Voyage Travel Journey Trip

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CONFUSING WORDS: travel, journey, trip, voyage.

The words ‘travel’, ‘journey’, ‘trip’ and ‘voyage’ can easily be confused by learners of

I suppose it’s a good time of year to look at these words, as the spring and summer
holiday seasons will soon be starting for many people.

(noun) The noun ‘travel’ is a general word, meaning to move from place to place,
usually over long distances.

We can say: travel news, air travel, food and travel, space travel, business travel, a
travel agency.

 Air travel is getting more expensive.

 The magazine is a food and travel guide.

We can also say travels, which is a plural noun:

 Where did you go on your travels?

 Jack Kerouac wrote many books about his travels.

‘Travel’ is also a verb:

 I travel 20 km to work every day.

(noun) A ‘journey’ means moving from one place to another, especially in a vehicle. It
is a single piece of travel. A journey can also be a regular thing.

Here is an example. Let’s say we go from London to Leeds then back again. That is two
journeys (London to Leeds is the first journey, Leeds to London is the second journey).

We can say: a bus journey, a train journey, the journey to school, my journey to work.

Be careful with the plural: journeys NOT .

 How long does your journey to work take?

 Did you have a good journey?

(noun) A ‘trip’ describes the whole process of going somewhere and coming back. (It is
more than one journey.)

Once again, let’s go from London to Leeds then back again. As I said above, that is two
journeys, but it is one trip.

Some examples: a day trip, a round trip, a round-the-world trip, a boat trip and a
business trip. We say go on a trip.

 We went on a three-week trip to Scotland.

 He’s gone on a business trip to Germany.
 Let’s go on a trip to the mountains this summer!
 The journey there took three hours.

(noun) Voyages are less common nowadays. A ‘voyage’ is a very long trip, usually at
sea or in space:

 At the age of twenty-three, Sir Francis Drake made his first voyage to the New
 A voyage around the world often took four or five years.

The French Bon voyage! translates into English as Have a good trip! or Have a good

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