Signs and Symptoms Of: How Does Your Kidneys Do?
Signs and Symptoms Of: How Does Your Kidneys Do?
Signs and Symptoms Of: How Does Your Kidneys Do?
A person with kidney failure needs to have Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) – ● A second way of
one of these treatments to live: Hemodialysis cleaning wastes and extra fluid from the
A way of cleaning wastes and extra fluid from blood artificially. A permanent, soft tube
the blood artificially. ● The person’s blood is called a catheter is used to fill the abdomen KIDNEY/RENAL FAILURE
pumped out of the body through an artificial with a cleansing liquid called dialysis solution.
kidney machine for cleansing and then ● The walls of the abdominal cavity are lined
returned back into the body. with a membrane called the peritoneum. The
peritoneum lets wastes and extra fluid pass
from your blood into the dialysis solution.
●Wastes and fluid then leave your body when
the dialysis solution is drained. This is called
an “exchange.” ● These “exchanges” happen
several times a day. ● PD patients also have
diet restrictions. ● PD diets are usually not as
strict as hemodialysis diets.