The Body's System of Defenses Against Agents That Cause Disease
The Body's System of Defenses Against Agents That Cause Disease
The Body's System of Defenses Against Agents That Cause Disease
• Non specific Immunity divided into external barriers and internal defenses.
External Barriers
• External barriers include skin and , mucous membranes that protect organ
systems open to the external environment, such as digestive, respiratory,
reproductive, and urinary systems.
mucus membrane
Internal defenses
• Phagocytic cells
Microbe that breach a mammals barriers, such as those that enter through
a cut in the skin, are confronted by internal defenses. These are all classified as white
blood cells. Most, such as abundant neutrophils (phagocytic cells) , macrophages ( large
phagocytic cells that wander through the interestial fluid, “eating ” any bacteria and
• Defensive proteins
• Interferons
Specific Immunity
• Microorganisms that breach nonspecific immunity system are confronted by
specific immunity system.
The lymphatic system consist of a branching network of vessels, numerous lymph node
(little round organs packed with macrophages , white blood cells and several organs ).
The lymphatic vessels carry a fluid called lymph ( contains less oxygen and fewer
• Lymphocytes are white blood cell that spend most of their time in tissue and
organs of the lymphatic system which responsible for adaptive immunity.
• Other migrate to the thymus, a gland above the heart and specialized as T
lymphocytes or T cells.
• The B cells and T cells of the adaptive immune response together provide a dual
• The B cells defends primarily against bacteria and viruses present in body fluids.
• T cells play a part in both the cell-mediated and humoral immune responses.
An antibody molecule has two related function in the humoral immune response : to
recognize and bind to a certain antigen and to assist in neutralizing the antigen it
Innate Immunity
• A set of defenses that are active immediately upon infection and are the same
wheter ar not the pathogen has been encouranted previously.Its include of skin
and mucous membrane.
Acquired Immunity
1. Active immunity (because the person’s own immune system actively produced
antibodies). Its divide into natural active immunity and artificial active
immunity ( Vaccinations/ immunization).
• Autoimmune reactions
• Allergy