Synopsis Report ON Study On Consumer Demand Pattern: Mahindra Finance S.C.O.03, Sector: 26D Chandigarh

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Mahindra finance
S.C.O.03, Sector: 26D
Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd.

Title of the Project-




The project was carried out for understanding the customer profile.
Customer is the king’ is stated by almost every head of business. Customer
Profiling is a key tool for business development. Customer Profiling delivers the
high-octane fuel to power sales and marketing engine for optimal performance.
This guide is an attempt to assist customers in finding the proper match between
their needs and products. It provides a short overview of different products and
then a quick profile of the types of customer needs that might be satisfied by the
products described. It is not meant to be an all inclusive list of the needs satisfied
by any one product.

Different objective behind conducting this project-

o Identifying Target Customer.

o To know about the customer preference.

o To analyse the customer segmentation

o To analyse the customer creditworthiness

o The main goal of Customer Profiling is to categorize the traits and
characteristics of current customers.

o To identify the primary characteristics of good and bad customers.

Customer Profiling will help in:

o Discover which customers are sales and profit contributors

o Identify customers who have profitable growth potential for the future
o Find out who are your unwanted (unprofitable) customers
o Categorize customers by more relevant and defined criteria rather than just
general impressions
o Bring more focus to your marketing and sales efforts and use your
resources more effectively

❋ . Mahindra Finance was incorporated on January 1, 1991 as Maxi
Motors Financial Services Limited and received certificate of
commencement of business on February 19, 1991. Our name was
changed to Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Limited on
November 3, 1992. We are registered with the RBI as an NBFC with
effect from September 4, 1998 under Section 45IA of the Reserve Bank
of India Act 1934., The product out of which have chosen for
research is Current Accounts.
This research helps us in finding out the:

❋ customers view regarding the product and Services offered by the

Mahindra Finance and awareness by promotion and also
identifying the market potential of the product offered by the
Mahindra Finance.


The Methodology will be simple to understand and acquire knowledge from all the
concerned bodies in the field. I have opted to study it with a few corporate names like
Mahindra, Toyota, maruti Suzuki, general motors etc. Apart from this I will be also using
various tools to study the customer’s awareness and satisfaction about the products offered
by the company.

Data source

Primary Data: - It is collected through questionnaire, direct observation

of customer, interview etc.

Secondary Data: It is collected through journals, Internet search,

magazines, company report, dealers etc.

Sampling Plan

Sampling Unit: -Self employed business man, Shop Owner

Sampling size: - 100 respondents.
Sampling Technique: -Stratified random sampling

Data collection tools

The questionnaires consisted of
 Multiple choice questions and
 Open ended questions


Not single work is exception to the limitations every work has got his own
limitations, so due to time constraints, my study confines only to
Chandigarh and mohali and it is not possible to make extensive study.It
is assumed that sample selected represent the entire population.

Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am the student of Management, undertaking a study on CONSUMER DEMAND PATTERN
I assure you that all information provided by you will be kept confidential and used for academic
purposes only.
Thank You.

For Customers:

Q1. Why you bought your present car? Please rank from the highest order of preference
1. Increase in disposable income
2. Better safety at roads
3. Family needs
4. Increase in family size
5. Suits your lifestyle and personality

Q2. You decided to buy a car brand because of (rate best 3 factors from 1 to 3 in order
of your preference)

1. Affordable price
2. Technical superiority over competition
3. Comfort
4. Manufacturer’s image
5. Value for money
6. Safety
7. After sale services
Product Satisfaction Level

Q3. Please rate your existing car in terms of understated Interior Design features on a
scale of 1 to 5 where

1 Highly Dissatisfied
2 Dissatisfied
3 Neutral
4 Satisfied
5 Highly Satisfied

Interior Type 1 2 3 4 5
Seats design
Leg Room
Dash Board
Interior Colour
Music System
Adjustable Front seat Headrest

Q4. Please rate your existing car in terms of understated Safety features on a scale of 1
to 5

Safety Parameters 1 2 3 4 5
Crossbar under Dashboard
Air Bags
Anti Lock Breaking System
Aerodynamic Shape
Intensity of front lights

Q5. Please rate your existing car in terms of following parameters

Parameter 1 2 3 4 5
Fuel Consumption
Mileage ( Km/ltr)
Pick Up
Stability at higher speed
Top speed
Dealer Service Satisfaction Level

Q1. Please rate your Dealer on the understated parameters on the scale of 1 to 5 where

1 Highly Satisfied
2 Satisfied
3 Neutral
4 Dissatisfied
5 Highly Dissatisfied

1 2 3 4 5
Distance ( Proximity)
Advertisements (Promotions)
Technical Facilities
Cost of Service
Availability of Spares
Information Provided
Service Time
Car Handling ( Delivery & service)
Assured Customer Transactions
Ambience of Service Center
Finance ( Credit) Schemes

Q2. How do you rate the brand image of your car?

1 2 3 4 5
Very Low Very High

Q3. Will you recommend your car to your friends?

• Yes
• No
Q4. If yes, will you buy your new car in the

• Same segment , same manufacturer

• Same segment, different manufacturer
• Upper segment, same manufacturer
• Upper segment, different manufacturer

Age group:
 <21 21-35
 36-55 >55

What is your monthly Family income?

Less than 50000
Rs 50,000 –Rs 1, 00,000
Rs 1, 00,001– Rs 2, 00,000
More than Rs 2, 00,001

Number of car’s owned:

Present Car (s) owned:

Personal details:

Name: _________________________________

Gender: □ Male □ Female

Age (in years): □ Less than 18 □ 18-30 □ 30-45

□ 45-60 □ Above 60



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