In Europe, A Woman Was Near Death From A Special Kind of Cancer
In Europe, A Woman Was Near Death From A Special Kind of Cancer
In Europe, A Woman Was Near Death From A Special Kind of Cancer
There was one drug that the doctors thought might save her.
It was a form of radium that a druggist in the same town had
recently discovered.
The drug was expensive to make, but the druggist was charging
ten times what the drug cost him to make.
He paid $400 for the radium and charged $4,000 for a small dose
of the drug.
EX: Volunteering at a
nursing home is the right
thing to do.
Possible answers for Kohlberg’s dilemma by children of
Stage 3
• For stealing: If you have any sense of honor, you won’t let
your wife die because you’re afraid to do the only thing
that will save her. You’ll always feel guilty that you caused
her death if you don’t do your duty to her.
• Characterized by references to
universal ethical principles that
represent protecting the rights or of
all people
• Most adults do not reach this level.
Stage #5: Social Contract Orientation
At stage 4, people want to keep
society functioning.
However, a smoothly
functioning society is not
necessarily a good one. Nazi
Germany was a well
organized society, but nine
million were murdered in the