IS 513 Part-1 2016 PDF

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के य मुहर वभाग-2

हमारा संदभ: सीएमडी-2/16:513 (भाग 1 एवं 2) 19 05 2017

वषय: आई एस513 (भाग 1) :2016 के पुनर *+त एस ट आई और अंतरण 1दशा 3नद4 श का काया वयनऔर आई एस
513 (भाग 2):2016 के एस ट आई और अंतरण 1दशा 3नद4 श का काया वयन

स म ा धकार वारा अनुमो दत आई एस 513 (भाग 1) :2016 के पुनर % त एस ट आई और अंतरण दशा +नद, श और
आई एस 513 (भाग 2):2016 के एस ट आई और अंतरण दशा +नद, श के त-काल काया01वयनहे तु संल3न है ।

सभी े7ीय काया0लय8/शाखा काया0लय8से आ;ह है क< इसे अपने अ धकार े7 म> ि@थतसभी लाइसे1स धारक8/ आवे क8 को
सू चत करे और अनुपालन सु+निDचत करे ।

(अEण पुछकायला)
5ी ए. के. भटनागर, वै9ा3नक – एफ और <मुख (सीएमडी-2)(ह>ता/-)
सभी े7ीय/शाखा/ काया0लय8 को पIरचाJलत
+तJलKप : आई ट एस को बीआईएस इंMानेट पर अपलोड करने के Jलए


Our Ref: CMD-2/16 513 (Pt 1 & Pt 2) 19 05 2017

Subject: Switchover guidelines for implementation of IS 513 (Part 1):2016 and guidelines for
implementation of IS 513 (Part 2):2016.

Please find enclosed switch over guidelines for implementation of IS 513 (Part 1):2016 and guidelines for
implementation of IS 513 (Part 2) 2016, duly approved by Competent Authority, for immediate

ROs/BOs are requested to kindly bring to the notice of licensees/ applicants under their jurisdictions and
ensure compliance to implementation of the above guidelines.

(Arun Pucchakayala)
Scientist C

Shri A. K. Bhatnagar, Scientist – F & Head (CMD-2)(sd/-)

All ROs/BOs

Copy to : ITS for hosting on BIS Intranet.

Our Ref: CMD-2/16: IS 513(pt.1) & (pt.2) 18-05-2017

Subject: Guidelines for switchover of licences held as per IS 513:2008 to IS 513 (Pt-1):2016
& for implementation of IS 513(Pt-2):2016
1. Indian Standard IS 513:2008 has been revised and published in two parts as
Old Standard Revised Standard
IS 513:2008, Cold Reduced Low Carbon IS 513(Pt-1):2016, Cold Reduced
Steel Sheet and Strip Carbon Steel Sheet and Strip Part 1
Cold Forming and Drawing Purpose
IS 513(Pt-2):2016, Cold Reduced
Carbon Steel Sheet and Strip Part 2
High tensile and multi-phase steel

2. In view of the above revision, the following new STIs have been issued:
Standard STI
IS 513(Pt-1):2016 Doc:STI/513 (Part 1)/11 April 2017
(Annex-1). This STI replaces
Doc:STI/513/10 September 2016 as per
IS 513:2008
IS 513 (Pt-2):2016 Doc:STI/513 (Part 2)/1 April 2017

3. In IS 513 (part1):2016,for cold forming and drawing applications, new grades along with
existing grades of IS 513:2008 have been introduced.
4. In IS 513 (part2):2016, for automobile and engineering applications, new grades of High
tensile and multi-phase steel sheet and strips have been introduced.
5. The modifications made in IS 513 (Part 1): 2016 and IS 513 (part-2): 2016 are listed at
Annex -3, for general guidance.
6. IS 513:2008 stands cancelled after 15th December 2017 as per the gazette notification.
7. The existing licences as per IS 513:2008 have to be endorsed for changeover to
IS 513(Part 1): 2016, by 15th December 2017.
8. For use of standard mark on grades covered under IS 513(Part 2): 2016, manufacturers
are required to submit application with fee for new licence.
9. In order to switchover from IS 513:2008 to IS 513 (part 1) & (part 2), following actions
need to be completed by the licensees at the latest by 01 December 2017:
i) Existing Licensees as per IS 513:2008 shall submit the following:
a) acceptance to STI (Doc: STI/513 (Part 1)/ 11 April 2017),
b) acceptance to Marking fee as per IS 513(pt-1):2016 (rates same as that of
IS 513:2008)
c) CMD/PF 306 confirming availability of testing equipments as per
IS 513(pt-1):2016:
d) Evidence of conformity as indicated below for the designations covered in the
scope of existing licence:
Designation in the Evidence of conformity (as per
existing licence IS 513(Pt.1) : 2016)

CR0 factory test report or

test report from BIS recognized Lab
CR1 factory test report or
test report from BIS recognized Lab,
for any one temper designation
CR5 *Test report from BIS recognized lab
(see note)
CR2,CR3,CR4 Not required
ii) For inclusion of other grades which are not covered in the scope of licence,
requests for inclusion may be submitted to the BO.
iii) Switchover of Licences held as per IS 513:2008 to IS 513(part 1):2016 shall be
complete by 15 December 2017.

10. For Switchover of Licences held as per IS 513:2008 to IS 513(part 1 & (part2) the
following actions are to be ensured by the BOs:

i. All BOs shall inform Applicants and Licensees under their jurisdiction about the
revision of the Standard.
ii. BOs shall ensure that no licence as per IS 513:2008 is under operation after
15 December 2017.
iii. BO may issue endorsement in respect of the licence suitably on receipt of
documents as mentioned above from the licensee, confirming implementation of
the revised Standard.
iv. In case any licensee fails to complete all the above actions by 15th December
2017, further necessary action as per OMPC 2004 (with all amendments) and
guidelines on Stoppage and Resumption of Marking ref:CMD-1/2:1 dtd: 01 Dec
2016, shall be initiated by the concerned BO.
v. For all those grades as per IS 513(part 1):2016, which are not covered in the
licence, inclusion of new varieties can be processed based on the request of the
licensee as per the grouping guidelines (Annex-4) and as per the existing
procedure of OMPC.
vi. Inform Licensees of IS 513:2008, interested in obtaining new licence for
IS 513(part-2):2016, to submit application along with fee and the following:
a) undertaking on letter head that they can produce and test the product
as per IS 513(part-2):2016 with the existing facilities already verified
by BIS as per IS 513:2008
b) Test report from BIS recognized lab (see Note and Annex-5)
c) Acceptance to STI as per IS 513(pt.2):2016
d) Acceptance to MF as per IS 513(pt.2):2016(will be notified shortly)
e) payment of prescribed advance minimum marking fee
f) Self evaluation-cum-verification report(Section-A only)
vii. Applications received as above shall be processed for grant of licence without
need for carrying out visit prior to grant of licence as the facilities were already
verified at the time of GOL as per IS 513:2008. BOs shall make efforts for
arranging an early surveillance inspection during which detailed verification of
the existing process and product can be made alongwith revalidation of the
manufacturing capabilities.
*Note: Till such time laboratories having test facilities as per IS 513(part-1):2016 /
IS 513(part-2):2016 are recognized, test reports from BIS recognized laboratories, which are
recognized as per IS 513:2008, shall be accepted. If complete testing of the product is not
possible in one lab, the product may be tested in any combination of laboratories (outside/in-

11. In case of applications which are under process as per IS 513:2008, the following actions are
required to be taken by BOs:

i. On receipt of requests from applicants opting for considering their application as per
the revised Standard IS 513(pt.1):2016, the application is to be processed as per
IS 513(pt.1):2016. In such cases the applicant shall be required to submit an
undertaking that in no circumstances their application shall be considered as per IS
ii. Applications recorded under normal procedure where samples are yet to be drawn
for independent testing shall be processed only as per the revised Standard IS 513 (part
iii. Wherever the application is at final stage of GOL (i.e. TR received/sample drawn
and TR awaited), the licence shall be granted as per the version of standard indicated in
test reports. However, such licensee shall be advised to complete actions for switch
over to the revised version of standard by 01 December 2017.
iv. A declaration shall be obtained from all Applicants, for applications being processed
as per the old Standard that they will switch over to the revised Standard IS 513 (part
1):2016 by 01 December 2017.

12. Fresh applications shall be processed only as per the revised Standards IS 513 (part 1):2016
& IS 513 (part 2):2016.
13. Beyond 15 December 2017 no Licence shall be granted as per the old Standard IS 513:2008.
14. The above guidelines shall come into force with immediate effect

Encl: As above
(Arun Pucchakayala)
Scientist C,CMD-2
Head (CMD-2) (sd/-)
DDG(Cert.) (sd/-)
All ROs/BOs

Doc : STI/513(Pt.1)/ 11, April 2017


ACCORDING TO IS 513 (part 1):2016 (Sixth Revision)

1 LABORATORY - A laboratory shall be maintained which shall be suitably equipped and

staffed, where the tests shall be carried out in accordance with the methods given in the

1.1 All testing apparatus/measuring instruments shall be periodically checked, verified and
calibrated as appropriate and records of such checks/verification, calibration shall be
1.2 Periodic calibration shall be done on the tensile testing machine. The frequency of
such calibration should preferably be once in six months, and in any case, not more
than once in a year.

2 TEST RECORDS - All records of tests as per this scheme of testing and inspection shall be
kept in suitable forms.

2.1 Copies of any records or charts that may be required by BIS shall be made available at any
time on request.

3. QUALITY CONTROL – It is recommended that, as far as possible, Statistical Quality

Control (SQC) methods may be used for controlling quality of the product during production as
envisaged in this scheme [See IS 397 (Part 1), IS 397 (Part 2) and IS 397 (Part 3)].

3.1 In addition efforts should be made to gradually introduce the Quality Management
System in accordance with IS/ISO 9001.
4. STANDARD MARK - The Standard Mark, as given in Column (1) of the first schedule of the
licence, as specified for cold rolled carbon steel sheets and strips as per IS 513(part 1):2016 shall
be legibly marked on top of each package of sheets and strips.

4.1TEST CERTIFICATE – For each consignment of BIS Certified material conforming to IS

513(part 1):2016 there shall be a test certificate which shall contain the Standard Mark, the cast
number, Control Unit number, designation, grade and the corresponding test results (as given in
Annexure I).
4.2 MARKING – The following shall be legibly marked on the top of each bundle or package of
sheets and strips or shown on a tag attached to each coil :

a) Manufacturer’s name or trade mark,

b) Nomenclature of grade Quality
c) Product dimensions,
d) Cast or identification mark by which the sheet or strip may be traced to the cast or casts from
which they were made,
e) Mass/Net weight and
f) Date of manufacture
g) Licence No. (CM/L….)
Doc : STI/513(Pt.1)/ 11, April 2017

h) temper
i) surface finish designation

4.3 SUPPLY OF MATERIAL AND DELIVERY CONDITIONS - The material shall meet the
requirements of clause 4 and 13 of the specification.

4.3.1 PACKING - Each sheet shall be treated on both sides with non-hardening type
preventive oil which can be easily washed with aqueous alkali solution. The product may be
ordered “not oiled” if required [Ref. cl.9.6 of IS 513(part 1):2016].

4.3.2 Sheets and strips shall be supplied in bundles or packages not weighing more than 3
tonnes or as agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer.

4.3.3 Sheets and strips shall be securely packed in waterproof material and covered all over
with steel envelope and securely tied round with steel straps and preferably with wooden battens
underneath to prevent the sheets from rusting and damage during transit.

5. LEVELS OF CONTROL : Inspection and tests at various levels of control specified in

Table 1 shall be carried out on all quantities of steel intended to be covered under this scheme
and appropriate records as per para 2 and charts as per para 3 of this STI shall be maintained.
All production which conforms to the Indian Standard and covered by the licence shall be
marked with BIS Standard Mark.

5.1 METHOD OF MANUFACTURE – The method of manufacture of Steel for sheets and
strips shall be left at the discretion of the manufacturer.

5.2 CONTROL UNIT: For the purpose of this scheme, 50 tonnes of material or part thereof
representing the same cast, grade quality and heat-treatment (if any) rolled to same thickness and
processed in same condition shall constitute a control unit.

5.3 Sheets and strips shall be supplied rimmed, semi-killed or killed condition as agreed to
between the purchaser and the manufacturer. However, grades supplied in delayed ageing and
non-ageing guarantee shall be supplied only in fully aluminium killed or in a fully stabilized

5.4 On the basis of tests and inspection results, decision regarding conformity or otherwise of lots
of steel to the requirements of the specification shall be taken as indicated below:

5.5 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION - Chemical composition (Ladle analysis) obtained by

analyzing one sample from each heat shall conform to the requirements laid down in Table 3 of
the specification. Product analysis shall be carried out at the rate of one from every cast and the
permissible variation in the case of product analysis shall be as laid down in Table 4 of the
specification. The analysis of the steel shall be carried out according to IS 228 and its relevant
parts or any other established instrumental/chemical method. In case of dispute the procedure
given in IS 228 and its relevant parts shall be referee method. The manufacturer shall declare the
established instrumental method adopted for chemical analysis, details of the reference material
accompanied with test certificate used for its calibration and frequency of calibration.

Doc : STI/513(Pt.1)/ 11, April 2017

5.6 RETEST - If a test does not give the specified results, two additional tests shall be carried out
at random on the same lot. Both retests shall conform to the requirements of this standard,
otherwise, the control unit shall be rejected.

6. REJECTIONS - Records shall be maintained for a reasonable time from which information
relating to the rejection of material which does not conform to IS 513(part 1):2016 may be
obtained. Such rejected material shall not in any case be mixed up with that conforming to this

7 SAMPLES - The licensee shall supply, free of charge, the samples required in accordance with
Regulation of the Bureau of Indian Standards from his factory or godown. BIS may procure
samples from open market.

8.0 REPLACEMENT - Whenever a complaint is received soon after the goods with Standards
Mark have been purchased and used, and if there is adequate evidence that the goods have not
been misused, defective goods shall be replaced free of cost by the licensee in case the complaint
is proved to be genuine and the warranty period ( where applicable ) has not expired. The final
authority to judge conformity of the product to the Indian standards shall be with the Bureau. The
firm shall have own complaint investigation system as per IS/ISO 10002.

8.1 In the event of any damage caused by the goods bearing the Standard Mark, or claim
being filed by the consumers against BIS Standards Mark and not "conforming to" the relevant
Indian Standard, entire liability arising out of such non conforming product shall be of the
licensee and BIS shall not in any way be responsible in such cases.

9. STOP MARKING - The marking of the product shall be stopped under intimation to the
Bureau if, at any time, there is any difficulty in maintaining the conformity of their product to the
specification, or the testing equipment goes out of order or for any reason. The marking may be
resumed as soon as the defects are removed under intimation to BIS. The licensee shall
implement the provisions of self-stoppage of Marking as mentioned in BIS Act, Rules
and Regulations.

9.1 The marking of the product shall be stopped immediately if directed to do so by Bureau for
any reason. The marking may then be resumed only after permission by the Bureau. The
information regarding resumption of markings shall also be sent to the Bureau.

10 PRODUCTION DATA - The licensee shall send to BIS a statement of quantity produced,
marked and exported and the value thereof at the end of each operative year of the licence as per
the enclosed proforma which has to be authenticated by a Chartered Accountant.

Table 1…..

Doc : STI/513(Pt.1)/ 11, April 2017


(Para 5 of the Scheme of Testing and Inspection)
Cl Requirement Test Method No. of samples Lot size Frequency
Clause Reference
7 Chemical IS 228 or any other established instr/ Chem. Method. Alternatively, the method specified in relevant ISO/IEC standard
Composition may be used.
a) Ladle Analysis 7.1 IS 513(part One Each Heat Each Heat Applicable for primary steel
7.2 1):2016 producers only
Table 3
IS 228
b) Product Analysis 7.3 IS 513(part i) One i) Each Cast i) Each Cast i) Applicable for primary
Table 4 1):2016 steel producers with steel
making and both hot & cold
rolling facilities

ii) One ii) Each Cast ii) Each ii) In case of Re-rollers with
Cast cold-rolling facilities, no
further testing is required if
the material obtained from
primary producers of steel is
ISI marked and received with
test certificate.
8 Mechanical and
Physical Properties
8.1 Tensile Test 8.1.1, IS 513(part One 50 tonnes or less Each To be carried out only if
8.1.2,8.1.3 , 1):2016 Control specified by the purchaser
8.1.4 & 8.1.5 Unit
Table 5A,5B,
5C IS 1608
8.2 Cupping Test 8.2 IS 513(part One -do- -do- Applicable for steel grades of
Fig.1 1):2016 quality CR2, CR3, CR4
subject to mutual agreement
IS 10175 between purchaser and
Doc : STI/513(Pt.1)/ 11, April 2017

8.3 Hardness Test 8.3 IS 513(part One -do- -do- Applicable for steel grades of
Table 6 1):2016 quality CR0, CR1.

IS 1586
8.4 Bend Test 8.4.1, IS 513(part One -do- -do-
8.4.2,8.4.3 & 1):2016
Table 7 IS 1599
8.5 Plastic Strain Ratio 8.5.1 IS 513(part One -do- -do-
8.5.2 1):2016
Table 5A,5B,
5C IS 11999
8.6 Tensile strain 8.6.1 One -do- -do-
hardening IS 513(part
8.6.2 1):2016
Table 5A,5B,
5C IS 15756
8.7 Bake hardening 8.7 IS 513(part One -do- -do- Applicable only for steel
Index Annex B 1):2016 designation- Bake hardening
Table 5B,5C
5. Non-ageing 5.1, 5.2& 5.3 IS 513(part - - Each Applicable for steel grades of
characteristics Table 2 1):2016 Control CR2, CR3, delay ageing
Unit quality and non-ageing

9 Surface condition 9.1,9.2,9.3, IS 513(part As agreed between the purchaser and the supplier.
9.4 1):2016

9.5 Surface Finish 9.5.1, 9.5.2 IS 513(part As agreed between the purchaser and the supplier.
& 9.5.3 1):2016
IS 15262
10 Freedom from 10.1,10.2 IS 513(part
defects &10.3 1):2016 Adequate inspection to ensure each item to be free from

11 Dimensions & 11.1,11.2 & IS 513(part Adequate inspection to ensure each item to be within the
Tolerances 11.3 1):2016 limits of specification.

Doc : STI/513(Pt.1)/ 11, April 2017

4 Supply of material 4.1,4.2 &4.3 IS 513(part As agreed to between the purchaser and the supplier Records of mechanical
1):2016 properties as agreed to
between purchaser and the
manufacturer as per cl.4.3
of ISS shall be maintained.
13.3 Packing 13.3 IS 513(part Each Sheet/strip shall be treated on both sides with non- i) Weight of sheets and
9.6 1):2016 hardening type rust preventive oil, which can be easily strips in bundles or
Table 9 washed with aqueous alkali solution. packages shall be as agreed
to between the purchaser
and the manufacturer.
ii) The product may not be
oiled, only if required by
the purchaser.

Doc : STI/513(Pt.1)/ 11, April 2017

(Para 4.1 of the Scheme of Testing and Inspection) STANDARD
(Registered office Address and works address)


TEST CERTIFICATE No.________________________________________________________________________________DATE_________

To M/s_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

It is certified that the material described below fully conforms to IS 513(part 1):2016 Chemical composition and Mechanical
properties of the product, as tested in accordance with the Scheme of Testing and Inspection contained in the BIS Certification Marks
Licence No.CM/L_____________________ are as indicated below against each order No. etc.



Ord Di Cast Nomen Quan Chemical Analysis Erichsen hardness BH +Mechanical Properties r n Non- Condition
er me No. & clature tity Cupping index ageing & Finish
No. nsi C.U. of steel (Ton Test character
ons No. grade nes) istics
quality C Al ** S P N Yield Stress Tensile Elongation
(%) (%) Cu (%) (%) (%) (N/mm2) Strength (%)
(%) (N/mm2)

The material supplied conforms to the stipulated rolling tolerances.

** For Copper bearing quality
+ If specified by the purchaser
(It is suggested that size A-4 paper (210X297) be used for this certificate)
DOC: STI/513(Pt.1)/11 April 2017


Period covered

Name of Licensee

Name of Articles (s) IS No.


Brand/Trade/Name(s) of Product covered under BIS Certification Mark

Total production of the articles(s) licensed for certification marking

Total production of the article(s) conforming to Indian Standard

Production covered with BIS Certification Mark and its Value :

a) Quantity

Brand Name used on production covered under BIS Certification Mark

Calculation of marking fee on unit-rate basis; Marking Fee per unit
a) Unit

b) Quantity covered with BIS Certification Mark

c) Marking fee rounded off in whole rupees as obtained by applying unit rates given in (a) on quantity
given in (b)

Quantity not covered with BIS Certification Mark, if any.

Reasons for such non-coverage

Brand Name under which non-ISI goods were sold

Quantity exported with BIS Standard Mark and its value

Brand Name under which BIS Certified goods are exported

Authentication by Chartered Accountant


Doc : STI/513(Pt.2)/ 1, April 2017


ACCORDING TO IS 513 (part 2):2016 (Sixth Revision)

1 LABORATORY - A laboratory shall be maintained which shall be suitably equipped and

staffed, where the tests shall be carried out in accordance with the methods given in the

1.1 All testing apparatus/measuring instruments shall be periodically checked, verified and
calibrated as appropriate and records of such checks/verification, calibration shall be
1.2 Periodic calibration shall be done on the tensile testing machine. The frequency of
such calibration should preferably be once in six months, and in any case, not more
than once in a year.

2 TEST RECORDS - All records of tests as per this scheme of testing and inspection shall be
kept in suitable forms.

2.1 Copies of any records or charts that may be required by BIS shall be made available at any
time on request.

3. QUALITY CONTROL – It is recommended that, as far as possible, Statistical Quality

Control (SQC) methods may be used for controlling the quality of the product during production
as envisaged in this scheme [See IS 397 (Part 1), IS 397 (Part 2) and IS 397 (Part 3)].

3.1 In addition efforts should be made to gradually introduce the Quality Management
System in accordance with IS/ISO 9001.
4 STANDARD MARK - The Standard Mark, as given in Column (1) of the first schedule of the
licence, as specified for cold rolled carbon steel sheets and strips as per IS 513(part 2):2016 shall
be legibly marked on top of each package of sheets and strips.

4.1 TEST CERTIFICATE – For each consignment of BIS Certified material conforming to
IS 513(part 2):2016 there shall be a test certificate which shall contain the Standard Mark, the
cast number, Control Unit number, designation, grade and the corresponding test results (as given
in Annexure I).

4.2 MARKING – The following shall be legibly marked on the top of each bundle or
package of sheets and strips or shown on a tag attached to each coil :

a) Manufacturer’s name or trade mark,

b) Nomenclature of grade Quality
c) Product dimensions,
Doc : STI/513(Pt.2)/ 1, April 2017

d) Cast or identification mark by which the sheet or strip may be traced to the cast or casts from
which they were made,
e) Mass/Net weight and
f) Date of manufacture
g) Licence No. (CM/L….)
h) surface finish designation

4.3 SUPPLY OF MATERIAL AND DELIVERY CONDITIONS - The material shall meet the
requirements of clause 4 and 12 of the specification.

4.3.1 PACKING - Each sheet shall be treated on both sides with non-hardening type
preventive oil which can be easily washed with aqueous alkali solution. The product may be
ordered “not oiled” if required [Ref. cl.8.6 of IS 513(part 2):2016].

4.3.2 Sheets and strips shall be supplied in bundles or packages not weighing more than 3
tonnes or as agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer.

4.3.3 Sheets and strips shall be securely packed in waterproof material and covered all over
with steel envelope and securely tied round with steel straps and preferably with wooden battens
underneath to prevent the sheets from rusting and damage during transit.

5. LEVELS OF CONTROL : Inspection and tests at various levels of control specified in

Table 1 shall be carried out on all quantities of steel intended to be covered under this scheme
and appropriate records as per para 2 and charts as per para 3 of this STI shall be maintained.
All production which conforms to the Indian Standard and covered by the licence shall be
marked with BIS Standard Mark.

5.1 METHOD OF MANUFACTURE – The method of manufacture of Steel for sheets and
strips shall be left at the discretion of the manufacturer.

5.2 CONTROL UNIT: For the purpose of this scheme, 50 tonnes of material or part thereof
representing the same cast, grade quality and heat-treatment (if any) rolled to same thickness and
processed in same condition shall constitute a control unit.

5.3 Sheets and strips shall be supplied rimmed, semi-killed or killed condition as agreed to
between the purchaser and the manufacturer.

5.4 On the basis of tests and inspection results, decision regarding conformity or otherwise of lots
of steel to the requirements of the specification shall be taken as indicated below:

5.5 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION - Chemical composition (Ladle analysis) obtained by

analyzing One sample from each heat shall conform to the requirements laid down in Table 2 of
the specification. Product analysis shall be carried out at the rate of one from every cast and the
permissible variation in the case of product analysis shall be as laid down in Table 3 of the
specification. The analysis of the steel shall be carried out according to IS 228 and its relevant
parts or any other established instrumental/chemical method. Alternatively, the method specified
Doc : STI/513(Pt.2)/ 1, April 2017

in relevant ISO standard may be used. In case of dispute the procedure given in IS 228 and its
relevant parts shall be referee method. The manufacturer shall declare the established
instrumental method adopted for chemical analysis, details of the reference material accompanied
with test certificate used for its calibration and frequency of calibration.

5.6 RETEST - If a test does not give the specified results, two additional tests shall be carried out
at random on the same lot. Both retests shall conform to the requirements of this standard,
otherwise, the control unit shall be rejected.

6. REJECTIONS - Records shall be maintained for a reasonable time from which information
relating to the rejection of material which does not conform to IS 513(part 2):2016 may be
obtained. Such rejected material shall not in any case be mixed up with that conforming to the
7 SAMPLES - The licensee shall supply, free of charge, the samples required in accordance with
Regulation of the Bureau of Indian Standards from his factory or godown. BIS may procure
samples from open market.

8.0 REPLACEMENT - Whenever a complaint is received soon after the goods with Standards
Mark have been purchased and used, and if there is adequate evidence that the goods have not
been misused, defective goods shall be replaced free of cost by the licensee in case the complaint
is proved to be genuine and the warranty period ( where applicable ) has not expired. The final
authority to judge conformity of the product to the Indian standards shall be with the Bureau. The
firm shall have own complaint investigation system as per IS/ISO 10002.

8.1 In the event of any damage caused by the goods bearing the Standard Mark, or claim
being filed by the consumers against BIS Standards Mark and not "conforming to" the relevant
Indian Standard, entire liability arising out of such non conforming product shall be of the
licensee and BIS shall not in any way be responsible in such cases.

9. STOP MARKING - The marking of the product shall be stopped under intimation to the
Bureau if, at any time, there is any difficulty in maintaining the conformity of their product to the
specification, or the testing equipment goes out of order or for any reason. The marking may be
resumed as soon as the defects are removed under intimation to BIS. The licensee shall
implement the provisions of self-stoppage of Marking as mentioned in BIS Act, Rules
and Regulations.
9.1 The marking of the product shall be stopped immediately if directed to do so by Bureau for
any reason. The marking may then be resumed only after permission by the Bureau. The
information regarding resumption of markings shall also be sent to the Bureau.

10 PRODUCTION DATA - The licensee shall send to BIS a statement of quantity produced,
marked and exported and the value thereof at the end of each operative year of the licence as per
the enclosed proforma which has to be authenticated by a Chartered Accountant.

Table 1.…..

Doc : STI/513(Pt.2)/ 1, April 2017


(Para 5 of the Scheme of Testing and Inspection)
Cl Requirement Test Method No. of samples Lot size Frequency
Clause Reference
6 Chemical IS 228 or any other established instr/ Chem. Method. Alternatively, the method specified in relevant ISO/IEC standard
Composition may be used.
a) Ladle Analysis 6.a IS 513(part One Each Heat Each Heat Applicable for primary steel
6.b 2):2016 producers only
Table 2
IS 228

b) Product Analysis 6.c IS 513(part i) One i) Each Cast i)Each Cast i) Applicable for primary
Table 3 2):2016 steel producers with steel
making and both hot & cold
rolling facilities

ii) One ii) Each Cast ii)Each ii) In case of Re-rollers with
Cast cold-rolling facilities only, no
further testing is required if
the material obtained from
primary producers of steel is
ISI marked and received with
test certificate.
7 Mechanical and
Physical Properties
7.1 Tensile Test 7.1.1, IS 513(part One 50 tonnes or less Each To be carried out only if
7.1.2,7.1.3 , 2):2016 Control specified by the purchaser
& 7.1.4 Unit
Table 4A,4B IS 1608
7.2 Bend Test 7.2.1, IS 513(part One -do- -do-
7.2.2,7.2.3 & 2):2016
Table 5 IS 1599
Doc : STI/513(Pt.2)/ 1, April 2017

7.3 Tensile strain 7.3.1 IS 513(part One 50 tonnes or less Each

hardening 7.3.2 2):2016 Control
Table 4A,4B Unit
IS 15756
8 Surface Finish
8.4 Surface Condition 8.4.1 IS 513(part Adequate inspection to ensure each item is supplied
8.4.2 2):2016 either of the surface qualities A or B
8.5 Surface Finish 8.5.1 IS 513(part One Each Sheet/strip Each
8.5.2 2):2016 Sheet/strip
Table 6
9 Freedom from 9.1,9.2 &9.3 IS 513(part
defects 2):2016 Adequate inspection to ensure each item to be free from

10 Dimensions & 10.1,10.2 & IS 513(part Adequate inspection to ensure each item to be within the
Tolerances 10.3 2):2016 limits of specification.

12 Packing 12.3 IS 513(part Each Sheet/strip shall be treated on both sides with non- i) Weight of sheets and
8.6 2):2016 hardening type rust preventive oil, which can be easily strips in bundles or
Table 7 washed with aqueous alkali solution. packages shall be as agreed
to between the purchaser
and the manufacturer.
ii) The product may not be
oiled, only if required by
the purchaser.

Doc : STI/513(Pt.2)/ 1, April 2017

(Para 4.1 of the Scheme of Testing and Inspection)
(Registered office Address and works address)


TEST CERTIFICATE No.________________________________________________________________________________DATE_________

To M/s_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

It is certified that the material described below fully conforms to IS 513(part 2):2016 Chemical composition and Mechanical
properties of the product, as tested in accordance with the Scheme of Testing and Inspection contained in the BIS Certification Marks
Licence No.CM/L_____________________ are as indicated below against each order No. etc.


Order Dime Cast No. Nomencl Quanti Chemical Analysis n Surface Surface
No. nsio & C.U. ature of ty roughness Condition &
ns No. steel (Tonn C S P N Yield Stress Tensile Strength Elongation Finish
grade es) (%) (%) (%) (%) (N/mm2) (N/mm2) (%)

The material supplied conforms to the stipulated rolling tolerances.

+ If required by the purchaser

(It is suggested that size A-4 paper (210X297) be used for this certificate)
DOC: STI/513(Pt.2)/1 April 2017


Period covered

Name of Licensee

Name of Articles (s) IS No.


Brand/Trade/Name(s) of Product covered under BIS Certification Mark

Total production of the articles(s) licensed for certification marking

Total production of the article(s) conforming to Indian Standard

Production covered with BIS Certification Mark and its Value :

a) Quantity

Brand Name used on production covered under BIS Certification Mark

Calculation of marking fee on unit-rate basis; Marking Fee per unit
a) Unit

b) Quantity covered with BIS Certification Mark

c) Marking fee rounded off in whole rupees as obtained by applying unit rates given in (a) on quantity
given in (b)

Quantity not covered with BIS Certification Mark, if any.

Reasons for such non-coverage

Brand Name under which non-ISI goods were sold

Quantity exported with BIS Standard Mark and its value

Brand Name under which BIS Certified goods are exported

Authentication by Chartered Accountant

Significant changes in IS 513 (Part 1):2016

clause Requirement
1 It covers sheets and strips up to 4.0 mm thick both in coil form and cut lengths
3.2 New designations and grades are added
Classification of grades has been added
4.3 New designations have been added in temper designations
5.3 Non-ageing characteristics have been modified
7&8 chemical composition, variation in product analysis and mechanical properties
are changed as per the new designations and grades;
9,10 & mechanical and physical properties, surface finish, freedom from defects and
11 dimensions and tolerances have been modified.

Significant changes in IS 513 (Part 2):2016

clause Requirement
1 It covers sheets and strips up to 3.0 mm thick both in coil form and cut lengths
3.2 Classification of grades has been added
6&7 chemical composition, variation in product analysis and mechanical properties
are changed as per the new designations and grades;
8,9 & mechanical and physical properties, surface finish, freedom from defects and
10 dimensions and tolerances have been modified.


Our Ref.: CMD-II/16: 513(part 1) 18 05 2017

Subject: Grouping Guidelines for certification of Cold Reduced Carbon Steel Sheet and
Strip part 1 cold forming and drawing purpose as per IS 513 (part 1): 2016

Table 1 of IS 513(part 1):2016 specifies different steel Quality Designations and Grades of Steel
that may be produced as per IS 513(part 1): 2016. Clause 11 of IS 513(part 1): 2016 specifies the
Dimensions and Tolerances of the Sheets/Strips to be supplied as per IS 513(part 1): 2016.
Further, Cl.4.3 of IS 513(part 1): 2016 specifies the various Temper Conditions and Cl. 9.5 of IS
513(part 1): 2016 specifies the various Surface conditions of the Sheets/Strips to be supplied as
per IS 513(part 1): 2016.

1. In order to follow a uniform policy in the drawl of samples for independent testing for the
purpose of grant of license/ inclusion of additional varieties in the existing license, the
following procedure is to be followed:

Group Designation(Quality) Grade No of sample

1 Cold Rolled CR0 i) One sample of any size of the
Grade may be drawn.
2 General Purpose CR1,CR 2 i) One sample of any size of any
CR3,CR4& CR5 Grade may be drawn. If sample is
tested for grade of lower tensile
strength and higher drawability(r) &
stretch-ability(n),the recommendation
may include Grades with higher
tensile strength and lower
drawability(r) & stretch-ability(n)

ii) For example, Sample of CR5

should be drawn to cover CR1 to
3 Drawing Quality ISC260G,ISC270C, i) One sample of any size of any
ISC270D,ISC270E Grade may be drawn. If sample is
ISC270F. tested for grade of higher minimum
tensile strength and higher
drawability(r) & stretch-ability(n),
then the recommendation may
include lower Grades also.

ii) For example, Sample of ISC270F

should be drawn to cover ISC260G to
4 Interstitial Free-High ISC340P,ISC370P i) One sample of any size of any
Strength steel ISC390P,ISC440P Grade may be drawn. If sample is
tested for grade of higher minimum
tensile strength then the
recommendation may include lower
Grades also.

ii) For example, Sample of ISC440P

should be drawn to cover ISC340P to
5 Bake Hardening ISC270B,ISC300B i) One sample of any size of any
ISC320B,ISC340B, Grade may be drawn. If sample is
ISC360B,ISC390B tested for grade of higher minimum
,ISC440B tensile strength then the
recommendation may include lower
Grades also.

ii) For example, Sample of ISC440B

should be drawn to cover ISC270B to

6 Re-phosphorized ISC280R,ISC320R, i) One sample of any size of any

ISC360R,ISC400R Grade may be drawn. If sample is
tested for grade of higher minimum
tensile strength then the
recommendation may include lower
Grades also.

ii) For example, Sample of ISC400R

should be drawn to cover ISC280R to

7 C,Mn Steel ISC340W,ISC370W i) One sample of any size of any

ISC390W,ISC440W Grade may be drawn. If sample is
tested for grade of higher minimum
tensile strength then the
recommendation may include lower
Grades also.

ii) For example, Sample of ISC440W

should be drawn to cover ISC340W
to ISC440W.
2. During preliminary inspection, before drawing samples for independent testing, it shall be
ensured by IO that tests for Dimensions and Tolerances as per cl.11 of IS 513(Pt.1):2016
shall be carried out at factory premises on the samples to be drawn for independent testing as
it is difficult to transport bulky samples to laboratory. In case of inclusion, factory test report
for Dimensions and Tolerances as per cl.11 of IS 513(Pt.1):2016 may be accepted and
conformity of the grades included to the same has to be verified during next surveillance

3. The sample tested may be any of the sizes (see Cl.11), Surface condition ( cl.9.5) and
Temper condition (see Cl.4.3) as mentioned in the specification. It is to be ensured that at
least one sample of bright finish is to be drawn/tested in case applicant/licensee has applied
for bright finish. If the sample passes, the licence/inclusion can be granted for all the sizes,
temper conditions and surface finishes (cl.9.5) mentioned in the specification and as applied
by the applicant/licensee, provided that the firm is having all necessary manufacturing and
testing facilities for manufacture and testing of all other sizes, Temper conditions and
surface finishes of sheets/strips proposed to be included in the licence.

4. The scope of licence shall clearly indicate grades, thickness range, maximum width, temper
condition (as applicable), and surface finish class based on Manufacturing/Testing facilities.

5. During the operation of licence, BO shall ensure that all the grades, sizes, temper conditions
and surface conditions of sheets/strips covered in the license are drawn for independent
testing on rotation over a period of time.

( Arun Pucchakayala)
Head (CMD-2)(sd/-)




Ref.: CMD-II/16: 513(part 2) 18 05 2017

Subject: Grouping Guidelines for certification of Cold Reduced Carbon Steel Sheet and
Strip part 2 High Tensile and Multi-phase steel as per IS 513 (part 2): 2016

Table 1 of IS 513(part 2):2016 specifies different steel Quality Designations and Grades of Steel
that may be produced as per IS 513(part 2): 2016. Clause 10 of IS 513(part 2): 2016 specifies the
Dimensions and Tolerances of the Sheets/Strips to be supplied as per IS 513(part 2): 2016.
Further, Cl.8.4 specifies Surface Conditions and Cl. 8.5 specifies various Surface finishes of the
Sheets/Strips to be supplied as per IS 513(part 2): 2016.

1. In order to follow a uniform policy in the drawl of samples for independent testing for the
purpose of grant of license/ inclusion of additional varieties in the existing license, the
following procedure is to be followed:

Group Designation(Quality) Grade No of sample

1 High Strength Low ISC310LA,ISC320LA i) One sample of any size of
Alloy ISC350LA,ISC380LA any Grade may be drawn. If
ISC410LA,ISC440LA sample of higher minimum
ISC470L,ISC510LA tensile strength is tested then
ISC550L,ISC590LA the recommendation may
include grades of lower
minimum tensile strength also.

ii) For example, to cover

ISC310LA to ISC860LA,
sample of ISC860LA should be
drawn for independent testing.
2 C, Mn Steel ISC490W,ISC540W i) One sample of any size of
ISC590W any Grade may be drawn. If
sample of higher minimum
tensile strength is tested then
the recommendation may
include grades of lower
minimum tensile strength also.

ii) For example, Sample of

ISC590W should be drawn to
cover ISC490W to ISC590W.
3 Dual Phase steel ISC450Y ,ISC490Y i) One sample of any size of
ISC540Y ,ISC590YL any Grade may be drawn. If
ISC590Y, sample of higher minimum
ISC780Y,ISC980YL tensile strength is tested then
,ISC980Y the recommendation may
include grades of lower
minimum tensile strength also.

ii) For example, sample of any

of the grades ISC1180YL
should be drawn to cover
ISC450Yto ISC1180YL.
4 Dual Phase steel ISC590YH ,ISC780YH i) One sample of any size of
ISC980YH,ISC1180YH any Grade may be drawn. If
sample of higher minimum
tensile strength is tested then
the recommendation may
include grades of lower
minimum tensile strength also.

ii) For example, sample of any

of the grades ISC1180YH
should be drawn to cover
ISC590YHto ISC1180YH.
5 TRIP Steel ISC590T,ISC690T, i) One sample of any size of
ISC780T any Grade may be drawn. If
sample of higher minimum
tensile strength is tested then
the recommendation may
include grades of lower
minimum tensile strength also.

ii) For example, Sample of

ISC780T should be drawn to
cover ISC590T to ISC780T
6 Complex Phase Steel ISC600C,ISC780C,ISC980C i) One sample of any size of
any Grade may be drawn. If
sample of higher minimum
tensile strength is tested then
the recommendation may
include grades of lower
minimum tensile strength also.

ii) For example, Sample of

ISC980C should be drawn to
cover ISC600C to ISC980C.
7 Martensitic Steel ISC900M,ISC1100M, i) One sample of any size of
ISC1300M, ISC1500M any Grade may be drawn. If
sample higher minimum tensile
strength is tested then the
recommendation may include
grades of lower minimum
tensile strength also.

ii) For example, Sample of

ISC1500M should be drawn to
cover ISC1500M to ISC900M.
8 Hot forming grades ISC480HF i) One sample of any size may
be drawn to cover all sizes in
the grade.

2. During preliminary inspection, before drawing samples for independent testing, it shall be
ensured by IO that tests for Dimensions and Tolerances as per cl.10 of IS 513(Pt.2):2016
shall be carried out at factory premises on the samples to be drawn for independent testing as
it is difficult to transport bulky samples to laboratory. In case of inclusion, factory test report
for Dimensions and Tolerances as per cl.10 of IS 513(Pt.2):2016 may be accepted and
conformity of the grades included to the same has to be verified during next surveillance

3. The sample tested may be any of the sizes (see Cl.10) and Surface condition (see Cl.8.4) as
mentioned in the specification. It is to be ensured that at least one sample of bright finish is
to be drawn/tested in case applicant/licensee has applied for bright finish. If the sample
passes, the licence can be granted for all the sizes and surface finishes (cl.8.5) mentioned in
the specification and as applied by the applicant/licensee, provided that the firm is having all
necessary manufacturing and testing facilities for manufacture and testing of all other sizes
and surface finishes of sheets/strips proposed to be included in the licence.

4. The scope of licence shall clearly indicate grades, thickness range, maximum width, and
surface finish class based on Manufacturing/Testing facilities.

5. During the operation of licence, BO shall ensure that all the grades and sizes of sheets/strips
covered in the license are drawn for independent testing on rotation over a period of time.

( Arun Pucchakayala)
Head (CMD-2)(sd/-)

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