Supply, Delivery and Installation of Additional Air Conditioning Units For Deped Central Office
Supply, Delivery and Installation of Additional Air Conditioning Units For Deped Central Office
Supply, Delivery and Installation of Additional Air Conditioning Units For Deped Central Office
Fifth Edition
October 2016
Unless the Treaty or International or Executive Agreement expressly provides use of foreign
government/foreign or international financing institution procurement guidelines.
(a) All the documents listed in the Table of Contents are normally
required for the procurement of Goods. However, they should be
adapted as necessary to the circumstances of the particular
(b) Specific details, such as the “name of the Procuring Entity” and
“address for bid submission,” should be furnished in the ITB, BDS,
and SCC. The final documents should contain neither blank spaces
nor options.
(c) This Preface and the footnotes or notes in italics included in the
Invitation to Bid, BDS, SCC, Schedule of Requirements, and
Specifications are not part of the text of the final document,
although they contain instructions that the Procuring Entity
should strictly follow. The Bidding Documents should contain no
footnotes except Section VIII. Bidding Forms since these provide
important guidance to Bidders.
Section I. Invitation to Bid
Notes on the Invitation to Bid
The Invitation to Bid provides information that enables potential Bidders to decide whether
to participate in the procurement at hand. The Invitation to Bid shall be:
(b) Posted at any conspicuous place reserved for this purpose in the premises of the
Procuring Entity concerned for seven (7) calendar days, as certified by the head of
the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) Secretariat of the Procuring Entity concerned; and
(c) Advertised at least once in a newspaper of general nationwide circulation which has
been regularly published for at least two (2) years before the date of issue of the
advertisement, subject to Section 21.2.1(c) of the IRR of RA 9184.
Apart from the essential items listed in the Bidding Documents, the Invitation to Bid should
also indicate the following:
(a) The date of availability of the Bidding Documents, which shall be from the time the
Invitation to Bid is first advertised/posted until the deadline for the submission and receipt
of bids;
(b) The place where the Bidding Documents may be acquired or the website where it may
be downloaded;
(c) The deadline for the submission and receipt of bids from the last day of posting of the
Invitation to Bid; and
(d) Any important bid evaluation criteria (e.g., the application of a margin of preference
in bid evaluation).
The Invitation to Bid should be incorporated in the Bidding Documents. The information
contained in the Invitation to Bid must conform to the Bidding Documents and in particular
to the relevant information in the BDS.
For foreign-assisted projects, the Invitation to Bid to be used is provided in Section IX-
Foreign-Assisted Projects.
Republic of the Philippines
DepEd Complex, Meralco Ave., Pasig City, Metro Manila
(02) 636 1663 | 633 1942 | (+63) 919 456 0027
Budget for the
Lot Description Quantity Contract (ABC
in PHP)
2.5 HP Inverter Type, Wall
Mounted, ACU with
Dismantling and Installation
1 4,972,415.20
3.0 TR Inverter Type, Floor
Mounted, ACU with
Dismantling and Installation
Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be rejected at bid opening. Late
bids shall likewise be rejected.
The DepEd, through the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) V, now invites
bids for the goods and services contemplated in this project
2. The DepEd, through the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) V, now
invites bids for the goods and services contemplated in this project
and as detailed in the Schedule of Requirements and the table of
Technical Specifications indicated in the bidding documents. Expected
completion of delivery and installation of the equipment is within 60 days upon
receipt of Notice to Proceed (NTP) at DepEd Central Office, Meralco Avenue, Pasig
City. Bidders should have completed, within five (5) years immediately
preceding the deadline for the submission of bids, at least two (2)
contracts similar to the Project, the aggregate applicable contract
amount being equivalent to at least fifty percent (50%) of the ABC of
the lot bid for, and the largest of those said contracts is equivalent to
twenty-five percent (25%) of the said ABC. The description of an
eligible bidder is contained in the Bidding Documents, particularly, in
Section II. Instructions to Bidders.
The issuance of bidding documents shall be from June 19, 2019
during office hours to July 8, 2019, 9:00 A.M. at DepEd-ProcMS,
Room M-511, 5/F, Mabini Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Ave.,
Pasig City.
6. The DepEd will hold a Pre-Bid Conference on June 26, 2019, 9:00
A.M. at Education Facilities Division (EFD) Conference Room, 5/F,
Mabini Bldg., DepEd Complex, which shall be open to prospective
9. For further information, please refer to:
Administrative Officer II
BAC Secretariat Division
Rm. M-511, 5th Floor, Mabini Bldg.
DepEd Central Office Complex
Meralco Avenue, Pasig City
Telephone Nos. 636-6542 or 633-9343
Email address:
OIC, Office of the Assistant
Secretary and
BAC V Chairperson
Section II. Instructions to Bidders
Notes on the Instructions to Bidders
This Section of the Bidding Documents provides the information necessary for
bidders to prepare responsive bids, in accordance with the requirements of
the Procuring Entity. It also provides information on bid submission,
eligibility check, opening and evaluation of bids, post-qualification and on the
award of contract.
This Section also contains provisions that are to be used unchanged. Section
III consists of provisions that supplement, amend, or specify in detail,
information or requirements included in Section II which are specific to each
A. GENERAL .................................................................................................. 14
1. Scope of Bid ......................................................................................... 14
2. Source of Funds ................................................................................... 14
3. Corrupt, Fraudulent, Collusive, and Coercive Practices.......................... 14
4. Conflict of Interest................................................................................ 16
5. Eligible Bidders .................................................................................... 17
6. Bidder’s Responsibilities ....................................................................... 19
7. Origin of Goods .................................................................................... 21
8. Subcontracts ....................................................................................... 22
A. General
1. Scope of Bid
1.1. The Procuring Entity named in the BDS invites bids for the supply and
delivery of the Goods as described in Section VII. Technical
2. Source of Funds
The Procuring Entity has a budget or has received funds from the
Funding Source named in the BDS, and in the amount indicated in
the BDS. It intends to apply part of the funds received for the Project,
as defined in the BDS, to cover eligible payments under the contract.
(a) defines, for purposes of this provision, the terms set forth
below as follows:
competitive levels and to deprive the Procuring
Entity of the benefits of free and open competition.
3.2. Further, the Procuring Entity will seek to impose the maximum
civil, administrative, and/or criminal penalties available under
applicable laws on individuals and organizations deemed to be
involved in any of the practices mentioned in ITB Clause
3.3. Furthermore, the Funding Source and the Procuring Entity
reserve the right to inspect and audit records and accounts of
a bidder or supplier in the bidding for and performance of a
contract themselves or through independent auditors as
reflected in the GCC Clause 3.
4. Conflict of Interest
4.1. All Bidders found to have conflicting interests shall be
disqualified to participate in the procurement at hand, without
prejudice to the imposition of appropriate administrative, civil,
and criminal sanctions. A Bidder may be considered to have
conflicting interests with another Bidder in any of the events
described in paragraphs (a) through (c) below and a general
conflict of interest in any of the circumstances set out in
paragraphs (d) through (g) below:
Entity (HoPE), members of the Bids and Awards Committee
(BAC), members of the Technical Working Group (TWG),
members of the BAC Secretariat, the head of the Project
Management Office (PMO) or the end-user unit, and the project
consultants, by consanguinity or affinity up to the third civil
degree. On the part of the Bidder, this Clause shall apply to
the following persons:
5. Eligible Bidders
5.1. Unless otherwise provided in the BDS, the following persons
shall be eligible to participate in this bidding:
a particular contract: Provided, however, that Filipino
ownership or interest of the JV concerned shall be at least
sixty percent (60%).
5.4. Unless otherwise provided in the BDS, the Bidder must have
completed a Single Largest Completed Contract (SLCC) similar
to the Project and the value of which, adjusted, if necessary, by
the Bidder to current prices using the Philippine Statistics
Authority (PSA) consumer price index, must be at least
equivalent to a percentage of the ABC stated in the BDS.
The values of the domestic bidder’s current assets and current
liabilities shall be based on the latest Audited Financial
Statements submitted to the BIR.
6. Bidder’s Responsibilities
6.1. The Bidder or its duly authorized representative shall submit a
sworn statement in the form prescribed in Section VIII. Bidding
Forms as required in ITB Clause 12.1(b)(iii).
(h) Ensuring that the signatory is the duly authorized
representative of the Bidder, and granted full power and
authority to do, execute and perform any and all acts
necessary and/or to represent the Bidder in the bidding,
with the duly notarized Secretary’s Certificate attesting to
such fact, if the Bidder is a corporation, partnership,
cooperative, or joint venture;
applicable, through posting in two (2) conspicuous
places in the establishment’s premises; and
6.7. The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation
and submission of his bid, and the Procuring Entity will in no
case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the
conduct or outcome of the bidding process.
6.8. The Bidder should note that the Procuring Entity will accept
bids only from those that have paid the applicable fee for the
Bidding Documents at the office indicated in the Invitation to
7. Origin of Goods
Unless otherwise indicated in the BDS, there is no restriction on the
origin of goods other than those prohibited by a decision of the United
Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of
the United Nations, subject to ITB Clause 27.1.
8. Subcontracts
8.1. Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, the Bidder may
subcontract portions of the Goods to an extent as may be
approved by the Procuring Entity and stated in the BDS.
However, subcontracting of any portion shall not relieve the
Bidder from any liability or obligation that may arise from the
contract for this Project.
9. Pre-Bid Conference
9.1. (a) If so specified in the BDS, a pre-bid conference shall be
held at the venue and on the date indicated therein, to clarify
and address the Bidders’ questions on the technical and
financial components of this Project.
prejudice its bid; however, the Bidder is expected to know the
changes and/or amendments to the Bidding Documents as
recorded in the minutes of the pre-bid conference and the
Supplemental/Bid Bulletin. The minutes of the pre-bid
conference shall be recorded and prepared not later than five
(5) calendar days after the pre-bid conference. The minutes
shall be made available to prospective bidders not later than
five (5) days upon written request.
C. Preparation of Bids
(ii.1) name of the contract;
(i.2) a surety bond, it shall be accompanied by a
certification by the Insurance Commission
that the surety or insurance company is
authorized to issue such instruments;
(a) Financial Bid Form, which includes bid prices and the
applicable Price Schedules, in accordance with ITB
Clauses 15.1 and 15.4;
13.2. (a) Unless otherwise stated in the BDS, all bids that exceed
the ABC shall not be accepted.
and that the estimates reflect the quality, supervision
and risk and inflationary factors, as well as prevailing
market prices, associated with the types of works or
goods to be procured.
14.2 Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid, either individually or as
a partner in a JV. A Bidder who submits or participates in more
than one bid (other than as a subcontractor if a subcontractor
is permitted to participate in more than one bid) will cause all
the proposals with the Bidder’s participation to be disqualified.
This shall be without prejudice to any applicable criminal, civil
and administrative penalties that may be imposed upon the
persons and entities concerned.
15.2. The Bidder shall fill in rates and prices for all items of the
Goods described in the Schedule of Prices. Bids not
addressing or providing all of the required items in the Bidding
Documents including, where applicable, Schedule of Prices,
shall be considered non-responsive and, thus, automatically
disqualified. In this regard, where a required item is provided,
but no price is indicated, the same shall be considered as non-
responsive, but specifying a zero (0) or a dash (-) for the said
item would mean that it is being offered for free to the
Government, except those required by law or regulations to be
15.3. The terms Ex Works (EXW), Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF),
Cost and Insurance Paid to (CIP), Delivered Duty Paid (DDP),
and other trade terms used to describe the obligations of the
parties, shall be governed by the rules prescribed in the
current edition of the International Commercial Terms
(INCOTERMS) published by the International Chamber of
Commerce, Paris.
(ii) The cost of all customs duties and sales and other
taxes already paid or payable;
15.5. Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Bidder’s
performance of the contract and not subject to variation or
price escalation on any account. A bid submitted with an
adjustable price quotation shall be treated as non-responsive
and shall be rejected, pursuant to ITB Clause 24.
All bid prices for the given scope of work in the contract as
awarded shall be considered as fixed prices, and therefore not
subject to price escalation during contract implementation,
except under extraordinary circumstances. Upon the
recommendation of the Procuring Entity, price escalation may
be allowed in extraordinary circumstances as may be
determined by the National Economic and Development
Authority in accordance with the Civil Code of the Philippines,
and upon approval by the GPPB. Nevertheless, in cases where
the cost of the awarded contract is affected by any applicable
new laws, ordinances, regulations, or other acts of the GOP,
promulgated after the date of bid opening, a contract price
adjustment shall be made or appropriate relief shall be applied
on a no loss-no gain basis.
(a) For Goods that the Bidder will supply from within the
Philippines, the prices shall be quoted in Philippine Pesos.
(b) For Goods that the Bidder will supply from outside the
Philippines, the prices may be quoted in the currency(ies)
stated in the BDS. However, for purposes of bid
evaluation, bids denominated in foreign currencies shall
be converted to Philippine currency based on the
exchange rate as published in the Bangko Sentral ng
Pilipinas (BSP) reference rate bulletin on the day of the bid
17. Bid Validity
17.1. Bids shall remain valid for the period specified in the BDS
which shall not exceed one hundred twenty (120) calendar
days from the date of the opening of bids.
foreign bank.
18.2. The bid security should be valid for the period specified in the
BDS. Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable bid security
shall be rejected by the Procuring Entity as non-responsive.
security will be discharged, but in no case later than the bid
security validity period as indicated in the ITB Clause 18.2.
(a) if a Bidder:
(xii) all other acts that tend to defeat the purpose of the
competitive bidding, such as habitually withdrawing
from bidding, submitting late Bids or patently
insufficient bid, for at least three (3) times within a
year, except for valid reasons.
19.3. The Bidder shall prepare and submit an original of the first
and second envelopes as described in ITB Clauses 12 and 13.
In addition, the Bidder shall submit copies of the first and
second envelopes. In the event of any discrepancy between the
original and the copies, the original shall prevail.
19.4. Each and every page of the Bid Form, including the Schedule
of Prices, under Section VIII hereof, shall be signed by the duly
authorized representative/s of the Bidder. Failure to do so
shall be a ground for the rejection of the bid.
sealing them all in an outer envelope marked “ORIGINAL BID”.
20.2. Each copy of the first and second envelopes shall be similarly
sealed duly marking the inner envelopes as “COPY NO. ___ -
COMPONENT” and the outer envelope as “COPY NO. ___”,
respectively. These envelopes containing the original and the
copies shall then be enclosed in one single envelope.
20.3. The original and the number of copies of the Bid as indicated
in the BDS shall be typed or written in ink and shall be signed
by the Bidder or its duly authorized representative/s.
(b) bear the name and address of the Bidder in capital letters;
(e) bear a warning “DO NOT OPEN BEFORE…” the date and
time for the opening of bids, in accordance with ITB
Clause 21.
20.5. Bid envelopes that are not properly sealed and marked, as
required in the bidding documents, shall not be rejected, but
the Bidder or its duly authorized representative shall
acknowledge such condition of the bid as submitted. The BAC
or the Procuring Entity shall assume no responsibility for the
misplacement of the contents of the improperly sealed or
marked bid, or for its premature opening.
shall be declared “Late” and shall not be accepted by the Procuring
Entity. The BAC shall record in the minutes of bid submission and
opening, the Bidder’s name, its representative and the time the late
bid was submitted.
the BDS. In case the Bids cannot be opened as scheduled due
to justifiable reasons, the BAC shall take custody of the Bids
submitted and reschedule the opening of Bids on the next
working day or at the soonest possible time through the
issuance of a Notice of Postponement to be posted in the
PhilGEPS website and the website of the Procuring Entity
24.2. Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, the BAC shall open the
first bid envelopes and determine each Bidder’s compliance
with the documents prescribed in ITB Clause 12, using a non-
discretionary “pass/fail” criterion. If a Bidder submits the
required document, it shall be rated “passed” for that
particular requirement. In this regard, bids that fail to include
any requirement or are incomplete or patently insufficient shall
be considered as “failed”. Otherwise, the BAC shall rate the
said first bid envelope as “passed”.
24.5. All members of the BAC who are present during bid opening
shall initial every page of the original copies of all bids received
and opened.
(a) Registration certificate from the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
for sole proprietorship, or CDA for cooperatives;
regarding the evaluation of their bids until the issuance of the
Notice of Award, unless otherwise allowed in the case of ITB
Clause 26.
manufactured in the Philippines substantially from articles,
materials, or supplies of the growth, production, or
manufacture, as the case may be, of the Philippines.
computational errors, discounts and other modifications,
which exceed the ABC shall not be considered, unless
otherwise indicated in the BDS.
29. Post-Qualification
29.1. The BAC shall determine to its satisfaction whether the Bidder
that is evaluated as having submitted the Lowest Calculated
Bid complies with and is responsive to all the requirements
and conditions specified in ITB Clauses 5, 12, and 13.
29.3. The determination shall be based upon an examination of the
documentary evidence of the Bidder’s qualifications submitted
pursuant to ITB Clauses 12 and 13, as well as other
information as the Procuring Entity deems necessary and
appropriate, using a non-discretionary “pass/fail” criterion,
which shall be completed within a period of twelve (12)
calendar days.
29.4. If the BAC determines that the Bidder with the Lowest
Calculated Bid passes all the criteria for post-qualification, it
shall declare the said bid as the LCRB, and recommend to the
HoPE the award of contract to the said Bidder at its submitted
price or its calculated bid price, whichever is lower.
29.6. Within a period not exceeding fifteen (15) calendar days from
the determination by the BAC of the LCRB and the
recommendation to award the contract, the HoPE or his duly
authorized representative shall approve or disapprove the said
and bidding requirements, statements or documents, or any
changes in the situation of the Bidder which will affect its
capability to undertake the project so that it fails the preset
eligibility or bid evaluation criteria, the Procuring Entity shall
consider the said Bidder as ineligible and shall disqualify it
from submitting a bid or from obtaining an award or contract.
(c) All bids fail to comply with all the bid requirements or fail
post-qualification; or
(d) The bidder with the LCRB refuses, without justifiable
cause to accept the award of contract, and no award is
made in accordance with Section 40 of the IRR of RA
F. Award of Contract
31.4. At the time of contract award, the Procuring Entity shall not increase or
decrease the quantity of goods originally specified in Section VI.
Schedule of Requirements.
Entity shall send the Contract Form to the Bidder, which
contract has been provided in the Bidding Documents,
incorporating therein all agreements between the parties.
32.2. Within ten (10) calendar days from receipt of the Notice of
Award, the successful Bidder shall post the required
performance security, sign and date the contract and return it
to the Procuring Entity.
32.3. The Procuring Entity shall enter into contract with the
successful Bidder within the same ten (10) calendar day period
provided that all the documentary requirements are complied
Amount of Performance
Form of Performance Security
(Not less than the Percentage
of the Total Contract Price)
(a) Cash or
cashier’s/manager’s check
issued by a Universal or
Commercial Bank.
in which event the Procuring Entity shall have a fresh period to
initiate and complete the post qualification of the second
Lowest Calculated Bid. The procedure shall be repeated until
the LCRB is identified and selected for recommendation of
contract award. However if no Bidder passed post-qualification,
the BAC shall declare the bidding a failure and conduct a re-
bidding with re-advertisement, if necessary.
Section III. Bid Data Sheet
Notes on the Bid Data Sheet
Section III is intended to assist the Procuring Entity in providing the specific
information in relation to corresponding clauses in the ITB included in Section II,
and has to be prepared for each specific procurement.
The Procuring Entity should specify in the BDS information and requirements
specific to the circumstances of the Procuring Entity, the processing of the
procurement, the applicable rules regarding bid price and currency, and the bid
evaluation criteria that will apply to the bids. In preparing Section III, the
following aspects should be checked:
ITB Clause
Bidder may use the same contract/s for all lots it intends to bid
for, subject to SLCC requirements. This means a single contract
amounting to 50% or aggregate contracts amounting to 50%, will
be treated independently per lot.
9.1 DepEd will hold a pre-bid conference for this Project on June 26, 2019,
9:00 A.M. at Education Facilities Division Conference Room, 5 th
Floor, Mabini Building, DepEd Complex, Pasig City.
The Chairperson
Bids and Awards Committee V
BAC Secretariat Division
Department of Education
Room M-511, 5th Floor, Mabini Bldg., DepEd Complex, Meralco
Avenue, Pasig City Tel. No. (632) 633-9343, 636-6542
In accordance with ITB Clause 10.2, the BAC shall respond to the
said request by issuing a Supplemental/Bid Bulletin, to be made
available to all those who have properly secured the Bidding
Documents, at least seven (7) calendar days before the deadline for
the submission and receipt of Bids.
10.2 It shall be the responsibility of all Bidders who secure the Bidding
Documents to inquire and secure Supplemental/Bid Bulletins
that may be issued by the BAC, and to inform the BAC in writing,
through its Secretariat of any changes in its address or contact
Legal Documents
iii) Tax clearance per E.O. 398, s. 2005, as finally reviewed and
approved by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).
Technical Documents
Financial Documents
Bidders with ongoing project/s with DepEd are allowed to bid for
this project, provided:
13.1 The original duly signed and accomplished Financial Bid Form
and the original duly signed and accomplished with ITB Clause
13.2 The Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) shall refer to the
approved budget ceiling allocated to each of the lot items, and
shall be as indicated in the Invitation to Bid, this BDS and Section
VI. Schedule of Requirements of this bidding documents.
15.1 Bid prices should be written in two (2) decimal places only. Bid
prices that are written in more than two (2) decimal places shall be
rounded off.
15.2 The Bidder shall fill in the rates and/or prices for all the Goods or
items described in the Schedule of Requirements and complete the
appropriate Price Schedules in its prescribed form included in
Section VIII. Bidding Forms.
The bidder shall fill in prices indicated on the Price Schedule for
inland transportation, insurance and other local costs incidental
to the delivery of the Goods to their final destination, including all
customs duties and sales and taxes already paid or payable.
16.1(b) The Bid prices for Goods supplied from outside of the Philippines
shall be quoted in Philippine Pesos.
17.1 Bids will be valid for 120 calendar days from date of bid opening.
Bids valid for a shorter period shall be rejected outright as non-
18.1 The bid security shall be in the following forms and amount not
less than the required percentage of the ABC in accordance with
the following:
The bid security shall be valid for 120 calendar days reckoned
from the date of the opening of bids. Bids with bid security valid
18.2 for a shorter period shall be rejected outright as non-responsive.
Bid securities shall be turned over to the DepEd Cash Division for
In the event of any discrepancy between the original and the copy,
the original shall prevail.
20.2 The inner and outer envelopes of the Technical Component and
the Financial Component of the bids shall be marked in
accordance with ITB Clause 20.4
20.3 Subject to BDS Clause 20.1 and 20.2. Each Bidder shall submit
three (3) paper copies of its bid.
20.5 Unsealed or unmarked outer bid envelopes shall be rejected.
However, bid envelopes that are not properly sealed and marked,
as required in the Bidding Documents, shall be accepted, provided
that the bidder or its duly authorized representative shall
acknowledge such condition of the bid as submitted. The BAC
shall assume no responsibility for the misplacement of the
contents of the improperly sealed or marked bid, or for its
premature opening. (n)
21 The address for submission of bids is Bureau of Curriculum
Development Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Bonifacio Building
DepEd Complex, Pasig City.
The date and time of bid opening is July 8, 2019; 9:00 A.M.
website of DepEd”.
25.1 The “NO CONTACT RULE” shall be strictly observed. Bidders are
not allowed to call or talk to any member of the Bids and Awards
Committee (BAC), Technical Working Group (TWG) or Secretariat.
28.3 The items to be procured are grouped in Lots. Bidders shall have
the option of submitting a proposal on any or all lots. Bidders must
bid for all items in the lot bid for; otherwise, the bid shall be
rejected. Lot shall not be divided further into sub-lots for the
purpose of bidding, evaluation, and contract award. Evaluation and
contract award will be undertaken on a “per-lot” basis.
The Procuring Entity’s evaluation of bids shall only be based on the
bid price(s) quoted in the Financial Bid Form(s) and/or the Price
Schedule(s). Bid modification shall be allowed only in accordance
with ITB Clause 23.
28.5 The evaluation of bids shall only be based on the bid price(s)
quoted in the Financial Bid Form(s) and the Price Schedule(s).
1. Upon demand by the BAC or its representative(s), a bidder with
the lowest calculated bid shall present or submit the following:
NOTE: The latest income and business tax returns are those within
the last six months preceding the date of bid submission.
29.2(c) No further instructions.
29.4 In accordance with GPPB Circular No.06-2005 dated August 5,
33.2 The successful bidder shall furnish the performance security in any
of the forms prescribed in ITB Clause 33.2 and amount not less
than the required percentage of the ABC, and shall remain valid
until thirty (30) days from issuance by the Procuring Entity of the
Certificate of Final Acceptance and must be co-terminus with the
34.2 Consistent with Section 37.4.1 of the IRR of RA 9184, the contract
effectivity date shall be provided in the Notice to Proceed by the
Procuring Entity, which date shall not be later than seven (7)
calendar days from its issuance.
Section IV. General Conditions of
Notes on the General Conditions of Contract
The GCC in Section IV, read in conjunction with the SCC in Section V and other
documents listed therein, should be a complete document expressing all the
rights and obligations of the parties.
The GCC herein shall not be altered. Any changes and complementary
information, which may be needed, shall be introduced only through the SCC in
Section V.
1. DEFINITIONS................................................................................................................................... 67
3. INSPECTION AND AUDIT BY THE FUNDING SOURCE ...................................................... 69
4. GOVERNING LAW AND LANGUAGE.......................................................................................... 70
5. NOTICES ........................................................................................................................................... 70
6. SCOPE OF CONTRACT ................................................................................................................. 70
7. SUBCONTRACTING ....................................................................................................................... 70
8. PROCURING ENTITY’S RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................... 71
9. PRICES .............................................................................................................................................. 71
10. PAYMENT ..................................................................................................................................... 71
11. ADVANCE PAYMENT AND TERMS OF PAYMENT ........................................................... 72
12. TAXES AND DUTIES ................................................................................................................. 73
13. PERFORMANCE SECURITY ................................................................................................... 73
14. USE OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION............................................... 74
15. STANDARDS ................................................................................................................................ 74
16. INSPECTION AND TESTS ........................................................................................................ 74
17. WARRANTY.................................................................................................................................. 75
19. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES .......................................................................................................... 77
20. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES ................................................................................................. 77
21. LIABILITY OF THE SUPPLIER............................................................................................... 78
22. FORCE MAJEURE ..................................................................................................................... 78
23. TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT.............................................................................................. 78
24. TERMINATION FOR INSOLVENCY....................................................................................... 79
25. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE ................................................................................... 79
26. TERMINATION FOR UNLAWFUL ACTS .............................................................................. 80
27. PROCEDURES FOR TERMINATION OF CONTRACTS.................................................... 81
28. ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS ...................................................................................................... 82
29. CONTRACT AMENDMENT ...................................................................................................... 82
30. APPLICATION ............................................................................................................................. 82
1. Definitions
1.1. In this Contract, the following terms shall be interpreted as
(m) The “Effective Date” of the contract will be the date of
signing the contract; however the Supplier shall
commence performance of its obligations only upon
receipt of the Notice to Proceed and copy of the approved
(a) defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set
forth below as follows:
designed to establish bid prices at artificial, non-
competitive levels.
Supplier and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the
Funding Source, if so required by the Funding Source.
5. Notices
5.1. Any notice, request, or consent required or permitted to be
given or made pursuant to this Contract shall be in writing.
Any such notice, request, or consent shall be deemed to have
been given or made when received by the concerned party,
either in person or through an authorized representative of the
Party to whom the communication is addressed, or when sent
by registered mail, telex, telegram, or facsimile to such Party at
the address specified in the SCC, which shall be effective when
delivered and duly received or on the notice’s effective date,
whichever is later.
5.2. A Party may change its address for notice hereunder by giving
the other Party notice of such change pursuant to the
provisions listed in the SCC for GCC Clause 5.1.
6. Scope of Contract
6.1. The Goods and Related Services to be provided shall be as specified in
Section VI. Schedule of Requirements
6.2. This Contract shall include all such items, although not
specifically mentioned, that can be reasonably inferred as
being required for its completion as if such items were
expressly mentioned herein. Any additional requirements for
the completion of this Contract shall be provided in the SCC.
7. Subcontracting
7.1. Subcontracting of any portion of the Goods, if allowed in the
BDS, does not relieve the Supplier of any liability or obligation
under this Contract. The Supplier will be responsible for the
acts, defaults, and negligence of any subcontractor, its agents,
servants or workmen as fully as if these were the Supplier’s
own acts, defaults, or negligence, or those of its agents,
servants or workmen.
8.2. The Procuring Entity shall pay all costs involved in the
performance of its responsibilities in accordance with GCC
Clause 6.
9. Prices
9.1. For the given scope of work in this Contract as awarded, all bid
prices are considered fixed prices, and therefore not subject to
price escalation during contract implementation, except under
extraordinary circumstances and upon prior approval of the
GPPB in accordance with Section 61 of R.A. 9184 and its IRR
or except as provided in this Clause.
10. Payment
10.1. Payments shall be made only upon a certification by the HoPE
to the effect that the Goods have been rendered or delivered in
accordance with the terms of this Contract and have been duly
inspected and accepted. Except with the prior approval of the
President no payment shall be made for services not yet
rendered or for supplies and materials not yet delivered under
this Contract. At least one percent (1%) but not to exceed five
percent (5%) of the amount of each payment shall be retained
by the Procuring Entity to cover the Supplier’s warranty
obligations under this Contract as described in GCC Clause
(b) On Delivery: Sixty-five percent (65%) of the Contract Price
shall be paid to the Supplier within sixty (60) days after
the date of receipt of the Goods and upon submission of
the documents (i) through (vi) specified in the SCC
provision on Delivery and Documents.
(b) The Supplier has no pending claims for labor and
materials filed against it; and
15. Standards
The Goods provided under this Contract shall conform to the
standards mentioned in the Section VII. Technical Specifications;
and, when no applicable standard is mentioned, to the authoritative
standards appropriate to the Goods’ country of origin. Such
standards shall be the latest issued by the institution concerned.
16.2. If applicable, the inspections and tests may be conducted on
the premises of the Supplier or its subcontractor(s), at point of
delivery, and/or at the goods’ final destination. If conducted
on the premises of the Supplier or its subcontractor(s), all
reasonable facilities and assistance, including access to
drawings and production data, shall be furnished to the
inspectors at no charge to the Procuring Entity. The Supplier
shall provide the Procuring Entity with results of such
inspections and tests.
16.4. The Procuring Entity may reject any Goods or any part thereof
that fail to pass any test and/or inspection or do not conform
to the specifications. The Supplier shall either rectify or replace
such rejected Goods or parts thereof or make alterations
necessary to meet the specifications at no cost to the Procuring
Entity, and shall repeat the test and/or inspection, at no cost
to the Procuring Entity, upon giving a notice pursuant to GCC
Clause 5.
16.5. The Supplier agrees that neither the execution of a test and/or
inspection of the Goods or any part thereof, nor the attendance
by the Procuring Entity or its representative, shall release the
Supplier from any warranties or other obligations under this
17. Warranty
17.1. The Supplier warrants that the Goods supplied under the
Contract are new, unused, of the most recent or current
models, and that they incorporate all recent improvements in
design and materials, except when the technical specifications
required by the Procuring Entity provides otherwise.
17.2. The Supplier further warrants that all Goods supplied under
this Contract shall have no defect, arising from design,
materials, or workmanship or from any act or omission of the
Supplier that may develop under normal use of the supplied
Goods in the conditions prevailing in the country of final
obligation for the warranty shall be covered by, at the
Supplier’s option, either retention money in an amount
equivalent to at least three percent (3%) of every progress
payment, or a special bank guarantee equivalent to at least
three percent (3%) of the total Contract Price or other such
amount if so specified in the SCC. The said amounts shall only
be released after the lapse of the warranty period specified in
the SCC; provided, however, that the Supplies delivered are
free from patent and latent defects and all the conditions
imposed under this Contract have been fully met.
19. Liquidated Damages
Subject to GCC Clauses 18 and 22, if the Supplier fails to
satisfactorily deliver any or all of the Goods and/or to perform the
Services within the period(s) specified in this Contract inclusive of
duly granted time extensions if any, the Procuring Entity shall,
without prejudice to its other remedies under this Contract and under
the applicable law, deduct from the Contract Price, as liquidated
damages, the applicable rate of one tenth (1/10) of one (1) percent of
the cost of the unperformed portion for every day of delay until actual
delivery or performance. The maximum deduction shall be ten percent
(10%) of the amount of contract. Once the maximum is reached, the
Procuring Entity may rescind or terminate the Contract pursuant to
GCC Clause 23, without prejudice to other courses of action and
remedies open to it.
20.2. If after thirty (30) days, the parties have failed to resolve their
dispute or difference by such mutual consultation, then either
the Procuring Entity or the Supplier may give notice to the
other party of its intention to commence arbitration, as
hereinafter provided, as to the matter in dispute, and no
arbitration in respect of this matter may be commenced unless
such notice is given.
20.4. In the case of a dispute between the Procuring Entity and the
Supplier, the dispute shall be resolved in accordance with
Republic Act 9285 (“R.A. 9285”), otherwise known as the
“Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of 2004.”
21. Liability of the Supplier
21.1. The Supplier’s liability under this Contract shall be as provided
by the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, subject to
additional provisions, if any, set forth in the SCC.
22.2. For purposes of this Contract the terms “force majeure” and
“fortuitous event” may be used interchangeably. In this
regard, a fortuitous event or force majeure shall be interpreted
to mean an event which the Supplier could not have foreseen,
or which though foreseen, was inevitable. It shall not include
ordinary unfavorable weather conditions; and any other cause
the effects of which could have been avoided with the exercise
of reasonable diligence by the Supplier. Such events may
include, but not limited to, acts of the Procuring Entity in its
sovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics,
quarantine restrictions, and freight embargoes.
granted by the Procuring Entity pursuant to a request
made by the Supplier prior to the delay, and such failure
amounts to at least ten percent (10%) of the contact price;
fortuitous event(s) or changes in law and national government
25.2. The Goods that have been delivered and/or performed or are
ready for delivery or performance within thirty (30) calendar
days after the Supplier’s receipt of Notice to Terminate shall be
accepted by the Procuring Entity at the contract terms and
prices. For Goods not yet performed and/or ready for delivery,
the Procuring Entity may elect:
27. Procedures for Termination of Contracts
27.1. The following provisions shall govern the procedures for
termination of this Contract:
(f) Within a non-extendible period of ten (10) calendar days
from receipt of the verified position paper, the HoPE shall
decide whether or not to terminate this Contract. It shall
serve a written notice to the Supplier of its decision and,
unless otherwise provided, this Contract is deemed
terminated from receipt of the Supplier of the notice of
decision. The termination shall only be based on the
ground(s) stated in the Notice to Terminate;
30. Application
These General Conditions shall apply to the extent that they are not
superseded by provisions of other parts of this Contract.
Section V. Special Conditions of
Notes on the Special Conditions of Contract
Similar to the BDS, the clauses in this Section are intended to assist the
Procuring Entity in providing contract-specific information in relation to
corresponding clauses in the GCC.
However, no special condition which defeats or negates the general intent and
purpose of the provisions of Section IV should be incorporated herein.
Special Conditions of Contract
1.1(g) The Procuring Entity is Department of Education
(DepEd) – Asset Management Division.
1.1(i) The Supplier is [to be inserted at the time of contract
1.1(j) The Funding Source is
Incidental Services –
The Supplier is required to provide all of the incidental
and additional services as specified in Section VI.
Schedule of Requirements, among which are as follows:
(a) performance or supervision of on-site assembly
and/or startup of the supplied Goods, as may be
applicable to the goods supplied;
(b) furnishing of tools required for assembly and/or
maintenance of the supplied Goods, as may be
applicable to the goods supplied;
(c) furnishing of a detailed operations and
maintenance manual for each appropriate unit of
the supplied Goods, as may be applicable to the
goods supplied;
(d) performance or supervision or maintenance
and/or repair of the supplied Goods, as may be
applicable to the goods supplied, for a period of
time agreed by the parties, provided that this
service shall not relieve the Supplier of any
warranty obligations under this Contract; and
(e) training of the Procuring Entity’s personnel, at
the Supplier’s plant and/or on-site, in assembly,
start-up, operation, maintenance, and/or repair
of the supplied Goods, as may be applicable to
the goods supplied;
The Contract price for the Goods shall include the
prices charged by the Supplier for incidental services
and shall not exceed the prevailing rates charged to
other parties by the Supplier for similar services.
This Contract shall include all such items, although not
specifically mentioned, that can be reasonably inferred
as being required for its completion as if such items
were expressly mentioned herein.
Spare Parts –
As may be reasonably required by Deped, the Supplier
shall provide all of the following materials, notifications,
and information pertaining to spare parts manufactured
or distributed by the Supplier: or distributed by the
(a) such spare parts as the Procuring Entity may
elect to purchase from the Supplier, provided that
this election shall not relieve the Supplier of any
warranty obligations under this Contract; and
(b) in the event of termination of production of the
spare parts:
i. advance notification to the Procuring Entity
of the pending termination, in sufficient
time to permit the Procuring Entity to
procure needed requirements; and
ii. following such termination, furnishing at
no cost to the Procuring Entity, the
blueprints, drawings, and specifications of
the spare parts, if requested.
The Supplier shall carry sufficient inventories to assure
ex-stock supply of spare parts for the Goods that will be
sustained for a minimum of five (5) years from the date
the goods were procured.
Other spare parts and components must be available
nationwide and shall be supplied as promptly as
possible, but in any case within one (1) month of
placing the order.
Packaging –
The Supplier shall provide such packaging of the Goods
as is required to prevent their damage or deterioration
during transit to their final destination, as indicated in
this Contract. The packaging shall be sufficient to
withstand, without limitation, rough handling during
transit and exposure to extreme temperatures, salt and
precipitation during transit, and open storage.
Packaging case size and weights shall take into
consideration, where appropriate, the remoteness of the
GOODS’ final destination and the absence of heavy
handling facilities at all points in transit.
The packaging, marking, and documentation within
and outside the packages shall comply strictly with
such special requirements as shall be expressly
provided for in the Contract, including additional
requirements, if any, specified below, and in any
subsequent instructions ordered by the Procuring
The outer packaging must be clearly marked on at least
four (4) sides as follows:
“Name of the Procuring
Entity Name of the
Supplier Contract
Gross weight
Any special lifting
instructions Any special
handling instructions
Any relevant HAZCHEM classifications”
A packaging list identifying the contents and quantities
of the package is to be placed on an accessible point of
the outer packaging if practical. If not practical the
packaging list is to be placed inside the outer packaging
but outside the secondary packaging.
Insurance –
The Goods supplied under this Contract shall remain at
the risk and title of the Supplier until their final
acceptance by the Procuring Entity.
Transportation –
Where the Supplier is required under Contract to
deliver the Goods CIF, CIP or DDP, transport of the
Goods to the port of destination or such other named
place of destination in the Philippines, as shall be
deemed specified in this Contract, shall be arranged
and paid for by the Supplier, and the cost thereof shall
be included in the Contract Price.
Where the Supplier is required under this Contract to
transport the Goods to a specified place of destination
within the Philippines, defined as the Project Site,
transport to such place of destination in the
Philippines, including insurance and storage, as shall
be specified in this Contract, shall be arranged by the
Supplier, and related costs shall be deemed included in
the Contract Price.
Where the Supplier is required under Contract to
deliver the Goods CIF, CIP or DDP, Goods are to be
transported on carriers of Philippine registry. In the
event that no carrier of Philippine registry is available,
Goods may be shipped by a carrier which is not of
Philippine registry provided that the Supplier obtains
and presents to the Procuring Entity certification to this
effect from the nearest Philippine consulate to the port
of dispatch. In the event that carriers of Philippine
registry are available but their schedule delays the
Supplier in its performance of this Contract the period
from when the Goods were first ready for shipment and
the actual date of shipment the period of delay will be
considered force majeure in accordance with GCC
Clause 22.
The Procuring Entity accepts no liability for the damage
of Goods during transit Suppliers risk and title will not
be deemed to have passed to the Procuring Entity until
their receipt and final acceptance at the final
Patent Rights –
The Supplier shall free and/or indemnify the Procuring
Entity against all thirdparty claims of infringement of
patent, trademark, or industrial design rights arising
from use of the Goods or any part thereof.
10.1 Payment
percent (1%) of the Contract Price required in Section
62 of RA 9184 and its IRR.
be rejected by the Procuring Entity and replaced by the
19 The Supplier shall be liable for the damages for the
delay in its performance of the Contract and shall pay
DepEd liquidated damages, not by way of penalty, in an
amount equal to one-tenth (1/10) of one percent (1%) of
the cost of the delayed goods scheduled for delivery for
every day of delay until such goods are finally delivered
and accepted by DepEd. DepEd shall deduct the
liquidated damages from any money due or which may
become due to the Supplier, or collect from any of the
securities or warranties posted by the Supplier,
whichever is convenient. Once the cumulative amount
of liquidated damages reaches ten percent (10%) of the
amount of the Contract, DepEd may rescind the
Contract, without prejudice to other courses of action
and remedies open to it.
21.1 Neither the execution of a test and/or inspection of the
Goods or any part thereof, nor the attendance by the
Procuring Entity shall release the Supplier from any
warranties or other obligations under this Contract.
Section VI. Schedule of
Section VI. Schedule of
A. List/Description of Goods /Services
C. Project Site
to refuse to receive/accept delivered Goods made before 8:00
A.M. or after 5:00 P.M., and on non-working days.
Statement of Compliance
Section VII. Technical
Notes for Preparing the Technical Specifications
Care must be taken in drafting specifications to ensure that they are not restrictive. In
the specification of standards for equipment, materials, and workmanship, recognized
Philippine and international standards should be used as much as possible. Where
other particular standards are used, whether national standards or other standards,
the specifications should state that equipment, materials, and workmanship that meet
other authoritative standards, and which ensure at least a substantially equal quality
than the standards mentioned, will also be acceptable. The following clause may be
inserted in the Special Conditions of Contract or the Technical Specifications.
Reference to brand name and catalogue number should be avoided as far as possible;
where unavoidable they should always be followed by the words “or at least
equivalent.” References to brand names cannot be used when the Funding Source is
the GOP.
Bidders are also required, as part of the technical specifications, to complete their
statement of compliance demonstrating how the items comply with the specification.
Technical Specifications
Bidders must state here either “Comply” or “Not Comply” against each of
the individual parameters of each Specification stating the corresponding
performance parameter of the equipment offered. Statements of “Comply”
or “Not Comply” must be supported by evidence in a Bidders Bid and cross-
referenced to that evidence.
General Requirements/Specifications
Statement of
Item Specification
Compliance and
The brand of the Air Conditioning units must have
1 been available in the market for the last five (5) years.
Detailed Technical Specifications
Section VIII. Bidding Forms
Notes on the Bidding Forms
The Bidder shall complete and submit with its Bid the Bid Form and Price
Schedules in accordance with ITB Clause 15 with the requirements of the
Bidding Documents and the format set out in this Section.
When requested in the BDS, the Bidder should provide the Bid Security,
either in the form included hereafter or in another form acceptable to the
Entity, pursuant to ITB Clause 18.1.
The Performance Security Form and Bank Guarantee Form for Advance
Payment should not be completed by the Bidders at the time of their Bid
preparation. Only the successful Bidder will be required to provide
performance security and bank guarantee for advance payment in accordance
with one of the forms indicated herein or in another form acceptable to the
Procuring Entity and pursuant to GCC Clause 13 and its corresponding SCC
The sworn affidavit must be completed by all Bidders in accordance with ITB
4.2. Failure to do so and submit it with the bid shall result in the rejection
of the bid and the Bidder’s disqualification.
Project No:
The Secretary
Department of Education
DepEd Complex, Central Office
Meralco Avenue, Pasig City
We agree to abide by this Bid for the Bid Validity Period specified in BDS
provision for ITB Clause 17.1 and 18.2, respectively, and it shall remain
binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that
bid validity period.
Until a formal Contract is prepared and executed, this Bid, together with
your written acceptance thereof and your Notice of Award, shall be binding
upon us.
We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you
may receive.
Name of Bidder, to participate, submit the bid, and to sign and execute the
ensuing contract on the latter’s behalf for Name of Project of the Name of the
Procuring Entity].
We, further, confirm that, for purposes of this bid, and if such Bid is accepted,
the address stated below shall be the Supplier’s official address and contact
numbers, as reflected in the (state proof of billing e.g. PhilGEPS Certificate,
Mayor’s Permit, SEC, Tax Clearance)
We acknowledge that failure to sign each and every page of this Bid Form,
including the attached Schedule of Prices, shall be a ground for the rejection
of our bid.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Item Description Country Quantity Unit price CIF port Total CIF or Unit Price Unit price Total Price
of origin of entry (specify CIP price per Delivered Duty Delivered delivered DDP
port) or CIP named item Unpaid (DDU) Duty Paid (col 4 x 8)
place (col. 4 x 5) (DDP)
(specify border
point or place of
2.5 HP Split
Type Inverter,
Wall Mounted
3.0 HP Split
Type Inverter,
Wall Mounted
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Description Country of Quantity Unit price Transportat Sales and Dismantling Installation Cost of Total Price, Total Price
origin EXW per ion and other taxes Cost Cost Incidental per unit delivered
item Insurance payable if Services, if (col Final
and all Contract is applicable, (5+6+7+8+9 Destination
Note: Accomplish this form in accordance with ITB Clause 15, and,
specifically 15.4(a) thereof. Rates and prices for all items of the Goods
described in the Technical Specifications and Schedule of Requirements
shall be indicated, therefore, all columns shall be filled-out. Where a
required item is provided, but no price is indicated, the same shall be
considered as non-responsive and, thus, automatically disqualified.
Specify that items are being offered for free to the government by indicating
dash (-), zero (“0”) or (“N/A”).
PROJECT : ____________________________________________________________
WHEREAS, the Purchaser invited Bids for certain goods and ancillary
services, viz, [brief description of goods and services], has passed and
approved Resolution to Award No. ___________________________, and
therefore, accepted a Bid by the Supplier for the supply of those goods and
services in the sum of Philippine Pesos [contract price in words and figures]
(hereinafter called “the Contract Price”), broken down as follows: (indicate if
by lots, otherwise, delete) .
f. the Schedule of Requirements; and
g. Supplemental Bid Bulletins, if any.
7. The Supplier shall be liable for damages for the delay in its
performance of the Contract and shall pay the procuring entity
liquidated damages, not by way of penalty, in an amount equal to one-
tenth (1/10) of one percent (1%) of the cost of the delayed
goods/services scheduled for delivery for every day of delay until such
goods/services are finally delivered and accepted by the procuring
entity concerned. The Procuring Entity shall deduct the liquidated
damages from any money due or which may become due to the
Supplier, or collect from any of the securities or warranties posted by
the Supplier, whichever is convenient to the Procuring Entity
concerned. Once the cumulative amount of liquidated damages
reaches ten percent (10%) of the amount of this Contract, the
Purchaser shall rescind this Contract, without prejudice to other
courses of action and remedies open to the Purchaser.
__________________________ ___________________________
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for Pasig City, Metro Manila,
Philippines, this ___________ day of ___________________________, personally
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and place first above
Until December 31, 20__
Doc. No. ______
Page No. ______
Book No. ______
Series of _____
4. Each of the documents submitted in satisfaction of the bidding
requirements is an authentic copy of the original, complete, and all
statements and information provided therein are true and correct;
7. [Name of Bidder] complies with existing labor laws and standards; and
9. [Name of Bidder] did not give or pay directly or indirectly, any
commission, amount, fee, or any form of consideration, pecuniary or
otherwise, to any person or official, personnel or representative of the
government in relation to any procurement project or activity.
Bidder’s Representative/Authorized Signatory
This guarantee shall remain valid and in full effect from the date of the
advance payment received by the Supplier under the Contract until [date].
Yours truly,
1 Select one and delete the other. Adopt the same instruction for similar terms throughout the document.
timely file a request for reconsideration or (ii) I/we filed a
waiver to avail of said right;
SEALED with the Common Seal of said Bank this _____ day of _________
1. If the Bidder:
(a) withdraws its Bid during the period of bid validity specified
in the Form of Bid; or
The Guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date [insert
days] days after the deadline for submission of Bids as such deadline is stated
in the Instructions to Bidders or as it may be extended by the Entity, notice of
which extension(s) to the Bank is hereby waived. Any demand in respect of this
Guarantee should reach the Bank not later than the above date.
Year 20__
1. Total Assets
2. Current Assets
3. Total Liabilities
4. Current Liabilities
5. Net Worth (1-3)
6. Net Working Capital (2-4)
B. The Net Financial Contracting Capacity (NFCC) based on the above data
is computed as follows:
NFCC = P _______________________________________
Herewith attached are certified true copies of the income tax return
and audited financial statement: stamped “RECEIVED” by the BIR or
its duly accredited or authorized institution for the preceding year
which should not be earlier than two (2) years from date of bid
Submitted by:
Name of Supplier / Distributor / Manufacturer
Signature of Authorized Representative
Date : _____________________________
% of
Bidder’s Role Date Awarded Accomplishment Value of
Name of Contract/ Owner’s Name
Nature of a. Date Outstanding
a. Address Works /
Project Cost Work Started
b. Telephone Description % b. Date of Undelivered
Planned Actual
Nos. Portion
Note : (In case of no ongoing contract, the bidder shall submit this duly signed form and indicate “No ongoing contracts” or “None” or “Not
Applicable (N/A)” under the Column for Name of Contract (first column from left)
Submitted by: ____________________________________
Printed Name and Signature of Authorized Representative
Designation : ____________________________________
Date : ____________________________________
- and -
That both parties agree to be jointly and severally liable for the entire
THAT this Joint Venture Agreement shall remain in effect only for the
above stated Projects until terminated by both parties.
Done this _____ day of ______, in the year of our Lord _____.
Witness Witness
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for Pasig City, Metro Manila,
Philippines, this ________ day of ___________________, 201_ personally
NAME Number Issued on Issued at
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and place first above
Until December 31, 201_
To : The Secretary
Department of Education
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue
Pasig City
We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from
the Supplier before presenting us with the demand.
This guarantee shall be valid until the date of your issuance of the
Notice of Final Acceptance.
GREEN Table of
ORIGINAL / COPY NO. ________