1) What Is Public Administration?

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1) What is Public Administration?

Public administration is the branch of government that is responsible for the execution and the
implementation of policy. It is also a set of organization, rules and laws that ensure the intentions of
the elected legislature are carried out through their laws. Public administration can also be defined as
the establishment of federal, provincial, and municipal government primarily engages in activities that
associated with public administration. This includes the establishment such as the Federal Public
Service, National Defense, RCMP and provincial and local administrations.

According to Woodrow Wilson, Public Administration is the detailed and systematic application of
law because every particular application of laws is an act of administration.

Next, according to H. A Simon, Public Administration is meant by, common usage, the activities of
the executives branches of national, state, local and governments, government corporations and
certain other agencies of a specialised character. Specifically excluded are judicial and legislative
agencies within the government and non-governmental administration.

In general, Public administration is a group of people working together to organize the public right.
Public administration covers 3 branches which is executive, legislative and judicial. Public
administration plays important roles in the transformation of public policy and it is part of political
process. Public administration is important and it is different from private management. Public
administration plays an important role as mediator for private groups and individual to deliver services
to the society.

2) What are the significance and characteristics of public administration?

The significance of public administration is enhancing civil society, ensuring a well-run, fair and
effective public service. It is also improving equality, justice, security, efficiency and effectiveness of
public services usually in a non-profit and non-taxable venue. Public administration are to maintain
law and order also promote peace and harmony. Other than that, the significance of public
administration is protecting the interests of the state and of the people. It also practicing good
governance-transparency and accountability in government policy decision making and
implementation process.

The characteristics of public administration is a non-political administrative apparatus that is

subject to policy direction but no partisan. It is concerned with implementing government policies and
programmes and delivers various services to the public. Public administration also a set of laws or
legally founded rules that create the structure of the administrative apparatus of the state. It has a
system of rules and regulation, laws, procedures, policies and hierarchical structures. Public
administration covers three branches of government namely Legislature, the Executive and the
Judiciary. Last but not least, public administration is carried out by public servants who work in public
departments and agencies, at all levels of government and perform a wide range of tasks.
3) What is the principle of political administrative dichotomy ?
The politics administration dichotomy is a theory that constructs the boundaries of public of
public administration and asserts the normative relationships between elected officials and
administrators in a democratic society.

Politics is a process by which groups of people make decision on political interest. To satisfy
political interest. To satisfy political interest, several political parties will do the election process.

Administration is process of making decision that will be done by groups of people to satisfy the
public interest. They were chosen by the government to implement political decision of the lead

The politics and administrations were separated to avoid conflict of interest and maintaining

4) What is the difference of public and private administration?

Public administration is a field of study that is concerned with the systematic application of public
policies and programmes formulated by the state. It focuses on providing services to the general
public to ensure a good and safe life to people. Public administration is a non-political public
bureaucracy that operates within a legal framework.

Private administration is defined as management and organization of private business enterprises.

It is carried out by the private individuals or a group with an aim to earn profits. It focuses on
achievement of the objectives of the management.

The differences between public and private administration are the public administration deals with
the public policies, state affairs, government functions and also providing of various services to the
general public, but private administration deals with management and the work of private

Next, the scope of public administration is decided by the government laws or regulations
meanwhile the private administration is decided by the management and organization.

The objectives of public administration to provide good services to the public to make sure they
having a good and safer life, for private administration their objective is to achieve shareholder’s
wealth maximization.

In conclusion, both public and private administration are important to the citizens in order to create
a better life. The public administration maintains proper law and providing a peaceful environment to
the private administration for a better functioning

5) What are the roles of public administration?

The role of public administration lies in providing public services. Public administration provides
numerous services to the public and serves their interests in many ways. Example providing services
such as health care and school. This is connected of the responsibility of the state for creating
conditions for their development. The functions and concrete task of public administration. the shape
of its institutions, the means for its activities and its relations to citizens and to the public.

The real core of administration is the basic service which is performed for the public. It is the
administration which ensures the security and protection of life and property of the members of the
society by maintaining proper law and order. The living conditions of a society depends on the public
administration. The day to day functioning of the Government machinery, external affairs and the
most important of all, the national defense are the other important functions performed by the public
administration of the country.





Irwana Nooridayu Muhamad,

Hakim UiTM Caw. Kedah

Group members

1) Cassey Angan
2) Anis Najwa
3) Dayang Nurfarihah
4) Judy
5) Po

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