Riopipeline2019 1014 Rio 2019 Paper v4
Riopipeline2019 1014 Rio 2019 Paper v4
Riopipeline2019 1014 Rio 2019 Paper v4
Production of mature oil and gas fields requires managing the related risks and limitations
imposed by reservoir souring upon assets and production integrity. The corrosive effect of H2S
in combination with export gas H2S specifications, escalates operational expenditure. The
treatment of produced fluids can, in a worst-case scenario, reduce production output if the
appropriate tools for managing elevated H2S levels are not in place. Herein presented is a case
where production from a subsea field was restricted by the amount of H2S produced due to
constrains in the topside gas processing system. The objective of the work was to remove
significant amounts of H2S from produced fluids during transit via subsea production pipelines;
scavenging H2S during multiphase flow, whilst maintaining corrosion and scale inhibition.
A novel multiphase H2S scavenger was incorporated into the incumbent subsea
corrosion inhibitor. The work included identification of suitable multiphase H2S scavenging
chemistry, tailoring of the multifunctional chemical to retain corrosion inhibition properties,
and confirmation that this new chemistry did not deleteriously impact performance of other
production chemicals used nor the production process itself. The experimental development
work demonstrated that the combined product containing a nitrogen free scavenger can deliver
suitable H2S scavenging capacity while maintaining corrosion inhibition performance. The
qualification work supported a full-scale field test that demonstrated suitability of the new
multifunctional chemical. The new environmentally acceptable combined corrosion inhibitor
and H2S scavenger enables higher production rates from the subsea field without modification
of the chemical injection system or topside process system.
1. Introduction
Downhole tubing, subsea pipelines, and vessels used in oil and gas production are often
manufactured from carbon steel. However, produced fluids invariably contain a variety of
Ph.D., Technical Support Lead - Schlumberger, 2M.Sc., Technical Manager - Schlumberger, 3M.Sc. Project
Leader - Schlumberger, 4B.Sc., Corosion Team Leader – Schlumberger, 5M.Sc., Asset Integrity Advisor -
Schlumberger, 6Ph.D., Principal Engineer – Equinor ASA, 7B.Sc., Principal Engineer - Equinor ASA
Rio Pipeline Conference and Exhibition 2019
corrosion species including acidic gases (CO2 and H2S) and organic acids (acetic, propionic,
and formic acid) that will corrode carbon steel (Byars, 1994). Corrosion caused by CO2 or H2S
will frequently manifest as localized corrosion or under deposited corrosion if the produced
fluids are not effectively treated with production chemicals. In sour oil fields (defined as those
with >0.5 mol% H2S present in the gas phase), several different polymorphous iron sulfide
scales form because of corrosion of the carbon steel infrastructure. These include mackinawite
(FeS), troilite (FeS), pyrrhotite (Fe1-x), greigite (Fe3S4) and pyrite (FeS2); the specific type of
iron sulfide that will form is largely dependent upon the system temperature and pH (Ning et
al, 2013). Under deposit corrosion can take place beneath these scales or if they breakdown in
localized areas, pitting corrosion will occur.
Corrosion due to H2S can be mitigated through injection of inhibitors, H2S scavengers,
or commonly both products are injected separately. However, this paper summarizes the work
carried out to develop and apply in an oilfield a new multifunctional corrosion inhibitor / H2S
scavenger for use subsea in a sour offshore field located in the Norwegian North Sea. The use
of combined products has several advantages compared to the use of mono-functional
chemicals. Using combination products reduces the chemical storage facilities required
offshore and reduces the amount of chemical injection equipment needed. Additionally, for
subsea chemical applications, the use of combined products decreases the number of chemical
injection umbilicals required. Overall, the use of multi-functional products reduces the costs
associated with installing chemical injection equipment on an offshore installation
2. Field Description
The field of concern (Field X) is in the Norwegian Continental Shelf and consists of
several oil deposits which have been extracted with seven subsea templates and two satellite
wells. The field is produced by means of secondary oil recovery utilizing seawater injection to
maintain reservoir pressure. The production from Field X is routed to a nearby installation
(Field Y) through high-pressure and low-pressure pipelines (A2 and B1 respectively). Figure 1
provides a schematic overview of the Field X process system, chemical injection (subsea scale
and corrosion inhibitor) locations and the average oil, gas and water production rates for each
pipeline. The subsea system is much more complex with distribution of the subsea chemicals
over several templates. Additionally, recirculating flows and topsides equipment including
hydrocyclones, floatation units are omitted from the diagram for simplicity.
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Initially, Field X gas process system was not directly treated with H2S scavenger. To
compensate for this, Field Y was over treated with a triazine H2S scavenger before the two gas
streams commingle (Figure 2). This had been an acceptable solution for several years. However,
as the H2S production from the X wells increased during field life, the wells at Field X had to
be choked down for the following reasons:
1. It was not possible to treat the gas phase efficiently via the existing triazine-based H2S
scavenger injection system. This resulted in H2S concentration in the export gas above
2. The gas phases in the low-pressure parts of the process system, e.g. degasser, had H2S
concentrations in range of 2000-3000 ppm. This represents increased health and safety
risks when sampling or performing maintenance tasks.
3. Triazine-based H2S scavenger contributed to 20% of the harmful species present in the
produced water discharged from fields X and Y.
Several multiphase H2S scavengers were screened for application in subsea Field X.
The main challenge for some scavengers (e.g. glyoxal) was the compatibility with amine-based
corrosion inhibitors. Those scavengers either nullified the performance of corrosion inhibitors
or were incompatible with corrosion inhibitors upon blending together. The non-nitrogen H2S
Rio Pipeline Conference and Exhibition 2019
Dose Corrosion
Chemical Description Inhibition
(ppm) Rate
Blank 1 N/A - 0.35 -
Product A Incumbent CI 30 0.02 94.5
Product E Incumbent CI with synergist removed 30 0.03 91.1
Product F Incumbent CI with synergist and inhibitor aid removed 30 0.05 83.8
Product G 70:30 blend of EDDM H2S Scavenger & Incumbent CI
100 (*) 0.03 91.2
with synergist and inhibitor aid removed
*100 ppm of multifunctional product contains comparable amount of amine filmer as
30 ppm of incumbent corrosion inhibitor.
In addition to the laboratory generated information, knowledge about the amount of H2S
required to be scavenged in Field X process was crucial when tailoring the final product. A H2S
mass balance analysis for Field X determined the amount of H2S produced and the volume of
Product G required to scavenge the H2S in the low and high-pressure flowlines to acceptable
levels. Moreover, the amount of amine filmer in the novel product should not have negative
impact on the separation process topside. Therefore, the concentration in the system for the
Rio Pipeline Conference and Exhibition 2019
amine was maintained at the same level based on the incumbent corrosion inhibitor injection.
The following assessments had to be completed before moving forward with the trial of
Product G in the field:
Elastomer, plastics and metals compatibility testing
Long term thermal stability testing
Interaction of Product G with incumbent topside scale inhibitor. This testing is critical
for minimizing deleterious impact of iron scales and related separation challenges.
The corrosivity of Product G towards 316 stainless steel and carbon steel grade C1018
specimens was investigated by exposing specimens to neat chemical at 20oC and 90oC for 30
days. In these tests, the general corrosion and tendency to pitting was assessed based on
ASTMG31 - 12a. Obtained results are shown in Table 3 and Product G was found to be non-
corrosive to 316 but corrosive towards C1018. However, the carbon steel test was for
information purposes only as there is no carbon steel in the chemical injection system.
The compatibility of Product G towards different elastomers present in the injection line
was also tested, with the results given in Table 4. In these tests Product G was compatible with
all materials tested.
Table 4. Compatibility Results of Elastomers and Plastic to neat Product G for 14 days at 20 °C
Long term stability testing of the multifunctional product was performed at -10, 4, 20
and 90 °C for 30 days and at the end of the test, kinematic viscosity curves were obtained. The
product remained stable after exposure to these tests and the viscosity was lower than 200 cP
at 4 °C in all scenarios.
Product G was submitted to filtration testing pre-and post-exposures at 4°C for 4 and 8
weeks (Stipanicev et al). After exposure at 4°C for 4 and 8 weeks, Product G was passed through
a 0.75mm ID alloy coil at 25°C and 5.5 bar for 5 filtration cycles and the differential pressure
(dP) across a 2 μm filter recorded. The obtained dP profiles and kinematic viscosity curves are
shown in Figure 3. No significant changes in differential pressure during filtration or in the
viscosity curves were recorded.
Rio Pipeline Conference and Exhibition 2019
Figure 3. Left: dP Profiles for Non-Aged and Aged Product G. Right: Viscosity Profiles for Product G
The interaction of the combined H2S scavenger and corrosion inhibitor (Product G) with
the incumbent topside scale inhibitor was investigated using Dynamic Scale Loop (DSL)
testing. Test conditions and pass/fail acceptance criteria applied to the DSL testing is shown in
Table 5 and the test water chemistry provided in Table 6.
Table 5. Test Conditions and Pass/Fail Acceptance Criteria Applied to The DSL Testing
Parameter Value
System pressure 17.3 bar
System temperature 85°C
Coil dimensions 1mm ID, 3 m length
Flow rate: 6 ml/min combined, split at pumps
pH 7.2
Pass criteria scaling time ±15% compared to time of Incumbent Scale Inhibitor
Na K Mg Ca Ba Sr Cl SO4 HCO3
(mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l)
10700 240 705 570 74 19800 1500 965
*60 mg/l was used in the DSL test to reduce time required for blank.
DSL results are summarized in Table 7. There is some variation in the test results,
however, these are within experimental error. The findings suggested a lack of competing
interaction between chemistries when introduced in the process stream.
4. Field Application
Production from the H-template wells was routed to the A2 line during the field test.
The retention time in the subsea production system was 4 to 6 hours, depending on the location
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of each template. The H2S concentrations were measured at the gas outlet of each process unit.
In addition, a range of other analyses (full ion analysis, total alkalinity, organic acids, suspended
solids, corrosion inhibitor, scale inhibitor and EDDM residual concentration) were performed
onshore on water and oil samples. To get the H2S mass balance calculated as accurately as
possible, the water chemistry and CO2 concentration in the gas must be known. Water
compositions as analyzed and used in simulations are shown in Table 8.
The pH of the water in the separator is one of the key parameters for mass balance
calculations. Table 9 shows the conditions and the calculated pH values at equilibrium, based
on measurements of the CO2 concentration in the gas phase, performed during the field test. It
also depicts the pH values used in the mass balance (best estimated real pH).
Table 9. pH Calculations Based on Multiphase Equilibrium
A H2S distribution model has been used previously to calculate the amount of H2S being
produced in the A2 and B1 flowlines (Lioliou et al). The model is based on a multiphase
equilibrium program that considers the phase distribution of the gases and includes water
evaporation. Previous H2S scavenger tests have proved that the model is accurate for this
purpose, and much easier to use than a full multiphase equilibrium study (Lioliou et al and
Birketveit et al). Figure 4 shows the process schematic with the amount of H2S produced in total
from each line and the distribution among the three phases through the process.
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The data in Figure 4 was used as baseline data and similar mass balance calculations
were calculated for selected dosages of the multifunctional product injected to the X subsea
templates. Table 10 shows the dose rates for Product G in liters per day; ppm with regards to
total fluids and ppm based on the water phase.
Table 10. Field Dose Rates of Product G
Table 11 shows the amount of the H2S scavenger component (EDDM) in Product G
injected compared to the amount of H2S removed, based on the mass balance calculations.
Table 11. Efficiency Data for the H2S Scavenger Component (EDDM) in Product G
The efficiency for the B1 line was significantly better than for the A2 line. This can be
explained by the higher pH, which results in more H2S available in the water phase where the
reaction takes place. This was confirmed by the sulfide ion concentration measured in the two
separators. In addition, there were several recirculation flows back to the 2nd stage separator,
allowing more time for the reaction to proceed. The injection dose rates and measured EDDM
residuals are shown in Figures 5 to 7.
Product Injected to A2
Time (date:hour)
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Product injected to B1
Time (date:hour)
Figure 6. B1 Concentration of Product G Injected with Measured Residuals of EDDM
Total Product
EDDM (degasser)
Product/ EDDM (ppm)
Time (date:hour)
Figure 7. Total Concentration of Product G Injected with Residuals of EDDM From the Degasser.
The ratio between the amount of EDDM injected and the residual EDDM (unreacted)
analyzed for each flowline were approximately the same, with spent EDDM showing 36-47%.
Figure 8 shows measured EDDM residuals plotted versus iron concentration and suspended
solids. The ion analysis data show relatively stable values with variations within the accuracy
of the measurement methods. Interestingly, the iron concentration increases slightly with
increasing dose of Product G. At the same time, suspended solids measured in the system were
significantly reduced. This indicates that EDDM improves control of iron sulfide scales by
reducing the concentration of sulfide available in the water phase.
During the trial, the injection of the scale inhibitor was unchanged during the test period
and the concentration of scale in the system reduced (Figure 8). Residual measurements
remained consistently around, 15-20 ppm for the first stage separator and 50 ppm for the second
stage separator.
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35 5.0
Suspended solids
30 Dissolved iron
10 1.5
0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Residual EDDM (mg/l)
Figure 8. All Measured EDDM Residuals Plotted with Iron Concentration and Suspended Solids
5. Conclusions
A novel multiphase H2S scavenger was successfully incorporated into the incumbent
subsea corrosion inhibitor utilized in a North Sea field in the Norwegian Continental Shelf. The
new product was tailored to retain excellent H2S scavenging and corrosion inhibition properties,
while at the same time ensuring that it would not impact performance of the other production
chemicals used nor the production process itself.
The new combined formulation of corrosion inhibitor and H2S scavenger (Product G)
enables higher production rates by allowing increased production rates of high H2S contributing
wells. This was achieved without any requirements for modification of the chemical injection
system or topside process system. In addition, the reduction of available sulfide in the water
reduced the precipitation of iron sulfides previously shown to be a challenge for the water
treatment process topside.
6. References
A. G31-72: Standard Practice for Laboratory Immersion Corrosion Testing of Metals, ASTM
International, West Conshohocken, USA, 2004.
Birketveit, Ø., Experiences with H2S-scavenging in Subsea Multiphase Flow, NACE
CORROSION 2017: TEG 202X Flow Assurance in Oil and Gas Production, New Orleans,
USA, NACE 2017.
BYARS, H.G., Corrosion Control in Petroleum Production, TPC Publication 5, NACE
International, (Houston, TX: NACE, 1999) p. 26-32
NING, J., ZHENG, Y., YOUNG, D, BROWN, B. and NESIC, S., “A Thermodynamic Study
of Hydrogen Sulfide Corrosion of Mild Steel”, NACE CORROSION 2013, Orlando, USA,
LIOLIOU, M.G., SANDRØD, J., STIPANICEV, M. and BIRKETVEIT, Ø., Qualification and
Field Performance of Subsea H2S Scavenger Injection. Oilfield Chemistry Symposium Geilo,
Norway, Tekna, 2017.
STIPANICEV, M., BIRKETVEIT, Ø., AVALDSNES, O.G., Tailoring Chemicals for
Continuous Injection Downhole via Capillary Line and “Sensitive” Jewelry, NACE
CORROSION 2017, New Orleans, USA, NACE 2017.