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You Promised (Live) Ab

Corey Voss
Like a shepherd, You will
lead us to the other side

Song : You Promised

Artist : Corey Voss
Album : Songs Of Heaven & [Pre-Chorus]

Earth Bb Eb/G

Key : Eb Ab2
You are who You say You

[Intro] are

Eb Ab Eb Ab Bb Eb/G
You are who You say You

[Verse 1] are

Ev'rything is temporary, [Chorus]

God You’re never ending Eb Eb/G

Eb Ab

Ab In this moment and

Though it seems You forever, You will surely

sometimes hide, You rise be

in perfect time Eb Eb/G

Ab Bb
Ev'rything You’ve ever

[Verse 2] promised, You promised

Eb Eb Eb/G

Ab Ab

Bread of heaven, Living In this moment and

Water, God of our forever, all sufficiency

Cm7 Bb Oh, our Father, be
Ab exalted
Is who You are, it’s who Eb
You are, You promised Bbsus/F
Our lives are Yours to
keep, our hearts are
[Verse 3] Yours to seek
Eb Eb/G Ab2 Bb
Ab Oh, our Father, be exalted
Through the valley to the
mountain, everywhere we go [Instrumental]
Eb Eb Bbsus/F Eb/G Ab2 Bb
Still the clamor, fill the
quiet; peace, be still, my [Coda]
soul. Cm7 Bb
Ab Ab2 Eb2
Peace, be still, my soul Oh, it's who You are,
it’s who You are, You
[Instrumental] Ab2 Eb2
Eb Bbsus/F Eb/G Ab2 Bb Ab2 Eb2
Yeah, You promised

You’re merciful and
kind, You're faithful,
good and wise
Eb/G Ab2 Bb
Echo [Pre-Chorus]
Elevation Worship

Title: Echo Bm
Artist: Elevation Worship When my mind says I'm not
Album: Hallelujah Here good enough
Below [2018] G D
God, You're enough for me
Key: D Asus Bm
I've decided I'm not
giving up
[Intro] G
'Cause You won't give up
Asus Bm G D on me
You won't give up on me
[Verse 1]

Asus [Chorus]
When night has fallen
Bm Asus
When fear is common Your love is holding on
G D Bm
Still You're calling me And it won't let go
Asus G
When faith is lost D
Bm I feel it breaking out
And my hope exhausted like an echo
G D Asus
You will be my strength Your love is holding on
And it won't let go
G Asus
D Bm
I feel it breaking out When my mind says I'm not
like an echo good enough
God, You're enough for me
[Post-Chorus] Asus Bm
I've decided I'm not
Bm G giving up
Echo in my so-o-o-o-oul G
G D 'Cause You won't give up
So-o-o-o-oul on me
You won't give up on me
[Verse 2]

Asus [Chorus]
In every season
Bm G Asus
D Your love is holding on
You keep repeating Bm
promises to me And it won't let go
Asus G
Now there's no stopping D
Bm I feel it breaking out
What you have started like an echo
G D Asus
Until it is com - plete Your love is holding on
And it won't let go
[Pre-Chorus] G
I feel it breaking out
like an echo

[Post-Chorus 2] Asus
Your love is holding on
Bm G Bm
Echo in my so-o-o-o-oul And it won't let go
So-o-o-o-oul D
Bm G I feel it breaking out
In my so-o-o-o-oul like an echo
G D Asus
So-o-o-o-oul Your love is holding on
And it won't let go
[Pre-Chorus] G
Asus I feel it breaking out,
Bm breaking out
When my mind says I'm not
good enough Asus
G D Your love is holding on
God, You're enough for me Bm
Asus Bm And it won't let go
I've decided I'm not G
giving up D
G I feel it breaking out
'Cause You won't give up like an echo
on me Asus
G Your love is holding on
You won't give up on me Bm
And it won't let go I raise a hallelujah,
G louder than the unbelief
I feel it breaking out I raise a hallelujah, my
like an echo weapon is a melody
I raise a hallelujah,
[Post-Chorus] heaven comes to fight for
Bm G
Echo in my so-o-o-o-oul
G D [Chorus: Melissa Helser]
So-o-o-o-oul F C
Bm G I'm gonna sing, in the
In my so-o-o-o-oul middle of the storm
G D Am
So-o-o-o-oul G
Louder and louder, you're
gonna hear my praises roar
Raise a Hallelujah (Live)
Bethel Music
Up from the ashes, hope
[Intro] will arise
C Am G
Death is defeated, the
[Verse 1: Jonathan David King is alive
I raise a hallelujah, in [Verse 2: Jonathan David
the presence of my enemies Helser]
I raise a hallelujah, with C
everything inside of me
Am G
I raise a hallelujah, I [Bridge: Jonathan David
will watch the darkness Helser & Melissa Helser]
flee C
C Sing a little louder (Sing
F a little louder)
I raise a hallelujah, in G
the middle of the mystery Sing a little louder (Sing
Am G a little louder)
I raise a hallelujah, fear Am
you lost your hold on me Sing a little louder (Sing
a little louder)
[Chorus: Melissa Helser] Let's sing a little louder
F C (Let's sing a little
I'm gonna sing, in the louder)
middle of the storm C
Am Sing a little louder (In
G the presence of my
Louder and louder, you're enemies)
gonna hear my praises roar G
F C Sing a little louder
Up from the ashes, hope (Louder than the unbelief)
will arise Am
Am G Sing a little louder (My
Death is defeated, the weapon is a melody)
King is alive F
Sing a little louder
(Heaven comes to fight for
[Interlude] me)
C Death is defeated, the
Sing a little louder (In King is alive!
the presence of my F
enemies) C
G Oh, I'm gonna sing, in the
Sing a little louder middle of the storm
(Louder than the unbelief) Am
Am G
Sing a little louder (My Louder and louder, you're
weapon is a melody) gonna hear my praises roar
Let's sing a little louder Up from the ashes, hope
(Heaven comes to fight for will arise
me) Am G
F Death is defeated, the
Sing a little louder King is alive!

[Chorus: Melissa Helser & [Post-Chorus: Jonathan

Jonathan David Helser] David Helser]
I'm gonna sing, in the I raise a hallelujah
middle of the storm F
Am I raise a hallelujah
G Am
Louder and louder, you're I raise a hallelujah
gonna hear my praises roar G
F C I raise a hallelujah
Up from the ashes, hope
will arise
Am G [Interlude]
I raise a hallelujah
[Spontaneous: Jonathan Am
David Helser] I raise a hallelujah
Just begin to raise your G
own hallelujah I raise a hallelujah
I can't do it for you C
There's a song written on I raise a hallelujah (In
your heart only you can the presence of my
sing enemies)
And when you sing enemies F
flee I raise a hallelujah
When you sing prison walls (Louder than the unbelief)
come falling down Am
When you sing heaven I raise a hallelujah (My
invades the earth weapon is a melody)
So just begin to lift up G
your hallelujah F C Am G F C
Raise it like a banner I raise a hallelujah
Raise it like a flag (Heaven comes to fight for
Raise it in the middle of me)
the storm
Let it rise, let it rise
Like a symphony to the
Everything needs Jesus
We raise it all up
Sing a little louder

[Outro: Jonathan David

Helser & Melissa Helser]
Rebuilder G
Album Everything or Nothing F
You brought the light into
[Intro] the room
And filled my lungs so I
[Verse 1] could learn to breathe
Am again
The rubble and the C
wreckage My shelter
I've forgotten who I was G
Am My warmth in the coldest
You reached out for my night
hand Am
G C My helper
And found me in the dust G
Dm F
G You held me up 'til I
And my soul had given up could stand
Dm On the promise that You
But You wouldn't leave me are
undone Rebuilding me

[Chorus] [Verse 2]
C Am
Rebuilder I have seen the dawn
My walls were crumbling C
Am Start to break between the
Restorer cracks
Am F
The beginnings of the day G
G Oh, You promise that You
C are
I never thought would come Rebuilding me
to pass
Dm C Am F G
But You brought me back to C Am F G C
You are the morning in my

Am G F
To the man I am today
With all my fear and shame
You rescued my heart and
Am G
Showed me that joy can
come through pain
You brought dancing to
these streets
My second chance for peace

Let Go Am
Hillsong Young & Free G
[Verse 1: Aodhan King] Show me life like it's
F supposed to be
I close my eyes and Dm F
colours fly An oasis here awaits us
Am G Am
There's no hiding from All the freedom I'll ever
Your grace need
F Dm
I can't deny Your heart Now I'm alive
for mine F
Am G F Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
And its unrelenting Am G
chase When I let go then I found
F life
I was on the edge of Dm F
deception Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
Am G Am
Caught up in my own Dm
hesitation When I let go then I found
Dm C/E life
Until Your love took
over me [Breakdown]
|Dm |F |Am |G |Dm |F |Am
|G |
[Chorus: Aodhan King]
Dm F When I let go then I found
So I let go and I let love life
Show me life like it's
[Verse 2: Karina Wykes w/ supposed to be
Aodhan King] Dm F
F An oasis here awaits us
The higher way is Am
calling me G
Am G F All the freedom I'll ever
To a life unlike before need
F Dm
The Father's heart is Now I'm alive
beckoning F
Am G Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
And I can't resist no Am G
more When I let go then I found
F life
Lead me in the ways of Dm F
devotion Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
Am G Am
I don't want to get Dm
caught in the motions When I let go then I found
Dm C/E life
My heart is only for
You, Lord [Breakdown]
|Dm |F |Am |G |Dm |F |Am
|G |
[Chorus: Aodhan King]
Dm F When I let go then I found
So I let go and I let love life
Am |Dm |F |Am |G |
[Chorus: Aodhan King] Am G
Dm F When I let go then I
So I let go and I let love found life
Am Dm F
G Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
Show me life like it's Am G
supposed to be N.C.
Dm F When I let go then I
An oasis here awaits us found life
All the freedom I'll ever
Dm F
Now I'm alive
Am G
Dm F
When I let go then I
found life
Am G
Dm F Am F Dm F
When I let go then I
found life
Am G
When I let go then I
found life

Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
God Only Knows [Chorus 1]
[Verse 1] God only knows what you've
Bm been through
Wide awake, while the A
world is sound asleep and G
A God only knows what they
To afraid of what might say about you
show up while your dreamin G
G Bm A
Bm God only knows how it's
Nobody nobody, nobody sees killin' you
you A
A F#m G
nobody nobody, would but there's a kind of love
believe you God only knows

[Verse 2] [Chorus 2]
G Bm G
Everyday you try to pick Bm
up all the pieces God only knows what
A you've been through
All the memories they A
somehow never leave you D G
G Bm God only knows what they
nobody nobody nobody sees say about you
you G Bm
A God only knows the real
nobody nobody, would you
believe you
but there's a kind of God only knows what they
love God only knows say about you
[Post-Chorus] Bm
G Bm God only knows how it's
There's a kinda love that killin' you
There's a kinda love but there's a kind of
love God only knows
[Verse 3]
G [Chorus 2]
Bm G
You keep a cover over Bm
every single secret God only knows what
A you've been through
So afraid if someone saw A
them they would leave you D G
G God only knows what they
Bm say about you
Somebody somebody somebody G Bm
sees you God only knows the real
A you
Somebody somebody will A
never leave you D G
But there's a kind of
[Chorus 1] love God only knows
Bm A [Post Chorus]
God only knows what G Bm
you've been through There's a kinda love that
A D What if we could start
There's a kinda love over
G Bm
There's a kinda love that A
A We could start over, we
there's a kinda love could start over
[Bridge] There's a kind of love God
G only knows
For the lonely, for the
ashamed, [Outro]
the misunderstood and the Bm
ones to blame God only knows what
Bm you've been through
What if we could start A
over D G
God only knows what they
A say about you
We could start over, we G Bm
could start over God only knows the real
[Bridge] A D
For the lonely, for the but there's a kind of
ashamed, love God only knows

A G Bm
the misunderstood and the There's a kinda love that
ones to blame A D
There's a kinda love
Bm G Bm
There's a kinda love that
A [Intro]
there's a kinda love G6/E Cadd9 G

Bm [Verse 1]
God only knows where to G6/E
find you Cadd9 G
A D There’s a grace when the
G heart is under fire
God only knows how to G6/E
break through Cadd9 G
G Bm Another way when the walls
A are closing in
God only knows the real G6/E
you Cadd9
A D And when I look at the
F#m G space between
There's a kind of love G
that God only knows Where I use to be and this
Another In The Fire G6/E Cadd9 G

Hillsong United I know I will never be

Key: C alone
The G6/E that I use is

E---3--- [Chorus 1]
G---0--- G6/E
D---2--- There was another in the
A---2--- fire
E---0--- Cadd9 G
Standing next to me All my debt left for dead
beneath the waters
G6/E G6/E Cadd9
There was another in the G
waters I’m no longer a slave to
Cadd9 G my sin anymore
Holding back the seas G6/E
G6/E And should I fall in the
And should I ever need space between
reminding G
Cadd9 G What remains of me and
Of how I've been set free this reckoning
G6/E Cadd9
G6/E G
There is a cross that Either way I won’t bow to
bears the burden the things of this world
Cadd9 G G6/E Cadd9
Where another died for me G
And I know I will never be

G6/E Cadd9 G G6/E Cadd9 G [Chorus 2]

There is another in the
fire G6/E
There is another in the
[Verse 2] Cadd9 G
G6/E Standing next to me
Cadd9 G
There is another in the There is another in the
waters fire
Cadd9 G
Holding back the seas G6/E Cadd9 G
There is another in the
G6/E fire
And should I ever need
reminding [Bridge]
Cadd9 G G6/E
What power set me free Cadd9
I can see the light in the
G6/E darkness
There is a grave that G
holds no body Dsus
Cadd9 As the darkness bows to
G him
And now that power lives G6/E
in me Cadd9
I can hear the roar in the
[Tag] G
G6/E Cadd9 G As the space between wears
There is another in the thin
fire G6/E
G6/E Cadd9 G I can feel the ground
There is another in the shake beneath us
fire G
G6/E Cadd9 G As the prison walls cave
Cadd9 I know I will never be
Nothing stands between us alone
Nothing stands between us
[Chorus 3]

[Interlude] G6/E
G6/E Cadd9 G G6/E Cadd9 G There'll be another in the
Cadd9 G
[Verse 3] Standing next to me
G6/E Cadd9
There is no other name G6/E
G There'll be another in the
But the name that is Jesus waters
G6/E Cadd9 Cadd9 G
He who was and still is Holding back the seas
And will be through it all G6/E
G6/E And should I ever need
Cadd9 reminding
So come what may in the Cadd9 G
space between How good You've been to me
All the things unseen G6/E
I'll count the joy come
And this reckoning every battle
G6/E Cadd9 G Cadd9
I know I will never be G
alone Cause I know that's where
G6/E Cadd9 G You'll be
[Bridge] G6/E Cadd9 G G6/E Cadd9 G
I can see the light in the [Bridge]
darkness G6/E
G Cadd9
Dsus I can see the light in the
As the darkness bows to darkness
him G
G6/E Dsus
Cadd9 As the darkness bows to
I can hear the roar in the him
heavens G6/E
G Cadd9
Dsus I can hear the roar in the
As the space between wears heavens
thin G
G6/E Dsus
Cadd9 As the space between wears
I can feel the ground thin
shake beneath us G6/E
G Cadd9
Dsus I can feel the ground
As the prison walls cave shake beneath us
in G
Cadd9 Dsus
Nothing stands between us As the prison walls cave
Cadd9 in
Nothing stands between us Cadd9
Nothing stands between us
Nothing stands between us [Outro]

[Chorus 3] I'll count the joy come
every battle
G6/E Cadd9
There'll be another in the G
fire Cause I know that's where
Cadd9 G You'll be
Standing next to me
G6/E I'll count the joy come
There'll be another in the every battle
waters Cadd9
Cadd9 G G
Holding back the seas Cause I know that's where
You'll be
And should I ever need G6/E
reminding I'll count the joy come
Cadd9 G every battle
How good You've been to me Cadd9
G6/E Cause I know that's where
I'll count the joy come You'll be
every battle
Cadd9 G6/E
G I'll count the joy come
Cause I know that's where every battle
You'll be Cadd9
Cause I know that's where G
You'll be D
You say I am loved when I
can't feel a thing
You Say G

Lauren Daigle Em
[Verse] You say I am strong when I
G think I am weak
Em G
I keep fighting voices in D
my mind And you say I am held when
G I am falling short
That say I'm not enough G
Em Em
Every single lie that And when I don't belong,
tells me oh you say I am yours
D Em G D
I will never measure up And I believe, yes I
G believe
Am I more than just the G
sum Em
Em G What you say of me, oh I
Of every high and every believe
Em [Verse]
Remind me once again just The only thing that
who I am matters now
Em C Em
Because I need to know Oh G
Is everything you think of
[Chorus] me
What you say of me, oh I
Cause in you I find my believe
D Em [Verse]
In you I find my identity Taking all I have and now
Oh Em G
I'm laying it at your feet
G 'Cause you have every
D failure, God
You say I am loved when I D
can't feel a thing Em C
G And you'll have every
Em victory Oh
And you say I am strong
when I think I am weak [Chorus]
And you say I am held when You say I am loved when I
I am falling short can't feel a thing
Em Em
And when I don't belong You say I am strong when I
oh, oh you say I am yours think I am weak
And I believe it, oh I You say I am held when I
believe am falling short
Em Em
And when I don't belong,
oh you say I am yours
And I believe it, oh I
What you say of me, oh I
believe yeah
Oh I believe, yes I
What you say of me, yes I

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