Animal Cruelty
Animal Cruelty
Animal Cruelty
The types of animal cruelty recognized across the globe today are as
2.1 Simple Neglect:
This involves failure to provide adequate food, shelter, water, or
veterinary care to one or few animals, usually due to ignorance. This
form of animal cruelty is the most common around the world today.
The most common example of simple neglect found everywhere today
is the case of dog owners chaining their dogs around the neck without
a dog belt and most times the dog is kept stagnant at the backyard for
hours if not days without proper shelter.
2.2 Gross Neglect:
It can also be called wilful, malicious or cruel neglect. It is important
to make a distinction between simply failing to take adequate care of
animals and intentionally or knowingly withholding food or water
needed to prevent dehydration or starvation. Gross neglect is therefore
the intentional act of withholding food or water from an animal or
group of animals . A typical example of this type of cruelty is the case
of people throwing away their sick dogs callously, some leaving their
dogs out in the cold or rain.
2.3 Intentional Abuse:
Cases of intentional cruelty are the ones of greatest concern to the
general public and the ones more likely to involve juvenile offenders.
There is legitimate fear that the individuals involved in violent acts
against animals present a danger to the public. Intentional animal abuse
is often seen in association with other serious crimes including drug
offenses, gang activity, weapons violations, sexual assault and
domestic violence and can be one of the most visible parts of an entire
history of aggressive or antisocial behaviour. Such cases are often
easier to prosecute than neglect or hoarding cases since the effects of
the crime on the victim may be easier to document and the
intentionality of the offense is more clearly recognized.
2.4 Animal Hoarding
This is the accumulation of a large number of animals and failing to
provide minimal standards of nutrition, sanitation and veterinary care;
to act on the deteriorating condition of the animals; and to recognize or
correct the negative impact on the health and well-being of the people
in the household . Examples of animal hoarding cases are: the
transportation of large numbers of animals in an in-humane way, the
keeping of birds and other animals in a very poor and un-conducive
environment, pigs and other animals kept to starve to death at livestock
farms etc.
2.5 Organized Abuse—Dog fighting and Cockfighting
“Blood sports” such as dog fighting and cockfighting have been singled
out for special attention in the anticruelty laws of the United States and
the United Kingdom since their inception in the 19th century A glance
at the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria also reveals this act
as a crime. This act involves the setting of two or more dogs, cocks or
any other animal in a fight circle and allowing them to brutally kill each
other for the sole purpose of entertaining the spectators.
2.6 Ritualistic Abuse
The phrase “Occult and ritualistic animal abuse” immediately evokes
many disturbing images: a cat nailed to a crucifix and burned, the head
of a dog left on the steps of a building with a piece of paper bearing a
curse stuck in the animal’s mouth, a goat’s throat slit as part of a ritual
sacrifice. Few other crimes against
Role of Individuals
Individuals such as you and I and members of the society at large have
the most important role to play in combating this animal cruelty that
has eaten deep into our society today. Individuals should not fail in
reporting any case of cruelty which they witness within their
jurisdiction to enable the law enforcement agencies function properly.
Role of NGO’s
Role of culture/Tradition:
The role of culture and Tradition in combating animal cruelty is a case
that cannot be overlooked. In India there is a tradition that on 10th day
of Navratri people eat goat meat as a ritual. And we also need to stop
animal sacrifice.