FEA Study On LPG Bullets
FEA Study On LPG Bullets
FEA Study On LPG Bullets
-Domes / Hemispherical D-ends
-Sand filling in differential settlements.
Design of Pressure Vessel
Minimum thickness shall be as given below
a) For carbon and low alloy steel vessels- 6mm (Includ-
2.1 Codes and Standards: ing corrosion allowance not exceeding 3.0mm), but
not less than that calculated as per following:
Following are the codes and standards had been used
For diameters less than 2400mm
to design the Horizontal pressure vessel:
Wall thickness = Dia/1000 +1.5 + Corrosion Allowance
For diameters 2400mm and above
For Pressure vessels
Wall thickness = Dia/1000 +2.5 + Corrosion Allowance
IS: 2825
All dimensions are in mm.
b) For stainless steel vessel and high alloy vessels -3
mm, but not less than that calculated as per following
For Pressure vessels (Selectively for high
for diameter more than 1500mm.
pressure / high thickness / critical service)
Wall thickness (mm) = Dia/1000 + 2.5
Corrosion Allowance, if any shall be added to minimum
For Storage Spheres
c) Tangent to Tangent height (H) to Diameter (D) ratio
(H/D) greater than 5 shall be considered as column and
designed accordingly.
For Pressure vessels (Selectively for high pressure)
d) For carbon and low alloy steel columns / towers Boundary Conditions (Hydro Test Condition):
-8mm (including corrosion allowance not exceeding
e) For stainless steel and high alloy columns / towers 4.2.1 Constraints:
-5mm. Corrosion allowance, if any, shall be added to
minimum thickness. Vessel is supported by the Sand fill, and sand fill is con-
structed on the ground, hence all the base nodes of
the mound are constrained in all degrees of freedom
2.3.2 Vessel sizing: (123456). The arrow marks detailed below represents
constraints on the base.
All Stiffeners
Based on inside diameter
All Clad/Lined Vessels
Based on inside diameter
Vessels (Thickness>50mm)
Based on inside diameter
All Other Vessels
Based on outside diameter
Tanks & Spheres
Based on inside diameter
FE Model Preparation / Results:
SCL Locations:
Fig:4.7a HydroTest Condition
Fig: 4.11 Stresses between Domes to Vessel (Hydro 4.13 SCL plots for Hydro Test Condition.
Test Condition) without pad plates. Summary of SCL Data extracted for Hydro
Test Condition (Table 4.1):
A localized stress is formed below the pad plates. (Max
Stress: 639 MPa) Stress contour at allowable stress
(205 Mpa) for stiffeners:
Finite element model is developed to analyze the be- 5. Stresses in Large Horizontal Cylindrical Pressure Ves-
havior of Horizontal mounded LPG Vessel subjected to sels on Two Saddle Supports by L. P. Zick.Original paper
Hydro test condition, and Operation Condition. Aim is published in September 1951 “THE WELDING JOURNAL
to design and validate a pressure vessel that can store RESEARCH SUPPLEMENT.”
1000 metric tons (MT) of LPG in it (either in gaseous
state or in liquid state). SA-537-cl1 material had been 6. Location of ‘reboiler return inlet nozzle’ and its ef-
used for all components in the model. This design has fect on Distillation Column article@processenggservic-
been validated for various conditions and passed suc- es.com, 005-2009 Process Engineering Services.
7. Optimal wall-thickness of the spherical pressure ves-
1.Hydro Test Condition: As briefed earlier any pressure sel with respect to criterion about minimal mass and
vessel constructed shall be tested for Hydro Test as a equivalent stressdražankozak, josipsertić. ANNALS OF
mandatory. In this test 90% of water will be filled in the THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING HUNEDOARA – 2006
vessel and subjected to internal pressure of 19.75 kg/ TOME IV. Fascicole 2 Understanding How Changes in
cm2 and an external pressure of 1.85 kg/cm2 (obtained Pressure Vessel Codes May Impact Pressure Vessel
from design calculations) and also self weight due to Performance .Patrick J. Sullivan Highlander Engineer-
gravity. Below is the results summary (Table 4.6): ing Services 2008, PLLC Argyle, NY