Philhealth Circular: Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
Philhealth Circular: Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
Philhealth Circular: Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
No. 0 3tf - 2{)15
A. The following are supplemental guidelines for Pneumonill-moderate risk and
Pneumonill~high risk:
Claims for Pneumonill-moderate risk or Pneumonill-
high risk of patients with age 0 to 18 years and 364 days Claims for admissions
shall only be reimbursed if the length of stay is at least starting
4 days (96 hours). Otherwise, the claim shall be denied. December 7, 2015
1. The requirement of at least 4 days (96 hours) confinement shall apply to all claims for
Pneumonill-moderate risk or Pneumonill-high risk of patients 19 years old and above.
Otherwise, it shall be denied. This became effective for admissions starting
September 15, 2015.
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5. Paid claims prior to the effectivity of the requirement of at least 4 days confinement
for Pneumonia-moderate risk or Pneumonia-high risk shall be subjected to
monitoring/validation by the Corporation pursuant to Phi!Health Circnlar 31, s-2014
: Health Care Provider Performance Assessment System (HCP PAS).
All provisions of previous issuances, circnlars, and directives that are inconsistent with any
of the provisions of this Circnlar for this particular circumstance wherein the same is
exclusively applicable, are hereby amended, modified or repealed accordingly.
In the event that a part or provision of this Circnlar is declared unauthorized or rendered
invalid by any Court of Law or competent authority, those provisions not affected by such
declaration shall remain valid and effective.
This Circnlar shall be published in any newspaper of general circulation and shall be
deposited thereafter with the National Administrative Register at the University of the
Philippines Law Center.
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