Industrial Hygine

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Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Health

National Safety Council , Hqs.

98-A,Institutional Area, Sector 15,
CBD Belapur , Navi Mumbai
Maharashtra – 400614.

Sr. No. Chapter Page

1. Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Health – An Overview 2
2. Occupational Exposure Limits 12
3. Toxicology 16
4. Workplace Monitoring 20
5. Statutory Provision Related To Industrial Hygiene 28

1. Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Health – An Overview

Industrial hygienists analyze, identify, and measure workplace hazards or stresses that can
cause sickness, impaired health, or significant discomfort in workers through chemical, physical,
ergonomic, or biological exposures. Two roles of the industrial hygienist are to spot those
conditions and help eliminate or control them through appropriate measures.

ANTICIPATION – this involves identifying potential hazards in the workplace before they are

RECOGNITION - this involves identifying the potential hazard that a chemical, physical or
biological agent - or an adverse ergonomic situation - poses to health.

EVALUATION of the extent of exposure to the chemical hazards, physical or biological agents
(or adverse ergonomic situation) in the workplace. This often involves measurement of the
personal exposure of a worker to the hazard/agent in the workplace, particularly at the relevant
interface between the environment and the body, e.g. breathing zone, hearing zone, and
assessment of the data in terms of recommended occupational exposure limits (OELs), where
such criteria exist

CONTROL of the chemical, physical or biological agent - or adverse ergonomic situation, by

procedural, engineering or other means where the evaluation indicates that this is necessary.

Occupational health deals with all aspects of health and safety in the workplace and has a
strong focus on primary prevention of hazards. The health of the workers has several
determinants, including risk factors at the workplace leading to cancers, accidents,
musculoskeletal diseases, respiratory diseases, hearing loss, circulatory diseases, stress
related disorders and communicable diseases and others. Employment and working conditions
in the formal or informal economy embrace other important determinants, including, working

hours, salary, workplace policies concerning maternity leave, health promotion and protection
provisions, etc

Historical Highlights

370 BC Hippocrates identified lead poisoning in miners and metallurgists

1700 AD Ramazzini, “father of occupational medicine”, published “Diseases of Workers” and
introduced the question, “Of what trade are you?”
1900 AD Dr. Alice Hamilton investigated dangerous occupations, first woman faculty
member at Harvad University, wrote “Exploring the Dangerous
1914 AD IPSHS organized Division of Industrial Hygiene and Sanitation. Americal Public
Health Association organized industrial hygiene section
1922 AD Harvard University established industrial hygiene degree programme
1939 AD AIHA organized. ACGIH prepared first list of maximum allowable concentrations
for chemical exposures in industry.
1960 AD American Board of Industrial Hygiene Organized by AIHA & ACGIH
1970 AD I.S. Occupational Safety and Health Act adopted
1981 AD Professional Code of Ethics adopted by U. S. industrial hygiene associations

Job Hazards : To be effective in recognizing and evaluating on-the-job hazards and

recommending controls, industrial hygienists must be familiar with the hazards' characteristics.
Potential hazards can include air contaminants, and chemical, biological, physical, and
ergonomic hazards.

I ) Air Contaminants : These are commonly

classified as either particulate or gas and
vapor contaminants.

The most common particulate contaminants

include dusts, fumes, mists, aerosols, and
fibers. Dusts are solid particles generated by
handling, crushing, grinding, colliding,
exploding, and heating organic or inorganic
materials such as rock, ore, metal, coal, wood,
and grain.
Fumes are formed when material from a
volatilized solid condenses in cool air. In most
cases, the solid particles resulting from the
condensation react with air to form an oxide.

The term mist is applied to liquid suspended in the atmosphere. Mists are generated by liquids
condensing from a vapor back to a liquid or by a liquid being dispersed by splashing or

Aerosols are also a form of a mist characterized by highly respirable, minute liquid particles.
Fibers are solid particles whose length is several times greater than their diameter, such as
asbestos. Gases are formless fluids that expand to occupy the space or enclosure in which they

are confined. They are atomic, diatomic, or molecular in nature as opposed to droplets or
particles which are made up of millions of atoms or molecules. Through evaporation, liquids
change into vapors and mix with the surrounding atmosphere. Vapors are the volatile form of
substances that are normally in a solid or liquid state at room temperature and pressure. Vapors
are gases in that true vapors are atomic or molecular in nature.
The chemicals used or produced in an industrial operation generally disseminate into the air
depending on the process. These can be classified according to their physical states.

A. Gases and Common examples are : Sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and
Vapours hydrogen cyanide gases, and the vapours of tri-benzene, xylene etc.
B. Particulate matter

i) Dust These are solid particles produced by grinding, crushing, drilling and
blasting operations and are suspended in the air. The size of the
particles are predominantly higher than 0.2 micron.

i) Fumes These are solid particles generated by condensation, generally after

volatilization from melted substances and often accompanied by
oxidation. The particles size varies from 0.2 to 1 microns. Common
examples are lead and zinc fumes.

ii) Mists Dispersion of liquid particles in air. These are generally formed by
the condensation of water vapour on sub-microscopic particles or by
the atomization of liquids. Mist of sulphuric acid is an example of this

iv) Smokes Small gas borne particles (diameter is less than 0.3 micron) resulting
from incomplete combustion and consisting predominantly of
carbonaceous material are grouped in this category.

Apart from these, the air contaminants may be present in forms of

smog and fog which are not usually encountered in an industrial

Chemical Hazards : Harmful chemical compounds
in the form of solids, liquids, gases, mists, dusts,
fumes, and vapors exert toxic effects by inhalation
(breathing), absorption (through direct contact with
the skin), or ingestion (eating or drinking). Airborne
chemical hazards exist as concentrations of mists,
vapors, gases, fumes, or solids. Some are toxic
through inhalation and some of them irritate the skin
on contact; some can be toxic by absorption through
the skin or through ingestion, and some are
corrosive to living tissue. The degree of worker risk
from exposure to any given substance depends on
the nature and potency of the toxic effects and the
magnitude and duration of exposure. Information on
the risk to workers from chemical hazards can be
obtained from the Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) and requires be supplied by the
manufacturer or importer to the purchaser of all
hazardous materials. The MSDS is a summary of the
important health, safety, and toxicological
information on the chemical or the mixture's
ingredients. Other provisions of the Hazard
Communication Standard require that all containers
of hazardous substances in the workplace have
appropriate warning and identification labels.
The chemicals may be classified into the following groups according to their effect on human

i) Irritant
ii) Asphyxiant
iii) Chemicals causing lung damage
iv) Systematic
v) Central nervous system toxicant
iv) Carcinogen, mutagens

There are number of chemicals which are very frequently used in industries many cause
irritation to the eyes, nose, throat and mucus membrane. These are commonly referred to as
upper respiratory tract irritant. Examples are ammonia, sulphur-di-oxide, formaldehyde etc.
There are certain chemicals which may also cause lower respiratory tract irritation and many
lead to pulmonary oedema. Common examples are chlorine, phosgene, sulphur-tri-oxide etc.
These gases should be handled very carefully and any leakage of gas should be effectively
controlled. Canister gas mask or self-contained breathing apparatus should be used wherever
necessary. Emergency first aid should be given immediately if any body falls victim to any of
these gases.


Gases like nitrogen, carbon-di-oxide, methane, propane, butane etc. may cause simple
asphyxiation by limiting the availability of oxygen. Normal air contain 20% oxygen. If the oxygen
concentration in the air comes down to below 16%, it may lead to death.

In industries there may be number of confined space or partially confined space where the
atmosphere may be deficient in oxygen or may contain highly toxic chemicals contaminants.
Also the confined space may contain some gases like nitrogen, carbon-di-oxide etc. in
sufficiently high concentration which can limit the availability of oxygen. Under such
circumstances, the workers often fall victim to these gases. Hence it is always recommended
that before entering into a confined space the oxygen percentage in the space should be

There are certain chemicals like carbon-monoxide gas and hydrogen cyanide gas which act
chemically inside the body and lead to chemical asphyxiation. Death may result immediately
after exposure to high concentration of these gases. Carbon monoxide reacts with haemoglobin
forming a complex car boxy haemoglobin and thereby interferes in the oxygen transport
mechanism. The victim of co-poisoning die due to deficiency of oxygen inside the body. Cyanide
also cause chemical asphyxiation. Carbon monoxide is a common poison in iron and steel
industry particularly, in coke oven and blast furnace gases, in industrial gas plant, in automobile
exhaust, in public garages etc.

Cyanide salts are used in heat treatment, electroplating and in many other chemical reactions.
Extreme care should be taken while handling these chemicals. Good ventilation, safe and
suitable personal protective equipment, are recommended while handling these chemicals.
Periodical environmental monitoring should be conducted to ensure that the levels of these
gases are maintained within the recommended permissible exposure limits. Cyanide anti-dote
kit should be made available in the factory.

Occupational Lung Disorders

Occupational lung diseases are mostly by exposure to dust and fibre. Sometimes, it is caused
by exposure to toxic gases also. Respirable dust (5-10 µ dia) when inhaled, it goes to the lung
and remains there for a long time. Repeated and prolonged exposure to dust leads to ‘fibrosis’
or ‘scar’ tissue formulation in the lung. Once the lungs are affected, the functions of the lungs
reduced considerably. The persons afflicted with this disease suffer from breathlessness,
tightness in the chest, chest pain, dyspnoea etc. The lung function capacity becomes very
much limited and the persons become tired and exhausted with the little work. There is no
effective treatment for any dust disease. However, if the disease is diagnosed at an early stage
like may be prolonged, otherwise the conditions become worse. Once the lung is damaged, the
person becomes very much susceptible to any of the infections.

Systemic Poisons

Certain chemicals after being absorbed in the blood stream are carried to different organs of the
body. These chemicals cause systemic poisoning in the body depending on their chemical
nature and dose. Example are lead, mercury, manganese, chromium, cadmium etc.


Lead is being used in various industries for a long time as a metal, oxides and other combined
forms. In India, the use of lead is mainly in industries like accumulator battery manufacture,

printing press, type casting boundaries and soldering. Exposure to lead most commonly occurs
where reclamation of lead painted metal scraps and other lead containing scrap is done and
also when metallic lead is heated beyond its melting point. Various other operation like molten
lead baths, burning of lead points and plumbing with lead joints can evolve much fume in
confined spaces. Tetra ethyl lead which is mixed with petrol in refineries may enter the body
through skin contact apart from inhalation of the vapour.

Repeated and prolonged exposure to high concentration of lead may lead to an occupational
disease known as “Lead Poisoning”. Lead interferes in the blood forming system, gastro-
intestinal system, central and peripheral nervous system, reproductive system. Stippled cells
(immature red calls) appear in blood in lead poisoning cases. Abortion and still birth have been
reported among women employed in lead industries.

Control of lead exposure can be done by providing local exhaust ventilation, controlling the
temperature of lead bath and use of suitable personal protective equipment.

CNS Toxicants
Most of the poisonous gases and vapours affecting central nervous system produced acute
narcotic symptoms in similar ways. Chemicals which affects the central nervous systems are :

- Alcohols
- Petroleum Hydro-carbons
- Halogenated Hydrocarbons
- Carbon-di-sulphide
- Hydrogen Sulphide etc.

Biological Hazards : These include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other living organisms that
can cause acute and chronic infections by entering the body either directly or through breaks in
the skin. Occupations that deal with plants or animals or their products or with food and food
processing may expose workers to biological hazards. Laboratory and medical personnel also
can be exposed to biological hazards. Any occupations that result in contact with bodily fluids
pose a risk to workers from biological hazards. In occupations where animals are involved,
biological hazards are dealt with by preventing and controlling diseases in the animal population
as well as properly caring for and handling infected animals. Also, effective personal hygiene,
particularly proper attention to minor cuts and scratches especially on the hands and forearms,
helps keep worker risks to a minimum. In occupations where there is potential exposure to
biological hazards, workers should practice proper personal hygiene, particularly hand washing.
Hospitals should provide proper ventilation, proper personal protective equipment such as
gloves and respirators, adequate infectious waste disposal systems, and appropriate controls
including isolation in instances of particularly contagious diseases such as tuberculosis.

Physical Hazards : These include
excessive levels of ionizing and
non-ionizing electromagnetic
radiation, noise, vibration,
illumination, and heat stress. In
occupations where there is
exposure to ionizing radiation, time,
distance, and shielding are
important tools in ensuring worker

Danger from radiation increases with the amount of time one is exposed to it; hence, the shorter
the time of exposure the smaller the radiation danger. Distance also is a valuable tool in
controlling exposure to both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Radiation levels from some
sources can be estimated by comparing the squares of the distances between the worker and
the source. For example, at a reference point of 10 feet from a source, the radiation is 1/100 of
the intensity at 1 foot from the source. Shielding also is a way to protect against radiation. The
greater the protective mass between a radioactive source and the worker, the lower the
radiation exposure. In some instances, however, limiting exposure to or increasing distance
from certain forms of non-ionizing radiation, such as lasers, is not effective. For example, an
exposure to laser radiation that is faster than the blinking of an eye can be hazardous and would
require workers to be miles from the laser source before being adequately protected. Shielding
workers from this source can be an effective control method.

Noise, another significant physical hazard, can be controlled by various measures. Noise can
be reduced by installing equipment and systems that have been engineered, designed, and built
to operate quietly; by enclosing or shielding noisy equipment; by making certain that equipment
is in good repair and properly maintained with all worn or unbalanced parts replaced; by

mounting noisy equipment on special mounts to reduce vibration; and by installing silencers,
mufflers, or baffles. Substituting quiet work methods for noisy ones is another significant way to
reduce noise-for example, welding parts rather than riveting them. Also, treating floors, ceilings,
and walls with acoustical material can reduce reflected or reverberant noise. In addition,
erecting sound barriers at adjacent work stations around noisy operations will reduce worker
exposure to noise generated at adjacent work stations. It is also possible to reduce noise
exposure by increasing the distance between the source and the receiver, by isolating workers
in acoustical booths, limiting workers' exposure time to noise, and by providing hearing
Noise has been described as undesired sound. Normal permissible limit for 8 hours continuous
exposure has been recommended to be maximum of 90 dBA. In situations where the noise level
is high workers get ill effects.

Auditory ill effects

- Temporary hearing loss
- Permanent hearing loss

Non auditory ill effects

- Speech interference
- Variation in blood pressure
- Dilatation of pupils
- Diseases like peripheral vascular disturbance, I.D.H., vascular neuropathy, sympathy,

Noise Control Measures

- Solid foundation of machines and use of rubber padding.
- Proper maintenance of machine
- Installation of suitable sound absorbers
- Lining of walls and ceiling by a-caustic boards
- Use of personal protective equipment
- Introduction of hearing conservation programme.

Heat Stress

Effects of heat stress

On physiological system, increased
heat stress leads to several well
documented reactions in the human
a) The stress on the cardio-vascular
system increases with the ambient
temperature. The greatest stress
was observed when the work was
performed in an environment
combining high temperature and
high humidity.
b) Heart rate during work and recovery
varies according to work load and
ambient temperature.

c) Blood pressure does not affect by
increased ambient temperature.
d) Pulmonary ventilation, oxygen
consumption and oxygen debt are
affected little by ambient
e) Warm-dry surroundings are more
favorable to aerobic work than
warm humid conditions and reduce
the anaerobic processes.
f) Sweat loss is greatest under warm-
dry environment; under warm -
humid conditions evaporative
cooling is impaired and body
temperature rises appreciably.

Failure of body to adjust the heat stress produces disorders by (a) Depletion of salt due to
profuse sweating and (b) rise in body temperature due to the failure of the normal thermo-
regulatory mechanism.

Disorder are –

(1) Systematic
- heat stroke
- heat exhaustion
- heat syncope
- heat cramp
- dehydration
(2) Skin
- prickly heat –
- cancer – Rodent ulcer

(3) Psychoneurotic :
- heat fatigue
- loss of emotional control

On Performance

The effects of high ambient temperature and humidity on the different aspects of
performance are many. The remarkable ones may be summarized as follows :

a) Visual and auditory vigilance tasks are affected by temperatures as high as

30 to 50oC.
b) Factual sensitivity decreases at both the high and low temperature extreme.
c) Grip strength decreases at extreme high and low temperatures.
d) Physical performance decreases with increased temperature.
e) Number of errors increased with high ambient temperature and relative humidity.
f) Mental performance showed no decrement in increased temperature.

Heat Control Measures
In order to reduce the thermal load and prevent the workers from the over exposure of
increased heat stress, it is required to control the environment and/or to prevent the workers
from such exposure by applying appropriate control measure technique.

These Basic Principles are involved :

i) Insulation
ii) Ventilation
iii) Shielding of source co-operator
iv) Substitution of cool for hot processes
v) Job modification
vi) Work rotation
vii) Reduction of humidity and exposure time
viii) Protective clothing

Where there is a need to wear protective clothing, it should be kept in mind that such clothing
may interference with freedom of movement and affect co-ordination, particularly in emergency
situation. Factors which should be considered at the design stage are :

i) Heat output from the plant and process

ii) Type of work pattern and
iii) Local weather conditions

The following methods have been adopted to control the personnel exposed to heat.
i) Provide ample supplies of cool water.
ii) Provide extra salt where required.
iii) Ensure lightweight loose fitting clothing.
iv) Ensure quickest development of acclimatization.
v) Where possible, do not employ men in hot conditions if they are (a) obese, (b) suffering
from any cardiovascular disease (c) over 45 years of age (d) physically unfit (e)
Suffering from any skin disease.
vi) If necessary modify the work and rest routine.
vii) Rest period should be taken in cool surrounding.
viii) In extreme conditions :
(a) Wear ventilated suit.
(b) Be pre-cooled by immersion in cool water.
(c) Be cooled down by spraying them with cool water.
ix) While there is a case of heat stroke or heat hyperpyrexia :
(a) Place the stripped and unconscious patient in a tub or bath filled with ice chips and
water, the rectal temperature is checked every three minutes or so and transfer the
patient to bet in cool room when it has falled to 38.9oC. Throughout cooling, the
body surface and particularly the limbs are massaged vigorously to promote good
circulation of blood.

Illumination :

Optimum lighting of the workplace provides

not only a comfortable and safe visual working
environment but also which permits maximum
potential and quality of work. To determine
whether the visual environment is adequate for
safety, comfort, on the performance of
particular tasks, an examination of the lighting
requirements for each work area is required.
This process would invoke.
Clear Walkway

(i) details of the particular job - such as size, in contrast with the background, time required
to see the task, and the need for direct on diffused illumination;
(ii) details such as dimensions of the area, reflectance of the surface, source of light (both
daylight and artificial ), sources of glare, uniformity of illumination, colors of walls, ceiling,
floors and equipment, presence of excess contrasts, brightness;.
(iii) Details of luminaries - such as tube, placement and condition,
(iv) The suitability of light fixture in hazardous locations where flammable gases, solvent
vapors and explosive dust may be present, and
(v) Details of maintenance and service procedures for lights and ceilings, walls and work
bench surfaces.

The luminance is measured with the light-meter or lux meter. The cell type instruments should
be used which are cosine and colour-corrected. Before taking the readings, the cells should be
exposed to the approximate illuminance to be measured until they become stabilized.

Control :
Lighting conditions which are unsuitable for
a particular task can be improved by
appropriate methods. There include the
optional use of artificial light, daylight and
colour in both in evasive workplaces and in
the design of new premises. In addition to
providing suitable lighting conditions, the
workplace should be maintained with
respect to the following :
(i) regular cleaning of lamps and
luminaires to remove dirt and dust
which reduce output.
(ii) Cleaning of workplace surfaces -
such as bench tops , floors and
walls - to remove dirt which devours
their reflectance;
(iii) Regular cleaning of windows to
remove dirt which might reduce the
amount of daylight entering the
workplace, and
(iv) Replacement of lamps as soon as

they reach the end of their useful
life. The light output of a fluorescent
or discharge lamp may devours a
great deal before if burns out.
Regular lighting maintenance ensure not
only employee safety and comfort but also
the most economical use of lighting

Recommended values of Illumination in


Canteen 150
Aircraft 300-450
Engine assembly 300
Radio telephone assembly 700
Foundries 150-300

Iron & steel works 100-300

Steel metal works 200

Defective Colour Schemes

No lighting scheme can be fully effective

without the proper colour application. In
industries colour are used for improving (a)
Quality of workmanship (b) to reduce
rejection (c) to reduce accidents (d) to rise
house keeping (e) to reduce absenteeism,
and (f) to improve morale of the workers.
Adverse effects of colour on health of the
people are mainly through its psychological
effects. Each colour gives a special
psychological appreciation on the human
and moderates the behaviour accordingly.
If this is not in the proper shape ill effects

Red & Yellow Warm feeling, Blue & Green
Cool Feeling.
These points have to be kept in mind while
planning the workplace so that the ill
effects due to colour does not occur.


Vibration are causing ill effects in the range of 30 -400 Hz. Under 3 Hz the whole vibrates and ill
effect is mainly motion sickness. In industrial situations the ill effects are usually due to

continuous handling of vibrating tools. The disorders appears due to local irritant and damaging
action on the tissue and on the receptors embedded in them. Effect depends on the physical
characteristics of the oscillating process and the duration of conduct.

Vibration Disease

Prolonged exposure to vibration leads to this disease which manifest in “White Finger” due to
vascular insufficiency when the factor is affecting locally. If the whole body vibrates changes like
polyneuritis appears.

To prevent this disease and related ill effect automation and remote control system should be
introduced. The environmental permissible value of vibration should be maintained and medical
control like pre-employment and periodic examination should be carried out.

Ergonomic Hazards :
The science of ergonomics studies
and evaluates a full range of tasks
including, but not limited to, lifting,
holding, pushing, walking, and
reaching. Many ergonomic problems
result from technological changes
such as increased assembly line
speeds, adding specialized tasks,
and increased repetition; some
problems arise from poorly designed
job tasks. Any of those conditions
can cause ergonomic hazards such
as excessive vibration and noise,
eye strain, repetitive motion, and
heavy lifting problems. Improperly
designed tools or work areas also
can be ergonomic hazards.
Repetitive motions or repeated shocks over prolonged periods of time as in jobs involving
sorting, assembling, and data entry can often cause irritation and inflammation of the tendon
sheath of the hands and arms, a condition known as carpal tunnel syndrome. Ergonomic
hazards are avoided primarily by the effective design of a job or jobsite and by better designed
tools or equipment that meet workers' needs in terms of physical environment and job tasks.
Through thorough worksite analyses, employers can set up procedures to correct or control
ergonomic hazards by using the appropriate engineering controls (e.g., designing or redesigning
work stations, lighting, tools, and equipment); teaching correct work practices (e.g., proper lifting
methods); employing proper administrative controls (e.g., shifting workers among several
different tasks, reducing production demand, and increasing rest breaks); and, if necessary,
providing and mandating personal protective equipment. Evaluating working conditions from an
ergonomics standpoint involves looking at the total physiological and psychological demands of
the job on the worker. Overall, industrial hygienists point out that the benefits of a well-designed,
ergonomic work environment can include increased efficiency, fewer accidents, lower operating
costs, and more effective use of personnel.

2. Occupational Exposure Limits
The main task of Occupational Hygiene is to protect the health of working population. Among
the first practical measures is determination of any dangerous, harmful, i.e. toxic substances in
the atmosphere of work environment. After determination of the present concentration at given
working place, the nest, natural step, must be evaluation of the obtained results against a
national or international exposure limits standards.

Permissible level of chemical substances in work environment.

The exposure limits related to the pollution of work place environment should safeguard the
health as it was defined in the constitution of World Organization as a "State of complete
physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

The usefulness of the concept of exposure limits of toxic agents in the working environment has
been adequately demonstrated in many practical situations, in which there have been a
significant reduction or disappearance of occupational diseases after adequate application of
these limits.

"Permissible Level or Limit" has been defined in previous ILO and WHO documents as a
quantitative hygienic standard for a level considered to be safe, expressed as a concentration
with a defined average time. The term "Permissible Level for Occupational Exposure" can also
be taken to mean "Maximum Allowable Concentration (MAC)", or "Threshold Limit Value (TLV)',
on " Maximum Permissible Limit or Dose". At present a term "Exposure Limits" is recommended
by ILO for chemical substances in the work environment. All mentioned values or standards
represent a working place environment limit - the time average concentration of toxic substance
in the air under which nearly all workers may be exposed repeatedly for normal work day over a
working life time without adverse effect. These value are based on the best available
information from industrial experience and experimental studies.

It is necessary to add that a small percentage of workers may experience discomfort from some
chemicals and a smaller percentage may be affected more serious by aggravation of a pre-
existing condition or by development of an occupational illness at concentrations at or below the

In general, exposure limit (TWA) may be exceeded for short periods without injury to the health
of the exposed persons, but there are limitations to this, depending on the following factors :

(a) whether or not the contaminant is a highly toxic, or highly irritating agent,
(b) whether or not its effects are cumulative,
(c) frequency with which high concentration occur,
(d) duration of such periods of high concentrations,
(e) likelihood of acute poisoning resulting from high concentrations.

2.1 Threshold Limits Value

The TLVs are guidelines to be used by professional industrial hygienists. The values presented
are intended for use only as guidelines or recommendations to assist in the evaluation and
control of potential workplace health hazards and for no other use (e.g., neither for evaluating or
controlling community air pollution; nor for estimating the toxic potential of continuous,

uninterrupted exposures or other extended work periods; nor for proving or disproving an
existing disease or physical condition in an individual). Further, these values are not fine lines
between safe and dangerous conditions and should not be used by anyone who is not trained in
the discipline of industrial hygiene. TLVs are not regulatory or consensus standards.

Definition of the TLVs

Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) refer to airborne concentrations of chemical substances and
represent conditions under which it is believed that nearly all workers may be repeatedly
exposed, day after day, over a working lifetimes, without adverse health effects.

Chemical substances with equivalent TLVs (i.e. same numerical values) cannot be assumed to
have similar toxicological effects or similar biologic potency. TLVs for each chemical substance
(that is, airborne concentrations in parts per million [ppm] or milligrams per cubic meter [mg/m3]
and critical effects produced by the chemical substance. These critical effects form the basis of
the TLV.

Although TLVs refer to airborne levels of chemical exposure, dermal exposures may possibly
occur the workplace.

Three categories of TLVs are specified: time-weighted average (TWA);short-term exposure limit
(STEL); and a ceiling ©. For most substances, a TWA alone or with a STEL is relevant. For
some substances (e.g., irritant gases), only the TLV-C is applicable. If any of these TLV types
are exceeded a potential hazard from that substance is presumed to exist.

Threshold Limit Value-Time-Weighted Average (TLV-TWA): The TWA concentration for a

conventional 8-hour workday and a 40-hour workweek, to which it is believed that nearly all
workers may be repeatedly exposed, day after day, for a working lifetime without adverse effect.
Although calculating the average concentration for a workweek, rather than a workday, may be
appropriate in some instances, ACGIH does not offer guidance regarding such exposures.

Threshold Limit Value-Short-Term Exposure Limit (TLV-STEL): A 15-minute TWA exposure

that should not be exceeded at any time during a workday, even if the 8 hour TWA is within the
TLV-TWA. The TLV-STEL is the concentration to which it is believed that workers can be
exposed continuously for short period of time without suffering from 1) irritation, 2) chronic or
irreversible tissue damage, 3) dose-rate-dependent toxic effects, or 4) narcosis of sufficient
degree to increase the likelihood of accidental injury, impaired self-rescue, or materially reduced
work efficiency. The TLV-STEL will not necessarily protect against these effects if the daily TLV-
TWA is exceeded. The TLV-STEL usually supplement the TLV-TWA where there are
recognized acute effects from substance whose toxic effects are primarily of a chronic nature;
however, the TLV-STEL may be a separate, independent exposure guideline. Exposures above
the TLV-TWA where there are recognize acute effects from a substance whose toxic effects are
primarily of a chronic nature; however, the TLV-STEL may be separate, independent exposure
guideline. Exposures above the TLV-TWA upto the TLV-STEL should be less than 15 minutes,
should occur no more than four times per day, and there should be at least 60 minutes between
successive exposures in this range. An averaging period other than 15 minutes may be
recommended when this is warranted by observed biological effects.

Threshold Limit Value-Ceiling (TLV-C): The concentration that should not be exceeded during
any part of the working exposure. If instantaneous measurements are not available, sampling
should be conducted for the minimum period of time sufficient to detect exposures at or above

the ceiling value. ACGIH (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists )
believes that TLVs based on physical irritation should be considered no less binding than those
based on physical impairment. There is increasing evidence that physical irritation may initiate,
promote, or accelerate adverse health effects through interaction with other chemical or biologic
agents or through other mechanisms.

2.2 Emergency Response Planning Guidelines

ERPGs are intended to be used by persons trained in emergency response planning as

planning tools for assessing the adequacy of incident prevention and containment measures
undertaken for chemical releases, for transportation emergency planning, and for developing
facility site and community emergency response plans. The levels are not to be used to
determine safe limits for routine operations, as definitive delineators between safe and unsafe
exposure conditions, or as a basis for quantitative risk assessment.

ERPG levels:

ERPG-1: The maximum airborne concentration below which it is believed nearly all individuals
could be exposed for up to 1 hour without experience more than mild, transient adverse health
effects or without perceiving a clearly defined objectionable odor.

ERPG-2: The maximum airborne concentration below which it is believed nearly all individuals
could be exposed for up to 1 hour without experiencing or developing irreversible or other
serious health effects or symptoms that could impair an individual’s ability to take protective

ERPG-3: The maximum airborne concentration below which it is believed early all individuals
could exposed for up to 1 hour without experiencing or developing life-threatening health


Emergency response planning programs generally include accidental release scenarios in

which air dispersion models determine concentration isopleths. Programs designed to protect
the public from transportation incidents involving chemical materials also use the ERPGTM
values. ERPGTM also are important for compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency’s (EPA) Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Act (EPCRA.)

Those who use ERPG values include :

• Community emergency planers
• Emergency responders
• Air dispersion modelers
• Industrial process safety engineers
• Community Action Emergency Response (CAER) participants
• Local Emergency Planning Coordinators (LEPCs)
• State Emergency Response Commissions (SERCs)
• Industrial hygienists
• Toxicologists
• Transportation safety engineers

• Fire protection specialists
• Government agencies
• Risk assessors and risk managers
• Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) managers

ERPG can be used with dispersion models, together with other information such as inventory
storage volumes and atmospheric conditions, to provide computerized estimates of the
potential spread and airborne concentration in case of a release. From these estimates action
plans can be developed. The plans may vary for any given emergency depending on such
things as population density, type of population (e.g. schools, elderly), terrain, weather
conditions, and the nature of the release. Using estimated release rates, the physical and
chemical properties of the products released, and meterological data, the dispersion modeling
methods generate estimated distances and time of arrival for ERPG concentrations.

3. Toxicology

Toxicology is the study of the adverse effects of substances on living organisms. Industrial
toxicology is concerned with the adverse effects on workers of substances handled in the
workplace, although interest usually extends to adverse effects of products on consumers and
of workplace effluents on the general public. Historically toxicology was the art and science of
poisoning. It is today a discipline which makes use of information developed by a wide range of
chemical, physical, biological and medical sciences in order to predict the likely adverse effects
on man of an ever-increasing range of substances to which he is exposed.


Toxicity is the innate ability of substances to injure living things.

Hazard assessment is the prediction of the toxic effects that will be evident under defined
conditions of exposure.

Risk assessment is the prediction of the probability that defined toxic effects will occur under
defined conditions of exposure in a single person or a defined population.

Substance covers a wide range of materials including single chemical compounds or mixtures
of these, simple or complex naturally occurring or synthetically produced substances and micro-
organisms. Substances may be chemically pure or contain additives or impurities and may be in
the form of solids, liquids, gases, dusts, fibres, fumes or aerosols. Some (e.g. fumes, dusts and
aerosols) may be difficult to identify. Substances to which man might be exposed in the
workplace include materials used, packed, collected, stored, handled, disposed of or otherwise
encountered. They may be final products, formulations, intermediates, components, 'off spec'
products, by-products, wastes and residues. They may be materials used or which arise during
maintenance or repair of plants or buildings or they may be formed or used during research,
development or testing.

Different individuals may react differently to substances: Some people who smoke develop lung
cancers; others do not. Penicillin is harmless to most people but produces severe allergic
reactions in others. The toxic effects of a substance depend upon:

1. Its physical form.

2. The dose.
3. The route of entry.
4. Its absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion.

Physical Form :

1.Solids - When ground or crushed, dusts result and can be inhaled, ingested or contaminate
the skin. Liquids Can be swallowed or contaminate the skin .Gases, Vapours, Fumes ,Mists &
Aerosols Can be inhaled or contaminate the skin.

2. Dose is the product of concentration of the substance and duration of exposure to it. In simple
terms it may be described as: Dose = Exposure x Time

3. Route of entry / absorption : The four main routes of entry of toxins into the body are via
inhalation, the skin , ingestion and injection

Ingestion: Ingestion is the least significant route of entry in industry while in environmental
toxicology it is the most. During evolution, mechanisms have developed in the gut to regulate
the uptake of essential elements. Toxic elements may have to compete so that generally only a
fraction of any ingested dose is absorbed into the body (often 10% or less). Possible causes of
ingestion in industry are mouth pipetting in laboratories, swallowing dust which has been inhaled
and cleared by the mucociliary escalator, smoking and eating at the workstation or simply
having dirty hands where the hand later comes in contact with the mouth.

Inhalation: In the lung there are no similar mechanisms for selective uptake. Particles less than
10 micron in diameter may reach the alveoli. If soluble, approximately 40% are then absorbed.
Insoluble chemicals are relatively safer, for example lead sulphide, whereas lead carbonate is
highly soluble and causes poisoning quickly. Larger inhaled particles are less of a risk as
absorption higher up the respiratory tract is less efficient. It is important to remember that not
only is the lung responsible for the uptake of substances into the body it is also acted on as a
target organ. Materials which are not absorbed into the body can remain in the lungs and cause
physical and/or chemical damage to them. Inhalation accounts for 90% or so of industrial

The Skin: In the skin there is again no selective uptake. Fat-soluble compounds are absorbed
readily as are organic solvents. Absorption through healthy intact skin occurs with nitrobenzene,
phenol, mercury, and aniline. Absorption of phenol through just a few square inches of intact
skin can be lethal. Impervious protective clothing like gloves will increase the rate of absorption
if accidental contamination occurs on the inside. Damaged skin also facilitates absorption of

Response to toxins

The body's response to toxins depends on several variables:

Age :- The elderly and very young tend not to cope well as their metabolic pathways are less
efficient than average.

Underlying Illness:- Some conditions, for example diarrhoea or reduced lung function will limit
toxic effects by reducing absorption. Others, for example anaemia, would compromise even
further the body's response to lead or carbon monoxide.

Medication:- Drugs can affect enzyme systems, increasing or decreasing the effects of toxic

Alcohol :-May compromise liver function and thus detoxification processes.

Smoking:- Smoking potentiates the action of some substances like asbestos.

Individual:- People vary enormously in their responses to external agents, from noise to coal
dust, and allergens to chemicals. This is probably a genetic effect.

Type of response :

♣Local effects at the point of entry e.g. irritation, burns.

♣ Allergic reactions e.g. dermatitis, asthma.
♣ Effects on target organs.
♣ Cancer.
♣ Reproductive effects e.g. sterility, abortions.
♣ Teratogenesis - congenital birth defects.
♣ Childhood tumours in offspring of those exposed.


Introduction : The primary reason for conducting a workplace assessment is to assess the
risk(s) to the health of employees. Where a less than satisfactory situation is indicated there will
be an additional requirement:

1. To specify steps to achieve adequate control.

2. To identify any other action that is required.

Hazard and Risk : When undertaking risk assessments, it is important to have a clear
understanding of the differences between hazard and risk.

♣A hazard is something that can cause harm if not controlled.

♣ The outcome is the harm that results from an uncontrolled hazard.
♣ A risk is a combination of the probability that a particular outcome will occur and the severity
of the harm involved.

Assessment of Health Risks : The process of assessing risks to health can be broadly
described by the steps below.

Step 1 : Define the extent of the assessment

Step 2 :Gather Information

Step 3 : Assess Exposure
Step 4 : Identify Actions
Step 5 : Record the Assessment
Step 6 : Carry Out Actions
Step 7 : Review the Assessment ( Go to Step 1 )

Define the extent of the assessment

At first it is necessary to define the process or activity which is being assessed. This may
involve one or more activities as well as one or more workers at a time. It may also be
necessary to assess different hazards as part of different assessments, e.g. noise assessments
are usually conducted separately from chemical risk assessments as they involve very different
approaches. However, when assessing hazards from chemicals such as solvents it is often
possible to group any chemicals under one assessment, as they possess similar properties and
require similar controls.

Gather Information

An assessment of the health risks in the workplace necessitates an appreciation of a number of

factors in the decision making process, including some or all of the following, as appropriate -
and therefore as a first step information pertaining to these factors has to be gathered if a
meaningful assessment is to be undertaken:

♣ The nature of the process or operation, e.g. continuous or batch, indoor or outdoor.
♣ The substances used and produced (chemical, biological) plus other agents (noise,
radiation) and factors (ergonomic) present. For the substances, some may be expressed as
trade names and their chemical composition will need to be understood.
♣ It is also important to remember that most industrial exposures to chemicals (inhalation, skin
contact) are to mixtures, not to single substances. In these cases, information about the
mixture composition will need to be known.
♣ The form of the substances (gases, vapours etc.) and other agents plus a knowledge of
where these are present in the workplace location/task undergoing assessment.
♣ Work/shift pattern.
♣ The recommended operating practices and precautionary measures (incl. engineering
♣ Worker health experiences, e.g. check whether there are/have been any cases of
occupational ill-health, incidents, complaints or compensation claims.

Any other relevant information there is a need, for example, to put observations, data etc., in
perspective and to ascertain how typical they are as compared to 'normal' practices and
procedures. The existence of inventories/registers of substances, non-chemical agents (e.g.
noise and radiation sources) and the types of job undertaken can be extremely useful in
progressing an assessment.

The availability of relevant sources of information can also be of considerable advantage, e.g.
Material safety data sheets (MSDS).

♣ Manufacturers' labeling.
♣ TLV documentation.

Assess the Health Risk(s) Having gathered all the relevant information, the actual assessment
is now carried out. This involves keen inquiry and observation, for example, in relation to the
operating practices and precautionary measures actually adopted in a specific task, and, where
necessary, environmental measurement (e.g. personal exposure monitoring). Remember to
ask about the existence and application of a work permit system and to check the scope and
effectiveness of its application from a health protection viewpoint. An assessment should be
'suitable and sufficient'. Clearly, therefore, it should be conducted by a 'competent person' and
the type of individual that constitutes such a person will vary from one workplace to another. In
some cases the assistance of a fully qualified occupational hygienist will be necessary because
of the more complex nature of the risk(s) being investigated. A critical point to be appreciated is
that the term 'assessment' is not synonymous with the 'measurement' or 'monitoring' of
occupational exposures. On the other hand, the findings from measurements of occupational
exposures to chemical, physical or biological agents in the workplace may form an important
element of the overall assessment.

Occupational Health Specialties...

Diagnosis &Treatment Occupational

Health Surveillance Medicine
Dose +

Exposure Effective Control
Occupational = Health
Assessment Hygiene (Wellbeing)
Work Activities
Hazard Toxicology

Recognizing and Controlling Hazards : Industrial hygiene recognize that engineering, work
practice, and administrative controls are the primary means of reducing employee exposure to
occupational hazards.

Engineering controls minimize employee exposure by either reducing or removing the hazard
at the source or isolating the worker from the hazard. Engineering controls include eliminating
toxic chemicals and substituting non-toxic chemicals, enclosing work processes or confining
work operations, and the installation of general and local ventilation systems.

Work practice controls alter the manner in which a task is performed. Some fundamental and
easily implemented work practice controls include :

1. Changing existing work practices to follow proper procedure that minimize exposures
while operating production and control equipment.
2. inspecting and maintaining process and control equipment on a regular basis;
3. implementing good housekeeping procedures;
4. providing good supervision; and
5. mandating that eating, drinking, smoking, chewing tobacco or gum, and applying
cosmetics in regulated areas be prohibited

Administrative controls include controlling employees' exposure by scheduling production and

tasks, or both, in ways that minimize exposure levels. For example, the employer might
schedule operations with the highest exposure potential during periods when the fewest
employees are present. When effective work practices or engineering controls are not feasible
or while such controls are being instituted, appropriate personal protective equipment must be
used. Examples of personal protective equipment are gloves, safety goggles, helmets, safety
shoes, protective clothing, and respirators. To be effective, personal protective equipment must
be individually selected, properly fitted and periodically refitted; conscientiously and properly
worn; regularly maintained; and replaced, as necessary.

4. Workplace Monitoring

It may be necessary to obtain some monitoring data, particularly regarding exposure levels, as
part of the overall assessment of health risks. Where workplace monitoring is required, the aim
is to assist in ensuring the health protection of employees and the sampling strategy adopted
should be appropriate to the basic reason for the type of survey to be conducted. The latter
ranges from initial monitoring of a plant or operation, in order to establish a 'baseline' situation,
to the periodic monitoring of a plant or operation in order to check, at regular intervals, that
acceptable conditions are being maintained.

The following are the types of factor that should trigger such a further assessment of the health

1.The substances/agents involved and/or their sources.

2. The plant e.g. modified engineering control.
3.The process or method of work.
4. The volume or rate of production.

♣ Adverse results from: Personal exposure monitoring.

♣ Health surveillance monitoring (e.g. audiometry, biological monitoring).
♣ Monitoring of process control (e.g. fugitive emissions)

Worksite Analysis : A worksite analysis is an essential first step that helps an industrial
hygienist determine what jobs and work stations are the sources of potential problems. During
the worksite analysis, the industrial hygienist measures and identifies exposures, problem tasks,
and risks. The most-effective worksite analyses include all jobs, operations, and work activities.
The industrial hygienist inspects, researches, or analyzes how the particular chemicals or
physical hazards at that worksite affect worker health. If a situation hazardous to health is
discovered, the industrial hygienist recommends the appropriate corrective actions.

4.1 Occupational Hygiene Survey for Chemical Substances

The purpose of occupational hygiene survey is to ensure healthy working condition and safe
work place for employees. It includes recognition, evaluation, and control occupational health
hazards associated with manufacturing process at a work place. Such studies are scientific
investigations, conducted within the premises of industrial establishments to determine the
nature and magnitude of health hazards that may adversely affect the well being of the persons
employed. The basic components of occupational hygiene survey incorporate the following

1. Collection of essential information with regard to industrial operations, process of

manufacture, types of raw materials used and products, etc.
2. A thorough inspection and critical observation of workplace, nature of work, method
of operations, system safety, safety practices, and unsafe condition and acts.
3. Sampling & evaluation of air borne contaminants.
4. Inspection & evaluation of reliability & effectiveness of existing control measures to
minimize hazards.
5. On the basis of observations made and findings obtained, recommendations to
improve the workroom environment and minimize health hazards.

Types of Survey :

The occupational hygiene survey may be broadly divided into two categories.

(a) Unidisciplinary Study :

Unidisciplinary studies are undertaken to monitor the level of stresses and
magnitude of exposure to various health hazards by direct method of monitoring the
work room environment using only Industrial Hygiene Techniques.
(b) Multidisciplinary Studies :
Multidisciplinary studies should aim at to evaluate the level of exposure, and the
extent of harmful effects on exposed persons by air and biological monitoring and
medical investigations..

Preliminary Investigation :

Before an occupational hygiene survey is undertaken to monitor the work room

environment, basic information is collected by making a personal visit to the concerned
industrial establishment for detailed planning of the technical investigations.

(a) Plant building and lay out : A blueprint of the factory lay out should be seen at the time of
visit to the plant. Any modification or expansion in the industrial operations and
processes should be checked, compared & discussed with the management.
(b) Data Collection : The preliminary investigation should include general information the
plant such as year of establishment, total number of workmen, number of shifts, timing
and duration of shifts, number of workmen in various categories and sections or units,
size of the plant and its sections, organizational structure, first aid facilities, fire fighting
devices, safety set up, plant medical services, personal protective equipment issued by
the management to different categories of workmen and the existing engineering control
measures for minimizing the harmful exposures (Pl. see Annexure - I)

(c) Manufacturing Process and Industrial Operations : A flow diagram of manufacturing

process should be obtained from the management and at the shop floor, the actual
operations should be observed and noted. The names of various raw materials, by-
products and products should be collected including their monthly or yearly consumption
or production. Examples of by-products of certain industrial operations are given in
Annex. -I.

(d) Visual Observations : The Industrial hygienist who make a preliminary visit in the plant
should spend (a) considerable time in making a thorough on sight observations of
various activities carried out in the plant. Such as material handling transportation of
various chemicals from one place to another industrial operations (crushing, grinding,
milling, mixing autoclaving etc.) storage system of raw materials and final products,
activities of workmen and their normal practices of work, ventilation system, exhaust
and scrubbing devices, housekeeping and hygiene conditions. Such observations help in
the selection of sampling locations, duration and type of sampling needed personal
monitoring and for deciding the recommendations.

Annexure - I

Example of By- Product of Certain Industrial Operation

Operation or process Example of possible chemical hazard
Welding Nitrogen Oxides, ozone, metal fumes
(metal and flux)

Welding if metal port has been cleaned Nitrogen oxides, ozone, fumes,
With chlorinated hydrocarbon phosgene, HCl.

Contact of nitric acid with organic Nitrogen oxide


Degreasers Vapours used in the fail, phosgene and HCl

If heat or ultravoilet sources are present and
Chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents are used.

Contact of acid with metal containing Arsene

Arsenic as impurity

Operations that enable the reaction of BIS- Chloromethyl other.

Formaldehyde and HCL

Hyrolysis of wood, load, fuel oil and CO, hydrocarbon, sulphur oxides,
And natural etc. methanol, acetic acid, nitrogen oxides.

Pyrolysis of plastics CO, HCN. HCL, Isocyanates, styrene


Spinning operations of viscose rayon Hydrogen sulphide .


(e) Industrial Waste Treatment and Disposal : It is essential to examine the system
of treatment and disposal of industrial waste (solid, liquid or gas) of the concerned plant.
Information should be collected regarding the type of waste production per day,
methods of treatment, dumping of waste and its disposal or discharge to outside work
place. The waste treatment plant, scrubbing devices, and dust collectors etc. should be
physically seen and checked for their effective performance.

The above information collected during the preliminary visit to the plant helps industrial
hygienist in planning a detailed occupational hygiene survey.

Planning of Survey :

The detailed study on Industrial Hygiene is dependent up on objectives of survey. It may have
one or more than one objectives as given below :

i) To assess level of exposure to stress factors and to find whether the exposure is safe or
unsafe on the basis of recommended permissible or threshold limit values.
ii) To examine the efficiency of control measures already provided to minimize the level of
iii) As part of research project on assessing the industrial health hazards and their effects
on exposed personnel in a particular type of industrial establishment.

On the basis of the preliminary investigation made in the plant and objectives of the studies the
following activities should be decided.

i) Location of Sampling
ii) Number of samples to be collected
iii) Duration of sampling
iv) Method of sampling
v) Selection of sampling equipment
vi) Selection of analytical method
vii) Type of personal monitoring
viii) Type of biological monitoring
ix) Type of medical investigation if required

i) Selection of Sampling Locations :

The location for environmental sampling are selected considering the industrial operation. The
location should be nearest to the operator or the work man who is engaged in various jobs in
the plant. The sampling locations should be selected at many places under the same work
room. In case of airborne contaminant, sample should be collected in the breathing zone of the
work man. Noise and heat stress measurement should be taken at the chest height (4 ft.
approximately in Indian work situation.)

It is appropriate to select more locations at a particular work place to understand the distribution
of contaminants and their pathways in the work room environment. The location should be well
defined and distinctly identified to enable the management to understand the level of
contaminant at the sampling spot. While mentioning the location, it should also be pointed out
that how many operations and which operations were carried out during the air sampling or
measurement of physical factors.

ii) Number of Samples :

The number of samples to be collected depends upon the purpose of sampling to a great
extent. To calculate the time weighted average exposure of various group of workman , a
sufficiently large number of samples need to be collected. In case only the efficiency of a
particular control device is to be examined, a less number of samples ( 3 to 5 numbers ) will be
sufficient. It is appropriate to collect a minimum of 3 to 5 samples at each sampling spot but

more number of samples will definitely provide data on the extent of variation level of air borne

iii) Duration of Sampling :

Permissible limit values for chemical and physical agents are based on eight hours daily
exposure, therefore, the duration of sampling should continuously maintained for 8 hrs. in every
shift . Because of limitations of monitoring equipment and the various operations, the duration
may be reduced. It would be more distinct and clear if the sampling heads are changed in every
15 minutes and process of sampling continues for eight hours. It will not only help to understand
the eight hours exposure but also depict the short term exposures. In addition, short duration
sampling are essential to understand the pattern of increase or decrease in the level of
contaminants in workroom environment and also to compare with its ceiling values. Some time
the processes or the operations in industry are of intermittent in nature and may be only for a
few minutes. To cover such operations, it is essential to keep duration of air sampling limited to
the timing of industrial operations.

In few industrial processes running maintenance and preventive maintenance are carried out
when the normal production process is in progress. On such occasions, a series of samples
should be collected to understand the deviations from normal work situation.

iv) Method of Sampling :

Collection of air samples to evaluate air borne concentration of contaminants, is a specialized

field and only trained people should undertake such Job. Various types of sampling
methodology are adopted such as instantaneous or grab sampling. Consecutive sampling for
partial period and long term sampling by using different types of suction devices. While
collecting the samples, precautions should be taken to watch any alteration in suction rate,
leakage in the sampling tube or sampling head. Samples should be numbered well and
respective locations should be clearly mentioned. Collected samples should be safely stored
and transported to laboratory for analysis.

v) Selection of Sampling Equipment :

Selection of equipment is dependent upon the type of sampling required for the study i.e.
grab sampling or long term sampling. It is also dependent upon the limitations and availability of
equipments in the industrial Hygiene Laboratory. A variety of sampling equipment including
direct reading equipment and conventional type of sampling equipment are available. Each
sampling equipment for collection of air sample consists of three parts (I) a source of suction (ii)
means for measurement of air flow (iii) a sample collector or a trapping device.

Some equipment are also used not only to determine the concentration of air contaminants,
but also to detect the presence of comfortable atmosphere and to ascertain sufficient or
insufficient Oxygen. In presence of combustible atmosphere, only flame proof equipment should
be used for sampling. The equipment taken for field investigation should be strong, light in
weight, easy in handling and movement.

vi) Selection of Analytical Methods :

The selection of method for analysis of air sample is dependent upon following factors.

i) Type of contaminant.
ii) Probable concentration of contaminant in collected air sample.
iii) Threshold limit values recommended for the contaminants
iv) Limitation of sampling equipments and duration of sampling.
v) Sensitivity of the analytical method.
vi) Presence of interfering agents in the work-room environment.
vii) Stability of the collected air sample.
viii) Limitation of resources available in the laboratory.

The method of analysis should be easy and rapid with minimum chances of interference
and minimum efficiency and sensitivity.

vii) Personnel Monitoring :

The environmental monitoring at various locations in the plant does not always reflect
quantitative exposure to the contaminants by various persons engaged on different job in the
plant, because of their normal movement from place to place including tea and lunch break.
Time Weighted-Average exposure for 8 hrs. duration by an individual person during his shift
can only be ascertained by personal monitoring using personal sampler. Personal monitoring is
important for various categories of workman including shift incharge, supervisors, skilled,
semiskilled and unskilled worker.

Normally a personal sampler consist of a battery operated suction pump hooked on the waist
belt of a workman connected to a sampling head fitted on the body of the worker near his
breathing zone. Personal samplers are light in weight and to lightly fitted to the body which does
not produce any interference in normal work performance.

The personal sampler should be fitted to the exposed person before he starts his job in a
particular shift and should be collected back at the end of the shift.

A close observation should always be kept on Sampling head, and it should be replaced if there
is any high deposit which can prevent the desired suction rate of the pump and also decrease
the absorption or filtration process.

viii) Biological Monitoring :

Biological monitoring is an indirect method for the measurement of exposure to chemicals.

Regular Biological monitoring is useful for validation of the environmental findings.

Environmental monitoring gives a picture of present working condition when the survey has
been conducted, but it can not indicate the quality of workroom environment which the workmen
had been exposed earlier. In this context biological monitoring is a better method of ascertaining
the extent of exposure that the worker had in the past especially in the case of metals and their
compounds. However, biological monitoring also offer opportunities for error due to the following

i) Individual Susceptibility
ii) Dietary habits & climatic conditions.
iii) Individual work habits and physical activity
iv) Personal Hygienist condition
v) Age and sex of the workers
vi) Physical ailments and health status
vii) Socio-economic condition.
viii) Use of drug and medicines
ix) Smoking and alcoholic drinks.

The samples in biological monitoring are mostly human excretions or derivatives such as urine,
stool, blood, sputum, nails, hair, exhaled air etc. These samples are mostly unstable and as
such precautions should be taken in collection, storing, preservation and transportation.
Suitable type of sample bottles are selected for storing them and transportation's.

Various types of clinical, pathological and radiological examinations are conducted depending
upon the stress factors in the work-environment. Most of the harmful effects of stress factors are
known and accordingly details of clinical investigation can be decided. The investigation should
be more subjective and objective.

Field Investigation :

The field Survey should be made without any delay after the preliminary visit was made in the
plant and necessary information was collected. The field investigation may involve collection of
air samples, biological samples, and measurement of efficiency of existing control system. The
occupational hygiene survey should be carried out with the co-operation of shop-floor
personnel, safety officer, or other officials concerned with the particular work place. It is also
desirable that the workman may be made aware about the type of the survey being carried out
at their workplace, its importance and benefits for the working group. Their co-operation and
involvement will certainly lead to a better and representative sample collection. Foremen or the
shop-floor supervisor is a key man who can assist in maintaining the normal conditions as well
as simulating abnormal conditions, if such we are required for a true evaluation.

Air samples may be taken at pre-selected locations to determine individual exposure, general
room work environment and source of contaminant. The collection of samples should be
repeated at the same locations for as many times as possible considering the time factor and
industrial operations. The sampling time may also be suitably designed during the night shift, if
required, because certain operation in the factory in carried out only during night to overcome
the problems of production and other reasons.

The man power required for an occupational hygiene survey depends upon the type of study
i.e. unidisciplinary and multidisciplinary study, varying from two persons to as many as a group
of eight or ten persons involving industrial hygienist, biochemist, occupational health experts
and safety engineers. However, minimum number of survey personnel prevents from over
crowding at shop-floor and distraction of attention of workmen and interference in normal work

The survey team should always keep a note book or diary to note down various observation that
he finds during samples collection. Such as, method of work of the workman, addition or

discharge of raw materials or products, "shut" or "start on" any operation that he may and finds
at the workplace.

The existing control measure to reduce the dispersions of contaminant in work environment and
to protect the workman from harmful exposure should be well examined for its efficiency and
quality. It may include general ventilation, and local exhaust at the source of contaminant, dust
collectors, gas and vapour scrubbers, and respiratories.

Air samples collected from various locations and operations including biological sample should
be well stopped, preserved and safety stored in samples kit. It should be sent to the laboratory
as early as possible to get a better and reliable result.

Before the survey team complete the field investigation, it is preferable to have discussion with
the plant manager, production manager, maintenance manager and safety officer regarding
brief of the findings and observations along with recommendations and suggestions for control.
The discussions may bring out practical and feasible solutions of the control measures being
recommended by the survey team.

5. Statutory Provision Related to Industrial Hygiene
The Factories Act-1948

• Section 13. Ventilation and temperature

(1) Effective and suitable provision shall be made in every factory for securing and
maintaining in every workroom--
(a) adequate ventilation by the circulation of fresh air, and
(b) such a temperature as will secure to workers therein reasonable conditions of
comfort and prevent injury to health;-
and in particular,-
(i) walls and roofs shall be of such material and so designed that such
temperature shall not be exceeded but kept as low as practicable;
(ii) where the nature of the work carried on in the factory involves, or is likely to
involve, the production of excessively high temperatures, such adequate
measures as are practicable shall be taken to protect the workers.
(2) The State Government may prescribe a standard of adequate ventilation and
reasonable temperature for any factory or class or description of factories or parts
thereof and direct that 1*[proper measuring instruments, at such places and in such
position as may be specified, shall be provided and such records, as may be
prescribed, shall be maintained.]

• Section (14) – Dust & fumes

(1) In every factory in which, by reason of the manufacturing process carried on, there is
given off any dust or fume or other impurity of such a nature and to such an extent as
is likely to be injurious or offensive to the workers employed therein, or any dust in
substantial quantities, effective measures shall be taken to prevent its inhalation and
accumulation in any workroom, and if any exhaust appliance is necessary for this
purpose, it shall be applied as near as possible to the point of origin of the dust, fume
or other impurity, and such point shall be enclosed so far as possible.
(2) In any factory no stationary internal combustion engine shall be operated unless the
exhaust is conducted into the open air, and no other internal combustion engine shall
be operated in any room unless effective measures have been taken to prevent such
accumulation of fumes there from as are likely to be injurious to workers employed in
the room.

• Section 15 Artificial humidification

(1) In respect of all factories in which the humidity of the air is artificially increased, the
State Government may make rules,-
(a) prescribing standards of humidification;
(b) regulating the methods used for artificially increasing the humidity of the air;
(c) directing prescribed tests for determining the humidity of the air to be correctly
carried out and recorded;
(d) prescribing methods to be adopted for securing adequate ventilation and cooling
of the air in the workrooms

(2) In any factory in which the humidity of the air is artificially increased, the water used for
the purpose shall be taken from a public supply, or other source of drinking water, or
shall be effectively purified before it is so used.
(3) If it appears to an Inspector that the water used in a factory for increasing humidity is
required to be effectively purified under sub-section (2) is not effectively purified he
may serve on the manager of the factory an order in writing, specifying the measures
which in his opinion should be adopted, and requiring them to be carried out before
specified date.

• Section 17 – Lighting

(1) In every part of a factory where workers are working or passing there shall be provided
and maintained sufficient and suitable lighting, natural or artificial, or both.
(2) In every factory all glazed windows and skylights used for the lighting of the workrooms
shall be kept clean on both the inner an outer surfaces and, so far as compliance with
the provisions of any rules made under sub-section (3) of section 13 will allow, free
from obstruction.
(3) In every factory effective provision shall, so far as is practicable, be made for the
prevention of-
(a) glare, either directly from a source of light or by reflection from a smooth or
polished surface;
(b) The formation of shadows to such an extent as to cause eye-strain or the risk
of accident to any worker.
(4) The State Government may prescribe standards of sufficient and suitable lighting for
factories or for any class of description of factories or for any manufacturing process.

(As per Maharashtra State Rule – 1963)
Sr. Area and Work-room Minimum intensity of
No. illumination in Lux
1. Stock-yards, main entrance and exit roads, cat-walks of outdoor 20
plants, coal unloading and storage areas.
2. Passage-ways and corridors and stairways, warehouses, stock-rooms 50
for large and bulky materials, platforms of outdoor plants, basements.
3. Engine and boiler rooms, passengers and freight elevators, conveyer 100
crating and boxing departments, store-rooms and stock-rooms for
medium and fine materials, lockers rooms, toilet and wash rooms.

(As per Maharashtra State Rule – 1963)

Sr. Nature of Work Examples Minimum

No. intensity of
in Lux
1. Where discrimination Handling of material of coarse nature, rough 50
of detail is not sorting, grinding of clay products, handling coal or
essential. ashes.

2. Where slight Production of semi-finished iron and steel 100
discrimination of products, rough assembling, milling of grains,
detail is essential. opening, carding, drawing, slubbing, roving,
spinning (ordinary) counts of cotton.

3. Where moderate Medium assembling, rough bench work and 200

discrimination of machine work, inspection and testing of products,
detail is essential. canning, sawing, venering planning of lumber,
sewing of light coloured textiles and leather
products, weaving light thread, warping, slashing
doubling (fancy) spinning fine counts.

4. Where close Medium bench and machine work 300 fine testing, 300
discrimination of flour grading, leather finishing, weaving cotton
detail is essential. goods, or light coloured woolen goods, welding
sub-assembly, drilling, riveting, book-binding and

5. Where discrimination Fine assembling, fine bench and machine work, 500
of fine detail is fine inspection, fine polishing and beveling of
involved under a fair glass, fine wood working, weaving dark coloured
degree of contract woolen goods.
for long period of
6. Where discrimination Extra fine assembling, extra fine inspection,
of extremely fine testing of extra fine instruments, jewellery and
detail is involved watch manufacturing, grading and working of
under conditions of tobacco products, dark cloth hand tailoring, final
extremely poor perching in dye works, make-up and proof reading
contrast for long in printing plants.
periods of time.

• Section 36 – Precautions against dangerous fumes, gases etc.

(1) No person shall be required or allowed to enter any chamber, tank, vat, pit, pipe, flue or
other confined space in any factory in which any gas, fume, vapour or dust is likely to
be present to such an extent as to involve risk to persons being overcome thereby,
unless it is provided with a manhole of adequate size or other effective means of
(2) No person shall be required or allowed to enter any confined space as is referred to in
sub-section (1), until all practicable measures have been taken to remove any gas,
fume, vapour or dust, which may be present so as to bring its level within the
permissible limits and to prevent any ingress of such gas, fume, vapour or dust and

(a) a certificate in writing has been given by a competent person, based on a

test carried out by himself that the space is reasonably free from dangerous
gas, fume, vapour or dust; or

(b) such person is wearing suitable breathing apparatus and a belt securely
attached to a rope the free end of which is held by a person outside the
confined space."
• 36A. Precautions regarding the use of portable electric light.
In any factory--
(a) no portable electric light or any other electric appliance of voltage exceeding
twenty-four volts shall be permitted for use inside any chamber, tank, vat, pit,
pipe, flue or other confined space; 2*[ unless adequate safety devices are
provided] and

(b) if any inflammable gas, fume or dust is likely to be present in such chamber,
tank, vat, pit, pipe, flue or other confined space, no lamp or light other than
that of flame-proof construction shall be permitted to be used therein.]

• Section 37 – Explosive or inflammable dust, gas, etc.

(1) Where in any factory any manufacturing process produces dust, gas, fume or vapour of
such character and to such extent as to be likely to explode on ignition, all practicable
measures shall be taken to prevent any such explosion by--

(a) effective enclosure of the plant or machinery used in the process;

(b) removal or prevention of the accumulation of such dust, gas, fume or vapour;
(c) exclusion or effective enclosure of all possible sources of ignition.

(2) Where in any factory the plant or machinery used in a process such as is referred to in
sub-section (1) is not so constructed as to withstand the probable pressure which such
an explosion as aforesaid would produce, all practicable measures shall be taken to
restrict the spread and effects of the explosion by the provision in the plant or
machinery of chokes, baffles, vents or other effective appliances.
(3) Where any part of the plant or machinery in a factory contains any explosive or
inflammable gas or vapour under pressure greater than atmospheric pressure, that
part shall not be opened except in accordance with the following provisions, namely:--

(a) before the fastening of any joint of any pipe connected with the part or the
fastening of the cover of any opening into the part is the cover of any opening
into the part is loosened, any flow of the gas or vapour into the part of any
such pipe shall be effectively stopped by a stop-valve or other means;
(b) before any such fastening as aforesaid is removed, all practicable measures
shall be taken to reduce the pressure of the gas or vapour in the part of pipe
to atmospheric pressure;
(c) where any such fastening as aforesaid has been loosened or removed
effective measures shall be taken to prevent any explosive or inflammable
gas or vapour from entering the part or pipe until the fastening has been
secured, or, as the case may be, securely replaced:

2.1 Provisions related to Occupational Health in The Factories Act, 1948

Chapter III - Health

Section 11 - Cleanliness
Section 12 - Disposal of wastes and effluents
Section 13 - Ventilation and Temperature
Section 14 - Dust and Fumes
Section 15 - Artificial Humidification
Section 16 - Overcrowding
Section 17 - Lighting
Section 18 - Drinking water
Section 19 - Latrines and Urinals
Section 20 - Spittoons

Chapter IV – A Provisions Relating to Hazardous Processes

.41C. Specific responsibility of the occupier in relation to hazardous processes.

Every occupier of a factory involving any hazardous process shall—

(a) maintain accurate and up-to-date health records or, as the case may be, medical
records, of the workers in the factory who are exposed to any chemical, toxic or any
other harmful substances which are manufactured, stored, handled or transported and
such records shall be accessible to the workers subject to such conditions as may be
(b) appoint persons who possess qualifications and experience in handling hazardous
substances and are competent to supervise such handling within the factory and to
provide at the working place all the necessary facilities for protecting the workers in the
manner prescribed Provided that where any question arises as to the qualifications and
experience of a person so appointed, the decision of the Chief Inspector shall be final;
(c) provide for medical examination of every worker--
(a) before such worker is assigned to a job involving the handling of, or working with, a
hazardous substance, and
(b) while continuing in such job, and after he has ceased to work in such job, at
intervals not exceeding twelve months, in such manner as may be prescribed.

41E. Emergency standards.

(1) Where the Central Government is satisfied that no standards of safety have been
prescribed in respect of a hazardous process or class of hazardous processes, or
where the standards so prescribed are inadequate, it may direct the Director General
of Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes or any institution specialised in matters
relating to standards of safety in hazardous processes, to lay down emergency
standards for enforcement of suitable standards in respect of such hazardous
(2) The emergency standards laid down under sub-section shall, until they are incorporated
in the rules made under this be enforceable and have the same effect as if they had
been incorporated in the rules made under this Act

41F. Permissible limits of exposure of chemical and toxic sub-stances.

(1) The maximum permissible threshold limits of exposure of chemical and toxic
substances in manufacturing processes (whether hazardous or otherwise) in any
factory shall be of the value indicated in the Second Schedule
(2) The Central Government may, at any time, for the purpose of giving effect to any
scientific proof obtained from specialised institutions or experts in the field, by
notification in the Official Gazette, make suitable changes in the said Schedule.]

41G. Workers' participation in safety management

.(1) The occupier shall, in every factory where a hazardous process takes place, or where
hazardous substances are used or handled, set up a Safety Committee consisting of
equal number of representatives of workers and management to promote cooperation
between the workers and the management in maintaining proper safety and health at
work and to review periodically the measures taken in that behalf Provided that the
State Government may, by order in writing and for reasons to be recorded, exempt the
occupier of any factory or class of factories from setting up such Committee
(2) The composition of the Safety Committee, the tenure of office of its members and their
rights and duties shall be such as may be prescribed

41H. Right of workers to warn about imminent danger

(1) Where the workers employed in any factory engaged in a hazardous process have
reasonable apprehension that there is a likelihood of imminent danger to their lives or
health due to any accident, they may bring the same to the notice of the occupier,
agent, manager or any other person who is in charge of the factory or the process
concerned directly or through their representatives in the Safety Committee and
simultaneously bring the same to the notice of the Inspector
(2) It shall be the duty of such occupier, agent, manager or the person incharge of the
factory or process to take immediate remedial action if he is satisfied about the
existence of such imminent danger and send a report forthwith of the action taken to
the nearest Inspector
(3) If the occupier, agent, manager or the person incharge referred to in sub-section (2) is
not satisfied about the existence of any imminent danger as apprehended by the
workers, he shall nevertheless, refer the matter forthwith to the nearest Inspector
whose decision on the question of the existence of such imminent danger shall be

Section 45 - First aid appliances

• First aid boxes with prescribed contents
• Nothing else to be kept in first-aid box
• First-aid box in charge of responsible person trained in first aid
• If more than 500 workers, provision of ambulance room

The First Schedule [Section 2(cb)]

List if Industries Involving Hazardous Processes
ƒ 29 Processes

The Second Schedule [ Section 41-F ]

Permissible Levels of Certain Chemical Substances in Work Environment

ƒ 116 chemicals
ƒ 4 types of Dusts – Silica, Asbestos, Portland Cement, Coal Dust
ƒ The Second Schedule [ Section 41-F ]
ƒ Time-weighted Average Concentration (TWA) 8 hours
ƒ Short-term Exposure Limits (15 minutes)

The Third Schedule [ Section 89 and 90 ]

List if Notifiable Diseases
ƒ 29 Diseases

2.2 The Maharashtra Factories Rules, 1963

Rule 66 - Excessive Weights

Maximum weight of Material article, tool or appliance (Kilograms) Lift, put down, carry or
move Medical examination before and after employment
Sr. Person Maximum weight
in Kg
A Adult male 55
B Adult Female 30
C Young person ( Male 15-16 years ) 30
D Young person ( Female 15-16 years) 20
E Young person ( Male 14-15 years ) 16
F Young person ( Female 14-15 years ) 14
Rule 73-L - Health and Safety Policy

Rule 73-M - Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

• Identity
• Routes of entry
• Physical & Chemical Hazards – Acute & Chronic
• Permissible limits of exposure
• First-aid
• Details of manufacturer

Rule 73-V - Medical Examination of Workers

For whom • Workers employed in hazardous processes

Periodicity • Once before employment
• Once in a period of 6 months
How to record • Form 6 – Certificate of Fitness – Before employment
• Form 7 – Health Register
• Form 23 – Special certificate of fitness
Who will do it Factory Medical Officer

Rule 73-W - Occupational Health Centre

Qualification of Factory Medical Officer

• M.B.B.S. degree
• Diploma in Industrial health or equivalent PG certificate course

• Diploma as in (2) exempted if sufficient experience subject to satisfaction of
• Syllabus and organization approved by State Government or DGFASLI
• Complete particulars of FMO intimated to inspector having jurisdiction

Duties of Factory Medical Officer

• Medical examination of workers
• First-aid care and emergency treatment
• Notification of occupational diseases
• Immunization services
• Medical records
• Referral services


ƒ Required if work involving hazardous processes if more than 50 workers

ƒ Services and facilities as per scale in Schedule

No. of Provisions
upto 50 • Services of FMO on retainership basis
workers • A minimum of 5 persons trained in First-aid in each shift
• A fully equipped first-aid box
upto 51 to • Services of FMO on part-time basis (visit- at least twice a week)
200 • One qualified and trained dresser-cum-compounder in each shift
workers • A fully equipped first-aid box in each department
Above • Services of one full-tome FMO upto 500 workers and one more FMO
200 for every 100 workers or part thereof
workers • One nurse, one dresser-cum-compounder and one sweeper-cum-
ward boy in each shift
• OHC fully equipped to manage medical emergencies

Rule 73-X – Ambulance Vans

ƒ Availability of Ambulance van if more than 200 workers
ƒ If Less than 200 workers, suitable arrangements
ƒ Manned by driver-cum mechanic and helper trained in first-aid
ƒ Maintained in good conditions
ƒ Equipped with articles as specified in sub-rule (2)

Rule 73-Y – Decontamination facilities

ƒ Drenching showers
ƒ Eye wash facilities

Rule 73-Z
ƒ Making health record available to workers and specified authorities

Rule 76 – First-aid Appliances

• Sufficient no. of first-aid boxes
• Distinctly marked “ First-Aid ”
• Equipped with articles specified in rules depending on number of workers
• Only for first-aid material
• Protected form dust or moisture
• In charge of person trained in first-aid
• Always readily available

Rule 77– Notice regarding first-aid

• Notice containing names of persons
• Trained in first-aid and in-charge of first-aid boxes
• Location
• Name of nearest hospital and telephone number

Rule 78 – Ambulance Room

For more than 500 workers
• Ambulance room separate from factory
• Ambulance room in charge of qualified medical practitioner

• At least one qualified nurse
• Display of emergency numbers
• Facilities as specified in sub-rule (3)

Rule 114 – Dangerous operations

• Schedule I to XXVI
• Relevant occupational health measures pertaining to the operation specified in the


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