Percentage Boq: Validate Print Help

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Validate Print Help Percentage BoQ

Tender Inviting Authority: Superintending Engineer, Greater Calcutta Drainage Circle, Postal Address-Jalasampad Bhawan, 2nd floor, Salt Lake City,

Name of Work: Improvement of River Sunti by desiltation from 10.50 km to 17.358 km along with the balance work for a length of 5.88 km in
between 0.00 to 10.50 km and CC block pitching for a length of 300 m at Ch. 12.35 km near Ramkrishna Math in Block- Barasat I & II,P.S. Barasat,
Dist. North 24 Parganas.

Contract No: WBIW/SE/GCDC/NIT-11(e)/2018-19,Sl. No. 01.


Name :

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is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders are allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Values only )



Sl. Item Description Quantity Units Estimated TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL AMOUNT
No. Rate With Taxes In Words

1 2 4 5 6 54 55
1 Earthwork in re-excavation /silt clearance of drainage channels in all kinds of soil #VALUE!
including sludge and slush but excluding slush mixed with industrial wastes,
sewage, municipal garbage, carcasses etc. and depositing the same as per
profile in proper place as directed by the Engineer-in-charge without causing
hindrance t traffic and posing health hazard and making arrangement to maintain
the site in workable condition including removal of polypacks, brickbats, stone
ballasts & boulders, remnants of bullah & bamboo pins and all kinds of water
hyacinth, solid/ semi solid compact mass formed due to water hyacinth and
burning them to ashes or removing outside Govt. land where nacassary and
removal of thick & thorny jungles upto 30 cm. girth including shoring and
shuttering if required, and including initial removal of sludge and slush etc. by
pan or bucket if required, and making arrangement for bailing out of any
seepage water and removal of sand or soil blown from underneath, all complete.
b) By mechanical means using Hydraulic Excavators within an initial lead of 30
m. and an initial lift of 3.0 m.

219490.00 CUM 128.32 #VALUE!

2 Earthwork in re-excavation /silt clearance in drainage channels in all kinds of #VALUE!
soil including sludge , slush mixed with all sorts of industrial wastes and
municipal garbages, polypacks, carcasses, small khatal effluents, night soil etc.
by mathor labour as may be necessary and depositing the same in places as
directed by the Engineer-in-charge., in such a manner, without causing much
hindrance to traffic and posing health hazard and making arrangement to
maintain the site in workable condition and rough dressing when dry including
making arrangement of bailing out of any seepage water and removal of sand or
soil blown from underneath, removal of khatal, temporary latrines,clearing and
removing all kinds of semi compact masses formed by water hyacinth, jungles
upto 30 cm. girth and burning them to ashes or removing outside Government
land in conformity with the Municipal rules, including shoring shuttering as
required, nicking out lines etc.
b) By mechanical means using Hydraulic Excavators within an initial lead of 30
m. and an initial lift of 3.0 m.

136024.00 CUM 131.50 #VALUE!

3 Earthwork in excavation in all kinds of soil for making embankments, repairs to #VALUE!
the embankment, closing breches etc. as per profile including supply and
transporting the earth by truck or tractor or any other mechanical means on land,
including loading, transporting, unloading and stacking with all lifts bothways and
head load where necessary and depositing the same on embankments,
channels, filling depressions in requisite profile, leveling as per direction of the
Engineer-in-charge within a lead of
D) Beyond 3.00 km. and upto 4.00 km.

8990.00 CUM 258.76 #VALUE!

4 Earhwork from borrowpits over existing embankkment or for repairs to #VALUE!
embankment , closing breches etc. within an initial lead of 30 metre and lift of
1.50 metre including breaking clods and depositing the same in layers not
exceeding 25 cm. and rough dressing etc. complete as per profile.

9485.00 CUM 85.90 #VALUE!

5 Extra rate for additional lead of earthwork in item nos. 1 & 2 above. A) Each #VALUE!
additional lead of 15 M or part thereof beyond 30 M upto 90 M.
A) One additional lead

90988.00 CUM 11.67 #VALUE!

5.1 B) Two additional lead #VALUE!

72791.00 CUM 23.33 #VALUE!

6 Extra rate for earthwork in item nos. 1 & 2 above for Each additional lift or part #VALUE!
thereof beyond the initial lift.
A) One additional lift

240639.00 CUM 9.54 #VALUE!

6.1 B) Two additional lifts #VALUE!

94803.00 CUM 19.09 #VALUE!

7 Cutting, uprooting of roots & stumps of trees of different girth upto 1 meter depth #VALUE!
below ground level or bed level & filling the root holes by soil and removal of
branches, roots & stumps etc. including carriage and stacking as per instruction
of the Engineer-in-charge.( Measurement of girth at breast height of 90 cm.)
( a ) Bamboo cluster (each cluster to be Measured separately)/Tea bushes

110.00 SQM 95.45 #VALUE!

8 Supplying , dressing and stacking at site bamboo pins above 5 cm. Diameter #VALUE!
and upto 7.5 cm. Diameter.(Dia. To be measured at mid length).

9850.00 M 30.75 #VALUE!

9 Driving bamboo pins in standing or flowing water including scaffolding and #VALUE!
driving appliances. B) Where boats are necessary

5436.00 M 13.79 #VALUE!

10 Supplying, fitting and fixing with iron nails half split bamboo wailing pieces (av. #VALUE!
Dia. Of bamboo not less than 5.0 cm.)

547.00 M 23.33 #VALUE!

11 Supplying to site empty cement polythene bags (capacity 50kg) in good #VALUE!
condition including stacking, incedental charges etc. all complete (capacity 50
kg). Supplying to site empty cement polythene bags (capacity 50kg) in good
condition including stacking, incedental charges etc. all complete (capacity 50
91425.00 EACH 6.36 #VALUE!
12 Labour charges for filling empty cement gunny bag / polythene bag (capacity 50 #VALUE!
kg) with all kinds of earth (wet or dry), sand or agreegates(stone / brick) and
sewing as done in case of cement bags ,( tying with a knot after filling willnot
beaccepted ) , andstacking withina lead of 30 metre as per direction of Engr-in-
charge (cost is excluding the cost of any types of filling materials). NB:- Volume
of earth/ sand filled bags should not be less than 0.028 cum/ bag.

91425.00 EACH 7.42 #VALUE!

13 Dumping in position earth / sand filled gunny / poly bags (capacity 50 kg) within #VALUE!
a lead of 30 metre inclusive of all lifts.

11925.00 EACH 3.18 #VALUE!

14 Supplying Nylon cage netting 1 metre x 1metre x 1metre size with knothaving #VALUE!
mesh size 17.5 cm. x 17.5 cm. constructed with nylon thread (210 x 24) having
tensile strength not less than 250 kg./ including carriage, delivery and
stacking at site inclusive alof all taxes complete.
2226.00 EACH 124.08 #VALUE!
15 Labour charges for dumping and placing in position properly filled in Nylon #VALUE!
crates with filled in gunny/poly cement bags (minimum 25 nos. having capacity
50 kg.) with local earth or sand, sewing and tying the crate with nylon wire within
a lead of 150 m. and all lifts in river slope or bed by cutting trenches upto 50
cms. Depth, if necessary, or by boat including cost of hire charges of boat,
boatmen and other necessary equipments and also including cost of bags,
carriage and charge of filling bags with earth/sand but excluding cost of nylon
crate as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
N.B.- Volume of each earth/sand filled bags should not be less than 0.028 m3
b) Where boats are necessary

2226.00 EACH 456.02 #VALUE!

16 Removing earth/sand filled poly bags/ gunny bags from the channel bed/slope #VALUE!
and initially depositing the same near channel bank at a place as directed by the
Engineer-in-charge for measurement of Bag & then disposing off the same at a
distance not less than 150 metre from the channel site.

63988.00 EACH 6.36 #VALUE!

17 Taking out old bamboo plns from piling and stacking the same within 150 metre #VALUE!
from the site of work. B) Where boats are necessary

3805.00 M 9.54 #VALUE!

18 Taking out old bamboo wailing pieces after removing iron nails and stacking the #VALUE!
same within 150 metre from the site of work.
B) Where boats are necessary
328.00 M 4.24 #VALUE!
19 Disposal / carriage of excavated earth / materials outside Government land by #VALUE!
truck or by any other conveyance over kancha / pucca road including making
access for plying the truck or any other conveyance beyond 300 m from the
excavated point including cost of stacking, loading, unloading, transporting,
arrangement of land, if required by agency, spreading and levelling as necessary
etc. complete.
Measurement : By stacks at loading point after deducting voids as per rule. (This
item can only be used after obtaining permission from the concerned
Superintending Engineer).

136024.00 CUM 124.08 #VALUE!

20 Pumping out water from ponds or tanks #VALUE!
(Payment if permitted will be made on the quantity of water calculated on the
basis of initial water level and final level on consideration being made for any
water that may have been added through percolation or otherwise)

114402.00 %CUM 1107.16 #VALUE!

21 Making filter with well graded 40 mm. down ballasts and laying uniformly behind #VALUE!
weep hples, below pitching on bed, side slopes including supply and carriage of
all materials to site including preparing bed with earthwork upto 30 cm. depth,
where nwcwssary and compacting with wooden mallet after laying to achieve
designed section as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge.(measurement will
be on finished work/in stack after deducting necessary void).
a) Jhama ballast

455.00 CUM 2305.53 #VALUE!

22 Precast cement concrete blocks or lining units as per designed size and #VALUE!
specification, with well graded stone metal aggreate, including dressing,
ramming, shuttering, finishing the top surface with 1:3 cement and sand mortar,
cutting, transporting and laying the blocks or lining units at worksite in position,
over filter, layer, keeping a gap of 6 mm. brtween the adjacent units, by sue of
removable plyboards or non removable thermocol boards, with all leads and lifts,
including supply and carriage of all materials complete. With Stone
Aggregate(Pakur, North Bengal or Rajmahal varieties) a) Nominal Mix 1:2:4
with 20 mm. down coarse aggregate

227.00 CUM 6964.98 #VALUE!

23 Earth work in excavation of foundation trenches or drains, in all sorts of soil #VALUE!
(including mixed soil but excluding laterite or sand stone) including removing,
spreading or stacking the spoils within a lead of 75 m. as directed. the item
includes necessary trimming the sides of trenches, levelling, dressing and
ramming the bottom, bailing out water as required complete. a) Depth of
excavation not exceeding 1,500 mm.

272.00 %CUM 12648.58 #VALUE!

24 Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:2:4) with graded stone chips (20 mm nominal #VALUE!
size) excluding shuttering and reinforcement,if any, in ground floor as per
relevant IS codes.
a) Pakur Variety

283.60 CUM 5816.87 #VALUE!

25 Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:1.5:3) with graded stone chips (20 mm #VALUE!
nominal size) excluding shuttering and reinforcement,if any, in ground floor as
per relevant IS codes.
a) Pakur Variety

31.50 CUM 6399.31 #VALUE!

26 Hire and labour charges for shuttering with centering and necessary staging #VALUE!
upto 4 m. using approved stout props and thick hard wood planks of approved
thiockness with required bracing for concrete slabs, beams and columns, lintels
curved or straight including fitting, fixing and striking out after completion of
works(upto roof of ground floor) a) 25 mm. to 30 mm. thick wooden shuttering
as per decision & direction of Engineer-in-charge.

1013.00 SQM 355.27 #VALUE!

27 Reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in all sorts of structures including #VALUE!
distribution bars, stirrups, binders etc initial straightening and removal of loose
rust (if necessary), cutting to requisite length, hooking and bending to correct
shape, placing in proper position and binding with 16 gauge black annealed wire
at every intersection, complete as per drawing and direction
(a) For works in foundation and upto roof of ground floor/upto 4 m
(i) Tor steel/Mild Steel

2.48 MT 74910.42 #VALUE!

28 Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including #VALUE!
rounding off or chamfering corners as directed and raking out joints including
throating, nosing and drip course, scaffolding/ staging where necessary (Ground
floor). (Excluding cost of chipping over concrete surface) i) With 1:4 cement
mortar b) 15 mm. thick plaster

68.00 SQM 177.35 #VALUE!

29 (a) Priming one coat on steel or other metal surface with synthetic oil bound #VALUE!
primer of approved quality including smoothening surfaces by sand papering etc.

1.80 SQM 30.75 #VALUE!

30 (b) Priming one coat on timber or plastered surface with synthetic oil bound #VALUE!
primer of approved quality including smoothening surfaces by sand papering etc.

68.00 SQM 40.30 #VALUE!

31 (A) Painting with best quality synthetic enamel paint of approved make and #VALUE!
brand including smoothening surface by sand papering etc. including using of
approved putty etc. on the surface, if necessary : (a) On timber or plastered
surface : With super gloss ( hi-gloss)- (iv) Two coats (with any shade except

65.00 SQM 85.90 #VALUE!

32 (b) On steel or other metal surface : With super gloss ( hi-gloss)- (iv) Two coats #VALUE!
(with any shade except white)

1.80 SQM 83.78 #VALUE!

33 Single Brick Flat Soling of picked jhama bricks including ramming and dressing #VALUE!
bed to proper level and filling joints with local sand.

150.00 SQM 382.84 #VALUE!

34 Supply of G.I. pipes of TATA make including necessary sockets (f) 50 mm. dia. #VALUE!
(ii) Medium quality

900.00 M 426.32 #VALUE!

35 Providing and Laying Reinforced Cement Concrete Pipe NP3 as per design in #VALUE!
Single Row
Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe NP3 with spigot socket
for culverts on first class bedding of granular material in single row including
fixing with cement mortar 1:2 as per Technical Specification Clause 1106 for
Rural Roads of MORD.

(e) 900 mm dia

60.00 M 4594.30 #VALUE!

Total in Figures #VALUE! #VALUE!

Quoted Rate in Figures #VALUE! #VALUE!

Less (-) 25.00%

Quoted Rate in Words #VALUE!

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