands to extract and process bitumen, an extra-heavy oil, in competition and help meet energy demand.
Canada’s Alberta province poses several environmental challenges.
These include water use and CO2 emissions from the energy-intensive We are also subject to a variety of environmental laws, regulations and
processing needed to turn the bitumen into a synthetic crude oil. reporting requirements in the countries where we operate. Infringing
any of these laws and requirements can harm our ability to do business
Tailings are another environmental impact of mining oil sands. Tailings in a country. The costs of environmental clean-up can be high.
are the mix of sand, clay, water and heavy metals left over after
bitumen has been removed from the mined ore. When a mine first Our operating expenses include the costs of avoiding emissions into the
opens, tailings are stored in an external pit, with a dam constructed of air and water and the safe disposal and handling of waste.
compacted low-grade ore. Once mining is completed in this area,
dykes are constructed to hold future tailings in a tailings pond. In November, 2009, Shell agreed to pay $19.5 million in a settlement
accepted by the Superior Court of California, USA, following
allegations by the state government concerning some of our
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underground storage tanks. We did not admit liability but were pleased our approach. These help to rule out the use of child or forced labour
to agree to this settlement after working with the State of California and avoid damage to protected areas, such as those rich in
since 2006 to resolve the matter. Many of the measures outlined in the biodiversity, when biofuels crops are grown and processed.
settlement were steps Shell had already put in place to improve such
operations. In 2009, Shell continued to work towards raising sustainability
standards with industry, governments, intergovernmental agencies and
Shell can also be affected by third-party litigation against governments. policy-makers.
For example, Shell’s 2007 drilling plan in the Beaufort and Chukchi
seas off Alaska was delayed when non-governmental organisations We are exploring opportunities to invest in the production of ethanol
took legal action against the US Department of Interior (DOI), from Brazilian sugar cane, which has the lowest CO2 footprint of
challenging its approval of Shell’s plan of exploration. As a result of this today’s biofuels. We are also accelerating research, development and
action, we revised our 2010 drilling plans for that area. We intend to the demonstration of cellulosic ethanol and other advanced biofuels
use only one rig in a smaller programme designed to limit our potential that will not compete with food crops for land, but these are not
effects on the environment. A similar legal challenge was made in early expected to become commercially viable for perhaps a decade.
2010 to the DOI’s approval of these drilling plans.
Neighbouring communities
Biofuels Gaining the trust of local communities is essential to the success of our
Shell is a major distributor of biofuels. We sold 9 billion litres of biofuels projects and operations. We engage with our neighbours at the earliest
in 2009, mainly to meet government mandates in the USA, Brazil and opportunity in a planned new development or if changes are being
Europe. considered to existing operations.
We see low-carbon biofuels as one of the most realistic commercially Our approach has developed as we have learned from experience; for
viable ways to reduce CO2 emissions from transport fuels in the coming example, in working with indigenous peoples as the Sakhalin II
20 years and we continue to build capacity in current biofuels that meet liquefied natural gas project was developed in Russia’s far east.
our requirements for sustainability. Biofuels are the renewable that most
closely fits our existing transport fuels business and our customers’ In 2009 we adopted a new approach at a project in Alberta, Canada,
needs. Some biofuels pose sustainability challenges. These include that combined social, health, environmental, legal, and regulatory
CO2 emissions that vary according to the raw materials and production challenges, many of which were closely linked. We asked local people
processes used as well as competition with food crops for available to contribute to key project decisions, including the siting of facilities.
land. We also invited them to take part in environmental, social and health
studies. As a result of this approach we were able to go ahead with
Shell has been working to raise sustainability standards in its biofuels three years of exploration activities.
supply chain for a number of years. Since 2007 we have followed a
clear policy and have dedicated resources to help assess potential During 2009 we were able to use what we learned from this project at
risks, implement controls and to monitor compliance. The inclusion of other new projects and existing operations across Canada, the USA
sustainability clauses in new and renewed supply contracts is central to and Latin America.
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Chairman of the Nomination and Succession Committee Born August 29, 1958. A Swiss national, appointed Chief Executive
Officer of the Company with effect from July 2009. Previously, Chief
Born August 15, 1950. A Finnish national, appointed Chairman of the Financial Officer since October 2004. He first joined Shell in 1982
Company with effect from June 2006. He started his career at Citibank and held a variety of finance and business roles in Switzerland, the UK,
in London and Helsinki, before moving in 1985 to Nokia, where he Argentina and Chile, including Chief Financial Officer of Oil Products.
became Vice President of International Operations of Nokia. In 1986 In 2002 he joined the Asea Brown Boveri (ABB) Group of Companies,
he was appointed Vice President Finance of Nokia. Between 1990 and based in Switzerland as Chief Financial Officer and Member of the
1992 he served as President of Nokia Mobile Phones. Between 1992 ABB Group Executive Committee. He returned to Shell in October
and 1999 he was President and Chief Executive Officer of Nokia and 2004, when he became a Managing Director of Shell Transport and
from 1999 to June 2006 he was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Chief Financial Officer of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group. He was a
He is Chairman of the Board of Nokia. member of the Supervisory Board of Aegon N.V. from 2004 until April
2006. He is a member of the Supervisory Board of UBS AG [A] and a
Lord Kerr of Kinlochard GCMG member of the Swiss Federal Auditor Oversight Authority.
DEPUTY CHAIRMAN AND SENIOR INDEPENDENT [A] Peter Voser will not be standing for re-election to the Board of UBS AG at its
Member of the Audit Committee, the Corporate and Social Simon Henry
Responsibility Committee and the Nomination and Succession CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER
Born July 13, 1961. A British national, appointed Chief Financial
Born February 22, 1942. A British national, appointed a Non- Officer of the Company with effect from May 2009. He joined Shell in
executive Director of the Company in October 2004. He was a Non- 1982 as an engineer at the Stanlow refinery in the UK. After qualifying
executive Director of Shell Transport from 2002 to 2005. A member of as a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants in
the UK Diplomatic Service from 1966 to 2002, he was UK Permanent 1989, he held various Finance posts, including Finance Manager of
Representative to the EU, British Ambassador to the USA and Foreign Marketing in Egypt, Controller for the Upstream business in Egypt, Oil
Office Permanent Under Secretary of State. He was Secretary-General Products finance adviser for Asia Pacific, Finance Director for the
of the European Convention (2002 – 2003), and in 2004 became an Mekong Cluster and General Manager Finance for the South East
independent member of the House of Lords and sits on the EU Select Asian Retail business. He was appointed Head of Group Investor
Committee. He is a Non-executive Director of Rio Tinto plc, Scottish Relations in 2001 and Chief Financial Officer for Exploration &
American Investment Company plc and Scottish Power, a BAE Systems Production in 2004.
Advisory Board member, Chairman of Imperial College and the Centre
for European Reform and a Rhodes and Carnegie Trustee. Malcolm Brinded CBE
Member of the Remuneration Committee Member of the Audit Committee and the Corporate and Social
Responsibility Committee
Born February 7, 1948. A Swiss national, appointed a Non-executive
Director of the Company in May 2008. He is Chairman of the Born February 6, 1948. A British national, appointed a Non-executive
Management Board and the Group Executive Committee of Deutsche Director of the Company with effect from July 2006. He qualified as an
Bank AG. He was appointed to these positions in 2006 and 2002 accountant in 1970 and was a partner of Ernst & Young LLP from 1978
respectively. He joined Deutsche Bank’s Management Board in 1996, until June 2006. He was Chairman of Ernst & Young LLP and a member
with responsibility for the investment banking division. He started his of the Global Executive Board of Ernst & Young Global LLP from 1995
professional career in 1977 at Schweizerische Kreditanstalt (SKA), until June 2006. He is a Non-executive Director of BBA Aviation plc,
where he held a variety of positions in Corporate Banking, Foreign Ashmore Group plc and Vodafone Group plc, Director of Alliance
Exchange/Money Markets, Treasury and Investment Banking. In 1990, Boots GmbH, a member of the Finance and Audit Committees of the
he was appointed to SKA’s Executive Board, on which he served as National Gallery and Advisor to Denton Wilde Sapte LLP.
President between 1993 and 1996. He is currently also a member of
the Supervisory Board of Siemens AG. Christine Morin-Postel
Sir Peter Job KBE
NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Chairman of the Audit Committee
Member of the Remuneration Committee Born October 6, 1946. A French national, appointed a Non-executive
Director of the Company in October 2004. She was a member of the
Born July 13, 1941. A British national, appointed a Non-executive Royal Dutch Supervisory Board from July 2004 and was a Board
Director of the Company in October 2004. He was a Non-executive member of Royal Dutch until December 2005. Formerly she was Chief
Director of Shell Transport from 2001 to 2005. Previously he was Chief Executive of Société Générale de Belgique, Executive Vice-President
Executive of Reuters Group plc. He is a Non-executive Director of and member of the Executive Committee of Suez S.A., Chairman and
Schroders plc and TIBCO Software Inc. and a member of the CEO of Credisuez plc from 1996 to 1998 and a Non-executive
Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bank AG. Director of Pilkington plc and Alcan Inc. She is a Non-executive
Director of 3i Group plc, British American Tobacco PLC and EXOR
Wim Kok S.p.A.
Lawrence Ricciardi
Chairman of the Corporate and Social Responsibility Committee and NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
Member of the Nomination and Succession Committee
Member of the Nomination and Succession Committee
Born September 29, 1938. A Dutch national, appointed a Non-
executive Director of the Company in October 2004. He was a Born August 14, 1940. A US national, appointed a Non-executive
member of the Royal Dutch Supervisory Board from 2003 to July 2005. Director of the Company in October 2004. He was appointed a
He chaired the Confederation of Dutch Trade Unions (FNV) before member of the Royal Dutch Supervisory Board in 2001 and was a
becoming a member of the Lower House of Parliament and Board member of Royal Dutch until December 2005. Previously he was
parliamentary leader of the Partij van de Arbeid (Labour Party). President of RJR Nabisco, Inc. and subsequently Senior Vice President
Appointed Minister of Finance in 1989 and Prime Minister in 1994, and General Counsel of IBM. He is a Non-executive Director of
serving for two periods of government up to July 2002. Member of the Citigroup Inc., Senior Advisor to the IBM Corporation as well as to
Supervisory Boards of KLM N.V. and TNT N.V. Jones Day and to Lazard Frères & Co and a Trustee of the Andrew W.
Mellon Foundation and the Pierpoint Morgan Library.
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Hans Wijers
Michiel Brandjes
Matthias Bichsel
Born July 24, 1954. A Swiss national, appointed Projects & Technology
Director with effect from July 1, 2009. Previously, he was Executive
Vice President, Development and Technology, being responsible for
delivering reserves and production from new upstream projects, as well
as providing technology applications and research via Shell’s upstream
technology organisation.
Beat Hess
Born July 6, 1949. A Swiss national, appointed Legal Director in June
2003. Previously he was General Counsel of ABB Group from 1988 to
2003. He is a Non-executive Board Director of Nestlé S.A.
Hugh Mitchell
Born February 13, 1957. A British national, appointed Chief Human
Resources & Corporate Officer with effect from July 1, 2009. He joined
Human Resources (HR) in Shell Exploration & Production in 1979 and
was appointed to other HR and business roles across the UK and Brunei
in both upstream and downstream businesses. In 1997 he became HR
Vice President for the Global Oil Products business and in 2003 was
appointed Director International, one of the Group’s Corporate Centre
Directors. In 2005 he was appointed Human Resources Director of
Royal Dutch Shell.
Marvin Odum
Born December 13, 1958. A US national, appointed Upstream
Americas Director with effect from July 1, 2009. Previously he was
Executive Vice President for the Americas for Shell Exploration &
Production. He was appointed President of Shell Oil Company in 2008
having served as Executive Vice President since 2005 with
responsibility for Shell’s exploration and production businesses in the
western hemisphere. He was appointed Chairman of the Executive
Committee of the Athabasca Oil Sands Project on July 1, 2009.
Mark Williams
Born November 9, 1951. A US national, appointed Downstream
Director with effect from January 1, 2009. He has previously held the
positions of Executive Vice President, Global Businesses, and Vice
President of Strategy, Portfolio and Environment for Oil Products. In
2004, he was appointed Executive Vice President of Supply and
Distribution in Shell Downstream Inc., a position he held until December
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Principal activities are paid by default in euros, although holders of Class A shares are
Royal Dutch Shell plc (the Company) is a holding company which able to elect to receive dividends in sterling. Dividends declared on
owns, directly or indirectly, investments in the numerous companies Class B shares are paid by default in sterling, although holders of
constituting Shell. Shell is engaged worldwide in the principal aspects Class B shares are able to elect to receive dividends in euros. Dividends
of the oil and gas industry and also has interests in chemicals and other declared on ADRs are paid in US dollars. Eligible shareholders must
energy-related businesses. Details of the Company’s subsidiaries can make currency elections by the day before the declaration date.
be found in Exhibit 8.
The Directors have proposed a fourth quarter interim dividend as set out
Business Review in the table below, payable on March 17, 2010, to shareholders on the
The information that fulfils the requirements of the Business Review can register of members at close of business on February 12, 2010.
be found in the Chairman’s message on page 6, the Chief Executive
Officer’s review on page 7 and also in the Business Review on Creditor payment policy and practice
pages 8-52, all of which are incorporated in this Report of the Directors Statutory regulations issued under the UK Companies Act 2006 (the
by way of reference. Throughout this Report of the Directors, the Board Act) require a public company to make a statement of its policy and
aims to present a balanced and understandable assessment of the practice on the payment of trade creditors. As a holding company
Company’s position and prospects in its financial reporting to whose principal business is to hold shares in Shell companies, the
shareholders and other interested parties. Company has no trade creditors. Given the international nature of
Shell’s operations there is no specific company-wide creditor payment
Research and development policy. Relationships with suppliers are governed by Shell’s
Shell research and development programmes are carried out in a commitment to long-term relations, based on trust and mutually
worldwide network of Shell technology centres complemented by beneficial arrangements. Shell U.K. Limited, Shell’s most significant UK
external partnerships. The main technology centres are in the operating company, had approximately 33 days’ purchases
Netherlands and the USA, with other centres in Canada, Germany, outstanding at December 31, 2009, (2008: 38 days) based on the
India, Norway, Oman, Qatar and the UK. Further details of research average daily amount invoiced by suppliers during the year. In
and development, including expenditure, can be found on page 18 of February 2009, Shell U.K. Limited adopted the Prompt Payment Code.
the Business Review as well as in the Consolidated Statement of A copy is available from the Company Secretary.
Directors’ responsibilities in respect of the
Recent developments and post-balance sheet preparation of the financial statements
events The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report, the
Recent developments and post-balance sheet events are given in Directors’ Remuneration Report and the financial statements in
Note 31 to the Consolidated Financial Statements. accordance with applicable law and regulations. UK company law
requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each financial
Financial statements and dividends year. Under that law, the Directors have prepared the Consolidated
The Consolidated Statement of Income and Consolidated Balance and Parent Company Financial Statements in accordance with
Sheet are available on pages 97 and 98. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the
European Union. The financial statements also comply with IFRS as
The table below sets out the dividends on each class of share and each issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). The
class of American Depositary Receipt (ADR). Dividends are declared in financial statements are required by law to give a true and fair view of
US dollars and the Company announces the euro and sterling the state of affairs of Shell and the parent company and of the profit or
equivalent amounts at the same time, using an exchange rate from the loss of Shell and parent company for that period.
day before the declaration date. Dividends declared on Class A shares
Class A shares Class B shares [A] Class A ADRs Class B ADRs
$ ¤ pence $ pence ¤ $ $
Q1 0.42 0.3211 28.65 0.42 28.65 0.3211 0.84 0.84
Q2 0.42 0.2987 25.59 0.42 25.59 0.2987 0.84 0.84
Q3 0.42 0.2845 25.65 0.42 25.65 0.2845 0.84 0.84
Q4 0.42 0.3018 26.36 0.42 26.36 0.3018 0.84 0.84
Total declared in respect of
the year 1.68 1.2061 106.25 1.68 106.25 1.2061 3.36 3.36
Amount paid during the year 1.2068 107.86 107.86 1.2068 3.32 3.32
[A] It is expected that holders of Class B ordinary shares will receive dividends through the dividend access mechanism applicable to such shares. The dividend access
mechanism is described more fully on pages 83-84.
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In preparing these financial statements, the Directors are required to: Financial risk management, objectives and policies
Descriptions of the use of financial instruments and Shell financial risk
䡲 select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; management objectives and policies are set out in the Business Review
䡲 make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and on pages 81-82, and also in Note 23 to the Consolidated
䡲 state that the financial statements comply with IFRS as adopted by the Financial Statements.
European Union and IFRS as issued by the IASB;
䡲 prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis, unless it Qualifying third-party indemnities
is inappropriate to assume that the Company or Shell will continue in The Company has entered into a deed of indemnity with each of the
business; and Directors. The terms of these deeds are identical and reflect the
䡲 prepare a management report giving a fair review of the business and statutory provisions under UK law. Under the terms of each of these
the principal risks and uncertainties. deeds, the Company has indemnified each of the Directors, to the
widest extent permitted by the applicable laws of England and Wales,
The Directors confirm that they have complied with the above against any and all liability, howsoever caused (including by that
requirements when preparing the financial statements and that the Director’s own negligence), suffered or incurred in the course of acting
Business Review gives a fair review of the business and the principal as a Director or employee of the Company or certain other entities.
risks and uncertainties. In addition, as far as each of the Directors are
aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the auditors are Directors’ interests
unaware. Each Director has taken all the steps he or she ought to have The interests (in shares or calculated equivalents) of the Directors in
taken in order to become aware of any relevant audit information and office at the end of the financial year, including any interests of a
to establish that the auditors are aware of such information. “connected person” (as defined in the Disclosure and Transparency
Rules) of the Directors, are set out below:
The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records
that are sufficient to show and explain the Company’s transactions and DI RE CTOR S’ I N TE R E STS
disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of January 1, 2009 [A] December 31, 2009 [B]
the Company and Shell and enable them to ensure that the financial Class A Class B Class A Class B
statements and the Directors’ Remuneration Report comply with the Josef Ackermann 10,000 – 10,000 –
Companies Act 2006 and, as regards the Consolidated Financial Malcolm Brinded 20,028 87,128 20,028 140,855
Statements, Article 4 of the IAS Regulation. They are also responsible Simon Henry 4,175 [C] 37,756 [C] 4,175 38,673
for safeguarding the assets of the Company and Shell and hence for Sir Peter Job – 4,112 – 4,690
taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and Lord Kerr of Kinlochard – 10,000 – 15,000
other irregularities. Wim Kok 4,000 – 4,000 –
Nick Land – 3,074 – 3,074
Board of Directors Christine Morin-Postel 8,485 – 8,485 –
The Directors during the year were Josef Ackermann, Maarten van den Jorma Ollila 25,000 – 25,000 –
Bergh (retired with effect from May 19, 2009), Malcolm Brinded, Linda Lawrence Ricciardi 20,000 [D] – 30,000 [E] –
Cook (resigned on June 1, 2009), Simon Henry (appointed with effect Jeroen van der Veer 123,822 – 190,195 –
from May 20, 2009), Sir Peter Job, Lord Kerr of Kinlochard, Wim Kok, Peter Voser 44,946 – 90,694 –
Nick Land, Christine Morin-Postel, Jorma Ollila, Lawrence Ricciardi, Hans Wijers – – 5,000 –
Jeroen van der Veer, Peter Voser and Hans Wijers. [A] Excludes interests in shares or options awarded under the Long-term Incentive
Plan, the Deferred Bonus Plan, the Restricted Share Plan and the Share option
Appointment and re-appointment of Directors plans as at January 1, 2009. Interests under these plans as at January 1,
All Directors will be retiring and seeking re-appointment at the 2010 2009 are set out on pages 71-73.
AGM, except for Sir Peter Job and Lawrence Ricciardi, both of whom [B] Excludes interests in shares or options awarded under the Long-term Incentive
are standing down after having served nine years as Non-executive Plan, the Deferred Bonus Plan, the Restricted Share Plan and the Share option
Directors. Shareholders will also be asked to vote on the appointment plans as at December 31, 2009. Interests under these plans as at
of Charles O. Holliday as a Director of the Company with effect from December 31, 2009 are set out on pages 71-73.
September 1, 2010. Going forward, it is intended that all Directors will [C] At the date of appointment.
retire at each AGM and, subject to the Articles of Association and their [D] Held as 10,000 ADRs (RDS.A ADR). One RDS.A ADR represents two Class A
wish to continue as a Director of the Company, seek re-appointment by ordinary shares.
shareholders. [E] Held as 15,000 ADRs (RDS.A ADR). One RDS.A ADR represents two Class A
ordinary shares.
The biographies of all Directors are given on pages 53-55 and, for
those seeking appointment or re-appointment, also in the Notice of the There were no changes in Directors’ share interests during the period
AGM. Details of the Executive Directors’ contracts can be found on from December 31, 2009 to March 10, 2010, except for in the case of
page 68 and copies are available for inspection from the Company Sir Peter Job whose interests increased by 2,131 Class B shares and for
Secretary. Furthermore, a copy of the form of these contracts has been those changes in the interests in shares or options awarded under the
filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission as an exhibit. Long-term Incentive Plan, the Deferred Bonus Plan, the Restricted Share
Plan and the Share option plans set out in the Directors’ Remuneration
The terms and conditions of appointment of Non-executive Directors are set Report on pages 71-73.
out in their letters of appointment with the Company which, in accordance
with the 2008 Combined Code on Corporate Governance, are available As at March 10, 2010, the Directors and Senior Management [A] of
for inspection from the Company Secretary. No Director is, or was, the Company beneficially owned individually and in aggregate
materially interested in any contract subsisting during or at the end of the (including shares under option) less than 1% of the total shares of each
year that was significant in relation to the Company’s business. See also class of the Company shares outstanding.
“Related party transactions” on page 59. [A] The Senior Management of the Company are given on page 56.
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Shell, through individual Shell companies, sponsors social investment Substantial shareholdings
programmes in many countries throughout the world. In the UK, Shell As at February 23, 2010, the Company had been notified by the
donated $24 million in 2009 to charitable causes. following investors of their interests in 3% or more of the Company’s
shares. These interests are notified to the Company pursuant to
Diversity and inclusion Disclosure and Transparency Rule 5.
Detailed information can be found in the Business Review on page 49.
Employee communication and involvement Class A shares Class B shares
Detailed information can be found in the Business Review on page 49. Legal & General Group plc 3.64% 4.54%
The Capital Group Companies Inc 4.52% 6.45%
Corporate social responsibility
A summary of Shell’s approach to corporate social responsibility is Auditors
contained in pages 51-52 of the Business Review. Further details will be PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP have signified their willingness to
available in Shell’s Sustainability Report 2009. continue in office, and a resolution for their re-appointment will be
submitted to the AGM.
Essential contracts and Takeovers Directive
information Corporate governance
Shell does not have contracts or other arrangements which individually The Company’s statement on corporate governance is included in the
are essential to its business nor does it have any significant agreements Corporate Governance Report on pages 76-86.
that would take effect, alter or terminate upon a change of control of the
Company following a takeover bid. Annual General Meeting
The AGM will take place on May 18, 2010, in the Circustheater,
SHARE CAPITAL Circusstraat 4, The Hague, The Netherlands with a satellite link to The
The Company’s authorised and issued share capital as at Barbican Centre, London, UK. An audio-visual link will permit active
December 31, 2009, is set out in Note 10 to the Parent Company two-way participation by persons physically present in the UK and the
Financial Statements. The percentage of the total issued share capital Netherlands. Details of the business to be put to shareholders at the
represented by each class of share is given below. Other disclosure AGM can be found in the Notice of the Annual General Meeting.
requirements pursuant to The Takeovers Directive can be found below
and on pages 82-86. Signed on behalf of the Board
There can be no doubt that 2009 was a challenging year for the
Company. However, despite the continued pressures posed by the
global recession and changes internally, we stayed focused on
delivering results.
Hans Wijers
Chairman of the Remuneration Committee
March 10, 2010
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Annual Bonus 䡲 Target levels (as % of base salary): 䡲 No change to target levels.
Chief Executive Officer - 150% 䡲 No change to the calculation method.
Other Executive Directors - 110% 䡲 Added new performance measures for the 2010 annual
Maximum payout - 250% and 220%, respectively. bonus, being project delivery and a broader assessment
䡲 Calculation of an Executive Director’s annual bonus: of sustainable development.
– Shell results at the end of the year are translated into 䡲 Introduced an individual performance component to the
a score between zero and two, by means of a annual bonus to increase personal accountability for
predefined scorecard and REMCO’s judgement. short-term results.
– Bonus awards are based on this score multiplied by
the target bonus levels.
Long-term Incentive Plan (LTIP) 䡲 Award levels (as % of base salary): 䡲 No upward discretion for LTIP vesting in 2010.
Chief Executive Officer - 300% 䡲 Introduced requirement for all LTIP shares to be held for
Other Executive Directors - 240% two years following vesting.
Maximum payout 600% and 480%, respectively. 䡲 Increased the shareholding requirement to three times
䡲 Shareholding requirements - two times base salary over salary for the Chief Executive Officer.
five years.
䡲 The actual value delivered after three years depends on
the relative performance of LTIP measures against other
oil majors.
Deferred Bonus Plan (DBP) 䡲 Under the DBP, Executive Directors are required to 䡲 Removed the free matching share awarded under the
invest no less than 25% and can choose to invest up to DBP to ensure all matching shares are tied to
50% of their annual bonus in deferred bonus shares. performance.
Half of these deferred bonus shares are matchable with 䡲 No upward discretion for DBP vesting in 2010.
additional performance-related shares which can be
earned on the same basis as the LTIP vesting.
䡲 One free share is awarded on the purchase of four
deferred bonus shares.
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The report follows the UK requirements of the Companies Act 2006, the
Large and Medium-sized Companies and Groups (Accounts and
Reports) Regulations 2008, the Combined Code and the Listing Rules. It
outlines the remuneration policies and individual remuneration details
for Executive Directors and Non-executive Directors of the Company for
the year ended December 31, 2009. The Board has approved this
report and it will be presented to shareholders for approval at the AGM
of the Company on May 18, 2010.
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EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS execution of the strategy, and REMCO ensures that Executive Directors’
performance-based reward reflects how successfully this is done.
The Remuneration Committee (REMCO)
Following the 2009 AGM, REMCO engaged with major shareholders The Executive Director remuneration package is made up of a base
to understand their main concerns and get their input. The Committee salary, an annual bonus and a package of long-term incentives as well
engaged Deloitte LLP to provide an external perspective regarding as a pension plan and other benefits.
remuneration policies and plans, their competitiveness, their alignment
with corporate strategy, and their compliance with corporate There are two main long-term incentive programmes currently in use:
governance requirements. External market data and plan valuations the Long-term Incentive Plan (LTIP) and the Deferred Bonus Plan (DBP).
from Towers Watson supported our decision-making. The Restricted Share Plan (RSP) is available for retention purposes.
REMCO’s key responsibilities in respect of Executive Directors include: 20 09 PAY M IX FO R E XECU TI VE DIRECTORS
Lord Kerr of Kinlochard stood down as a member of the Committee with 䡲 Consistency;
See their biographies on pages 54 and 55 and their committee PAY FOR PERFORMANCE AND STRATEGY ALIGNMEN T
meeting attendance on page 78. Changes to REMCO membership Over three-quarters of Executive Director compensation (excluding
during 2009 are described in the Corporate Governance section on pension) is linked directly to the Company’s performance.
page 80.
Annual bonus
The following Board members were invited and attended REMCO REMCO uses the annual bonus to focus on the short-term targets that the
meetings from time to time to provide their opinion on external advice Board sets each year as part of the Business Plan and individual
and other remuneration issues: performance against these targets. These are the steps that Shell needs
to take every year as the pathway to long-term growth. They are a
䡲 Jorma Ollila; and balance of financial, operational, project delivery and sustainable
䡲 Lawrence Ricciardi. development targets, captured in a scorecard. The targets are
stretching but realistic. The scorecard is set and approved by REMCO.
Advice on various subjects including the Shell Scorecard, the The outcome of the performance year is usually known in February of
remuneration of senior management, and the performance of the other the next year, and REMCO translates this into a score between zero
Executive Directors was sought within Shell from: and two.
䡲 Hugh Mitchell, Chief Human Resources & Corporate Officer and To better reflect Shell’s short-term priorities from 2010 onwards,
Secretary to the Committee; REMCO replaced the short-term TSR measure with a measurement of
䡲 Michael Reiff, Executive Vice President Remuneration, Benefits & Project Delivery (20% weight) – on time and on budget – and placed a
Services; greater emphasis on cash generation (from 25% to 30% weight). It also
䡲 Peter Voser and Jeroen van der Veer, Chief Executive Officer and expanded the sustainable development targets to include the
former Chief Executive, respectively. Sustainable Asset Management (SAM) external assessment used by the
Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI) for the oil and gas producers
How REMCO manages remuneration group. With these changes, the annual bonus performance metrics are
Shell is one of the world’s largest independent oil and gas companies in more closely aligned with the year-by-year delivery of Shell’s business
terms of market capitalisation, operating cash flow and oil and gas plans and the safeguarding of Shell’s licence to operate. REMCO
production. On an ongoing basis, its most senior managers are asked exercises its judgement to make sure that the final annual bonus results
to make decisions affecting multi-billion-dollar assets and investments. for Executive Directors are in line with Shell’s performance.
The Board agrees on a strategy for Shell. The Chief Executive Officer
and Executive Directors execute this strategy. The Board tracks the
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AN NUAL BON U S S COR E CARD MEASUR ES FOR 2 010 EXECUTIVE REMCO selected these measures because they underpin Shell’s
D I RE CT ORS AN D S E N I OR M A N A G E ME N T business strategy in various ways:
Measure Reason for the measure Weight
Net cash from Cash generated from operations that 30% L ON G - TE RM I N CE N T I V E ME A S U RE S
operating activities factors in the impact of commodity price Measure Reason for the measure Weight
fluctuations as well as business TSR growth Assessment of actual wealth created for 30%
performance so that Executive Directors, shareholders.
like shareholders, share the effects of EPS growth (on a CCS Indicator of the quality of revenue growth 30%
both. basis [A]) and cost management that underpins the
Operational Indicator of the full and effective use of 30% TSR. Earnings on an estimated current
excellence resources – both facilities and people – cost of supplies basis takes into account
according to the relevant business: the changes in the cost of supplies and
hydrocarbon production, LNG sales or thereby enables a consistent comparison
refinery availability. with other oil majors.
Project delivery Assessment of projects’ cost management 20% Net cash from Source of dividends and capital 20%
and on-schedule delivery. operating activities expenditure commitments which support
Sustainable Indicator of safety performance and 20% growth sustainable growth based on portfolio
development sustainable development performance, as and cost management.
reflected by a DJSI broad-base Hydrocarbon Overall indicator of success in locating 20%
comparison within the Oil & Gas production growth and developing reserves.
Producers Group. [A] Earnings per share on a CCS basis is calculated in this way: the income
attributable to shareholders is first adjusted to take into account the after-tax
REMCO has also decided to strengthen the Executive Directors’ effect of oil-price changes on inventory before it is divided by the average
individual accountability by increasing or decreasing their annual number of shares outstanding. Without the adjustment, earnings per share is
bonuses to take account of how well they have delivered against their affected by changes in inventory caused simply by movements in the oil
own individual performance contract. price.
To summarise, the calculation of an Executive Director’s annual These measures were introduced in 2009 to better reflect key business
bonus is: priorities and to address concerns by shareholders that a single TSR-
Annual bonus = base salary ⫻ target bonus % ⫻ scorecard result ⫻ based assessment was not appropriate. During 2009, REMCO
individual performance adjustment by REMCO. discussed these measures further with major shareholders. REMCO
therefore confirmed this broader assessment of competitive
AN NUAL BON U S L EVELS performance as the basis for long-term remuneration. For simplicity, we
Target award Maximum measure growth based on the data points at the beginning of the three-
(as a % of salary) (as a % of salary) year performance period relative to the data points at the end of the
Chief Executive Officer 150% 250% period, using unadjusted publicly reported data. REMCO always
Other Executive Directors 110% 220% approves award dates in advance.
Target award payout
(as a % of salary) (as a % of salary)
Chief Executive Officer 300% 600%
Other Executive Directors 240% 480%
[A] LTIP awards cannot exceed a target level of four times salary, as approved by
Under the DBP, Executive Directors are required to invest no less than
25% and can choose to invest up to 50% of their annual bonus in
deferred bonus shares. Half of these deferred bonus shares are
matchable with additional performance-related shares which can be
earned on the same basis as the LTIP vesting, see below.
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Under the old DBP one free share was awarded on the purchase of four E U R OPE A N CO MPA RATO R G ROU P
deferred bonus shares to encourage share ownership. REMCO has Allianz Diageo Rio Tinto
now decided to stop this practice, and from 2010 all matching shares Anglo American E.ON Roche
will be performance-based. AstraZeneca GlaxoSmithKline Siemens
AXA HSBC Unilever
T IM E L I N E F O R 2 0 0 9 DE F E R RE D B O N U S AWARD Barclays Nokia Vivendi
Performance Period BHP Billiton Novartis Vodafone
for Annual Bonus Deferral Period
Deutsche Bank Philips
February Award Release In certain circumstances, awards may be made under the RSP for
retention purposes. Under the RSP, shares are subject to a restriction
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 period of three years and are released with the addition of dividend
shares if the individual remains in continuous service during this period.
The LTIP and DBP vest on the basis of relative performance rankings as REMCO will retain discretion to reduce the number of shares vesting
follows: should either business or individual performance warrant review.
RE L ATI VE PE RF OR MAN CE RA N K I N G S Due to the range of national social security and tax regimes involved,
Shell’s overall rank against peers, Executive Directors’ pensions are maintained in their base country, the
taking into account the weightings Number of conditional performance same as for other employees working internationally. Contribution rates
of the four performance measures shares ultimately awarded for Executive Directors are the same as for other employees under these
1st 2 x initial LTIP award plans. REMCO will agree on retirement schedules with Executive
2 x half of the deferred bonus shares Directors in order to plan effective leadership succession, taking into
2nd 1.5 x initial LTIP award account applicable regulations and the individual’s preferences.
1.5 x half of the deferred bonus shares
3rd 0.8 x initial LTIP award SHAREHOLDING
0.8 x half of the deferred bonus shares REMCO believes that Executive Directors should align their interests
4th or 5th Nil with those of shareholders by holding shares in Royal Dutch Shell plc. In
a business where it can take many years to reach a final investment
Ultimately, our objective must always be to safeguard returns to decision on a project and many further years of construction before a
shareholders. Therefore, if the TSR ranking is below median, the level facility comes on-stream, long-term shareholding properly aligns
of award that can be vested on the basis of the three other measures executive interests with those of shareholders better than any long-term
will be capped at 50% of maximum payout for LTIP and half of the incentive plan.
deferred bonus shares for DBP.
Executive Directors are therefore expected to build up shareholdings to
To deliver shares under these plans, we use market purchased shares, the value of two times their base salary over five years. The Chief
when required, rather than issue new ones. To date, no shareholder Executive Officer’s required shareholding has been increased to three
dilution resulted from these plans, although the rules of the plans permit times salary.
REMCO periodically translates these guidelines into fixed shareholding
Use of discretion targets. These numbers are currently set at 240,000 shares for the
During the shareholder consultation process, REMCO confirmed that in Chief Executive Officer and 100,000 shares for other Executive
future it would exercise upward discretion only after consulting major Directors. Details of all Executive Directors’ shareholdings are found on
shareholders. In addition, REMCO confirmed upfront that, for awards page 58.
vesting in March 2010, no upward discretion would be applied.
Until these targets are met, Executive Directors must (in the course of the
REMCO further noted that, since the new approach is based on four relevant year) acquire shares to the value of at least 50% of the after-tax
publicly reported, relative performance measures, the need for gain arising from any long-term incentive awards vesting from 2008
discretionary adjustments would, in any case, be rarer in future. onwards. Once the targets have been met, they are required to hold the
shares and maintain that level for the full period of their appointment as
COMPETITIVENESS Executive Director.
Sound leadership is essential for long-term success; therefore attracting
and retaining talented individuals is necessary for the delivery of Shell’s CONSISTENCY
strategy. REMCO determines remuneration levels by reference to The remuneration structure is generally consistent for Executive
companies of comparable size, complexity and global scope. The Directors and senior managers of Shell. This consistency builds a
current key comparator group is BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Total as culture of alignment to Shell’s purposes and a common approach to
well as a selection of top European-based companies listed below. The sharing in Shell’s success.
spread provides a balanced mix across industries and geography.
Executive Directors’ benefits are also established in line with those for
other employees on the basis of local market practices. Personal loans
or guarantees are not provided to Executive Directors. They are not
eligible to participate in all-employee share plans. They are employed
under local Dutch terms and conditions – except for their pensions.
Their base salary levels are therefore set in euro.
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REMCO periodically monitors pay and employment conditions of other ANNUAL BONUS
employees within Shell to ensure alignment and consistency with Details of the 2009 Shell Scorecard outcomes can be seen in the Key
remuneration of senior managers and Shell’s remuneration objectives. Performance Indicators section on page 8.
Given the current economic circumstances, REMCO reviewed 2010
salary increase budgets for countries where Shell has the majority of its 2 009 SH E L L SCO RE CARD COM PON E N TS
employees. The salary freeze applied to Executive Directors was not
imposed in the wider organisation.
Total shareholder return (TSR) against
major integrated oil companies 25%
COMPLIANCE AND RISK ASSESSMENT Net cash from operating activities 25%
REMCO takes its decisions in the context of the Shell General Business Operational excellence 30%
Principles. It also ensures compliance with applicable laws and Sustainable development [A] 20%
corporate governance requirements when designing and implementing
policies and plans. [A] Primarily based on number of reported cases of work-related injury, but also
taking into account other sustainable development measures, details of which
REMCO ensures the remuneration structures and rewards meet risk- can be found in Shell’s Sustainability Report 2009 to be published in
assessment tests to ensure that shareholder interests are safeguarded May 2010.
and that inappropriate actions are avoided. For example:
2009 Assessment – Scorecard result set at 1.10
䡲 Executive Directors’ expenses are audited internally and reviewed by In assessing Shell’s 2009 performance, REMCO noted that: the TSR
REMCO on a regular basis. was at the median value, being in third place; net cash from operating
䡲 All performance-based payments made to Executive Directors are activities was on target at $21 billion; operational excellence was
subject to a ‘claw-back’ provision. This means that all incentives paid above target, with hydrocarbon production at 3,142 thousand boe/d,
within 12 months of the first public issuance of the financial statements LNG sales was at 13.4 mtpa and refinery availability at 93.3%;
that require restatement due to material noncompliance will be subject sustainable development was outstanding, with Total Recordable Case
to claw-back. Frequency (TRCF) of 1.4 per million working hours being the lowest
䡲 The use of multiple performance measures for the annual scorecard recorded level in Shell’s history.
and the revised LTIP ensure that unintended financial and behavioural
consequences are mitigated. REMCO also noted that 20 people (1 employee, 19 contractors) sadly
䡲 The measures taken to increase executive shareholdings ensure that lost their lives while working for Shell; 2009 income was 52% lower
executives bear the consequences of management decisions. than that of 2008 (although on target relative to the oil price over the
year and above target relative to the gas price over the year); over
How REMCO managed remuneration in 2009 5,000 jobs were eliminated, including over 20% of senior jobs.
BASE SALARY Overall, REMCO felt that the scorecard results did not reflect the overall
Following the remuneration review in 2009, REMCO decided to review competitive position and the need for improvement. Taking both Shell’s
and adjust base salary levels with effect from January 1 each year; in overall performance as well as the external environment into account,
previous years the adjustment date was July 1. Recognising the REMCO sought to use restraint and lowered the scorecard result from
economic turmoil during the year, REMCO decided to freeze Executive 1.28 to 1.10.
Directors’ base salaries for 18 months until January 2011; this was
supported by the Directors. The next salary review will be in January Individual performance
2011. An Executive Director’s individual performance is also taken into
account in determining his annual bonus. Individual performance is
BAS E S ALA RY OF CUR RE N T E XE CU TI VE DI RE CTOR S (UNA UDITED) assessed against personal targets, and REMCO uses its judgement to
¤ Effective date reduce or increase the bonus as it deems appropriate to reflect how
Peter Voser 1,500,000 July 1, 2009 well the Executive Director met those targets.
Malcolm Brinded 1,175,000 July 1, 2008
Simon Henry 850,000 May 1, 2009 REMCO assessed the individual performance of each Executive
Director serving during 2009 and determined to make no further
Simon Henry was on expatriate terms before he became Executive adjustment to their individual annual bonus.
Director and for practical reasons REMCO decided to keep him on
expatriate terms for the rest of 2009. As of January 2010 Simon Henry
is employed on local terms, the same as other Executive Directors.
Jeroen van der Veer remains on the Board as a Non-executive Director, REMCO will recommend terms and conditions for any situation that
so his pension will be reported in future Directors’ Remuneration arises where a severance payment is appropriate, taking into
Reports. consideration applicable law and corporate governance provisions.
Bonus Plan and Share Option Plan continue and vest consistent with
the plan rules. The grant under the Restricted Share Plan lapsed on
December 31, 2009.
Executive Director Employing Company Contract date
Peter Voser Shell Petroleum N.V. July 20, 2005
Malcom Brinded Shell Petroleum N.V. July 20, 2005
Simon Henry Shell Petroleum N.V. May 20, 2009
Jeroen van der Veer Shell Petroleum N.V. July 20, 2005
Linda Cook Shell Expatriate
Employment US Inc. August 1, 2005
NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS The earnings of the NEDs in office during 2009 can be found on
page 75.
Remuneration policy
The Board determines the fees payable to Non-executive Directors Pension interests
(NEDs) of the Company, within a limit specified by the Articles of NEDs do not accrue any retirement benefits as a result of their Non-
Association of ¤4,000,000. In 2009 the total amount of fees payable executive Directorships with the Company. During their services as
to NEDs was ¤2,119,000. Whilst the Board reviews NED employees, Jeroen van der Veer and Maarten van den Bergh accrued
remuneration levels periodically to ensure they are aligned with other retirement benefits, which are summarised on page 74.
major listed companies, no such review was undertaken in 2009. A
review of the fee level for the Chairman of the Board was undertaken
during the year; however, taking into account the economic COMPENSATION OF DIRECTORS AND
environment, it was decided that no adjustments would be made in SENIOR MANAGEMENT
Shell paid and/or accrued a total amount of compensation of
The Chairman and the other NEDs do not participate in any incentive or $48,895,000 [A] (2008: $57,985,000) for services in all capacities
performance-based remuneration plans, nor are there any pension that Directors and Senior Management at Shell provided during the
arrangements. Also, personal loans or guarantees are not granted to year ended December 31, 2009. In addition, Shell accrued a total
Non-executive Directors. NEDs receive an additional fee of ¤4,500 for amount of $19,027,000 (excluding inflation), to provide pension,
any Board meeting involving intercontinental travel – except for one retirement and similar benefits for Directors and Senior Management
meeting per year held in a location other than The Hague. during the year ended December 31, 2009.
[A] Compensation includes gains realised from long-term incentive awards
N ON -E X E CU T IVE DI RE CT OR S F E E S STRU CTU RE released and share options exercised during the year.
Chairman of the Board 750,000 Biographies of the Directors and Senior Management are found on
NED Annual Fee 115,000 pages 53-56.
Senior Independent Director 55,000
Audit Committee
Chairman [A] 45,000
Member 25,000
Remuneration Committee
Chairman [A] 35,000
Member 17,250
Corporate and Social Responsibility Committee
Chairman [A] 35,000
Member 17,250
Nomination and Succession Committee
Chairman [A] 25,000
Member 12,000
Intercontinental Travel Fee 4,500
[A] The Chairman of a Committee does not receive an additional fee for
membership in that Committee.
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Peter Voser Malcolm Brinded Simon Henry [A] Jeroen van der Veer [A] Linda Cook [A]
2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008
Salary 1,267 1,010 1,175 1,148 449 – 1,000 1,925 431 [B] 1,010
Bonus [C] 1,864 1,423 1,422 1,616 542 – 1,650 3,750 461 1,423
Cash benefits [D] 23 22 8 8 76 – 850 [E] 14 5,612 [F] 155
Non-cash benefits [G] 3 1 49 59 2 – 5 11 38 56
Total in euro 3,157 2,456 2,654 2,831 1,069 – 3,505 5,700 6,542 2,644
Total in dollar 4,390 3,592 3,692 4,140 1,486 – 4,875 8,338 9,099 3,869
Total in sterling 2,814 1,958 2,367 2,257 952 – 3,125 4,546 5,833 2,109
[A] Earnings for Simon Henry, Jeroen van der Veer and Linda Cook relate to their time as Executive Directors in 2009.
[B] In addition Linda Cook received a salary of ¤604,000 ($817,000) and a bonus of ¤646,000 ($898,000) for the remaining seven months of the year. Total base
salary for the full year was ¤1,035,000 ($1,400,000), bonus ¤1,107,000 ($1,540,000).
[C] The annual bonus figures are shown in the table in their related performance year and not in the following year in which they are paid (see also the DBP table on
page 72).
[D] Includes representation allowances, employer contributions to insurance plans, school fees, car allowances and tax compensation.
[E] Jeroen van der Veer received a lump sum cash payment of ¤843,000 to offset a loss in pension benefits caused by deferring his retirement and extending his service
to June 30, 2009 (see pages 67-68 “Former Executive Director – Jeroen van der Veer”).
[F] Linda Cook’s severance payment of ¤5,464,000 ($7,600,000) is included in Cash benefits along with other cash benefits explained in [D] (see page 68 “Former
Executive Director – Linda Cook”).
[G] Comprises life and medical insurance and company-provided transport for home to office commuting.
The aggregate amount paid to or receivable by Executive Directors from Royal Dutch Shell plc and other Shell companies for services in all
capacities during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009 was ¤16,927,000 (2008: ¤17,163,000).
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Audited Unaudited
Number of shares
under award as at
January 1, 2009 [A]
Additional Expected Potential
Dividend Dividend shares Number of Total number of value gains as at
shares Market shares awarded/ shares Value of shares under of the Decem-
accrued price at accrued (lapsed) released shares at award as at performance ber 31,
Original in prior date of during the during the during the release December 31, share award 2009
award years [B] award year [B] year year (thousands) [C] 2009 (thousands) [D] (thousands) [E]
Royal Dutch Shell plc Class A shares ¤ ¤ ¤ $ ¤ $
Peter Voser
2009 to 2011 128,074 19.40 8,257 136,331 2,320 3,103 – –
2008 to 2010 98,623 4,772 23.97 6,666 – – – 110,061 2,123 3,157 0 0
2007 to 2009 78,751 6,963 26.12 5,527 – – – 91,241 1,753 2,417 0 0
2006 to 2008 68,952 8,982 27.12 1,378 39,656 (39,656) 690 0 – – – –
Royal Dutch Shell plc Class B shares £ £ £ $ £ $
Malcolm Brinded
2009 to 2011 153,855 16.58 10,101 163,956 2,384 3,394 – –
2008 to 2010 114,201 5,433 17.58 7,855 – – – 127,489 1,801 3,587 0 0
2007 to 2009 91,730 7,977 17.07 6,546 – – – 106,253 1,335 2,674 0 0
2006 to 2008 81,191 10,363 19.33 1,662 46,608 (46,608) 717 0 – – – –
Simon Henry (Performance Share Plan Awards) [F]
2009 to 2011 26,000 15.40 1,218 27,218 389 539 0 0
2008 to 2010 26,000 950 20.15 1,769 – – – 28,719 531 1,042 379 546
2007 to 2009 26,000 1,978 18.57 1,837 – – – 29,815 500 992 386 556
Royal Dutch Shell plc Class A shares ¤ ¤ ¤ $ ¤ $
Jeroen van der Veer
2009 to 2011 309,358 19.40 19,945 329,303 5,603 7,496 – –
2008 to 2010 192,949 9,337 23.97 13,042 – – – 215,328 4,153 6,176 0 0
2007 to 2009 156,202 13,812 26.12 10,962 – – – 180,976 3,478 4,793 0 0
2006 to 2008 137,168 17,868 27.12 2,742 78,889 (78,889) 1,373 0 – – – –
Royal Dutch Shell plc Class A ADRs $ $ $ $
Linda Cook
2009 to 2011 64,971 49.23 4,116 69,087 2,983 –
2008 to 2010 49,058 2,386 71.66 3,259 – – – 54,703 3,158 0
2007 to 2009 39,378 3,474 68.02 2,715 – – – 45,567 2,283 0
2006 to 2008 34,798 4,476 64.89 726 20,000 (20,000) 919 0 – –
Number of shares under award
as at January 1, 2009 [A]
Number of Total Value
Dividend Dividend shares Value of number of of shares
shares Market shares released/ shares at shares under as at
accrued price at accrued (lapsed) release/ award as at December 31,
Original in prior date of during the during the (lapse) December 31, 2009
Type of share award years award year year (thousands) 2009 (thousands)
Peter Voser RDSA 45,877 1,264 ¤22.56 3,039 – 50,180 ¤1,059
Malcolm Brinded RDSB 52,941 1,413 £17.50 3,569 – 57,923 £1,049
Linda Cook [B] RDS.A ADR 22,989 645 $70.12 1,497 (25,131) $(1,511) 0 0
[A] Restricted share awards were made on August 1, 2008, following shareholder approval at the 2008 AGM.
[B] Consistent with the terms of her termination, the award made to Linda Cook lapsed on December 31, 2009.
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Shell suspended share option grants in 2005 in favour of conditional during the year was £13.15 to £18.97 and the market price at the
share awards under the LTIP and the DBP. The share options listed year end was £18.12. The price range of the Royal Dutch Shell plc
above relate to Royal Dutch Shell plc shares and have a 10 year term. Class A ADRs listed at the NYSE during the year was $38.29 to
$63.75 and the market price at year end was $60.11.
The price range of the Royal Dutch Shell plc Class A shares listed at the
Euronext Exchange during the year was ¤15.27 to ¤21.46 and the During 2009 Executive Directors did not realise gains from exercised
market price at the year end was ¤21.10. The price range of the Royal share options.
Dutch Shell plc Class B shares listed at the London Stock Exchange
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Accrued pension
Increase over the year
At December 31, 2009 Increase over the year (excluding inflation)
Peter Voser [A] 1,154 1,120 388 377 388 377
£ $ £ $ £ $
Malcolm Brinded [B] 568 917 16 25 14 22
Simon Henry [B] 304 490 135 219 135 218
¤ $ ¤ $ ¤ $
Jeroen van der Veer [C] 1,527 2,201 195 281 184 265
Maarten van den Bergh [D] 677 975 4 5 (2) (2)
$ $ $
Linda Cook [E] 1,753 453 430
Transfer values of accrued benefits
Increase in accrued
pension over the year
Increase over the year (excluding inflation) less
At December 31, 2009 At December 31, 2008 less Director’s contribution Director’s contribution
Peter Voser [A] 13,308 12,915 8,490 8,041 4,745 4,605 4,402 4,272
£ $ £ $ £ $ £ $
Malcolm Brinded [B] 13,518 21,821 12,888 18,752 602 972 302 488
Simon Henry [B] 5,575 8,999 2,695 3,922 2,849 4,600 2,450 3,955
¤ $ ¤ $ ¤ $ ¤ $
Jeroen van der Veer [C] 23,742 34,218 20,301 28,605 3,363 4,847 1,739 2,506
Maarten van den Bergh [D] 9,770 14,080 9,590 13,512 91 131 (21) (30)
$ $ $ $
Linda Cook [E] 24,849 11,500 13,350 6,091
[A] The pension values for Peter Voser include all pension benefits. This includes a capped defined benefit pension in the Swiss pension fund based on salary up to a
cap of CHF 821,000 and benefits for salary in excess of this level in an individual savings account and an unfunded benefit promise. As at December 31, 2009, his
capped defined benefit pension was CHF 389,000 and the transfer value in respect of this benefit is CHF 4,438,000. The individual savings account was CHF
2,386,000 at the end of the year. The balance of CHF 6,483,000 will be provided through an unfunded pension arrangement.
[B] Malcolm Brinded and Simon Henry elected to have their benefits in the Shell Contributory Pension Fund restricted to the applicable lifetime allowance with any
excess provided from an unfunded defined benefit scheme (Shell Supplementary Pension Plan). This promise of delivery is contained in the aggregate values
presented in the table, and therefore not disclosed separately.
[C] The pension values for Jeroen van der Veer are based on a retirement date of June 30, 2009. The increase in his pension is partly due to an enhancement related to
a change in his pension terms with regard to accrual up to January 1, 2006, and partly due to exchange of widower’s pension for additional member pension in
line with pension fund plan regulations. The transfer value of his pension excludes pension payments made to Jeroen van der Veer during 2009, which amounted to
approximately ¤765,000.
[D] Maarten van den Bergh retired from the board as NED on May 19, 2009. The values relating to the Shell Petroleum Company Limited Managing Directors’ Pension
Scheme are accrued in sterling and have been converted into euro at the rate of exchange on December 31, 2009.
[E] Linda Cook’s pension and the transfer value of her pension increased significantly during the year as a result of:
1) achieving immediate pension eligibility, a standard provision of the plan for all employees when a certain age and service threshold is reached, which entitled Linda to
draw her pension at age 60 instead of 65 without reduction for early payment;
and at the same time
2) vesting in certain enhanced pension arrangements offered to Linda Cook upon her promotion to senior leadership on July 1, 1997. These arrangements, which have
now been discontinued, were a normal provision of senior leadership remuneration in the US at the time and consist of:
(i) five additional years of pensionable service;
(ii) entitlement to draw her pension at age 55 instead of 60 without reduction for early payment;
(iii) definition of final salary changed from a three year average of salary plus bonus to one year average of salary plus three year average of bonus.
The greatest impact on the increase in transfer value of $13,350,000 relates to 1) and (ii) above. Because these early pension benefits only vested in 2009, they were not
included in previously reported transfer values. In addition, the company contributed a total of $237,000 (from January 1 to June 1, 2009) to the Shell Provident Fund for
US employees and the Senior Executive Group Deferral Plan, both of which are defined contribution plans.
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The graphs below compare, on the basis required by the
UK Companies Act 2006, Schedule 8 of the Large and Medium-sized
Companies and Groups (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008, the
TSR performance of Royal Dutch Shell plc over the past five financial
years with that of the companies comprising the Euronext 100 share
index and the FTSE 100 share index.
The Board regards the Euronext 100 and the FTSE 100 share indices as
appropriate broad market equity indices for comparison, as they are
the leading market indices in Royal Dutch Shell plc home markets.
150 £150
125 £125
100 £100
[A] [B] [A] [B]
75 £75
Dec 04 Dec 05 Dec 06 Dec 07 Dec 08 Dec 09 Dec 04 Dec 05 Dec 06 Dec 07 Dec 08 Dec 09
Michiel Brandjes
Company Secretary
March 15, 2010
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The Company is committed to the highest standards of corporate accordance with English law, the Company’s Audit Committee makes
governance and believes that such standards are essential to business recommendations to the Board, for it to put to shareholders for approval
integrity and performance. This Corporate Governance Report sets out in General Meeting, regarding the appointment, re-appointment and
the policies and practices of the Company that have been applied removal of independent auditors. Consequently, the Company’s Audit
during the year. Committee is not directly responsible for the appointment of
independent auditors.
The Board confirms that during the year the Company complied with
the principles and provisions set out in Section 1 of the 2008 Combined SHAREHOLDER APPROVAL OF SHARE-BASED COMPENSATION PLANS
Code on Corporate Governance (the Combined Code). In addition to The Company complies with the listing rules of the UK Listing Authority
complying with applicable corporate governance requirements in the which require shareholder approval for the adoption of share-based
UK, the Company must follow the rules of the Euronext Amsterdam compensation plans which are either long-term incentive schemes in
Stock Exchange as well as the Dutch securities laws due to its listing on which Directors can participate or schemes which may involve the issue
this exchange. The Company must also follow US securities laws and of new shares. Under the UK Listing Authority rules, such plans cannot
the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) rules and regulations due to be changed to the advantage of participants without shareholder
registration of its securities in the USA and the listing of its securities on approval, except for certain minor amendments, for example to benefit
the NYSE. the administration of the plan or to take account of tax benefits. The
rules on the requirements to seek shareholder approval for share-based
NYSE governance standards compensation plans, including those in respect of material revisions to
In accordance with the NYSE rules for foreign private issuers, the such plans, may deviate from the NYSE listing standards.
Company follows home-country practice in relation to corporate
governance. However, foreign private issuers are required to have an CODE OF ETHICS
audit committee that satisfies the requirements of US Securities and The NYSE listing standards require that listed companies adopt a code
Exchange Commission’s Rule 10A-3 and the Company’s Audit of business conduct and ethics for all directors, officers and employees
Committee satisfies such requirements. The NYSE also requires a foreign and promptly disclose any waivers of the code for directors or
private issuer to provide certain written affirmations and notices to the executive officers. The Company has adopted the Shell General
NYSE as well as a summary of the ways in which its corporate Business Principles (see below), which satisfy the NYSE requirements.
governance practices significantly differ from those followed by domestic The Company also has internal procedures in place by which any
US companies under NYSE listing standards. The Company’s summary is employee can raise in confidence accounting, internal accounting
given below and can also be found at controls and auditing concerns. Additionally, any employee can report
irregularities to management through a worldwide dedicated telephone
NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR INDEPEN DENCE line and website without jeopardising his or her position (see below).
The Board follows the provisions of the Combined Code in respect of
Non-executive Director independence. The Combined Code states that Shell General Business Principles
at least half the Board, excluding the Chairman, should comprise Non- The Shell General Business Principles define how Shell companies are
executive Directors determined by the Board to be independent. In the expected to conduct their affairs. These principles include, among other
case of the Company, the Board has determined that a majority of things, Shell’s commitment to support fundamental human rights in line
Non-executive Directors are wholly independent (see page 77 for more with the legitimate role of business and to contribute to sustainable
information). development. They can be found at
open 24 hours a day, seven days a week through local telephone that role on June 30, 2009. The standard by which Directors’
numbers and through the internet at or independence is determined can be found online at investor within the terms of reference of the Nomination and Succession
Board structure and composition
For the period up to the 2009 Annual General Meeting (the AGM), the Conflicts of interest
Board comprised the Chairman, Jorma Ollila, four Executive Directors Certain statutory duties with respect to directors’ conflicts of interest are
including the Chief Executive, and nine Non-executive Directors, in force under the Companies Act 2006 (the Act). In accordance with
including the Deputy Chairman and Senior Independent Non-executive that Act and the Articles, the Board may authorise any matter that may
Director, Lord Kerr of Kinlochard. otherwise involve the Directors breaching the duty to avoid conflicts of
interest. The Board has adopted a procedure to address these
At the 2009 AGM, Simon Henry was appointed an Executive Director requirements, which includes the Directors completing detailed conflicts
and Maarten van den Bergh retired as a Non-executive Director. Linda of interest questionnaires. The matters disclosed in the questionnaires
Cook resigned as an Executive Director on June 1, 2009 and Jeroen are reviewed by the Board and, if considered appropriate, authorised
van der Veer became a Non-executive Director following his retirement in accordance with the Act and the Articles. Conflicts of interest and
as Chief Executive on June 30, 2009. Peter Voser succeeded Jeroen gifts and hospitality received by and provided by Directors are kept
van der Veer as Chief Executive. As a result of these changes, the Board under review by the Board.
comprised the Chairman, three Executive Directors and nine Non-
executive Directors. Significant commitments of the Chairman
The Chairman’s other significant commitments are given in his
A list of current Directors, with their biographies, is given on pages 53- biography on page 53.
Independent professional advice
The Board meets eight times a year and has a formal schedule of All Directors may seek independent professional advice in connection
matters reserved to it. This includes overall strategy and management, with their role as a Director. All Directors have access to the advice and
corporate structure and capital structure, financial reporting and services of the Company Secretary. The Company has provided to the
controls, internal controls, approval of the Annual Report and Directors indemnities and directors’ and officers’ insurance in
Form 20-F, approval of interim dividends, significant contracts, connection with the performance of their responsibilities. Copies of
succession planning and new Board appointments. The full list of these indemnities and the directors’ and officers’ insurance policies are
matters reserved to the Board for decision is available at open to inspection. Copies of these indemnities have been previously filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and are
incorporated by reference as an exhibit to this Report.
Role of Directors
The roles of the Chairman, a non-executive role, and the Chief Board activities during the year
Executive Officer are separate, and the Board has agreed their The Board met eight times during the year, and each meeting was held
respective responsibilities. in The Hague, the Netherlands. The agenda for each meeting
comprises a number of regular items, including reports from each of the
The Chairman, Jorma Ollila, is responsible for the leadership and Board Committees and from the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief
management of the Board and for ensuring that the Board and its Financial Officer and the other members of the Executive Committee. At
committees function effectively. most meetings the Board also considered a number of investment,
divestment and financing proposals.
The Chief Executive Officer, Peter Voser, bears overall responsibility for
the implementation of the strategy agreed by the Board, the operational In accordance with matters specifically reserved for the Board, during
management of the Company and the business enterprises connected the year the Board considered numerous strategic issues and approved
with it. He is supported in this by the Executive Committee, which he each of the quarterly and full-year financial results and dividend
chairs (see page 78). announcements. The Board received regular reports from the various
functions, including Corporate (which includes Human Resources,
Non-executive Directors Health and Security), Legal and Finance (which includes Investor
Non-executive Directors are appointed for specified terms of office, Relations).
subject to the provisions of the Articles of Association (the Articles)
regarding their appointment and re-appointment at the AGM. Induction and training
Appointments are subject to three months’ notice, and there is no Following appointment to the Board, Directors receive a
compensation provision for early termination. comprehensive induction tailored to their individual needs. This
includes meetings with senior management to enable them to build up a
The Non-executive Directors bring a wide range of skills and detailed understanding of Shell’s business and strategy, and the key
international business experience to Shell. They also bring independent risks and issues with which they are faced.
judgement on issues of strategy, performance and risk through their
contribution to Board meetings and to the Board’s committee meetings. Throughout the year, regular updates on developments in legal matters,
The Chairman and the Non-executive Directors meet routinely without governance and accounting are provided to Directors. The Board
the Executive Directors to discuss, among other things, the performance regards site visits as an integral part of ongoing Director training.
of individual Directors. Additional training is available so that Directors can update their skills
and knowledge as appropriate.
All the Non-executive Directors as at the end of 2009 are considered
by the Board to be wholly independent, with the exception of Jeroen
van der Veer who served as Chief Executive up until his retirement in
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Attendance at Board and Board Committee On May 27, 2009 the Company announced changes to senior
Meetings management roles and responsibilities which took effect from July 1,
Attendance during the year for all Board and Board Committee 2009. With effect from this date and for the remainder of the year the
meetings are given in the table below. Executive Committee comprised:
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee operates under the direction of the Chief A copy of each committee’s terms of reference is available from the
Executive Officer and supports him with his responsibility for the Company Secretary and can be found online at
executive management of the Company’s overall business and affairs.
The Chief Executive Officer has final authority in all matters of
management that are not within the duties and authorities of the Board A UDIT COMMITTEE
or of the shareholders’ general meeting. The current members of the Audit Committee are Christine Morin-Postel
(chairman of the Committee), Nick Land and Lord Kerr, all of whom are
During the period up until July 1, 2009 the Executive Committee financially literate, independent, Non-executive Directors. For the
comprised: purposes of the 2008 Combined Code, Christine Morin-Postel qualifies
as a person with “recent and relevant financial experience” and for the
E X E CU TI V E CO MMI T TE E U N T IL JU LY 1, 2 0 0 9 purposes of US securities laws is an “audit committee financial expert”.
Jeroen van der Veer – Chief Executive [A] Lawrence Ricciardi stepped down as a member of the Committee with
Malcolm Brinded – Executive Director Exploration & Production effect from September 11, 2009 and was succeeded by Lord Kerr. The
Linda Cook – Executive Director Gas & Power, Shell Trading, Global Committee met six times during the year and Committee Members’
Solutions and Technology [B] attendances are shown above.
Roxanne Decyk – Corporate Affairs and Sustainable Development
Director [C] The key responsibilities of the Committee are to assist the Board in
Simon Henry – Chief Financial Officer [D] fulfilling its oversight responsibilities in relation to internal control and
Beat Hess – Legal Director financial reporting, the effectiveness of the risk management and
Hugh Mitchell – Human Resources Director internal control system, compliance with applicable external legal and
Peter Voser – Chief Executive Officer (Designate) [E] regulatory requirements, monitoring the qualifications, expertise,
Mark Williams – Downstream Director resources and independence of both the internal and external auditors
and assessing each year the auditors’ performance and effectiveness.
or audit-related activities, it promptly reports these concerns to the The Committee also reviewed the Internal Audit Department’s annual
Board. It invites the external auditors, the Chief Financial Officer, the audit plan and the performance assessment of the Internal Audit
Chief Internal Auditor, the Executive Vice President Controller and the function, the latter including a review of a report on the effectiveness of
Vice President Accounting and Reporting to attend each meeting and the Internal Audit function by an external firm. Finally the Committee
other members of management attend as and when requested. The conducted an annual evaluation of its performance and concluded that
Committee holds private sessions with the external auditors and the it was effective and able to fulfill its role in accordance with its Terms of
Chief Internal Auditor without members of management present. Reference.
Each year the Committee also considers the re-appointment of the CORPORATE AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY COMMITTEE
external auditors and makes a recommendation to the Board. There are The members of the Corporate and Social Responsibility Committee are
no contractual obligations that restrict the Committee’s ability to make Wim Kok (chairman of the Committee), Lord Kerr of Kinlochard, Nick
such a recommendation. The last competitive audit tender was in 2005. Land and Jeroen van der Veer. Maarten van den Berg stood down as a
During the year a new lead partner from the external audit firm replaced member of the Committee with effect from May 19, 2009 and was
the former lead partner who had completed five years in this role. succeeded by Jeroen van der Veer with effect from July 1, 2009. Hans
Wijers stood down as a member of the Committee with effect from
The Committee has adopted guidelines allowing audit, audit-related September 11, 2009 and was succeeded by Lord Kerr and Nick Land.
and non-audit services to be contracted with the external auditors The Committee met four times during the year and Committee
without pre-approval so long as the fee value for each contract does not Members’ attendances are shown on page 78.
exceed $500,000. The scope of the permitted non-audit services
contracted with the external auditors in 2009 consisted of tax The aim of the Committee is to maintain a thorough overview of the
compliance work, tax advice on proposed transactions and regulatory broad scope and variety of topics that fall within its remit, which
compliance work. Any other services must be specifically pre- include responsibilities for Health, Safety & Environment, Shell General
approved. Under the guidelines, permitted services must not present a Business Principles, Sustainable Development and the Code of
conflict of interest nor compromise the independence of the external Conduct. It reports on areas of focus and on its own conclusions and
auditor. The Committee has reviewed quarterly all engagements with recommendations to executive management and the Board. In this
the external auditors. regard, the Committee fulfills its responsibilities by receiving reports
and reviewing with management Shell’s overall health, safety,
The following table sets out the aggregate fees paid by the Company to environment and social performance, Shell’s annual performance
the external auditors, all of which have been approved by the against the Code of Conduct, the management of social and
Committee: environmental impacts at major projects and operations and emerging
social and environmental issues. It also provides input on and reviews
SH E L L AU DI T F E E [ A] $ MILLION Shell’s Sustainability Report, including meeting face-to-face with the
2009 2008 2007 2006 report’s External Review Committee.
Audit fees 57 54 48 52
Audit-related services [B] 2 2 3 5 In addition to regular formal meetings the Committee also visits Shell
Taxation services [C] 1 [D] [D] 1 locations, meeting with local staff and external stakeholders in order to
Other services [E] [D] 1 1 1 observe how Shell’s standards are being implemented in practice and
Total 60 57 52 59 where in its judgement there might be areas for increased focus. During
[A] Note 29 to the Consolidated Financial Statements on page 139 provides 2009 the Committee visited Qatar to review Shell’s activities in regards
additional detail on Shell audit fee. to Health, Safety, Environment, and Sustainable Development. A
[B] Fees for other audit-related services and other services provided pursuant to scheduled 2009 visit to the Pernis Refinery in the Netherlands was re-
legislation. scheduled to early 2010.
[C] Fees primarily for tax compliance.
[E] Other fees primarily relate to the subscription to a knowledge database. The members of the Nomination and Succession Committee are Jorma
Ollila (chairman of the Committee), Lord Kerr of Kinlochard, Wim Kok
During the year the Committee received comprehensive reports from and Lawrence Ricciardi. Lawrence Ricciardi was appointed a member
management and the internal and external auditors. In particular it of the Committee with effect from September 11, 2009. The Committee
reviewed quarterly reports on risks, controls and assurance, monitored met seven times during the year and Committee Members’ attendances
the effectiveness of the procedures for internal control over financial are shown on page 78.
reporting, reviewed the Company’s evaluation of the internal control
systems as required under Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and The Committee keeps under review the leadership needs of the
discussed the Company’s annual accounts and quarterly unaudited Company. It identifies and nominates suitable candidates for the
financial statements with management and the external auditors. It also Board’s approval to fill vacancies as and when they arise. The
discussed with the Chief Financial Officer, the Executive Vice President Committee also makes recommendations on who should be appointed
Controller and the external auditors issues that arose on accounting chairman of the Audit Committee, the Corporate and Social
policies, practices and reporting and received reports regarding the Responsibility Committee and the Remuneration Committee and, in
receipt, retention, investigation and treatment of complaints regarding consultation with the relevant chairman, on the appointment of
accounting, internal accounting controls, auditing and other matters. committee members. It makes recommendations on corporate
The Committee received reports on the changes to the SEC reserves governance guidelines, monitors compliance with corporate
reporting requirements. The Committee has furthermore requested governance requirements and makes recommendations on disclosures
reports on such matters or topics that it deemed appropriate including connected to corporate governance and its appointment processes.
on relevant developments concerning the financial crisis and volatility in
financial markets. The Committee conducted a site visit during the year. During the year, the Committee dealt with director search, succession
and nomination issues, Board committee membership rotation matters
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Finally, the Committee dealt with the Board evaluation process and 䡲 Deputy Chairman to interview Chairman
considered any potential conflicts of interest and the independence of Board Committees 䡲 Committee Chairman to interview each
(chairman of the Committee with effect from October 1, 2009), Josef for review by the Deputy Chairman
Ackermann and Sir Peter Job (chairman of the Committee up until Directors 䡲 Chairman to interview each Director
October 1, 2009). Lord Kerr of Kinlochard stood down as a member of
the Committee with effect from September 11, 2009. The Committee Shareholder communications
met nine times during the year and Committee Members’ attendances The Board recognises the importance of two-way communication with
are shown on page 78. the Company’s shareholders. As well as giving a balanced report of
results and progress at each AGM, the Company meets with
The Committee determines and agrees with the Board the remuneration institutional and retail shareholders to respond to their questions.
policy for the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Directors and, Shell’s corporate website at has information
within the terms of this policy, determines the individual remuneration for institutional and retail shareholders alike. Shareholders have an
package for the Chief Executive Officer and the Executive Directors. opportunity to ask questions in person at the AGM, and are free to
The Committee also considers and advises on the terms of any contract contact the Company directly at any time of the year. Shareholders can
to be offered to an Executive Director. It monitors the remuneration for contact Shell directly via dedicated shareholder email addresses or via
other senior executives and makes recommendations. dedicated shareholder telephone numbers as given on the inside back
Since the 2009 AGM when shareholders did not approve the Directors’
Remuneration Report (DRR), the Committee has undertaken an The Company’s Registrar, Equiniti, operates an internet access facility
extensive dialogue with major shareholders and shareholder bodies. It for shareholders, providing details of their shareholdings at
received broad feedback during the summer of 2009, took external Facilities are also provided for shareholders to
specialist input, developed a new way forward, and then consulted lodge proxy appointments electronically. The Company’s Corporate
again with major shareholders during the fourth quarter of 2009. With Nominee provides a facility for investors to hold their shares in the
that in mind, the Committee has made the changes presented in the Company in paperless form.
2009 DRR (see pages 60-75). Following the publication of the Annual
Report and Form 20-F 2009, the Committee will again be meeting Results presentations and analysts meetings
major shareholders to listen to their feedback. The quarterly and annual results presentations and all major analysts
meetings are announced in advance on the Shell website and through a
Further information on the work of the Committee and details of the regulatory release. These presentations can be followed live via
remuneration of all the Directors for the year ended December 31, webcasting or tele-conference. Other meetings with analysts or
2009, are set out in the DRR. investors are not normally announced in advance, nor can they be
followed by webcast or any other means. Discussions in such meetings
Board evaluation are always limited to information already in the public domain.
The Board carried out a performance evaluation of the Board, the Presentations in such meetings are available at This is
Board Committees, the Chairman and each of the Directors. As in in line with the requirement to ensure that all shareholders and other
previous years, this was an internal exercise led by the Nomination and parties in the financial market have equal and simultaneous access to
Succession Committee. information that may influence the price of the Company’s securities.
The Chairman, the Deputy Chairman, the Chief Executive Officer, the
The Board agreed to conduct the exercise by a combination of Chief Financial Officer and the Executive Vice President Investor
questionnaire and structured one-to-one interviews (see table below). Relations report regularly to the Directors on the views of major
This was followed by a discussion by the full Board of the results of the shareholders.
evaluation of the Board and Board Committees, while the results of the
evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer and the other Executive Responsibility for preparing accounts
Directors were discussed by the Chairman and the Non-executive See the Report of the Directors in this Report.
Directors. The evaluation of the Chairman was discussed by the full
Board in the Chairman’s absence. Going concern
The Directors consider that, taking into account the assets and income
The performance evaluation provided feedback on what in the view of of Shell, the Company has adequate resources to continue in
both individual Directors and the Board went well and what could be operational existence for the foreseeable future. For this reason the
improved further. Directors were generally positive about the meetings Directors adopt the going concern basis for the Financial Statements
of the Board and its processes and operations and a number of new contained in this Report.
initiatives implemented since the summer by the Chairman and the new
Chief Executive Officer, including the greater interface of the Board Controls and procedures
with the whole of the Executive Committee and the new format of the The Board is responsible for Shell’s system of internal control and for
involvement of the Board in strategy formulation and the strategy day, reviewing its effectiveness and has delegated authority to the Audit
were well received. In 2010 the Board was planning to devote Committee to assist it in fulfilling its responsibilities in relation to internal
particular attention to the system of risk reporting and contingency control and financial reporting.
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A single overall control framework is in place that is designed to For further information regarding the judgement applied in these
manage rather than eliminate the risk of failure to achieve business assumptions and the relation to the financial position and performance
objectives. It therefore only provides a reasonable and not an absolute of Shell, see Notes 3 and 18 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
assurance against material misstatement or loss. In general, the Shell
Control Framework applies to all wholly-owned Shell companies and to Shell has a number of responses to address key pensions risks. Principal
those ventures and other companies where the Company, directly or amongst these is the Pensions Forum, a joint Finance/Human Resources
indirectly, has a controlling interest. body, chaired by the Chief Financial Officer, which provides guidance
on Shell input to pension strategy, policy and operation. It also reviews
The following diagram illustrates the Control Framework’s key the results of assurance processes that have been established with
components, Foundations, Organisation and Processes. In respect to pension plan investments, liabilities and funding as well as
‘Foundations’ the objectives, principles and rules that underpin and pension reporting (see “Risk factors” on pages 13-15).
establish boundaries for Shell’s activities are stated. ‘Organisation’ sets
out how the various legal entities involved relate to each other and how Treasury and trading
their business activities are organised and managed. ‘Processes’ In the normal course of business, Shell uses financial instruments of
concerns the more material processes, including how authority is various kinds for the purposes of managing exposure to interest rate,
delegated and how strategy, planning, appraisal and assurance are currency and commodity price movements.
used to improve performance. All control activities relate to one or more
of these components. Shell has treasury standards applicable to all subsidiaries, and each
subsidiary is required to adopt a treasury policy consistent with these
standards. These policies cover financing structure, interest rate and
External Regulatory and Legal Environment, External Stakeholders foreign exchange risk management, insurance, counterparty risk
Shell General Business Principles management and derivative instruments, as well as the treasury control
Royal Dutch Shell plc Board, Chief Executive Officer framework. Wherever possible, treasury operations are carried out
and Executive Committee through specialist Shell group regional organisations without removing
Statement on from each subsidiary the responsibility to formulate and implement
Code of Conduct
Risk Management
Standards, Manuals Delegation of Strategy, Planning
appropriate treasury policies.
and Guides Authority and Appraisal
Compliance and Assurance Most of Shell’s debt is raised from central borrowing programmes. The
financing of most subsidiaries is also structured on a floating-rate basis
Businesses, Functions Legal Entities
and, except in special cases, further interest rate risk management is
market risk arising from possible future changes in market values over a The Trustee’s and Management’s Evaluation of disclosure
24-hour period and within a 95% confidence level. The calculation of controls and procedures for the Royal Dutch Shell Dividend
the range of potential changes in fair value takes into account Access Trust
positions, the history of price movements and the correlation of these The Trustee and Shell’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial
price movements. Each of the models is regularly back-tested against Officer have evaluated the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and
actual fair value movements to ensure model integrity is maintained. procedures in respect of the Dividend Access Trust as at December 31,
2009. On the basis of this evaluation, these officers have concluded
Other than in exceptional cases, the use of external derivative that the disclosure controls and procedures of the Trust are effective.
instruments is confined to specialist oil and gas trading and central
treasury organisations that have appropriate skills, experience, Changes in internal control over financial reporting
supervision, control and reporting systems. There has not been any change in the internal controls over financial
reporting of Shell or the Dividend Access Trust that occurred during the
Information on derivatives and other financial instruments and period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is
derivative commodity instruments is provided in Note 23 of the reasonably likely to materially affect, such internal controls over
Consolidated Financial Statements on pages 128-134 of this Report. financial reporting. The daily operations of the Dividend Access Trust
are administered on behalf of Shell by Lloyds TSB Offshore
Management’s evaluation of disclosure controls and Trust Company Limited, an established trustee services company.
procedures of Shell Material financial information of the Dividend Access Trust is included
As indicated in the certifications in Exhibits 12.1 and 12.2 of this in the Consolidated Financial Statements of Shell and is therefore
Report, Shell’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer have subject to the same disclosure controls and procedures of Shell. See
evaluated the effectiveness of Shell’s disclosure controls and below and the Royal Dutch Shell Dividend Access Trust Financial
procedures as at December 31, 2009. On the basis of that evaluation, Statements for additional information.
these officers have concluded that Shell’s disclosure controls and
procedures are effective. Memorandum and Articles of Association
The following summarises certain provisions of the Company’s
Management’s Report on internal control over financial Memorandum and Articles of Association [A] and of the applicable
reporting of Shell laws of England and Wales. This summary is qualified in its entirety by
Management, including the Chief Executive Officer and Chief reference to the Act and the Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Financial Officer, is responsible for establishing and maintaining [A] Copies of the Company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association have
adequate internal control over Shell’s financial reporting and the been previously filed with the SEC and are incorporated by reference as
production of the Consolidated Financial Statements. It conducted an exhibits to this Report. They are available on the Company’s website at
evaluation of the effectiveness of internal control over financial
reporting and the production of the Consolidated Financial Statements
with respect to Shell based on the Internal Control – Integrated Management and Directors
Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of The Articles of Association (the Articles) provide that the Company’s
the Treadway Commission. Based on this evaluation, management Board of Directors must consist of not less than three members nor more
concluded that the Company’s internal control over financial reporting than 20 members at any time. The Company has a single tier Board of
and the production of the Consolidated Financial Statements with Directors headed by a Chairman, with management led by a Chief
respect to Shell was effective as at December 31, 2009. Executive Officer. See ‘‘Board structure and composition’’ section.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, the independent registered public At every AGM any Director who was in office at the time of the two
accounting firm that audited the financial statements, has issued an previous AGMs and who did not retire at either of them must retire. At
attestation report on the Company’s internal control over financial the AGM at which a Director retires, shareholders can pass an ordinary
reporting, as stated in their report on page 95. resolution to re-appoint the Director or to appoint another eligible
person in his or her place.
The Trustee’s and Management’s Report on internal control over
financial reporting of the Royal Dutch Shell Dividend Access A Director who would not otherwise be required to retire must retire if
Trust he or she has been in office, other than as a Director holding an
The Trustee of the Royal Dutch Shell Dividend Access Trust is executive position, for a continuous period of nine years or more at the
responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control date of the meeting. Any such Director will be eligible to stand for
over the Trust’s financial reporting. The Trustee and the Company’s re-appointment.
management conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of internal
control over financial reporting based on the Internal Control – Under the Articles:
Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring
Organizations of the Treadway Commission. On the basis of this 䡲 a Director may not vote or be counted in the quorum in respect of any
evaluation, the Trustee and management concluded that the Trust’s matter in which he or she is materially interested including any matter
internal control over financial reporting was effective as at related to his own compensation;
December 31, 2009. 䡲 the Directors may exercise the Company’s power to borrow money
provided that the borrowings of Shell shall not, without the consent of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, the independent registered public an ordinary resolution of the Company’s shareholders, exceed two
accounting firm that audited the financial statements, has issued an times the Company’s adjusted capital and reserves (these powers
attestation report on the Trustee’s and management’s internal control relating to borrowing may only be varied by special resolution of
over financial reporting, as stated in their report on page 169. shareholders);
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䡲 Directors are not required to hold shares of the Company to qualify as Dividend access mechanism for Class B ordinary shares
a director; and
䡲 Directors are appointed in accordance with the Articles and need to General
stand for re-election at least every third annual general meeting. Class A ordinary shares and Class B ordinary shares are identical,
except for the dividend access mechanism, which will only apply to the
Rights attaching to shares Class B ordinary shares. Dividends paid on Class A ordinary shares
have a Dutch source for tax purposes and are subject to Dutch
Dividend rights and rights to share in the company’s profit withholding tax.
Under the applicable laws of England and Wales, dividends are
payable on Class A ordinary shares and Class B ordinary shares only It is the expectation and the intention, although there can be no
out of profits available for distribution, as determined in accordance certainty, that holders of Class B ordinary shares will receive dividends
with the Act and under IFRS. through the dividend access mechanism. Any dividends paid on the
dividend access share will have a UK source for UK and Dutch tax
Subject to the Act, if the Directors consider that the Company’s financial purposes. There will be no Dutch withholding tax on such dividends
position justifies the declaration of a dividend, the Company can pay and certain holders (not including US holders of Class B ordinary
an interim dividend. Shareholders can declare dividends by passing an shares or Class B American Depositary Receipts (ADRs)) will be entitled
ordinary resolution. Dividends cannot exceed the amount to a UK tax credit in respect of their proportional shares of such
recommended by the Company’s Directors. dividends. For further details regarding the tax treatment of dividends
paid on the Class A and Class B ordinary shares and ADRs, please
It is the intention that dividends will be declared and paid quarterly. refer to “Taxation” on pages 91-92.
Dividends are payable to persons registered as shareholders on the
record date relating to the relevant dividend. All dividends will be Description of dividend access mechanism
divided and paid in proportions based on the amounts paid up on the A dividend access share has been issued by The Shell Transport and
Company’s shares during any period for which that dividend is paid. Trading Company Limited (Shell Transport) to Lloyds TSB Offshore
Trust Company Limited (formerly Hill Samuel Offshore Trust Company
Any dividend or other money payable in cash relating to a share can Limited) as dividend access trustee (the Trustee). Pursuant to a
be paid by sending a cheque, warrant or similar financial instrument declaration of trust, the Trustee will hold any dividends paid in respect
payable to the shareholder entitled to the dividend by post addressed of the dividend access share on trust for the holders of Class B ordinary
to the shareholder’s registered address or it can be made payable to shares on occasion and will arrange for prompt disbursement of such
someone else named in a written instruction from the shareholder (or all dividends to holders of Class B ordinary shares. Interest and other
joint shareholders) and sent by post to the address specified in that income earned on unclaimed dividends will be for the account of Shell
instruction. A dividend can also be paid by inter-bank transfer or by Transport and any dividends which are unclaimed after 12 years will
other electronic means (including payment through CREST) directly to revert to Shell Transport. Holders of Class B ordinary shares will not
an account with a bank or other financial institution (or other have any interest in the dividend access share and will not have any
organisation operating deposit accounts if allowed by the Company) rights against Shell Transport as issuer of the dividend access share.
named in a written instruction from the person entitled to receive the The only assets held on trust for the benefit of the holders of Class B
payment under the Articles. Such account must be an account in the UK ordinary shares will be dividends paid to the dividend access trustee in
unless the share on which the payment is to be made is held by respect of the dividend access share.
Euroclear Nederland and to which the Securities Giro Act (Wet giraal
effectenverkeer) applies. Alternatively, a dividend can be paid in some The declaration and payment of dividends on the dividend access
other way requested in writing by a shareholder (or all joint share will require board action by Shell Transport and will be subject to
shareholders) and agreed to by the Company. The Company will not be any applicable limitations in law or in the Shell Transport articles of
responsible for a payment which is lost or delayed. association in effect from time to time. In no event will the aggregate
amount of the dividend paid by Shell Transport under the dividend
Where any dividends or other amounts payable on a share have not access mechanism for a particular period exceed the aggregate of the
been claimed, the Directors can invest them or use them in any other dividend declared by the board of the Company on the Class B
way for the Company’s benefit until they are claimed. The Company ordinary shares in respect of the same period.
will not be a trustee of the money and will not be liable to pay interest
on it. If a dividend or other money has not been claimed for 12 years Operation of the dividend access mechanism
after being declared or becoming due for payment, it will be forfeited If, in connection with the declaration of a dividend by the Company on
and go back to the Company, unless the Directors decide otherwise. the Class B ordinary shares, the board of Shell Transport elects to
declare and pay a dividend on the dividend access share to the
The Company expects that dividends on outstanding Class B ordinary dividend access trustee, the holders of the Class B ordinary shares will
shares will be paid under the dividend access mechanism described be beneficially entitled to receive their share of that dividend pursuant
below. The Articles provide that if any amount is paid by the issuer of to the declaration of trust (and arrangements will be made to ensure
the dividend access share by way of dividend on the dividend access that the dividend is paid in the same currency in which they would have
share and paid by the dividend access trustee to any holder of Class B received a dividend from the Company).
ordinary shares, the dividend that the Company would otherwise pay
to such holder of Class B ordinary shares will be reduced by an amount If any amount is paid by Shell Transport by way of a dividend on the
equal to the amount paid to such holder of Class B ordinary shares by dividend access share and paid by the dividend access trustee to any
the dividend access trustee. holder of Class B ordinary shares, the dividend which the Company
would otherwise pay on the Class B ordinary shares will be reduced by
an amount equal to the amount paid to such holders of Class B ordinary
shares by the dividend access trustee.
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The Company will have a full and unconditional obligation, in the event Directors; (iii) between a shareholder in such capacity and the
that the dividend access trustee does not pay an amount to holders of Company’s professional service providers (which could include the
Class B ordinary shares on a cash dividend payment date (even if that Company’s auditors, legal counsel, bankers and ADR depositaries);
amount has been paid to the dividend access trustee), to pay and (iv) between the Company and its professional service providers
immediately the dividend declared on the Class B ordinary shares. The arising in connection with any claim within the scope of (iii) above,
right of holders of Class B ordinary shares to receive distributions from shall be exclusively and finally resolved by arbitration in The Hague,
the dividend access trustee will be reduced by an amount equal to the the Netherlands under the Rules of Arbitration of the International
amount of any payment actually made by the Company on account of Chamber of Commerce (ICC), as amended from time to time. This
any dividend on Class B ordinary shares. would include all disputes arising under UK, Dutch or US law (including
securities laws), or under any other law, between parties covered by
Any payment by the Company will be subject to Dutch withholding tax the arbitration provision. Accordingly, the ability of shareholders to
(unless in any particular case an exemption is obtained under Dutch obtain monetary or other relief, including in respect of securities law
law or the provisions of an applicable tax treaty). If for any reason no claims, may be determined in accordance with these provisions, and
dividend is paid on the dividend access share, holders of Class B the ability of shareholders to obtain monetary or other relief may
ordinary shares will only receive dividends from the Company directly. therefore be limited and/or their cost of seeking and obtaining
recoveries in a dispute increased.
The dividend access mechanism has been approved by the Dutch
Revenue Service pursuant to an agreement (vaststellingsovereenkomst) The tribunal shall consist of three arbitrators to be appointed in
with the Company and N.V. Koninklijke Nederlandsche Petroleum accordance with the ICC rules. The chairman of the tribunal must have
Maatschappij (Royal Dutch Petroleum Company) dated October 26, at least 20 years’ experience as a lawyer qualified to practise in a
2004 as supplemented and amended by an agreement between the common law jurisdiction which is within the Commonwealth (as
same parties dated April 25, 2005. The agreement states, among other constituted on May 12, 2005) and each other arbitrator must have at
things, that dividend distributions on the dividend access share by Shell least 20 years’ experience as a qualified lawyer.
Transport will not be subject to Dutch dividend withholding tax
provided that the dividend access mechanism is structured and Pursuant to the exclusive jurisdiction provision in the Articles if a court
operated substantially as set out above. The Company may not extend or other competent authority in any jurisdiction determines that the
the dividend access mechanism to any future issuances of Class B arbitration requirement described above is invalid or unenforceable in
ordinary shares without the approval of the Dutch Revenue Service. relation to any particular dispute in that jurisdiction, that dispute may
only be brought in the courts of England and Wales, as is the case with
Accordingly, the Company would not expect to issue additional Class B any derivative claim bought under the Act. The governing law of the
ordinary shares unless that approval was obtained or the Company Articles is the substantive law of England.
determined that the continued operation of the dividend access
mechanism was unnecessary. Any further issue of Class B ordinary Disputes relating to the Company’s failure or alleged failure to pay all
shares is subject to advance consultation with the Dutch Revenue or part of a dividend which has been declared and which has fallen
Service. due for payment will not be subject to the arbitration and exclusive
jurisdiction provisions of the Articles. Any derivative claim bought
The dividend access mechanism may be suspended or terminated at under the Act will not be the subject to the arbitration provisions of the
any time by the Company’s Directors or the Directors of Shell Transport, Articles.
for any reason and without financial recompense. This might, for
instance, occur in response to changes in relevant tax legislation. Pursuant to the relevant Depositary agreement, each holder of ADRs is
bound by the arbitration and exclusive jurisdiction provisions of the
The daily operations of the Dividend Access Trust are administered on Articles as described in this section as if that holder were a shareholder.
behalf of Shell by the Trustee. Material financial information of the
Dividend Access Trust is included in the Consolidated Financial Voting rights and General Meetings of shareholders
Statements of Shell and is therefore, subject to the same disclosure
controls and procedures of Shell. Shareholders meetings
Under the applicable laws of England and Wales, the Company is
On February 5, 2010 (Completion), the Trustee entered in to an required in each year to hold an AGM of shareholders in addition to
agreement with ESS Trustee International Limited (the New Trustee) any other meeting of shareholders that may be held. Not more than
whereby the benefit of certain clients of the Trustee, including the Trust, 15 months may elapse between the date of one AGM of shareholders
would be transferred to the New Trustee with effect from Completion. It and that of the next. Additionally, shareholders may submit resolutions
is intended that the New Trustee will replace the Trustee during 2010. in accordance with section 338 of the Act.
In the period between Completion and replacement of the Trustee, the
Trustee has granted the New Trustee a general trustee power of Directors have the power to convene a general meeting of shareholders
attorney as further described in Clause 2.2 of a Trust and Fund Business at any time. In addition, Directors must convene a meeting upon the
Administration Agreement between the Trustee and the New Trustee. request of shareholders holding not less than 5% of the Company’s
paid-up capital carrying voting rights at general meetings of
Disputes between a shareholder or ADR holder and Royal Dutch shareholders pursuant to section 303 of the Act. A request for a general
Shell, any subsidiary, Director or professional service provider meeting of shareholders must state the general nature of the business to
The Articles generally require that, except as noted below, all disputes be dealt with at the meeting, and must be signed by the requesting
(i) between a shareholder in such capacity and the Company and/or its shareholders and deposited at the Company’s registered office. If
Directors, arising out of or in connection with the Articles or otherwise; Directors fail to give notice of such meeting to shareholders within
(ii) so far as permitted by law, between the Company and any of its 21 days from receipt of notice, the shareholders that requested the
Directors in their capacities as such or as the Company’s employees, general meeting, or any of them representing more than one-half of the
including all claims made by the Company or on its behalf against total voting rights of all shareholders that requested the meeting, may
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themselves convene a meeting which must be called within three Voting rights
months. Any such meeting must be convened in the same manner, as The Class A ordinary shares and Class B ordinary shares have identical
readily as possible, as that in which meetings are to be convened by voting rights and vote together as a single class on all matters including
Directors. the election of directors unless a matter affects the rights of one class as
a separate class. If a resolution affects the rights attached to either class
The Company is required to give at least 21 days’ notice of any AGM, of shares as a separate class, it must be approved either in writing by
any general meeting where a special resolution is to be voted upon, or shareholders holding at least three-quarters of the issued shares of that
to pass a resolution of which special notice under the Act has been class by amount, excluding any shares of that class held as treasury
given. “Special resolutions” generally involve proposals to: shares, or by special resolution passed at a separate meeting of the
registered holders of the relevant class of shares.
䡲 change the name of a company;
䡲 alter a company’s capital structure; It is the intention that all voting at general meetings will take place on a
䡲 change or amend the rights of shareholders; poll. A poll is voting by means of a ballot where the number of shares
䡲 permit a company to issue new shares for cash without applying held by each voting shareholder is counted, as opposed to voting by
shareholders’ pre-emptive rights; way of a show of hands where the actual number of shares held by
䡲 amend a company’s objects clause in its Memorandum of voting shareholders is not taken into account. Under the Act, if a poll is
Association; demanded, the resolution conducted on a poll must be approved by
䡲 amend a company’s Articles of Association; and holders of at least a majority of the votes cast at the meeting. Special
䡲 carry out other matters for which a company’s Articles of Association resolutions require the affirmative vote of at least 75% of the votes cast
or the Act as may be applicable prescribe that a “special resolution” at the meeting to be approved.
is required.
On a poll, every holder of Class A ordinary shares or Class B ordinary
At least 14 days’ notice is required for all other general meetings. shares present in person or by proxy has one vote for every share he or
she holds. This is subject to any rights or restrictions which are given to
The Articles require that in addition to any requirements under the any class of shares. No shareholder is entitled to vote if he or she has
legislation, the notice for any general meeting must state where the been served with a restriction notice after failure to provide the
meeting is to be held (the principal meeting place) and the location of Company with information concerning interests in his or her shares
any satellite meeting place, which shall be identified as such in the required to be provided under section 793 of the Act.
notice. At the same time that notice is given for any general meeting, an
announcement of the date, time and place of that meeting will, if Major shareholders have no differing voting rights.
practicable, be published in a national newspaper in the Netherlands.
The listing rules (the Listing Rules) of the UK Listing Authority, the Rights in a winding up
Euronext Amsterdam rules and the rules of the New York Stock If the Company is voluntarily wound up the liquidator can distribute to
Exchange require the Company to inform holders of its securities of the shareholders any assets remaining after the liquidator’s fees and
holding of meetings which they are entitled to attend. expenses have been paid and all sums due to prior ranking creditors
(as defined under the laws of England and Wales) have been paid.
A shareholder is entitled to appoint a proxy (which is not required to be Under the Articles, the holders of the sterling deferred shares would be
another shareholder) to represent and vote on behalf of the shareholder entitled (such entitlement ranking in priority to the rights of holders of
at any general meeting of shareholders, including the AGM. ordinary shares) to receive an amount equal to the aggregate of the
capital paid up or credited as paid up on each sterling deferred share
Business may not be transacted at any general meeting, including the but would not be entitled to participate further in the profits or assets of
AGM, unless a quorum is present. A quorum is two people who are the Company. Any assets remaining after the entitlements of the holders
entitled to vote at that general meeting. They can be shareholders who of sterling deferred shares are satisfied would be distributed to the
are personally present or proxies for shareholders entitled to vote at holders of Class A and Class B ordinary shares pro rata to their
that general meeting or a combination of both. shareholdings.
If a quorum is not present within five minutes of the time fixed for a Redemption provisions
general meeting to start or within any longer period not exceeding one Ordinary shares are not subject to any redemption provisions.
hour which the chairman of the meeting can decide and if the meeting
was called by shareholders, it will be cancelled. Any other meeting will Sinking fund provisions
be adjourned to any day (being not less than three nor more than Ordinary shares are not subject to any sinking fund provision under the
28 days later), time and place stated in the notice of the meeting. If the Memorandum and Articles of Association or as a matter of the laws of
notice does not provide for this, the meeting shall be adjourned to a England and Wales.
day, time and place decided upon by the chairman of the meeting. One
shareholder present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote will Liability to further calls
constitute a quorum at any adjourned general meeting. No holder of the Company’s ordinary shares is currently liable to make
additional contributions of capital in respect of the Company’s ordinary
Record dates shares in the future.
Entitlement to attend and vote at the AGM is determined by reference to
the Company’s Register of Members. In order to attend and vote at the Discriminating provisions
AGM, a member must be entered on the Register of Members or the There are no provisions discriminating against a shareholder because
register of the Royal Dutch Shell Corporate Nominee no later than the of his or her ownership of a particular number of shares.
record date. The record date will not be more than 48 hours before the
meeting, not taking account of any part of a day that is not a working
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Variation of rights the following further restrictions: (i) Directors can withhold any dividend
The Act does not give Directors authority to amend the Memorandum or part of a dividend or other money otherwise payable in respect of
and Articles of Association without shareholder approval. Under the the identified shares without any liability to pay interest when such
Act, shareholders have the power to amend the objects clause and any money is finally paid to the shareholder; and (ii) Directors can refuse to
provision of the Articles, in each case by special resolution, subject to register a transfer of any of the identified shares which are certificated
the rights of dissenting shareholders available under the Act. shares unless Directors are satisfied that they have been sold outright to
an independent third party. Once a restriction notice has been given,
The Articles provide that, if permitted by legislation, the rights attached Directors are free to cancel it or exclude any shares from it at any time
to any class of shares can be changed if this is approved either in they think fit. In addition, they must cancel the restriction notice within
writing by shareholders holding at least three-quarters of the issued seven days of being satisfied that all information requested in the
shares of that class by amount (excluding any shares of that class held statutory notice has been given. Also, where any of the identified
as treasury shares) or by a special resolution passed at a separate shares are sold and Directors are satisfied that they were sold outright
meeting of the holders of the relevant class of shares. At each such to an independent third party, they must cancel the restriction notice
separate meeting, all of the provisions of the Articles relating to within seven days of receipt of the notification of the sale. The Articles
proceedings at a general meeting apply, except that: (i) a quorum will do not restrict in any way the provision of the legislation which apply to
be present if at least one shareholder who is entitled to vote is present in failures to comply with notices under the legislation.
person or by proxy who owns at least one-third in amount of the issued
shares of the class; (ii) any shareholder who is present in person or by The UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers (the Takeover Code)
proxy and entitled to vote can demand a poll; (iii) on a poll every imposes rigorous disclosure requirements affecting parties to a
shareholder who is present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote is proposed takeover, their “associates” and persons acting “in concert”
entitled to one vote for every share he or she has of the class (subject to in relation to the shares of a company. These requirements also extend
any special rights or restrictions which are attached to any class of to dealings by persons who directly or indirectly own or control (either
shares); and (iv) at an adjourned meeting, one person entitled to vote before or as a result of the dealing) 1% or more of the equity shares in
and who holds shares of the class, or his or her proxy, will be a quorum. an offeror or offeree company or of any other class of shares relevant to
These provisions are not more restrictive than required by law in the offer in question [A].
England. [A] Certain changes to the disclosure regime under the Takeover Code are
expected to take effect on April 19, 2010.
Limitations on rights to own shares
There are no limitations imposed by the applicable laws of England Rule 13d-1 of the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires that a
and Wales or the Memorandum and Articles of Association on the person or group acquiring beneficial ownership of more than 5% of
rights to own shares, including the right of non-residents or foreign equity securities registered under the US Securities Exchange Act
persons to hold or vote the Company’s shares, other than limitations discloses such information to the SEC within 10 days after the
that would generally apply to all shareholders. acquisition.
are or have within the last three years been interested in its relevant 䡲 Shell General Business Principles;
share capital and the nature of such interests. 䡲 Shell Code of Conduct;
The Articles provide that in any statutory notice under the relevant and
legislation, the Company will ask for details of those who have an 䡲 Memorandum and Articles of Association.
The Company was incorporated in England and Wales on February 5, Exchange [A]. The depositary receipts are issued, cancelled and
2002, as a private company under the Companies Act of England and exchanged at the office of The Bank of New York Mellon, 101 Barclay
Wales 1985, as amended. On October 27, 2004, the Company was Street, New York, NY 10286, as depositary (the Depositary) under a
re-registered as a public company limited by shares and changed its deposit agreement between the Company, the Depositary and the
name from Forthdeal Limited to Royal Dutch Shell plc. The Company is holders of ADRs. Each ADR represents two ¤0.07 shares of Royal Dutch
registered at Companies House, Cardiff under company number Shell plc deposited under the agreement. More information relating to
4366849, and the Chamber of Commerce, The Hague, under ADRs is given on pages 90-91.
company number 34179503.
[A] At February 23, 2010, there were outstanding 360,360,720 Class A ADRs
The Company is resident in the Netherlands for Dutch and UK tax and 146,494,500 Class B ADRs representing approximately 20.32% and
purposes and its Memorandum of Association provides that its primary 10.86% of the respective share capital class, held by 8,103 and 1,089
objective is to carry on the business of a holding company. It is not holders of record with an address in the USA, respectively. In addition to
directly or indirectly owned or controlled by another corporation or by holders of ADRs, as at February 23, 2010, there were 59,693 Class A
any government and does not know of any arrangements that may shares and 801,580 Class B shares of ¤0.07 each representing 0.06% and
result in a change of control of the company. As at February 23, 2010, 0.79% of the respective share capital class, held by 14 and 878 holders of
interests of more than 3% of the issued Class A and Class B ordinary record registered with an address in the USA, respectively.
share capital of the Company can be found on page 59.
The business address for all of the Directors is: Carel van Bylandtlaan Class A shares Class B shares
30, 2596 HR, The Hague, The Netherlands. Ticker symbol London RDSA RDSB
Ticker symbol Amsterdam RDSA RDSB
Nature of trading market Ticker symbol New York (ADR [A]) RDS.A RDS.B
The Company has two classes of ordinary shares, Class A shares and ISIN Code GB00B03MLX29 GB00B03MM408
Class B shares. The principal trading market for the Class A ordinary CUSIP G7690A100 G7690A118
shares is Euronext Amsterdam and the principal trading market for the SEDOL Number London B03MLX2 B03MM40
Class B ordinary shares is the London Stock Exchange. Ordinary shares SEDOL Number Euronext B09CBL4 B09CBN6
are traded in registered form. Weighting on FTSE as at 31/12/09 4.79% 3.53%
Weighting on AEX as at 31/12/09 12.21% not included
American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) representing Class A ADRs and [A] One Class A ADR represents two Class A ordinary shares of ¤0.07 each.
Class B ADRs outstanding are listed on the New York Stock One Class B ADR represents two Class B ordinary shares of ¤0.07 each.
Share capital
The authorised, issued and fully paid share capital of the Company as at February 23, 2010, was as follows:
Authorised Authorised Issued Issued
(number) (amount) (number) (amount)
Class A ordinary shares of ¤0.07 each 4,077,359,886 ¤285,415,192 3,545,663,973 ¤248,196,478
Class B ordinary shares of ¤0.07 each 2,759,360,000 ¤193,155,200 2,695,808,103 ¤188,706,567
Sterling deferred shares of £1 each 50,000 £50,000 50,000 £50,000
Unclassified shares of ¤0.07 each 3,163,280,114 ¤221,429,608 Nil Nil
The following is a summary of the material terms of the Company’s and other interest of the Company and not subject to calls of any kind.
ordinary shares, including brief descriptions of the provisions All Class A ordinary shares and Class B ordinary shares rank equally
contained in the Memorandum and Articles of Association and for all dividends and distributions on ordinary share capital declared.
applicable laws of England in effect on the date of this document. This Class A ordinary shares and Class B ordinary shares are admitted to
summary does not purport to include complete statements of these the Official List of the UK Listing Authority and to trading on the market
provisions. for listed securities of the London Stock Exchange. Class A ordinary
shares and Class B ordinary shares are also admitted to listing on
The unclassified shares can be issued as Class A ordinary shares or Eurolist by Euronext Amsterdam. Class A ADRs and Class B ADRs are
Class B ordinary shares at the discretion of the Directors. listed at the New York Stock Exchange.
Upon issuance, Class A ordinary shares and Class B ordinary shares As at December 31, 2009, trusts and trust-like entities holding shares
are fully paid and free from all liens, equities, charges, encumbrances for the benefit of employee plans of Shell held (directly and indirectly)
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Euronext Amsterdam London Stock Exchange [E] New York Stock Exchange [F]
High Low Year-end High Low Year-end High Low Year-end
¤ ¤ ¤ pence pence pence $ $ $
Shell Transport Ordinary Shares/
Shell Transport ADRs
2005 (Jan 1 – July 19) 1,991 1,528 1,838 69.86 57.75 64.56
2005 (Jul 20 – Dec 31) 28.90 25.41 27.08 1,968 1,717 1,858 70.94 60.69 64.53
2006 30.04 25.18 26.66 2,071 1,686 1,790 74.93 62.75 71.15
2007 32.20 23.64 28.46 2,173 1,600 2,090 87.94 62.20 83.00
2008 29.16 15.84 18.50 2,245 1,223 1,726 87.54 41.41 51.43
2009 20.99 14.90 20.30 1,897 1,315 1,812 62.26 37.16 58.13
[A] Pursuant to the terms of the Unification, holders of Royal Dutch ordinary shares received two Royal Dutch Shell plc Class A ordinary shares for each Royal Dutch
ordinary share. To assist comparison, the historical prices of the Royal Dutch ordinary shares have been divided by 2 to reflect such exchange ratio.
[B] Royal Dutch ordinary shares continued to trade on Euronext Amsterdam following the completion of the Unification until such shares were delisted on
September 30, 2005.
[C] Pursuant to the terms of the Unification, holders of Royal Dutch New York Shares received one Royal Dutch Shell plc Class A ADR for each Royal Dutch New York
Share. Each Royal Dutch Shell plc Class A ADR represents two Royal Dutch Shell plc Class A ordinary shares.
[D] The New York Stock Exchange halted trading in the Royal Dutch New York Shares on October 3, 2005, following delisting in Amsterdam, and resumed trading in
the Royal Dutch New York Shares on October 31, 2005, following the joint public announcement by Royal Dutch Shell plc and Royal Dutch of the definitive terms of
the legal merger between Royal Dutch and its wholly-owned subsidiary Shell Petroleum N.V., in which all outstanding Royal Dutch shares were exchanged for
¤52.21 (or the equivalent in loan notes). The table excludes trading in Royal Dutch New York Shares for the period from October 3, 2005, through their delisting
on November 21, 2005.
[E] Pursuant to the terms of the Unification, holders of Shell Transport Ordinary Shares (including Shell Transport Ordinary Shares to which holders of Shell Transport
bearer warrants were entitled) received 0.287333066 Royal Dutch Shell plc Class B ordinary shares for each Shell Transport Ordinary Share. To assist
comparison, the historical prices of the Shell Transport Ordinary Shares have been divided by 0.287333066 to reflect such exchange ratio.
[F] Pursuant to the terms of the Unification, holders of Shell Transport ADRs received 0.861999198 Royal Dutch Shell plc Class B ADRs for each Shell Transport ADR. To
assist comparison, the historical prices of the Shell Transport ADRs have been divided by 0.861999198 to reflect such exchange ratio. Each Royal Dutch Shell plc
Class B ADR represents two Royal Dutch Shell plc Class B ordinary shares.
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Method of holding shares or an interest in a holder’s deposited shares to pay any taxes owed. The Depositary is
shares not responsible if it decides that it is unlawful or impractical to make a
There are several ways in which Royal Dutch Shell plc registered shares distribution available to holders of ADRs.
or an interest in these shares can be held, including:
The Depositary will notify holders of ADRs of shareholders’ meetings of
䡲 directly as registered shares in uncertificated form or in certificated the Company and will arrange to deliver voting materials to such
form in a shareholder’s own name; holders of ADRs if requested by the Company. Upon request by a
䡲 indirectly through Euroclear Nederland (in respect of which the Dutch holder, the Depositary will endeavour to appoint such holder as proxy
Securities Giro Act (Wet giraal effectenverkeer) is applicable); in respect of such holders’ deposited shares entitling such holder to
䡲 through the Royal Dutch Shell Corporate Nominee; and attend and vote at shareholders’ meetings. Holders of ADRs may also
䡲 as a direct or indirect holder of either a Class A or a Class B ADR with instruct the Depositary to vote their deposited securities and the
the Depositary. Depositary will try, as far as practical and lawful, to vote deposited
shares in accordance with such instructions. The Company cannot
American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) ensure that holders will receive voting materials or otherwise learn of
The Depositary is the registered shareholder of the shares underlying an upcoming shareholders’ meeting in time to ensure that holders can
the Class A or Class B ADRs and enjoys the rights of a shareholder instruct the Depositary to vote their shares.
under the Memorandum and Articles of Association. Holders of ADRs
will not have shareholder rights. The rights of the holder of a Class A Upon payment of appropriate fees, expenses and taxes,
ADR or Class B ADR are specified in the respective Depositary (a) shareholders may deposit their shares with the Depositary and
agreements with the Depositary and are summarised below. receive the corresponding class and amount of ADRs and (b) holders of
ADRs may surrender their ADRs to the Depositary and have the
The Depositary will receive all cash dividends and other cash corresponding class and amount of shares credited to their account.
distributions made on the deposited shares underlying the ADRs and, Further, subject to certain limitations, holders may, at any time, cancel
where possible and on a reasonable basis, will distribute such ADRs and withdraw their underlying shares or have the corresponding
dividends and distributions to holders of ADRs. Rights to purchase class and amount of shares credited to their account. The Depositary
additional shares will also be made available to the Depositary who may also deliver ADRs prior to deposit of the underlying securities
may make such rights available to holders of ADRs. All other subject to certain conditions, including, without limitation, that such
distributions made on the Company’s shares will be distributed by the pre-released ADRs are fully collateralised and that the underlying
Depositary in any means that the Depositary thinks is equitable and securities are assigned to and held for the account of the Depositary.
practical. The Depositary may deduct its fees and expenses and the
amount of any taxes owed from any payments to holders and it may sell
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FEES PAID BY HOLDERS OF ADRs deducting those fees from the amounts distributed or by selling a
The Depositary collects its fees for delivery and surrender of ADRs portion of distributable property to pay the fees. The Depositary may
directly from investors depositing shares or surrendering ADRs for the generally refuse to provide fee-attracting services until its fees for those
purpose of withdrawal or from intermediaries acting for them. The services are paid.
Depositary collects fees for making distributions to investors by
REIMBURSEMENTS TO THE COMPANY first-time investors and a DRIP for the Class B ADRs available to
The Bank of New York Mellon, as Depositary, has agreed to reimburse registered ADR holders.
the Company for expenses it incurs that are related maintenance
expenses of the ADR program. The Depositary has agreed to reimburse Tax consequences of participation in any plan may vary depending
the Company for its continuing annual stock exchange listing fees. The upon the tax residence of the shareholder and the class of shares held.
Depositary has also agreed to pay the standard out-of-pocket Holders of Class A ordinary shares should note that it is the net
maintenance costs for the ADRs, which consist of the expenses of dividend that will be reinvested.
postage and envelopes for mailing annual and interim financial
reports, printing and distributing dividend checks, electronic filing of To participate in one of these DRIPs, or for further information,
U.S. Federal tax information, mailing required tax forms, stationery, shareholders should call their bank or broker if their shareholding is
postage, facsimile and telephone calls. It has also agreed to reimburse through Euroclear Nederland or The Bank of New York Mellon if
the Company annually for certain investor relationship programs or enquiries relate to ADRs. Otherwise Equiniti should be contacted. The
special investor relations promotional activities. There are limits on the contact details of Equiniti and the Bank of New York Mellon are given
amount of expenses for which the Depositary will reimburse the on the inside back cover.
Company, but the amount of reimbursement available to the Company
is not necessarily tied to the amount of fees the Depositary collects from Exchange controls and other limitations
investors. From January 1, 2009 to February 23, 2010, the Company affecting security holders
received $1,089,369 from the Depositary. There is no legislative or other legal provision currently in force in
England, the Netherlands or arising under the Company’s
Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP) Memorandum or Articles of Association restricting remittances to non-
A DRIP is offered on both classes of shares and, depending on how an resident holders of the Company’s ordinary shares or affecting the
investor holds shares, is offered by either Equiniti or ABN AMRO import or export of capital for use by the Company.
trading under the name RBS (RBS). DRIPs for ADRs traded on the NYSE
are offered by The Bank of New York Mellon. Taxation
The DRIP operated by Equiniti is available to investors in respect of The Company is incorporated in England and Wales and tax-resident in
shares held directly in the Royal Dutch Shell Nominee or on the Royal the Netherlands. As a tax resident of the Netherlands, it is generally
Dutch Shell plc share register. Shareholders will be liable for tax on required by Dutch law to withhold tax at a rate of 15% on dividends on
dividends reinvested on the same basis as if shareholders had received its ordinary shares and ADRs, subject to the provisions of any
the cash and arranged the purchase of shares themselves. applicable tax convention or domestic law. The following sets forth the
operation of the provisions on dividends on the Company’s various
RBS ordinary shares and ADRs to US and UK holders, as well as certain
The DRIP operated by RBS is available to shareholders who hold their other tax rules pertinent to holders. Each holder should consult their tax
shares via Euroclear Nederland through an admitted institution of adviser.
Euroclear Nederland and are expecting to receive the dividend in the
default currency for Class A and Class B ordinary shares. DIVIDENDS PAID ON THE DIVIDEND ACCESS SHARE
There is no Dutch withholding tax on dividends on Class B ordinary
THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON shares or Class B ADRs provided that such dividends are paid on the
The Bank of New York Mellon maintains a Global BuyDIRECTSM plan for dividend access share pursuant to the dividend access mechanism (see
the Royal Dutch Shell Class A ADRs, available to registered holders and “Dividend access mechanism for Class B ordinary shares” on
pages 83-84). Dividends paid on the dividend access share are treated
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as UK-source for tax purposes and there is no UK withholding tax on DUTCH SUCCESSION DUTY AND GIFT TAX ES
them. Also, under UK law, individual shareholders resident in the UK Shares of a Dutch tax-resident company held by an individual who is
are entitled to a UK tax credit with dividends paid on the dividend not a resident or a deemed resident of the Netherlands will generally
access share. The amount of the UK tax credit is 10/90ths of the cash not be subject to succession duty in the Netherlands on the individual’s
dividend and the credit is not repayable when it exceeds the death unless the shares are part of the business property of a permanent
individual’s UK tax liability. In 2009 all dividends with respect to establishment situated in the Netherlands.
Class B ordinary shares and Class B ADRs were paid on the dividend
access share pursuant to the dividend access mechanism. A gift of shares of a Dutch tax-resident company by an individual, who
is not a resident or deemed resident of the Netherlands, is generally not
DUTCH WITHHOLDING TAX subject to Dutch gift tax.
When Dutch withholding tax applies on dividends paid to a US holder
(that is, dividends on Class A ordinary shares or Class A ADRs; or on U K STAMP DUTY AND STAMP DUTY RESERVE TAX ( SDRT)
Class B ordinary shares or Class B ADRs that are not paid on the Sales or transfers of the Company’s ordinary shares within a clearance
dividend access share pursuant to the dividend access mechanism), the service (such as Euroclear Nederland) or of the Company’s ADRs within
US holder will be subject to Dutch withholding tax at the rate of 15%. A the ADR depositary receipts system will not give rise to a SDRT liability
US holder who is entitled to the benefits of the 1992 Double Taxation and should not in practice require the payment of UK stamp duty.
Convention between the USA and the Netherlands and as amended by
the protocol signed March 8, 2004 (the Convention) will be entitled to The transfer of the Company’s ordinary shares to a clearance service
a reduction in the Dutch withholding tax, either by way of a full or a (such as Euroclear Nederland) or to an issuer of depositary receipts
partial exemption at source or by way of a partial refund or a credit as (such as ADRs) will generally give rise to a UK stamp duty or SDRT
follows: liability at the rate of 1.5% of consideration given, or if none, of the
value of the shares. A sale of the Company’s ordinary shares that are
䡲 If the US holder is an exempt pension trust as described in article 35 of not held within a clearance service (for example, settled through the
the Convention, or an exempt organisation as described in article 36 UK’s CREST system of paperless transfers) will generally be subject to
thereof, the US holder will be exempt from Dutch withholding tax. UK stamp duty or SDRT at the rate of 0.5% of amount of the
䡲 If the US holder is a company that holds directly at least 10% of the consideration, normally paid by the purchaser.
voting power in the Company, the US holder will be subject to Dutch
withholding tax at a rate not exceeding 5%. CAPITAL GA INS TAX
For the purposes of UK capital gains tax, the market values of the
In general, the entire dividend (including any amount withheld) will be company’s shares were:
dividend income to the US holder, and the withholding tax will be
treated as a foreign income tax that is eligible for credit against the H I STOR ICA L I N F ORM ATI ON R E L ATI N G TO : £
US holder’s income tax liability or a deduction subject to certain March 31, 1982 July 20, 2005
limitations. A “US holder” includes, but is not limited to, a citizen or Royal Dutch Petroleum Company
resident of the USA, or a corporation or other entity organised under (N.V. Koninklijke Nederlandsche
the laws of the USA or any of its political subdivisions. Petroleum Maatschappij) which ceased
to exist on December 21, 2005 1.1349 17.6625
When Dutch withholding tax applies on dividends paid to UK-resident
holders (that is, dividends on Class A ordinary shares or Class A ADRs, Share prices have been restated where
or on Class B ordinary shares or Class B ADRs that are not paid on the necessary to reflect all capitalisation
dividend access share pursuant to the dividend access mechanism), the issues since the relevant date. This
dividend will typically be subject to withholding tax at a rate of 15%. includes the change in the capital
Such UK holder will be entitled to a credit (not repayable) for structure following the Unification of
withholding tax against their UK tax liability. However, from July 1, Royal Dutch and Shell Transport where
2009 certain corporate shareholders are, subject to conditions, exempt one Royal Dutch share was exchanged
from UK tax on dividends. Withholding tax suffered cannot be offset for two Royal Dutch Shell plc Class A
against such exempt dividends. Pension funds, meeting certain defined ordinary shares
criteria, can however, claim a full refund of the dividend tax withheld. The “Shell” Transport and Trading
Also, resident corporate shareholders holding at least a 5% Company, p.l.c
shareholding and meeting other defined criteria are exempted at which delisted on July 19, 2005 1.4502 Not applicable
source from dividend tax.
Share prices have been restated where
For shareholders who are resident in any other country, the availability necessary to reflect all capitalisation
of a whole or partial exemption or refund of Dutch withholding tax is issues since the relevant date. This
governed by Dutch tax law and/or the tax convention, if any, between includes the change in the capital
the Netherlands and the country of the shareholder’s residence. structure following the Unification of
Royal Dutch and Shell Transport where
DUTCH CAPITAL GAINS TAXATION one Shell Transport share was
Capital gains on the sale of shares of a Dutch tax-resident company by exchanged for 0.287333066 Royal
a US holder are generally not subject to taxation by the Netherlands Dutch Shell plc Class B ordinary shares
unless the US shareholder has a permanent establishment therein and
the capital gain is derived from the sale of shares that are part of the
business property of the permanent establishment.
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Full year results for 2009 February 4, 2010
First quarter results for 2010 April 28, 2010
Second quarter results for 2010 July 29, 2010
Third quarter results for 2010 October 28, 2010
Income, the Consolidated Balance Sheet, the Consolidated Statement on pages 76-86 with respect to internal control and risk management
of Changes in Equity, the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows and systems and about share capital structures is consistent with the
the related Notes. The financial reporting framework that has been Consolidated Financial Statements.
applied in their preparation is applicable law and International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European MATTERS ON WHICH WE ARE REQUIRED TO REPORT BY EXCEPTION
Union. We have nothing to report in respect of the following:
RESPECTIVE RESPONSIBILITIES OF DIRECTORS AND AUDITORS Under the Companies Act 2006 we are required to report to you if, in
As explained more fully in the Report of the Directors set out on our opinion:
pages 57-58, the Directors are responsible for the preparation of the
Consolidated Financial Statements and for being satisfied that they 䡲 certain disclosures of Directors’ remuneration specified by law are not
give a true and fair view. Our responsibility is to audit the Consolidated made; or
Financial Statements in accordance with applicable law and 䡲 we have not received all the information and explanations we require
International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). Those standards for our audit; or
require us to comply with the Auditing Practices Board’s Ethical 䡲 a corporate governance statement has not been prepared by the
This report, including the opinions, has been prepared for and only for Under the Listing Rules we are required to review:
the Company’s members as a body in accordance with Chapter 3 of
Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006 and for no other purpose. We do 䡲 the Directors’ statement, set out on page 80, in relation to going
not, in giving these opinions, accept or assume responsibility for any concern; and
other purpose or to any other person to whom this report is shown or 䡲 the part of the Corporate Governance Statement relating to the
into whose hands it may come save where expressly agreed by our Company’s compliance with the nine provisions of the 2008
prior consent in writing. Combined Code specified for our review.
NOTES 2009 2008 2007
Basic earnings per share 30 2.04 4.27 5.00
Diluted earnings per share 30 2.04 4.26 4.99
The Notes on pages 101 to 139 are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.
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Simon Henry
Chief Financial Officer, for and on behalf of the Board of Directors
March 15, 2010
The Notes on pages 101 to 139 are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.
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The Notes on pages 101 to 139 are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.
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The Notes on pages 101 to 139 are an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements.
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The Consolidated Financial Statements of Royal Dutch Shell plc (the Company) and its subsidiaries (collectively known as “Shell”) have been
prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 2006, Article 4 of the International Accounting Standards (IAS) Regulation and
with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union. As applied to Shell, there are no material differences
from IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), therefore the Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared
in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB.
The presentation of the Consolidated Statement of Income has been changed to provide additional information in relation to costs and more
alignment with industry practice. The main changes are the disclosure of purchases, production and manufacturing expenses and research and
development separately (previously disclosed within cost of sales). Depreciation, depletion and amortisation charges previously included in cost of
sales, selling, distribution and administrative expenses and exploration are now disclosed separately. Net gains on sale of assets are now included
in interest and other income.
Purchases reflect all costs related to the acquisition of inventories, the effects of the changes therein, and include supplies used for conversion into
finished or intermediary products. Production and manufacturing expenses are the costs of operating, maintaining and managing production and
manufacturing assets. Selling, distribution and administrative expenses include direct and indirect costs of marketing and selling products.
The accounting policies set out in Note 2 below have been consistently applied in all periods presented. Certain pronouncements were adopted for
the first time in 2009 and others have been issued but are not yet required to be adopted; Note 2 discusses pronouncements that have been
adopted in 2009 and any that may have a future impact on these policies but have not yet been adopted.
The Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention as modified by the revaluation of certain financial
assets and liabilities and other derivative contracts.
The preparation of financial information in conformity with IFRS requires the use of certain accounting estimates. It also requires management to
exercise its judgement in the process of applying Shell’s accounting policies. The key accounting estimates and judgements are explained in Note 3
below. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
The Consolidated Financial Statements were approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on March 15, 2010.
Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date on which control is obtained until the date that such control ceases, using consistent accounting
policies. All inter-company balances and transactions, including unrealised profits arising from such transactions, are eliminated. Unrealised losses
are also eliminated unless the transaction provides evidence of an impairment of the asset transferred. Minority interest represents the portion of
income, other comprehensive income and net assets in subsidiaries that is not held by Shell.
Revenue recognition
Revenue from sales of oil, natural gas, chemicals and all other products is recognised at the fair value of consideration received or receivable, after
deducting sales taxes, excise duties and similar levies, when the significant risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred, which is when
title passes to the customer. For sales by Upstream operations, this generally occurs when product is physically transferred into a vessel, pipe or
other delivery mechanism. For sales by refining operations, it is either when product is placed onboard a vessel or offloaded from the vessel,
depending on the contractually agreed terms. For wholesale sales of oil products and chemicals it is either at the point of delivery or the point of
receipt, depending on contractual conditions.
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[Note 2 continued]
Revenue resulting from the production of oil and natural gas properties in which Shell has an interest with other producers is recognised on the basis
of Shell’s working interest (entitlement method). Gains and losses on derivative contracts and the revenue and costs associated with other contracts
that are classified as held for trading purposes are reported on a net basis in the Consolidated Statement of Income. Purchases and sales of
hydrocarbons under exchange contracts that are necessary to obtain or reposition feedstock utilised in Shell’s refinery operations are shown net in
the Consolidated Statement of Income.
Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets are subsequently carried at cost less accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortisation
(including any impairment).
Other property, plant and equipment are depreciated on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives, which is generally 30 years for
upgraders, 20 years for refineries and chemical plants and 15 years for retail service station facilities, and major inspection costs are amortised
over the estimated period before the next planned major inspection (three to five years). Property, plant and equipment held under finance leases
are depreciated over the lease term.
Goodwill is not amortised. Other intangible assets are amortised on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives (for periods up to
40 years).
Other than properties with no proved reserves (where the basis for carrying costs in the Consolidated Balance Sheet is explained under
“Exploration costs”), the carrying amounts of goodwill and major property, plant and equipment are reviewed for possible impairment annually,
while all assets are reviewed whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amounts for those assets may not be
recoverable. If assets are determined to be impaired, the carrying amounts of those assets are written down to their recoverable amount, which is
the higher of fair value less costs to sell and value-in-use.
Value-in-use is determined as the amount of estimated risk-adjusted discounted future cash flows. For this purpose, assets are grouped into cash-
generating units based on separately identifiable and largely independent cash inflows. Estimates of future cash flows used in the evaluation of
impairment of assets are made using management’s forecasts of commodity prices, market supply and demand, product margins and, in the case of
oil and gas properties, expected production volumes. The latter takes into account assessments of field and reservoir performance and includes
expectations about proved and unproved volumes, which are risk-weighted utilising geological, production, recovery and economic projections.
Cash flow estimates are risk-adjusted to reflect local conditions as appropriate and discounted at a rate based on Shell’s marginal cost of debt.
Impairments, except those related to goodwill, are reversed as applicable to the extent that the events or circumstances that triggered the original
impairment have changed.
Impairment charges and reversals are reported within depreciation, depletion and amortisation.
On reclassification as held for sale, the carrying amounts of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment are also reviewed and, where
appropriate, written down to their fair value less costs to sell. No further provision for depreciation, depletion or amortisation is charged.
Exploration costs
Shell follows the successful efforts method of accounting for oil and natural gas exploration costs. Exploration costs are recognised in income when
incurred, except that exploratory drilling costs are included in property, plant and equipment, pending determination of proved reserves.
Exploration costs capitalised in respect of exploration wells that are more than 12 months old are written off unless (a) proved reserves are booked,
or (b) (i) they have found commercially producible quantities of reserves, and (ii) they are subject to further exploration or appraisal activity in that
either drilling of additional exploratory wells is under way or firmly planned for the near future or other activities are being undertaken to
sufficiently progress the assessing of reserves and the economic and operating viability of the project.
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[Note 2 continued]
Inventories are stated at cost to Shell or net realisable value, whichever is lower. Cost comprises direct purchase costs (including transportation),
cost of production and manufacturing and taxes, and is determined using the first-in first-out (FIFO) method for oil and chemicals and by the
weighted average cost method for materials.
Income taxes
The charge for current tax is calculated based on the income for the period reported by the Company and its subsidiaries, as adjusted for items that
are non-taxable or disallowed and using rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date.
Deferred taxation is determined, using the liability method, on temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their
carrying amounts in the Consolidated Balance Sheet.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are calculated using the enacted or substantively enacted rates that are expected to apply when the asset or
liability is recovered. They are not recognised where they arise on the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction (other than in a
business combination) that, at the time of the transaction, affects neither accounting nor taxable profit, or in respect of taxes on possible future
distributions of retained earnings of subsidiaries and equity-accounted investments where the timing of the distribution can be controlled by Shell
and it is probable that the retained earnings will be reinvested by the companies concerned.
Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which the temporary
differences can be utilised.
Income taxes are recognised in income except when they relate to items recognised in other comprehensive income, in which case the tax is also
recognised in other comprehensive income. Income tax assets and liabilities are presented separately in the Consolidated Balance Sheet except
where there is a right of set-off within fiscal jurisdictions.
Employee benefits
For plans that define the amount of pension benefit to be provided, pension cost primarily represents the increase in the actuarial present value of
the obligation for pension benefits based on employee service during the year and the interest on this obligation in respect of employee service in
previous years, net of the expected return on plan assets.
Actuarial gains and losses are accounted for using the corridor method. Under this method, to the extent that any cumulative unrecognised actuarial
gain or loss exceeds 10% of the greater of the present value of the defined benefit obligation and the fair value of plan assets, that portion is
recognised in income over the expected average remaining working lives of the employees participating in the plan. Otherwise, the actuarial gain
or loss is not recognised.
For plans where benefits depend solely on the amount contributed to the employee’s account and the returns earned on investment of these
contributions, pension cost is the amount of contributions payable by subsidiaries for the period.
The expected costs of retirement benefits other than pensions are accrued over the periods employees render service to Shell. Actuarial gains and
losses are accounted for using the corridor method, as described above.
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[Note 2 continued]
Agreements under which subsidiaries make payments to owners in return for the right to use an asset for a period are accounted for as leases.
Leases that transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership are recognised at the commencement of the lease term as finance leases
within property, plant and equipment and debt at the fair value of the leased asset or, if lower, at the present value of the minimum lease payments.
Finance lease payments are apportioned between interest expense and repayments of debt. All other leases are recorded as operating leases and
the costs are recognised in income on a straight-line basis.
Interest income on debt securities is recognised in income using the effective interest method. Dividends on equity securities are recognised in
income when receivable.
Receivables are recognised initially at fair value based on amounts exchanged and subsequently at amortised cost less any impairment.
Interest expense on debt is accounted for using the effective interest method and, other than interest capitalised, is recognised in income.
Shell uses derivatives in the management of interest rate risk, foreign currency risk and commodity price risk, and in the management of foreign
currency cash balances. These derivative contracts are recognised at fair value.
Those derivatives qualifying and designated as hedges are either: (i) a “fair value” hedge of the change in fair value of a recognised asset or
liability or an unrecognised firm commitment, or (ii) a “cash flow” hedge of the change in cash flows to be received or paid relating to a recognised
asset or liability or a highly probable forecasted transaction.
A change in the fair value of a hedging instrument designated as a fair value hedge is recognised in income, together with the consequential
adjustment to the carrying amount of the hedged item. The effective portion of a change in fair value of a derivative designated as a cash flow
hedge is recognised in other comprehensive income until the hedged transaction occurs; any ineffective portion is recognised in income. Where the
hedged item is a non-financial asset or liability, the amount in other comprehensive income is transferred to the initial carrying amount of the asset
or liability, and for other hedged items the amount in other comprehensive income is recognised in income when the hedged transaction affects
Subsidiaries document all relationships between hedging instruments and hedged items, as well as risk management objectives and strategies for
undertaking hedge transactions. The effectiveness of a hedge is also continually assessed and, when it ceases, hedge accounting is discontinued.
Gains and losses on derivatives not qualifying and designated as hedges, including forward sale and purchase contracts for commodities in
trading operations that may be settled by the physical delivery or receipt of the commodity, are recognised in income.
Contracts to sell or purchase non-financial items that do not meet expected own use requirements, including contracts to sell or purchase
commodities that can be net settled or that contain written options, are required to be recognised at fair value; associated gains and losses are
recognised in income.
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[Note 2 continued]
Derivatives embedded within contracts that are not already required to be recognised at fair value, and that are not closely related to the host
contract in terms of economic characteristics and risks, are separated from their host contract and recognised at fair value; associated gains and
losses are recognised in income.
Provisions are recognised at the balance sheet date at Shell’s best estimate, using risk-adjusted future cash flows, of the present value of the
expenditure required to settle the present obligation. Non-current amounts are discounted using the risk-free rate. Specific details for
decommissioning and restoration costs and environmental remediation are described below. The carrying amounts of provisions are regularly
reviewed and adjusted for new facts or changes in law or technology.
Provisions for decommissioning and restoration costs, which are primarily in respect of hydrocarbon production facilities, are measured based on
current requirements, technology and price levels and the present value is calculated using amounts discounted over the useful economic life of the
assets. The liability is recognised (together with a corresponding amount as part of the related property, plant and equipment) once an obligation
crystallises in the period when a reasonable estimate can be made. The effects of changes resulting from revisions to the timing or the amount of the
original estimate of the provision are reflected on a prospective basis, by adjustment to the carrying amount of the related property, plant and
Provisions for environmental remediation resulting from ongoing or past operations or events are recognised in the period in which an obligation
arises and the amount can be reasonably estimated. Provisions are measured based on current legal requirements and existing technology.
Recognition of any joint and several liability is based upon Shell’s best estimate of the final pro rata share of the liability. Provisions are determined
independently of expected insurance recoveries. Recoveries are recognised and reported as separate events and brought into account when
virtually certain of realisation.
Treasury shares
Shares in the Company held by Shell employee share ownership trusts are not included in assets but, after deducting dividends received, are
reflected at cost as a deduction from equity as treasury shares.
Business combinations
Assets acquired and liabilities assumed on a business combination are recognised at their fair value at the date of the acquisition; the amount of the
purchase consideration above this value is recognised as goodwill.
Currency translation
The dollar equivalents of exchange gains and losses arising as a result of foreign currency transactions (including those in respect of inter-company
balances unless related to transactions of a long-term investment nature) are recognised in income, within interest and other income or within
purchases where not related to financing.
On consolidation, assets and liabilities of non-dollar subsidiaries are translated to dollars at year-end rates of exchange, while their statements of
income, other comprehensive income and cash flows are translated at quarterly average rates. The resulting translation differences are recognised
as currency translation differences within other comprehensive income. Upon divestment or liquidation of an entity, cumulative currency translation
differences related to that entity are recognised in income.
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[Note 2 continued]
Certain accounting standards were adopted in 2009 that have an impact on the presentation of the Consolidated Financial Statements and Notes.
The main change as a result of the implementation in 2009 of the revised IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements is the presentation of a
Statement of Comprehensive Income. The main change as a result of the implementation in 2009 of revised IFRS 7 Improving Disclosures about
Financial Instruments is additional disclosure about financial instruments and other derivative contracts measured at fair value using predominantly
unobservable inputs.
IFRS 9 Financial Instruments, the first phase of the IASB’s project to revise the accounting for financial instruments, was issued in November 2009
and is required to be adopted by 2013. Shell’s assessment of IFRS 9 is at an early stage, but the Standard’s impact is mainly limited to its
investments in securities. The full impact of the changes in accounting for financial instruments will not be known until the IASB’s project has been
In order to prepare the Consolidated Financial Statements in conformity with IFRS, management of Shell has to make estimates and judgements. The
matters described below are considered to be the most important in understanding the judgements that are involved in preparing these statements
and the uncertainties that could impact the amounts reported in the results of operations, financial condition and cash flows. Shell’s accounting
policies are described in Note 2.
Information about the carrying amounts of oil and gas properties and the depreciation, depletion and amortisation charged is given in Note 9.
Estimates of oil and gas reserves are inherently imprecise, require the application of judgement and are subject to regular revision, either upward
or downward, based on new information such as from the drilling of additional wells, observation of long-term reservoir performance under
producing conditions and changes in economic factors, including product prices, contract terms or development plans. Changes to Shell’s
estimates of proved developed reserves affect prospectively the amounts of depreciation, depletion and amortisation charged and, consequently,
the carrying amounts of oil and gas properties. It is expected, however, that in the normal course of business the diversity of the Shell portfolio will
limit the effect of such revisions.
Exploration costs
Capitalised exploration drilling costs more than 12 months old are written off unless (a) proved reserves are booked, or (b) (i) they have found
commercially producible quantities of reserves and (ii) they are subject to further exploration or appraisal activity in that either drilling of additional
exploratory wells is under way or firmly planned for the near future or other activities are being undertaken to sufficiently progress the assessing of
reserves and the economic and operating viability of the project. In making decisions about whether to continue to capitalise exploration drilling
costs for a period longer than 12 months, it is necessary to make judgements about the satisfaction of each of these conditions. If there is a change
in one of these judgements in a subsequent period, then the related capitalised exploration drilling costs would be recognised in income in that
period. Information on such costs is given in Note 9.
Impairment of assets
For the purposes of determining whether impairment of assets has occurred, and the extent of any impairment or its reversal, the key assumptions
Shell uses in estimating future cash flows for value-in-use measures are future oil prices, expected production volumes and refining margins. These
assumptions and the judgements of management that are based on them are subject to change as new information becomes available. Changes in
economic conditions can also affect the rate used to discount future cash flow estimates.
Future price assumptions tend to be stable because Shell does not consider short-term increases or decreases in prices as being indicative of long-
term levels, but are nonetheless subject to change. Expected production volumes, which include both proved reserves as well as volumes that are
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[Note 3 continued]
expected to constitute proved reserves in the future, are used for impairment testing because Shell believes this to be the most appropriate indicator
of expected future cash flows. As discussed in “Estimation of oil and gas reserves”, reserves estimates are inherently imprecise. In particular,
projections about unproved reserves are based on information that is necessarily less robust than that available for mature reservoirs. Due to the
nature and geographical spread of the business activity in which those assets are used, it is not practicable to estimate the likelihood or extent of
impairments under different sets of assumptions. The discount rate applied is reviewed annually, although it has been stable in recent years. The
discount rate applied in 2009 was 6% (2008: 6%).
Changes in assumptions could affect the carrying amounts of assets, and impairment charges and reversal will affect income. Amounts are given in
Notes 8 and 9.
Tax provisions are recognised when it is considered probable (more likely than not) that there will be a future outflow of funds to a taxing authority.
In such cases, provision is made for the amount that is expected to be settled, where this can be reasonably estimated. This requires the application
of judgement as to the ultimate outcome, which can change over time depending on facts and circumstances. A change in estimate of the likelihood
of a future outflow and/or in the expected amount to be settled would be recognised in income in the period in which the change occurs.
Deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent it is considered probable that those assets will be recoverable. This involves an assessment of
when those deferred tax assets are likely to reverse, and a judgement as to whether or not there will be sufficient taxable profits available to offset
the tax assets when they do reverse. This requires assumptions regarding future profitability and is therefore inherently uncertain. To the extent
assumptions regarding future profitability change, there can be an increase or decrease in the amounts recognised in respect of deferred tax assets
as well as the amounts recognised in income in the period in which the change occurs.
Tax provisions are based on enacted or substantively enacted laws. Changes in those laws could affect amounts recognised in income both in the
period of change, which would include any impact on cumulative provisions, and in future periods.
Note 17 contains information on tax charges, on the deferred tax assets that are recognised, including periodic movements, and on the losses on
which deferred tax is not currently recognised.
The amounts reported for Shell’s employee retirement plans are disclosed in Note 18 and are calculated in accordance with IFRS. Plan assets and
benefit obligations are subject to significant volatility as market values and actuarial assumptions change. Under the IFRS methodology adopted by
Shell (see Note 2 under “Employee benefits”), volatility in the amounts recognised in the Consolidated Financial Statements is reduced as the
methodology provides for unexpected changes in the amount of plan assets and benefit obligations (actuarial gains and losses) to be amortised
over the average remaining employee work life rather than being recognised immediately in the Consolidated Financial Statements.
Local trustees manage the pension funds and set the required contributions from subsidiaries based on independent actuarial valuation rather than
the IFRS measures.
Pension benefit cost reported by Shell primarily represents the change in actuarial present value of the obligation for benefits based on employee
service during the year and the interest on the obligation in respect of employee service in previous years, net of the expected return on plan assets.
The calculations are sensitive to changes in the assumptions made regarding future outcomes. Substantial judgement is required in determining the
assumptions, which vary for the different plans but are determined under a common process in consultation with independent actuaries and in the
light of local conditions. The principal assumptions and their bases are as follows:
䡲 rates of increase in pensionable salaries: historical outturns and management’s long-term expectation;
䡲 mortality rates: the latest available standard mortality tables for the individual countries concerned. The assumptions for each country are
reviewed each year and are adjusted where necessary to reflect changes in fund experience and actuarial recommendations;
䡲 discount rates used to convert future cash flows to current values: prevailing long-term AA corporate bond yields, which can be volatile, chosen to
inflation assumptions and applied to the actual asset mix of each plan. The amount of the expected return on plan assets is calculated using the
expected rate of return for the year and the fair value of assets at the beginning of the year.
The weighted average values applicable for the principal plans in Shell are given in Note 18, together with information on sensitivities. The
assumptions are reviewed annually.
Provisions are recognised for the future decommissioning and restoration of hydrocarbon production facilities and pipelines at the end of their
economic lives. The estimated cost is recognised in income over the life of the proved developed reserves on a unit-of-production basis. Changes in
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[Note 3 continued]
the estimates of costs to be incurred, proved developed reserves or in the rate of production will therefore impact income, over the remaining
economic life of oil and gas assets.
Other provisions are recognised in the period when it becomes probable that there will be a future outflow of funds resulting from past operations or
events that can be reasonably estimated. The timing of recognition requires the application of judgement to existing facts and circumstances, which
can be subject to change.
Estimates of the amounts of provisions recognised are based on current legal and constructive requirements, technology and price levels. Because
actual outflows can differ from estimates due to changes in laws, regulations, public expectations, technology, prices and conditions, and can take
place many years in the future, the carrying amounts of provisions are regularly reviewed and adjusted to take account of such changes.
In relation to decommissioning and restoration costs, the estimated interest rate used in discounting the risk-adjusted cash flows is reviewed at least
annually. The interest rate used to determine the balance sheet obligation at December 31, 2009, was 6% (2008: 6%).
As further described in Note 28, Shell is subject to claims and actions. The facts and circumstances relating to particular cases are evaluated in
determining whether it is more likely than not that there will be a future outflow of funds and, once established, whether a provision relating to a
specific litigation is sufficient. Accordingly, significant management judgement relating to contingent liabilities is required since the outcome of
litigation is difficult to predict. Notwithstanding the possibility of outcomes outside expected ranges, in recent years Shell’s experience has been
that estimates used in determining the appropriate levels of provisions have been materially adequate in anticipating actual outcomes. Actual
payments related to litigation during the three years ended December 31, 2009, have not been material to Shell’s financial condition or results of
A change in estimate of a recognised provision would be recognised in income in the period in which the change occurs (with the exception of
decommissioning and restoration costs as described above).
Fair value measurements are estimated based on the amounts for which the assets and liabilities could be exchanged at the balance sheet date or
for which contracts could be settled at the balance sheet date, and are therefore not necessarily reflective of the likely cash flows on their actual
settlement or expiry.
Where fair value measurements cannot be derived from publicly available information, they are estimated using models and other valuation
methods. To the extent possible, the assumptions and inputs used take into account market pricing information and expectations. However, such
information is by its nature subject to uncertainty, particularly where markets are not active, and changes arising as new information becomes
available impact the amounts recognised in income and in other comprehensive income, as well as amounts disclosed.
Information about key assumptions used in fair value estimates is given in Notes 11 and 23.
2009 2008 2007
Interest income 384 1,012 1,225
Dividend income (from investments in securities) 270 495 211
Net gains on sale of assets 781 4,071 3,349
Other 530 (445) 975
Total 1,965 5,133 5,760
Net gains on sale of assets arise primarily from divestments of interests in operations including, in 2009, Downstream interests in Singapore, in
2008, Upstream interests in Germany, the UK, the USA and Nigeria and Downstream interests in France and in 2007, Upstream interests in
Norway and Russia (see Note 25) and Downstream interests in the USA. Also, in 2007, gains of $952 million were reclassified from accumulated
other comprehensive income following the sale of securities (see Note 26).
Included in other in 2009 are net foreign exchange gains on financing activities of $440 million (2008: $699 million losses; 2007: $154 million
gains). Other net foreign exchange gains of $74 million (2008: $612 million losses; 2007: $291 million gains) are included in purchases.
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2009 2008 2007
Interest incurred 902 1,371 1,235
Accretion expense (see Note 19) 728 680 540
Less: interest capitalised (1,088) (870) (667)
Total 542 1,181 1,108
The interest rate applied in determining the amount of interest capitalised in 2009 was approximately 4% (2008: 5%; 2007: 5%). Interest incurred
is stated after the impact of gains and losses on fair value hedges of debt (see Note 23). Not all of these gains and losses are eligible costs for the
purposes of capitalising interest.
A – Employee costs
2009 2008 2007
Remuneration 10,608 10,581 10,021
Social law taxes 818 890 854
Retirement benefits (see Note 18) 2,679 (302) 98
Share-based compensation (see Note 24) 642 241 589
Total 14,747 11,410 11,562
In addition to the above costs, there were redundancy costs in 2009 of $1,535 million (2008: $85 million; 2007: $397 million). See also
Note 19.
2009 2008 2007
Upstream 23 22 22
Downstream 62 64 69
Corporate 16 16 13
Total 101 102 104
Employees working in business service centres are included in the Corporate segment.
2009 2008 2007
Short-term benefits 31.1 32.6 27.6
Retirement benefits 3.4 3.0 3.1
Share-based compensation 32.7 23.9 23.3
Realised gains on exercise of share options 0.5 1.7 3.5
Short-term benefits comprise salaries and fees, annual bonuses (recognised in the period for which performance is assessed) and cash, car and
other benefits.
Share-based compensation in 2009 includes exceptional costs recognised in respect of Executive Directors who retired or resigned during the year.
In addition to the amounts presented above are termination benefits of $7.6 million awarded to an Executive Director who resigned during the
year, and short-term and retirement benefits of $2.0 million in respect of the Director’s employment in the period from the date of resignation to
December 31, 2009.
There were five members of Senior Management at December 31, 2009 (2008: five; 2007: five).
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Reflecting the change in segmentation (see Note 2), with effect from 2009 Upstream includes the previous Exploration & Production, Gas & Power
and Oil Sands segments. Downstream includes the previous Oil Products and Chemicals segments, and alternative energy, with the exception of
wind, which is included in Upstream. Comparative information is reclassified.
20 09 $ MILLION
Upstream Downstream Corporate Total
Third party 27,996 250,104 88 278,188
Inter-segment 27,144 258 –
Share of profit of equity-accounted investments 3,852 1,110 14 4,976
Interest and other income 652 480 833 1,965
Depreciation, depletion and amortisation charge of which: 9,875 4,399 184 14,458
Impairment losses 792 1,616 10 2,418
Impairment reversals 432 151 – 583
Interest expense (645) (84) 187 (542)
Taxation (8,942) (195) 835 (8,302)
Income for the period 8,354 3,054 1,310 12,718
Total assets at December 31 157,108 121,571 13,502 292,181
Equity-accounted investments at December 31 19,075 12,014 86 31,175
Capital expenditure 21,275 6,046 273 27,594
During 2009, Shell’s self-insurance activities were consolidated within the Corporate segment. As a result, the 2009 earnings before tax of the
Corporate segment were reduced by $422 million, with no impact on Shell’s income for the period.
20 08 $ MILLION
Upstream Downstream Corporate Total
Third party 45,975 412,347 39 458,361
Inter-segment 42,333 466 –
Share of profit/(loss) of equity-accounted investments 7,521 17 (92) 7,446
Interest and other income 4,124 643 366 5,133
Depreciation, depletion and amortisation charge of which: 9,906 3,574 176 13,656
Impairment losses 270 666 – 936
Impairment reversals – 50 – 50
Interest expense (586) (93) (502) (1,181)
Taxation (25,163) 316 503 (24,344)
Income/(loss) for the period 26,506 39 (69) 26,476
Total assets at December 31 153,208 109,820 19,373 282,401
Equity-accounted investments at December 31 17,745 10,515 67 28,327
Capital expenditure 28,958 5,913 241 35,112
20 07 $ MILLION
Upstream Downstream Corporate Total
Third party 32,014 323,711 57 355,782
Inter-segment 35,264 569 –
Share of profit/(loss) of equity-accounted investments 5,446 2,904 (116) 8,234
Interest and other income 3,038 819 1,903 5,760
Depreciation, depletion and amortisation charge of which: 9,913 3,106 161 13,180
Impairment losses 575 173 (3) 745
Impairment reversals 120 5 – 125
Interest expense (471) (68) (569) (1,108)
Taxation (15,707) (3,495) 552 (18,650)
Income for the period 18,094 12,445 1,387 31,926
Total assets at December 31 125,979 130,875 12,616 269,470
Equity-accounted investments at December 31 17,150 11,936 67 29,153
Capital expenditure 18,605 5,086 414 24,105
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[Note 7 continued]
200 9 $ MILLION
Africa, Asia,
Australia/ Other
Europe Oceania USA Americas Total
Third-party revenue, by origin 103,424 80,398 60,721 33,645 278,188
Intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and equity-accounted investments
at December 31 33,404 67,822 32,082 34,842 168,150
200 8 $ MILLION
Africa, Asia,
Australia/ Other
Europe Oceania USA Americas Total
Third-party revenue, by origin 184,809 120,889 100,818 51,845 458,361
Intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and equity-accounted investments
at December 31 30,929 56,123 29,821 28,513 145,386
200 7 $ MILLION
Africa, Asia,
Australia/ Other
Europe Oceania USA Americas Total
Third party revenue, by origin 138,089 90,141 87,548 40,004 355,782
Intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and equity-accounted investments
at December 31 36,673 49,911 27,606 21,850 136,040
With effect from 2009 the reporting of third-party revenue by geographical area has been changed to reflect better the location of certain business
activities. Comparative information is reclassified.
200 9 $ MILLION
Goodwill Other Total
At January 1 3,311 4,060 7,371
Capital expenditure 10 438 448
Sales, retirements and other movements 1 1 2
Currency translation differences 114 155 269
At December 31 3,436 4,654 8,090
Depreciation, depletion and amortisation, including impairments
At January 1 329 2,021 2,350
Charge for the year 24 281 305
Sales, retirements and other movements (65) 53 (12)
Currency translation differences 8 83 91
At December 31 296 2,438 2,734
Net book amount at December 31 3,140 2,216 5,356
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[Note 8 continued]
20 08 $ MILLION
Goodwill Other Total
At January 1 3,181 4,299 7,480
Capital expenditure 349 296 645
Sales, retirements and other movements (37) (117) (154)
Currency translation differences (182) (418) (600)
At December 31 3,311 4,060 7,371
Depreciation, depletion and amortisation, including impairments
At January 1 18 2,096 2,114
Charge for the year 311 270 581
Sales, retirements and other movements – (160) (160)
Currency translation differences – (185) (185)
At December 31 329 2,021 2,350
Net book amount at December 31 2,982 2,039 5,021
The goodwill impairment charge in 2008 of $311 million related primarily to Pennzoil-Quaker State, a lubricants business in the Downstream
segment. The carrying amount of this goodwill at December 31, 2009, is $1,842 million.
The recoverable amounts of the cash-generating units to which goodwill is allocated are determined at least annually by reference to their values in
use. Cash flow projections used in value-in-use estimates are based on past experience and future expectations of volumes, margins and costs for an
initial five-year period, as approved by management, and extrapolated for a further 15 years based on average long-term growth rates for the
sector, which in the case of lubricants is assumed to be equal to the average expected inflation rate for the USA (2.3% per annum). Projections are
adjusted for a variety of risks, in particular volume and margin deterioration, and discounted to their net present value using a nominal pre-tax
discount rate of 6%.
20 09 $ MILLION
Oil and gas Manufacturing Transportation Marketing
properties and processing and storage and other Total
At January 1 156,075 44,741 4,463 28,033 233,312
Capital expenditure 20,888 4,457 31 1,770 27,146
Sales, retirements and other movements (1,517) (341) (357) (2,355) (4,570)
Currency translation differences 10,780 2,134 445 1,569 14,928
At December 31 186,226 50,991 4,582 29,017 270,816
Depreciation, depletion and amortisation, including impairments
At January 1 79,111 24,485 2,064 15,614 121,274
Charge for the year 9,616 2,996 153 1,388 14,153
Sales, retirements and other movements (1,155) (115) (285) (1,953) (3,508)
Currency translation differences 4,903 1,335 180 860 7,278
At December 31 92,475 28,701 2,112 15,909 139,197
Net book amount at December 31 93,751 22,290 2,470 13,108 131,619
20 08 $ MILLION
Oil and gas Manufacturing Transportation Marketing
properties and processing and storage and other Total
At January 1 150,740 48,473 5,123 30,942 235,278
Capital expenditure 28,235 4,114 76 2,042 34,467
Sales, retirements and other movements (3,904) (4,425) (337) (1,862) (10,528)
Currency translation differences (18,996) (3,421) (399) (3,089) (25,905)
At December 31 156,075 44,741 4,463 28,033 233,312
Depreciation, depletion and amortisation, including impairments
At January 1 86,014 28,398 2,431 16,913 133,756
Charge for the year 9,567 2,042 95 1,371 13,075
Sales, retirements and other movements (5,654) (3,858) (202) (1,072) (10,786)
Currency translation differences (10,816) (2,097) (260) (1,598) (14,771)
At December 31 79,111 24,485 2,064 15,614 121,274
Net book amount at December 31 76,964 20,256 2,399 12,419 112,038
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[Note 9 continued]
The net book amount at December 31, 2009, includes $45,113 million (2008: $31,998 million) of assets in the course of construction. This
amount excludes exploration and evaluation assets, information about which is provided below.
Oil and gas properties at December 31, 2009, include rights and concessions of $20,790 million (2008: $19,495 million).
The minimum contractual commitments for capital expenditure at December 31, 2009, amounted to $3.0 billion (2008: $5.3 billion).
In 2008, Shell acquired 100% of the equity of Duvernay Oil Corp. (Duvernay) for a total consideration of $5,013 million, plus the assumption of
debt of $528 million. Duvernay undertakes oil and gas exploration and production activities in Canada and is in the Upstream segment.
Duvernay’s assets comprise primarily oil and gas properties and, as a result of the acquisition, property, plant and equipment increased by
$6,925 million. Goodwill of $330 million (see Note 8) and deferred tax of $1,563 million (see Note 17) and sundry other assets and liabilities
were also recognised following the acquisition.
The depreciation, depletion and amortisation charge for the year includes:
200 9 $ MILLION
Oil and gas Manufacturing Transportation Marketing
properties and processing and storage and other Total
Impairment losses 777 1,422 44 144 2,387
Impairment reversals 432 151 – – 583
200 8 $ MILLION
Oil and gas Manufacturing Transportation Marketing
properties and processing and storage and other Total
Impairment losses 202 353 69 – 624
Impairment reversals – 49 – 1 50
200 7 $ MILLION
Oil and gas Manufacturing Transportation Marketing
properties and processing and storage and other Total
Impairment losses 577 142 – 22 741
Impairment reversals 117 4 – 3 124
Impairment losses and reversals have been recognised in the year in respect of a number of Shell’s cash-generating units, although no single
instance is individually significant. Impairment charges in the year were driven generally by lower margins on refining and chemical products and
changes in development plans. Information on the segments affected is given in Note 7.
The net book amounts at December 31 include assets held under finance leases of:
2009 2008
Oil and gas properties 2,649 2,243
Manufacturing and processing 181 228
Transportation and storage 136 141
Marketing and other 532 420
Total 3,498 3,032
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[Note 9 continued]
Exploration and evaluation assets, which mainly comprise unproved properties (rights and concessions) and capitalised exploration drilling costs,
included within the amounts shown above for oil and gas properties are as follows:
2009 2008
At January 1 18,486 11,480
Capital expenditure 3,288 9,293
Sales, retirements, currency translation differences and other movements (1,349) (2,287)
At December 31 20,425 18,486
Depreciation, depletion and amortisation
At January 1 1,476 1,678
Charge for the year 1,051 430
Sales, retirements, currency translation differences and other movements (628) (632)
At December 31 1,899 1,476
Net book amount at December 31 18,526 17,010
2009 2008 2007
At January 1 3,247 2,500 1,708
Capital expenditure (additions pending determination of proved reserves) 2,041 1,808 1,606
Amounts charged to expense (350) (190) (222)
Reclassifications to productive wells on determination of proved reserves (931) (624) (593)
Other movements, including acquisitions, disposals and currency translation differences (393) (247) 1
At December 31 3,614 3,247 2,500
Exploration drilling costs capitalised for periods greater than one year and representing 187 wells amounted to $1,572 million at December 31,
2009. Information by year of expenditure is as follows:
Number of
$ million wells
2000 15 1
2001 23 2
2002 60 6
2003 54 4
2004 45 4
2005 106 8
2006 168 44
2007 519 55
2008 582 63
Total 1,572 187
Exploration activity often involves drilling multiple wells, over a number of years, to fully evaluate a project. A decision on the recognition of proved
reserves in some cases may not occur for several years. These costs remain capitalised for more than one year because, for the related projects,
either (a) a final investment decision has been taken but until proved reserves are booked the wells remain capitalised as exploration wells rather
than development wells, or (b) drilling of additional exploratory wells in the field is underway or firmly planned for the near future, and/or (c) it can
otherwise be demonstrated that progress is being made on the assessment of the economic and operating viability of the reserves. Indicators that
demonstrate that progress is being made on the assessment of the economic and operating viability of unproved reserves include: formation of a
dedicated project team to continue the project’s development plan; sales agreements with customers for the oil and/or gas reserves are in place or
are being actively negotiated; agreements with governments, lenders and/or venture partners are in place or are being actively negotiated;
proposals or requests for the development of any related facilities are awaiting approval; contractual arrangements that will permit future
development are in progress; and/or firm plans are in place to carry out seismic activities (i.e. acquisition and/or (re)processing) to further
appraise the discovered area.
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2009 2008 2007
Jointly Jointly Jointly
Associated controlled Associated controlled Associated controlled
companies entities Total companies entities Total companies entities Total
Revenue 23,136 36,456 59,592 31,843 52,571 84,414 26,638 43,971 70,609
Income for the period 1,397 3,579 4,976 2,994 4,452 7,446 2,485 5,749 8,234
Dec 31, 2009 Dec 31, 2008
Jointly Jointly
Associated controlled Associated controlled
companies entities Total companies entities Total
Current assets 6,281 9,972 16,253 6,408 8,185 14,593
Non-current assets 26,562 20,812 47,374 24,137 18,462 42,599
Total assets 32,843 30,784 63,627 30,545 26,647 57,192
Current liabilities 5,803 7,095 12,898 6,525 6,334 12,859
Non-current liabilities 12,253 7,301 19,554 9,470 6,536 16,006
Total liabilities 18,056 14,396 32,452 15,995 12,870 28,865
Total assets less total liabilities 14,787 16,388 31,175 14,550 13,777 28,327
Represented by:
Interests in equity 13,513 16,165 29,678 13,102 13,764 26,866
Loans (of a long-term investment nature) 1,274 223 1,497 1,448 13 1,461
Income for 2008 for jointly controlled entities included gains of $1,395 million from the disposal of certain operations in Germany.
At December 31, 2009, Shell had capital commitments, being amounts contracted for with external parties, of $2.5 billion (2008: $2.4 billion) in
respect of its joint ventures.
All shareholdings in the above entities are in ordinary shares or the equivalent and are stated to the nearest percentage point. Fair value
information is stated for those associated companies for which there are published price quotations, and represent the relevant share price on
December 31, 2009 multiplied by the number of shares held.
Although Shell has a 52% investment in Aera, the governing agreements and constitutive documents for this entity do not allow Shell to control this
entity as voting control is either split 50:50 between the shareholders or requires unanimous approval of the shareholders or their representatives.
Consequently this entity has not been consolidated.
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[Note 10 continued]
Shell has other major Upstream joint venture activities that operate as jointly controlled assets.
2009 2008 2007
Charges to equity-accounted investments 28,399 40,401 30,974
Charges from equity-accounted investments 27,494 41,151 28,244
Balances outstanding at December 31, 2009, and 2008 in respect of the above transactions are shown in Notes 14 and 21.
Guarantees issued in respect of equity-accounted investments were $2.5 billion at December 31, 2009, (2008: $2.6 billion), mainly relating to
project finance debt.
Investments in securities comprise equity securities of $2,902 million (2008: $3,149 million) and debt securities of $972 million (2008:
$916 million). Equity securities comprise primarily Shell’s 15% interests in each of the Malaysia LNG Dua Sendirian Berhad and Malaysia LNG
Tiga Sendirian Berhad projects. Debt securities comprise a portfolio required to be held by Shell’s insurance companies as security for their
Equity and debt securities carried at fair value totalled $3,823 million at December 31, 2009, comprising $1,153 million that is measured by
reference to prices in active markets for identical assets and $2,670 million that is measured by reference to predominantly unobservable inputs.
Movements during 2009 in the carrying amounts of investments in securities measured using predominantly unobservable inputs are as follows:
At January 1, 2009 2,871
Losses recognised in other comprehensive income (277)
Purchases 69
Sales (2)
Currency translation differences 9
At December 31, 2009 2,670
Investments in securities valued by reference to predominantly unobservable inputs are all equity securities. Valuations are based on expected
dividend flows, adjusted for country and other risks as appropriate and discounted to their present value.
At December 31, 2009, debt securities held for purposes other than trading, which include certain cash equivalents, are analysed by maturity
[Note 11 continued]
At December 31, 2009, equity securities held for purposes other than trading amounted to $4,613 million (2008: $5,013 million), comprising
equity securities and shares of the Company of $1,711 million (2008: $1,867 million), held in connection with share-based compensation plans
(see Note 24).
Dec 31, 2009 Dec 31, 2008
Loans to equity-accounted investments 1,833 1,545
Derivative contracts (see Note 23) 2,206 901
Prepayments and deferred charges 1,767 1,649
Other 3,352 2,669
Total 9,158 6,764
The fair value of financial assets included above approximates the carrying amount.
Other comprises sundry items, including sub-lease receivables (see Note 16) and investment-related deposits and receivables, none of which is
individually significant.
Dec 31, 2009 Dec 31, 2008
Oil and chemicals 25,946 18,160
Materials 1,464 1,182
Total 27,410 19,342
The cost of inventories recognised in income includes net write-downs and reversals of write-downs, which are driven primarily by fluctuations in oil
prices. In 2009, net reversals were $1,535 million (2008: $1,770 million net write-downs; 2007: $261 million net reversals).
Dec 31, 2009 Dec 31, 2008
Trade receivables 29,872 30,813
Amounts owed by equity-accounted investments 2,098 1,805
Derivative contracts (see Note 23) 18,250 39,722
Prepayments and deferred charges 3,010 4,178
Other 6,098 5,522
Total 59,328 82,040
The fair value of financial assets included above approximates the carrying amount.
Other comprises sundry items, including tax recoverable (see Note 17) and investment-related receivables, none of which is individually
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[Note 14 continued]
Provisions for impairments deducted from accounts receivable amounted to $692 million at December 31, 2009 (2008: $675 million).
2009 2008
Not overdue 26,515 26,173
Overdue 1-30 days 1,825 2,423
Overdue 31-60 days 381 670
Overdue 61-90 days 101 468
Overdue 91-180 days 462 588
Overdue more than 180 days 588 491
Total 29,872 30,813
Dec 31, 2009 Dec 31, 2008
Cash 3,268 3,203
Short-term bank deposits 1,813 8,493
Money market funds and similar instruments 4,638 3,492
Total 9,719 15,188
Included in cash and cash equivalents at December 31, 2009 are amounts totalling $439 million (2008: $367 million) that are subject to currency
controls and other legal restrictions.
A – Debt
Dec 31, 2009 Dec 31, 2008
Debt Debt
(excluding (excluding
finance Finance finance Finance
lease lease lease lease
obligations) obligations Total obligations) obligations Total
Short-term debt 1,490 – 1,490 7,879 – 7,879
Long-term debt due within one year 2,331 350 2,681 1,314 304 1,618
Current debt 3,821 350 4,171 9,193 304 9,497
Non-current debt 26,922 3,940 30,862 10,061 3,711 13,772
Total 30,743 4,290 35,033 19,254 4,015 23,269
As at December 31, 2009, debt issued by Shell International Finance B.V., a 100%-owned subsidiary of the Company, and underwritten by
guarantees issued by the Company amounted to $28,120 million (2008: $16,200 million), with the remainder raised by other subsidiaries with no
recourse beyond the immediate borrower and/or the local assets.
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[Note 16 continued]
Shell has access to international debt capital markets via two commercial paper programmes (CP programmes), a euro medium-term note
programme (EMTN programme) and a US universal shelf registration (US shelf registration). Issuances under the CP programmes are supported by
a committed bank facility and cash. These arrangements and undrawn facilities at December 31, are summarised below:
Facility Amount undrawn
2009 2008 2009 2008
CP programmes 20,000 20,000 20,000 13,675
EMTN programme 25,000 15,000 10,368 9,976
US shelf registration unrestricted unrestricted n/a n/a
Committed bank facility 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Under the CP programmes, Shell can issue debt of up to $10 billion with maturities not exceeding 270 days and $10 billion with maturities not
exceeding 397 days.
The EMTN programme is updated annually, most recently in June 2009. During 2009, debt totalling $10,524 million was issued under this
The US shelf registration provides Shell with the flexibility to issue debt securities, ordinary shares, preferred shares and warrants. The registration
is updated every three years and at the last update in November 2008 was upgraded to unrestricted, reflecting Shell’s status as a “well-known
seasoned issuer”. During 2009, debt totalling $7,500 million was issued under the registration.
The committed bank facility is available on same-day terms, at pre-agreed margins and is due to expire in 2012. The terms and availability are not
conditional on Shell’s financial ratios or its financial credit ratings.
In addition, other subsidiaries have access to short-term bank facilities totalling $3,571 million at December 31, 2009 (2008: $3,175 million).
The following tables compare contractual cash flows for debt (excluding finance lease obligations) owed at December 31, by year of maturity, with
the carrying amount in the Consolidated Balance Sheet. Contractual amounts reflect the effects of changes in currency exchange rates; differences
from carrying amounts reflect the effects of discounting, premiums and, where hedge accounting is applied, fair value adjustments.
The table above excludes interest estimated to be $1,342 million in 2010, $1,158 million in 2011, $1,033 million in 2012, $923 million in
2013, $814 million in 2014 and $714 million in 2015 and after (assuming interest rates with respect to variable rate debt remain constant and
there is no change in aggregate principal amount of debt other than repayment at scheduled maturity as reflected in the table).
Other variable rate debt expected to mature in 2010 includes $130 million of Philippine peso debt with an average interest rate of 3.9%,
$292 million of South African rand debt with an average interest rate of 7.7% and $131 million of Canadian dollar debt with an average interest
rate of 1.8%.
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[Note 16 continued]
The table above excludes interest estimated to be $827 million in 2009, $480 million in 2010, $389 million in 2011, $316 million in 2012,
$290 million in 2013 and $290 million in 2014 and after (assuming interest rates with respect to variable rate debt remain constant and there is no
change in aggregate principal amount of debt other than repayment at scheduled maturity as reflected in the table).
At December 31, 2009, short-term debt excluding the current portion of long-term debt comprises borrowings arranged by other subsidiaries. The
weighted average interest rate was 7% (2008: 4%).
C – Lease arrangements
The future minimum lease payments for finance and operating leases and the present value of minimum finance lease payments at December 31, by
payment date are as follows:
20 09 $ MILLION
Total future
Total future Present value of minimum
minimum finance minimum finance operating
lease payments Interest lease payments lease payments
2010 811 461 350 4,180
2011 – 2014 2,483 1,336 1,147 8,157
2015 and after 4,514 1,721 2,793 4,051
Total 7,808 3,518 4,290 16,388
20 08 $ MILLION
Total future
Total future Present value of minimum
minimum finance minimum finance operating
lease payments Interest lease payments lease payments
2009 608 304 304 4,648
2010 – 2013 2,008 1,094 914 9,905
2014 and after 4,076 1,279 2,797 4,712
Total 6,692 2,677 4,015 19,265
2009 2008 2007
Minimum lease payments 3,513 3,339 3,091
Contingent rentals 14 68 63
Sub-lease income (152) (161) (138)
Total 3,375 3,246 3,016
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[Note 16 continued]
Future minimum lease payments are stated before deduction of expected rental income from non-cancellable sub-leases of $666 million (2008:
$53 million) in respect of finance leases and $427 million (2008: $397 million) in respect of operating leases.
Finance lease obligations include obligations under certain power generation contracts (“tolling agreements”). The present value of the future
minimum lease payments under these contracts is $2,475 million at December 31, 2009 (2008: $2,513 million), of which $449 million (2008:
$403 million) is denominated in Canadian dollars and the remainder in dollars. The carrying amount of related assets, which are recognised as
property, plant and equipment, is $1,700 million at December 31, 2009, (2008: $1,609 million). The leases mature between 2021 and 2024
and the average interest rate is 8%.
Shell leases offshore production and storage equipment for use in the Parque das Conchas (BC10), in respect of which the present value of the
future minimum lease payments at December 31, 2009, included within finance lease obligations, is $792 million (2008: $420 million). The
leases mature in 2039 and the average interest rate is 21%.
Cash and
Non-current Current cash
debt debt equivalents Net debt
At January 1, 2009 (13,772) (9,497) 15,188 (8,081)
Cash flow (18,231) 7,634 (5,575) (16,172)
Other movements 1,186 (2,249) – (1,063)
Currency translation differences (45) (59) 106 2
At December 31, 2009 (30,862) (4,171) 9,719 (25,314)
At January 1, 2008 (12,363) (5,736) 9,656 (8,443)
Cash flow (1,418) (4,009) 5,609 182
Other movements (130) (214) – (344)
Currency translation differences 139 462 (77) 524
At December 31, 2008 (13,772) (9,497) 15,188 (8,081)
2009 2008
Net present value of operating lease obligations [A] 14,798 16,445
Under-funded retirement benefit obligations [B] 7,118 11,834
Fair value hedges related to debt [C] (1,418) (481)
Cash required for operational requirements 2,000 2,300
22,498 30,098
Net debt, as reported 25,314 8,081
Adjusted net debt 47,812 38,179
[A] Total future minimum operating lease payments at December 31 (see Note 16) discounted at 3% in 2009 (2008: 5%).
[B] The excess of pension and other retirement obligations over related plan assets of $3,293 million (2008: $8,340 million) and $3,825 million
(2008: $3,494 million) respectively (see Note 18).
[C] The fair value of hedging derivatives in designated fair value hedges, net of related accrued interest.
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2009 2008 2007
Charge in respect of current period 10,912 24,841 19,960
Adjustment in respect of prior periods (1,615) (389) 116
Current taxation 9,297 24,452 20,076
Relating to the origination and reversal of temporary differences (1,079) (342) (717)
Relating to changes in tax rates (86) 96 (746)
Adjustment in respect of prior periods 170 138 37
Deferred taxation (995) (108) (1,426)
Taxation charge 8,302 24,344 18,650
Reconciliations of the expected tax charge to the actual tax charge are as follows:
2009 2008 2007
Income before taxation 21,020 50,820 50,576
Less: Share of profit of equity-accounted investments (4,976) (7,446) (8,234)
Income before taxation and share of profit from equity-accounted investments 16,044 43,374 42,342
Applicable tax charge at statutory tax rates 9,634 23,673 20,323
Adjustment in respect of prior periods (1,445) (251) 153
Recognition/(derecognition) of tax losses 21 32 (116)
Income not subject to tax (747) (1,568) (1,994)
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes 1,263 2,461 1,602
Taxable items deductible not expensed (521) (658) (768)
Taxable income not recognised 214 498 321
Other reconciling items, including amounts relating to changes in tax rate (117) 157 (871)
Taxation charge 8,302 24,344 18,650
The weighted average of statutory tax rates was 60.0% in 2009 (2008: 54.6%; 2007: 48.0%). The increase from 2008 to 2009 was due to a
change in the geographical mix of income, with a greater proportion of Upstream income in 2009 arising in jurisdictions subject to relatively
higher tax rates. The increase from 2007 to 2008 was due to a higher proportion of income arising in the Upstream segment, which is subject to
relatively higher tax rates than other segments.
The taxation charge includes not only those of general application but also taxes at special rates levied on income from certain Upstream activities
and various other taxes to which these activities are subjected.
The adjustments in respect of prior periods relate to events in the current period and reflect the effects of changes in rules, facts or other factors
compared with those used in establishing the current tax position or deferred tax balance in prior periods. The amount in 2009 relates primarily to
adjustments following final settlement of multiple prior period tax returns in various jurisdictions.
B – Taxes payable
Dec 31, Dec 31,
2009 2008
Income taxes 5,385 4,917
Sales taxes, excise duties and similar levies and social law taxes 3,804 3,190
Total 9,189 8,107
Included in other receivables (see Note 14) is current tax receivable of $548 million (2008: $1,000 million).
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[Note 17 continued]
C – Deferred taxation
Movements in deferred tax liabilities and assets during the year, taking into consideration the offsetting balances within the same tax jurisdiction,
are as follows:
and Retirement Other
equipment benefits provisions Other Total
At January 1, 2009 16,022 1,382 (4,494) (392) 12,518
Charged/(credited) to income 641 (360) (433) (196) (348)
Other movements (304) 109 64 594 463
Currency translation differences 1,409 126 (322) (8) 1,205
At December 31, 2009 17,768 1,257 (5,185) (2) 13,838
At January 1, 2008 17,527 340 (6,093) 1,265 13,039
(Credited)/charged to income (293) 1,290 66 (964) 99
Other movements 1,019 89 843 (625) 1,326
Currency translation differences (2,231) (337) 690 (68) (1,946)
At December 31, 2008 16,022 1,382 (4,494) (392) 12,518
carried Retirement Other
forward benefits provisions Other Total
At January 1, 2009 881 371 1,145 1,021 3,418
Credited to income 224 14 307 102 647
Other movements 200 (9) 53 75 319
Currency translation differences 55 7 101 (14) 149
At December 31, 2009 1,360 383 1,606 1,184 4,533
At January 1, 2008 1,146 464 541 1,102 3,253
(Charged)/credited to income (77) (34) 94 224 207
Other movements (119) (30) 781 (394) 238
Currency translation differences (69) (29) (271) 89 (280)
At December 31, 2008 881 371 1,145 1,021 3,418
Other movements in deferred tax assets and liabilities relate mainly to acquisitions, reclassifications between assets and liabilities and amounts
recognised in other comprehensive income and directly in equity (see Note 26).
Where the realisation of deferred tax assets is dependent on future profits, losses carried forward are recognised only to the extent that business
forecasts predict that such profits will be available. At December 31, 2009, recognised losses carried forward amounted to $14,012 million
(2008: $8,815 million).
Unrecognised losses amount to $2,875 million at December 31, 2009 (2008: $2,952 million) and expire as follows:
2009 2008
In 1 year 8 45
In 2 years 10 6
In 3 years 16 24
In 4 years 19 31
In 5 years and after, including with no expiry 2,822 2,846
Earnings retained by subsidiaries and equity-accounted investments amounted to $122,646 million at December 31, 2009 (2008:
$120,734 million). Provision has been made for withholding and other taxes that would become payable on the distribution of these earnings only
to the extent that either Shell does not control the relevant entity or it is expected that these earnings will be remitted in the foreseeable future.
Retirement plans are provided for employees of all major subsidiaries. The nature of such plans varies according to the legal and fiscal
requirements and economic conditions of the country in which the employees are engaged. Generally, the plans provide defined benefits based on
employees’ years of service and average/final pensionable remuneration.
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[Note 18 continued]
Some subsidiaries have established unfunded defined benefit plans to provide certain other retirement healthcare and life insurance benefits (other
benefits) to their retirees. Entitlement to these other benefits is usually based on the employee remaining in service up to retirement age and the
completion of a minimum service period.
Pension benefits Other benefits
2009 2008 2009 2008
Change in defined benefit obligation
Obligations for benefits based on employee service to date at January 1 52,639 62,523 3,494 3,179
Increase in present value of the obligation for benefits based on employee service during the year 965 1,202 57 59
Interest on the obligation for benefits in respect of employee service in previous years 3,131 3,337 222 187
Benefit payments made (2,862) (2,963) (138) (134)
Actuarial losses/(gains) 5,472 (3,698) (28) 269
Other movements 281 (151) 177 (6)
Currency translation differences 3,092 (7,611) 41 (60)
Obligations for benefits based on employee service to date at December 31 62,718 52,639 3,825 3,494
Change in plan assets
Plan assets held in trust at fair value at January 1 44,299 76,198
Expected return on plan assets 3,142 4,974
Actuarial gains/(losses) 6,256 (27,061)
Employer contributions 5,216 1,636
Plan participants’ contributions 88 75
Benefit payments made (2,862) (2,963)
Other movements 25 80
Currency translation differences 3,261 (8,640)
Plan assets held in trust at fair value at December 31 59,425 44,299
Plan assets in excess of/(less than) the present value of obligations for benefits at December 31 (3,293) (8,340) (3,825) (3,494)
Unrecognised net actuarial losses since adoption of IFRS 10,640 12,085 43 69
Unrecognised past service cost/(credit) 12 12 48 14
Net amount recognised 7,359 3,757 (3,734) (3,411)
Total Pension benefits Other benefits
2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008
Amounts recognised in the Consolidated Balance Sheet:
Pre-paid pension costs 10,009 6,198 10,009 6,198
Retirement benefit obligations:
Non-current (5,923) (5,469) (2,387) (2,241) (3,536) (3,228)
Current (461) (383) (263) (200) (198) (183)
Net amount recognised 3,625 346 7,359 3,757 (3,734) (3,411)
[Note 18 continued]
Employer contributions to defined benefit pension plans during 2010 are estimated to be $2.1 billion.
Pension benefits Other benefits
2009 2008 2007 2009 2008 2007
Service cost 965 1,202 1,188 57 59 50
Interest cost 3,131 3,337 3,051 222 187 171
Expected return on plan assets (3,142) (4,974) (4,821)
Other components 1,033 (383) 158 144 7 68
Cost/(income) of defined benefit plans 1,987 (818) (424) 423 253 289
Payments to defined contribution plans 269 263 233
Total 2,256 (555) (191) 423 253 289
Benefit costs are reported principally within production and manufacturing expenses in the Consolidated Statement of Income.
Weighted average plan asset allocations by asset category for the principal pension plans in Shell are:
Long-term investment strategies of plans are generally determined by the responsible pension fund trustees using a structured asset liability
modelling approach to determine the asset mix that best meets the objectives of optimising investment returns within agreed risk levels while
maintaining adequate funding levels.
Demographic (including mortality) assumptions are determined in the light of local conditions. Mortality assumptions are reviewed annually and
are based on the latest available standard mortality tables for individual countries concerned, adjusted where appropriate to reflect the experience
of Shell. In 2009, new mortality tables were adopted for some countries, notably the UK. At December 31, 2009, the average total life expectancy
for males and females currently aged 60 years is 86 years and 88 years respectively (2008: 85 years and 87 years respectively).
The long-term assumptions for pensionable salary increases, used to determine benefit obligations at December 31, 2009, were increased by
0.75% in respect of UK plans (2008: 0.50% decrease) and by 0.25% in respect of US plans (2008: no change), reflecting market-related changes
in the underlying inflation assumption for these plans.
The assumptions for discount rates reflected decreases of AA rated corporate bond yields of 0.70% in the Eurozone (2008: 0.40% increase), of
0.30% in the UK (2008: 0.20% increase) and of 0.30% in the USA (2008: 0.20% increase).
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[Note 18 continued]
For pension benefits, the sensitivity at December 31, 2009, to a change of one percentage point in certain principal assumptions is as follows:
One-percentage point
Increase Decrease
Expected rates of increase in pensionable salaries
Change in defined benefit obligation 2,069 (1,837)
Change in annual pension benefit cost (pre-tax) 241 (211)
Discount rates
Change in defined benefit obligation (7,783) 9,762
Change in annual pension benefit cost (pre-tax) (127) 134
Expected rates of return on plan assets
Change in annual pension benefit cost (pre-tax) (588) 588
The effect of an increase/(decrease) of one year in life expectancy would be to increase/(decrease) the defined benefit obligation by
approximately $1,893 million/($1,965 million).
The impact on the retirement benefit obligation reflected in Shell’s Consolidated Balance Sheet and on Shell’s annual pension benefit cost of
changes in assumptions described above excludes the effects of any amortisation of actuarial gains and losses resulting from such changes. The
amortisation would vary from year to year by fund depending on whether or not the cumulative unrecognised actuarial gains and losses exceed the
corridor (see Note 2). Any amounts outside the corridor would be recognised in income over the expected average remaining employee working
lives for the relevant fund, the average of which across all funds at December 31, 2009, is 12 years (2008: 13 years).
The effect of a one percentage point increase/(decrease) at December 31, 2009, in the annual rate of increase in the assumed healthcare cost
trend rates would be to increase/(decrease) the defined benefit obligation by approximately $479 million/($394 million) and the annual benefit
cost (pre-tax) by approximately $34 million/($28 million).
Current Non-current Total
2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008
Decommissioning and restoration 653 514 11,633 9,982 12,286 10,496
Environmental 365 321 891 842 1,256 1,163
Redundancy 1,492 203 157 107 1,649 310
Litigation 201 249 499 709 700 958
Other 1,096 1,164 868 930 1,964 2,094
Total 3,807 2,451 14,048 12,570 17,855 15,021
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[Note 19 continued]
and restoration Environmental Redundancy Litigation Other Total
At January 1, 2009 10,496 1,163 310 958 2,094 15,021
Additional provisions 265 192 1,535 196 680 2,868
Amounts charged against provisions (424) (189) (171) (489) (776) (2,049)
Accretion expense 638 26 – 9 55 728
Reclassifications and other movements 488 13 (27) 8 (155) 327
Currency translation differences 823 51 2 18 66 960
At December 31, 2009 12,286 1,256 1,649 700 1,964 17,855
At January 1, 2008 11,226 1,212 561 1,116 2,335 16,450
Additional provisions 198 245 85 149 271 948
Amounts charged against provisions (147) (240) (305) (293) (397) (1,382)
Accretion expense 609 35 – 6 30 680
Reclassifications and other movements 456 (5) (12) 13 16 468
Currency translation differences (1,846) (84) (19) (33) (161) (2,143)
At December 31, 2008 10,496 1,163 310 958 2,094 15,021
The timing and amounts settled in respect of these provisions are uncertain and dependent on various factors that are not always within
management’s control.
Of the decommissioning and restoration provision at December 31, 2009, an estimated $3 billion is expected to be utilised within one to five
years, $4 billion within six to ten years, and the remainder in later periods.
Reviews of estimated decommissioning and restoration costs are carried out annually, which in 2009 resulted in an increase of $477 million
(2008: $1,520 million) in both the provision, reported within “Reclassifications and other movements”, and the corresponding property, plant and
equipment assets reported within “Sales, retirements and other movements” in Note 9. Offsetting this increase in 2008 was a reduction resulting
from disposals of assets, primarily in the UK and USA, of $1,032 million.
Provisions for environmental remediation costs relate to a number of events in different locations, none of which is individually significant.
The additional provisions for redundancy in 2009 of $1,535 million mainly relate to around 5,000 staff who are leaving Shell as a result of a
restructuring programme.
Provisions for litigation costs at December 31, 2009 relate to a number of cases, none of which is individually significant. Further information is
given in Note 28. In 2009, Shell concluded the settlement of claims arising from the 2004 recategorisation of certain hydrocarbon reserves.
Included in other provisions at December 31, 2009, are $750 million (2008: $656 million) relating to employee end-of-service benefits.
Dec 31, 2009 Dec 31, 2008
Advance payments received under long-term supply contracts 508 548
Customer deposits 122 123
Liabilities under employee benefit plans 451 400
Derivative contracts (see Note 23) 987 595
Deferred income 800 676
Other 1,718 1,335
Total 4,586 3,677
The fair value of financial liabilities included above approximates the carrying amount.
Dec 31, 2009 Dec 31, 2008
Trade payables 29,379 25,705
Amounts due to equity-accounted investments 3,412 3,879
Derivative contracts (see Note 23) 17,755 38,277
Accruals and deferred income 12,540 13,408
Other 4,075 3,822
Total 67,161 85,091
The fair value of financial liabilities included above approximates the carrying amount.
shares of ¤0.07 each
Class A Class B Total
At January 1 and December 31, 2009 300 227 527
At January 1, 2008 303 233 536
Shares repurchased for cancellation (3) (6) (9)
At December 31, 2008 300 227 527
The total nominal value of sterling deferred shares is less than $1 million.
Financial instruments and other derivative contracts in the Consolidated Balance Sheet comprise investments in securities (see Note 11), cash and
cash equivalents (see Note 15), debt (see Note 16) and certain amounts (including derivatives) reported within other non-current assets (see
Note 12), accounts receivable (see Note 14), other non-current liabilities (see Note 20) and accounts payable and accrued liabilities (see
Note 21).
A – Risks
In the normal course of business, Shell uses financial instruments of various kinds for the purposes of managing exposure to interest rate, currency
and commodity price movements.
Shell has treasury standards applicable to all subsidiaries, and each subsidiary is required to adopt a treasury policy consistent with these
standards. These policies cover financing structure, interest rate and foreign exchange risk management, insurance, counterparty risk management
and derivative instruments, as well as the treasury control framework. Wherever possible, treasury operations are carried out through specialist
regional organisations without removing from each subsidiary the responsibility to formulate and implement appropriate treasury policies.
Apart from forward foreign exchange contracts to meet known commitments, the use of derivative financial instruments by most subsidiaries is not
permitted by their treasury policy.
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[Note 23 continued]
Other than in exceptional cases, the use of external derivative instruments is confined to specialist oil and gas trading and central treasury
organisations that have appropriate skills, experience, supervision, control and reporting systems.
Market risk is the possibility that changes in interest rates, currency exchange rates or the prices of natural gas, electrical power, crude oil, refined
products, chemical feedstocks and environmental products will adversely affect the value of Shell’s assets, liabilities or expected future cash flows.
On the basis of the floating rate net debt position at December 31, 2009, and assuming no other changes occur (such as changes in currency
exchange rates) and that no further interest rate management action is taken, an increase/decrease in interest rates of 1% would
increase/decrease pre-tax net interest expense by $163 million (2008: $18 million).
Fluctuations in exchange rates can have a significant effect on income; however, the total impact is not separately quantifiable because some
effects are absorbed into individual companies’ earnings as they feed through into the price of products and/or their cost base.
Exchange rate gains and losses arise in the normal course of business from the recognition of receivables and payables and other monetary items in
currencies other than individual companies’ functional currency. Currency exchange risk may also arise in connection with capital expenditure. For
major projects, an assessment is made at the final investment decision stage whether to hedge any resulting exposure.
Shell does not generally undertake hedging of net investments in foreign operations or of income that arises in foreign operations that are non-
dollar functional.
Foreign exchange gains and losses arising from foreign currency transactions included in income are presented in Note 4.
Price risk
Certain subsidiaries have a mandate to trade natural gas, electrical power, crude oil, refined products, chemical feedstocks and environmental
products, and to use commodity swaps, options and futures as a means of managing price and timing risks arising from this trading. In effecting
these transactions, the companies concerned operate within procedures and policies designed to ensure that risks, including those relating to the
default of counterparties, are contained within authorised limits.
Shell uses risk management systems for recording and valuing instruments. There is regular review of mandated trading limits by senior
management, daily monitoring of market risk exposure using value-at-risk (VAR) techniques (see below), daily monitoring of trading positions
against limits and marking-to-market of trading exposures with a department independent of traders reviewing the market values applied to trading
exposures. Shell’s exposure to significant trading losses is therefore considered limited.
Shell utilises VAR techniques based on variance/covariance or Monte Carlo simulation models and makes a statistical assessment of the market risk
arising from possible future changes in market values over a 24-hour period and within a 95% confidence level. The calculation of the range of
potential changes in fair value takes into account positions, the history of price movements and the correlation of these price movements. Each of
the models is regularly back-tested against actual fair value movements to ensure model integrity is maintained.
[Note 23 continued]
Shell has policies in place to ensure that wholesale sales of products are made to customers with appropriate creditworthiness. In addition, Shell
has policies that limit the amount of credit exposure to any individual financial institution. There has been no significant level of counterparty
In commodity trading, counterparty credit risk is managed within a framework of individual credit limits with utilisation being regularly reviewed.
Credit checks are performed by a department independent of traders, and are undertaken before contractual commitment. Where appropriate,
netting arrangements, credit insurance, prepayments and collateral are used to manage specific risks.
In the prevailing international credit environment, Shell applies a variety of measures to reduce and diversify risk exposure. These measures include
detailed credit analysis and monitoring of trading partners, restricting large-volume trading activities to the highest-rated counterparties, shortening
exposure duration, and taking collateral or other security. As Shell’s treasury and trading operations are highly centralised, these measures have
proved reasonably effective in controlling credit exposures associated with managing Shell’s substantial cash and cash equivalents, foreign
exchange and commodity positions. Credit information is regularly shared between business and finance functions, with dedicated teams in place
to quickly identify and respond to cases of credit deterioration. Mitigation measures are defined and implemented for high-risk business partners
and customers, and include shortened payment terms, collateral or other security posting and vigorous collections.
Liquidity risk is the risk that suitable sources of funding for Shell’s business activities may not be available. Shell believes that it has access to
sufficient debt funding sources (capital markets), and to undrawn committed borrowing facilities to meet currently foreseeable requirements.
Information about Shell’s borrowing facilities is presented in Note 16.
Shell’s long-term debt ratings, assigned by Moody’s Investors Services and Standard and Poor’s Ratings Services respectively, are Aa1 and AA,
and its short-term commercial paper programmes are rated Prime-1 and A-1+. Shell has access to a wide range of funding alternatives at
competitive rates.
Surplus cash is invested in a range of short-dated money market instruments, including commercial paper, time deposits and money market funds,
which seek to ensure the security and liquidity of investments while optimising yield. In all cases investments are only permitted in high credit quality
institutions/funds, with diversification of investment supported by maintaining counterparty credit limits.
B – Derivative contracts
The following tables provide a summary of the carrying amounts of derivative contracts held at December 31 and a reconciliation to Shell’s
Consolidated Balance Sheet.
2009 2008
Asset Liability Net Asset Liability Net
Interest rate swaps 226 (5) 221 367 – 367
Forward foreign exchange contracts 235 (258) (23) 1,228 (594) 634
Currency swaps 1,830 (313) 1,517 669 (354) 315
Commodity swaps, options, futures and forwards 17,842 (17,349) 493 38,144 (37,475) 669
Other contracts 323 (817) (494) 215 (449) (234)
Total 20,456 (18,742) 1,714 40,623 (38,872) 1,751
Included within:
Accounts receivable (Note 14) 18,250 39,722
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (Note 21) (17,755) (38,277)
Other non-current assets (Note 12) 2,206 901
Other non-current liabilities (Note 20) (987) (595)
Total 20,456 (18,742) 40,623 (38,872)
The maximum exposure to credit risk is the fair value of the derivative assets.
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[Note 23 continued]
The carrying amounts of derivative contracts held at December 31, 2009, categorised according to the predominant source and nature of inputs
used in determining the fair value of each contract, are as follows:
Prices in
active markets Other
for identical observable Unobservable
assets/liabilities inputs inputs Total
Interest rate swaps – 221 – 221
Forward foreign exchange contracts – (23) – (23)
Currency swaps – 1,517 – 1,517
Commodity swaps, options, futures and forwards (182) 1,289 (614) 493
Other contracts 1 156 (651) (494)
Total (181) 3,160 (1,265) 1,714
Financial instruments are used mainly as hedging instruments, although hedge accounting is not always applied. Consequently, movements in the
carrying amounts of hedging instruments that are recognised in income are generally offset by movements in the underlying hedged items. In the
case of currency hedges, gains and losses are offset by translation differences recognised in respect of the related transactions; in the case of
commodity price hedges, gains and losses are offset by movements in the carrying amounts of the related forward contracts. Net losses before tax
on these contracts, excluding realised commodity forward contracts and those accounted for as hedges, are $3,505 million in 2009
(2008: $505 million gains; 2007: $1,674 million losses).
Shell has designated certain derivatives as fair value hedges which were mainly entered into to mitigate interest rate risk on certain fixed rate debt
and price risk on a fixed price commodity purchase contract. Net losses on the hedged items in 2009 are $1,098 million (2008: $778 million;
2007: $216 million); net gains on the hedging instruments in 2009 are $985 million (2008: $789 million; 2007: $212 million).
During 2009, accumulated losses on cash flow hedges of $318 million, previously recognised in other comprehensive income, were recognised in
revenue (2008: $1 million; 2007: $201 million), as a result of previously forecast transactions that are no longer expected to occur.
Movements during 2009 in the carrying amounts of derivative contracts measured using predominantly unobservable inputs are as follows:
At January 1, 2009 (909)
Net losses recognised in revenue (245)
Purchases 1,213
Sales (1,228)
Settlements 48
Recategorisations (net) (91)
Currency translation differences (53)
At December 31, 2009 (1,265)
Included in net losses recognised in revenue for 2009 are unrealised net losses totalling $819 million relating to assets and liabilities held at
December 31, 2009.
[Note 23 continued]
Average contractual exchange rates in the tables that follow are expressed as the number of units of the currency being sold for one unit of the
currency being bought.
contractual Contract/ Carrying
exchange rate notional amount amount
Buy sterling/sell dollar 1.62 7,130 (26)
Buy dollar/sell Canadian dollar 1.05 6,875 (17)
Buy euro/sell dollar 1.47 3,406 (70)
Buy dollar/sell Norwegian krone 5.74 2,452 17
Buy dollar/sell Australian dollar 1.11 1,824 6
Buy Canadian dollar/sell dollar 0.95 1,446 8
Buy dollar/sell Danish krone 5.03 1,320 34
Buy dollar/ sell sterling 0.62 1,267 (7)
Buy dollar/sell euros 0.69 894 5
Buy New Zealand dollar/sell dollar 0.71 655 11
Buy Singapore dollar/sell dollar 0.71 650 –
Buy Norwegian krone/sell dollar 0.17 615 2
Buy dollar/Sell Singapore dollar 1.40 599 –
Buy Qatar riyal/sell dollar 0.27 588 –
Other contracts with contract/notional amount less than $500 million each 2,892 14
Total 32,613 (23)
contractual Contract/ Carrying
exchange rate notional amount amount
Buy euro/sell dollar 1.31 7,838 515
Buy sterling/sell dollar 1.53 4,690 (275)
Buy dollar/sell Canadian dollar 1.14 4,454 281
Buy dollar/sell Norwegian krone 6.39 2,111 189
Buy dollar/sell euro 0.73 1,923 (41)
Buy dollar/sell Danish krone 5.48 1,466 (47)
Buy dollar/sell Australian dollar 1.45 1,056 4
Buy Singapore dollar/sell dollar 0.69 650 5
Buy Danish krone/sell dollar 0.19 626 2
Buy Canadian dollar/sell dollar 0.82 617 7
Buy dollar/sell Singapore dollar 1.45 585 (5)
Buy Qatar riyal/sell dollar 0.27 542 1
Buy dollar/sell sterling 0.66 533 24
Other contracts with contract/notional amount less than $500 million each 3,621 (26)
Total 30,712 634
Of the total contract/notional amount at December 31, 2009, $28.1 billion (2008: $25.2 billion) relates to the outstanding forward leg of
contracts in place to manage foreign currency cash balances.
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[Note 23 continued]
Currency swaps
Contract/notional amount
exchange 2015 and Carrying
rate 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 after Total amount
Fixed to floating interest rates:
Buy dollar/sell euro 0.76 432 – 2,522 3,603 – 7,566 14,123 1,724
Buy dollar/sell Canadian dollar 1.14 539 261 153 132 – – 1,085 (192)
Buy dollar/sell sterling 0.52 807 – – – – – 807 (106)
Buy Canadian dollar/sell dollar 0.86 94 72 – – – – 166 128
Buy dollar/sell Swiss franc 1.30 – 291 – – – – 291 70
Buy sterling/sell dollar 1.85 – – – – – 153 153 (19)
Floating to floating Interest Rates
Buy Malaysian ringgit /sell
dollars 3.45 140 – 245 210 – – 595 –
Buy Australian dollar/sell dollar 0.78 – 391 – – – – 391 (64)
Buy dollar/sell Brazilian real 1.88 13 – – – 206 – 219 (18)
Buy dollar/sell Thai baht 32.93 – – 169 – – – 169 (5)
Other contracts 12 3 7 – – – 22 (1)
Total 2,037 1,018 3,096 3,945 206 7,719 18,021 1,517
For a minority of commodity derivatives, carrying amounts cannot be derived from quoted market prices or other observable inputs, in which case
fair value is estimated using valuation techniques such as Black-Scholes and option spread models, with assumptions developed internally based on
observable market activity. Commodity derivatives are generally economically hedged as a portfolio. As such, gains and losses associated with
instruments that are measured using unobservable inputs are not reflective of trends occurring in the underlying business, and are typically offset by
gains and losses associated with similar instruments that are measured using quoted market prices or other observable inputs.
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[Note 23 continued]
Other contracts include certain contracts that are held to sell or purchase commodities, and other contracts containing embedded derivatives,
which are required to be recognised at fair value because of pricing or delivery conditions, even though they are only entered into to meet
operational requirements. At December 31, 2009, the total contract/notional amount of these contracts, which are mainly contracts for the delivery
of gas, was $5,472 million (2008: $5,332 million), and their fair value was $494 million (liability) (2008: $234 million (liability)). These
contracts are expected to mature between 2010 and 2025, with certain contracts having early termination rights (for either party). Valuations are
derived from quoted market prices for the next two years; thereafter, from forward gas price curve formulae used in similar contracts, estimated by
reference to equivalent oil prices, which are also adjusted for credit risk. Future oil price assumptions are the most significant input to this model,
such that a decrease of $10 per barrel in the projected oil price would decrease the fair value of the liability estimate, and increase pre-tax income,
by $380 million.
The carrying amount of financial assets pledged as collateral for liabilities or contingent liabilities at December 31, 2009, and presented within
accounts receivable (see Note 14), was $311 million (2008: $739 million). The carrying amount of collateral held at December 31, 2009, and
presented within accounts payable and accrued liabilities (see Note 21), was $512 million (2008: $1,985 million).
The total expense for share-based compensation plans was $642 million (2008: $241 million; 2007: $589 million), comprising $504 million
relating to equity-settled plans (2008: $405 million; 2007: $373 million) and $138 million relating to cash-settled plans (2008: $(164) million;
2007: $216 million). The fair value of share-based compensation awarded in 2009 was $386 million (2008: $632 million; 2007: $472 million).
The total liability for cash-settled plans at December 31, 2009, is $350 million (2008: $217 million). The intrinsic value of all vested cash-settled
plans at December 31, 2009, is $141 million (2008: $108 million).
The following table shows, for 2008 and 2009, shares granted, vested and expired or forfeited:
Number of Royal Dutch Shell plc shares
Class A Class B Class A ADRs contractual
(thousands) (thousands) (thousands) life (years)
At January 1, 2009 19,078 8,781 6,358 1.2
Granted 8,700 3,558 2,800
Vested (2,168) (1,283) (871)
Expired/forfeited (2,499) (1,376) (939)
At December 31, 2009 23,111 9,680 7,348 1.1
At January 1, 2008 15,305 7,981 5,361 1.1
Granted 8,498 3,525 2,838
Vested (2,815) (1,670) (1,044)
Expired/forfeited (1,910) (1,055) (797)
At December 31, 2008 19,078 8,781 6,358 1.2
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[Note 24 continued]
Certain subsidiaries have other plans containing stock appreciation rights linked to the value of the Company’s Class A ADRs. There are 0.5 million
rights outstanding at December 31, 2009 (2008: 1.1 million).
The following table shows, for 2008 and 2009, in respect of the option plans, the number of shares under option at the beginning of the year, the
number of options exercised and expired/forfeited during the year and the number of shares under option at the end of the year, together with the
weighted average exercise price translated at the respective year-end exchange rates. Since 2005 no further grants have been made under these
The underlying weighted average exercise prices for the Company’s Class A and B shares under option at December 31, 2009 were ¤23.43
(2008: ¤23.50) and £16.55 (2008: £16.53) respectively.
A Monte Carlo option pricing model is used to estimate the fair value of the share-based compensation expense arising from the Performance Share
Plan. The model projects and averages the results for a range of potential outcomes for the vesting conditions described above, the principal
assumptions for which are the share price volatility and dividend yields for Shell and four of its main competitors over the last three years and the
last ten years. The assumptions applicable to Shell are as follows:
The outcomes derived using this model are discounted to their present value using the risk-free interest rate of 1.4% (2008: 2.4%; 2007: 4.6%).
B – Treasury shares
Shell employee share ownership trusts purchase the Company’s shares in the open market to meet future obligations arising from share-based
compensation granted to employees. At December 31, 2009, they held 55.9 million Class A shares (2008: 54.9 million), 28.2 million Class B
shares (2008: 29.9 million) and 17.5 million Class A ADRs (2008: 17.5 million).
The total carrying amount of the Company’s shares, which are all held in connection with the share-based compensation plans, at December 31,
2009, is $1,711 million (2008: $1,867 million).
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In March 2007, Shell acquired the minority interest in Shell Canada for a cash consideration of $7.1 billion. This was reflected in the Consolidated
Statement of Changes in Equity as a decrease in minority interest and in retained earnings of $1,639 million and $5,445 million respectively.
In April 2007, Shell sold half of its interest in Sakhalin II, reducing its interest from 55% to 27.5%, for a sales price of $4.1 billion. As a result of this
transaction, Sakhalin II has been accounted for as an associated company rather than as a subsidiary with effect from April 2007. The main impact
on the Consolidated Balance Sheet was a decrease of $15.7 billion in property, plant and equipment and $6.7 billion in minority interest, and an
increase in equity-accounted investments of $3.7 billion.
Share Capital other
Merger premium redemption Share plan comprehensive
reserve reserve reserve reserve income Total
At January 1, 2009 3,444 154 57 1,192 (1,669) 3,178
Other comprehensive income attributable to
Royal Dutch Shell plc shareholders – – – – 6,623 6,623
Share-based compensation – – – 181 – 181
At December 31, 2009 3,444 154 57 1,373 4,954 9,982
At January 1, 2008 3,444 154 48 1,122 9,380 14,148
Other comprehensive income attributable to
Royal Dutch Shell plc shareholders – – – – (11,049) (11,049)
Repurchases of shares – – 9 – – 9
Share-based compensation – – – 70 – 70
At December 31, 2008 3,444 154 57 1,192 (1,669) 3,178
At January 1, 2007 3,444 154 39 736 4,447 8,820
Other comprehensive income attributable to
Royal Dutch Shell plc shareholders – – – – 4,933 4,933
Repurchases of shares – – 9 – – 9
Share-based compensation – – – 386 – 386
At December 31, 2007 3,444 154 48 1,122 9,380 14,148
The merger reserve and share premium reserves were established as a consequence of Royal Dutch Shell plc becoming the single parent company
of Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and of The Shell Transport and Trading Company Limited in 2005.
The capital redemption reserve was established in connection with repurchases of shares of Royal Dutch Shell plc.
The share plan reserve is maintained in respect of equity-settled share-based compensation plans (see Note 24), and includes related deferred
taxation recognised directly in equity of $22 million in 2009 (2008: $68 million; 2007: $55 million).
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[Note 26 continued]
Recognised in 2009
Share of Attributable to
equity- Royal Dutch
Jan 1, accounted Minority Shell plc Dec 31,
2009 Pre-tax Tax After tax investments interest shareholders 2009
Currency translation differences
Recognised in the period 6,698 (164) 6,534
Reclassified to income (44) – (44)
Net currency translation differences (3,984) 6,654 (164) 6,490 74 (52) 6,512 2,528
Unrealised gains/(losses) on securities
Recognised in the period (101) (16) (117)
Reclassified to income (27) 1 (26)
Net unrealised gains/(losses) on securities 2,679 (128) (15) (143) (72) – (215) 2,464
Cash flow hedging gains/(losses)
Recognised in the period (37) (1) (38)
Reclassified to income 318 44 362
Net cash flow hedging gains/(losses) (364) 281 43 324 2 – 326 (38)
Total (1,669) 6,807 (136) 6,671 4 (52) 6,623 4,954
Recognised in 2008
Share of Attributable to
equity- Royal Dutch
Jan 1, accounted Minority Shell plc Dec 31,
2008 Pre-tax Tax After tax investments interest shareholders 2008
Currency translation differences
Recognised in the period (11,988) 287 (11,701)
Reclassified to income (386) – (386)
Net currency translation differences 7,781 (12,374) 287 (12,087) (19) 341 (11,765) (3,984)
Unrealised gains/(losses) on securities
Recognised in the period 772 45 817
Reclassified to income (117) 6 (111)
Net unrealised gains/(losses) on securities 1,955 655 51 706 18 – 724 2,679
Cash flow hedging gains/(losses)
Recognised in the period (8) – (8)
Reclassified to income 1 – 1
Net cash flow hedging gains/(losses) (356) (7) – (7) (1) – (8) (364)
Total 9,380 (11,726) 338 (11,388) (2) 341 (11,049) (1,669)
Recognised in 2007
Share of Attributable to
equity- Royal Dutch
Jan 1, accounted Minority Shell plc Dec 31,
2007 Pre-tax Tax After tax investments interest shareholders 2007
Currency translation differences
Recognised in the period 6,058 (331) 5,727
Reclassified to income (324) – (324)
Net currency translation differences 2,392 5,734 (331) 5,403 14 (28) 5,389 7,781
Unrealised gains/(losses) on securities
Recognised in the period 626 (54) 572
Reclassified to income (1,065) 214 (851)
Net unrealised gains/(losses) on securities 2,295 (439) 160 (279) (62) 1 (340) 1,955
Cash flow hedging gains/(losses)
Recognised in the period (133) (153) (286)
Reclassified to income 201 (23) 178
Net cash flow hedging gains/(losses) (240) 68 (176) (108) (8) – (116) (356)
Total 4,447 5,363 (347) 5,016 (56) (27) 4,933 9,380
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[Note 26 continued]
Unrealised gains on securities reclassified to income in 2007 includes $952 million relating to the sale of the equity portfolio held by Shell’s
insurance companies and Shell’s interest in Enterprise Product Partners (see Note 4).
2009 2008 2007
Interim dividends paid: $1.66 per Class A share (2008: $1.56; 2007: $1.405) 5,969 5,458 5,154
Interim dividends paid: $1.66 per Class B share (2008: $1.56; 2007: $1.405) 4,557 4,058 3,847
Total 10,526 9,516 9,001
On February 4, 2010, the Directors proposed a further interim dividend in respect of 2009 of $0.42 per Class A share and $0.42 per Class B
share, payable on March 17, 2010, which will absorb an estimated $2,621 million of shareholders’ funds.
Dividends declared on Class A shares are by default paid in euros, although holders may elect to receive dividends in sterling. Dividends declared
on Class B shares are by default paid in sterling, although holders may elect to receive dividends in euros. Dividends declared on American
Depository Receipts (“ADRs”) are paid in dollars.
Shell Oil Company (including subsidiaries and affiliates, referred to collectively as SOC), along with numerous other defendants, have been sued
by public and quasi-public water purveyors, as well as governmental entities, alleging responsibility for groundwater contamination caused by
releases of gasoline-containing oxygenate additives. Most of these suits assert various theories of liability, including product liability, and seek to
recover actual damages, including clean-up costs. Some assert claims for punitive damages. Fewer than 50 of these cases remain. Based on court
rulings in SOC’s favor in certain cases claiming damages from threats of contamination, the claims asserted in remaining matters, and Shell’s track
record with regard to amounts paid to resolve varying claims, management of Shell does not currently believe that the outcome of the remaining
oxygenate-related litigation pending, as at December 31, 2009, will have a material impact on Shell.
In 2008, a consolidated shareholder class action pending in the US District Court in New Jersey alleging losses related to the 2004
recategorisations of certain hydrocarbon reserves was settled (US Settlement) and finally approved by the court. Among other things, the US
Settlement provides to all persons and entities who purchased Shell shares on US markets and all US persons and entities who purchased Shell
shares on non-US markets during the Relevant Period the following relief: (i) settlement relief of $82.8 million to be distributed to US purchasers
pursuant to the plan of distribution; (ii) interest on settlement amounts from April 1, 2008 (and providing the same relief to participants in the Non-
US Settlement); and (iii) the US purchasers and participants in the Non-US Settlement collectively will receive an additional payment of $35 million,
divided in accordance with proportions determined in the two proposed settlements. Shell has paid US class counsel’s fees and expenses, will pay
the costs of administering the US settlement, and has escrowed the settlement funds. Distribution of settlement funds is expected in 2010.
Provisions were recognised in 2007 and 2008 for the settlement payments and attorneys fees (see Note 19).
Shell subsidiaries are subject to a number of other loss contingencies arising from litigation and claims brought by governmental and private
parties, which are handled in the ordinary course of business. The operations and earnings of Shell subsidiaries continue, from time to time, to be
affected to varying degrees by political, legislative, fiscal, and regulatory developments, including those relating to the protection of the
environment and indigenous groups, in the countries in which they operate, including for example, Nigeria. The industries in which Shell
subsidiaries are engaged are also subject to physical risks of various types. The nature and frequency of these developments and events, not all of
which are covered by insurance, as well as their effect on future operations and earnings, are unpredictable.
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A – Remuneration of auditors
2009 2008 2007
Remuneration in respect of the audit of the Parent Company and Consolidated Financial Statements,
including the audit of Shell consolidation returns 4 5 4
Other audit fees, primarily in respect of audits of accounts of subsidiaries 53 49 44
Total audit fees 57 54 48
Total audit-related services (other services provided pursuant to legislation) 2 2 3
Taxation services (primarily for tax compliance) 1 – –
Other services – 1 1
Total 60 57 52
B – Remuneration for supply of services in relation to retirement benefit plans for employees of
PricewaterhouseCoopers provides audit services to retirement benefit plans for employees of subsidiaries. Remuneration amounted to $1 million in
2009 (2008: $1 million; 2007: $1 million).
Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the income attributable to Royal Dutch Shell plc shareholders for the year by the weighted
average number of Class A and B shares outstanding during the year.
Diluted earnings per share are based on the same income figures. The weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year is adjusted
for the number of shares related to share option schemes.
Earnings per share are identical for Class A and Class B shares.
A consortium in which Shell has a 45% interest signed a 20-year agreement with the Iraqi Ministry of Oil to lead the development of the Majnoon
oilfield. Another consortium in which Shell has a 15% interest signed an agreement with the Ministry to develop and expand the West Qurna-1 field
in southern Iraq.
The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited agreed, subject to regulatory approval, to sell its interests in three production
licences and related equipment in the Niger Delta.
Shell and Cosan S.A. signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding, expressing the intention to form a circa $12 billion joint venture in
Brazil for the production of ethanol, sugar and power, and the supply, distribution and retail of transportation fuels. Under the terms of the
memorandum, both companies would contribute certain existing assets to the joint venture. In addition, Shell would contribute a total of $1.6 billion
in cash, payable over two years.
A company jointly owned by Shell and PetroChina placed a non-binding indicative offer to acquire 100% of Arrow Energy Limited (Arrow),
excluding its international assets. Arrow is a company listed in Australia that supplies coal seam gas to eastern Australia. The offer comprises
consideration of approximately $3 billion.
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Adoption of revised reserves reporting Following the issuing by the SEC, on December 28, 2008, of the new
standards rules Modernization of Oil and Gas Reporting, the proved reserves
As a company with significant oil and gas operations, Shell is required associated with synthetic crude oil are included in the quantities of oil
to present certain supplementary disclosures regarding those and gas at the end of 2009. Furthermore, for the first time we included
operations and its proved oil and gas reserves in accordance with the proved reserves associated with future production that will be
rules of the SEC and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). consumed in operations.
On December 28, 2008, the SEC adopted revised rules for the
modernisation of oil and gas reporting requirements. In January 2010, Proved reserves are shown net of any quantities of crude oil or natural
the FASB adopted a revised standard for oil and gas reserves gas that are expected to be taken by others as royalties in kind but do
estimation and disclosures. Both of those revised standards are effective not exclude quantities related to royalties expected to be paid in cash
for annual periods ending on or after December 31, 2009. Retroactive (except in North America and in other situations in which the royalty
adoption is not permitted and accordingly: quantities are owned by others) or those related to fixed margin
contracts. Proved reserves include certain quantities of crude oil or
䡲 all reserves disclosures for the years 2008 and 2007 are reported in natural gas that will be produced under arrangements that involve Shell
accordance with the disclosure standards in effect during such companies in risks and rewards but do not transfer title of the product to
periods; those companies.
䡲 all reserves disclosures as at December 31, 2009, including the
standardised measure of discounted future cash flows, are calculated Oil and gas reserves cannot be measured exactly since estimation of
on the basis of the revised SEC and FASB standards referred to above; reserves involves subjective judgement (see Risk factors on pages 13-
and 15). These estimates remain subject to revision and are unaudited
䡲 in order to show the changes effected by the revised disclosure rules supplementary information.
for 2009, (i) the reserves balances at the beginning of the year 2009
are shown on the basis of the previous rules and (ii) the changes [A] Reserves, reserves volumes and reserves related information and disclosure
effected by the rules changes are included in revisions and are referred to as “unaudited” as a means of clarifying that this information is
reclassifications for previously booked proved reserves or extensions not covered by the audit opinion of the independent registered public
and discoveries for new proved reserves for 2009. accounting firm that has audited and reported on the Consolidated Financial
Statements or the Parent Company Financial Statements.
In accordance with the revised SEC rules proved oil and gas reserves
quantities at December 31, 2009 are based on a 12-month
unweighted arithmetic average sales price, calculated on a first day of
the month basis compared to the year-end prices used in 2008 and
The tables for the current reporting period and the 2008 and 2007
historical data have been aligned to the updated SEC requirement for
geographic area disclosure.
Net quantities (which are unaudited) of proved oil and gas reserves are
shown in the tables on pages 142-149. Proved reserves are those
quantities of crude oil, natural gas, natural gas liquids, synthetic crude
oil and bitumen, and sales products of other non-renewable natural
resources which by analysis of geoscience and engineering data, can
be estimated with reasonable certainty to be economically producible
in future years from known reservoirs, and under existing economic
conditions, operating methods and government regulations. Proved
developed oil and gas reserves are reserves of any category that can
be expected to be recovered through existing wells with existing
equipment and operating methods or through installed extraction
equipment and infrastructure if the extraction is by means not involving
a well. The unaudited proved reserves volumes reported exclude
volumes attributable to oil and gas discoveries that are not at present
considered proved. Such volumes will be included when technical,
fiscal and other conditions allow them to be economically developed
and produced.
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Crude oil and natural gas liquids, synthetic crude oil and bitumen
Asia Asia
The net increase of 580 thousand million scf in revisions and The net increase of 3,326 thousand million scf results mainly from
reclassifications is primarily the result of additional development development activity in Qatar GTL and positive PSC effects related to
drilling, better performance results and rebookings in Malaysia due to the low year-end price.
higher commodity prices and further development activity in Qatar.
These increases were partially offset by the negative PSC effects related Australia/Oceania
to the higher product prices, predominantly in Qatar. The effect of The net increase of 273 thousand million scf in revisions and
including future production that will be consumed in operations was reclassifications is due to the re-evaluation in a number of fields
603 thousand million scf. following the acquisition of new performance data and re-evaluation of
existing data. These more than offset the negative effects in the tail-end
Australia/Oceania cut off and economics of some fields.
The 2,880 thousand million scf in extensions and discoveries are
primarily related to new bookings offshore Australia and include future Africa
production that will be consumed in operations of 360 thousand The combined net positive changes of 273 thousand million scf
million scf. consisting of 143 thousand million scf in revisions and reclassifications
and 130 thousand million scf relating to extensions are mainly the result
Africa of improved gas recovery factors and additions to the proved areas in a
The combined upward revision of 1,460 thousand million scf is number of fields in Nigeria, more than offsetting negative year-end
primarily the result of new bookings from field extensions, upward price effects.
revisions as the result of development and study activity in a number of
fields in Nigeria. North America – USA
The combined net positive changes of 313 thousand million scf consist
North America – USA of 178 thousand million scf in revisions and reclassifications and 135
The increase of 229 thousand million scf in extensions and discoveries thousand million scf of extensions which were the result of infill drilling
is primarily due to new bookings resulting from ongoing development and better than anticipated performance with some additions to the
activity both onshore and offshore the USA. Proved reserves associated proved areas in a number of fields.
with future production that will be consumed in operations were
99 thousand million scf; this was significantly impacted by negative North America – Canada
revisions related to lower gas prices in 2009. The net increase of 408 thousand million scf in purchases is associated
with the acquisition of Duvernay.
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The net reduction of 569 thousand million scf in revisions and
reclassifications is mainly the result of new reservoir data gathered from
wells drilled in the Sakhalin II project in Russia and in the Qatar LNG
project. The increase of 330 thousand million scf in extensions and
discoveries was primarily related to the extension of the proved area of
the Qatar LNG project in Qatar.
The net increase of 330 thousand million scf in revisions and
reclassifications is primarily related to the evaluation of existing and
new data in a number of Australian fields.
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Natural gas
Natural gas
North America
Australia/ South
Europe Asia Oceania Africa USA Canada America Total
Shell subsidiaries
At January 1 4,903 10,572 1,884 1,741 2,468 923 334 22,825
Revisions and reclassifications 356 3,326 273 143 178 (3) 5 4,278
Improved recovery – – – – – – – –
Extensions and discoveries 93 156 55 130 135 52 – 621
Purchases of minerals in place – – 40 – – 408 – 448
Sales of minerals in place (1) – – – (7) – – (8)
Production (710) (498) (207) (255) (382) (149) (36) (2,237)
At December 31 4,641 13,556 2,045 1,759 2,392 1,231 303 25,927
Shell share of equity-accounted investments
At January 1 11,578 5,678 802 – 12 – – 18,070
Revisions and reclassifications 144 (569) 330 – 1 – – (94)
Improved recovery – – – – – – – –
Extensions and discoveries 17 330 – – – – – 347
Purchases of minerals in place – – – – – – – –
Sales of minerals in place (11) – – – – – – (11)
Production (637) (183) (77) – (3) – – (900)
At December 31 11,091 5,256 1,055 – 10 – – 17,412
Minority interest in reserves of Shell subsidiaries
At December 31 – 21 – – – – – 21
Natural gas
the 2008 and 2007 periods, the price and costs were those at year
STANDARDISED MEASURE OF end. The information so calculated does not provide a reliable measure
of future cash flows from proved reserves, nor does it permit a realistic
DISCOUNTED FUTURE CASH FLOWS comparison to be made of one entity with another because the
assumptions used cannot reflect the varying circumstances within each
United States accounting principles require the disclosure of a entity.
standardised measure of discounted future cash flows, relating to
proved oil and gas reserves quantities and based on a 12-month In addition a substantial but unknown proportion of future real cash
unweighted arithmetic average sales price, calculated on a first day of flows from oil and gas production activities is expected to derive from
the month basis, with cost factors based on those at the end of each reserves which have already been discovered, but which cannot yet be
year, currently enacted tax rates and a 10% annual discount factor. For regarded as proved.
20 08 $ MILLION
North America
Australia/ South
Europe Asia Oceania Africa USA Canada [A] America Total
Shell subsidiaries:
Future cash inflows 46,960 56,134 6,621 24,059 25,939 7,973 1,107 168,793
Future production costs 17,007 15,923 2,805 11,107 13,737 5,246 429 66,254
Future development costs 9,848 15,463 1,023 5,727 8,683 1,849 153 42,746
Future tax expenses 11,188 10,103 861 2,360 1,419 325 170 26,426
Future net cash flows 8,917 14,645 1,932 4,865 2,100 553 355 33,367
Effect of discounting cash flows
at 10% 2,186 10,940 754 1,078 338 (61) 137 15,372
Standardised measure of
discounted future net cash flows 6,731 3,705 1,178 3,787 1,762 614 218 17,995
Shell share of equity-accounted
investments 9,921 2,834 396 – 783 – 66 14,000
Minority interests included – 1 – (19) – – – (18)
[A] Excludes synthetic crude oil.
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200 7 $ MILLION
North America
Australia/ South
Europe Asia Oceania Africa USA Canada [A] America Total
Shell subsidiaries:
Future cash inflows 107,607 108,559 11,770 55,639 48,696 12,429 1,611 346,311
Future production costs 28,937 20,556 3,530 16,197 19,163 7,377 561 96,321
Future development costs 14,600 20,442 1,986 5,089 6,190 1,474 117 49,898
Future tax expenses 40,317 31,829 1,912 20,295 8,170 1,009 214 103,746
Future net cash flows 23,753 35,732 4,342 14,058 15,173 2,569 719 96,346
Effect of discounting cash flows
at 10% 7,192 23,938 1,473 3,600 4,938 660 186 41,987
Standardised measure of
discounted future net cash
flows 16,561 11,794 2,869 10,458 10,235 1,909 533 54,359
Shell share of equity-accounted
investments 10,023 7,470 2,000 – 6,434 – 802 26,729
Minority interest included – 10 – 245 – – – 255
[A] Excludes synthetic crude oil.
Change in standardised measure of discounted future net cash flows relating to proved oil and
gas reserves
200 9 $ MILLION
Shell share
of equity-
Shell accounted
subsidiaries investments Total
At January 1 17,995 14,000 31,995
Net changes in prices and production costs 35,269 15,067 50,336
Extensions, discoveries and improved recovery 17,898 2,328 20,226
Purchases and sales of minerals in place (23) – (23)
Revisions of previous reserves estimates 18,267 7,045 25,312
Development cost related to future production (28,834) (6,071) (34,905)
Sales and transfers of oil and gas, net of production costs (27,443) (12,829) (40,272)
Development cost incurred during the year 14,569 3,861 18,430
Accretion of discount 2,901 2,994 5,895
Net change in income tax (17,204) (4,049) (21,253)
At December 31 33,395 22,346 55,741
Proved reserves are recognised under various forms of contractual agreements. Shell’s proved reserves volumes present in agreements such as
PSCs or other forms of economic entitlement contracts at December 31, 2009 where the Shell share of reserves can vary with commodity prices are
approximately 1,318 million barrels of crude oil and natural gas liquids, and 16,035 thousand million scf of gas.
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Shell subsidiaries
2009 [B] 2008
Proved properties [A] 151,303 116,365
Unproved properties 20,787 18,526
Support equipment and facilities 5,778 4,859
177,868 139,750
Proved properties [A] 88,226 73,786
Unproved properties 1,899 1,476
Support equipment and facilities 2,687 2,394
92,812 77,656
Net capitalised costs 85,056 62,094
[A] Includes capitalised asset decommissioning and restoration costs and related depreciation.
[B] Includes synthetic crude oil activities’ net capitalised costs of $12,029 million at December 31, 2009.
Proved properties [A] 40,555
Unproved properties 891
Support equipment and facilities 2,991
Proved properties [A] 20,552
Unproved properties 62
Support equipment and facilities 1,676
Net capitalised costs [B] 22,147
[A] Includes capitalised asset decommissioning and restoration costs and related depreciation.
[B] The Shell share of equity-accounted investments’ net capitalised costs was $17,077 million at December 31, 2008.
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Shell subsidiaries
200 9 $ MILLION
North America
Australia/ South
Europe Asia Oceania Africa USA Canada America Total
Acquisition of properties
Proved 10 531 99 – – 3 – 643
Unproved – 2 163 163 224 43 7 602
Exploration 485 355 385 376 1,632 373 267 3,873
Development [A] 2,378 3,669 533 1,768 2,315 4,002 [B] 296 14,961
[A] Includes capitalised asset decommissioning and restoration costs.
[B] Includes synthetic crude oil activities of $3,110 million.
200 8 $ MILLION
North America
Australia/ South
Europe Asia Oceania Africa USA Canada America Total
Acquisition of properties
Proved 1 115 60 16 – 661 – 853
Unproved – – 176 11 2,567 4,608 – 7,362
Exploration 573 355 252 616 980 425 418 3,619
Development [A] 3,009 4,113 239 710 2,877 1,324 193 12,465
[A] Includes capitalised asset decommissioning and restoration costs.
200 7 $ MILLION
North America
Australia/ South
Europe Asia Oceania Africa USA Canada America Total
Acquisition of properties
Proved – – – – – 3 – 3
Unproved – 2 5 124 611 65 – 807
Exploration 479 315 300 627 1,065 325 98 3,209
Development [A] 3,285 3,573 155 2,182 2,315 922 93 12,525
[A] Includes capitalised asset decommissioning and restoration costs.
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20 09 $ MILLION
North America
Australia/ South
Europe Asia Oceania Africa USA Canada America Total
Acquisition of properties
Proved – 31 – – – – – 31
Unproved – – – – – – – –
Exploration 9 364 109 – 1 – – 483
Development [A] 440 2,377 1,720 – 316 – 54 4,907
[A] Includes capitalised asset decommissioning and restoration costs.
20 08 $ MILLION
North America
Australia/ South
Europe Asia Oceania Africa USA Canada America Total
Costs incurred 321 2,734 1,208 – 297 – 177 4,737
20 07 $ MILLION
North America
Australia/ South
Europe Asia Oceania Africa USA Canada America Total
Costs incurred 308 2,217 1,456 – 245 – 91 4,317
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200 9 [A ] $ MILLION
North America
Australia/ South
Europe Asia Oceania Africa USA Canada America Total
Third parties 2,945 2,449 1,001 1,613 3,055 348 119 11,530
Sales between businesses 8,271 8,170 877 5,524 2,774 3,334 486 29,436
Total 11,216 10,619 1,878 7,137 5,829 3,682 605 40,966
Production costs excluding taxes 2,729 1,113 177 1,285 1,666 1,963 184 9,117
Taxes other than income tax [B] 322 185 172 465 56 – 68 1,268
Exploration expense 273 208 196 532 610 177 182 2,178
Depreciation, depletion and
amortisation 2,730 937 307 1,233 2,440 1,999 124 9,770
Other income/(costs) (1,064) (2,458) (463) (444) (653) (1,075) (72) (6,229)
Earnings before taxation 4,098 5,718 563 3,178 404 (1,532) (25) 12,404
Taxation 2,886 4,744 69 2,370 (458) (572) (126) 8,913
Earnings after taxation 1,212 974 494 808 862 (960) 101 3,491
[A] Includes synthetic crude oil activities of earnings after taxation $249 million.
[B] Includes cash paid royalties to governments outside North America.
200 8 $ MILLION
North America
Australia/ South
Europe Asia Oceania Africa USA Canada America Total
Third parties 6,210 3,764 170 3,104 5,219 1,131 479 20,077
Sales between businesses 13,771 13,001 1,440 8,429 5,235 1,573 371 43,820
Total 19,981 16,765 1,610 11,533 10,454 2,704 850 63,897
Production costs excluding taxes 2,383 1,331 157 1,207 1,294 750 161 7,283
Taxes other than income tax [A] 501 639 258 882 101 – 90 2,471
Exploration expense 414 131 143 300 680 180 147 1,995
Depreciation, depletion and
amortisation 3,102 1,299 220 1,595 2,166 880 74 9,336
Other income/(costs) (440) (2,107) 8 (20) (76) (330) (41) (3,006)
Earnings before taxation 13,141 11,258 840 7,529 6,137 564 337 39,806
Taxation 8,391 9,098 205 4,505 2,044 11 287 24,541
Earnings after taxation 4,750 2,160 635 3,024 4,093 553 50 15,265
[A] Includes cash paid royalties to governments outside North America.
200 7 $ MILLION
North America
Australia/ South
Europe Asia Oceania Africa USA Canada America Total
Third parties 3,750 2,961 226 1,108 3,099 1,322 192 12,658
Sales between businesses 11,654 9,097 1,352 8,955 5,765 1,021 501 38,345
Total 15,404 12,058 1,578 10,063 8,864 2,343 693 51,003
Production costs excluding taxes 2,433 1,313 131 1,312 1,242 655 158 7,214
Taxes other than income tax [A] 401 342 165 829 74 – 67 1,878
Exploration expense 178 141 183 345 675 246 54 1,822
Depreciation, depletion and
amortisation 3,311 893 350 2,168 2,183 514 13 9,432
Other income/(costs) 107 (1,529) 90 (1,670) (398) (708) (44) (4,152)
Earnings before taxation 9,188 7,840 839 3,739 4,292 220 357 26,475
Taxation 4,961 6,499 139 2,332 1,488 (66) 19 15,372
Earnings after taxation 4,227 1,341 700 1,407 2,804 286 338 11,103
[A] Includes cash paid royalties to governments outside North America.
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20 09 $ MILLION
North America
Australia/ South
Europe Asia Oceania [B] Africa USA Canada America Total
Third party revenue 4,965 4,962 1,053 – 1,613 – 192 12,785
Total 4,965 4,962 1,053 – 1,613 – 192 12,785
Production costs excluding taxes 334 843 148 – 454 – 42 1,821
Taxes other than income tax [A] 2,201 1,446 72 – 3 – 9 3,731
Exploration expense 13 126 92 – 1 – – 232
Depreciation, depletion and
amortisation 300 964 294 – 293 – 297 2,148
Other income/(costs) 332 (76) 30 – 342 – (36) 592
Earnings before taxation 2,449 1,507 477 – 1,204 – (192) 5,445
Taxation 940 955 194 – 437 – 11 2,537
Earnings after taxation 1,509 552 283 – 767 – (203) 2,908
[A] Includes cash paid royalties to governments outside North America.
[B] Shell owns 34% of Woodside Petroleum Ltd, a publicly listed company on the Australian stock exchange. We have limited access to data, accordingly the numbers
are estimated.
20 08 $ MILLION
North America
Australia/ South
Europe Asia Oceania Africa USA Canada America Total
Earnings after taxation 2,519 467 535 – 1,281 3 165 4,970
20 07 $ MILLION
North America
Australia/ South
Europe Asia Oceania Africa USA Canada America Total
Earnings after taxation 1,667 597 238 – 929 7 145 3,583
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We have audited the Parent Company Financial Statements of Royal year for which the Parent Company Financial Statements are
Dutch Shell plc (the Company) for the year ended December 31, 2009, prepared is consistent with the Parent Company Financial Statements.
which comprise the Parent Company Statement of Income, the Parent
Company Statement of Comprehensive Income, the Parent Company MATTERS ON WHICH WE ARE REQUIRED TO REPORT BY EXCEPTION
Balance Sheet, the Parent Company Statement of Changes in Equity, We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters where the
the Parent Company Statement of Cash Flows and the related Notes. Companies Act 2006 requires us to report to you if, in our opinion:
The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their
preparation is applicable law and International Financial Reporting 䡲 adequate accounting records have not been kept by the Parent
Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union. Company, or returns adequate for our audit have not been received
from branches not visited by us; or
RESPECTIVE RESPONSIBILITIES OF DIRECTORS AN D AUDITORS 䡲 the Parent Company Financial Statements and the part of the
As explained more fully in the Report of the Directors set out on Directors’ Remuneration Report to be audited are not in agreement
pages 57-58, the Directors are responsible for the preparation of the with the accounting records and returns; or
Parent Company Financial Statements and for being satisfied that they 䡲 certain disclosures of Directors’ remuneration specified by law are not
give a true and fair view. Our responsibility is to audit the Parent made; or
Company Financial Statements in accordance with applicable law and 䡲 we have not received all the information and explanations we require
International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). Those standards for our audit.
require us to comply with the Auditing Practices Board’s Ethical
Standards for Auditors. OTHER MATTER
We have reported separately on the Consolidated Financial Statements
This report, including the opinions, has been prepared for and only for of Royal Dutch Shell plc for the year ended December 31, 2009.
the Company’s members as a body in accordance with Chapter 3 of
Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006 and for no other purpose. We do Stephen Johnson (Senior Statutory Auditor)
not, in giving these opinions, accept or assume responsibility for any for and on behalf of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
other purpose or to any other person to whom this report is shown or Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors
into whose hands it may come save where expressly agreed by our London
prior consent in writing. March 15, 2010
SCOPE OF THE AUDIT OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMEN TS [A] The maintenance and integrity of the Royal Dutch Shell plc website
An audit involves obtaining evidence about the amounts and ( is the responsibility of the Directors; the work carried out by
disclosures in the Financial Statements sufficient to give reasonable the auditors does not involve consideration of these matters and, accordingly,
assurance that the Financial Statements are free from material the auditors accept no responsibility for any changes that may have occurred
misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error. This includes an to the Financial Statements since they were initially presented on the website.
assessment of: whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the [B] Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and
Parent Company’s circumstances and have been consistently applied dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other
and adequately disclosed; the reasonableness of significant accounting jurisdictions.
estimates made by the Directors; and the overall presentation of the
Financial Statements.
䡲 give a true and fair view of the state of the Company’s affairs as at
December 31, 2009, and of its income and cash flows for the year
then ended;
䡲 have been properly prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by
NOTES Dec 31, 2009 Dec 31, 2008
Non-current assets
Investments in subsidiaries 201,824 200,613
Deferred tax 5 159 18
201,983 200,631
Current assets
Accounts receivable 6 142 7,487
Cash and cash equivalents 7 6,650 67
6,792 7,554
Total assets 208,775 208,185
Current liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 9 580 916
580 916
Total liabilities 580 916
Ordinary share capital 10 527 527
Other reserves 11 201,448 201,324
Retained earnings 6,220 5,418
Total equity 208,195 207,269
Total liabilities and equity 208,775 208,185
Simon Henry
Chief Financial Officer, for and on behalf of the Board of Directors
March 15, 2010
The Notes on pages 161 to 167 are an integral part of these Parent Company Financial Statements.
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NOTES 2009 2008
Cash flow from operating activities
Income for the period 10,884 10,931
Adjustment for:
Dividend income (10,556) (11,558)
Taxation (43) 46
Unrealised currency exchange (gain)/loss (303) 787
Interest income (32) (304)
Interest expense 22 109
Decrease in net working capital 49 27
Net cash from operating activities (pre-tax) 21 38
Taxation refunded/(paid) 422 (619)
Net cash from operating activities 443 (581)
Cash flow from investing activities
Dividends received 16,656 12,872
Interest received 32 304
Net cash from investing activities 16,688 13,176
Cash flow from financing activities
Dividends paid 12 (10,526) (9,516)
Repurchases of share capital, including expenses – (3,560)
Interest paid (22) (109)
Net cash used in financing activities (10,548) (13,185)
Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 6,583 (590)
Cash and cash equivalents at January 1 7 67 657
Cash and cash equivalents at December 31 7 6,650 67
The Notes on pages 161 to 167 are an integral part of these Parent Company Financial Statements.
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The Financial Statements of Royal Dutch Shell plc (the Company) have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act
2006, the International Accounting Standards (IAS) Regulation and with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the
European Union. As applied to the Company, there are no material differences with IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board
(IASB), therefore the Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB.
The accounting policies set out in Note 2 below have been consistently applied in all periods presented.
The Financial Statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention as modified by the revaluation of certain financial assets and
liabilities and other derivative contracts.
The preparation of financial information in conformity with IFRS requires the use of certain accounting estimates. It also requires management to
exercise its judgement in the process of applying the Company’s accounting policies. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
The financial results of the Company are included in the Consolidated Financial Statements on pages 97-139. The financial results of the Company
incorporate the results of the Dividend Access Trust, the financial statements for which are presented on pages 171-174.
The Company’s principal activity is being the parent company for Shell, as described in Note 1 to the Consolidated Financial Statements. It
conducts itself wholly within the Corporate business segment (see Note 7 to the Consolidated Financial Statements).
The Financial Statements were approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on March 15, 2010.
The Company’s accounting policies follow those of Shell as set out in Note 2 to the Consolidated Financial Statements. Key accounting estimates
and judgements affecting the assessment and measurement of impairment follow those set out in Note 3 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
The following are the principal accounting policies of the Company.
Presentation currency
The Company’s presentation and functional currency is US dollars (dollars).
Currency translation
Income and expense items denominated in currencies other than the functional currency are translated into the functional currency at the rate ruling
on their transaction date. Monetary assets and liabilities recorded in currencies other than the functional currency are expressed in the functional
currency at the rates of exchange ruling at the respective balance sheet dates. Differences on translation are included in the Statement of Income.
Share capital issued in currencies other than in the functional currency is translated into the functional currency at the exchange rate as at the date
of issue.
The Company is tax resident in the Netherlands.
For the assessment of corporate income tax in the Netherlands, the Company and certain of its subsidiaries form a fiscal unit. Shell Petroleum N.V.
(Shell Petroleum) and its fiscal unit subsidiaries are part of the fiscal unit of which the Company is the parent, and the Company recognises in its
financial statements the resulting current tax payable or receivable for the fiscal unit.
The tax charge or credit is recognised in the Statement of Income calculated at the statutory tax rate prevailing in the Netherlands.
Investments in subsidiaries are stated at cost, net of pre-acquisition dividends receivable and any impairment.
The original cost of the Company’s investment in Royal Dutch Petroleum Company (Royal Dutch) was based on the fair value of the Royal Dutch
shares, transferred to the Company by the former shareholders of Royal Dutch in exchange for Class A shares in the Company during the public
exchange offer (the Royal Dutch Offer). For shares of Royal Dutch tendered in the acceptance period, the fair value was calculated based on the
closing price of Royal Dutch’s shares on July 19, 2005. For shares of Royal Dutch tendered in the subsequent acceptance period, the fair value was
calculated based on the quoted bid price of the Company’s Class A shares on the specified date.
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[Note 2 continued]
The original cost of the Company’s investment in The Shell Transport and Trading Company Limited (Shell Transport) was the fair value of the Shell
Transport shares held by the former shareholders of Shell Transport, which were transferred in consideration for the issuance of Class B shares as
part of the Scheme of Arrangement. The fair value was calculated based on the closing price of Shell Transport’s shares on July 19, 2005.
As a result of the Unification (see Note 26 to the Consolidated Financial Statements), the Company’s investments in Royal Dutch and Shell Transport
now represent an investment in Shell Petroleum. This had no impact on the cost of investments in subsidiaries.
At the moment of vesting of a plan, the costs for the actual deliveries is recharged to the relevant employing subsidiaries. This is recognised as a
repayment of the investment originally booked. If the actual vesting costs are higher than the originally estimated IFRS 2 charge, the difference is
accounted for as a gain in the Statement of Income.
Information on the principal plans, including vesting conditions and shares granted, vested and expired or forfeited during the year, is set out in
Note 24 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
Dividend income
Interim dividends declared are recognised on a paid basis unless the dividend has been confirmed by a general meeting of Shell Transport or of
Shell Petroleum, in which case income is recognised on declaration date.
2009 2008
Finance income
Interest income 32 304
Currency exchange gains 312 –
Total 344 304
Finance expense
Interest expense (22) (109)
Currency exchange losses – (714)
Total (22) (823)
The Directors and Senior Management are remunerated for their services to Shell. Remuneration of the Directors and Senior Management is paid
by subsidiaries. The Company has received a recharge of $8.8 million (2008: $10.5 million) for the services of Directors and Senior Management.
Remuneration of Directors and Senior Management, detailing short-term benefits, retirement benefits, share-based compensation and gains
realised on the exercise of share options, is set out in Note 6 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
2009 2008
(Credit)/charge in respect of current period (61) 38
Adjustment in respect of prior periods – 8
Current taxation (61) 46
Relating to the origination and reversal of temporary differences 18 –
Deferred taxation 18 –
Taxation (credit)/charge (43) 46
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[Note 5 continued]
Reconciliations of the expected tax charge to the actual tax charge are as follows:
2009 2008
Income before taxation 10,841 10,977
Applicable tax charge at statutory tax rate of 25.5% (2008: 25.5%) 2,764 2,799
Income not subject to tax (2,771) (2,762)
Adjustment in respect of prior periods – 8
Other tax items (36) –
Taxation (credit)/charge (43) 46
The adjustments in respect of prior periods relate to events in the current period and reflect the effects of changes in rules, facts or other factors
compared with those used in establishing the current tax position or deferred tax balance in prior periods.
Other tax items comprise net interest of $14 million received from the tax authorities relating to overpaid taxes in prior years and $22 million
relating to a tax credit received on withholding tax deductions on dividends received by entities within the Dutch Fiscal Unit.
B – Taxes receivable
2009 2008
Income taxes receivable 137 501
Total 137 501
Taxes receivable are reported within accounts receivable; taxes payable are reported within accounts payable and accrued liabilities.
In 2009, current tax recoverable of $nil (2008: $4 million) in connection with stamp duties and commission fees relating to shares repurchased for
cancellation has been recognised in equity.
2009 2008
At January 1 18 18
Recognised in income (18) –
Additions during the year 159 –
At December 31 159 18
Prior year tax losses brought forward were utilised during the year, with the related deferred tax asset of $18 million recognised in income. The tax
losses of 2009 have been partly carried back to 2008. A deferred tax asset has been recognised for the remaining losses as it is probable that
these will be recovered, based on projected future available profits. The tax losses can be carried forward for relief during the next nine years
ending December 31, 2018.
Dec 31, 2009 Dec 31, 2008
Amounts due from subsidiaries (see Note 14) 4 6,986
Other receivables 138 501
Total 142 7,487
Included in other receivables is $137 million (2008: $501 million) related to current tax receivables (see Note 5).
Cash and cash equivalents comprise call deposits with a subsidiary (see Note 14).
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Financial assets and liabilities in the Company’s Balance Sheet comprise cash and cash equivalents (see Note 7), accounts receivable (see
Note 6) and certain amounts reported within accounts payable and accrued liabilities (see Note 9).
Foreign exchange derivatives are used by the Company to manage foreign exchange risk. Foreign exchange risk arises when certain transactions
are denominated in a currency that is not the Company’s functional currency. There are no derivative financial instruments held at year end.
The fair value of financial assets and liabilities at December 31, 2009 and 2008 approximates their carrying amount. All financial assets and
liabilities fall due within 12 months.
2009 2008
Amounts owed to subsidiaries (see Note 14) 345 611
Withholding tax payable 228 290
Accruals 6 14
Unclaimed dividends 1 1
Total 580 916
shares of ¤0.07 each
Class A Class B Total
At January 1 and December 31, 2009 300 227 527
At January 1, 2008 303 233 536
Shares repurchased for cancellation (3) (6) (9)
At December 31, 2008 300 227 527
The total nominal value of sterling deferred shares is less than $1 million.
In the period from January 2, 2008 to November 7, 2008 37,841,027 Class A shares and 63,551,897 Class B shares were repurchased under
the Company’s share buyback programme and cancelled. The Company did not repurchase any shares for cancellation in 2009.
The Class B shares rank pari passu in all respects with the Class A shares except for the dividend access mechanism described below. The Company
and Shell Transport can procure the termination of the dividend access mechanism at any time. Upon such termination, the Class B shares will form
one class with the Class A shares ranking pari passu in all respects and the Class A shares and Class B shares will be known as ordinary shares
without further distinction.
The sterling deferred shares are redeemable only at the discretion of the Company at £1 for all sterling deferred shares redeemed at any one time,
and carry no voting rights. There are no further rights to participate in profits or assets, including the right to receive dividends. Upon winding up or
liquidation, the shares carry a right to repayment of paid-up nominal value, ranking ahead of the Class A and Class B shares.
For information on the number of shares in the Company held by Shell employee share ownership trusts and in connection with share-based
compensation plans, refer to Note 24 of the Consolidated Financial Statements.
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[Note 10 continued]
Dividends paid on Class A shares have a Dutch source for tax purposes and are subject to Dutch withholding tax.
It is the expectation and the intention, although there can be no certainty, that holders of Class B shares will receive dividends via the dividend
access mechanism. Any dividends paid on the dividend access share will have a UK source for Dutch and UK tax purposes; there will be no UK or
Dutch withholding tax on such dividends and certain holders (not including US holders) of Class B shares or Class B ADRs will be entitled to a UK
tax credit in respect of their proportional share of such dividends.
The declaration and payment of dividends on the dividend access share will require Board action by Shell Transport and will be subject to any
applicable legal or articles limitations in effect from time to time. In no event will the aggregate amount of the dividend paid by Shell Transport
under the dividend access mechanism for a particular period exceed the aggregate amount of the dividend declared by the Company’s Board on
the Class B shares in respect of the same period.
If any amount is paid by Shell Transport by way of a dividend on the dividend access share and paid by the dividend access trustee to any holder of
Class B shares, the dividend which the Company would otherwise pay on the Class B shares will be reduced by an amount equal to the amount
paid to such holders of Class B shares by the dividend access trustee.
The Company will have a full and unconditional obligation, in the event that the dividend access trustee does not pay an amount to holders of
Class B shares on a cash dividend payment date (even if that amount has been paid to the dividend access trustee), to pay immediately the dividend
declared on the Class B shares. The right of holders of Class B shares to receive distributions from the dividend access trustee will be reduced by an
amount equal to the amount of any payment actually made by the Company on account of any dividend on Class B shares.
The dividend access mechanism may be suspended or terminated at any time by the Company’s Directors or the Directors of Shell Transport, for any
reason and without financial recompense. This might, for instance, occur in response to changes in relevant tax legislation.
On February 5, 2010 (Completion) the Trustee entered in to an agreement with EES Trustees International Limited (the ‘New Trustee’) whereby the
benefit of certain clients of the Trustee including the Trust would be transferred to the New Trustee with effect from Completion. It is intended that the
New Trustee will replace the Trustee during 2010. In the period between Completion and the replacement of the Trustee, the Trustee has granted the
New Trustee a general trustee power of attorney as further described in Clause 2.2 of a Trust & Fund Business Administration Agreement between
the Trustee and the New Trustee.
[Note 11 continued]
Other reserve
The other reserve was created as a result of the Unification and represents the difference between the cost of the investment in Shell Transport and
Royal Dutch and the nominal value of shares issued in exchange for those investments as required by the prevailing legislation at that time,
section 131 of the Companies Act 1985.
In addition, on February 4, 2010, the Directors proposed a further interim dividend in respect of 2009 of $0.42 per Class A share and $0.42 per
Class B share, payable on March 17, 2010, which will absorb an estimated $2,621 million of shareholders’ funds. The dividends on the Class B
shares are paid via the Dividend Access Trust (see Note 10).
Dividends declared on Class A shares are by default paid in euros, although holders may elect to receive dividends in sterling. Dividends declared
on Class B shares are by default paid in sterling, although holders may elect to receive dividends in euros. Dividends declared on American
Depository Receipts (“ADRs”) are paid in dollars.
The Company deposited cash balances with Shell Treasury Centre Limited, a subsidiary. The Company earned interest on these balances of
$2 million in 2009 (2008: $16 million). At December 31, 2009 the balance deposited was $6,649 million (2008: $67 million), consisting of
sterling, euro and dollar balances. These balances are presented within cash and cash equivalents. Interest on euro balances is calculated at
EONIA less 0.4% (2008: EONIA less 0.0625%), on sterling balances at LIBOR and on dollar balances at US LIBOR less 0.6% (2008: US LIBOR
less 0.125%).
At December 31, 2009 the Company has a net payable due to Shell Treasury Luxembourg Sarl, a subsidiary, of $296 million (2008:
$611 million), presented within amounts owed to subsidiaries. The net payable comprises an interest-bearing receivable at December 31, 2009 of
¤4,416 million (2008: ¤4,237 million) and an interest-bearing payable of $6,660 million (2008: $6,581 million). Interest on euro balances is
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[Note 14 continued]
calculated at EONIA less 0.4% (2008: EONIA less 0.0625%), on sterling balances at LIBOR and on dollar balances at US LIBOR. Net interest
income on these balances in 2009 is $5 million (2008: $89 million).
Dividend income in 2009 was $10,556 million (2008: $11,558 million). At December 31, 2009, amounts due from subsidiaries in respect of
dividends were $nil (2008: $6,100 million).
The main movement in investment in subsidiaries relates to the IFRS 2 charge of $501 million on equity-settled plans in 2009 (2008: $401 million),
disclosed in the Consolidated Financial Statements.
The Company recharged $84 million (2008: $171 million) to subsidiaries related to vested share-based compensation that was delivered to
employees in 2009 on performance share plan awards that were granted in 2006 and previous years.
In 2009, the Company settled balances of $255 million (2008: $nil) with Shell Petroleum.
In 2009, the Company settled balances with several subsidiaries amounting to $26 million (2008: $30 million) relating to the Company’s
employee costs. At December 31, 2009 a balance of $nil was owing to subsidiaries (2008: $15 million) with respect to these transactions.
The Company was recharged certain administrative expenses from subsidiaries, which amounted to $26 million in 2009 (2008: $25 million).
The Company recharged certain administrative expenses to subsidiaries, which amounted to $3 million in 2009 (2008: $4 million).
Invoices from third-party suppliers were paid by Shell International B.V., a subsidiary, on behalf of the Company amounting to $3 million (2008:
$8 million).
The Company enters into forward and spot foreign exchange contracts with Treasury companies, which are subsidiaries. At December 31, 2009
there were no open contracts with these companies in respect of foreign exchange contracts.
The Company settles general and administrative expenses of the Trust including the audit fees.
The Company has guaranteed listed debt issued by subsidiaries amounting to $27,132 million (2008: $16,233 million).
The Company has no direct interest in associated companies and jointly controlled entities. Shell’s major investments in associated companies and
jointly controlled entities at December 31, 2009, and Shell’s percentage interest, are set out in Note 10 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
A complete list of investments in subsidiary and associated companies and jointly controlled entities will be attached to the Company’s annual
return made to the Registrar of Companies.
The significant subsidiary undertakings of Shell at December 31, 2009, and Shell’s percentage interest (to the nearest whole number) are set out in
Exhibit 8. All of these subsidiaries have been included in Shell’s Consolidated Financial Statements. Those held directly by the Company are
marked with an asterisk (*). A complete list of investments in subsidiary and associated companies and jointly controlled entities will be attached to
the Company’s annual return made to the Registrar of Companies.
Auditors’ remuneration for audit services during the year was $117,950 (2008: $160,000).
There are no post balance sheet events with an impact on the Company’s financial statements other than as disclosed in Note 12.
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We read the other information contained in the Royal Dutch Shell plc
INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT TO Annual Report, and consider whether it is consistent with the audited
Financial Statements. This other information comprises the other
LLOYDS TSB OFFSHORE TRUST sections of the Royal Dutch Shell plc Annual Report and Accounts and
COMPANY LIMITED, TRUSTEE OF THE Annual Report on Form 20-F. We consider the implications for our
report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or material
ROYAL DUTCH SHELL DIVIDEND ACCESS inconsistencies with the Financial Statements. Our responsibilities do
TRUST not extend to any other information.
NOTES Dec 31, 2009 Dec 31, 2008
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents 1 –
Total assets 1 –
Current liabilities
Other liabilities 4 1 –
Total liabilities 1 –
Capital account 5 – –
Revenue account – –
Total equity – –
Total liabilities and equity 1 –
The Notes on pages 173 to 174 are an integral part of these Royal Dutch Shell Dividend Access Trust Financial Statements.
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2009 2008 2007
Cash flow from operating activities
Income for the period 2,902 2,277 1,930
Adjustment for:
Dividends received (2,902) (2,277) (1,930)
Increase in net working capital 1 – –
Net cash from operating activities 1 – –
Cash flow from investing activities
Dividends received 2,902 2,277 1,930
Net cash from investing activities 2,902 2,277 1,930
Cash flow from financing activities
Distributions made (2,902) (2,277) (1,930)
Net cash used in financing activities (2,902) (2,277) (1,930)
Change in cash and cash equivalents 1 – –
Cash and cash equivalents at January 1 – – –
Cash and cash equivalents at December 31 1 – –
The Notes on pages 173 to 174 are an integral part of these Royal Dutch Shell Dividend Access Trust Financial Statements.
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The Royal Dutch Shell Dividend Access Trust (the Trust) was established on May 19, 2005 by The Shell Transport and Trading Company Limited
(previously known as The “Shell” Transport and Trading Company, plc (Shell Transport)) and Royal Dutch Shell plc (the Company). The Trust is
governed by the applicable laws of England and Wales and is resident in Jersey. The Trustee of the Trust is Lloyds TSB Offshore Trust Company
Limited (registration number 7748) (Trustee), PO Box 160, 25 New Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8RG. The Trust was established as part of a
dividend access mechanism.
A Dividend Access Share was issued by Shell Transport to the Trustee. Following the declaration of a dividend by the Company on the Class B
shares, Shell Transport may declare a dividend on the Dividend Access Share.
The primary purposes of the Trust are to receive, on behalf of the Class B shareholders of the Company and in accordance with their respective
holdings of Class B shares in the Company, any amounts paid by way of dividend on the Dividend Access Share and to pay such amounts to the
Class B shareholders on the same pro rata basis.
The Trust shall not endure for a period in excess of 80 years from May 19, 2005, being the date on which the Trust Deed was executed.
On February 5, 2010 (Completion) the Trustee entered in to an agreement with EES Trustees International Limited (the New Trustee) whereby the
benefit of certain clients of the Trustee, including the Trust, would be transferred to the New Trustee with effect from Completion. It is intended that
the New Trustee will replace the Trustee during 2010. In the period between Completion and the replacement of the Trustee, the Trustee has granted
the New Trustee a general trustee power of attorney as further described in Clause 2.2 of a Trust & Fund Business Administration Agreement
between the Trustee and the New Trustee.
The Financial Statements of the Trust have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the
European Union. As applied to the Royal Dutch Shell Dividend Access Trust, there are no material differences with IFRS as issued by the
International Accounting Standards Board, therefore the Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB.
The accounting policies set out in Note 3 below have been consistently applied in all periods presented.
The Financial Statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS
requires the use of certain accounting estimates. It also requires management to exercise its judgement in the process of applying the Trust’s
accounting policies. Actual results may differ from these estimates. The financial results of the Trust are included in the Consolidated and Parent
Company Financial Statements on pages 97-139 and pages 159-167 respectively. The Financial Statements were approved and authorised for
issue on March 15, 2010 by EES Trustees International Limited pursuant to a general trustee power of attorney granted by Lloyds TSB Offshore
Trust Company Limited as further described in Clause 2.2 of a Trust & Fund Business Administration Agreement entered into between EES Trustee
International Limited and Lloyds TSB Offshore Trust Company Limited dated February 5, 2010.
The Trust’s accounting policies follow those of Shell as set out in Note 2 to the Consolidated Financial Statements. The following are the principal
accounting policies of the Trust.
Functional currency
The functional currency of the Trust is sterling. The Trust dividend income and dividends paid are principally in sterling.
The Trust is not subject to taxation.
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[Note 3 continued]
Dividend income
Interim dividends declared on the Dividend Access Share are recognised on a paid basis unless the dividend has been confirmed by a general
meeting of Shell Transport, in which case income is recognised based on the record date of the dividend by the Company on its Class B shares.
The capital account is represented by the Dividend Access Share of 25 pence settled in the Trust by Shell Transport.
Distributions are made to the Class B shareholders of the Company in accordance with the Trust Deed. Refer to Note 12 of the Parent Company
Financial Statements for information about dividends per share. Unclaimed dividends amounted to £525,602 as at December 31, 2009 (2008:
£205,528), which are not included in distributions made. Amounts are recorded as distributed once a wire transfer or cheque is issued. All
cheques are valid for one year from the date of issue. Any wire transfers that are not completed are replaced by cheques. To the extent that cheques
expire or are returned unpresented, the Trust records a liability for unclaimed dividends and a corresponding amount of cash.
Auditors’ remuneration for audit services during the year was £37,250 (2008: £37,250; 2007: £35,000).
The Trust, in its normal course of business, is not subject to market risk, credit risk or liquidity risk. The Trustees do not consider that any foreign
exchange exposures will materially affect the operations of the Trust.
Shell Transport, a signatory to the Trust Deed, issued a Dividend Access Share to the Trustee of the Trust. The Trust received dividend income of
£2,902 million (2008: £2,277 million; 2007: £1,930 million) in respect of the Dividend Access Share. The Trust made distributions of
£2,902 million (2008: £2,277 million; 2007: £1,930 million) to the Class B shareholders of the Company, a signatory to the Trust Deed.
The Company pays the general and administrative expenses of the Trust including the audit fees.
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Item 13. Defaults, Dividend Arrearages and Delinquencies N/A
Item 14. Material Modifications to the Rights of Security Holders and Use of Proceeds N/A
Item 15. Controls and Procedures 80-82
Item 16. [Reserved]
Item 16A. Audit committee financial expert 76, 78-79
Item 16B. Code of Ethics 76
Item 16C. Principal Accountant Fees and Services 79, 139, 167, 174
Item 16D. Exemptions from the Listing Standards for Audit Committees 76
Item 16E. Purchases of Equity Securities by the Issuer and Affiliated Purchasers 47
Item 16F. Change in Registrant’s Certifying Accountant N/A
Item 16G. Corporate Governance 76
Item 17. Financial Statements N/A
Item 18. Financial Statements 95-139, 169-174
Item 19. Exhibits 177
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The registrant hereby certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing on Form 20-F and that it has duly caused and authorised the undersigned
to sign this Annual Report on Form 20-F on its behalf.
Peter Voser
Chief Executive Officer
March 15, 2010
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Significant subsidiaries
Significant subsidiaries at December 31, 2009, and Shell’s percentage of share capital (to the nearest whole number) are set out below. All of these
subsidiaries have been included in the Consolidated Financial Statements of Shell on pages 97-139. Those held directly by the Company are
marked with an asterisk(*). A complete list of investments in subsidiary and associated companies and jointly controlled entities will be attached to
the Company’s annual return made to the Registrar of Companies.
Country of Principal
Company name % incorporation activities Class of shares held
Shell Development (Australia) Proprietary Ltd 100 Australia Upstream Ordinary
Shell Energy Holdings Australia Ltd 100 Australia Upstream Ordinary
Shell China Holding Gmbh 100 Austria Upstream Ordinary
Qatar Shell Gtl Ltd 100 Bermuda Upstream Ordinary
Shell Deepwater Borneo Ltd 100 Bermuda Upstream Ordinary
Shell International Trading Middle East Ltd 100 Bermuda Upstream Ordinary
Shell Oman Trading Ltd 100 Bermuda Upstream Ordinary
Shell South Syria Exploration Ltd 100 Bermuda Upstream Ordinary
3095381 Nova Scotia Company 100 Canada Upstream Ordinary
BlackRock Ventures Inc. 100 Canada Upstream Ordinary
Shell Canada Energy 100 Canada Upstream Ordinary
Shell Canada Ltd 100 Canada Upstream Ordinary
Shell Canada Upstream 100 Canada Upstream Membership Interest
Shell Olie-OG Gasudvinding Danmark Pipelines Aps 100 Denmark Upstream Ordinary
Shell Gabon 75 Gabon Upstream Ordinary
Ferngasbeteiligungsgesellschaft Mbh 100 Germany Upstream Ordinary
Shell Energy Deutschland Gmbh 100 Germany Upstream Equity
Shell Erdgas Beteiligungsgesellschaft Mbh 100 Germany Upstream Ordinary
Shell Erdoel Und Erdgas Exploration Gmbh 100 Germany Upstream Ordinary
Shell Exploration and Production Libya Gmbh 100 Germany Upstream Ordinary
Shell Verwaltungsgesellschaft Fur Erdgasbeteiligungen Mbh 100 Germany Upstream Ordinary
Hazira Gas Private Ltd 74 India Upstream Equity
Shell E&P Ireland Ltd 100 Ireland Upstream Ordinary
Shell Italia E&P SpA 100 Italy Upstream Ordinary
Sarawak Shell Berhad 100 Malaysia Upstream Ordinary
Shell MDS (Malaysia) Sendirian Berhad 72 Malaysia Upstream Ordinary
Shell Energy Asia Ltd 100 New Zealand Upstream Ordinary
Shell Nigeria E & P Company Ltd 100 Nigeria Upstream Ordinary
Shell Nigeria Exploration Properties Alpha Ltd 100 Nigeria Upstream Ordinary
Shell Nigeria Ultra Deep Ltd 100 Nigeria Upstream Ordinary
The Shell Petroleum Development Company Of Nigeria Ltd 100 Nigeria Upstream Ordinary
A/S Norske Shell 100 Norway Upstream Ordinary
Enterprise Oil Norge As 100 Norway Upstream Ordinary
Shell Tankers (Singapore) Private Ltd 100 Singapore Upstream Ordinary
B.V. Dordtsche Petroleum Maatschappij 100 the Netherlands Upstream Ordinary
Kirthar Pakistan B.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Ordinary
Shell ABU Dhabi B.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Ordinary
Shell Azerbaijan Exploration and Production B.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Ordinary
Shell Caspian B.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Ordinary
Shell E and P Offshore Services B.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Ordinary
Shell Egypt Deepwater B.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Ordinary
Shell Egypt N.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Ordinary
Shell Energy Europe B.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Ordinary
Shell EP Middle East Holdings B.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Ordinary
Shell EP Wells Equipment Services B.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Ordinary
Shell Exploration and Production Investments B.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Ordinary
Shell Exploration B.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Ordinary
Shell Gas B.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Ordinary
Shell Generating (Holding) B.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Ordinary
Shell International Exploration and Production B.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Ordinary
Shell Kazakhstan Development B.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Redeemable,
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Country of Principal
Company name % incorporation activities Class of shares held
Shell Olie – OG Gasudvinding Danmark B.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Ordinary
Shell Philippines Exploration B.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Redeemable,
Shell Technology Ventures B.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Ordinary
Shell Western LNG B.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Ordinary
Syria Shell Petroleum Development B.V. 100 the Netherlands Upstream Redeemable,
Enterprise Oil Ltd 100 United Kingdom Upstream Ordinary
Enterprise Oil Middle East Ltd 100 United Kingdom Upstream Ordinary
Enterprise Oil U.K. Ltd 100 United Kingdom Upstream Ordinary
Saxon Oil Miller Ltd 100 United Kingdom Upstream Ordinary
Shell China Exploration and Production Company Ltd 100 United Kingdom Upstream Ordinary
Shell Energy Europe Ltd 100 United Kingdom Upstream Ordinary
Shell EP Offshore Ventures Ltd 100 United Kingdom Upstream Ordinary
Shell Exploration and Production Oman Ltd 100 United Kingdom Upstream Ordinary
Shell Gas Direct Ltd 100 United Kingdom Upstream Ordinary
Shell Property Company Ltd 100 United Kingdom Upstream Ordinary
Shell U.K. Ltd 100 United Kingdom Upstream Ordinary
Shell Ventures New Zealand Ltd 100 United Kingdom Upstream Ordinary
Pecten Cameroon Company LLC 80 United States of America Upstream Ordinary
SCOGI, L.P. 100 United States of America Upstream Ltd Partnership,
Partnership Capital
Shell Deepwater Royalties Inc. 100 United States of America Upstream Ordinary
Shell Energy North America (US), L.P. 100 United States of America Upstream Partnership Capital
Shell Exploration & Production Company 100 United States of America Upstream Ordinary
Shell Frontier Oil & Gas Inc. 100 United States of America Upstream Ordinary
Shell Gulf Of Mexico Inc. 100 United States of America Upstream Ordinary
Shell Offshore Inc. 100 United States of America Upstream Ordinary
Shell Oil Company 100 United States of America Upstream Ordinary
Shell Onshore Ventures Inc. 100 United States of America Upstream Ordinary
Shell Trading North America Company 100 United States of America Upstream Ordinary
Shell Windenergy Inc 100 United States of America Upstream Ordinary
SWEPI LP 100 United States of America Upstream Partnership Capital
Shell Venezuela S.A. 100 Venezuela Upstream Ordinary
Country of Principal
Company name % incorporation activities Class of shares held
Shell Luxembourgeoise Sarl 100 Luxembourg Downstream Ordinary
Shell Malaysia Trading Sendirian Berhad 100 Malaysia Downstream Ordinary
Shell Refining Co (Federation Of Malaya) Berhad 51 Malaysia Downstream Ordinary
Societe Shell Du Maroc 100 Morocco Downstream Ordinary
Shell New Zealand Holding Company Ltd 100 New Zealand Downstream Ordinary
Shell New Zealand Ltd 100 New Zealand Downstream Ordinary
Shell Pakistan Ltd 76.1 Pakistan Downstream Ordinary
Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation 67.1 Philippines Downstream Ordinary
Shell Polska Sp. Z O.O. 100 Poland Downstream Ordinary
Shell Chemicals Seraya Pte. Ltd. 100 Singapore Downstream Ordinary
Shell Eastern Petroleum (Pte) Ltd 100 Singapore Downstream Ordinary
Shell Eastern Trading (Pte) Ltd 100 Singapore Downstream Ordinary
Shell Seraya Pioneer (Pte) Ltd 100 Singapore Downstream Ordinary
Shell South Africa Energy (Pty) Ltd 100 South Africa Downstream Ordinary
Shell South Africa Holdings (Pty) Ltd 100 South Africa Downstream Ordinary
Shell South Africa Marketing (Pty) Ltd 75 South Africa Downstream Ordinary
AB Svenska Shell 100 Sweden Downstream Ordinary
Shell Brands International AG 100 Switzerland Downstream Registered, Voting
Shell Chemicals Europe B.V. 100 the Netherlands Downstream Ordinary
Shell Chemicals Ventures B.V. 100 the Netherlands Downstream Redeemable,
Shell Lubricants Supply Company B.V. 100 the Netherlands Downstream Ordinary
Shell Nederland B.V. 100 the Netherlands Downstream Ordinary
Shell Nederland Chemie B.V. 100 the Netherlands Downstream Ordinary
Shell Nederland Raffinaderij B.V. 100 the Netherlands Downstream Ordinary
Shell Nederland Verkoopmaatschappij B.V. 100 the Netherlands Downstream Ordinary
Shell Trademark Management B.V. 100 the Netherlands Downstream Ordinary
Shell Trading Rotterdam B.V. 100 the Netherlands Downstream Ordinary
Tankstation Exploitatie Maatschappij Holding B.V. 100 the Netherlands Downstream Ordinary
Shell & Turcas Petrol A.S. 70 Turkey Downstream Ordinary
Shell Caribbean Investments Ltd 100 United Kingdom Downstream Ordinary
Shell Chemicals U.K. Ltd 100 United Kingdom Downstream Ordinary
Shell International Petroleum Company Ltd 100 United Kingdom Downstream Ordinary
Shell International Trading And Shipping Company Ltd 100 United Kingdom Downstream Ordinary
Shell Marine Products Ltd 100 United Kingdom Downstream Ordinary
Shell Trading International Ltd 100 United Kingdom Downstream Ordinary
The Shell Company Of Thailand Ltd 100 United Kingdom Downstream Ordinary
Equilon Enterprises LLC 100 United States of America Downstream Membership Interest
Jiffy Lube International, Inc 100 United States of America Downstream Ordinary
Pennzoil-Quaker State Company 100 United States of America Downstream Ordinary
Shell Chemical LP 100 United States of America Downstream Partnership Capital
Shell Chemicals Arabia LLC 100 United States of America Downstream Ordinary
Shell Pipeline Company LP 100 United States of America Downstream Partnership Capital
Shell Trading (US) Company 100 United States of America Downstream Ordinary
SOPC Holdings East LLC 100 United States of America Downstream Membership Interest
SOPC Holdings West LLC 100 United States of America Downstream Ordinary
TMR Company 100 United States of America Downstream Ordinary
Country of Principal
Company name % incorporation activities Class of shares held
Shell International Finance B.V.* 100 the Netherlands Corporate Ordinary
Shell Overseas Investments B.V. 100 the Netherlands Corporate Ordinary
Shell Petroleum N.V.* 100 the Netherlands Corporate Ordinary
Shell Treasury Netherlands B.V. 100 the Netherlands Corporate Ordinary
Shell Energy Investments Ltd 100 United Kingdom Corporate Ordinary
Shell Holdings (U.K.) Ltd 100 United Kingdom Corporate Ordinary
Shell International Investments Ltd 100 United Kingdom Corporate Ordinary
Shell Overseas Holdings Ltd 100 United Kingdom Corporate Ordinary
Shell Research Ltd 100 United Kingdom Corporate Ordinary
Shell Treasury Centre Ltd 100 United Kingdom Corporate Ordinary
Shell Treasury Dollar Company Ltd 100 United Kingdom Corporate Ordinary
Shell Treasury Euro Company Ltd 100 United Kingdom Corporate Ordinary
Shell Treasury UK Ltd 100 United Kingdom Corporate Ordinary
The Shell Petroleum Company Ltd 100 United Kingdom Corporate Ordinary
The Shell Transport and Trading Company Ltd 100 United Kingdom Corporate Ordinary
Criterion Catalysts & Technologies L.P. 100 United States of America Corporate Equity
Pecten Victoria Company 100 United States of America Corporate Ordinary
Shell Petroleum Inc. 100 United States of America Corporate Ordinary
Shell Treasury Center (West) Inc. 100 United States of America Corporate Ordinary
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I, Peter Voser, certify that:
1. I have reviewed this Annual Report on Form 20-F of Royal Dutch Shell plc (the Company);
2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make
the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by
this report;
3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects
the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the Company as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;
4. The Company’s other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and
15d-15(f)) for the Company and have:
䡲 Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to
ensure that material information relating to the Company, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those
entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;
䡲 Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our
supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for
external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
䡲 Evaluated the effectiveness of the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the
effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and
䡲 Disclosed in this report any change in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by the
annual report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting;
5. The Company’s other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to
the Company’s auditors and the audit committee of the Company’s Board of Directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):
䡲 All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably
likely to adversely affect the Company’s ability to record, process, summarise and report financial information; and
䡲 Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the Company’s internal control
Peter Voser
Chief Executive Officer
March 15, 2010
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I, Simon Henry, certify that:
1. I have reviewed this Annual Report on Form 20-F of Royal Dutch Shell plc (the Company);
2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make
the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by
this report;
3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects
the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the Company as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;
4. The Company’s other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in
Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and
15d-15(f)) for the Company and have:
䡲 Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to
ensure that material information relating to the Company, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those
entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;
䡲 Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our
supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for
external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
䡲 Evaluated the effectiveness of the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the
effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and
䡲 Disclosed in this report any change in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by the
annual report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting;
5. The Company’s other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to
the Company’s auditors and the audit committee of the Company’s Board of Directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):
䡲 All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably
likely to adversely affect the Company’s ability to record, process, summarise and report financial information; and
䡲 Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the Company’s internal control
Simon Henry
Chief Financial Officer
March 15, 2010
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In connection with the Annual Report on Form 20-F of Royal Dutch Shell plc (the Company) 2009, a corporation organised under the laws of
England and Wales for the period ending December 31, 2009, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the date hereof (the
Report), each of the undersigned officers of the Company certify pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, to such officer’s knowledge, that:
1. The Report fully complies, in all material respects, with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and
2. The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Company
as of, and for, the periods presented in the Report.
The foregoing certification is provided solely for purposes of complying with the provisions of Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and
is not intended to be used or relied upon for any other purpose.
Peter Voser
Chief Executive Officer
Simon Henry
Chief Financial Officer
March 15, 2010
ACE BOWNE OF TORONTO 03/15/2010 14:16 NO MARKS NEXT PCN: -- Page is valid, no graphics BOT U07660 13
Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration Statements on Form F-3 (No. 333-155201, 333-155201-01) and the
Registration Statements on Form S-8 (No. 333-126715 and 333-141397) of Royal Dutch Shell plc of our report dated March 15, 2010, relating to
the Consolidated Financial Statements and the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, which appears in this Annual Report on
Form 20-F.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
March 15, 2010
ACE BOWNE OF TORONTO 03/15/2010 14:16 NO MARKS NEXT PCN: 401.00.00.00 -- Page is valid, no graphics BOT U07660 12
Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration Statements on Form F-3 (No. 333-155201, 333-155201-01) and the
Registration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 333-126715) of the Royal Dutch Shell Dividend Access Trust of our report dated March 15, 2010, relating
to the Royal Dutch Shell Dividend Access Trust Financial Statements, and the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, which
appears in this Annual Report on Form 20-F.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
March 15, 2010
Royal Dutch Shell plc Enquiries from retail shareholders: Enquiries from institutional shareholders:
Shell Centre Shareholder Relations Investor Relations
London SE1 7NA Royal Dutch Shell plc Royal Dutch Shell plc
United Kingdom Carel van Bylandtlaan 30 PO Box 162
2596 HR The Hague 2501 AN The Hague
Registered in England and Wales, The Netherlands The Netherlands
Company number 4366849 +31 (0)70 377 1365 +31 (0)70 377 4540
Registered with the Dutch Trade Register +31 (0)70 377 4088 +44 (0)20 7934 3856 (UK)
under number 34179503 +31 (0)70 377 3953
Royal Dutch Shell plc Investor Relations
Carel van Bylandtlaan 30 Shareholder Relations Shell Oil Company
2596 HR The Hague Royal Dutch Shell plc PO Box 2463
The Netherlands Shell Centre Houston, TX 77252
London SE1 7NA USA
United Kingdom +1 713 241 1042
+44 (0)20 7934 3363 +1 713 241 0176
+44 (0)20 7934 7515
Online versions
Information from our reports is
available for online reading and for
downloading as a PDF file. The ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REVIEW