A Detailed Lesson Plan

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A Detailed Lesson Plan


I. Objectives
After given series of activities the Grade V students should be able to:
1. Describe how plants reproduce;
2. Cite proper ways of taking care of plants;
3. Identify the habitats where each animal lives;
4. Classify plants based on distinguishing characteristics;
5. Appreciate the importance of plants in our daily activities; and
6. Identify ways and protecting and conserving the habitats of animals.

II. Subject Matter : Plants Reproduction

A. References : Science for Active Minds V pp.144-148

B. Materials : books, ICT integration, pictures, manila paper, cartolina, and worksheets

III. Procedure

Preliminary Activities

A. Dancing (The students will be able to dance and greeting.)

B. Drill (The students will be able to identify the parts of the plants.)

C. Review (The students will be able to review the previous lesson.)

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

1.Preparation / Motivation

I have here a word puzzle wherein you’re going to

find the words that you see in the word puzzle. Come
here on the board and encircle the word that you find
in the word puzzle.

Who wants to answer ?

Yes, Baste. Baste: Plants teacher.
Very good.

What else?
Noaim Noaim: Nonvascular
You’re right.

Yes. Ehrica. Ehrica: Vascular

Very good.
Who else?

Brianna Brianna: Mosses

You’re right.

Jamaica Jamaica: Liverworts

Very good.

Mahdi Mahdi: Hornworts

Excellent !

Is there other word? Yes teacher.

What else?
Toni Toni: Gymnosperms
Very good.
Give clap three (3) claps to Toni. (They give three (3) claps.)

What else?
Kristoff Kristoff: Ferns
Very good.

Yes, Rania Rania: Horsetails

You’re right.

Yes, Kate Kate: Angiosperms

Very good.

Ok, what is the last word?

Yes, Kirby Kirby: Seed
Very good. Give five (5) claps to Kirby. (They give five (5) claps.)
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Is it fun and easy to find a words in the word puzzle? Yes teacher it’s also interesting.
Ok. So, the words that you found in the word puzzle
those words are connected to our lesson for today. And
you will know what are those words mean. Let’s start
now with our proper lesson and I want all of you to
listen. If you’re going to answer just raise your right
hands. Is that ok? Yes Teacher Dharlyn.

2. Presentation

When you think of plants, you think of flowers,

vegetables, and trees. But there are many other kinds
of plants, too. In fact, according to the International
Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural
Resources 2007 Red List. There are more than 300 000
kinds of plants on Earth.

The following diagram presents a simplified

presentation of the two groups of plants. Plants are
generally divided into two groups, the nonvascular and
vascular plants.

(Showing the diagram)

3. Discussion

When we say vascular plants these are plants that do

not have water-conducting tissues or transport system.
These plants may have structures that look like roots,
stems, and leaves, but they do not have vascular
tissues. Vascular tissues are tissues that transport water
and nutrients throughout the plant’s body. These plants
are usually small and live very close to the ground to
be able to absorb water. Examples of nonvascular
plants are mosses, liverworts, and hornworts.

(Showing a pictures of mosses)

That what a mosses look like. Wow.

Have you see that kind of plants? Not yet teacher.
Usually you can find that plants in the forest.

(Showing a pictures of liverworts)

Just like mosses you can also find liverworts in the Wow.
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Another example of nonvascular plants is hornworts.

(Showing the pictures of hornworts)

Mosses, liverworts and hornworts these plants cannot

survive in dry areas.

And now let’s proceed to vascular plants. Vascular

plants on the other hand, are plants that have vascular
tissues. Vascular plants have true roots, stem, and

I already discussed earlier what a vascular tissues


Vascular plants are divided into two (2) groups- spore-

bearing plants or what we called the seedless and seed-
bearing plants or what we called the seed.
First example of spore-bearing plants are ferns.

(Showing a pictures of ferns) Kirby: Teacher I already saw that kind of plants.

Really? Where? In the forest? Kirby: No, teacher at the farmers when my mom
That’s good then atleast you already what does it look bought a plants for our garden.

Another example of spore-bearing plants is club moss

(Showing a pictures of club moss)
Have you seen that kind of plants? No teacher. We don’t know that kind of plants.
It’s ok maybe someday when you went to river you
can find that kind of plants.

And now let’s proceed to the last example of a spore-

bearing plants which is the horsetails.
(Showing a pictures of horsetails) Amara: Teacher it looks like a small version of a
Is it? bamboo.
Ah, yeah it looks like. Yes teacher.

Let’s proceed now to seed-bearing plants. There are

two main types of seed-bearing plants or what we
called the seed plants gymnosperms and angiosperms.

When we say gymnosperms these are seed-bearing

plants that do not produce flowers. They have hard
seeds that are not enclosed and are exposed to the
environment. Pine trees are gymnosperms.
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Here is a picture of pine trees.
(Showing a picture of pine trees) Baste: Teacher that tree look like a Christmas tree.
Yes, it is.

Next is angiosperms. Angiosperms produce flowers.

Means all the plants that produce flowers is what we
call angiosperms. The term angiosperm was derived
from the Greek words angeion, meaning “vessel,” and
sperma, meaning “seed.”

Can you an example of plants that produce flowers?

Amara Amara: Eggplant
Very good.

What else?
Noaim Noaim: Cherry
Very good.

Rigel Rigel: Apple

Very good.

Nicholas Nicholas: Roses

Very good.

Felicity Felicity: Squash


All your answers are correct and it’s easy for you to
identify what is an angiosperms is.

Angiosperms are divided into two classes classes- the

monocotyledons and dicotyledons. The term were
derived from the number of seed leaves or cotyledons
the plants have germination. The two classes can be
distinguished using the following characteristics.

(Showing an illustration of monocotyledon and


Again, there are two types of plants the nonvascular

and vascular plants. Examples of nonvascular plants
are mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Vascular plants
are divided into two parts the seedless and seed.
Examples of seedless are ferns, club moss and
horsetails. Examples of seed are gymnosperms and
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Plants are very much important in our daily life we

shouldn’t cut them as well as the trees because some
of the plants give foods to us while the flowers give
beauty to our surroundings. That’s why instead of
cutting plants and trees why don’t we plant more
plants and trees so we can help our environment
with the help of the people in our barangays.

4. Generalization

How many kinds of plants are there? Aaron : 2

Very good.
Dave: Nonvascular and Vascular
What are those two kinds?
Very good.
Jubael : Nonvascular plants are plants that do not have
Who can define nonvascular and vascular plants? water-conduction tissues or transport system while
Jubael vascular plants are plants that have vascular tissues.

What are the three examples of nonvascular plants? Noah: Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts.
Very good.

What are the two kinds of vascular plants?

Empress Empress :Spore-bearing plants or seedless and seed-
Very good. bearing plants or seed.

Can you give me the examples of spore-bearing

plants? Kristoff: Ferns, Club moss, and Horsetails.

What is the difference between gymnosperms and

Sophia Sophia: Gymnosperms are seed-bearing plants that do
Very good. not produce flowers while angiosperms are plants that
produce flowers.
Since you already know the lesson.
I prepared an activity and each of you will gonna
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

5. Application

Direction: Supply the words that is missing to

complete the diagram.

(Students are answering it on the board)

All your answers are correct.

Now, kindly get your ballpen no need for you to get a
piece of paper or quiz notebook because you’re going
to answer it on the answer sheet that I’m going to
provide to each of you.

IV. Evaluation

(Worksheets) (Students are quietly answering their activity)

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

V. Assignment

Kindly get your manual and copy your assignment.

Do page 150

Direction: Use Venn diagrams to compare and (Students are writing their assignment)
contrast the following.

a. Vascular and nonvascular plants

b. Gymnosperms and angiosperms

c. Spore-bearing and seed-bearing plants

Prepared by:
October 23, 2018

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