Constitutionalism My Notes
Constitutionalism My Notes
Constitutionalism My Notes
For genuine democracies, constitutions consist of overarching (Covering many angles or issues)
arrangements that determine the political, legal and social structures by which society is to be
governed. Constitutional provisions are therefore considered to be paramount or fundamental law.
Under these circumstances, if constitutional law itself is inadequate, the nature of democracy and
rule of law within a country is affected. The structure of modern nations has been shaped with
government being divided into executive, legislative and judicial bodies, with the commonly accepted
notion that these bodies and their powers must be separated. Of course, the separation of powers
does not mean these bodies function alone, rather they work interdependently, but maintain their
autonomy. Other tenets ( A doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof ) include the idea of
limited government and the supremacy of law. Together, these can be termed the concept of
constitutionalism. In other words, constitutionalism is the idea that government should be limited in
its powers and that its authority depends on its observation of these limitations. A constitution is the
legal and moral framework setting out these powers and their limitations. This framework must
represent the will of the people, and should therefore have been arrived at through consensus.
Meaning of Constitutionalism
Constitutionalism has a variety of meanings. Most generally, it is "a complex of ideas, attitudes, and
patterns of behavior elaborating the principle that the authority of government derives from and is
limited by a body of fundamental law". A political organization is constitutional to the extent that it
"contain[s] institutionalized mechanisms of power control for the protection of the interests and
liberties of the citizenry, including those that may be in the minority”.
Constitutionalism’ means limited government or limitation on government. It is antithesis (Exact
opposite) of arbitrary (Absolute, or individual discretion) powers. Constitutionalism recognizes the
need for government with powers but at the same time insists that limitation be placed on those
powers. The antithesis of constitutionalism is despotism (Dominance through threat of punishment or
violence). A government which goes beyond its limits loses its authority and legitimacy. Therefore, to
preserve the basic freedoms of the individual, and to maintain his dignity and personality, the
Constitution should be permeated (Spread) with ‘Constitutionalism’; it should have some inbuilt
restrictions on the powers conferred by it on governmental organs.
Constitutionalism in this richer sense of the term is the idea that government can/should be limited in
its powers and that its authority depends on its observing these limitations. In this richer sense of the
term, Rex's society has not embraced constitutionalism because the rules defining his authority
impose no constitutional limits.
Usage of Constitutionalism
Constitutionalism has prescriptive and descriptive uses.
Descriptive use
It’s a use that gives the structuring on how the governance has to be done, i.e., how the government
has to be divided. i.e., Executive, Legislative and Judiciary.
Prescriptive use
The idea … that government can and should be legally limited in its powers, and that its authority
depends on its observing these limitations.
Written ness:
Some scholars believe that constitutional rules do not exist unless they are in some way enshrined
in a written document. Others argue that constitutions can be unwritten, and cite, as an obvious
example of this possibility, the constitution of the United Kingdom..
Elements of Constitutionalism
Louis Henkin defines constitutionalism as constituting the following elements:
(1) government according to the constitution;
(2) separation of power;
(3) sovereignty of the people and democratic government;
(4) constitutional review;
(5) independent judiciary;
(6) limited government subject to a bill of individual rights;
(7) controlling the police;
(8) civilian control of the military; and
(9) no state power, or very limited and strictly circumscribed state power, to suspend the operation of
some parts of, or the entire, constitution.
Constitutionalism In India
India is a democratic country with a written Constitution. Rule of Law is the basis for governance of
the country and all the administrative structures are expected to follow it in both letter and spirit. It is
expected that Constitutionalism is a natural corollary to governance in India.
Fill by myself