The Principles: History
The Principles: History
The Principles: History
Nuclear plants are all required to undergo periodic inspections of the components. This includes
assessment of the pressure vessels' welds. When pulse-echo inspections began to locate flaw
indications in the vessels and piping during these periodic inspections, a new demand was placed on
the NDT; how big are these flaws? The need to better assess the size of these flaws became the origin
of the time-of-flight diffraction technique (TOFD).
Dr. Maurice G. Sitk and his staff, at the National NDT Centre, in Harwell, UK, are credited with
developing the TOFD technique in the early 1970s. The impetus for their work was the need to know,
with some accuracy, the vertical extent of flaws detected in the pressure retaining components.
Around the same time, fracture mechanics engineering was developing into an important tool in the
understanding of how metals fail and the importance of size and shape in the failure
mechanisms. Fracture mechanics engineers have long knoum that the flaw dimensions as well as the
metal structural properties and service conditions need to be quantified in order to determine if a
component can operate without failing (fracturing). This put a new demand on NDT; in that accurate
flaw sizing was required, as an integral part of the equatiory for determining whether or not a
component could be left in service, or required removal or repair.
Until that time (and often even today) the standard method of flaw sizing, using ultrasonic methods,
relied on the beam boundary methods. Simply stated, this assumes that the echo amplitude of a flaw
has some relationship to the ultrasonic beam dimensions. Options included:
Chapter (2): The Principles Of TOFD
a -20dB drop
a -6dB drop
a -Max. Amp. (another variation on dB drop options)
a -Relative amplitude (e.9., AVG/DGS)
i Top
view Slde Vieu
Chapter (2): The Principles Of TOFD
When the defect dimensions are less than the beam dimensions (see Figure 2-2, b) lateral movement
from a maximum amplitude results in immediate reduction of signal amplitude. But the probe
displacement is more a result of beam dimension than defect dimension. This is more Pronounced as
the ratio of beam width to defect width increases.
Similar conditions exist for vertical extent determinations. These are made by moving the angle beam
towards and away from the reflector. However, in this plane, the amplitude of the reflector changes
for two reasons:
1) portion of beam interacting on the reflector's surface
2) distance amplitude variation due to change in sound path distance
Since most defects will be smaller than the beam, in at least one dimensiory amplitude drop methods
are normally used with knowledge of beam divergence; and corrections (by use of beam spread
overlays) are made for this divergence. The half angle of divergence for a 6dB drop can be estimated
from equation (1,.22). However, this will not accurately correct for refraction differences, from a wedge
to metal, in contact testing methods. Accurate beam shapes are determined empirically from
calibration blocks. The IOW (Institute of Welding) block is most often used for this purpose. The hole
ends and sides are used to determine beam width and beam height respectively.
The "MaxAmp" technique is also an amplitude drop technique and relies on the faceted nature of
some flaws. The probe is moved until the last facet seen just starts its amplitude drop. (MaxAmp is
described in "IJltrasonic Flaw Detection for Technicians- third editioru by ].C.Drury, Silverwing,2004).
In 1958, Krautkramer developed a series of formulae to estimate the size of a defect as an equivalent to
a flat disc reflector. These formulae relate echo height to beam path and target size. With these
relationships, Krautkramer developed curves, relating distance along the horizontal axis to gain in dB,
compared to a back-wall reflector as a proportion of the probe diameter. The original German term for
the system is AVG (Abstand Verstaerkung and Groesse). Translated to English, these words are
Distance, Gain and Size, hence the term DGS. The general DGS diagram is shown in Figure 2-3.
10,5 I 5t0
RelstiYe dktance l zx lD?
Figure 2-3 Standard DGS diagram tr)
Chapter (2): The Principles Of TOFD
In the 1970s, Prof. Dr. I.N. Ermolov proposed equivalency equations that allowed targets other than
DSRs (flat-bottom holes) to be used.
Figure 2-4, illustrates the predicted amplitude drops, with increasing distance, for a specific probe
(5MHz 16mm diameter) radiating into steel; and compares the rate of decay with distance for four
different targets.
5elect target
Diffiier [mml
$en.rdo.4 12 nDls 1,ed.,[Ma3,{0] ri .. 9udi.eAreaisl
20r 06 m':
Fltsl Ueiecf
AtmdEn k(dd 0 0l il/m NomrFal@q a! rHz w&.k€e{Ll 06a m
Diamele{dl lnml u3r:on.P6rlon[Nl ]00.00 mm
,lnllnite Clinds 1 ! ?D !{1.1
!1idlh[] lmml
These techniques were the norm throughout the 1970s and engineers had to rely on the size values
provided by NDT technicians using these techniques. When the pressure of fracture mechanics was
made to bear on the sizing provided by these methods, they were proven to be wanting. The
inadequacy of these methods was made clear as a result of a series of famous round-robin trials.
Over the years, many international exercises have been carried ouf comparing TOFD to the
traditional inspection methods, such as radiography and ultrasonic pulse-echo. These include the
PISC trials (Programme for the Inspection of Steel Components) for nuclear applications (PISC I was
held in 1979,PISC II in 1986 and PISC III in 1993), the DDT or Defect Detection Trials held by UKAEA
(United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority) 1983, as well as trials by the Dutch Welding Institute
(NIL), the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRD and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Without exceptiory each of the trials confirmed the ability of TOFD to provide results for volumetric
defects with a greater accuracy than the conventional methods to which it was compared. Only raster
pulse-echo, which has now developed into the phased array technique, had a comparable success rate.
When viewed with respect to the goal of determining the efficacy of sizing, TOFD constantly
outperformed the other options. This is clearly illustrated in Figure 2-5.
Chapter (2): The Principles Of TOFD
a ;
i ?
l0 20 30 10 50 60 ?0 86 90 100 110
{a}}DTPlcret {s}DDTplde I
Figure 2-5 Amplitude vs. diffraction sizjng methods from DDT plate 1 (left: all sizing techniques,
right: TOFD onlY) tzr
Similarly, reliability of inspection techniques was compared during the NIL/KINT thin plate project.
Figure 2-6 indicates the reliability values derived for different inspection techniques. These were as a
result of examinations of welded plates in a thickness range of 6mm to 15mm, containing some 250
implanted weld defects.
A11 plates were examined with the techniques shown; and later the results were verified by
destructive testing. From these results, it follows that the Mechanised Pulse-echo Meander Technique
results in the highest probability of detection (PoD) and TOFD delivers the lowest False Call Rate. It
should however, be kept in mind that the Mechanised Pulse-Echo Meander Technique (2 axes
motorised raster scan) requires a total scanning time which is many times that of TOFD.
These studies show that although the original goal of TOFD was to provide improved sizing
capabilities, it is now acknowledged to have the added benefit of providing a fast and reliable
detection method.
Mr. Bill Browne presented a paper on the internet in September of 1997o, where he laid out some of
the basics involved, but also made a loud statement on the "mystique" that had built up around TOFD
by that time. He commented on the misunderstandings of TOFD:
"Some of this tack of understanding emanates from the mystique built up by those responsible for its
introduction. For many years scientists promoted the technique as a highly specialised 'sizing' tool - so complex
that it required their specialist knowledge and sophisticqted technology to ffictit;ely apply - and unsubstantiated
claims were made about what the technique could and could not achiet:e.
This may haoe been the case in the aery early stages of eoolution but TOFD has now been around for more than
25 years, its effectioeness has been proaen by performance demonstration (more so than sll other inspection
methodologies combined) and znhateoer mystery once surrounded the technique has been completely dispelled by
repeated applicational success in the hands of routinely qualified personnel using what is now relatiaely
' standar d' equipment. "
But trying to arrange the beam to always impinge on a flaw, such that a perpendicular incidence
occurs, is virtually impossible. This accounts for some of the lack of detection by manual ultrasonic
methods. Even a large, flat reflector could have a 20dB drop by the beam striking it only 5" off the
perpendicular. This could mean that even large flaws could be missed, if "detection" is based on
signal amplitude exceeding a threshold.
But sound. waves have several possible interactions, when they strike a boundary. Reflection is only
one thing that may occur. Refraction, mode conversiory polarisation, attenuation and diffraction are
also possible. Of these boundary interactions, diffraction is the important consideration in TOFD
studies (naturally, since the name, time-of-flight diffraction derives its name from the phenomenon).
Diffraction occurs when an obstacle distorts a wave, e.g., if the wave travels through a gap it may be
diffracted. It is the ability of a wave to spread around corners. Hence, diffraction occurs at the edge of
an obstacle.
The typical examples used to illustrate the effects of diffraction are slits (openings) in obstructions in a
"ripple-tank". The "wave source" generates a pulse that moves towards the slits and the opening
allows a portion of the wavefront to pass through. As the wavefront moves through the slits, the
centre portion of the slits allow the wave to move forward unimpeded. However, the portions that
touch the slits are retarded and bend the wavefront away from the path along the central axis.
Chapter (2): The Principles Of TOFD
f, f
Figure 2-5 Amplitude vs. diffraction sizjng methods from DDT plate 1 (left: all sizing techniques,
right TOFD only) 0)
Similarly, reliability of inspection techniques was compared during the NIL/KINT thin plate project.
Figure 2-6 indicates the reliability values derived for different inspection techniques. These were as a
result of examinations of welded plates in a thickness range of 6mm to 15mm, containing some 250
implanted weld defects.
A11 plates were examined with the techniques shown; and later the results were verified by
destructive testing. From these results, it follows that the Mechanised Pulse-echo Meander Technique
results in the highest probability of detection (PoD) and TOFD delivers the lowest False Call Rate. It
should however, be kept in mind that the Mechanised Pulse-Echo Meander Technique (2 axes
motorised raster scan) requires a total scanning time which is many times that of TOFD.
Chaoter (2): The Principles Of TOFD
These studies show that although the original goal of TOFD was to provide improved sizing
capabilities, it is now acknowledged to have the added benefit of providing a fast and reliable
detection method.
Mr. Bill Browne presented a paper on the internet in September of 1997,2, where he laid out some of
the basics involved, but also made a loud statement on the "mystique" that had built up around. TOFD
by that time. He commented on the misunderstandings of TOFD:
"Some emanntes from the mystique built up by those responsible for its
of this lack of understanding
introduction. For many years scientists promoted the technique as a highly specialised 'sizing' -tool - so complex
qnd unsubstantiated
that it required their specialist knowledge and sophisticated technology to ffictioely apply -
claims were made about what the technique could and could not achieae.
This may hqae been the case in the aery eaily stages of eoolution but TOFD has noro been nround for more than
25 years, its effectioeness has been prooen by performance demonstration (more so than qll other inspection
methodologies combined) and whatez)er mystery once surrounded the technique has been completely dispelled by
repeated applicational success in the hands of routinely qualified personnel using what is now relatioely
' st andar d' e quipment. "
But trying to arrange the beam to always impinge on a flaw, such that a perpendicular incidence
occurs, is virtually impossible. This accounts for some of the lack of detection by manual ultrasonic
methods. Even a large, flat reflector could have a 20dB drop by the beam striking it only 5" off the
perpendicular. This could mean that even large flaws could be missed, if "detection" is based on
signal amplitude exceeding a threshold.
But sound waves have several possible interactions, when they strike a boundary. Reflection is only
one thing that may occur. Refractioo mode conversion, polarisation, attenuation and diffraction are
also possible. Of these boundary interactions, diffraction is the important consideration in TOFD
studies (naturally, since the name, time-of-flight diffraction derives its name from the phenomenon).
Diffraction occurs when an obstacle distorts a wave, e.g., if the wave travels through a gap it may be
diffracted. It is the ability of a wave to spread around corners. Hence, diffraction occurs at the edge of
an obstacle.
The typical examples used to illustrate the effects of diffraction are slits (openings) in obstructions in a
"ripple-tank". The "wave source" generates a pulse that moves towards the slits and the opening
allows a portion of the wavefront to pass through. As the wavefront moves through the slits, the
centre portion of the slits allow the wave to move forward unimpeded. However, the portions that
touch the slits are retarded and bend the wavefront away from the path along the central axis.
Chapter (2): The Principles Of TOFD
'.w. k- ;..-
. @ v;,
Difftacted 'WWE
9; 7; 2;.- 7'::'
wavefront :?
-k. '..?.{3 ' t 7 '' ::?'' Diffracted
& ,4
i; , '': a:-: t-', WavefrOnt
% ;l
W i, ,/
W- '2.t
&;.1 :1
E;: :i
'& 4l
Single slit :; Lds bbstruction
t* ::
Diffraction has been discussed in ultrasonic basics. The single slit example in Figure 2-7 is also typical
of illustrations used to explain beam divergence. The illustration on the right side of Figure 2-7, with
the model of the long obstructiorL is representative of a planar flaw in the soundpath of a pulse
radiating from a probe.
A photoelastic image of the effect is provided in Figure 2-8. Here a plane-wave pulse has moved from
left to right and the diffraction patteffL off the ends of the notch, is seen as well-formed circles.
The fact that TOFD relies on the detection of diffracted waves, makes the technique significantly
different from pulse-echo ultrasonic methods.
perhaps, not obvious, there is an underlying problem. Unlike a reflected wavefront, the diffracted
wavefront is very weak. Whereas, a large amplitude signal from a reflected wave is generally
(although not always correctly) assumed to have originated from a large flaw, no such assumption can
be made in TOFD, since the amplitude of any diffracted beam will always be relatively weak when
compared to a reflected beam.
Detection and timing of the low amplitude signals, diffracted from the tips of defects, forms a basis for
TOFD. These provide information from which we can derive absolute position and size measurement.
The position and size of the indication in TOFD has little to do with amplitude resPonse.
Before moving on, it is important to note that a diffraction effect can be detected in essentially all
d.irections. This is 4ue to the spherical nature of diffracted waves. Strictly speaking, it is therefore
possible that the principles could apply to the pulse-echo technique. In fac! there is a sizing method
that uses this effect. The Tip-echo technique, popular in japan in the 1980s and documented by Gruber
at the Southwest Research Institute in 1980, uses variation on the backscatter effects of the specular
and tip diffraction echoes. The concept in Figure 2-9 illustrates the signal received from a standard
pulse-echo probe with a transverse mode directed at a surface connected notch.
Although this is a tip-diffraction sizing method, it is not generally considered TOFD. The TOFD
concepts developed in Harwell are based on forward scatter. This is achieved by using two separate
transducers in a directly opposed tandem configuration. The probes should be well matched with a
short pulse (i.e. broadband), wide beam (i.e. generally small element sizes) of the same refracting
angle. One probe is connected to the transmitter of the ultrasonic instrument and the other to the
The transmitted pulse is no different from the transmitted pulse in a pulse-echo setup. It experiences
losses via divergence, absorption and dispersion in the material under test. Further losses occur as a
result of reflections by flaws within its effective envelope. The portions of the pulse-energy diffracted
by the flaws are the very low amplitude signals that TOFD uses to assess the material integrity.
Chapter (2): The Principles Of TOFD
The individual A-scans (i.e. the echo responses from a single position in the test piece) are not
generally informative to the operator. OnIy by capturing a series of these responses and processing
them in a useful fashiory can they be used to discriminate flaws from background. Thery with the
proper time measurements, the flaw depth and size can be calculated.
There is still a requirement to ensure that adequate instrument gain is used in the process; however,
because the technique does not rely on threshold amplitude for detection of the relevant signals, it is
not amplitude dependant (for defect size measurement). As a result, TOFD is not as susceptible as
pulse-echo testing to inconsistent surface conditions and couplant conditions.
As noted, the normal TOFD setup uses a pair of closely matched probes. Because ths element size is
relatively small, the beam is divergent (almost spherical instead of planar). This provides extensive
volume coverage, so that the technique is not as dependent on variations in probe position or defect
orientation relative to nominal probe angle, as would be traditional pulse-echo methods.
Although most TOFD is done using compression mode, it is not always necessary and sometimes
shear mode can be advantageous (although potentially difficult to analyse).
It is important to note that there are many ways in which the TOFD technique differs from standard
pulse-echo; however, the most obvious difference is probably the display of the signals. TOFD was
introduced to NDT just as the computer age was dawning. It has arguably been a direct result of the
availability of computer capabilities that has made TOFD, the success it is today. Without the ability to
collect and display the signals used for TOFD analysis, the use of simple A-scans as used in manual
pulse-echo ultrasonic testing would have rendered the new technique nothing more than an
interesting lab experiment. Because so much of the TOFD technique relies on computing capabilities,
further coverage on computing and digitisation will be provided.
Chapter (2): The PrinciPles Of TOFD
pulse will travel to the far side of the plate and reflect, to produce the signal
identified as the Back-
wall. Flaws within the plate thickness will be seen at points between the lateral wave and back-wall
signals. Figure 2-10 indicates the signals are viewed in the un-rectified
mode (i.e. RF) So as to provide
as having an initial
phur" irrfor-ation. Assuming the lateral wave is a reference phase, it is illustrated
then have a negative phase, with
positive rise. The diffracted ,pp". tip and reflected back-wall signals
,espect to the lateral wave. When diffraction is detected from the lower tip, its
phase will be the same
Diffraction effects have generally been theoretical discussions in most ultrasonic training
Although similar effects can be represented in ripple-tanks, the complexities of events in a solid are
not posslble to duplicate in a rippie tank. However, the effects are possible to see using
the sequence
visualisation. A series of photos have been made using photoelastic imaging to illustrate
images show four
of events and the wave-modes present in a TOFD setup. The following photoelastic
exposures of a pulse, generated by a TOFD setup interacting with a square notch
in a glass model' The
produce a nominal
probes are 12mm diameter SMHz elements mounted on refracting wedges, which
60o compression mode in the glass sample. Since this is a sub-critical
angle for the compression mode,
Snell,s Law indicates that the conditions will also result in a 30o transverse
mode. Whereas the
schematic, in Figure 2-10, simplified the process by indicating just the main compression mode
interactions, photoelastic imaging reveals the mode conversions to transverse
mode as well'
Descriptions of the events along the pulse-path are included, following the figure
in each step' The
has been optically
notch is 1mm x 3mm and the vertical line is merely the seam where the glass
bonded to prevent acoustic reflections at the bond boundary'
Step 1 of the TOFD Process is seen
in Figure 2-11.. A Pulse is seen Probe
Chapter (2): The Principles Of TOFD
By Step 3 of the TOFD process, see Figure 2-13, the lateral wave has reached the receiver wedge
position, at the same time as the arc from the upper tip diffracted signal is about half way from the tip
to the surface. The lower tip signal from the compression mode lags the upper tip signal and in this
image it is obscured in the mode-converted shear that has formed off the upper tip. The tip diffracted
signals are seen to have the shape of circles centred on their respective upper and lower notch
surfaces. The shear head wave is about to interact with the notch and it will diffract a separate pair of
tip signals. Although it is not possible to identify the modes of all these signals on the A-scan, we can
identify the mode in the image by noting the wavelength differences.
By step 4, see Figure 2-1.4, lhe process is ready for the receiver to detect the L-mode upper tip
diffracted signal, which is followed shortly thereafter by the lower tip. Faint tip signals can be seen
from the interaction of the shear head wave with the notclr, but these will arrive much later than the
tip signals off the compression mode. At the lower right we can see that the upper tip arc is about to
meet the point on the back-wall where the S-mode is reflecting off the back-wall. At the point that the
S-mode reflects, we also see a strong L-mode-converted signal.
Chapter (2): The Principles Of TOFD
In order to allow interpretation of the TOFD signals, we require a sensible means of data presentation.
Capturing several A-scans is necessary and results in:
o Large amounts of data collected
. Phase information requirement
o Detection of small amplitude signals for displa,v
This has best been accomplished using greyscale imaging of the RF signals.
The most effective option was to convert the amplitude displacements, on a normal A-scan, with a
small bar of grey shading representing the amplitude at each point along the time base. Each A-scan
then became a line of shading with the zero voltage indicated by a mid-range grey and maximum
positive and negative voltages indicated by the extremes (i.e. black and white). The basics of the
visualisation are seen inEigtre 2-76.
Chapter (2): The Principles Of TOFD
One A-scan is replaced by one grey-coded line ,
Figure 2-15 Basis for the TOFD greyscale
The greyscale display is used for the overall display when a scan is completed; however, it is a
requirement of the TOFD system to store the underlying A-scans that made up the greyscale image.
A single line of greyscale is not very informative. The great strength of this display is seen when
motion is added and an A-scan is capfured and converted to grey-scale at regular intervals along the
scan. The effect of adding motion to this display is seen inFigure 2-17.
Figure 2-17 Accumulating A-scans to build the TOFD display tto)
Probe motion in TOFD always maintains a constant separation of the probes. They must constantly be
aligned facing each other. Since most (but not all) TOFD inspections involve weld inspection it is
normal for probe motion to be made along the length of the weld. However, in some situations the
operator may find it useful to move the probe pair perpendicular to the weld centreline. Of course,
this motion may be limited if the weld cap has not been removed.
Terminology has evolved from relative probe motion and the associated resultant displays. This has
provided a source of some confusion and even some experts are often inconsistent in usage. Figure
Chapter (2): The Principles Of TOFD
2-18 illustrates that the probe motion relative to the beam direction defines the scan type. \zVhen the
probes are moved along the weld length, the motion is perpendicular to the beam directiory so the
scan is called a non-parallel scan. When the probes are moved in the same direction as the beam, the
scan type is called a parallel scan.
Non-parallel scan
nri{ qrf**?}
Parallel Scan
Itr;irqr qi I
ri ,(r{rI I
t;!x lr&ttu{lt
eC! cx!*tti
To some users, this has rationalised a difference in the data display naming. For many decades a cross-
sectional display of ultrasonic data having the upper surface and lower surface displayed has been
called a B-scan (the A-scan reserved for the scope display and C-scan for the plan view). Since the
introduction of TOFD, some have named the display formed by the non-parallel scar; as a D-scan
display. This same group reserves the display, formed from the parallel scan, as a B-scan.
This terminology is not consistent with all users. In fact, the de-facto Code on the matter (EN 583-6
Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic examination - Part 6: Time-of-flight diffraction technique as a
method for defect detection and sizing), uses the term B-scan for both displays.
A brief list of TOFD pros and cons should help the practitioner decide how and when to best use this
NDT tool.
real units
TOFD, especially when used with a positioning encoded system, provides measurements in
(e.g., millimetres) that are much more useful to engineers than dB's or equivalent scales of response' A
scan made of a weld with a TOFD setup, by one operator, will essentially be identical
a scan
ideal for
made by another operator, assuming both use similar probes and settings. This makesTOFD
flaw monitoring.
2.5,1,2 ACCURACY
Levels of accuracy attainable by TOFD are quoted to be within + 0.5mm in terms of through-wall
notches, but
extent. This might be a bit optimistic when dealing with real defects instead of machined
a standard deviation of error in vertical sizing of 1mm is perhaps not unrealistic with a good
Depending on the nature of the defecf length sizing on the order of 1-2mm is also achievable. Position
along the weld and with respect to the weld centreline can usually be established to within 0.5mm;
and angular dispositions can be resolved to within a few degrees, when appropriate scan procedures
are used. This accuracy and reliability makes TOFD a suitable NDT tool for fracture mechanics
assessment; otherwise destructive methods and physical measurement would be required'
When a TOFD scan can be made using a single non-parallel scan, results are fast (almost immediate)
and limited only by the scanning speed. Concerns with manual UT, for reliability being compromised
by scanning speed does not apply to TOFD. The many round-robin comparisons have shown that
TOFD is fast and efficient, providing some of the highest probability of detection of any of the NDT
Commercial considerations make speed an important factor. TOFD can advantageously provide both
detection and sizing from the same data, without recalibration and rescanning, which has a significant
bearing on time and cost.
Chapter (2): Ihe Principles Of TOFD
The full volume of weld material and HAZs are tested at speeds which cannot be considered by
conventional manual ultrasonic methods, but are accomplished with TOFD. Scan rates of 100mm/s to
150mm/sec are commor1 using even manual probe movement. Thus higher rates of coverage can be
achieved when automated scanning is used. It should be remembered that these rates relate to the
length of weld volumetrically inspected in a single pass of the transducers and not just to the scanning
speed of the probes.
Sensitivity of TOFD can be an advantage or disadvantage. It depends on your point of view. TOFD is
generally configured to see ezterything.This can mean everything right dor,r,,n to grain structure. \Atrhen
the test specimen is relatively clean or the material is highly refined, there is no issue with high
sensitivity. Flowever, where the test material contains many major anomalies to be reported or in
coarse material (e.9., some stainless steels) where the grain boundaries are on the order of the size of
the flaws, TOFD sensitivity can be construed as a hindrance and, in certain circumstances, can make
interpretation and evaluation a time consuming ordeal, or not even feasible.
\rVhen the data storage advantage is considered, in light of sensitivity, it might be noted that one of the
features of digital processing is the ability to increase gain via software. That means that small (un-
saturating) signals can be increased, after data collection.
A common problem experienced in manual ultrasonic testing of welds is the issue of the operator's
skill in differentiating between flaw signals and signals originating from surface geometries. \zVhen
TOFD is carried out on a butt weld, where the root and cap re-enforcement are not removed, the
TOFD data display can provide an unambiguous discrimination of flaws from weld re-enforcement
Chapter (2): The Principles Of TOFD
Typically the diffracted signals associated with TOFD are 20-30dB lower than those associated with
specular reflections using pulse-echo techniques. This tends to put a strain on the ultrasonic receiver
units and most are operated near their maximum amplification capabilities. Electrical noise is a
common problem with many TOFD systems. Attempts to reduce this noise generally involve the use
of pre-amplifiers near the probe or remote pulser/pre-amp combinations.
2.5.2,2 DEAD ZONES
The most widely accepted limitation to TOFD is the loss of information due to ring-time. This is
especially noticeable at the entry surface. However, a similar zone occurs on the far side (back-wa1l).
[1eu7ns(e) points out that TOFD does suffer from a near surface effect, caused by its inherent lateral
wave; but he considers that this is not a serious problem unless very near surface sizing is called for.
He further points out that very few near surface embedded defects can be considered integrity-critical.
It is also debatable whether the near field characteristics of single-element compression probes and the
inherent dead zone effects of twin probes could provide better resolutiory using conventional
reflectivity methods. Radiography rr.ay (or may not) have some improved near surface sensitivity, but
provides no worthwhile through-wall positional information.
If such defects are of genuine concerry then a combination of TOFD and remote field eddy current or
ultrasonic 'head wave' testing should be performed.
Chapter (2): The Principles Of TOFD
From a fracture mechanics point of view these categories are all that is required to assess the effect
that a flaw could have on the intended use of a component.
Chapter (3): Instrumentation Used In TOFD
An ultrasonic system for TOFD must be capable of providing a means of transmitting and receiving
ultrasonic signals. In this regard it is identical to the instruments used for manual pulse-echo UT. In
additioru a TOFD system must be capable of storing, displaying and analysing ultrasonic signals. As
well, there needs to be consideration for the mechanical aspects, in that it must provide fixed spacing
between the transmitting and receiving probes. Although not essential, it is generally considered
preferable to ensure that probe motion is encoded and that the position of the probe pair is maintained
within prescribed tolerances, with respect to a reference position, such as the weld centreline.
"reer,tq m
popular, instruments grew smaller.
Eventually a two-sided electronic structure i *€**
was developed; one side of the electronics
being digital and the other, analogue. Figure 3-1 Krautkramer USIP1O circa 1950's(12)
The concept of digital instruments ultimately me;U:ls that the components are operated in a binary
condition: the item is set, either 'on' or'off'. This has opened the way for computer control of the
ultrasonic instrument. Small programmes on EPROM chips (erasable programmable read-only
memory) are now common on portable instruments and by stepping through a variety of
programmes, the instrument can be made to operate under toggled controls and even display the A-
scan as a digitised representation of the analogue output.
As a result of the analogue origins to ultrasonic instruments in the mid 20th century, there are still
some residual anachronisms brought forward into the 21't century. For example, although the A-scan
display is now a reconstructed image on a computer monitor (complete with graticules and voltage
representation of the signal), codes still require assessment of the display's vertical and horizontal
Chapter (3): Instrumentation Used In TOFD
linearity. These features were monitored in the analogue days, when the old CRT was used and the
deflector plates could be knocked out of alignment.
In-depth knowledge of NDT electronics is neither required nor expected as part of the certification
programme for a TOFD operator. However, overview coverage of the main concepts is expected and
will be helpful in understanding some of the component functionality'
Topics addressed in this chapter will include information on how the pulser provides the excitation
voltage, how the receiver processes input voltages, motion controls, data acquisition, signal processing
and display formats.
Motion control itself is not an NDT topic. It is introduced here because it is now a common aspect of
advanced NDT systems. E.g., although it may be possible to hand operate a TOFD probe pair; this is
not usually the case in industrial applications. With the requirement for full data recording of
ultrasonic signals in TOFD, it is common to mount probes in some form of a holder and some degree
of mechanisation is used to manipulate the probe and collect the ultrasonic signals during the motion
With the use of the TOFD greyscale display, all TOFD instruments now have some aspects related to
computers and hence digitisation of output. It will therefore be necessary to address some of the basic
concepts of digitisation as part of the training in TOFD.
Board size is often based on a standard such as seen in Figure 3-2. The instrument in Figure 3-2 is
relatively small, but an even smaller version can be found.
Figure 3-2 Single charu:rel UT system 170mm x 50mm format board for ROV - subsea application {t)
Chapter (3): Instrumentation Uq94la lqIP
Whether or not, the parameters of the pulse to the transducer are digitally controlled or not, the pulse
itself is an analogue signal. Similarly, the ultrasonic vibration that a transducer senses from a
reflection generates a voltage across the transducer that is also an analogue signal.
The quality of the pulser and the receiver has a great effect on the information obtainable in ultrasonic
testing. The following will consider some of the options and their features.
Essentially all that is required to vibrate a piezoelectric Spike pulse
Chapter (3): Instrumentation Used In TOFD
ilAi\t\l !l\/
Saw-tooth wave
Tone burst signals usually consist of several cycles. These are preferred for velocity determination
using interferometry. As well, very high frequencies can be derived using tone burst pulsing. Thus it
is used in acoustic microscopy, where frequencies in the gigahertz range are used.
Square wave pulsers have become the preferred laboratory style of pulser, both for pulse-echo and
TOFD ultrasonic systems. Similar to the spike pulser, the square wave pulser charges a capacitor,
which discharges across the transducer. Holding the switch closed in the circuit, for a controlled
amount of time, then rapidly restoring the pulse voltage to zero, causes two displacements of the
transducer. The displacements at the transducer are opposite in phase, so by timing the recovery
voltage, a constructive interference can be effected between the original backward moving wave,
reflected off the probe backing and the second impulse from the pulser.
Adjustments of the pulse voltage and the pulse width are possible, thereby making square wave
pulsers a versatile tool to optimise transducer performance. By choosing the best pulse width to obtain
constructive interference, less voltage need be applied to the probe, thereby reducing noise level. By
pulsing at a frequency higher than that for maximum output bandwidth can be increased and lower
frequenry components reduced. Pulsing a transducer at a frequency lower than that for maximum
amplitude, increases mechanical damping and provides a sharper cleaner signal with little ring-on.
These features of the square wave pulser are illustrated in Figure 3-6
Chapter (3): Instrumentation Used In TOFD
In Figure 3-6, the square wave pulse 1?.0m 17.500 l8.st8
The middle example in Figure 3-6 is indicated as having the maximum output using 25ns pulse
duration. This suggests that the natural frequency of the probe is significantly different from the
"nominal" frequency. Maximum amplifude output occurs when the pulse width matches half the
period of the natural frequency. This implies that the natural frequency of the probe used in the
illustration is actually 20MHz instead of 30 MHz. For a true 30 MHz probe, the pulse duration would
be 76.7 ns for maximum amplitude output. At 12.375 ns and 50.699 ns the examples indicate the
effects of pulse durations nearly half and double that for the natural frequenry. Adjusting the pulse
duration outside that range usually results in significant reductions in output amplitudes.
TOFD probes are usually designed to produce a relatively short ring-time in order to minimise the
entry surface dead zone. To achieve reasonably short pulses, the TOFD probe is typically designed
with mechanical damping behind the element to produce pulses with about 80% or more bandwidth
(i.e.1.-2 cycles).
Chapter (3): Instrumentation Used In TOFD
When considering pulse duration in a TOFD system, the operator should select the duration best
suited to the element. For a square wave pulse, the optimum duration is half the rycle time. For
example, for a SMHz probe, one cycle has pulse duration of 200 nanoseconds, so the pulse duration of
the pulser to excite the 5MHz element would be 100 nanoseconds. An operator, knowing that
adjustments, over and under the optimum, can affect the frequency output; can use this to their
advantage to reduce the ring-time, in order to reduce the dead zones in the technique.
3.2,1,.4 BANDWIDTH
Reference has been made to bandwidth in previous chapters. The term bandwidth describes a
frequency spectrum of pulses and receivers capable of amplifying them. Although we refer to a
specific frequency for a probe (e.g., its nominal frequency) in fact, unless the probe was being driven
in a continuous mode with a sinusoidal motiory it will not have just one frequenry. Instead it will have
a band of frequencies around the nominal value.
Two general terms are used to describe transducer bandwidth. Broadband transducers have a
relatively wide range of frequencies and narrowband or tuned transducers have a smaller range of
Assessment of the frequency content of a pulse can be done mathematically using a process called the
fast Fourier transform (FFT). This displays the relative distribution of the frequencies compared to the
energy of each frequency. Analysis of the FFT for bandwidth usually uses assessment of 6dB drop
from maximum amplitude. The selection of bandwidth is essential for achieving certain test results;
narrow bandwidth for highly sensitive testing or broadband for high resolution testing. For effective
phase-interference timing, phased array probes are usually considered to have a bandwidth of 80% or
more. Bandwidth is determined by looking at the frequency content of the pulse. It is determined by
the equation
: Instrumentation Used In TOFD
t- tc
.-_ 6
-6dt] a
l. f,,
2 __t_____'1 i____:, -----i----
I 1i
"O'-T-x t- -4 5 5 ? e 5 to I :2 't---;---t-t 4 5 a ,
B 'r 12
tgEoal€xgr li4&*
Figure 3-8 illustrates the relative bandwidth of a probe compared to its signal shape. A nominal 5MHz
pulse with about 5 cycles is seen to have a bandwidth of 33%; whereas, a pulse with 1.5 cycles is seen
to have a bandwidth of 80%.
Hedrick Et a1(1s) defines broadband transducers as those having a bandwidth over 15%. Therefore, any
NDT work would use broadband transducers; and the concepts of broadband and narrowband
transducers in NDT are simply relative terms. TOFD probes generally have a bandwidth of 75"/o or
more (typically less than2 cycles).
3): Instrumentation Used In TOFD
According to Krautkramer(1), pulsers apply voltages of 100
to 1000 volts to the probe. However, received signals are
three to four orders of magnitude smaller (typically on the
order of a few millivolts e.g. 0.001V to 0.01V). This causes
several problems. One is the shock of the pulse voltage
that is transferred to the receiver in the pulse-echo mode
of operation. Another problem is the need to amplify the
relatively small signal from flaws, without amplifying
noise. The latter is further complicated because the
frequency of the received signal may not be the same as
the transmitted pulse envelope (accounting for even
smaller signals from the transducer).
Pulse€cho Conn€ctions
\zVhen switchedfrom pulse-echo to transmit-receive, there
is no longer a physical electric connection between the Figure 3-9 Pulse-echo (PE) versus
two components. Figure 3-9 illustrates this switching. Transmit-Receive (TR) connections
In TOFD systems, the separation of pulser and receiver is not actually required. F{owever, because
most TOFD ultrasonic instruments can be used as pulse-echo instruments, the switching is usually
built into all systems.
To obtain a signal capable of being displayed and subsequently processed, the received signal caused
by the small transducer vibrations must be amplified. The amplification Process is quite involved and
also includes filtering and sometimes subsequent attenuation.
The first stage is the circuit protection that protects the preamplifier from the pulser voltage when in
pulse-echo mode. The preamplifier can use transistor-type amplifiers that provide about 20 to 40dB of
gain. The frequency response of the preamplifier is usually broadband. Some high pass filtering may
be incorporated to improve signal-to-noise ratio by eliminating some radial mode components of the
probe and line interference. Preamplifier bandwidths are usually flat, from about 1 MHz to L5 }dHz;
and this is not operator adjustable.
Following the preamplifier, the signal is passed through a broadband attenuator. This protects
subsequent circuitry from saturation and provides a means of calibrated adjustment of signal height.
Attenuation is usually equipped with coarse (20dB) and fine (1dB) switching. Some portable
instruments have been made that use very large preamplifiers. As a result, even with maximum
attenuation, signals from normal beam inspections of plate could not be reduced to below full screen
It is important to note that, when it comes to signal analysis, saturation is an undesirable condition.
Flaw signals are often required to be assessed for amplitude. F{owever, when an automated process
collects data at a high gain, the signals from some flaws may exceed 100% screen height. Usually this
means that the actual amplitude is unknowrg i.e. the only thing the operator can discern is that the
Chapter (3): Instrumentation Used In TOFD
amplitude is greater than99.9'/" screen height. When absolute amplitude, relative to the reference, is
required (e.g., determine that a signal from a flaw is 740% of reference), it may be necessary to reduce
the amplification to avoid saturating signals. As well, many post-processing analysis techniques
cannot be done using saturated signals.
Attenuated signals are passed on to RF amplifiers, which can be linear or logarithmic. Linear
amplifiers are most commonly found on UT instruments. \zVhen using a linear amplifier for the
receiver, amplitude of a signal is proportional to receiver voltage. However, receiver gain control is in
dB increments; therefore signal amplification by 6dB gain doubles the signal height. This limits the
range of useful amplification to about 34dB (34dB raises a 2% FS}i' signal to 100%). \zVhen a
logarithmic amplifier is used, the scale is dB linear, so each increase of 1dB gain is about 1"/" of the
screen height. Expressed another way, the dynamic range of the logarithmic amplifier is 6.3 times
greater than the linear amplifier. Some logarithmic amplifiers can exceed the 100d8 dlmamic range
(i.e. 1dB gain results in something less than 1% FSH).
Frecluency ilvlHz)
After a signal has been passed from the main receiver amplifiers, it can be further processed.
Subsequent processing includes:
. Video Smoothing
. Gating
ter (3): Instrumentation Used In TOFD
3.2.5 GATES
Essential to computer imaging of ultrasonic data is the ability to extract information from regions of
time, which can be selected, to monitor for signals in that time. The region being monitored is said to
be"gated". The time along the gated regiory or amplitude within the gate when a signal occurs; or
both the time and the amplitude, can be gated by the system. Alarm or recording thresholds can be set
for signals occurring in the gate. Gates are an essential component in automating inspection systems.
Gate positions are usually facilitated by auxiliary controls. Gate positions on the screen are noted by
extra traces or markers on the A-scan display. Gate controls include start and end adjustments,
threshold settings (amplitude which a signal must.reach, before alarmed or collected) and positive or
negative settings. If positive gating is used, a signal must exceed a set minimum threshold. If negative
gating is used, a signal in the gate must fall below the threshold, before alarming. Signal amplitude
monitoring for flaw detections is typical of positive gating. A coupling monitor using a through-
transmission signal that triggers an alarm (e.g., audio or visual), if the coupling signal has reduced
below a given threshold, is typical of negative gating.
3.2,6 TCG/TVG
In pulse-echo techniques, in order to display the same size defects, occurring at different depths as the
same amplitude on the display, different gain levels are required. M*y systems have the ability to
adjust the amplification with respect to time. When amplification is variable with respect to time, it
provides time corrected gain (TCG). This is also called time variable gain (TVG) or swept gain. By
allowing more amplification to be added as time or distance incteases, signals from reflectors of the
same surface area can be adjusted to the same amplitude, at any distance. Amplifying the response of
more distant echoes, avoids the inconvenience of distance-amplitude-correction curves, allowing an
alarm threshold at a fixed percentage of the screen height to be set across the entire screen.
Since TOFD is a non-amplitude based ultrasonic method, TCG is not used in the process; however,
since the same instrument may be used for both TOFD and pulse-echo (in fact many multi-channel
Chapter (3): Instrumentation Used In TOFD
instruments can provide both techniques at the same time) the instrument being used for TOFD may
be equipped with TCG capabilities.
Chapter (3): Instrumentation Used In TOFD
Chapter (3): Instrumentation Used In TOFD
): Instrumentation Used In TOFD
remaining ought to be the condition of the part. Use of motorised systems significantly reduces the
opportunlties for operator error. This is because the operator is physically hands off while the
inspection is underwaY.
Furthermore, most motor-controlled systems use a built-in encoder to track the position of the
inspection in real time. This allows an operator to control position with much greater precision than
they could achieve manually. In additioru the operator spends a minimum amount of time'within
dangerous environments, such as near moving parts or in irradiated or hot areas. Finally, motorised
systems provide constant pressure and orientation of the probe. This maintains consistency
throughout the scan. Systems dedicated to pipeline girth weld inspection are an example of the
specialised application where a motorised inspection platform is developed for phased auay
ultrasonic inspections.
Figure 3-15 is an image of a
scanner mounted on a guide-
band clamped to the pipe. The
same guide-band that was used
to position the welding heads
can often be used by the UT
system. Multiple probes and a
couplant irrigation system are
also incorporated into these
Although some equipment can be made to collect and display signals based solely on time (i.e' the
operator selects how many A-scans will be collected and displayed each second), such a display is
generally limited to static evaluations. As suclU using this system to collect data requires either very
smooth and constant speeds for scanning, at a set rate; or the assumption that defect sizing will not be
relevant, and therefore it will only be used to locate defects.
In order for it to be possible to measure the length and locatiory from the data collected, instead of
from the marks made by pencil on the test piece, a means of coordinating the travel of the probe to the
test surface is used. These tools are called positional encoders. They can be obtained in several forms,
but their operation essentially does the same thing.
Modern technology has made these systems extremely accurate and extremely small. In additior; they
are rarely, entirely mechanical in nature, but instead have become primarily non-contact systems. We
will consider the two main types: optical and magnetic encoders.
r (3): Instrumentation Used In TOFD OPTICALENCODERS
angle and direction of a rotary
A rotary optical encoder is a sensor that uses light to sense the speed,
to provide the same information for linear
shaft. A linear encoder reads a linear strip instead of a disk,
position, so they are inherently free
motion. optical encoders use light instead of contacts to detect
(no contact bounce). Accuracy of an optical
from contact wear and the digital outputs are bounceless
patterns are created using preci5len'digital
encoder is as good as the code wheel. The code wheer
system or a laser, each guided by closed-loop precision
plotters and cut using either a punching
Figure 3-15 Optical encoder sil6uif(rs) Figure 3-1,7 Optical encoder components(1e)
r (3): Instrumentation Utq4 ]. fQIP
The magnetic response is fed through a signal conditioning electrical circuit. The number of
magnetised pole pairs on the wheel, the number of sensors, and the type of electrical circuit all work
together to determine the resolution of the magnetic encoder.
The key advantage to using magnetism, as the element to produce a signal, is that it is unaffected by
very demanding environments - including dust, moisture, extreme temperatures and shock. Figure
3-19 and Figure 3-20 illustrate the components and assembly of a magnetic encoder.
Chapter (3): Instrumentation Used In TOFD
Scanning apparatus required for TOFD can be as minimal as manual UT, in that the probes are
connected to the ultrasonic instrument and they are secured with a fixed probe separation'(probe
Reduced to the bare essentials, TOFD equipment
may be limited to:
r 1 Probe pair
. Probe holder (to maintain probe spacing)
. Pulser-receiver(basic)
o Data acquisition system (computer with data
Figure 3-21 illustrates the basics using a laptop
computer as the acquisition/control computer, a
single T/R pulser-receiver and a probe pair and
basic holder to keep the distance between them
Figure 3-21 Basic TOFD equipment{zz)
Although it may be adequate to collect data for calibration purposes using a timed data collection,
most weld and corrosion inspection work using TOFD now requires positional information. This
invariably means that some form of positional encoder is used. When probe movement is made over a
fixed object, several options exist for mechanisation. The probes can simply be moved by hand or
alternatively, movement may be facilitated bv motors on the framework.
More extensive systems would include:
. I or more Probe pairs
. Probe holder (to maintain probe spacing)
r Pulser-receiver(s)
o Pre-amp system
. Data acquisition system (computer with data display)
. Encoder(s)
. Irrigation system for couplant
. DSP data analysis software
An example of a TOFD system with more features is illustrated in Figure 3-22.
Instrumentation Used In TOFD
Figure 3-22Enhanced TOFD system performing TOFD inspection during TIG weldingt2s)
Figure Z-22 is a view of the probe manipulator attached to a TIG welding machine. The probes are
housed in perspex shoes either side of the we1d. Water cooling is applied to the probes via the clear
plastic tubing. -ouplant is pumped to the shoe via the blue tubing and is then removed via the red
tubing. The wheel encoder to track the probes can be seen in the background. The B-scan image is an
example of the TOFD scan, acquired during trials, after undergoing processing with the University of
Surrey software. The scan is of a metre length of TIG weld, at approximately 75% completion. The
weld contains several defects which have automatically been recognised by the software (labelled in
A typically well-equipped TOFD kit is illustrated in Figure 3-23. The components would normally be
used with a stand-alone TOFD instrument, equipped with a data acquisition computer and display
monitor (built in or separate). The wedges included in the set are designed with irrigation ports so
couplant can be pumped under each probe. This would require further couplant tubing and a source
of liquid couplant. An effective option, to pressurise the couplant to flow, is a manual PumP such as
those used for garden sprayers.
Cha r (3): Instrumentation Used In TOFD