FEA Study On LPG Bullets

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Pressure vessels are designed to safely store liquids and gases under pressure. They must be carefully designed to prevent rupture and explosion. This document outlines the design of a horizontal storage pressure vessel for LPG using finite element analysis.

Pressure vessels can be classified based on their dimensions as thin or thick shells, and based on their end construction as open-ended or closed-ended vessels.

The main types of pressure vessels are reaction, heat exchanger, separation, and storage vessels. Storage vessels are used to store liquids or gases under pressure, like the LPG vessel designed here.

ISSN No: 2348-4845

International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,

Technology, Management and Research
A Monthly Peer Reviewed Open Access International e-Journal

Design of LPG mould billet using FEM

R. Datha Satyanarayana I. Satyanarayana

P.G Student, professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Chaitanya College of Engineering. Chaitanya College of Engineering.

ABSTRACT: And according to role of process vessels are mainly

The significance of the title of the project comes to classified into four types:
front with designing structure of a 1000 mt capacity of
LPG mounded bullet pressure vessel for static loading, (a)Reaction pressure vessel.
is basically a project concerned with different design (b)Heat exchanger pressure vessel.
variables, thickness of shell, elliptical head, operating (c)Separation pressure vessel.
manhole and stiffners under load case of high pressure (d)Storage pressure vessel.
test and working fluid with standards of ASME codes
and its assessment is carried out in CATIAV5 for model- The objective of this project is to design a Horizontal
ing and analysis in HYPERMESH/ANSYS. it is employed storage pressure vessel which can store LPG (liquid pe-
on practical design of LPG pressure vessel as per re- troleum gases). In general storage pressure vessels are
quired by the industry. used to hold liquid or gaseous materials, storage media
or container to balance the pressure from the buffering
effect. In order to achieve better design results, ASME
INTRODUCTION: boiler codes were taken into consideration.
A pressure vessel is a closed container designed to hold
gases or liquids at a pressure substantially different
from the ambient pressure. They are used to store flu-
ids under pressure. The pressure vessels are designed
with great care because rupture of pressure vessels
means an explosion which may cause loss of life and
property. The material of pressure vessels may be brit-
tle such that cast iron or ductile such as mild steel. And
pressure vessels are classified mainly into two types,
(a) According to Dimensions (b) According to end
Construction.The pressure vessels, according to the
dimensions are classified as thin and thick shells. The
ratio of internal diameter and wall thickness is the fac-
tor which differentiates between thin and thick shells.
If the ratio d/t is more than 10, then it is called thin shell
Typical Horizontal LPG Storage Vessel Assembly.
and if this ratio is less than 10 it is said to be thick shell.
The examples of the thin shells are pipes, boilers and
storage tanks while the thick shells are used in pres- Objectives and Scope:
sure cylinders, Gun barrels, etc.The pressure vessels ac-
cording to end construction are classified as open end A Finite element model is developed to analyze the
and closed end. A simple cylinder whit a piston is an behavior of Horizontal mounded LPG Vessel subjected
example of closed end vessel. In case of open end ves- to Hydro test condition, and Operation Condition. In
sels the circumferential stress is induced in addition to Hydro Test condition, water is used to test the vessel
the circumferential stress. as its density is higher than the LPG. Following are the
loads considered in Hydro Test Condition:

Volume No: 1(2014), Issue No: 12 (December) December 2014

www.ijmetmr.com Page 705
ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research
A Monthly Peer Reviewed Open Access International e-Journal

-Pressure inside the vessel. 2.2 Types of Storage Vessels:

Hydro Test Pressure.
Pressure Due to Head (100 % head of water).
2.2.1 Selection of storage vessel type:
-External Pressure on the vessel.
-Self weight due to gravity.
In addition to mounded storage, other types of vessel
may also be used to store LPG under pressure at ambi-
In Operating Condition, LPG is used and the vessel is
ent temperature.
subjected to varying pressure at different heads as 25%,
50%, 75%, 90%. Following are the loads considered in
Operating Condition:
•Bullets (above ground)
-Internal Pressure
-Pressure due to head (25%, 50%, 75%, 90%)
•Submerged storage vessels
-External pressure
The principle of the design of the vessel is that the axi-
-Mound pressure at dome ends
symmetrical loads are carried by the shell plates, while
-Mound pressure on cylinder
bending stresses due to non-symmetrical loads are car-
-Self weight due to gravity.
ried by the shell plates, while bending stresses due to
non-axisymmetrical loads are carried by stiffening rings
The Primary Objective of this research is to build a pres-
(except for small diameter, unstiffened vessels).
sure vessel with design parameters and to validate the
results using finite element method. Scope of design-
ing a pressure vessel covers the design basis for follow-
ing equipment:

-Domes / Hemispherical D-ends
-Sand filling in differential settlements.
Design of Pressure Vessel
Minimum thickness shall be as given below
a) For carbon and low alloy steel vessels- 6mm (Includ-
2.1 Codes and Standards: ing corrosion allowance not exceeding 3.0mm), but
not less than that calculated as per following:
Following are the codes and standards had been used
For diameters less than 2400mm
to design the Horizontal pressure vessel:
Wall thickness = Dia/1000 +1.5 + Corrosion Allowance
For diameters 2400mm and above
For Pressure vessels
Wall thickness = Dia/1000 +2.5 + Corrosion Allowance
IS: 2825
All dimensions are in mm.
b) For stainless steel vessel and high alloy vessels -3
mm, but not less than that calculated as per following
For Pressure vessels (Selectively for high
for diameter more than 1500mm.
pressure / high thickness / critical service)
Wall thickness (mm) = Dia/1000 + 2.5
Corrosion Allowance, if any shall be added to minimum
For Storage Spheres
c) Tangent to Tangent height (H) to Diameter (D) ratio
(H/D) greater than 5 shall be considered as column and
designed accordingly.
For Pressure vessels (Selectively for high pressure)

Volume No: 1(2014), Issue No: 12 (December) December 2014

www.ijmetmr.com Page 706
ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research
A Monthly Peer Reviewed Open Access International e-Journal

d) For carbon and low alloy steel columns / towers Boundary Conditions (Hydro Test Condition):
-8mm (including corrosion allowance not exceeding
e) For stainless steel and high alloy columns / towers 4.2.1 Constraints:
-5mm. Corrosion allowance, if any, shall be added to
minimum thickness. Vessel is supported by the Sand fill, and sand fill is con-
structed on the ground, hence all the base nodes of
the mound are constrained in all degrees of freedom
2.3.2 Vessel sizing: (123456). The arrow marks detailed below represents
constraints on the base.
All Stiffeners
Based on inside diameter
All Clad/Lined Vessels
Based on inside diameter
Vessels (Thickness>50mm)
Based on inside diameter
All Other Vessels
Based on outside diameter
Tanks & Spheres
Based on inside diameter
FE Model Preparation / Results:

Fig: 4.4 Constraints (SPC loactions)

Since the vessel is installed on the ground, Gravity of

9810 mm /s2 has been considered over the entire mod-
el. Other Boundary conditions are loads applied inter-
nally and externally. Below are the details of other load
cases carried out to find the performance of the Vessel

Pressures inside the Vessel:

With regard to the stiffener design, the internal pres-

sure only affects the normal force N3 in the stiffening
ring, not the bending moment of the shear force. Part
Mesh is created using hypermesh, and an average ele- of the shell plates will act together with the ring to car-
ment size of 20 mm is used for modeling. Hexa / Penta ry the load to which the rings are subjected. This part,
element configurations are used in building this model. the working width w, is:
And to capture the surfaces stresses, we had extracted w = 2 x 0.78 x √(R x t)
skin as shell elements. The internal pressure, acting on the working width, will
cause a normal tensile load N3 which is carried by the
combination of stiffening ring and working width of
the shell plate.
N3 = p3 x w x R
Where p3 = the internal design pressure.
Hydro Test Pressure : 19.75 kg/cm2 or 1.93668 MPa
Pressure due to head : 0.75 kg/cm2 or 0.073575 MPa
(at 100% head of water)

Volume No: 1(2014), Issue No: 12 (December) December 2014

www.ijmetmr.com Page 707
ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research
A Monthly Peer Reviewed Open Access International e-Journal

4.2.3 Pressure outside the Vessel:

External Pressure : 1.856 kg/cm2 or 0.1819994 MPa

Gravity is considered to capture the self weight of the

4.3 Boundary Conditions (internal pressure +

liquid weight + mound weight + load due to
thermal expansion with center soft) at Oper-
ating Conditions:

4.3.1 Pressures inside the Vessel (fig:

4.5):Internal Pressure: 14.5 kg/cm2 or 1.42187

4.3.2 Pressure due to head (LPG):

Fig: 4.6 Mound weight

Following are the Load-Cases Analyzed:

Hydro Test Condition :

Generally hydro test conditions are tested at 90% head

of the volume being filled in the vessel, so that it lets us
25% head: 0.103 kg/cm2 or 0.0101165 MPa
know the ability to sustain for high pressure.Below are
50% head: 0.103 kg/cm2 or 0.020233 MPa
the Load cases done for operating Conditions:
75% head: 0.103 kg/cm2 or 0.03034 MPa

4.3.3 Pressure Outside the Vessel:

External Pressure : 1.856 kg/cm2 or 0.1819994 MPa

Mound Pressure at Dome Ends: 0.1647 MPa

Mound Pressure on Cylinder:

The weight on the mound assumed to be in a radial

pressure q on the cylinder, as shown in the below fig-
ure (ψ0 = 90°): At angle ψ: qψ = q0 cos ψ,
Where q0 (kN/m2) is the maximum pressure at ψ = 0
q0*Cos = 0.035146 MPa
q10*Cos = 0.034612 MPa
q20*Cos = 0.033027 MPa
q30*Cos = 0.030438 MPa

Volume No: 1(2014), Issue No: 12 (December) December 2014

www.ijmetmr.com Page 708
ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research
A Monthly Peer Reviewed Open Access International e-Journal

SCL Plots at various junctions are defined below and

each SCL plot had been compared with the allowable
stress at those maximum points in the below locations
SCL-1 : Dome to Shell
SCL-2 : Shell to Nozzle
SCL-3 : Shell to stiffeners at ends
SCL-4 : Shell to Stiffeners-at center
SCL-5 : Shell to Dome-A

SCL Locations:
Fig:4.7a HydroTest Condition

Load Case-1: Internal Pressure + liquid weight +

mound weight + Load due to thermal expansion with
centre soft.

LoadCase-2: Internal pressure + liquid weight +

mound weight + Load due to thermal expansion with
end soft.

LoadCase-3: liquid weight + mound weight + Load

due to thermal expansion with centre soft.

LoadCase-4: liquid weight + mound weight + Load

due to thermal expansion with end soft.

Fig: 4.8 SCL Loacations

SCL’s had been plotted from the above some locations

where the stress are maximum. Hence the analyst has
to take SCL at all critical location near discontunity.
With experience and looking at geometry and stress
contour, and expert will be able to make out which SCL
gives maximum membrane or bending stress. In oth-
er words considering that SCL which gives maximum
membrane and bending stress to arrive at PL or Q as
the case may be helpful.

Fig: 4.7b LoadCases - 1 to 4 4.6 Results:

HYDRO –TEST Condition:
4.5 SCL: Stress Classification Lines:
This SCL information gives various details across the Displacement & Stress Contours at 90% LPG Head:
cross-sectional thickness, mainly these scl plots are de-
tailed in the welding regions. So that we can calculate
Z-Displacement at 100 % water filled condi-
the strength of the weld joint in the vessel to ensure
that there are no pressure leakages. These plots are tion:
defined by displacement in X-Dir and Stress in Y-Dir.

Volume No: 1(2014), Issue No: 12 (December) December 2014

www.ijmetmr.com Page 709
ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research
A Monthly Peer Reviewed Open Access International e-Journal

in red ranging from 345-639 MPa.

Fig: 4.10b Stresses between Domes(A&B) to Vessel

(Hydro Test Condition) with pad plates.

Above stress between Dome A to Vessel and Dome B

Fig: 4.9b Stress Plot (Hydro Test Condition) to Vessel. These are the locations where the stresses
are very high and above the yield limit, but below the
Overall Stress contour at Yield Strength (345 MPa): ultimate stress for the material being used. To reduce
the stresses over this region, pad plates are used.

Fig: 4.10a Overall Stress Plot (Hydro Test Condition)

The stresses above the allowable limit are

Volume No: 1(2014), Issue No: 12 (December) December 2014

www.ijmetmr.com Page 710
ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research
A Monthly Peer Reviewed Open Access International e-Journal

Fig: 4.11 Stresses between Domes to Vessel (Hydro 4.13 SCL plots for Hydro Test Condition.
Test Condition) without pad plates. Summary of SCL Data extracted for Hydro
Test Condition (Table 4.1):
A localized stress is formed below the pad plates. (Max
Stress: 639 MPa) Stress contour at allowable stress
(205 Mpa) for stiffeners:

4.12 Stress Plots in Stiffener locations

Stiffeners are in allowable range at 100%head+Hydro

Test Pressure. Except in the regions of stiffeners just
below the pad-plates. Thus there is a local stress which
is less than the minimum yield strength (< 345MPa).

SCL Info for Hydro Test Condition:

Volume No: 1(2014), Issue No: 12 (December) December 2014

www.ijmetmr.com Page 711
ISSN No: 2348-4845
International Journal & Magazine of Engineering,
Technology, Management and Research
A Monthly Peer Reviewed Open Access International e-Journal

5. CONCLUSION: 4. American Standard Pipe Diameters;

Finite element model is developed to analyze the be- 5. Stresses in Large Horizontal Cylindrical Pressure Ves-
havior of Horizontal mounded LPG Vessel subjected to sels on Two Saddle Supports by L. P. Zick.Original paper
Hydro test condition, and Operation Condition. Aim is published in September 1951 “THE WELDING JOURNAL
to design and validate a pressure vessel that can store RESEARCH SUPPLEMENT.”
1000 metric tons (MT) of LPG in it (either in gaseous
state or in liquid state). SA-537-cl1 material had been 6. Location of ‘reboiler return inlet nozzle’ and its ef-
used for all components in the model. This design has fect on Distillation Column article@processenggservic-
been validated for various conditions and passed suc- es.com, 005-2009 Process Engineering Services.
7. Optimal wall-thickness of the spherical pressure ves-
1.Hydro Test Condition: As briefed earlier any pressure sel with respect to criterion about minimal mass and
vessel constructed shall be tested for Hydro Test as a equivalent stressdražankozak, josipsertić. ANNALS OF
mandatory. In this test 90% of water will be filled in the THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING HUNEDOARA – 2006
vessel and subjected to internal pressure of 19.75 kg/ TOME IV. Fascicole 2 Understanding How Changes in
cm2 and an external pressure of 1.85 kg/cm2 (obtained Pressure Vessel Codes May Impact Pressure Vessel
from design calculations) and also self weight due to Performance .Patrick J. Sullivan Highlander Engineer-
gravity. Below is the results summary (Table 4.6): ing Services 2008, PLLC Argyle, NY

SCL-1 : Dome to Vessel 8. Results of fea analyses at nozzle/shell junctions sub-

SCL-2 : Vessel to Nozzle jected to external loads steven R. Massey charlie S.
SCL-3 : Vessel to stiffeners at ends HsiehBlack & veatch pritchardInc-2009.
SCL-4 : Vessel to Stiffeners-at center
SCL-5 : Vessel to Dome-A/B ABOUT AUTHORS:

Whole model cannot be taken into considered for find- R.Datha Satyanarayana is a P.G student of Me-
ing stresses due to assumptions made to minimize the chanical Department of Chaitanya Engineering College.
model to main components of a vessel. Stress inten- He done his B.Tech from ADITYA Engineering College
sities are calculated in only the welded locations and affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
joints, where the bullet has to sustain for higher stress- Kakinada.
es. As per the above table, model is passed for all the
membrane and bending stresses ( ~280 MPa < Yield
strength 50000 psi / 345 MPa ). All the obtained stress- Prof[Dr]I.SATYANARAYANA,B.E.,M.E.,PGDAS.,FI
es for the design are less than the allowable stresses. E,FIIP,MISTE,C[ENGG],,born in West Godavari district,
Andhra Pradesh, INDIA. He received M.E. [machine de-
sign] from Andhra University, VISAKHAPATNAM. AP,
1. Dennis Moss, “Pressure vessel design manual”
a council member of IEI. He has 35 years of industrial
experience and 10 years teaching experience as pro-
2. B.S.Thakkar, S.A.Thakkar; “DESIGN OF PRESSURE
fessor in Mech.Engg..presently he is working as pro-
fessor in Mech Engg dept, CHAITANYA ENGG,COLLEGE
1”; International Journal of Advanced Engineering
Research and Studies, Vol. I, Issue II, January-March,

3. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code 2007 Sec 8

Division 1 (2007).

Volume No: 1(2014), Issue No: 12 (December) December 2014

www.ijmetmr.com Page 712

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