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Risk Management Department Incident Reporting Policy

Incident Reporting Policy

Policy: RMD-02 Title: Approval Date:

21st November, 2016
Incident Reporting Policy

Revision No: - Effective Date:

1st January, 2017

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Risk Management Management Committee

Department on ERM (MC-ERM)

___-Sd/-____ _______-Sd/- __________ ________-Sd/-_________

Director Deputy Governor (Policy) / Governor
Chairman MC–ERM
Executive Director – FRM
Risk Management Department Incident Reporting Policy

Team Members

Muhammad Haroon Rasheed Malik, Executive Director – Financial Resources

Management Group

Mohsin Rasheed, Director - Risk Management Department (RMD)


Harris Alam Siddiqui, Sr. Joint Director - RMD


Abdul Basit, Joint Director - RMD


Shahid Abbas, Deputy Director - RMD


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Risk Management Department Incident Reporting Policy

Table of Contents












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Risk Management Department Incident Reporting Policy

Incident Reporting Policy

1. Purpose
This policy defines mechanism for incident reporting at SBP and its subsidiaries. Incident
reporting plays a major role in helping SBP maintain a safe and secure working environment. It
helps protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information and systems and is
an essential element for effective risk management. Trend analysis of reported incidents enables
the organization to highlight areas of weakness and, if necessary, take appropriate action to
reduce specific threats and vulnerabilities.

2. Incident Reporting Policy

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) – Incident Reporting Policy outlines the minimum
standards and guidelines for timely identification, recording, management, monitoring and
escalation of incidents and near misses.

SBP recognizes the importance of information of incidents and near misses. This policy will give
departments and senior management of SBP greater confidence in understanding of incidents,
their risks to SBP and the appropriateness of response to the incidents.

This document has been developed to ensure that:

 All incidents and near misses across SBP are identified, recorded, monitored, managed
and escalated appropriately.
 Incidents and near misses are analyzed, managed, and resolved in a way that minimizes
any negative impact on the department and the organization as a whole.
 Appropriate actions are taken to minimize the exposure and ensure similar incidents do
not occur in the future.
 Incidents and near misses are formally reviewed prior to closure.

3. Review of the Policy

This policy is subject to review on annual basis.

4. Definitions

4.1. Incident
An incident is defined as being a breakdown or adverse effect of controls and operations in the
business processes. It will be an event (or series of linked events) that has a negative impact (or
the potential to cause a negative impact i.e. near misses) for SBP. Negative impact can be
financial or non-financial e.g. reputational incidents may be symptomatic of an underlying
operational risk that could potentially be mitigated in future by improving internal processes,
systems or capacity building.

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Risk Management Department Incident Reporting Policy

Examples of possible incidents are:

 A failure of a control, system or process, for example a control was not applied or did not
 Recurring events or combination of events that considered together indicate a potential
internal control failure.
 Fraud, corruption or similar irregularity
 A breach of the confidentiality in relation to the organization’s specific information.
 Breach or breakdown of security control that result in, or could create, a risk to the
confidentiality, integrity or availability of SBP systems and the information resident upon
such systems.

For prompt and better handling of the situations arising from incidents, it is mandatory that all
incidents be reported using the Incident Report Form (Appendix-A). Incident reporting is not a
substitute for disciplinary action process. Similarly, reporting the incident may not necessarily
constitute acceptance of responsibility or admission of liability.

If there is doubt as to whether the event or situation qualifies as an incident under this policy, the
employee may contact Director, RMD for advice.

4.2. Near misses

Sometimes events do not result in a financial or non-financial impact as a result of the
circumstances or good fortune. These should be captured as ‘Near Misses’. This allows for an
assessment of why the event occurred and what action should be taken to avoid / minimize such

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Risk Management Department Incident Reporting Policy

5. Incident Reporting Procedure

Incident reporting procedure outlines the main requirements for incident reporting and is
designed to ensure that incident is recorded, event is properly reviewed and corrective actions are
taken where necessary to minimize the risk of re-occurrence and to provide clarity over
accountability and responsibility for the actions.

Each department must ensure that incidents and near misses must be captured and reported to
Risk Management Department (RMD) preferably within three working days of the event being
discovered. This can be done by completing incident reporting form attached at Appendix-A, or
online (http://sbpweb) or alternatively email the completed form to Risk Management
Department (ERM.Incident@sbp.org.pk).

Any employee can inform about incidents and near misses by completing the incident reporting
form. Identity of the person, who reports the incident, is not required and his / her anonymity will
be ensured.

6. Responsibilities of Line Departments

Every Director is responsible to ensure that:

1. Every employees should be aware of the procedure to report incidents and near misses
2. Minimum reporting requirement are met; and
3. Appropriate processes and controls are in place to identify incidents, ensure that they are
appropriately recorded and resolved.

7. Treatment of the Incident

Risk Management Department is responsible for reviewing and analysis of the incidents reported
across SBP and its subsidiaries. The analysis will be used to identify any potential systemic risks
in the bank and its subsequent possible remediation. Further, the highlighted issues will also be
helpful in risk assessment phase of ERM framework.

An incident will not be closed until all actions have been completed and subsequently any one of
the following actions has been taken:

1. Rectification, where applicable.

2. Root cause analysis of the incident.
3. Reviewing and when considered necessary, updating relevant controls, procedures,
processes and policies to mitigate against the potential for similar incidents to reoccur,
and when appropriate.
The incident will be closed in consultation with the Executive Director of the concerned

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Risk Management Department Incident Reporting Policy

8. Incident Reporting Committee

Incident Reporting Committee (IRC) will review all reported incidents from SBP and its
subsidiaries. IRC will hold meeting preferably on monthly basis and decide which incidents to be
reported to Management Committee on ERM (MC-ERM). IRC will be comprised of the
following members:

1. Director, Risk Management Department (Chairman)

2. Director, Strategic Planning Department
3. Focal ERM Risk Coordinator, SBP-BSC.

9. Reporting of Incidents
Summary of all reported incidents is to be presented to MC-ERM on quarterly basis.
Furthermore, all significant incidents will be reported to MC-ERM immediately.

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Risk Management Department Incident Reporting Policy – Appendix A

10. Appendix A: Incident Reporting Form

The following information about the incident may be filled in and completed form may be sent to
Risk Management Department, or email to (ERM.Incident@sbp.org.pk ) or fill out online
incident reporting form at the website (http://sbpweb).

Identity of the person who submits incident reporting form will remain confidential and
Incident Description

Individual / Entity Involved Date of Incident (DD-MM-YYYY)

Status of Incident (Open / Ongoing / Closed) Date of Identification (DD-MM-YYYY)

Possible Incident Location

(SBP / SBP-BSC/ NIBAF / SBP-BSC Field Office/ External)

Possible Incident cause:

Amount at Risk (Optional)

Suggestion / Resolution

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10.1. Descriptions of Incident Reporting
Form Possible Incident cause:
Incident Description Please write details of the analysis of the
An explanation of the incident or near underlying cause (i.e. reason and
misses. This description must be sufficiently contributing factors) of the incident. This
clear, concise and accurately describe allows management to better understand the
circumstances of the incident to enable mitigating actions that should be put in
someone not familiar with the incident to place.
obtain a reasonable understanding of what
has happened. Include who (employee Incidents are often the result of a
name(s)), what, where, when and how of the combination of the events. This may include
incident. Use additional sheet if required. process failure (e.g. inadequate training) and
people related failures (e.g. failure to follow
Individual / Entity Involved controls; lack of due diligence; poor
Name of individual involved in the incident, judgment). Employees should therefore
if any. Otherwise, mention the process or consider documenting all possible causes
name of the entity involved in the incident. and contributing factors.

Status of Incident (Open / Ongoing / Amount at Risk (Optional)

Closed) Please write details of possible amount at
Please mention current status of the incident risk because of this incident.
either open, closed or ongoing.
Suggestion / Resolution
Date of Incident Please provide details of possible suggestion
The date on which incident occurred. The / resolution of the incident.
format of the date is DD-MM-YYYY.
Near misses
Date of Identification Sometimes events do not result in a financial
The date on which incident identified. The or non-financial impact as a result of the
circumstances or good fortune. These should
format of the date is DD-MM-YYYY
be captured as ‘Near Misses’. This allows
for an assessment of why the event occurred
Possible Incident Location and what action should be taken to avoid /
(SBP / SBP-BSC/ NIBAF / SBP-BSC minimize such events.
Field Office/ External)
Please write location where the incident took

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