Cocina de Las Montanas Austriacas
Cocina de Las Montanas Austriacas
Cocina de Las Montanas Austriacas
Escoffier Online
Publicado el 19 jun. 2015
FULL RECIPE BELOW Follow along with one of our online culinary school chefs as she shows you
how to make a chilled raspberry & coconut soup complete with pineapple panna cotta. Let
us show you this fun and crazy world that’s sure to be a new summertime favorite! RASPBERRY &
COCONUT SOUP WIZTH PINEAPPLE PANNA COTTA RECIPE: Chilled Raspberry & Coconut Soup Ingredients 3 cups
raspberries ½ cup coconut milk 1/3 cup yogurt ¼ cup sugar ¼ teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon lime
juice ¼ teaspoon lime zest Directions 1. Puree the raspberries, coconut milk, sugar, lime juice and zest.
Strain the seeds out and add the yogurt and cinnamon. Chill. Pineapple Panna Cotta Ingredients ¾ cup
pineapple juice 1 ¼ cups heavy cream ¼ cup granulated sugar 1 ½ teaspoons powdered gelatin
Directions Soften the gelatin in 2 tablespoons of water and set aside. In a sauce pot combine the
pineapple juice cream and sugar and warm until the mixture just begins to boil. Take off the heat and
add the softened gelatin. Mix until dissolved. Pour into lightly oiled ramekins and chill for 2-3 hours until
well set. To unmold place the ramekin in hot water and invert panna cotta to release. Place the Panna
Cotta in the center of a bowl and pour the chilled raspberry coconut soup around it. Garnish with
chopped pineapple and mint.
serves 4
active time: 40 min
For the toasted coconut
1. 1/3 cup unsweetened large coconut flakes
For the soup
1. 3 tablespoons grapeseed or almond oil
2. 2 large shallots – skinned and cut in 1/4″ pieces
3. 1/8 teaspoon ground cayenne
4. 5 large ears fresh corn – husks removed and kernels shaved off the cob with a
sharp knife (4 1/2 cups)
5. 2 cups vegetable stock
6. 2 1/2 cups light unsweetened coconut milk
7. 1 teaspoon sea salt
8. 1 jalapeño pepper
9. fine Alderwood smoked salts or fleur de sel as garnish
1. Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C).
2. Place the coconut flakes on a small baking sheet and bake for 2 to 3 minutes until
golden. Remove from oven and set aside.
3. Heat a large heavy-bottomed pot over medium-high heat. Add the oil, shallots
and cayenne and sauté for 2 minutes until the shallots have softened, stirring
from time to time. Add the corn and continue to sauté for 2 or 3 minutes until the
corn is translucent, stirring frequently. Add the stock, coconut milk and salt and
bring to a boil. Once boiling, reduce heat to medium/medium-low, cover the pot
and simmer for 10 minutes until the corn is tender. Purée the soup with a stick
blender or food processor until very smooth – about 2 to 3 minutes – then strain
in a medium-meshed sieve. Discard the pulp and adjust the seasoning if needed.
Cool the soup to room temperature. Once cooled, transfer to a container and
refrigerate until well chilled, for a minimum of 4 hours or up to 3 days.
4. Using a mandoline, slice the jalapeño crosswise in paper-thin slices. Spoon the
soup in bowls. Garnish with the toasted coconut flakes and the jalapeño slices,
sprinkle with the smoked salts and serve.
To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: Instagram: Official
Facebook Page: Contact: Twitter: @Lauraskitchen
Joshua Weissman
One of my all time favorite Thai dishes, ever. It's salty, sweet, full of umami, spicy, and sour all at the same time. It's a great introduction
to the world of Thai food. FOLLOW ME: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Website: ---------------
------------------------------------------------ Music - Jef Kaale: --------------------------------------------------------------
- Ingredients you'll need: 4 cups full fat coconut milk (2- 13.5 oz cans) 3 cups chicken stock 3 inch piece galangal (you can sub ginger if
you need to) 2 stalks lemongrass 3-4 shallots 4 thai chilis (more or less depending on how spicy you like it) 10 kaffir lime leaves (7 in
the beginning 3 in the end) 3 stalks thai basil (just the stalk not the leaves) 1 cup cremini mushrooms 1.5 pounds chicken breast 1/4 cup
plus 1 tablespoon fish sauce 3 tablespoons palm sugar or brown sugar juice of 1.5 limes Garnish: Chili oil thai basil cilantro
#Learn2Love | Cauliflower 3 Delicious Ways
222.007 visualizaciones
7,1 MIL
#Learn2Love Cauliflower
In a large bowl, toss cauliflower florets in olive oil, garlic powder, salt and
Pour onto a baking sheet.
Bake at 400°F for 15-20 minutes.
In a small bowl, combine butter and hot sauce.
In a large bowl, toss roasted cauliflower in hot sauce mixture until well coated.
Return cauliflower to the baking sheet and bake for an additional 10-15
For best results, broil cauliflower for the final minute of cooking.
Serve hot with blue cheese dressing. Recipe here:
In a large bowl, toss cauliflower florets in olive oil, salt and pepper
until well coated.
Pour onto a baking sheet.
Bake at 400°F for 25 minutes.
In a large pot, heat oil over medium-high.
Add onion and cook for 3-5 minutes or until it becomes soft and translucent.
Add garlic and cook for an additional 30 seconds.
Add roasted red pepper, roasted cauliflower and vegetable broth.
Season with fresh thyme, salt and pepper.
Bring soup to a boil and then reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 15-20
In a small bowl, temper goat cheese by ladling 1 cup of broth into the
bowl and whisking until the mixture is fully combined.
Pour the mixture back into the pot and stir well.
Remove pot from the stove and puree soup using an immersion blender.
*SOME links provided above are affiliate links The Domestic Geek is Hosted by
Sara Lynn Cauchon
8,3 MIL
Aprende con este vídeo a preparar una crema de coliflor muy fácil y rápida de hacer y además está riquísima. No hay excusas para no
comer de forma saludable :P Mi libro ya a la venta! El vídeo está explicado paso a paso y de forma sencilla,
para que os sea fácil hacer los canapés. ¡Seguro que os saldrán deliciosos! Suscríbete al canal ¡Es gratis!:
Instagram: Facebook: Ingredientes: 550 g de coliflor 250 g de patatas
100 g de puerro o poro 3 cdas de aceite de oliva v.e. 650 ml de agua o caldo 1 cda de mantequilla sal y pimienta al gusto Espero que
os guste y si tenéis alguna duda u opinión la dejéis en los comentarios. Cocina con Carmen
El Sazón de Silvia
El Ceviche de Coliflor es una botana súper fresca que te caerá muy bien. Este platillo puede ser servido como platillo prinicipal, como
entrada o como una botana y será simplemente la sensación!! 😆😋 Este Ceviche de Coliflor es tan rico, que seguramente no
extrañaras el pescado o el camarón 😊😎 No olvides suscribirte a mi canal, activar la campanita para recibir todas las notificaciones y
compartir este video con tus amigos 😀😁 Más Videos: LISTAS DE VIDEOS: Platillos pa' la Calor
Acompañamientos / Sides Súper botanas para toda ocasión Barra de Ensaladas Estilo mexicano / Mexican food Como Preparar una Taquiza Mexicana Recetas del día a día / Everyday recipes Platillos de pescado
Recetas bajas en calorías / Low calorie recipes Recetas de Cuaresma LISTA DE
INGREDIENTES: Coliflor Jitomate Cebolla Pepino Cilantro Limón Chile serrano Sal al gusto Agua
Hoy Comemos
Publicado el 21 jul. 2018
Los ingredientes que vamos a necesitar son los siguientes 350 g de Coliflor 50 g de Cebolla tierna 50 g de Pimiento Rojo 100 g de
Tomate 1 Diente de Ajo Perejil Sal 1 Cucharada de Vinagre de Vino Zumo de ½ Limón Aceite de Oliva Comino en polvo Pimienta
negra Semillas de Chía (Opcional)
Buffalo Cauliflower
Check out the Tasty One-Stop Shop for cookbooks, aprons, hats, and more at
Buffalo Cauliflower
Servings: 4
1 head of cauliflower
¾ cup flour
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon honey
4. Add the cauliflower florets to the batter, making sure each piece is evenly coated.
6. In a small mixing bowl, combine the hot sauce, vegetable oil, and honey, and stir until evenly
7. Brush the hot sauce mixture on cauliflower and bake for an additional 20 minutes.
8. Enjoy!
‹ AnteriorSiguiente ›
50 min
Gluten Sulfitos
Ragout de Verduras
4 raciones
Máquina Saladmaster
Contribuido por:
Isis Israel
Agregar un Comentario
berenjena pequeña
dientes de ajo, rallados con Cono #1
taza de
perejil picado
cucharada de
cucharadita de
tazas de
(354 - 708
Preparación :
-1 cebolla (grande)
-1 zapallo italiano
-2 zanahorias
-1 pimentón
-2 ajos
-1 caldo de verduras
-1 cucharada de margarina
Paso a paso
Lo primero que haremos será lavar y picar en cuadros pequeños todas las verduras.
by Veganizando
Sharing is caring!
Ya sabéis que yo hago recetas fáciles y que sirvan para el diario. Ya me gustaría a
mí que me diera tiempo a cocinar cosas muy elaboradas, pero tiempo justamente es
lo que me falta. Bien es cierto que el tiempo es relativo: si me hubieran dicho que, de
mi boca saldría que una receta que lleva una hora «se hace en un ratito», me hubiera
reído a carcajadas. Y, sin embargo, ya no compro salsa de tomate: la hago yo. Para
que veáis lo que cambian las cosas cuando uno se mete en la cocina. Esta receta la
saqué de uno de los libros que me compré en marzo en Florencia: Vegan, la nuova
scelta vegetariana. Me gusta mucho la cocina italiana (como me dijo un amigo mío de
ese país: «qué descubrimiento la cocina italiana hecha en Italia») y creo que comen
mejor que los españoles. ¿En qué me baso? En que en todos los restaurantes hay al
menos un plato vegetariano y en que, en las cartas, en los menús, no han
desaparecido las legumbres, como aquí. Este es un ragú de seitán que puede servir
para pasta, para arroz, para legumbres o como guarnición.
Ingredientes para 5 raciones de las mías:
1 cebolla
1 rama de apio
2 calabacines
2 zanahorias
2 dientes de ajo
750 mililitros de salsa de tomate
1 pizca de tomillo
aceite de oliva
Corta la verdura en cubos por separado. Prensa el ajo y pica la cebolla. Sofríe, en dos
cucharadas de aceite, el ajo durante 1 minuto. Agrega ahora la cebolla y fríela 7
minutos, todo a fuego medio. Añade el apio, sin hilos y picado, y la zanahoria. Sofríe
unos minutos (yo lo tuve 7 minutos más) y agrega el calabacín. Sazona al gusto y
añade el tomillo.
Ahora, echa la salsa de tomate, sube el fuego y, cuando hierva, tapa el cazo y baja el
fuego. Ponlo a fuego medio-bajo o bajo (yo lo dejo en el 3 de la vitrocerámica: mi
vitrocerámica tiene hasta el 9). Cuece durante 30 o 40 minutos y listo para servir.
Tagliatelle with vegetable ragu
(33 ratings)
By Lucy Netherton
This veggie Bolognese-style sauce is great served with pasta and crams in three of
your five-a-day
1 onion
, finely chopped
2 celery
2 carrots
, diced
1. Tip the onion, celery and carrots into a large non-stick saucepan and add 2-3 tbsp
water or stock, if you have some. Cook gently, stirring often, until the vegetables are
2. Add the garlic, tomato purée and balsamic vinegar, cook on a high heat for 1 min
more, add the diced veg, lentils, tomatoes, then bring up to the boil.
3. Turn to a simmer, then cook for about 20 mins. Meanwhile, cook the pasta following
pack instructions, then drain. Season the ragu and serve with pasta and Parmesan
on top, if you like.
35 min.
8 pers.
Tabla nutricional por porción
Energía 97
Proteínas 1.2
Grasa Total 5.5
H. de Carbono Disponible 9.5
Colesterol 4.0
Fibra Dietaria Total 3.00
Sodio 261
2 Zanahorias cortadas en cuadritos
1 Cebolla morada cortada en cuadritos
1 Pimiento rojo cortado en cuadritos
1 Pimiento verde cortado en cuadritos
1 Berenjena cortada en cuadritos
1 Zapallo Italiano cortado en cuadritos
2 Cucharadas de aceite de oliva
1 Tableta de caldo de verduras MAGGI®
½ Taza de vino blanco
Sal y pimienta a gusto
1 Cucharada de mantequilla
1.- Calienta una sartén o wok de preferencia y añade el aceite de oliva. Agrega la zanahoria
en conjunto con la cebolla y cocina durante 1 minuto revolviendo de vez en cuando.
2.- Continua con los pimentones y vierte el vino blando de una vez, cocina durante 2 min
hasta que el vino evapore a la mitad. Finaliza con la integración del zapallo italiano y las
berenjenas, cocina durante 3 minutos y agrega la tableta de caldo de verduras MAGGI®
previamente desmenuzada, condimenta con pimienta a gusto y agrega la cucharada de
mantequilla. Revuelve hasta que se derrita la mantequilla y sirve de inmediato.
y ojalá te sirva para hacerla hoy y muchos días más de celebración o días
de antojo de una buena pasta. Si te gusta la receta porfa compártela , y
el blog también.
Mil gracias por estar aquí y leer esta receta, si la haces porfa ponla
en Instagram con #piloncilloyvainilla y déjame saber si como te fue, ok?*
También estaría increíble que la compartieras con todos tus amigos
en Facebook o la guardarlas para hacerla después en Pinterest.
0 de 0 votos
Ragu de verduras
Esta receta de ragu de verduras es fácil de hacer y muy adaptable. Es una receta que es muy del
gusto de todo mundo.
10 min
25 min
35 min
6 personas
Calorías: 67kcal
1. En una olla/sartén pon el aceite de olivo a fuego medio, agrega las verduras con
una pizca de sal y déjalas ahí hasta que estén suaves y empiecen a pegarse tantito. Mas o
menos como 5-7 minutos.
2. Agrega el vino tinto y despega los pedacitos que se pegaron en el fondo de la olla.
Deja el vino por 2 o 3 minutos o hasta que casi se haya evaporado.
3. Agrega el tomate, el perejil y baja el fuego, deja que hierva a fuego lento por 5- 7
4. Pon a cocer la pasta como dice en el paquete. Cuando esté lista, con unas pinzas
de pan sácala poco a poco, dejando escurrir un poco el agua y ponla directamente en la
olla de la salsa. Si crees que está muy aguada la salsa, no te preocupes, se absorbe. Si
sientes que esta muy seca la salsa agrega un poco de agua donde se coció la pasta.
5. Termina con un poco de aceite de oliva, perejil fresco y sal de mar.
Opcional: Le puedes poner también una cucharada de pasta de tomate antes de ponerle el vino.
Serving: 340g | Calories: 67kcal | Carbohydrates: 4g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 1g | Saturated
Fat: 1g | Sodium: 371mg | Potassium: 143mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 1770IU | Vitamin
C: 2mg | Calcium: 13mg | Iron: 1mg
Autor: Piloncillo&Vainilla
8 porciones
35 Minutos
2 Zanahorias cortadas en cuadritos
1 Cucharada de mantequilla
1.- Calienta una sartén o wok de preferencia y añade el aceite de oliva. Agrega la zanahoria en conjunto
con la cebolla y cocina durante 1 minuto revolviendo de vez en cuando.
2.- Continua con los pimentones y vierte el vino blando de una vez, cocina durante 2 min hasta que el vino
evapore a la mitad. Finaliza con la integración del zapallo italiano y las berenjenas, cocina durante 3
minutos y agrega la tableta de caldo de verduras MAGGI® previamente desmenuzada, condimenta con
pimienta a gusto y agrega la cucharada de mantequilla. Revuelve hasta que se derrita la mantequilla y
sirve de inmediato.
S AV O Y C A B B A G E : K I T C H E N B A S I C S
By Steve Albert Leave a Comment
Store. Cabbage will keep for about 2 weeks in the vegetable drawer
or in a perforated plastic bag in the refrigerator. Cut cabbage should
be stored away from other foods.
Recipe. Slice savoy cabbage into 1/4 inch strips. Heat 2 cloves garlic
and a quarter cup extra virgin olive oil in a nonstick pan. When the
oil is hot, add the cabbage and a dash of salt. Cook and stir until the
cabbage is just tender.
Serve. Savoy cabbage can be eaten raw or cooked and has a flavor
affinity for garlic, olive oil, polenta, potatoes, sweet onions, and
white beans.
Reino: Plantae
División: Magnoliophyta
Clase: Magnoliopsida
Orden: Brassicales
Familia: Brassicaceae
Género: Brassica
Especie: B. olearacea
Nombre trinomial
(=) Brassica oleracea var. bullata DC., pro parte majore
(≡) Brassica oleracea subsp. sabauda (L.) Schübl. & G. Martens
col de Saboya
Carbohidratos 6.1 g
• Azúcares 2.27 g
Grasas 0.1 g
Proteínas 2g
Agua 91 g
Calcio 35 mg (4%)
Magnesio 28 mg (8%)
Fósforo 42 mg (6%)
4Enlaces externos
Tiene un conjunto de hojas oscuras de color verde que se van poniendo más claras hasta llegar
a un verde-amarillento a medida que se penetra en el cogollo de la planta.
La col rizada es la variedad Brassica oleracea var. sabellica L. La col verdede hojas rizadas es
propia del norte de Alemania (Grünkohl).1
Se emplea en la cocina de algunos países europeos desde el sur: cocina italiana, hasta el
norte: holanda, alemana (en Alemania se comen cerca de 50.000 toneladas al año) y
en Hungría y Eslovaquiase prepara siempre cocida en forma de salsa y servida como
acompañamiento de carnes. También es parte de las verduras para el caldo de verduras y carne
de ternera. Se suele recoger en las últimas semanas de otoño porque aguanta las heladas sin
1. ↑ Enrique López Magallón, Kohlfahrt: Bremen celebra la col rizada con una divertida tradición:
Grünkohl, verdura del frío, Deutsche Welle, 2011
Savoy cabbage is a classic vegetable - its attractive deep green colouring and crinkly
leaves have ensured its popularity has never waned. What makes it even better is that
when cooked it doesn’t emit the usual odour associated with overcooked cabbage.
What to look for when buying Savoy cabbage
Savoy cabbages are at their peak from October through to February.
Savoy cabbages should have deep green, crisp outer leaves, becoming lighter towards
the core. The leaves should be tightly packed together, and the overall cabbage should
feel heavy for their size.
Guinea fowl with boudin blanc, savoy cabbage and white onion purée
by Stephen Crane
Pork loin and black pudding Wellington with Grandpa’s cabbage
by Emily Watkins
The leaves of Savoy cabbage are both attractive and fairly durable; they can be eaten
raw in salads or used to wrap meat balls or Vegetarian haggis – a very British
alternative to stuffed vine leaves. Simply trim down any thick, tough veins and then
blanch the leaves for a couple of minutes if using to wrap.
What Savoy cabbage goes with
When cooked, the sweet, mildly earthy flavour pairs nicely with pheasant, guinea
fowl or grouse. That said, it goes with practically any bold-flavoured meat dish – think
Sunday roasts, hearty pies or comfort dishes such as Dominic Chapman’s Toulouse
sausages and lentils.
Stir-fried Savoy cabbage
(4 ratings)
By Silvana Franco
A simple dish full of vitamin C and folic acid and ideal on the side of your Sunday roast
1 large Savoy cabbage, thinly sliced
1 tbsp olive oil
1. Steam or boil the cabbage for 3-4 mins until just tender, then drain well. If doing
ahead of time, cool under running water and chill until ready to stir-fry.
2. Heat the oil in a wok or large frying pan. Add the garlic and seeds and cook for 1 min
until beginning to turn golden. Toss in the cabbage and stir-fry over the highest heat
for 3-4 mins. Season with a little sea salt and serve.
Cider-braised cabbage & leek
(2 ratings)
By Good Food
Add a bit of colour to this versatile and healthy side with some sliced carrots
50g butter
4 leeks
Savoy cabbage at its best, a great accompaniment to any meal - particularly the
Christmas turkey or part of your Hogmanay meal
Easily doubled
1 large Savoy cabbage
4 large carrots
50g butter
4 tbsp double cream
pinch nutmeg
1. Pull off any tough outer leaves from the cabbage and discard. Cut in half, then
remove the hard inner core. Rinse the leaves, then shred as finely as you can. Cut
the carrots into fine, thin strips or grate in the food processor.
2. Bring a pan of water to the boil and add the cabbage and carrots. Boil for 6 mins until
just tender, then drain. Return to the hot pan and add the butter and cream. Season
with pepper, and salt if you like, add the nutmeg and stir well to coat. Pile into a
serving dish and serve immediately.
Savoy cabbage
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Carbohydrates 6.1 g
Sugars 2.27 g
Fat 0.1 g
Protein 2g
Vitamins Quantity%DV†
Vitamin A equiv. 6%
beta-Carotene 50 μg
lutein zeaxanthin 6%
600 μg
77 μg
Thiamine (B1) 6%
0.07 mg
Riboflavin (B2) 3%
0.03 mg
Niacin (B3) 2%
0.3 mg
0.187 mg
Vitamin B6 15%
0.19 mg
80 μg
Choline 3%
12.3 mg
Vitamin C 37%
31 mg
Vitamin E 1%
0.17 mg
Vitamin K 66%
68.8 μg
Minerals Quantity%DV†
Calcium 4%
35 mg
Iron 3%
0.4 mg
Magnesium 8%
28 mg
Manganese 9%
0.18 mg
Phosphorus 6%
42 mg
Potassium 5%
230 mg
Zinc 3%
0.27 mg
Water 91 g
μg = micrograms • mg = milligrams
IU = International units
2See also
4External links
Savoy cabbage does not turn into mush when cooked. It has the same flavor and appearance as
regular cabbage when cooked but retains a firm texture which is desired in some recipes. Savoy
cabbage can be used in a variety of recipes. It pairs well with red
wine, apples, spices, horseradish and meat.[4] It can be used for roulades, in stews and soups,
such as borscht,[5] as well as roasted plain and drizzled with olive oil. It can be used in preserved
recipes such as kimchi or sauerkraut,[5] and with strong and unusual seasonings such
as juniper.[7]
Signs of desirable quality include cabbage that is heavy for its size with leaves that are
unblemished and have a bright, fresh look. Peak season for most cabbages in the Northern
Hemisphere runs from November through April.[6]
Fresh whole cabbage will keep in the refrigerator for one to six weeks depending on type and
variety. Hard green, white or red cabbages will keep the longest while the looser Savoy
and Chinese varieties such as napa and bok choy need to be consumed more quickly. It is
necessary to keep the outer leaves intact without washing when storing since moisture hastens
The cabbage provides fiber,
vitamins A, C, K and B6, folate, potassium, manganese, thiamin, calcium, iron and magnesium.[5]
Savoy can be difficult to grow as it suffers from caterpillars, pigeons and club rootdisease.[6] It
does best in full sun,[2] and is winter-hardy, able to tolerate the cold, frost and snow.[4][2]
See also
( D A D ’ S ‘ V E R Z A S T U FATA ’ )
Nicoletta OCTOBER 20, 20 17
Jump To Recipe
Braised Savoy Cabbage (Dad’s ‘Verza Stufata’), a simple, easy, and quick side
dish yet packed with flavor. The cabbage cooks slowly, covered, in a soffritto of
oil, garlic, and chili flakes, and just a touch of water until nice and tender.
Song of the day: Back To The Earth”, by Jason Mraz.
There are dishes that remind me of my family more than others. Dishes that were
eaten many a time at my parents’ table, that smell and taste like home.
There are products I see at the market that I immediately associate with the garden
my family has in the countryside, that was my grandfather’s and then my father’s,
a garden that is close to a river and on the river relies for its moisture. It is a garden
that is a little wild, untamed, in the sense that it is not neatly organized but kept in
the most natural way, with wildflowers growing in between the vegetables, with no
irrigation, no pesticides or fertilizer. The local animals feed themselves when they
want, what they want, much to my dad’s dismay (but there’s plenty for
everybody). It is mostly abandoned in the winter season, when my parents are in
Rome, if only for an abundance of squash, some Tuscan kale, and few varieties of
This type of cabbage called Savoy cabbage (cavolo verza, in Italian) is used by my
father in one of his signature recipes, one that has blessed our table many times and
one that we unmistakably knew when it was cooking on the stove.
It is pretty easy, quick and simple, yet every time he makes it, we’re all happy and
clean our plates. Loreto had never had braised cabbage before, but after he tried it
he was a big fan and couldn’t wait to make it here. So, when we saw it at our local
farmer’s market, we were excited and nonetheless one made its way home with us.
A nice soffritto is the base of the recipe: oil, garlic, and chili flakes (more or less
according to your desired level of spiciness) are sauteed in the pan until nice and
golden, then the chopped cabbage is added in and let it mingle with the other
ingredients. When the cabbage is well coated and softened a bit, you add the water,
just enough to cover the bottom of the pot, then the lid is put on. The cabbage
cooks on low for a while, until your preferred texture is achieved, but don’t forget
to stir it occasionally to check the water level, adding more water in case it is
sticking to the pan, and uncovering it at the end to let the remainder of the water
The Savoy cabbage’s leaves are beautifully crinkled, and because of this texture, it
absorbs the flavors of the soffritto so well. I love how doing it this way brings out
the sweetness in the cabbage and that hint of spiciness is a nice flavor kick.
Savoy cabbage is good in soups and stir-fries, and although I saw my dad put it
in minestronesoup once or twice, he is a no-nonsense cook, that sticks to what he
knows and what works best, never venturing out of his comfort zone. One thing I
have to say, Loreto has influenced him a bit, and you can now find ginger in his
fridge and turmeric and curry in his pantry, which he uses only to bump up the
flavors of his Italian dishes (and because my mother told him they’re good for
After we made it at home and ate it, we had to call him and tell him how good it
was, although, to reassure him, not as good as his.
4 from 1 reviews
Author: Nicoletta
Cuisine: Italian
Braised Savoy Cabbage (Dad’s ‘Verza Stufata’), a simple, easy, and quick side
dish yet packed with flavor. The cabbage cooks slowly, covered, in a soffritto of
oil, garlic, and chili flakes, and just a touch of water until nice and tender.
1 head savoy cabbage
2 cloves garlic
pinch of chili flakes
3 Tbsp e.v.o. oil
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup warm water (enough to cover the bottom of the pot)
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1. Remove any wilted outside leaves from the cabbage, wash and roughly
chop, trimming the core.
2. In a pot (or saucepan), add some olive oil, the garlic whole but slightly
pressed, and a pinch of chili flakes.
3. Saute on medium heat until the garlic is golden, then add the chopped
4. Saute for a couple of minutes, adjust with salt and pepper, add the warm
water and put the lid on.
5. Cook on low heat for about 25 minutes, or until your desired consistency
(softer or firmer), stirring occasionally to check on the water, adding more
water if needed, and taking the lid off in the last 5 minutes, letting the water
7. Serve either warm or room temperature, finishing with a drizzle of e.v.o. oil.
Any leftovers can be stored in the fridge and re-heated. They taste just as good, if
not even better.
Green Cabbage – The king of cabbages and our old friend! The
wide fan-like leaves are pale green in color and with a slightly
rubbery texture when raw. Pick heads that are tight and feel heavy
for their size. The outer few layers are usually wilted and should be
discarded before preparing.
Sliced thinly, green cabbage can be eaten raw or it can go into stir-
fries, soups, and braises. The whole leaves can also be used to make
cabbage rolls. Raw leaves are somewhat peppery in flavor, but the
cabbage gets sweeter as it cooks.
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Bok Choy – Bok choy stems are white and watery-crisp, while the
leaves are deep green and very tender. The flavor of bok choy
reminds us of baby spinach or swiss chard, and we love it in stir-
fries, brothy soups, and steamed mixed vegetable dishes.
Choy Sum – We’re including this one just because we’ve seen it a
lot at our regular grocery store. It’s labeled “Chinese Cabbage” but
it’s definitely different from the Napa/Chinese Cabbage mentioned
above, and after a bit of research, we think it’s actually choy sum. It
looks similar to bok choy, but longer and slimmer. The leaves are
tender enough to eat in a salad while the stems are crisp and
watery. We’ve been liking it in chinese-influenced salads with
oranges and Five-Spiced vinaigrette. It also works great in quick
noodle soups and stir-fries.
We seem to be having one of those stubborn springs that refuses to, well, spring. And after a
particularly dreary winter with a record dearth of sunny days, the grower from whom I get most of
my vegetables told me he’s about a month and a half late with the spring crop.
So, despite what the calendar says — and despite my hunger for fresh peas — I am choosing to
respect the realities of the current season, and to celebrate the tail end of the winter produce.
And the winter vegetable I’ve really rediscovered of late is the Savoy cabbage — chou frisé in
I like cruciferous vegetables of all stripes and colors, but this one had always been my cabbage
of least proficiency. I love it in my mother’s stuffed cabbage, and in the farci poitevin I’ve
revisited in The French Market Cookbook, but I lacked ideas beyond those.
But then kale happened: it was suddenly easier to find on Paris markets, so I played around with
it a lot — cue the mega-list of 50 things to do with kale — and naturally that gave me ideas for its
close, if less fashionable, cousin the Savoy cabbage.
As it turns out, the roasting method that gave the world kale chips has a transformative effect on
Savoy cabbage, too. In just a few chops of the chef knife and fifteen minutes in a hot oven, the
slightly daunting head becomes a heap of lightly browned, tender at the spine but crisp-edged
ribbons that I can eat by the bowlful — and happily have.
Add a touch of lemon juice, a scoop of steamed rice and a scatter of almonds, and I am content
to wait for springa little while longer. Just a little.
Have you tried this? Share your pics on Instagram!
Please tag your pictures with #cnzrecipes. I'll share my favorites!
Roasted Savoy Cabbage Recipe
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes
2. Cut the cabbage into quarters vertically and carve out the core (save it for one of Tamar
Adler's ideas). Cut each quarter in two lengthwise, and slice crosswise thinly.
3. Place the cabbage on the prepared baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt,
and toss to coat.
4. Insert in the oven and bake for 15 minutes, stirring halfway through, until cooked through
and golden brown in places.
5. Sprinkle with black pepper, dress with a touch of lemon juice, and serve.
Paulina siempre soñó con tener un programa de cocina... ¡Pero nunca con ser cocinera!
Estás en: Inicio > Recetas > Dulces y postres > Ganache de Chocolate: 5 pasos para la cobertura perfecta
La receta de cobertura de chocolate que te voy a pasar NO FALLA. Nunca. Me salió igual desde la
primera hasta la última vez que la hice. Y la hice muchas veces. Abajo te explico cómo bañar una
torta con ella, ya que para que quede como un espejo hay una técnica sencilla.
Variando la cantidad de chocolate (esto para cuando estés más canchera) podés hacer la
ganache más espesa para otros usos (por ejemplo: los dibujos de chocolate sobre las galletitas
que te muestro abajo).
1 cdita. de manteca
1 pizca de sal
1. Picar el chocolate, no hace falta que sea demasiado pequeño pero sí picado. Reservar en un
2. Llevar la crema de leche al fuego hasta que hierva. Cuidado de no sobrehervirla. Con ver que
empiezan a burbujear a los costados es suficiente. Cuando este sea el estado, enseguida la
retiramos del fuego.
3. Agregar la cdita. de manteca y la pizca de sal. Revolver hasta que la manteca se derrita.
4. Volcar sobre el cuenco en donde tenemos el chocolate picado. Es importante volcar la crema
en el chocolate y no al revés. No lo tocamos para nada. Y lo dejamos reposar por 5 minutos. O
sea: te vas. Peinate, acomodá ese almohadón que se cayó, no sé. Pero la ganache de chocolate no
la tocás. Porque tienta saber si ahí abajo se está derritiendo o qué.
5. Mezclar con cuidado, despacio. La mezcla comenzará a unirse y se formará un baño muy
brillante y muy chocolatoso. Al principio parecerá que se hace como una leche chocolatada.
Paulina me engañó. No, Paulina cumple. Vos seguí mezclando con amor que tendrás tu ganache
de chocolate.
Colocar la torta sobre una rejilla y poner un plato debajo. Esto es porque el baño caerá, así no
desperdiciamos chocolate. Volcar la cobertura de a poco, pero continuamente, exactamente en
el centro de la torta. Esta cobertura no hace falta repartirla con espátula. Ella sola irá cayendo de
a poco y se acomodará formando la cubierta perfecta y brillante que ves en las casas de
pastelería. Refrigerar para que endurezca un poco. Voilà! Ya podés presumir en casa de la