Malfoothaat Part 1 PDF
Malfoothaat Part 1 PDF
Malfoothaat Part 1 PDF
(Rahmatullah Alayh)
Compiled by:
Mujlisul Ulama of South Africa
P.O Box 3393,
Port Elizabeth, 6056
South Africa
Malfoozaat Pt1
TASAWWUF is a misunderstood concept, its true
meaning and significance in the daily life of a Muslim are
lost, Commercial "sufis" (men who exhibit themselves as
saints) are trading Tasawwuf as some mysterious cult of
"Mysticism" apart from the Shariat and Sunnat of Rasulullah
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam). They have reduced Tasawwuf
to potions, talisman, incantation, empty rituals, and they
have cloaked it with belief and theories of kufr and shirk.
They have interwoven Tasawwuf with bid'ah and practices
of corruption. All this have become necessary in the interest
of their pecuniary benefits. A “mystical” cult appeals and
preys on the mind of ignorant and unwary masses who seek
an escape for their Shar'i duties and Ibaadat in the fantasy of
"mystical" concepts fraudulently conjectured by the
fraudulent "sufis". Such fraudulent "sufis" are swift in
escaping the weaknesses and the spiritual lethargy of the
masses and are adept in providing "easy" solutions of
escape for a fee. Muslims who treasure their Imaan and
their Islam have to beware of such robbers of the Deen
who are easily recognised by the high fees which they levy
for spiritual initiation (ba'yt) into their mystical paths, for
their annual renewal fees, for the tabarruk charges and for
their many other fees subtley, but compulsorily levied in
the supposed interests of their disciples.
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"Join with the Saadiqeen " (Qur 'aan)
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speechless. )
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13) One feels hurt when someone who claims to love one,
behaves like a stranger. If the claim of love is not made,
there is no complaint. A certain man reviled me
throughout his life, but I paid no heed whatever. Mansoor
(rahmatullah alayh) at the place of execution, while he
was being stoned by the crowd of people, remained
unperturbed. Not a cry of agony escaped from his smiling
lips. But when Hadhrat Shibli (rahmatullah alayh) struck
him with a flower, he let out a sigh a pain. People asked
him for the reason for this strange behaviour. Mansoor
(rahmatullah alayh) replied that the crowd did not know,
but Shibli (rahmatullah alayh) was aware of the reality,
hence his striking with even a flower was not tolerable and
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53) A man came and requested that dua be made for him.
Hadhrat Thaanwi (Rahmatullah alayh) said:
“Brother! You too make dua and I also sham make dua.”
The man said: “My tongue is not fit for dua.” (In other
words, he did not consider himself worthy of making dua.)
Hadhrat Thaanwi replied: “Do you recite the Kalima?”
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55) When a man strives (in the Deen) and adopts the
correct means and procedures, he shall attain the promise
of Najaat (Salvation). This is in fact the beautiful end (to
this earthly life). No one is compelled to drift astray. One
goes astray by one’s choice and free will. The state of
death (i.e. whether in Kufr or Imaan) being unknown
means that it is not known what one will do tomorrow be
one’s own free will.
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They went into the forest and the expert commenced his
bewitching singing. So enthralling was his singing that wild
animals came out from all directions and submissively
stood in is presence. He took hold of the animals one by
one and put a rope around each one’s neck. He than
ceased his singing; the animals scattered and disappeared
into the forest. He now challenged his rival to start his
singing, gather the animals and remove the ropes.
However, he was rendered helpless.
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the Musjid.
When other respectable Muslims heard of this incident
they sought to placate the convert. They told him not to
take this unfortunate incident to heart since those who
had rebuked him were ignorant. The convert replied
“What, do you think that I will become disillusioned
with Islam and revert to Christianity on account of
their treatment? I did not embrace Islam on the
strength of these disrespectful persons. I have
professed Imaan in Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi
wasallam) whose lofty morals cannot be compared
with the characters of these people.”
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99) One should not interfere with and oppose the things
established by our saintly predecessors. Their methods are
all correct.
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From time to time ask him for his wants and fulf ill
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Hadhrat Ali: “If it is justice you want, then you take one
dirham and your companion seven dirhams.”
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He replied:
“One day I was making wudhu on the river bank where
Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal (rahmatullah alayh) was also
making wudhu sitting on a lower level. My water was
flowing in his direction. In respect for the Imam I went to
sit lower down. When I was ushered into the Divine court
for a reckoning I was informed that I was being forgiven
solely on account of having honoured an accept servant of
Allah Ta’ala.”
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153) Judge Akbar Husain who was a very wise man made
a wonderful statement. He said:
“The statement: ‘We should move with the times’, is
absurd. The times refer to our collective actions which are
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Abu Bakr (radhiallahu anhu) said: “Do you not know that
prior to this, I have already acknowledged a greater (i.e.
more wonderful) claim? I have acknowledged that a being
of the heavens (this is a reference to Jibraeel) visits him.”
There is greater wonder in a heavenly being (viz. Jibraeel)
visiting the Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) than the Nabi
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam) being taken into the heavens.
Subhaanallah! Allah Ta’ala had bestowed wonderful
intelligence to the Sahaabah.
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The Shaikh went inside his room and slit his own throat.
After sometime, the mureed entered the room and found
his Shaikh dead with his throat slit. The head was dangling
by the skin. The mureed completed the job be cutting off
the head. He was arrested by the police. The case was
heard by the Nawaab (Ruler). The simple mureed
narrated the entire episode. Since the mureed had also
mentioned the name of the Maulana (who had recited
...ََََ أhe was summoned to appear in court.
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Hadhrat Thaanwi (rahmatullah alayh) commented:
“Absolutely correct. Someone may be a majzub and
another one may be a majnoon. Saintly people are able to
recognize them.”
I have heard from buzroogs that in Deoband Hadhrat
Maulana Yaqub (rahmatullah alayh) was the chief of the
jamaat (group) of majzubs. An episode confirms this. A
majzub who was a foreigner came to live in Deoband. He
took up residence in the Chattah Musjid. But prior to
taking up residence he sought permission from Maulana
Yaqub Saheb (rahmatullah alayh). We, the students
would pester the majzub to curse certain kuffar. But, he
would never respond other than say: “Alright, alright!”
After his death it was learnt from some of our buzroogs
that he was the supporter of certain kuffar (whom we had
asked him to curse). Regarding this support, Hadhrat
Thaanwi (rahmatullah alayh) said:
“Majzubs are like the Malaa-ikah. Among the Malaa-ikah
are those who are responsible for also the training (and
maintenance) of the kuffar.”
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187) One should not expect any benefit from this jamaat
(the majzubs). As far as possible keep aloof from them.
Since they lack aql, there is the danger of them causing
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“A mureed living with his shaikh for a very long while was
always engaged in thikr and shaghl. However, despite the
abundance of thikr and shaghl, the Shaikh did not discern
any improvement in the mureed’s spiritual condition.
Once the inquired: ‘What is the motive for this thikr and
The mureed said: ‘So that I could be of benefit to others’.
The shaikh said: ‘Indeed, this intention is shirk, Repent.’”
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